#h.i.m edit
fentanylaced · 27 days
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p1xiemeat · 4 months
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itsdiabolikal · 9 months
☆ "— i know a girl.."
this concert stays engraved in my brain. bring back slutty men! 🖤🕷
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vv91him · 10 months
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Ville Hermanni Valo
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daughter-of-cha0s · 1 year
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Ville Valo - Razorblade Romance era & Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights era PC wallpapers made by me 💖💜
ᴅɪᴍᴇɴsɪᴏɴs: 1920 x 1080
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empiredesimparte · 5 months
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POINT ROYAL Magazine | Special Edition | Coronation: portrait of H.I.M Emperor Napoleon V, the young emperor out to prove himself
Emperor Napoleon V is one of the world's youngest rulers. Among the pantheon of Napoleons, he is sometimes compared by the French people to l'Aiglon (Napoleon II). In any case, this is the affectionate nickname that the imperial family has given him since he was a child. Soon, in a grandiose ceremony, l'Aiglon will be crowned Emperor at Notre-Dame de Paris. In the run-up to the event, we invite you to rediscover His Majesty's extraordinary first 19 years through our pages packed with illustrations and memorabilia.
Who is emperor Napoleon V?
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One of the first official photographs of Prince Imperial Louis, shortly after his christening.
Emperor Napoleon V was born Louis Napoleon Simparte on 22 October 2002 at the Tuileries Palace in the heart of Paris. He and his twin sister, Hortense Rose Simparte, became known as the Children of Francesim. Since the 12th century, this title has referred to the legitimate children of the French monarch. The following days, Louis and Hortense were baptised at Notre-Dame de Paris by the Archbishop of Paris.
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Left: As a toddler, he attended Emperor David of Pierreland's state visit to Francesim. Right: A little later, aged just 8, Louis made his first public speech on the occasion of the Napoleonic events.
From the moment he was born, the young imperial prince was already the first in the order of succession to the throne, so he was quickly associated with the Crown's public appearances and activities.
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Left: 1st official portrait of the Prince Imperial wearing the Imperial Guard uniform. Right: Francesim's children receive their first riding lessons at the Versailles stables.
From an early age, Louis showed a keen interest in a military career. He wore the uniforms of the various regiments to which he belonged. Even today, the young emperor has a vast wardrobe of uniforms, which he prefers to wear instead of civilian ceremonial dress. Not surprising for a Napoleon.
Louis and Hortense have a modern educational background, having been educated at illustrious Parisian public schools such as Sainte-Barbe. Outgoing and charming, Louis has always had the profile of a charismatic leader. Unlike his sister Hortense, who was quieter and more shy, Louis always surrounded himself with friends quickly. Little is known about this period of their lives, in accordance with the wishes of the late Emperor Napoleon IV.
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Official portrait of the Children of Francesim on their 18th birthday. The photo was taken at the Château de Meudon, the official residence of the Imperial Princes of Francesim.
Last year, Louis and Hortense celebrated their 18th birthday. It was a very busy year for the Children of Francesim: Hortense took part in her first royal activities, while Louis spearheaded the maritime alliance project between the Pierreland Empire (@officalroyalsofpierreland) and the Empire of Francesim. Together with Duke Felipe, he inaugurated the Henry submarine, which combines the expertise of both armies.
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The Prince Imperial and Duke Felipe on the day of the inauguration of the Francesim-Pierreland maritime alliance.
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Portraits of Francesim's children taken at the Ecole Polytechnique. They are wearing the school uniform, which regularly takes part in military parades.
At the end of their respective engagements, the twins entered the Ecole Polytechnique together and became Polytechniciens. They completed their year and took part in the end-of-year gala held at the beginning of the summer at the Opéra Garnier.
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The Ecole Polytechnique offered a combination of military, scientific and economic training.
While Hortense wished to continue her scientific studies at the Ecole Polytechnique, after the coronation Louis turned to the Francesim Naval School, which trained naval officers.
