henryboxxx · 7 days
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Blue Exorcist: Beyond the Snow Saga is set to begin broadcasting on October 5th, 2024.
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Bring Karura BACK!! Part 2
Hi again, jaja
I got many new ideas and theories when I was rereading the manga so ima just drop them all here. It’s about the Immortals, the Demon Kings and the possible roles that everyone could have in the war arc.
I will warn you that this analysis/theory is even longer than the last one, so just so you know jaja.
(I had posted this before as a reblog when I realized it looked so ugly and that it diverted the attention from the new information I wanted to share, so I deleted the old reblog thingy and posted it again as its own post. I'm still learning how tumblr works and I realized with this thing that I like my posts to each be their own thing).
I said that I didn’t want Mephisto’s Devil *star* Punisher to be the one that killed Satan but I will have to retract from that statement just a bit. I don’t want it to be the only thing that kills him, but I want it to be the last shot they have to fire in order to defeat him.
Just like Nauhaus explained:
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The Devil *star* Punisher is a demon ego obliviator, meaning that when they shoot Satan with it, it will cause him to forget his own ego, to revert to the baby version of him that Yuri faced when she was a kid and back in the laboratory in the very beginning before he learned everything he could.
This is great, since now he can’t harm anyone this way; and here can come Mephisto and maybe Shemihaza (Shiemi), and seal him in a special capsule thingy that freezes time and space within it, letting him alive but not being able to move, grow, have contact or develop in any way (I made up this last part, I have no idea what Mephisto plans to do after they shoot him with that thing).
Anyways, is just to not let him go around posessing other people and causing mass destruction and death, or another Blue Night.
This is the best alternative they have, but for doing that they need to lower his defenses and expose his heart first. (How do I know this? Magic ._.).
2. Which is where I come again with my Immortal theory thingy: we have fire (Karura-Ryuuji), water (Hachirotaro-Yukio/Shura), and earth (Uroboros-Shiemi??).
I have given it a bit more thought and if we are already have three of the four elements in the mix (fire, water and earth), why not throw the fourth element (air), to have the avatar in there?? To make things more balanced??
Now, you may think, “but Lily, we barely know how Uroboros looks like and who will use him, from where are we going to get the air demon and its master???”
Well, that’s pretty simple, we have them right here:
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According to Homare, they are the highest level demon kin of Azazel, king of Spirits.
Yukio and Lewin are the ones that have a contract with them, unofficial and official contracts respectively; and when it comes to the requirements for them to be Immortals, it mostly depends on having this cycle of death and rebirth. I went to good ol’ trusting wikipedia to look up some info on them, and found this:
Indra is associated with the sky, lightning, weather, thunder, storms, rains, river flows and war. He rules over the much-sought Devas realm of rebirth within the Samsara doctrine of Buddhist traditions. (Another connection to Ryuuji there). (Samsara is the beginningles cycle of repeated birth, mundane existence and dying again).
Vayu is the god of air, wind and breath of life. On the east asian Buddhism he presides over the northwest direction.
Now, who is Vayu and who is Indra in the manga panel? I’m guessing that the one from the right is Indra (the one flying on lightning) and the one on the left is Vayu (the one flying on clouds), but who knows, I’m basing my theories out of some panels I found on ch. 122, and the info I wrote here, so maybe you can make something more out of it.
Ok so, they are two high level demons that seem to come in pairs, have elemental affinities to wind, rain and lightning, and are in some way related to the aspect of death and rebirth.
Now, who is the other exorcist that has dual demons with elemental qualities that relate to air, spirit and light..?
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Izumo controlling these two would be awesome, a bit too much maybe, but awesome as well. She can already summon Uke and Mike without her summoning papers (she still uses them later, I guess for a sense of security and stability), and idk how easy it is to pass a contract between masters, but Lewin could easily aid Izumo in controlling them, Shura aids Yukio, Tatsuma could appear here (hopefully), and teach some last minute fire bending-imean fire controlling abilities to Ryuuji and for the last element, earth, it will be more complicated, but I got a small idea on who could it be.
