#i still think that mid may is an optimistic date
queenmarytudor · 6 months
Hello ! I was wondering on what is your take on the false pregnancies of Mary Tudor . Do you think that she had a miscarriage early on her pregnancy? Or do you think it was an actual phantom pregnancy.
I tend to think she had an early miscarriage in 1555 that manifested as a phantom pregnancy for a few reasons.
It's shown in various different sources that Mary is reluctant throughout her 'pregnancy 'to confirm it's real.
An English ambassador told the Emperor in November that Mary "will not confess the matter until it is proved to her face" and it's only around Christmas Mary acknowledges that "As for that child which I carry in my belly, I declare it to be alive.” Carole Levin points out it's a strange word choice and I agree.
The biggest piece of evidence is at the beginning of May in my opinion. When the court are awaiting her child's birth, it's recorded that "according to her count it would not be strange if her delivery were to be delayed until the 6th of June."
Mary herself seemed to think she was a month behind her pregnancy then everyone else and there must be a reason for that.
We know she was recorded as being ill in mid September: "I have noticed her feeling sick (or seen her being sick) besides which her doctor has given me positive assurance, saying that if it were not true all the signs described by physicians would prove to be fallacious." I don't find it hard to believe Mary found herself nauseous and bleeding and thought it was a late period (it's well known she suffered badly with menstruation) or an early miscarriage, while her optimistic ladies and doctors handwaved it all away as usual symptoms of pregnancy, which are real and common.
With the altered hormones in Mary's body it would lead to her still producing pregnancy symptoms for a while (you can still produce them several weeks after miscarrying). I think this is likely what led her to later believe she was pregnant after all, but due after everyone else expected.
It's 9 months from October to June, when Mary believed she was due...
This is all my personal theory, but to me this explains her initial unsurety, the peculiar wording declaring she's not just pregnant but the babe in her belly is "alive", and her miscounting the dates compared to everyone else.
As for the 1557/8 I'm less sure of that just because there's hardly any information about it. It seems again Mary, despite her portrayal in media, was not certain of the pregnancy because she delayed informing Philip until what she thought was the seventh month.
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weebnotheree · 1 year
♥ Tbhk x M! Reader ♥♡ Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun ♡ CH3
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Ch. 03 - The beginning of: Meeting you again (pt. 1)
Yashiro's pov
[shes walking rn btw while thinking]
I was on my way to the girls' bathroom thinking about what I just did. That boy..he's not like the rumors at all. Well, at least he granted me a wish. [tell me why I JUST noticed I forgot to make m/n grant her wish. THE WISH PART I forgot. Nvm just imaging the wish you gave her and ill go back and edit..maybe tomorrow or Monday.]¨I need to tell Hanako. . . . .HANAKO?! OH NO I FORGOT I HAD TO CLEAN THE BATHROOM TODAY. 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。
I was rushing in a hurry to get to the girls' bathroom. Until I made it. Before I opened the door I was thinking why do I have to clean the girls' bathroom it's gross...'I feel more like a maid than a paranormal apprentice.' I soon opened the door and walked in. ¨Hanako, Hanako, Hanako...CAN I PLEASE GO HOME THESE TOILETS ARE GROSSING ME OUUUT!!¨
¨Not yet!¨ he responded back happily as he came out of the stall.
¨Please, there's just something I have to get done today?!¨
¨mmm no. I've also got something important I need to you to do when you're finished. Sounds like your only option is to clean faster.¨ He said smiling
¨Not faiRrrr! [Shakes him]You may be eternally young but I'm not! I'm at the price of my life right now and I could be missing my big chance today because of youUu!¨
[dizzy] (@□@)
¨Chance for what?¨
[stops shaking him]¨Not trying to brag but I got asked out on the second date by fuji the coolest guy in class.¨ I said happily smiling with my eyes closed while holding up the number two. {¨Are you free after school today?¨} ¨He really wants to meet me alone in our classroom later and i really don't want to stand him up.¨ I said still in the same pose smiling.
¨A date?!!¨ Hanako said. ¨What exactly are you expected to do with this kid?¨ Hakano asked floating close to me in mid-air.
¨If you really wanna know I guess I have to tell youu~¨ I said with hearts above my head smiling with a tent of blush on my cheeks.
. . . . . . . ¨Were meeting in an empty classroom to organize paperwork for student council. Fuji said he has to leave right away though so I told him id finish up. He's so shyy.¨ (ᓀ ᓀ||||)
¨If he's leaving than does that count as a date?¨ (O O)
¨Sure. I may just be a woman of convenience for now. But eventually, he'll I'm a catch.¨ I say trying to reassure myself, crouching down.
¨Well that's one way to look at it. But there's a fine line between optimistic and naive. Sounds to me like he's using you.¨ He says and I feel him behind me. ¨Stay. Don't go on this date.¨ He then puts his hands on mine, closing them together while saying ¨Ill show you a better time than that guy will.¨ I gasps and look back at him and he's looking at me. ¨And I won't leave you alone.¨[now she holding the mop and lets out a weird sound which idk wut to call it.] . . . . .I clench the broom ¨Thank you Hanako but if my choices are to clean bathrooms with you or sort paperwork alone, then please hand me all the stacks.¨
{difeated shocked noises-hanako} ¨Uh??!!¨ Σ(□△□|||)
¨Okay that's fine. You must really miss breathing through your gills. Guess I better go shopping. What's your favorite fish food?¨
¨✨Nothing brings me more joy than a sparkling clean bathroom!✨¨ I said happily mopping.
