jessicamariana · 4 years
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height difference kisses where one person has to bend down and the other is on their tippy toes - for whoever you feel like!
Oooh, this one is going to be cute! I went with a Divinity: Original Sin 2 pairing because I haven’t written anything about Opal or Ifan so I thought I’d give them a go for this one.
Being a dwarf and the shortest species in Rivellon had its blatant disadvantages but not today. Today, her short stature offered her a generous, enticing angle of Ifan, shirtless and dripping wet with water as he attempted a partial bath by dumping buckets of water over himself. If they were in a real, proper inn and not camping for the night, opal would try her damn hardest to ‘accidentally’ wind up in the same bath as Ifan. Because he should be locked up for how sinfully attractive he was right now, his chest glistening with water, chest hairs flattened against his skin, and all the while compelling her to gander downwards, all the way past his muscled abdomen and navel, right where his trousers cut off the tantalizing view and concealed the rest of his assets.  They should camp out near a stream more often!
“You look like you’re ready to devour Ifan whole,” teased Lohse, her presence dissolving the hypnotic trance Opal found herself in. The scarlet and white maned performer grinned like the cat who got into the cream as Opal sputtered from the shock, flustered and fiercely shook her head in denial. “No need to play dumb with me, Opal. We know how long you’ve been shooting lingering glances his way.”
The dwarven cleric jerked her head back at Lohse, verdant eyes wide as coins. “We?”
“Beast and I. We’re placing bets to see who will kiss whom first.”
Opal groaned. “You two are incorrigible. I hope you both lose–somehow.”
Mischief dance in Lohse’s gaze. “That could betide if you join in or decide to kiss Ifan right now.”
“Wait, here?” She gesticulated wildly to the rest of their party members nearby. “Is this your way of trying to get Ifan and I to put on a show for you all?”
“Didn’t you two kiss in public, in the Undertavern?”
“Yes, but then total strangers began whistling and egging us on so we had to stop. Their bawdy remarks completely ruined the mood.” Opal crossed her arms, hoping to curb the intensity of her blush for her cheeks were aflame in the memory of that kiss. Flirting with Ifan was easy, he acted so endearing when she did and got all flustered like she was right now. Their first kiss could have meant nothing–or something–, and that made her rather nervous in finding out that answer. While she did harbor desires to at least kiss Ifan again (and among other things), that didn’t mean he was on the same page as her, especially after all the new information and exposed secrets that kept popping up the more they traveled on the path to Divinity. 
“Whatever you say, chief. I can understand if you’re too chicken to go up and kiss Ifan again. You’ll be kicking yourself later, when we reach the next inn and a tavern wench bats her eyelashes at him, makes him blush, and then proceeds to shove her ample–”
Not bothering to hear the end of Lohse’s descriptive teasing, Opal stormed off, heading directly in Ifan’s general direction, her plum curls swaying chaotically around her. The idea of another woman delivering mooncalf eyes at Ifan didn’t really bother her (well, perhaps a little), it was her sense of pride that was on the line here. She couldn’t be called a ‘chicken’, not in a million years! Her family bred no cowards and she wasn’t going to shy away from kissing a man she fancied all because of nebulous concerns constructed by her fearful design. 
“Is something a matter?” came Ifan’s voice, jarring Opal out of her resolved, ferocious reverie. “You look…peeved.”
Relaxing her shoulders and feeling her body ease up around him, Opal shook her head. “Oh, I’m all right. Rather, I have a matter that requires your awareness.”
“Oh?” Both eyebrows rose up at a curious, intrigued angle and he bade for her to continue. “What is it?”
“Apparently, Lohse and Beast have this bet going on about us regarding who will kiss whom first.” Her bluntness caused Ifan to nearly trip backwards in bafflement. From this, she ended up receiving a nice view of a tattoo along his torso. She wondered if he got that tattoo during his time with the Lone Wolves or earlier, when he served Lucian. 
“You’re jesting, aren’t you?” questioned Ifan as he recovered, squeezing the remaining water from his hair. His entire visage was now quite inscrutable. 
Opal scoffed. “If I wanted to play a jape on you, I would have devised a far better one! I simply wanted to warn you in case Lohse or Beast decide to ratchet up their wager by daring us to go through with the kiss.”
“Is that all you’re here for, to warn me?” There was no mistaking the wryness as well as a faint husky edge  in his tone, lips curving into a wolfish grin.
