#had to get it out of my head so to tumblr i hie
themonopolyhat · 2 years
fic snip
a fic snip from a generic fantasy AU i have percolating in my brain:
Cody checks his shoes every morning before he stuffs his feet inside for the day.
“One time that happened, one time,” Obi-Wan chides whenever he catches Cody doing it.  “I haven't touched pear wine since!”
Cody will never stop checking.  He can all too easily imagine what might have happened if he hadn't heard the small snores emanating from his shoe.  Obi-Wan swears he could have cast his magic in time to escape serious injury, even hungover and half-asleep, but Cody won't take the chance.
Also—Obi-Wan is annoyed by reminders of the time he got so drunk he fell asleep in a shoe.  Cody will never, ever stop checking.
(notes: in this au, the clones are magically-created copies of a bitter warrior with a vendetta.  they’ve escaped from the wicked mages who created them and have made a home for themselves.  somewhere along the way they met a society of tiny mage sprites -- the jedi, natch -- and made friends, and everything is Soft.  
mage sprite obi-wan has brown butterfly wings.  :3)
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starshineandbooks · 4 years
Of ghosts and sons
Based almost entirley off of @lovelylogans‘s Gilmore girls AU - AO3 Tumblr
Read THIS on Ao3
Summary: Remus reflects back on his thoughts of his still living loved ones’ lives. Watching his teenager grow into a married man with a kid. 
        Also known as: An excuse to write soft dad! Remus and Son! Roman, and explore how a dead Remus feels about his son marrying an academically smart moron.
Word count: 2596
Pairing: Romantic Moxiety, Romantic Logince, familial lampr
Warnings: Dead character (Remus is a ghost kinda?), mild cursing, a few suggestive lines, Remus being Remus, weird food, sympathtic! Remus
Remus figured he achieved a pretty great death. Oh, sure, he misses things, but now he can float around behind people and be himself with free of judgement, which is, nice. Oddly nice. Don’t get him wrong, he’d had friends, ut, even Virgil and Isidora had been a little weirded out every once in a while.
And, he’s watched Virgil and Isidora, of course he did. They mattered to him. 
Remus is proud of Virgil, finding a good guy, even if he wasn’t a guy Remus would have chosen, to settle down with. Virgil and Patton, Remus think they’re a good match. He’d have loved to make Patton squirm though. Nothing personal, he liked to make everyone squirm. It was fun!
Patton is also fairly interesting, at first Remus just watched him after earth because he was a scandal. Patton, trans, sixteen year old run away, with a baby. Pretty interesting.
Then, Remus got invested. Oops.
Patton was kind, and  a good person. Remus could respect him. Remus isn't so sure that he and Patton would have been friends, but Remus had to admit, Patton was respectable.
Patton Sanders, the kid stood up for himself and his child. Patton befriended Virgil, which is hard enough, then made Virgil love him, which is even harder. Then Virgil fell for Patton romantically, which is a task to make happen. 
Patton raised a smart, ambitious kid. Logan. Remus is fond of Logan, but don’t tell anyone. Of course, Logan is also basically Virgil’s kid, which basically makes Remus Logan’s roundabout uncle in a weird way. 
Logan is smart, wickedly so in fact. The kid goes to Chilton, and is very ambitious. In a cutthroat manner almost. Yet, Logan is genuinely kind, and cares for Remus’ own child.
That’s another thing. Remus has a kid. A biological child he never met.
Isidora had been someone Remus genuinely loved. Not romantically, but he had loved her more than anything else, except maybe Virgil. But that was a different kind of love. 
Isidora, the five foot two latina had been a spitfire of a dancer when Remus knew her. Not much had changed, except, she had Roman not long after Remus died.
And Virgil, bless the man, had fought to be in Roman’s life.
Roman was a lot like his mom, loyal, kind, courageous. Roman was taller than his mother, but just as graceful.
Roman, Remus’ baby, shut up that’s Remus’ baby. His spawn. He’s allowed to be a little sappy.
Roman had grown from an over excited six year old kissing his best-friend-and-first-crush’s skinned knee better into a kind, loyal, selfless teenager who’s a dancer just like his mother.
Remus isn’t stupid. Crazy, inconsiderate, and crass? Sure. But Remus is not and has never been stupid.
He knows that Roman probably is better off for not having him around.
Remus is loud, disruptive, rude, disgusting, and generally the opposite of what is ‘socially acceptable’. Remus even revels in this fact.
But, It’s not always an easy life to lead. And Remus does want Roman to have an easy life where he knows how good he is.
But, on the other hand, he watched Roman struggle with a dad sized cut out hole in his life.
Remus had become something of a myth in Sideshire. Remus, the horror story author recluse, Isidora Prince’s best friend, Roman’s dad, died in a mysterious car crash.
No one really tells Roman much about Remus. So, Roman had a bit of doubt, which is natural.