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During his year at Polytechnique, Louis became Napoleon V at the age of 19, following the violent death of his father in an ambush in the middle of Paris.
The death of Emperor Napoleon IV is still shrouded in mystery, and an investigation is underway. It will give rise to an impressive trial, where many wonder whether Emperor Napoleon V will wish to sit as a judge - his imperial powers theoretically allow him to do so.
It was during the period of mourning that Napoleon V made his relationship with the future Empress Charlotte official. In fact, Their Imperial Majesties had known each other since the age of 3 and had grown up together. A little-known fact is that Charlotte accompanied Louis to the Ecole Polytechnique and even took part in military training! "Charlotte has always impressed me, she has a lot of presence, allure, and always the right words" confided Napoleon during the Cannes Film Festival, where the couple announced their engagement. He also admitted that he had long had feelings for his beloved (several years), but never dared to admit them until his father's death. The tragedy made him realise that he had to enjoy every moment of life.
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The imperial couple shared with us some rare photos of their years before the rise of Napoleon V.
Charlotte brought much joy to the young emperor, who appreciated her advice and the "Mortemart spirit". After all, Empress Charlotte is a member of the famous and noble French family of Rochechouart-Mortemart. L'esprit Mortemart is a well-known expression that praises the family's caustic, natural and fine sense of humour. The imperial couple's entourage readily acknowledged that Charlotte had inherited this characteristic wit, which has the art of giving it to others.
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The first official portrait of the married Emperor Napoleon V and Empress Charlotte. The Emperor wears the uniform of the Imperial Guard, and the Empress has reused Madame Mère's wedding dress as a tribute to her new family.
At the beginning of June, the emperor married Charlotte. It was a marriage that may have seemed rather hasty given the young age of the couple. However, Napoleon V always made it clear that he wanted to be crowned alongside Charlotte. To do so, he had to pass through the altar, as the coronation is a partly religious ceremony. Madame Mère supported her son's determination and was delighted for him. After all, "the two of them have been looking for each other since they were children, so it was bound to happen sooner or later", she assures us. Charlotte seems to have been well received by her in-laws, although there are rumours of a disagreement between the Empress and Madame Hortense.
After a well-deserved honeymoon in French Polynesia, the lovers are now devoting their full attention to preparations for the coronation. It was a year marked by many upheavals for the emperor, who courageously faced up to the trials of life. Without a doubt, the post-coronation period will be the real beginning of Napoleon V's reign, and we can't wait to see what the emperor's next initiatives will be.
⚜ Traduction française
POINT ROYAL Magazine | Edition spéciale | Couronnement : portrait de S.M l'Empereur Napoléon V, le jeune empereur qui veut faire ses preuves
L'empereur Napoléon V est l'un des dirigeants les plus jeunes au monde. Parmi le panthéon des Napoléons, il est parfois comparé par le peuple français à l'Aiglon (Napoléon II). C'est en tout cas le surnom affectueux que lui donne la famille impériale depuis sa plus tendre enfance. Bientôt, dans une cérémonie grandiose, l'Aiglon sera sacré Empereur à Notre-Dame de Paris. En vue de l'événement, nous vous proposons de redécouvrir, à travers nos pages riches d'illustrations et de souvenirs, les 19 premières années extraordinaires de Sa Majesté.
Qui est l'empereur Napoléon V ?
L'une des premières photographies officielles du prince impérial Louis, un peu après son baptême.
L'empereur Napoléon V est né Louis Napoléon Simparte, le 22 octobre 2002 au palais des Tuileries, en plein cœur de Paris. Lui et sa sœur jumelle, Hortense Rose Simparte, portent alors le titre d'Enfants de Francesim. Il désigne depuis le XIIIe siècle les enfants légitimes du monarque français. Les jours suivants, Louis et Hortense sont baptisés à Notre-Dame de Paris, par l'archevêque de Paris.