“Hm, well, I was contemplating in kissing you to tend their bet,” Opal bantered coyly, shrugging nonchalantly. She expected the mercenary to get a little taken aback by her boldness or at least act slightly bashful yet what he executed next astonished her. He moved in so nigh to her that their bodies were a hair breadth away from each other. Any attempts to make light of the shifting mood betwixt them or tease him for his abrupt serious nature was caught in her throat and died there. The intrigued glint in his grey eyes was enough to confirm he actually was entertaining the notion of another kiss. Her heart performed a couple of somersaults even as his seemingly hungry gaze met hers and never wavered.
“Is that the only reason why you’d kiss me, Opal?” Ifan remarked humorously, grinning toothily. 
Now he was trying to play dirty by being an absolute tease to her. Two could play at that game!
“Oh, Ifan, did the kiss in the Undertavern teach you nothing about kind of lass I am?”
With the growing, devilish glint in his wild and fierce eyes, he appeared much more impish than before, as if he was waiting for the right moment to pounce. “Maybe but care to fresh my memory on that kiss?”
Whether he was challenging or subtly pleading her to follow through with the kiss, Opal was too curious and proud to back down from such an opportunity. And judging from the lower register in Ifan’s voice and the longing expression flickering across his hardened, bearded face, he desired this kiss to betide as well. 
Guess there was no need for me to have been anxious of us not being on the same page then.
With as much dignity and grace as she could muster, the dwarven cleric climbed up onto a tall, jagged boulder behind him, the enormous stone giving her enough additional height so her head was now leveled with Ifan’s nose. Placing her hands on her hips, she cut him her best sensuous, inviting simper prior to saying, “Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and kiss me, you fool.”
She was nearly knocked off her feet by the amount of intensity in his eyes or how much strength lied in those hands of his as he cupped her face to deliver her a searing, tender kiss that propelled her to stand on her toes and utterly took her breath away. She teetered forward and Ifan then placed a hand over her back to steady her, increasing their proximity so much that his beard was pressed firmly against her chin, tickled the skin. Her hands grasped his leather jerkin for support as her legs turned into jelly and all her brain could ponder about was how much more she craved of Ifan and for this kiss to never stop and—
“Whoo-hoo! Kep at it, you two lovebirds!”
Lohse’s enthusiastic holler startled both Ifan and Opal out of their kiss and the dreaming haze that had settled over them earlier. Now their faces were flushed from exertion and embarrassment, their chests heaving, and Opal couldn’t help but notice Ifan’s mouth appeared a little kiss swollen. Gods, what she’d give for them to be along so she bite that tempting lower lip.
“Consider your stupid wager with Beast over!” she yelled back. “Because Ifan and I totally won that bet.” Ifan’s lips twitched upward into an amused smirk.
Lohse’s laugh was positively devious. “Oh, there was no wager. I completely made that story up so you could have an excuse to kiss him.”
Silence followed her confession and Opal stared mutinously at her bard friend, utterly slack-jawed for so long that Ifan had to gently pressed her chin upward to close her mouth. Then her wits and indignation returned to the dwarven cleric. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE WAS NO WAGER?!”
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weeviljester · 6 years
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Commission sketch for @gwyncath!
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replica004 · 6 years
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Latest commission I did.  Aramys Shadowvale for amazing @gwyncath
Thanks a lot! *-* 
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commander-krios · 7 years
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Here is my second commission from @noctuaalba, this time of my Jedi Consular, Lyra Sloane, and her husband, @gwyncath‘s Jedi Knight, Ulmo Isolder. Thank you again for your hard work, dear. I’m in love. :D
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noctuaalba · 7 years
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Lorien and Elyse - who  belong to @gwyncath and @ser-charlemagne <3 thanks for commissioning!
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needlesslycryptic · 7 years
Hiya Nastia!! I was wondering if you have any color bust options open atm? :)
Yes!! i still have a lot of slots left!! (that’s the only option available atm! )
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chenria · 7 years
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I had the pleasure to be commissioned by the wonderful @gwyncath to draw her pretty Witcher OC Helena Valmont. She was a pleasure to draw ♥
Ko-Fi || Commissions open
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luwha · 7 years
hey luwha, I commissioned you a while back and I was hoping to get another commission from you and was wondering if you had some slots open?
