#an no exorcist rp
||The cursed treasure hunt||
reserved au rp with @demon-blood-youths
"Anything yet?" Megumi blinks to hear this but he looks from his cell phone. He didn't know what was going on, giving the thought that something might have happened. Gojo was told Kisho still was on his on going mission to find the cursed items that came from that party. However, it leaves another wondering what was going on. He did have some help along the way so it was something.
Right now, Megumi was told by Gojo to check on him but he was not answering the text messages he sent a while ago. "I don't think so. I can try to call him and see if he can answer the phone instead. Or maybe something is effecting the signal."
"I guess that's possible but give it a shot." Yuji said. Megumi nods and goes to do that, seeing Kisho's number and hits speed dial and waits for him to find something.
"I'm sure they are fine you two..just call them and we will see their fine." Nobara said. Miko agrees hoping they were alright. She wanted to go with them but she was still on stand by to recover.
"S..same here..." she mutters seeing Megumi still waiting for Kisho to pick up.
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exorcist-ava · 3 months
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lesbianneopolitan · 5 months
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Welcome to my, 𝘮𝘺 My sick pretty mind, 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 It's twisted and dark, but it's kind of a vibe, 𝘶𝘩~♪
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findroleplay · 8 months
Hello lovely honeybees 🐝
I’m 24F in search of a role-play partner for these following fandoms:
Harry Potter
Hogwarts Legacy
Detroit: Become Human
Marble Hornets
Call Of Duty (Any)
My Hero Academia
Tokyo Revengers
Tokyo Ghoul
Jujutsu Kaisen
The Evil Within (any)
Blue Exorcist
Death Note
Bungo Stray Dogs
Until Dawn
I am a descriptive writer, so I will send the max of 10 paragraphs. I expect at least 3 paragraphs in return. OCs are welcomed, because I will do double ups. NSFW is a must, for I like spicy content.
Like this post and I’ll reach out ✨
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exorcist-ray · 3 months
“Hey médica! I need ya help…for somethin’ personal…”
Ray looks up and walks over to Ava, letting her into the medbay.
Greetings. How may I be of assistance? She smiles.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM THE EXORCIST *  assorted dialogue from the 1973 film, adjust as necessary
they've found something. small pieces.
this is strange.
i wish you didn't have to go.
there is something i must do.
i sure do love you.
it's okay. i got it, thanks.
why are they tearing the building down?
has there been enough killing?
i think i'll walk home tonight, [name].
take that, and drop it by my house.
hi, how'd your day go?
what have we got here?
you got an invitation.
i'm so happy to see you.
you can't keep going up and down those stairs.
you are not happy. tell me. what is the matter?
hey. where'd this come from?
you've been playing with it?
maybe he's sleeping.
why are you reading that?
what are we going to do on your birthday?
what would you like to do? got any ideas?
you're not going to marry him, are you?
where'd you ever get an idea like that?
i want out of this job. it's wrong.
you're the best we've got.
why do people have to die?
my bed was shaking.
you should have called me the minute it happened.
do you have an appointment?
i'm gonna take you home.
i think that's the answer.
wait a minute. what are you talking about?
i'd say her vocabulary's rather extensive.
the best explanation is always the simplest one.
listen, if you ever go up there again, will you take me along?
bastard! i will kill you!
i think we have a guest.
what made you say that, [name]?
make it stop! what's wrong? i'm scared!
i don't want it!
you fucking bastard!
i suppose you've heard.
is there someone inside you?
if he talks to me, i think he'll leave you. do you want him to leave you?
yeah, it's true. you do look like a boxer.
is that a threat?
it has worked, in fact, although not for the reason they think.
please go away.
how do you go about getting an exorcism?
i'd like to help you.
now kindly undo these straps.
nothing you could do would make it any worse.
i thought you were supposed to be an expert.
what an excellent day for an exorcism.
it would bring us together.
you keep it away.
you're convinced that it's genuine.
i'll call you as soon as i know.
i cast you out! unclean spirit!
the power of christ compels you.
are you tired?
let's rest before we start again.
i think the point is to make us despair. to see ourselves as animal and ugly. to reject the possibility that god could love us.
will you excuse me, [name]?
somebody fell at the bottom of the steps here!
i'm gonna miss you.
i hope to see you again soon.
i came to say goodbye.
do you like films?
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seraphim-sarai · 2 days
Okay Ava. You can do this! You can totally make it up to tu hermana! Ya made up with Milan! That was easy!
Ava spoke out loud to himself as he walked through the alleyways. He remembered Sarai's schedule and knew that they would be picking up coffee for Sera at this moment.
Okay, not really. Lots of punching was involved...and Sarai ain't like that.
He worried if Sarai would forgive him after he blew them off. But she had to try. She told Sadie she would.
Sí Ava, ya can do it. Ava El Carbón doesn't run from a fight! -🚬
He was about to walk to Sarai, until he saw the familiar figure of an unfriendly Seraph bump into her.
Uh oh. Looks like they were arguing now. Better hide before she gets caught in the middle, and then she'd apologize.
He hid behind some trash cans and watched Sarai and the other Seraph talk.
Even as a guardian angel, Sarai was still not exempt from picking up coffee for the Council. She ordered the coffees, remembering the god-awful tastes of her superiors, and walked out the door.
