#h-happy valentione??
ishgard · 7 months
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nightmares -
the gods are gone but you remain
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hazelkjt · 7 months
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"H-happy Valentione's Day..."
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minarcana · 2 years
"H-Happy Valentione's Day!" Theo's holding out a box of chocolates with an assortment of different chocolate flavours. "I made you some chocolates but um ... first," He decides to go ahead and take one to place it between his lips before leaning up to press the piece of chocolate against Urianger's lips. Theo gently nudges the treat with his tongue so that it slips into his lover's mouth and he takes this opportunity to intertwine their lips together into a sweet kiss. He shamelessly allows himself to indulge himself in the treat as well by joining his tongue in alongside the chocolate so the two can savour the sweetness together. It isn't long before Theo breathlessly departs from the kiss and he smiles up at his lover with a bashful but yet mischievous expression. "So ... how did it taste?"
There are cookies made and wrapped for Theo already, tea cookies made with lavender. Urianger had given those over as soon as Theo arrived. The concept of actually having someone to give Valentione's treats to is nice, a welcome thing, and he wasn't even necessarily expecting Theo to gift anything in return.
However, he's certainly not complaining about treats. The assumption is at first that Theo wishes to share the chocolates, which is only fair of him, honestly. Theo meeting him in a kiss takes Urianger by surprise, making it ever easier for Theo to slip the candy past his lips. Urianger does at least adapt to Theo's plan quickly, pressing back into the kiss as chocolate melts between them. Urianger keeps the kiss going, pulling Theo along until all taste of chocolate is gone save for a lingering sweetness and Theo lowers himself back to breathe.
Now, now, Urianger isn't done here. Instead of answering the question asked, Urianger picks another piece of chocolate from the box still held in Theo's hand. "Hmm. It seemeth I was not paying enough attention. Thus must our only option be to try a second time, hm?" And he'll definitely have an evaluation then! Maybe. But true scientific evaluation requires at least three iterations, so—
Theo might be stuck in his own trap as Urianger lifts the new chocolate to Theo's lips and leans in to capture them once more.
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mischiefandmystics · 5 years
LFRP: Sun’ra Zhawn
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B A S I C S .
FULL NAME: Śūn'ra Yatā PRONUNCIATION: SHoon-ra Ya-ta ALIAS: Sun’ra Zhawn NICKNAME(S): Blu, Sun, various epithets from various people AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon ETHNIC GROUP: Miqo’te/Keeper of the Moon NATIONALITY: Meracydian LANGUAGE(S): Common, Huntspeak, some sign language  SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship with Maril Hawker, but still a ho HOME TOWN/AREA: An island off the coast of the main Meracydian continent CURRENT HOME:  N/A, wanders and has several hideouts throughout Eorzea PROFESSION: Bandit, Street Pharmacist, Chef, Back Alley Surgeon
P H Y S I C A L .
HAIR: Cotton candy blue and pink, thick, coarse, and with the slightest of waves EYES: Bright, intense, and vivid violet in color. Almond shaped and often with constricted pupils FACE: Sharp, symmetrical, and expressive with a round, wide nose LIPS: Full, soft, and usually smirking COMPLEXION: Deep russet brown BLEMISHES: N/A SCARS: Rare, faded, but heavy around the hands and knuckles. There are none of any particular note or story. TATTOOS: Clan markings on his face HEIGHT: 5′8 WEIGHT: 162 BUILD: Muscular, athletic, compact, and broad shouldered. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Clan markings, hair color, intense stare, facial and ear piercings ALLERGIES: N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE: Cut short or chin length at most, no particular style, left to do what it wills. USUAL FACE LOOK: Prone to sharp toothed grins, teasing or taunting glances, and focused, unblinking stares. USUAL CLOTHING: Fitted leather and cloth, or loose linen pieces in either black or bright and vibrant colors. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Black choker, fingerless gloves, gold bracelets, and gold sunglasses(if during the day)
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P S Y C H O L O G Y .