Sure do!
What’s on your mind? :D
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crownleys · 7 years
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A commission for @gwyncath of her Star Wars characters!
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For whoever you feel like: 3, 6 and 12? :)
OTP Questions!
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
Kuva would walk around half naked, and Elara would be yelling at him to put on some clothes.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
I actually don’t think this fits anyone...
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
If he is at a function hosted by his father, Ty will overdo it with the drinking. Seelar would have to stop him from drinking.
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Day 6: Right Here In His Arms
Day 6 is here for me! Finally oh finally, I managed to get this next ficlet out before it was too late in the night for me. Day Six stars my WoW blood elf OC, Parisa, and @gwyncath‘s endearing blood elf demon hunter Trystalan. This story takes place after Trys has returned home after being away for so long and learning he fathered a daughter before he left (yeah, that was a tad bit awkward XD) and he and Pari are trying to sort their relationship out and being a new family. I had fun writing this cute oneshot and showing a good and positive change in their relationship. Happy reading! :D
For a while, Parisa had been use to waking up alone. During her hunts, when the sun barely peeked through the horizon, shadows still dancing over the forest and grasslands while the sky was soon painted in hues of violet, indigo, pink, and burnt orange. And when Trystalan was gone, leaving her to battle a foe she barely fathomed, rendering her nights cold, empty, and heartbreaking. Soon those emotions were replaced with the impending arrival of Rowyna, their precious daughter who was carefree, creative, and completely fearless. She was the light in Parisa’s life, filling the void she experienced after Trystalan’s departure and reminding her that despite how her relationship with the first man she ever truly loved had ended, together, they created something very special. And she was grateful for such a gift.  
Yet after countless years had passed, so much transpired--including the return of Trystalan and him meeting his daughter for the very first time. The reunion between the former lovers had first started off as awkward, rather painful at times, and full of uncertainty. Pari didn’t know what to do with him, even though her heart still hummed and danced the mere sight of him and pleasant lilt of his voice while Trystalan was nervous around her, afraid he would no longer be welcomed to see her again, for inflicting such emotional wounds that went too deep to merit forgiveness. But no matter, the blood elf huntress missed him, so much it nearly ached not to touch him, and wanted him back in her life, even if he decided to only stay for Rowyna. Her daughter deserved to spend time with her papa.
Bit by bit, they began to mend their relationship, all the while catching each other up in what the other had been doing for the last several years. Parisa reckoned Trystalan didn’t reveal everything he experienced when he was fighting with demons and a greater menace she was unaware of, and the crimson haired blood elf understood that. After all, she refrained from mentioning the awkward, disdainful, and sometimes indifferent treatment she received from some of the other elves, especially when she had Rowyna and was determined to keep her. She knew if Trys ever found out, the guilt he carried would multiple in tenfold. Besides, Pari stopped caring about the city or her fellow denizens thought about her years ago. She had her brothers and sisters, her daughter, and now, Trystalan and that was all she needed. 
A few months after his return and him living back and forth in her house with her siblings, Parisa found herself wanting more of Trys, desiring him to feel more at home in their abode and stay there longer than a few days. She still loved him, always had, and always will. To stop loving him would be stop herself from breathing. 
“Trystalan,” she began softly, watching him fondly as he stroked a slumbering Rowyna’s head with such gentle love and care, patting her downy strawberry blonde curls. He was so good with her and despite his absence, Rowyna had taken a shine to him. To the little blood elf child, her father went off to battle terrible forces of evil to protect everyone and was a hero, despite Trys’s protest of the latter. 
“Hmm?” The said hunter glanced up, his head aimed at her general direction. Even though she couldn’t see his eyes, obscured with a strip of cloth tied around his head, the huntress felt the weight of his gaze on her. After all, his magic didn’t leave him totally blind, even though demons had left their mark on his eyes. Parisa motioned him to follow her so their conversation wouldn’t disturb their daughter’s rest. Once the door was shut, Trystalan spoke. “Is everything all right?”
She nodded but looked down, suddenly feeling shy and insecure. What if he politely rejected her offer? What if he no longer experienced the same emotions and loved he had for her prior to his departure? She doubt she could handle losing him and his heart again. “Yes, everything is fine. I was simply wondering if you planned on staying the night, that instead of sleeping on the couch, my bed is available to you.”
