odairing-a · 5 years
@butscrewmefirst <3′d for a starter !
THE  GLASS  CONTAINER  IS  UNCORKED  then  tipped  into  an  elegantly curved  glass.  this  is  a  motion  finnick has  performed  countless times  in  service to  a  buyer, but  not  until  recently  has  this  beverage of  deep  cerise  been so...  unconventional.  he  had  thought he’d  seen  it  all.  he  had  been  wrong. the  metallic  scent  wafts  upwards, and  he  thumbs away  a  stray  drop  clinging to  the  lip  of  the  bottle.  this  is  his  second night,  here.  he  wonders  how  close  he  came  to  becoming  the  contents  of  one  of  these  bottles. he  wonders  if  she  will  grow  bored  of  him,  and  wonders if  that  fate  is  what  will  happen when  she  does.  he  doesn’t trust  the countess,  but  he  is  an  actor  of  impeccable talent  with  a  thousand  intricately crafted  masks  at  his  disposal, one  of  them  being  her  lover. he  turns,  ocean  hues  greeting that  of  the  other,  then  approaches,  handing her  the  glass. “  there’s a  frequenter  at  a  strip  club  a  few  blocks away.  I’ve  known  him  since  I  was  sixteen,  and  he’s  known  me  as  well.  ”
he  sits  upon  the  mattress at  her  side,  lips  parted in  thought,  eyes  softened  with  feigned  innocence,  but  sharp  in  alertness.
“  if  it  pleases  you,  darling, I  think  I  can  rather easily  sway  him  to  come  with  me  here. I’m  somewhat  convincing, you  see.  ”  a  smirk  flickers onto  his  expression, fading  almost  as  soon  as  it  appears. he  does  not  sway  from  her  gaze.  “ once  he’s  here,  I  want  to  tie  him  to  the  bed,  and  he  will  let  me  do  it.  after  he  is  restrained,  I  want  to  kill  him.  slowly. I  want  him  torn apart.  ”  head  tilts  almost  curiously. “  you’ll help  me?  ”
she  is  far  more  experienced in  murder  than  he,  but  he  prides himself  on  being  a  quick  learner. finnick  is  a  survivor, and  he’s  vicious and  cunning  as  a  serpent. his  lover  needs  to  feed,  and he  happens  to  know  plenty of  individuals  who  are  deserving of  facing  such  wrath,  individuals who  not  only  does  he  know  their  names and  general  locations,  but owns  a  piece  of  each  of  their  hearts.  how  easily such  vile  creatures fall  desperately  in  love  with him,  and  his  heart  races  in  pleasure at  the  thought of  betraying  that  foolish  trust  in  a  gush  of  gorgeous  crimson, an  avalanche  of  screams. the  countess  does  not  love  him,  but  she  is  so  tantalizingly capable  of  helping him  exact  revenge, and  has  so  much  to  gain  from  it  all!  it’s  so  perfectly  crafted in  theory…  
the  tales  that  fall  from  his  tongue somehow  surface  easier  to her  than  to  another.  she  feels  like  a  vault  of  secrets, someone  who  holds  no  real  affections  for  him,  no  real  desire to  use  these  emotions  for  his  gain  or  suffering, simply  a  weapon  he whispers  to.  he  continues  in  a  detached murmur.
“  he’s  only  one  of  the  endless  who  have  ruined  me  over  and  over  and  over  again.  and  the  anger  is  rotting me  from  the  inside.  I’m  hollow  now. there  is  nothing left  of  me.  I’m  broken, I’m  numb,  I’m  dead  and I  will  never  live again  because  of  people  like  him.  he  ripped  away  everything  from  me,  and  I  want  to  make  him  to  feel...  just  the  smallest amount  of  agony  I’ve  endured  because of  him.  I  don’t  want  him  just  to  regret touching  me,  or  ever  crossing my  path,  I  want  him  to  wish  he was  never  born.  I’ve  been  angry  for  a  long time,  love.  I’ve  never  gotten to  indulge  that  rage  before  now—  you  will  help  me,  won’t  you?  ” voice  carries  with  it  a  submissive  plea.  he  reaches  and  tucks  a  lock  of  white  blonde behind  her  ear,  palm  coming to  rest  against her  cheek.  he  thumbs  it  back  and  forth,  gaze  begging for  her  approval. “  don’t  I  deserve  it? after  so  much  pain?  ”  
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crispinablr · 3 years
Working as celestines for a day
We closely monitor the progress of our plan for Emma and Draken to declare their feelings, two people who have no problem saying what they think and cannot be sincere with their romantic feelings if it seems like a shojo from those that leave the reader bald from the protagonists' nervousness.
"And I say, wouldn't it be better to go sit in a bar and see how everything unfolds instead of hiding behind bushes like we're a bunch of perverts?" - I say tired of squatting down watching Draken and Emma make no progress at all with their "date," and I say "date" because rather we tricked them into staying with us in the meeting, but we left them alone to have time alone.
"Be patient, they could leave at any time, and how would we follow them then?" Chifuyu said calmly. "Trust me, with my knowledge of shojo manga, nothing can go wrong."
Baji and I looked at him with a "you've read too much shojo, buddy" face, but we didn't say anything as we waited for Takemichi to nervously laugh, implying he didn't think everything would go smoothly like a shojo either. We continued to watch the couple as they talked, even though the one leading the conversation seemed more like Emma, ​​and Draken looked dry, my son, it's clear she enjoys being alone with the person she loves in a way that's quite cute.