And Remus is so incredibly proud of Roman. For everything.
Roman had graduated highschool with a solid three point four grade point average. The kid had started college on time and was happy. Roman worked as a dance instructor in the town he attends college in, teaching kids to dance. 
Roman ended up with a supportive boyfriend, Logan. And the two are a good couple, built off of friendship, love, trust, and respect. The stuff of fairytales, even if they do argue a little more than they’d admit.
Remus has learned he can in fact visit dreams, and talk to people that way, he’s had some conversations with Virgil and Isidora that way.
But, Remus thinks it might be time to visit his son. Especially since Virgil and Patton are finally engaged and Roman is thinking about proposing to Logan.
So, that’s how Remus finds himself sitting in Lucy’s diner opposite of his son and his son’s boyfriend. Apparently this is a shared dream between the couple. Works just as well, Remus supposes.
After all, Remus is fairly fond of Logan too.
“Excuse me,” Logan says looking up from his book and where his head had been resting on Roman’s shoulder, “Do we know you? You look very familiar, I regret to say I can not place you however.”
Remus grins wickedly, “You wouldn't I’m a ghost! My corpse is rotting six feet under you twerp!”
Roman looks up, startled, “D-dad?”
Logan tilts his head, “Oh, that makes more sense. Hello Remus. Virgil speaks fondly of you.”
“Dad,” Roman whispers again, grabbing Logan’s arm, “Logan, that’s my dad.”
“I know, I can see dear.” Logan says in an exasperated yet fond voice.
“Hello Roman, you really do have a lot of your mother in you. Izzydory, how is she?”
“Izzy- Mama’s okay, she- she misses you. I miss you- uh- Can I miss you? I never met you.”
“You can miss the idea of someone,” Logan chimes, “And you know very well what Virgil would say about dismissing feelings.”
“Yeah,” Roman nods, “I do.”
Remus hums, turning to Lucy when she comes to take his order, “Can I get a bacon shake with Sardines and coffee grounds?”
Lucy just nods and walks off.
“That’s-” Roman chokes, “That’s gross dad.”
Remus laughs delightedly, “That’s the point!”
“He does things for amusement, not because it is logical.”
“There’s no rhyme or reason to what I do kid, I just do a skiddly boo.” Remus smiles, “So, what’s life like for you in the Bronx kid?”
Roman just stares blankly at his father, “This can't be real, I’ve gotta be dreaming, Lo, darling, I’m dreaming right?”
Logan just sighs, “I had assumed I was, I don’t know Roman, one of us is for sure.”
“You both are, it’s a shared dream,” Remus nods sagely, “You guys could get up to some steamy things since you can share dreams-”
“And as Virgil would say, stop it, fam.” Logan drawls unsure, then signs, shaking his head, “Also, what in the world is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, I just meant you two could use the dreams to have dream sex-”
“Please stop,” Logan groans, putting his face in his hands and making a distressed sound, “Why are you like this? That is your son.”
“I know!” Remus cheers, “So, Roman, any questions?”
Roman stares at Remus, “I- I had so many, but- I can’t remember them now.”
Logan turns and whispers something to Roman.
Roman nods, “That’s right, thanks specs!”
“What’s right kid?” Remus asks.
“Oh, I’ve just always wondered, am I- Am I doing the right thing? I mean, if you’re really Remus, you’ve not seen me my whole life, like, yeah i”m your kid but, I’m not raised by you. Did- Did I do okay? Have I made you proud at least?”
Logan looks rather upset from the question, Remus notes. If the dead man had to guess, he’d say it’s because Logan doesn't like that Roman doubts himself.
And Remus doesn't like it either.
No, he is not being sentimental, shut the hell your mouth.
Remus tilts his head, “I’ve been watching you Roman. You to Logan, but Ro, kid, mijo, you’ve done well.”
Roman’s face is almost comical to Remus, wide eyes, mouth quirked up, eyebrows drawn up. A twinge of relief in the breath Roman lets out. Remus thinks he looks like an overly excited puppy. But that’s Remus�� over excited puppy.
Logan smiles gently, hidden almost. Remus does think it’s interesting how similar Logan is to Virgil.
“Really?” Roman breathes out, sounding even more like an overly excited puppy.
“I very much doubt him to be lying Roman, your mother has never put up with liars before, I doubt she would have in the father of her child.” Logan says simply, well, simply for the eighteen year old genius.
“Really, kid. You graduated with a good GPA, you got out of Sideshire, you’re a dancer just like your mother, you’re brave, and just, and kind, but don’t tell anyone I said any of this sappyniess. And kid, Roman, you’re doing good.”
“Thank you,” Roman says softly.
“You should not thank him Ro,” Logan scoffs, “He said the truth, it’s not like he offered to walk you down the aisle at your wedding.”