His eyebrows shot up so rapidly that if the situation hadn’t been so serious, she would have chuckled. He scratched the back of his head, loose blonde strands falling down and covering his face as he contemplated her offer. A concern expression steadily morphed on his breathtaking features as she brushed the flaxen tresses aside and tucked them behind his ear. “Pari...are you sure? I don’t want to do anything to hurt you or force you to feel obligated to be so cordial to me. I don’t deserve your kindness.” 
Heart aching with such intense longing for him, Parisa grabbed one of his hands and placed it over her heart, refusing to let go until he finally understood. “You’re not forcing me to do anything, Trys. I want this, for some time actually but was too fearful to bring it up before. I’m not expecting anything to happen, I just...” She paused, a catch in her throat as all the sensations she kept inside of her were beginning to percolate and simmer over. “I just want you to hold me. I miss going to bed with you, falling asleep in your arms, and waking up to see you’re still there.” 
Releasing his hand, Pari hung her head, a heavy rosy blush warming on her cheeks at her little confession. Was that too much? Did she push Trys into a point in their relationship where he wasn’t ready and would only agree to her proffer to make her feel better or even worse, out of guilt and not genuine affection? Did she ruin all their hard work now?
Tormented by her maddening, frantic, and worrying reverie, Parisa didn’t notice Trystalan move in nigh and encircle his arms around her. Once he embraced her and pulled her to his chest, she realized what was betiding. She then blinked in surprise, her troubled musings retreating far away to the corners of her mind, forgotten. He rested his forehead affectionately against hers. 
“I miss all of that too, Pari. If I can make you feel safe and loved again, I will do so gladly.” He then kissed her brow and absolute rapture surged from her heart to everywhere else.
“Really?” she whispered, happy tears prickling her eyes and she blinked them back fiercely. Her hand reached out to stroke his face, thanking her stars and deity who’d listen for granting her wish. There still was hope. 
“Really,” he answered with a small smile, taking her hand to kiss the back of it. Then, without warning, he scooped her up in his strong, muscular arms,  cradling her to his chest. A giggle popped out of Pari and in response, she tossed her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder as the hunter carried her to her quarters, gently kicking the door open wide before closing it shut with his foot. She nuzzled him even as he carefully set her down on the bed, their fingers lingering on each other as if the mere notion of them parting was unbearable. 
As soon as she pulled her tunic over her head, Trystalan’s back was already turned, offering her some privacy as she changed into her chemise. Frankly, she wouldn’t have mind if he watched but she fathomed his reasoning. Trys did not desire to anything to make her uncomfortable or exacerbate the budding restart of their relationship. Emotionally, they probably weren’t there yet to lie as man and woman carnally yet that didn’t matter to her. Him being her, touching, kissing, and embracing her was all she needed. Coitus could always come later, when they both were ready.
“All done,” she signaled, wiggling into bed while he simply took off his shirt to join her. There was something so right about them spending their nights together in the same room and now, Parisa felt more secure and content than she had for a while. Riding on this state of bliss, she wrapped her arms around Trystalan’s muscled frame, using his chest as a pillow. As the scent of him wafted around her nostrils, her body relaxed instinctively, as if lulled by a dream. His arms were soon engulfing her, one hand rubbing her back soothingly while the other massaged her scalp, fingers tenderly tousling her ruby tresses. 
“Does that help?” he asked. 
She nodded. “Absolutely,” she nearly purred, pressing her lips to his warm, sculpted chest. “Thank you.”
A delighted smile graced Trystalan’s handsome visage. “No, thank you, Pari. Sweet dreams, my dear.” He kissed the top of her head, savoring the softness of of her hair. Parisa sighed dreamily, absorbing this paradisaical moment into her heart and mind for all eternity. She would never forget this hopeful, serene, and loving night between for as long as she lived.   
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cakiebakie · 8 years
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Commissions for @pencilstab -  @stormandozone - @gwyncath - Alicia - @dissypoo
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styliferous · 7 years
Heya Jess! Question, do we email you the stuff for 20$ busts?? If we want one?
If it’s of your personal OC or otherwise needs a ref that I can’t find online, then yep, please email me!
Making this public since it’s a good question, but I’ll delete it if you’re uncomfortable!
