#had to take a shower bc i couldnt get warm afterwards
ziam-is-golden · 4 years
Lots of love and keep well!
Stay inside
Wash your hands! (Don’t forget to use protective hand lotion afterwards)
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cashtonsangel · 6 years
Here’s another one because I can’t help myself??? (Also nsfw warning) Imagine Cal coming home one day and you’re fresh out of the shower, wrapped up in only a fluffy bathrobe and hair twisted up in a towel. You’re blasting music (probably Youngblood, the album, bc you weren’t expecting him to be home yet which makes Cal smile, proud that his gf likes his music) and Cal announces his presence and makes you jump and a little (1/4)
but he walks over and he’d just be like, “babe you’re so beautiful” and you’d blush and shake your head because you’re not done up or anything and he’d insist that you are, “you’re stunning, I’m so lucky,” he’d say as he places a kiss to your lips and slowly works his way down to your neck, and his hand would sneakily untie your robe, pushing it off your shoulders so he can get better access to your neck. (2/4)
And Cal would mumble something about how you’re so beautiful as he completely pushes off the robe, making it fall to the floor and he’d pick you up and gently set you down on the sink and his hand would make it’s way between your thighs, “so wet for me babe” and after fingering you to an orgasm, he’d probably just take you then and there in the bathroom and you’d both be a sweating, panting, mess. (¾)
“Cal, I’m gross again and I just got out of the shower,” you’d pout at him and his response would be, “let’s take another one, together.” And you guys would shower together, taking turns washing each other’s hair and bodies and eventually you’d end up in bed wrapped in warm blankets, cuddling together. Takkdoskwidns that was so long I’m sorry I got carried away????? -🙈 (4/4)
okay this is literally amazing and such a great concept!!! like everything that i want in life you have no idea. im literally so soft for calum rn soo. also babes you are literally so amazing for sending all of your concepts to me like i literally love you so much!! i really want us to be friends!!
okay so like i dont know about you but i cannot sit still when any song off of youngblood comes on, like i either dance around like an idiot or i scream out the lyrics so i imagine before cal announces that he is home, he would definitely admire you and how adorable you were jamming out to his album. once he did announce his presence he would go directly to your figure and start cuddling you while pushing your robe  down further and covering every inch of your exposed skin with kisses. like he would completely worship your body since you were the most beautiful person in the entire world.  and once he manages to take off your robe, cal would take a step back and admire his babygirl before having his way with you right then and there, making sure that the both of yall were completely satisfied. afterwards, you and cal would be leaning against each other for support, the only thing that could be heard was your breaths. once you regained your sense, you would be all pouty and whiny that you had to take a shower again but then you couldnt really be mad at cal since you enjoyed the sex a little too much!! and when you brought up the fact that you needed to shower again, cal’s eyes would light up because he loves to take care of you . even though he loves fucking you, intimate moments such as washing each other are what he lives for. like he would be so giggly and joke around the entire which drags out the process but you didn’t complain because cal is such a cutie and you love him so much. and when you finally get out of the shower, the two of yall would get settled on the bed and curl up against each other while putting on something movie or show but yall wouldnt be paying any attention to it cause you were so entranced by each others’ presence.
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jorenal · 7 years
we’re 6ish hours away from home from our short spur of the moment spring break.
i had a lot of fun. you wanna hear what we did? of course you do.
when we first got there we unloaded and went to the beach. it was warm and windy but the perfect amount of both. the water was so cold i didn’t get in. afterwards, we came back to caro’s mom’s house to get ready then we went to the club. SO FUN….
…..until boob called me a bitch.
guess i kind of have to explain that, too.
he came down to the dance floor and apparently he took it wrong bc i said “go find [my best friend]”
-pause- my best friend was addied out and drunk and passed out on the beach and we couldn’t get him up for like a few hours. he woke up finally still drunk and didn’t remember a thing. then continued to drink at the club. he also doesn’t charge his phone ever, so i thought it would be a good idea to keep tabs on him -unpause-
anyways, he comes down to the dance floor after attempting to find him and says “do you not want me to be here?” and i was like “what why?” confused af. and then he proceeded to explain to me the situation^^ and then said “you’re being a bitch.”
boom. instantly sober and pissed off.
things just have been kind of weird ever since then. we talked it out. more like i yelled about it and he kept apologizing, but that was really it. keep in mind this is the SECOND vacation i've been on since i've been with boob. and the first one he broke up with me. the second one i'm a bitch. i should stop trying to go on vacations fr
anyways, the next day me and my best friend went and got breakfast for everyone then we went and bought him a bathing suit (yes he didnt even have one yet lol). then we all went to the beach and i had so much fun bc i played soccer for like 2 ½ hours with a volleyball.
-pause- I MISS SOCCER SO MUCH. i haven’t attempted to play, but i’m so glad i did yesterday. i just felt like i got so much out. luckily caro-lion, my “girlfriend” and caro-lion’s bro all played soccer with me in high school, so it was also just really fun playing with them again. -unpause-
then we ended up leaving at 7 which was kind of late and then getting ready and going to eat. i showered first and my best friend reaaaalllyy had to take a shit so he shat while i was showering and OMG NEVER LETTING HIM DO THAT AGAIN BC HE DIDNT TELL ME IT WAS GONNA BE A PEEING OUT OF YOUR BUTT KIND OF SHIT AND HE JUST SENT IT AND I COULDNT TURN BACK BC I WAS ALREADY SHOWERING SHAMPOO IN MY HAIR AND ALL AND OMG NEVER AGAIN. we ended up taking a nap after we ate bc the food took so long we didn’t have time to do anything after and heading out and here we are 6 hours away from home already.
ALSO, i’m not being weird at all bc i never feel any types of weird about anything like this, but boob flirted with my “girlfriend” like 80% of the time we were there. so that was cool, too.
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