3. Here is where things get a bit complicated from all the mess of charts, elements and demon kings:
First we have the Diagram of Demonic Elements, in which the five main elements that exorcists can use when summoning demons are: fire, rot, spirit, earth and water.
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We know the following:
Fire is being covered by Karura-Ryuuji/Tatsuma.
Spirit would be covered by Vayu & Indra-Izumo/Lewin or Vayu & Indra-Yukio/Lewin (for current contract efficacy).
Water would be covered by Hachirotaro-Yukio/Shura.
Earth could be covered by Uroboros-Shiemi/Amaimon or Uroboros-Shiemi/Nauhaus.
Rot could be covered by many options but the main ones would be: Nine Tails-Izumo/Astaroth/Neuhaus or Impure King(???)-Neuhaus/Astaroth (this option is the less likely, but oh well).
We know that Astaroth is currently with Satan’s fraction but if you remember from the 10 year anniversary character spread, he was one of the characters facing to the right (Satan’s side, the one in the paperbag), but his face in which he posseses Reiji Shiratori (the dude from ch. 1), was actually looking at the reader (meaning that they are neutral, so he could be swayed to turn with the True Cross side, after some talking and confrontation).
(Same shit with Amaimon, Dog Mephisto and Shima, we gotta look out for these dudes, they may betray us in the future, or they already did with their whole “I’m your enemy/Ima play with your feelings/I will cause you to have some character development and make the plot move forward” thing -.-).
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Also, where tf is Takara?! Shouldn’t he be joining the exorcist forces with him being a high rank?? I know that the last time we see him is when he’s with Tsukiko (Tsukumo), when the artificial gate to Gehenna opened and everyone started seeing demons, I guess he was protecting Tsukumo (the bare frickin minimum but oh well). And I also find it curious that his head and his puppet occupy two places on the spread, meaning that whatever is posessing the puppet, has a will of its own, and Takara himself is another thing. This dude is suspicious as heck.
(A small parenthesis here, is that Kuro also has two places as well, I guess is because one is the demon cat sidhe (Kuro), and the other one is the physical body of the cat that is being posessed by Kuro, the demon sidhe).
(I know this is a bit outdated since Yukio already turned with the True Cross, but he's the only exception here, everyone else remains the same).
Also, I’m thinking that Astaroth is going to be the big boss that the gang is going to battle against (Ryuuji, Izumo, Koneko and Shima), since he hasn’t made any big movements for the duration of the war and the gang already has a lot of experience fighting against necrotic and rotting enemies (the Impure king, the chimera zombies, Nine Tails, Gedoin).
In this fight is where Ryuuji recovers his flames with Karura and everything starts to come together, ohyis baby.
So, after a good fight, they may persuade Astaroth to join them, or he may posess someone (prolly Neuhaus, for the element compatibility), so they can use his powers against Satan to lower his body defenses, since we don’t have a rot demon that is an immortal and has death and rebirth abilities, if we are taking the Nine Tails out of the equation, since I find it harder for Izumo to control her over Vayu & Indra, but is still a good option.
Also, Neuhaus should be dead already from using and being exposed to the Devil *star* Punisher and the crystallization of Armumahel this entire time, that’s why I think the one that should be making the shot is Yukio, since he’s immune to the effects of the black flame and any flame whatsoever.
But we know that Neuhaus has a personal grudge against Satan for killing her wife and unborn child as well as scarring him for life, so he won’t let go of the weapon even if his life depends on it (so all this is telling me that he will die or smt).
4. So, anyways, to wrap things up:
I’m gonna proceed to show how the accumulated energies and powers of the demon kings may side with the True Cross to weaken/expose and subsecuently defeat Satan once and for all.
(It will be “Demon with Master in Contract/Teacher to Help Control Them”).
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We have Satan’s mirror and almost equal which is Rin himself.
For the Sool, we have Shemihaza being Shiemi, and Armumahel being Yukio/Shima/Lucy (is she still dead??? omy I hope not). But both Sool are on the side of the True Cross.