Dès sa naissance, le jeune prince impérial est d'ores et déjà premier dans l'ordre de succession au trône et il est donc associé rapidement aux apparitions publiques et activités de la Couronne. Bambin, il a assisté à la visite d'Etat de l'empereur David de Pierreland en Francesim. Un peu plus tard, à l'âge de 8 ans à peine, Louis fait son premier discours public à l'occasion des événements napoléoniens.
A gauche : 1er portrait officiel du prince impérial portant l'uniforme de la garde impériale. A droite : Les Enfants de Francesim reçoivent leurs premiers cours d'équitation à l'écurie de Versailles.
Très tôt, Louis a manifesté un grand intérêt pour une carrière militaire. Il porte d'ailleurs depuis son plus jeune âge des uniformes de divers régiments dont il fait partie. Encore aujourd'hui, le jeune empereur possède une grande garde-robe d'uniformes, qu'il préfère porter à la place des tenues civiles d'apparat. Rien d'étonnant pour un Napoléon.
Louis et Hortense ont un parcours scolaire moderne, puisqu'ils ont été formés dans des écoles privées parisiennes illustres comme Sainte-Barbe. D'un caractère sociable et charmeur, Louis a toujours eu le profil d'un leader charismatique. Contrairement à sa soeur Hortense, plus calme et timide, Louis s'est toujours entouré d'amis rapidement. Peu d'informations sont connues de cette période de leur vie, selon le souhait de feu l'empereur Napoléon IV.
Portrait officiel des Enfants de Francesim pour leurs 18 ans. Le cliché a été pris au château de Meudon, la demeure officielle des princes impériaux de Francesim.
L'an dernier, Louis et Hortense célébraient leurs 18 ans. Une année très riche pour les Enfants de Francesim : Hortense a participé à ses premières activités royales, tandis que Louis a mené de front le projet d'alliance maritime entre l'empire de Pierreland et l'empire de Francesim. Il a inauguré avec le duc Felipe le sous-marin Henry, qui allie le savoir-faire des deux armées.
Le prince impérial et le duc Felipe le jour de l'inauguration de l'alliance maritime Francesim-Pierreland.
Portraits des Enfants de Francesim réalisés à l'Ecole Polytechnique. Ils sont dans le grand uniforme de l'école, qui participe régulièrement aux défilés militaires.
A la fin de leurs engagements respectifs, les jumeaux sont entrés ensemble à l'Ecole Polytechnique et sont devenus des polytechniciens. Ils ont terminé leur année et ont participé au gala de fin d'année qui a eu lieu au début de l'été à l'Opéra Garnier.
L'Ecole Polytechnique offre à la fois une formation militaire, scientifique et économique.
Si Hortense souhaite continuer son cycle scientifique à l'Ecole Polytechnique, Louis va se tourner après le couronnement vers l'Ecole navale de Francesim, qui forme les officiers de la marine.
Pendant son année à Polytechnique, Louis devient Napoléon V à l'âge de 19 ans, suite au violent décès de son père dans une embuscade en plein Paris.
La mort de l'empereur Napoléon IV est encore entourée de mystères, une enquête est en cours. Elle donnera lieu à un procès impressionnant, où beaucoup se demandent si l'empereur Napoléon V souhaitera y siéger en tant que juge - ses pouvoirs impériaux le permettent, théoriquement.
C'est durant la période de deuil que Napoléon V officialise sa relation avec la future impératrice Charlotte. En réalité, Leurs Majestés Impériales se connaissent depuis l'âge de 3 ans et ont grandi ensemble. Fait peu connu, Charlotte a accompagné Louis à l'Ecole Polytechnique et a même participé aux formations militaires ! "Charlotte m'a toujours impressionné, elle a beaucoup de prestance, d'allure, et des mots toujours justes, une personnalité assurée." confie Napoléon durant le festival de Cannes, où le couple a annoncé leurs fiançailles. Il reconnaîtra aussi qu'il a longtemps eu des sentiments pour sa belle (depuis plusieurs années), mais qu'il n'a jamais osé les avouer avant la mort de son père. La tragédie lui aurait fait réaliser qu'il doit profiter de chaque instant de la vie.