FEAR(S): Dying ASPIRATION(S): Longevity in banditry, general hedonism, and to grow and synthesize the most potent drugs with the cleanest highs. POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, Truthful, Diligent, Loyal, Creative, Patient, Astute NEGATIVE TRAITS: Unabashedly Evil, Excessively Violent, Cunningly Manipulative, Largely Unpredictable  MBTI: ENFJ-A  ZODIAC: Sagittarius TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine-Choleric  SOUL TYPE(S): The Warrior & The Sage ANIMAL(S): The Wolf & The Crocodile VICE HABIT(S): Murder, Fogweed, Sensation Seeking FAITH: Agnostic GHOSTS?: Unsure AFTERLIFE?: Unsure REINCARNATION?: Unsure ALIENS?: Yes POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Vaguely anarchist leaning, but otherwise unconcerned. EDUCATION LEVEL:  Homeschooled and private tutelage while young, various forms of apprenticeship after leaving home, and continues to study and practice his trade and interests as an adult.
F A M I L Y .
FATHER: Zai’zi Routak; Alive MOTHERS: Śūn Yatā; Alive SIBLINGS: 14 sisters and 4 brothers EXTENDED FAMILY: Various aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. PETS: A nutkin named Chip, a mameshiba named Bombo, and a war panther named Jean-Baptiste Sevigny. NAME MEANING(S): Fifth son of Śūn Yatā   HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: N/A.
F A V O R I T E S .
BOOK: The medical journals pertaining to anatomy and physiology from Maril’s library.  DEITY: Sophia HOLIDAY: Valentione's Day  MONTH: July SEASON: Summer PLACE:  Mor Dhona WEATHER: Sunshower SOUND(S): The cacophony of active voices in a crowded room, the rhythmic breaking of waves against the shore, and the sharp, surprised, intake of breath by a person once stabbed. SCENT(S): Petrichor, blood, medicinal herbs, and burning wood. TASTE(S): Sharp, hot, and spicy peppers, bitter and sour tastes like lemons, and the savory and rich flavor of spiced cinnamon. FEEL(S): Textures that are sticky or tacky like blood, or gritty like sand, or rough like calloused hands. ANIMAL(S): Coeurls, Nutkins, Dogs NUMBER(S): 16 COLOR(S): Red, Blue, Pink, Purple, and Yellow
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E X T R A .
TALENT(S): Cooking, mathematics, sleight of hand, hand-eye coordination BAD AT:  Drawing, hiding emotions, magic TURN ONS: Competence, violence, passion, assertiveness, risk-taking, vulnerability TURN OFFS: Spinelessness, arrogance, dishonesty HOBBIES: Botany, singing and songwriting, playing guitar, stalking people, exploring ruins TROPES:  It Amused Me, Sadist, Pragmatic Villainy, No-Nonsense Nemesis, Because I’m Good At It, Machiavelli Was Wrong, Even Evil Can Be Loved, Even Evil Has Loved Ones QUOTE(S): N/A
T R A I T S .
extroverted / in between / introverted disorganized / in between / organized close minded / in between / open-minded  calm / in between / anxious disagreeable / in between / agreeable cautious / in between / reckless patient / in between / impatient outspoken / in between / reserved leader / in between / follower empathetic / in between / apathetic optimistic / in between / pessimistic traditional / in between / modern hard-working / in between / lazy cultured / in between / uncultured  loyal / in between/ disloyal faithful / in between/ unfaithful
P O S S I B L E   H O O K S .
Drug Dealer: Śūn’ra is a drug dealer, and a fairly good one at that. He has his own distinct wares to offer, but will also make the effort to procure whatever a client desires beyond his normal fare. This is however, with the exception of Somnus as he refuses to deal with that particular substance in any capacity. Still, if one is looking for a quick fix, or a reliable long term supplier, he is always happy to provide.