For the King of Light, Lucifer, is kinda confusing, we got Uke & Mike, Vayu & Indra, and even the Nine Tails (since foxes are kin of spirit and light), with Izumo/Lewin or Yukio/Lewin being their masters. (Something is telling me that Lucifer will join the fight by directly posessing Angel, since he’s a clone of Lucifer as well as being in the Paladin position. Lucifer is slightly less powerful than Satan, so comparing him to Shiro being posessed, Angel has better chance to last longer as Lucifer’s vessel) (Also, will Angel die or sacrifice himself to contain Lucifer and this may free the position for Rin to become the next Paladin? I wanna know what happens) (We could even have Angel controlling Lucifer but that would be too far fetched lol or could also give the opportunity to Lucifer to have a life without pain and suffering ._. we may never know).
For the King of Time, we got Mephisto himself, if he doesn’t pull a betrayal out of nowhere, some scheme that may doom everyone or make some sketchy deal with some main character, then everything should be fine, sigh, this dude stresses me out so much.
For the King of Spirit, Azazel, we got Vayu & Indra (almost Immortals(???)), with Izumo/Lewin or Yukio/Lewin again, we could also add Nine Tails or Uke & Mike to the equation I guess, since they are all spirit and light demons, ugh, someone send help.
For the King (Queen) of Fire, Iblis, we got Karura (an Immortal), with Ryuuji/Tatsuma.
For the King of Water, Egyn, we got Hachirotaro (an Immortal), with Yukio/Shura.
For the King of Rot, we may get Astaroth himself, or in the worst case, the Nine Tails will have to be his substitute with Izumo/Neuhaus being her masters.
For the King of Earth we got Amaimon himself, whom I strongly believe Shiemi has a strong grip on him. Or Uroboros (an Immortal) (???), with Shiemi/Amaimon, but I’m not sure about that one.
For the King of Insects we got Beelzebub himself as well, he made it clear that it would be a pain if Satan won the war, so he will cooperate.
Konekomaru would be the main strategist for everyone to defeat Satan in the fastest and best way possible but idk how that will work out in the short time we have left.
With all this, we can see how the Baal and Sool all have their forces with the True Cross, which I’m guessing we will need in order to expose Satan’s heart and then shoot him with the Devil *star* Punisher to make him forget his own ego and destroy him right then and there or capture him and have him secluded somewhere with maximum security (like one of Mephisto’s alternate realities). Since Satan is like the fusion of every Baal and Sool, that’s why my insistence of having everyone fight together, aside from the fact that I want to see everyone kick a$$ with their powers and abilities, ohyis.
Anyways, this is all the new stuff I thought of, again, is all a theory jaja, some ideas I got and kept appearing and became bigger and bigger as I kept writing, uff. I rlly want to see how the story develops and I hope it lasts longer than them reaching the correct position and shooting Satan with Mephisto’s weapon.
Thank you all for reading this far!!! I can’t believe I actually got it to an end. My eyes are burning and I think I’m just giving myself super high expectations and ideas on what I think would happen in the manga, lol. But still is nice to dream and theorize jaja. Please excuse my english as it’s not my first language and I hope you are as excited as me for the next chapter!!
See ya in the next one~!!!
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malicioussouls · 5 years
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Whelp she’s complete lost in a snowy forest with a demonic god. This day could have gone worse. “Excuse me sir. Do you know where I am?” Never mind she can make it worse.
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inspectorboobzilla · 5 years
Stares at her
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“I’d stare back but i don’t know what eye to focus on”
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almaadst · 7 years
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At the beginning I wanted to thank my beloved @vongrell, who helped me find the right colors for this bastard and for her brushes that changed my life! I love you gurl! (´・` )♡ I really wanted to draw Hachiro! His desing is amazing!  (*^^*)
Previous: WIP Rin and Yukio Kuro
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shinsukecchi-blog · 7 years
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Ao no Exorcist - Chapter 77
Story & Art: Kazue Katou
Serialization: Jump SQ
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flower-of-assiah · 4 years
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ao no exorcist volume 17 bonus page
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nairazak · 4 years
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hachirotaro-blog · 6 years
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                                                           | χ | χ | χ |
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aonogifreactions · 7 years
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youre lucky i read hachiros chapters c:< @illucynati29 , here’s your request, and i must say, i loved writing this! but its not my style, so im not good at this. beside that, i really liked hachiro and i hope for more reqs with him in the future!