Le couple impérial a partagé avec nous de rares clichés photographiques de leurs années avant l'ascension de Napoléon V.
Charlotte apporte beaucoup de joie au jeune empereur, qui apprécie ses conseils et "l'esprit Mortemart". Car l'impératrice Charlotte est un membre de la célèbre et noble famille française des Rochechouart-Mortemart. L'esprit Mortemart est une expression bien connue, qui vante l'humour caustique, naturel et fin de la famille. L'entourage du couple impérial reconnaît volontiers que Charlotte a hérité de cet esprit si caractéristique, qui a l'art d'en donner aux autres.
Premier portrait officiel de l'empereur Napoléon V et de l'impératrice Charlotte mariés. L'empereur porte l'uniforme de la garde impériale, et l'impératrice a réutilisé la robe de mariage de Madame Mère afin de rendre hommage à sa nouvelle famille.
Début juin, l'empereur épouse Charlotte. Un mariage qui a pu paraître assez précipité au-vu du jeune âge des mariés. Cependant, Napoléon V a toujours assuré qu'il souhaitait être couronné aux côtés de Charlotte. Pour cela, il devait passer par l'autel puisque le sacre est une cérémonie en partie religieuse. Madame Mère a soutenu la détermination de son fils et est ravie pour lui. Après tout, "les deux se cherchent depuis qu'ils sont enfants, ça allait forcément arriver un jour ou l'autre" assure-t-elle. Charlotte semble avoir été bien accueillie par sa belle-famille, bien que certaines rumeurs soupçonnent une mésentente entre l'impératrice et Madame Hortense.
Après un voyage de noces bien mérité en Polynésie française, les amoureux se dévouent désormais intégralement aux préparations du couronnement. C'est une année marquée par de nombreux bouleversements pour l'empereur, qui a su courageusement faire face aux épreuves de la vie. Sans nul doute, l'après couronnement sera le début véritable du règne de Napoléon V, et nous avons hâte de voir quelles seront les prochaines initiatives de l'empereur.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 11 months
What if Bam and fem reader made a sex tape like the shitty one he made with Jenn. Maybe it would be a little better in quality lol, “but babe, it’s art”
Kinky Dealbreakers
Y/N and Bam make a home movie ;)
Bam Margera X Fem!Reader
1.1k Words
Warnings: Very suggestive content, accidental voyeurism, mention of sex toys, crude language
An: Thank you for this request!! Apologies for taking a bit of a break but I’m back and better than ever! XD I have yet to stumble upon actual footage of these sex tapes, but from what I’ve heard about them online I hope to keep it that way! Anyways, please keep sending in requests!
Neither you nor Bam were really paying attention to the tv as the two of you laid on the couch together, the only light in the room coming from the screen cascading over you. Laying against his warm chest, you lazily traced the dark, swirling ink of the heartagram tattoo on his lower stomach, humming softly to yourself. He watched you through half lidded eyes, running a hand through your hair affectionately. Bam suddenly broke the hour’s long silence, startling you a little, “Hey, Y/N.” You jumped, but after you caught your breath, you could pick up on a hint of mischief in his voice as your boyfriend continued, “I’ve been thinkin’ about somethin…” Consider your curiosity piqued, “What?” Glancing up at him, you saw a little glimmer in his eye as he turned to get a little close to you, his voice almost a whisper. “Wanna make a sex tape?”
And boy, were you paying attention now. Of course, you weren’t surprised- Bam had made a handful of pornos before so it was only a matter of time he asked you to do one. Honestly, you’d be all gung-ho to hop in front of the camera with him if it wasn’t for one thing- all of them were god awful. He could sense your apprehension and, reading your mind, he reached a hand down, speaking softly as he held your cheek and reassured you, “C’mon…you’re way prettier than those other chicks. Besides, nobody but us is gonna see it.” Your eyes met his cautiously, “Really? None of your idiot friends?” Bam chuckled, “Of course.” His hand returned to your hair, gently massaging your scalp, “Don’t worry, babe. This is gonna be a work of art.”