She was distracted by a lot of things. One, she still couldn't stop thinking about Milan, who was now probably still with Adina.
((She wants to be with her? I shouldn't be so surprised. I could never compare. I'm not much.))
Second, Lana was bugging her - and not just by ignoring her helpful advice. She reminded her so much of someone - Ava, someone who she had also lost forever.
((They're so much alike. She'll hate me too soon. I know it. Ava already does.))
Lost in her thoughts, she bumps into a tall figure, whom she spills all her coffee over.
Oh, I- -🦢
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joyerisjoy · 4 months
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Adina story part 1? More likely than you think.
This takes place back when Adina and Sarai were both Apprentices and when Ava accidentally killed a Hellborn during her first Extermination. What Adina offers is basically for Ava to become her bodyguard for a few months to essentially “prove herself” worthy of rejoining the Exorcists.
Sarai has never liked Adina, and pretty much only hung around her since they were in the same cohort and Adina was the only one who showed “kindness” (more like backhanded comments) to her. Her eyelashes and eyebrows are black here because she dyed them to look more like her, but she’ll never admit that.
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seraphim-adina · 3 months
Milan yawned loudly as she walked down the halls of the palace, not really paying any mind to her surroundings as she left Sarai’s quarters.
She just needed some breakfast. She didn’t even notice she was walking right towards—
…She looked up at…
That… That face. That haircut. It almost drove her into a cheer— But she knew better. This wasn’t who she thought it was.
…But she looked a lot like her. Almost uncontrollably, Milan made a wistful smile, feeling like she was greeting… An old friend, so to speak.
Adina looked down at the small Exorcist before here.
So, this was Sarai's secret. Her little Exorcist pet.
It was almost too perfect that Adina should run into her now - Adina would know, she picked the right time and place to "accidentally" run into her.
She knew that Sarai had been hiding a secret ever since she had heard the loud crash of her roof falling in, and when she would see her very hastily brushing away Exorcist feathers every so often. She just had to know more about what the Apprentice was doing, and luckily for her, Sarai was just awful at keeping her secrets~
"Hello Exorcist," Adina began, her voice sweet, "Are you here to meet with the Council today? It's a bit early for such meetings~"
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exorcist-milan420 · 6 days
Ava ran as fast as he could to find Milan. The memories of his time as Adina's bodyguard came rushing back all at once as soon as Sadie mentioned her name. It all came back to him - the fear, the humiliation, the isolation. He knew damn well what Adina was capable of, and he knew that for all her faults, Milan didn't deserve that.
He rushed to Milan's dorm, only to find it empty. Thinking quickly, he knew that if Adina had envenomed her like she did him, Milan must've already been on her way to Adina's quarters. He ran the familiar way, and sure enough, caught her a block away from the Palace.
He calls out. He notices how dazed she looked, and his fears worsen.
HEY!! -🚬
Milan stumbled, blinking blearily against the bright light all around her. Weird, it was so bright but it felt so dark. She didn't even know why she was bothering; Adina was shit for sex but... she had a craving. So Milan did what she did best: she went for it. Even if it was a bad idea.
Fuck, she did feel awful, though. Worse than she'd been feeling. But maybe that was just normal now. Maybe she just needed to get used to always feeling like shit. Because she was shit. She was-
Milan looked up, recognizing the voice and pushing back the tears that came to her eyes. "What? You change your mind about yellin' at me some more?"
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exorcist-ava · 3 months
[Timpani makes her way through the barracks, training is over and it's time to go home. Before she makes her way to her apartment she notices Ava looking distraught and smoking even more heavily than normal]
A-Ava? Are y-you okay? -🎵
Fuck. Timpani. Just stop thinking about it. Be chill.
Ava tried so hard to just calm himself, but Milan's words kept echoing in his mind.
His cigarette was dwindling fast - he already went through six within an hour. His fingers trembled, and he dropped it.
Fuck. Fuck. Still not calm. Just, stop thinking about it. It doesn't matter.
Damn. Timpani was getting closer. And they looked concerned. Fuck.
Ava forced a grin, feigning his usual bravado.
"Hola Timp," he said, "How you doin'?"
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lesbianneopolitan · 5 months
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RP shenanigans go brrr
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askoverlordcarmilla · 23 days
Yo, Jefe. Ya close with Concha, AKA @ask-vaggie ?
Can ya ask her why she’s never returned any a’ my calls while we were dating?
I mean, I know why, I just wanna hear it from her. -🚬
While I didn’t know her during that period of her existence, I can make a few guesses based on her behavior. It seems she has a case of what we call in the Pride ring “basic bitch” syndrome. Confrontations of a physical or even deadly nature are as easy as breathing but anything that touches on emotions makes her retreat and avoid the source of the problem. You likely challenged her on an emotional level she was incapable of dealing with at the time. Considering she wasn’t truly capable of confronting that side of herself until she literally sprouted wings from the revelation, I’d say it’s a safe bet.
Also, you may address me as Doña Carmilla, and I’d like the name of the Exorcist brazen enough to demand answers from me for another’s behavior.
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exorcist-ray · 1 day
Hey Ray
OOC: mod here, I also play Grace, next time dont try to impersonate me on my own account :)
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