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it was a normal, cold day for Hachiro
he was walking around Towada Shrine
and saw a beautiful girl watching how snow is hugging to the objects around her
Her name was Y/N.
When she turned around, she didn't ran away
"Hello. I'm sorry if I disturbed your home. My name's Y/N,"
she smiled to him and raised her hand to greet him
“Her hand is so warm...”
wait, what was that inside Hachiro's chest?
why his heart is beating faster than usual?
nonetheless, he greeted her back
"Why are you here, human? Aren't you scared of me?"
she was confused; why should she be scared of him?
so she asked him
"Why should I? I'm lonely too..."
the conversation could be longer but it was getting dark, so human decided to head back home
demon helped her getting through the way to her home
but due to her clumsiness, she lost her scarf
and Hachiro decided to return it to her, no matter what's going to happen
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irradiatedtea · 7 years
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Coming back into the AnE fandom after 6 years is like a parent coming home after leaving the kids alone to find everything destroyed Anyway I’m still struggling with art but I loved Hachiros design a whole lot
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demonsandco · 3 years
Have you considered: demon Beel with multiple eyes? Think like Hachirotaro from Blue Exorcist. His buzzing wings and unnatural gaze, piercing in all directions.
Oh yes I love the idea of Beel having multiple eyes! Both because of his bug-like appearance and with him being a fallen angel. Though, I think Asmo would have more eyes than Beel in their demon forms, similar to the character you mentioned, since arachnids have more eyes than flies!
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Bring Karura BACK!!
Here I will just quickly (not really), explain a bit of my theories about the manga regarding Ryuuji and Karura, along with the rest of the Immortals, and what I'm expecting/hoping to happen for the rest of the war arc and other tidbits I found laying around.
First of all I want Ryuuji to be able to summon Karura, they literally have Tatsuma and Gozo discussing about the possibility of summoning him back from the vessel of forced possesion (aka. Todou).
Like, they wouldn't just hint at this possibility and then not doing it in the future, and even more now that they are in the middle of a war against very strong forces.
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They are talking about summoning him back, but there's no need since Ryuuji still has his contract on going.
We have been drilled into our heads of the outstanding regenerative powers of Karura by Todou not shutting his mouth about it during the Kyoto Arc, so I would guess he (Karura), would be able to easily come back from dying and being used as a lab rat for the elixir that helped to perfect Satan's cloned body.
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This could also be followed by his similar demon kind used for the same experiment, the Ouroboros and Hydra, since they are also creatures/demons of regenerative abilities that represent death and rebirth, destruction and creation. (And we also know that the more powerful the demon, the faster it can regenerate, like how it took Lucifer a few hours to return from being destroyed during the Blue Night, it could also apply to the Immortals but would take a bit longer).
According to the legends:
Phoenix: (Karura) A fire bird that arises from the ashes of his own predecesors. Death and rebirth. A cyclical life.
Hydra: (Hachirotaro) A water and wind snake/dragon that regenerates its head by double every time one gets cut down. Death and rebirth. A ciclical life.
Ouroboros: An (earth??) serpent reptile that eats its own tail, continually eating itself and being reborn from itself. Death and rebirth. A ciclical life.
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Anyways, I want Ryuuji to summon Karura back because he never frickin broke the aeon wave flame contract with him and he was also the last one to have an actual, valid contract, since Tatsuma clearly passed it down to Ryuuji (1), (2), and he explicitly said after, that his contract with Karura was broken (3).
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While with Ryuuji, he simply fainted from exhaustion during the Impure King battle, but it was never declared that their contract broke or was annuled in some way.
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Like, just how it happened during the Kyoto Arc, Karura divided himself into two beings, one with Todou and the other one with Ryuuji, and thus the elixir experiment being succesful means that Todou and the other chosen ones died along with the immortal demons. A part of Karura died but the other part still lives inside Ryuuji.