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commander-krios · 7 years
“You’re a terrible liar.” (Alex and Leila)
A belated birthday present for you, sweetie! I really missed writing these two. I should probably start working on my long fic again. XD
Snow had fallen during the night. She could see that from the window of her bedroom as she gazed down into the courtyard. She would have liked to enjoy the sight with her husband, but he’d gone away to meet with his brother weeks ago. Progress on restoring Highever to its former glory was slow and Alexander wanted to make sure Fergus had everything in place.
With a happy sigh, Leila turned away from the window and moved to the bassinet near her bed. The sleeping bundle inside was a perfect mix of Alexander and herself that it was a miracle that the child got any sleep with the way he was oohed and awed over. Reaching into the small basket, Leila brushed a finger lightly against Bryce’s unruly russet curls, his soft golden skin, and the slight curve at the end of his small ears. A smile flitted onto her face as she gazed down at her son. He was so peaceful in sleep that she almost forgot how rambunctious he could be when awake.
The sound of the door clicking close behind her drew her attention. Turning, her eyes took in the sight of her court mage, Rhaella Amell. The young woman was smiling broadly, her green eyes dancing as if holding in laughter that could barely be contained. Raising an eyebrow, Leila checked once more to make sure her son was sleeping before stepping forward.
“What is it?” Leila demanded, fearing that Rhaella’s twin had gotten irritated with another noble and did worse than freezing limbs. She could only imagine the pain that Solona would inflict on those she disliked. Alexander was still trying to deal with the fallout of the last time. “What’s happened?”
Rhaella’s smile turned comforting, obviously not trying to alarm Leila, but she couldn’t help but giggle when she spoke. “It’s Shianni this time. Being a lady doesn’t seem to be easy for her.”
Leila sighed again, this time in defeat. “When will Shianni realize that she isn’t fighting people in the alienage anymore?” Rubbing at the spot between her eyes, she tried to will away the headache that was definitely going to be incoming. “Where is she?”
Rhaella was peering down in the crib at Bryce when the question made her glance up. “The throne room. I’ve had it cleared out so you can speak to her privately. I’ll watch Bryce while you deal with this.”
Mouthing a ‘thank you’ to her dear friend, Leila hurried to the throne room, praying to the Maker that her cousin hadn’t caused a political incident. Her feet echoed on the stone floors as she ran down the hall, finally coming to a stop in front of the closed throne room doors. Attempting to catch her breath, Leila smoothed her hair, hoping she didn’t appear too flushed when she approached her cousin. Shianni didn’t need to know that she was officially in full panic mode.
Taking a deep breath, Leila pushed the doors open, waiting to see the familiar red hair of her cousin. What she saw took her breath away completely.
Her husband smiled at her sudden arrival, clearly as overcome at seeing her as she was with him. She didn’t even hesitate as she broke out into a run, launching herself into his waiting arms once she was close enough. Leila would have wept with joy if his lips hadn’t met hers so quickly.
The pair stood there for a few moments, swept up in each other’s embrace, heated kisses exchanging between them. It was obvious that this had been his plan all along: to have their reunion alone before they had to return to their responsibilities. A short time when they could be Alex and Leila again and not the King and Queen. They never took those moments for granted when they came.
“I missed you!” Leila said breathlessly, memorizing the sight of the man she loved standing before her once more, unharmed and happy.
“I’m sure you did, my love.” Alexander mumbled, pressing kisses to her hair. “But I was far too busy to have time to miss you.”
Leila gasped, swatting him on the shoulder playfully. “You’re a terrible liar, Alexander Cousland.”
He laughed, pressing his forehead against hers and gazing lovingly at her. “I’d be a fool not to miss you.”
Laughter bubbled up in her chest as she met his big brown eyes, knowing there’d never be another color she would love as much. “How much more time do we have before Teagan tracks you down?”
“I believe Rhaella has distracted him enough to give us an hour of alone time. Unless there is some crisis or another, but then he’d have to search the entire castle to find me.” Alexander smirked, his playfulness one of the things that she’d fallen in love with.
“But if we go for a walk in the snow?” Leila waited as the realization came to him.
“Ah, yes. It will take even longer because Teagan hates trudging through the snow.” Taking her hand, Alexander tucked it in the crook of his elbow and lead her from the throne room. “Let’s go before anyone catches on.”
Leila’s response was to giggle.
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noctuaalba · 7 years
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for my lovely @gwyncath, their OC    Feainne Bréacc Glas and her husband Eredin from the Witcher universe
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