Banditry: What Śūn’ra considers as his main “job”, is the thing he’s been doing the longest, and what he finds himself to be really good at. He has been known to take advantage of the Ala Mhigan refugees outside of Ul’dah, the Doman refugees who once made their temporary home around Mor Dhona, the various downtrodden in Gyr Abania, and generally any random, lightly armored person or persons on a dark road in and around the various housing districts. If you want to be a victim, a hero, a like-minded individual, or simply heard curious, ominous rumors of people being robbed and/or murdered in the dark, feel free to explore the possibility.
Hired Hand: As he’s generally always on the search for or considering the potential of the next thrill, Śūn’ra tends to keep his ear to the underground when it comes to offerings of various “unsavory” jobs. Whether you need an assassin, a torturer, a kidnapper, or someone to shake down those indebted to you, he’s generally up for the task. Additionally, while the Keeper himself has no grandiose plans for mass destruction, conquest, or the like, he’s more than happy to help those who do - for a price, and for as long as going along with his employer’s ambitions is more thrilling than the escapades of those attempting to put a stop to them... 
Dungeon-Diving: Śūn’ra has found that he rather enjoys heading into various dungeons and ruins in search of relics to either keep for himself or to sell for overinflated prices. The threat of monsters, voidsent, and other ne'er-do-wells amuses and excites him. It is possible to run into him alone, scoping out a location for possible treasures, or to convince him to join your own expedition.
General Evil-doing: In simplest terms, Śūn’ra finds evil things to just generally be more fun than good things. He’d like to meet others of a similar mindset, and isn’t shy about tracking such individuals down if he catches wind of them.
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L O O K I N G   F O R .
I am looking for both short and long term RP with villainous contacts, friends, and business collaborators for various dubious plotlines, one shots, and experimental campaigns. Ideally something long term, with characters willing to get their hands dirty and not prone to passivity. 
Rivals, enemies, and people to thwart and be thwarted by. It’s not fun if he always wins or gets his way. People who are able to stand up to him and hold their own are wanted too. Doesn’t have to be long running as I am open to heroic one shots as well.
Pretty much anything. There’s a wide world of RP out there to be had, and various types of plotlines. I’m always open to hear things out, and even if I’m not super into something, we can shape it into something that works well for the both of us. Śūn'ra as a character has a wide variety of interests and hobbies, and not everything has to be about violence or mayhem(though that is the main focus), so please, if you have an idea, let me know!
C O N T A C T .
Here! On Tumblr!
In game via: Sun’ra Zhawn@balmung
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salvajecho-a · 5 years
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@maskedmuses​ said: Chocolates on Valentione’s Day were normally reserved for those who were deemed couples, yet Koya had procured some of the finest the First could offer. Worry if he would even accept them plagued her mind, but when he came upon her, she hastily shoved the heart shaped box of treats towards him. “H-happy Valentione’s Day, Zerah!” She almost shouted at him, her face a crimson hue. “I got these for you, uh, just because.” A pause. “I ain’t good at this, just take ‘em, please?”
╰ ➵ ♪ ˖
  Zerah doesn’t know anything about the holiday. He had heard of it ever since he left the tribe, creeping around every year. He knew it was about love or something. He had never really had anyone love him, so it was just another day. He didn’t have the courage to be open about such things anyway. So, say he did like someone, he would never do anything. After all, he wouldn’t want to put them through the awkwardness of rejecting him. Nor would he want to ruin whatever friendship he had built with the person. 
  He almost drops the box as he grips it, she shoved them at him so quickly! The box was cute, in the shape of a heart & truly in the spirit of the holiday. He almost doesn’t register the meaning behind her words, but her red face sort of... makes it obvious. He blushes rather intensely just from that. Oh gods, did Koya like him? 
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 “This is for me...?” He asks quietly, tears welling up. How embarrassing! It’s not that he’s sad. No. Not at all. It’s just... his body clearly doesn’t know how to react to such a feeling! Even if Koya is simply being nice... it’s still quite the emotional tidal wave. 
 He finally smiles, with pink cheeks and teary eyes. “Thank you...! I... I would have got you something but...” His voice falls quieter and his words are quick. “I didn’t think you would ever accept something like that from me.” His gift? Feelings? Who knows? Probably both.
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