“Our wedding,” Roman says quickly, “My wedding will be ours.”
Logan blinks, flushing steadily, “Uh-”
“Hopefully!” Roman chimes, “I mean to hopefully!”
“God you’re obnoxiously cute, you know that?” Remus rolls hie eyes, “I’m sure you’ll both be married forever to each other and have some sappy loving relationship.”
“Thanks? I think.” Logan sighs, shaking his head.
“Hey, dad?” Roman starts, “Uh, got any life advice?”
“Save time by putting toothpaste in your food, use bottle caps as orange holders, get a toilet seat and use it to put your plate on when you eat! And, don’t try to fight with Izzy unless whatever you're fighting about really matters, because she is a stubborn woman and you’ll be tired by the end of the argument, and probably have lost.”
“The bit about your mom sounds accurate, but she’s nice and might listen?” Logan sighs, shaking his head.
“How do you use a toilet seat- never mind I don’t want to know.”
Lucy comes back, setting Remus’ abomination of a milk shake down.
Remus thanks her, turning his head to look at Roman.
“God, you really got your mama’s pretty, you know that? I mean, you look like me some, but god.”
“I- You thought mama was pretty?” Roman blinks, “I’d always thought you were gay, they always said-”
“Kid, I’m gay, not blind.” Remus chuckles, “But yeah, your mom’s pretty kid.”
“Yeah,” Roman sighs, she is.”
“You’re about to wake up because of an alarm you set because you, my friend, have an early shift today. I’m proud of you kid, you’re doing good. I’ll talk to you again, later. Okay?”
“Dad?” Roman blinks, “Are you really here?”
“I’m dead, but yeah, I’m here.”
“Thanks dad.”
“I love you kid,” Remus sighs, “Good luck on your test tomorrow!”
Roman blinks startled but fades from the dream, leaving just Logan.
Logan looks at Remus and snorts darkly, “This isn't at all awkward, you know, my boyfriend’s dead dad in Lucy’s diner. Not to mention that you’re Virgil’s best friend.”
“Yeah, probably word that I’m your uncle and your boyfriend’s dad,” Remus snorts, “But I like weird.”
“Uh, uncle?!”
“Yeah, you’re basically Virgil’s kid, meaning that since I’m basically his brother, that I’m basically your uncle!” Remus cackles, “I thought you were the smart one!”
“It depends on the kind of intelligence,” Logan sighs, “I’ll admit I lack some of the more, say, social knowledge. But, I have dad and Roman at least.”
“Yeah, well, you're a good kid to Logan.”
“Be good to my baby Logan,” Remus says darkly, “Be good to my baby or I’ll figure out how to ruin your entire life.”
Logan looks up to Remus, “If I were to be bad to Roman, I’d have ruined my life myself. Because, he is my everything, as stupid and sappy as that sounds.”
Remus nods, “Good. You’ll make it through you know you two will make it out together.”
“Good.” Logan hums, tilting his head, “You're an asshole though. You really hurt a lot of the people we both care for.”
“Ballsy,” Remus smirks, “Calling the dead father of your boyfriend that. I knew I liked you!”
“Very few people seem to,” Logan shrugs, “But the whole dying and destroying Ms. Prince and Virgil and leaving Roman to be in the dark is really my only complaint against you.”
“Y’know, I did regret not being able to be there for them, but Roman especially. He’s my baby Logan, I know you don’t have kids, but, there’s just something about them.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“Yeah, well, I should go.”
“Probably so. And Remus?”
“If you really can talk to people through dreams, don’t leave Roman alone, he’d like you to talk to him. And, maybe talk to Virgil and Ms.Prince some too.”
“Of course. Later dork. Dork means- You’re gone.”
Remus shakes his head as the dream dissolves around him, a bitter laugh leaving him.
Remus made sure to speak to his loved ones every so often, the first time he visited Isidora after Logan had told him too it had been ten years and she had cried a little when she woke up.
Virgil had insulted Remus the whole dream that Remus had visited the emo music loving man.
Remus watches Virgil and Patton’s wedding, glad to watch the entire thing and see his best friend happy. Remus notices that Roman is the best man for Virgil, but only because Logan was Patton’s best man. The younger couple gave a nice speech that called attention to the fact that this wedding has been a long time in the works.
Virgil and Patton’s first dance is sweet and too sappy for Remus’ taste but okay.
Remus nearly screams when Roman and Logan get engaged, because, like the dorks they are, they propose at the same time.
Logan and Roman got reneged on their fifth anniversary, in the gazebo, under the stars. Remus had proposed first, because this was his plan. But Roman pulled out his own ring and asked Logan.
Because the two are entirely too cute.
Remus gloated to them next time he spoke to them both, he called it after all.
Roman and Logan’s wedding is a year and a half later, over the summer between their junior and senior years in college. 
It’s a bigger affair than Virgil and Patton’s had been, but not the largest wedding.