"Why the hell do I have to be here watching these two do stuff while I'm here hidden with you?" Baji asks, realizing what we were doing made no sense.
"Because you're one of the people who knows Draken best aside from Mikey, if we brought him, he'd make fun of Draken, he wouldn't record it because surely Draken would break his legs if he found out too, when I promised to take you to a great place that you and Chifuyu would like, so less complaining and more help," I said authoritatively, as we continued to pretend they would catch us and they knew we were spying on them and we had set them up, this would surely turn us into minced meat.
"As Draken discovers us…" Takemichi gulps in fear. "I don't want to know what he could do to us."
"Hey guys, what are you doing hiding behind bushes?" Hina appears behind us noiselessly.
"GOD" - Chifuyu quickly covers my mouth with a hand as I put my right hand over my heart, which was beating rapidly from the scare Hina gave us.
"SHHHHHHHHHHHH WHO CAN KILL US" Chifuyu says looking at me worriedly, I grab his hand with which he covers my mouth and return it to him.
"Damn Hina, what are you doing scaring people like that, you want them to kill us or something??!!" Baji says lowly.
"I'm sorry, but what are you secretly spying on people for?" Hina scolds us as if she were our older sister, and I make a face like "I'm older so they can scold me."
"Hi-Hina, what are you doing here?" Takemichi asks nervously.
Don't tell me they had a date and Takemichi forgot.
"What am I doing here, you didn't forget our appointment, did you, Ta-ke-mi-chi?" She says threateningly as she approaches him with a murderous look.
Look at how stupid the kid is, I sigh as Chifuyu facepalms and Baji mocks him, rightfully so.
"OF COURSE I DIDN'T FORGET, I WAS JUST KIDDING HAHAHAHAHAHA" - he nervously laughs (this business is already dead and nobody warned it) as he takes her hand and leads her to who knows where. "I was just helping out with Draken and Emma's date, but ours is more important so we can go now," he quickly leaves with Hina before she can change her mind.
"I hope Emma finishes with Draken, they look so happy together <3, see you later boyoooooos," he bids farewell as he's dragged away by Takemichi because the boy rushes when he wants to.
"Since we're all three now, we can move to a better place than these bushes. What do you think about that area with lots of sleeves? They also have benches with umbrellas so we can hide in case they catch us."
Chifuyu is delighted to be able to read as many manga as he wants, and Baji would have the chance to look for a book about animals, so he jumped at the idea. Someone I know too well is coming down.
"It can't be true, it had to be today of all days of the year" - I try to hide by putting on my hood, but it was too late, I had already been recognized.
"What happened, do you know this man?" Chifuyu and Baji go into defense mode thinking the person addressing us might be dangerous, but the reality was different.
"Which of you two will be my dear son-in-law? <3, wait, don't tell me they'll both be? What a sly girl my daughter is, I didn't expect that from youuuuu" - he makes a pouting face while I turn red as a tomato as my desire to kill him increases every second.
"Dad, get away, go out, shoo, go back to work, get away, catch her" I try to push the police car away as it offers little resistance since it is much bigger and heavier than me.
I feel Baji laughing at the scene where I'm embarrassed and my father mocking me, while Chifuyu blushes at the thought that the three of us seem to be a love triangle.
"Why are you so eager for me to leave, do you want to do something in private with them?" - He feigns surprise, I'M GOING TO KILL HIM - "how fast my little princess is growing up and aging reminds me of when - " before he can continue talking, I interrupt him.
"HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO ME, I'M GOING TO TELL MOM TO STOP LAUGHING AT ME IN FRONT OF THE BOYS" I say in a high-pitched voice, closing my eyes in anger and embarrassment.
Before he could say anything, the police car sounded, telling him he was urgently needed at the police station.
"Well, I guess that's my cue to leave, I know when I'm not wanted" - she goes to kiss me on the forehead, but I dodge her again, still angry at what she just put me through in front of Chifuyu and Baji - "See you lateroooo" - she gets in the car and says goodbye before leaving.
"Your father is quite funny, don't you want to tell us something important?" Baji wiggles his eyebrows suggestively while tapping his arm playfully.
"No," I say quickly.
"Oh shit, guys, did you see where Draken and Emma went?" Chifuyu asks anxiously.
"They went to the arcade, I guess our Celestin job is done, I swear until they confess their feelings, I'm going to tell them straight up what they feel for each other," I say seriously.
"But that would ruin all the magic QnQ, you can't do that," he puts on puppy eyes in the rain, why does he have to be so adorable??
"In drastic times, drastic measures are necessary," I say assuredly, though worried about having to use that card if something happens.
"That's dumb, we're done fooling around now we can go," he stands up and goes to… where is this boy going?
"Baji, there's no going to the place I was going to show you, it's here," I point in the direction of the cat café.
I see Emma and Draken coming out of the arcade and noticing our presence, so I grab Chifuyu and Baji and pull them to the brown cat like a devil's leading soul before Draken can even open his mouth.
"WHAT'S GOING ON??? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?¿?!!?" Chifuyu asks alarmed as he snaps out of his trance.
"DRAKEN SAW US, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" I run to the cat café dragging my companions as if it were the last thing I did in my life.
After seeing that Draken wasn't chasing us, we decided to enjoy the cat café and talk more with each other and get to know each other better, it was one of the best times of my life, we talked about all kinds of topics, laughed at the silly things we did today, and played with all the kittens at the café. I hope I can repeat this moment with them, I will protect them with all my being, even if it means risking my life, they don't deserve to suffer they should be happy so I will make sure they end up well.
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