That means that the forced possesion with Todou and all the other guys was broken and they can go to being independent but Karura would go back to Ryuuji since their contract was never broken.
And he would go back to him on full power too, because if you remember when he split up, Tatsuma had already broken/lost the generational contract with the head priest of Myo Da but still had his personal one between himself (Tatsuma Suguro) and Karura (the aeon wave flame contract). What Ryuuji "inherited" was the smaller and younger (time wise) contract of Tatsuma and Karura, thus that's why Karura was so smol and cute and nesting on top of Ryuuji's head agh the cutie bean.
Meanwhile, what Todou devored and then proceeded to force bodily possession on himself, was the larger, oldest self of Karura that was in the contract (now broken), between the head priest of Myo Da and Karura.
Karura told Tatsuma that their generational contract was broken because Mamushi, Rin, Todou and many people learned about it but Tatsuma told him that the personal one was still standing. Karura was just like "fine" but his body stayed the same, it didn't diminish in size or anything, until Todou devoured the available part of Karura (the generational contract).
I do believe that a generational contract has more power than a one life time contract but at this point it just depends on the different amounts of contracts the demon has, how many "bodies" it posesses; and if it only has one valid contract then, despite the lack of generational length of it, the full power of the demon would still go to the one active contract, which in this case would be Ryuuji's.
2. Also, we know that Karura asks in return secrets, he feeds on lies and suspicions, of making things secret.
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Almost or if not all of Myo Da's secrets were revealed during the Kyoto Arc, so Ryuuji can't really feed him with that, but, he just became Lightning's apprentice which entails him to all the secrets about Section 13, the Okumura brothers, Yuri, Shiro, Mephisto, Satan, the demon kings, the Asylum, the Illuminati, the entire Order of the True Cross, etc, etc.
All that information spans at least over 16 years of secrets and lies, since the birth of the Asylum and the True Cross. Ryuuji really got hit with all that on the face in less than, what? 1 week?? four days??, that is more than enough to keep Karura satisfied for the following weeks or even months in regards to secrets.
Besides, I want to point out how when they were starting their investigation and Lightning went to question Mephisto about it on his bathtub, Mephisto was kinda going to play hard to get, but we got a few panels of him glancing towards Ryuuji and then immediately agreeing to talk. (Imean, isn't this weird? Why would he decide to spill one of his biggest secrets right after seeing the boy in the demon contract with an immortal that feeds specifically on secrets, hmmm... I wonder wHy...).
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(gah, I remember reading this chapter when it came out and finding it weird that Ryuuji was focused on here and was practically the reason for Mephisto to start talking, sigh... li'l ol' me already knew there was some shady stuff happening but was too young and too early to realize it, damn. dis is some gud stuff).
(Also, poor Ryuuji, the amount of distress and torment he endured during this entire time must have been exhausting, thankfully Lightning and Izumo, along with his entire family and friends, helped him to calm down, gosh he needs a hug).
And just to finish it up with a nice touch. After telling them where to find Section 13, Mephisto says this:
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"Raising suspicion" ah? Dear Mephy? Because you know that someone has the immortal demon chicken that feeds on lies, suspicions and secrets?? HM??? You wanna keep him well fed ah?? I wonder for wHat specific event that may happen in the future he would come in handy... (cough the war cough if you didn't realize it already cough)
Now, I'm not sure if a few people knowing the truth would affect the amount of nice food that Karura gets, like how Uwabami and Jaozo kinda knew about some of the stuff Tatsuma was hiding, so maybe the food effect would only last up until Ryuuji, Izumo, Osceola, Lucy and Lightning saw the whole laboratory thing with Drac and showed Angel.
And also, if Karura feeds on secrets, it could also be secrets not even known to the user, like before all the Lightning stuff, in between the Kyoto Arc and the Section 13 arc, (as well as throughout the entire manga), Ryuuji was developing, harboring and realizing his feelings towards Izumo, I'm sure Karura could feed off of that too, for more simple they could be, they caused a great deal of confusion and conflict during the Illuminatic Arc right until he confessed them to Izumo, but even after that, only Izumo knows about them, is just one person, so the secret is still a secret, nobody else knows (officially), he still doesn't know if his feelings are corresponded and still feels and seems conflicted whenever Izumo gives or receives some kind of attention from another guy (Rin, Shima), all that inner turmoil, doubts and suspicions would keep Karura well fed inside Ryuuji.