The whole town came, along with Logan’s grandparents, and a few friends from the boys’ own colleges.
Roman and Logan had stared at each other sappily the whole vow giving, making stupid cow eyes.
But, Remus creamed the loudest cheer out of anyone at that wedding when the two kissed and sealed the deal. He caught Isidora and Virgil looking around, then sharing a glance and a bitter laugh, a mutter of Remus’ name.
Roman and Logan’s first dance, per Roman’s selection, was a stupidly sappy song, for a pair of stupidly sappy new husbands. Husbands, God, Roman was married now. To his highschool sweetheart no less, his small town highschool sweetheart.
Remus would say something arguably rude about the whole sappy ordeal, if it wasn’t Roman’s wedding.
A few years down the line, after Logan and Roman graduate, they buy a house in Sideshire, adopting a kid. And oh, Remus has a grandchild now.
Virgil and Patton went to family dinners on Fridays with Emilie and Richard Sanders, Logan and Roman going as well. And somehow, Remus is glad that his saps have each other.
As much as Remus misses his friends and his family, as much as he wishes he could be there for them in the flesh, he’s proud of them no matter what. Even if they are stupidly sappy.
But, Remus looks forward to reuniting with Isidora and Virgil, and officially meeting the rest. One day, but hopefully, not soon.
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zer0pm · 6 years
Imagine V giving you a pet name.
You two were separated for a few hours, clearing out different parts of the ruined city of the qliphoth roots that seem to spread out endlessly. When you reconvened, he appeared to have been waiting for you, reading his book while leaning against Nico’s van. Upon seeing you, the tattooed man greets you with a kind smile that nearly sets you off balance in the most pleasant way.
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V: “Little Wanderer, where did you go?”
You: “Is that what you’re calling me now? Going to say “hie thee home” next?”
You teased, remembering his affinity for poetry as well as the last words he imparted on the demon Goliath before striking it down. You were thankful that he uses that same greeting on more friendlier terms with you.
Affectionate terms would be better. You shake your head of that thought. You hardly know the man, only diving into the devil hunting shindig with him a month ago when your boss Dante went lost in the demon tree. But a month goes by, you and V stuck together and it worked out well. There was a chemistry between you two that contrived of playful banter and unspoken trust. He appreciates having a companion that understands and even plays along with his cultured tastes and you found yourself drawn to his level-headed, smooth personality. You two make a good team and smile back at him for this.
He closes his book and stows it away before approaching you, cane with him in each smooth stride. His green eyes focus on you.
V: “Do you have a home to go back to?”
You could easily answer “no”, none of you do after the tree appeared but instead, you chose to forego the darker path in favor of a road lighter and full of fun. A devilish smirk plays on your lips.
You: “Only if I get to call that home you.”
His brow raises at your boldness. The banter between you two has touched on the flirtatious side of the scale every now and then but it was always subtle and in good fun. This, on the other hand, was blatant. If the roles were reversed, you would have scoffed it off, blushed, and scolded him for being such a tease, as often was the case. But not this time, the ball was in his park and you knew V enough to predict he would never brush off a challenge.
V: “Hmph.”
He inches closer to you when suddenly you feel the cold steel of his cane upon your shoulder, the head pulling you to him until your chests almost touch.
V: “Then next time, don’t stray too far.”
You stepped in until your face was right in front of his. Okay, you admit it. You are attracted to this man. This mysterious man whose voice is like honey that you wanted to taste the more you see the words so fluidly roll off of his charming tongue. It was now or never.
You: “V, I-”
Nico: “Yo! There you two are. You comin’ inside or gonna do business out here?”
Dammit, Nico! You knew by business she meant actual work, but your mind went in a total different direction. The glisten in V’s eyes and the growing, incorrigible smile on his face was proof that he knew what you were thinking. He chuckles at your slight frustration towards the lethal artisan.
V: “A truth that’s told with bad intent
Beats all the lies that you can invent.”
He leans forward until his lips softly tickled your ear and you can feel his warm breath caressing the skin of your neck. His silky voice so soft you almost had to control yourself not to lean into him.
V: “And the truth is: I have nothing but bad intent towards you.”
Well, then! The man had definitely succeeded in rendering you speechless and gaping like a fish. Before you could even come up with something witty or anything at all for that matter, V moves away from you and makes way towards the van. He eyes you over his shoulder.
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V: “Little Wanderer...hie thee home.”
A/N: Reposted cause tumblr is acting buggy with the original post. Apparently suave V is too much for the internet OTL so sorry to everyone that already read it.
Anyways! I also posted this on my Ao3 account @ Zer0PM so if you would like to keep track and go back to my V imagines as I go along, that’ll be the easiest place to check it out :D
Other than that, thanks again for the support and hope everyone has a lovely weekend! 🙏🏻❤️
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