“But,” You stipulated, “I have some rules.” Your boyfriend shrugged, apparently very pleased at himself from the grin plastered on his face. He did a ‘lay it on me’ gesture with one hand, “Alright, lemme hear ‘em.” After thinking for a moment, you held up a finger and began, “One: You can’t slap my ass.” As the words fell from your lips, a grin spread across your face as your boyfriend groaned, his head falling to one side as he nodded. You were very pleased at how much power you held over him, “Two- and I cannot stress this enough- this is gonna be seen by nobody but us, understand? I don't want us screwing to end up as a DVD extra.”
He nodded, “Okay, okay- got it. Listen, I've already got everything all planned out, so there’s nothing for you to worry about.” You felt his hand stroking your back, his palm feeling so warm on your skin. Bam leaned closer to you, so near that you could feel the warmth of his breath on your ear as he spoke into your ear, his words slow and filled with intention, “Nothin’ too fancy- just you and me on the bed…little touching, little making out…some nipple clamps-“ You stopped him there, “Okay, third thing! No kinky shit like- like nipple clamps!”
Of course, after all the fun is over, that just leaves the work in the editing room, which was, more often than not, very tedious. For example, the two of you had spent the past twenty arguing over what song would be in the background. Predictably, Bam wanted to go with a H.I.M song, which you shut down because A, all his other pornos had H.I.M songs in the background and B, your idea was leagues better. “Come on, Bam!” You pleaded, holding out the Rammstein CD to him, “Rein Raus is perfect for this! I mean- are you even listening to me?” He groaned in response, still hunched over his computer. Fingers clicking away, the blue tinted screen glowed against his pale skin as he replied, not even turning to look at you, “C’mon. It’s not that deep, babe.”
“Yeah?” You scoffed, “Well you’re not the one showin’ off their tits, Mr. Blur-My-Dick!” He was caught off guard, his fingers stilling on the keyboard as his eyes went wide. After a bit, he sighed and held his hand out, “You got me there…” You giggled to yourself, handing him the disc. Curriously, you peered at the screen as he worked “Almost done?” Bam nodded as he slipped the disc into one of the many computer apparatuses that littered his desk. It was a wonder he knew what anything was amongst the winding tangle of wires and ports. There were two gray computers that each weighed at least forty pounds a piece, not to mention the thick, silver tv monster on one table he usually used to review footage. This was what you were staring at when you caught something out of the corner of your eye. Squinting in the low light, you didn’t believe what you thought you saw in the window. “What the fuck…?”
Bam looked over your shoulder, his eyes going wide, “Fucking Dico!” Before you knew it, his silver flip phone was already opened and turned to speaker. Luckily, the man on the other line picked up fast, “Oh, hey dude.” Bam barely gave him time to get those words out, leaning back in his chair, “Dude, what the fuck! I’m- im making this video,” He looked over at you as he phrased it carefully, “an’im watching the thing back, and you’re in the fuckin’ background!” Dico chuckled and you could practically see that dorky grin on his face through the phone, “Oh, you mean Saturday?” Yep, he knew. Your boyfriend’s eyes shot back to the monitor, his brow furrowing, “Yes, Saturday! What the hell were you doing?!” He glared down at the phone as if was really in the same room with him as he listened to the explanation, “Well, you weren’t picking up your phone, so I came over- but you weren’t opening the door either, so I went to check the window!” Shaking his head, Bam sighed, exasperated, “Fine..how long were you there for?” Dico seemed unbothered, shrugging, “Only a couple minutes.”