3. Also, why in the universe would Kato sensei give us this big hint in the official art of the 10th anniversary with Ryuuji holding his Buddhist priest beads with red fire coming out of it for literally no reason unless is foreshadowing for something that later could be important and relevant??
(Also, look at dem ships beautifully standing one beside the other, the boy's arms holding them inside their own body frames, sighhh cuties <333)
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Also, I love the fact that the three boys from the gang (sorry Koneko, you are our strategist man), have the three different flames from Gehenna and Assiah:
Ryuuji: Red Flame, Assiah's physical fire, that destroys the physical aspect of the things, the vessel of possesion or external temptaint. (Ryuuji thinks and feels too much, you know, non-tangible things, so he would have the red flames in order to balance himself out).
Shima: Black Flame, Gehenna's spiritual fire, that destroys the demon possessing the vessel while leaving the vessel intact. (Shima is all about physical desires and dreams so he needs the spiritual flame in order to balance himself out).
Rin: Blue Flame, Assiah and Gehenna's fire in one, being able to burn both the physical and non physical being. (And Rin being both human and demon has the special blue flames that are both spiritual and physical flames that also help balance himself out).
4. And continuing with the talk about the three immortal demons.
They are fire (phoenix), water (hydra) and earth (uroboros) [most likely].
We know that Ryuuji has a contract with Karura and has used him before, his powers include regenerative abilities and shields.
Yukio has some affinity in summoning water type demons (the naiads, and he just needs more confidence bc he's already able to summon eight of those things like plEase), as well as he had an almost contract with Hachirotaro himself so that could mean something you know?, his powers include hypnotic abilities, and regenerative abilities with his blood. Shura could come here and help him manage the new powers since she used them for so long and had a contract with Hachirotaro.
And I guess the earth demon, ouroboros, could only be for Shiemi..? since she's related to the earth as well, but I'm not that sure, I still need to find someone that can make that contract and find the actual demon in the manga jaja.
Maybe, they will unite, along with Mephisto's special weapon, to lower Satan's body defences, and then everyone will strike together like the good shonen manga that this is, because if Satan is defeated by the dumb Devil *star* Banisher thing that Mephisto created and the manga ends right then and there ima just gO.
Also, that thing of Satan dying thanks to Angel's Holy Light Descension is pure bs since I'm pretty sure Satan will regenerate by next chapter (what was the entire point of the immortal's regenerative powers, if not for this kind of situation?), or he will proceed to try and posess Rin because he was going to be his og vessel, anyways, this war cannot be that short, I want to see everyone participating and I hope Lucy is okey :c.
I'm not saying I want nakama power to win the big war, I want a good demonstration and participation of every member of the gang with all their new skills, abilities and powers in the final battle to see their development and growth. Gah please.
Also, please, Ryuuji, just summon Karura and kick someone's a$$ alreadyyyy ahhhhh. And I want to see my goddess Izumo perform the Metamashizume no Harai ritual again and kick some a$$ as well. Those special capes must come in handy if they keep the stamina inside the body of the individual, is different if the person was already worn out, injured and tired (like Yukio), but it could be different with someone who was pretty ok for the most part (like Ryuuji, Izumo, Koneko, etc).
Anyways, thank you so much for reading all the way here! This is all a theory and some analysis I came up with, sorry for the many paragraphs and if it's confusing as well for the weird english.
I hope you look forward for the next chapter as much as I do! :D
See ya next time~~!!
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malicioussouls · 5 years
@hachirotaro followed you!
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b0ring-n4m3 · 3 years
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Personal headcanon: Uwabami's familiar is the mother of the Hojo sisters' familiars and has a close correlation with Hachirotaro.
I don't have a name for her at the moment.
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almaadst · 7 years
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# I try not to kill myself while drawing this bastard Finished work!
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