After a long silence from you, you felt compelled to speak, leaning closer to Bam’s phone, “Yeah, I can see you were there for a couple minutes! Your ugly fuckin’ mug’s right there!” A laugh echoed through the tinny speakers of the flip phone. You were about to tell him how not funny this was. Dico spoke first, trying to fix the situation in a very Dico way, “C,mon, it’s fine! Don’t worry about it! Hell, if you really want, you two could always just shoot another one!”
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black-arcana · 20 days
30 Days Music Challenge (2024 edition)
Day 6 - A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about: Wings of a Butterfly by H.I.M
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docrotten · 6 months
THE QUEEN OF BLACK MAGIC (1982, RATU ILMU HITAM) – Episode 254 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Men are all liars! Men are animals! All the people here deserve to die! Especially Permana and Baidah. I swear on the devil’s in hell. Tonight I will kill everyone in this village.” When a witch is abused in a relationship, they don’t mess around. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr along with guest host Scott Wells – as they discuss this influential Indonesian horror film, The Queen of Black Magic (1982).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 254 – The Queen of Black Magic (1982)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of Decades of Horror 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
A woman is accused of being a witch and is thrown to her death over a cliff. However, a strange man rescues her, nurses her back to health, and she is told that she must master black magic to exact vengeance on her tormentors.
  Directed by: Liliek Sudjio (as L. Sudjio)
Writing Credits: Imam Tantowi
Cinematography: H. Asmawi (director of photography) (as Asmawi)
Editing: E. Mukhsin Hamzah
Artistic Arrangement/Special Effects) by: El Badrun (as El. Badrun)
Selected Cast:
Suzzanna as Murni
Alan Nuary as Kohar
Teddy Purba as Permana
W.D. Mochtar as Shaman Teluh Gendon (Evil Wizard)
Doddy Sukma as Village Head Sabri
Siska Widowati as Baedah / village head’s daughter
Sofia WD as Mrs. Village Head / Mrs Sabri
Mien Brodjo as Permana and Murni’s mother
Dorman Borisman as Atmo / Kohar’s friend
H.I.M Damsyik as Pak Bambang / rain charmer
Many of you may not have seen or heard of this early Eighties Indonesian horror picture, The Queen of Black Magic (1981). Also known as Ratu Ilmu Hitam (original title) and Black Magic 3, the film was loosely remade by Kimo Stamboel and Joko Anwar in 2019. Does this tagline entice you? “He seduced and destroyed her. Now, she would make them pay!” Join the Grue Crew and special guest host Scott Wells as they dive into this Indonesian classic about fickle love affairs, vengeance, and black magic!
At the time of this writing, The Queen of Black Magic is available to stream from YouTube. You can view a subtitled version here: The Queen of Black Magic
You can take in the Gruesome Magazine review of the loose remake from Kimo Stamboel and Joko Anwar here.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film in our Grue Believer Celebration Shenanigans month, as chosen by guest host Renee St. Aubin, will be The Beastmaster (1982). Let’s do it!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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fentanylaced · 3 months
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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Razorblade Romance [1999] 𖤐༺♡༻𖤐
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vv91him · 7 months
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Ville Hermanni Valo by H.I.Z.
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daughter-of-cha0s · 1 year
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djninaflowers · 8 months
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H.I.M Winter Edition ft. NINA FLOWERS & Filipe Guerra I can't wait Belgium!!
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ville-hermanni-valo · 4 years
Hi there, it's been awhile, I know!
I've been thinking about Tumblr and maybe (depends on you) I'm coming back to this site. So if you guys still use Tumblr and want me to come back with edits/gifs, please like this post or left a comment or send a message or whatever, just let me know if you guys want it.
My life went crazy and I've been busy/depressed for a long time. I don't even know how to use tumblr again! Sadly I see that some blogs/friends aren't posting for a long time, I don't know if there is new HIM/Ville blogs, if so please sent me their link!
Anyway, thank you guys for standing by, people who still reblog my stuff, that makes me really happy to see that HIM fandom is alive here on tumblr.
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englandsdreaming · 7 years
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