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🌻I'm autistic mid to high support needs. I'm 24yo and trying but failing to live alone and take care of myself, and with medication and therapy. Still struggling to graduate from my undergrad. Four of my five best friends from high school, who I only talk to once a year or so, are engaged now. One of them is getting married later this year. I feel like a failure. I know I have a disability but I still feel like I'm disappointing everyone. I've never dated. I struggle to make friends, though now I have made amazing friendships and I appreciate them. But I can barely see my future and it upsets me. I don't feel like I'm good enough to anyone.
Hey there,
I think that it is hard for anyone who have majority of their friends who are engaged when you are not, but in your situation and having a disability on top of that must be even tougher. I want you to know though that things won’t always feel so drab and like you won’t have a good life like your friends, sometimes it just takes a while longer for some people to see the brighter side of life!
I think it’s great that you are at college, despite the fact you may be struggling at the moment. Are you able to take some time off or drop a few classes and just focus on 1 or 2 at a time? I know that this may mean it will take even longer for you to then complete your undergrad but sometimes just chipping away at things slowly is better than putting ourselves under more stress and trying to complete everything at once. So maybe it may be worth to explore your options and see what would suit you best. It doesn’t matter how long it may take you to graduate, just take it one day at a time and do what you can to the best of your ability – you’ve got this!
To have a goal to live alone is great but you mentioned that you are struggling with this at the moment. Again, can you think of what it may look like for you to succeed in living alone? Once thinking about what may make it easier for you, things you could implement to make this work, it will hopefully help it to feel more achievable for you to work towards, even if it means first living in supported accommodation to begin with until you feel able to live alone and still be able to look after yourself. Remember too that you can live alone and still have support! For example, I live alone and have a support worker come over 3 times a week to help out, give me some company and just to help to improve my mental health overall. Is this something you could look into?
To feel like you are a disappointment to others and not being able to see your future clearly right now, I think that it’s important to try to challenge these views you have about yourself. So for example, feeling like you are a disappointment to others – try to look back to what you have so far achieved in life, the fact you do have good friends even if you don’t see them regularly and also the fact you got into college as I know that a lot of people do not get that opportunity. And in regards to feeling as though you don’t have a future – have goals that you can work towards, like finishing your undergrad over time and being able to successfully live alone even if it means having some type of support and help from others. By simply trying to change our view on things we can really turn things around in our minds and feel a bit more positive and optimistic about things in life.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please od let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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soccerdailyuk · 1 year
Date set for potential arrival of Josko Gvardiol at Manchester City as ‘no way back’ order issued for first-team star
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Date set for potential arrival of Josko Gvardiol at Manchester City as ‘no way back’ order issued for first-team star According to reports, Manchester City may be preparing to welcome Josko Gvardiol to the Etihad Stadium after the start of the Premier League season. However, discussions regarding the transfer have slowed down in recent days, despite earlier claims that a transfer fee had been agreed upon with the Bundesliga club for the talented Croatian central defender. The situation surrounding the 21-year-old's potential move is just one part of a larger picture of player movements at the Etihad Stadium. Manchester City is currently facing uncertainties concerning the futures of players such as Joao Cancelo and Bernardo Silva. As the summer transfer window progresses, Manchester City's dealings have been a subject of media attention, with the 37th day of the window already passed. RB Leipzig director, Max Eberl: “There is no agreement with Man City . Not even close… The fact is City would like to have him. Currently we are still very far apart. The transfer of Szoboszlai has secured us financially. We don’t need the money. We would prefer Joško to stay… We are not a club that blocks anything. We are transparent. But we have our ideas and want them to be implemented… “A lot has been written anyway and the latest information about Joško surprised us all. But as you can see: Josko is here – so it’s not true… He didn’t do a medical – not that we know. And I don’t think he did it behind our backs because he’s just a professional…” (Sky Germany) Manchester City is still determined to secure Josko Gvardiol as their top priority during the transfer window, and they are optimistic about his eventual arrival, even though an agreement hasn't been reached in time for him to join their pre-season tour. The club is currently hesitant to meet RB Leipzig's asking price for Gvardiol, as Leipzig believes their valuation is fair due to the defender's higher release clause next summer. (Reports by Simon Bajkowski, Manchester Evening News, and Simon Stone, BBC Sport) A potential transfer of Josko Gvardiol to Manchester City is not something that will be decided on Deadline Day. The implications, both in terms of sports and finances, are significant, prompting RB Leipzig to seek clarity in the coming weeks. If Manchester City is genuinely interested in signing Gvardiol, they should aim to finalize the deal by mid-August. Contrary to recent rumors, Manchester City has no realistic chance of acquiring either Barcelona's Raphinha or RB Leipzig's Dani Olmo. This is because Riyad Mahrez's move to a Saudi Arabian club is progressing, which likely affects any potential signings. (Reports by Philipp Hinze, Sky, and Vayam Lahoti, City Xtra) Date set for potential arrival of Josko Gvardiol at Manchester City as ‘no way back’ order issued for first-team star Read the full article
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talesgolden · 2 years
Character Outline
tagged: stole it from myself (again) ! tagging: i support theft, this time largely because I don’t know who has/hasn’t done this one
Full Name:  Simon Antonia Romero-Martín
Date of Birth:  15 June
Age: mid-late twenties
Social Class: oh. uh, like.. lower? I’ve just realized I’ve removed them from a support system they were developing and this has resulted in that they may technically be homeless, help. Picks up odd jobs and brief stints in minimum wage places to sustain themself.
Parents: Íngrid Romero-Herrera & Berto Martín-Cortez (deceased)
Siblings: Calista Romero-Martín, older sister; Joaquín Romero-Martín, younger brother
Height:  5′2″
Weight: no; their build is full & curvy, on the plumper side of average
Distinguishing Features: Tiny, squishy, but can still kick ass. There’s a dimple on their left cheek that will absolutely ruin your life (because it’s just very cute.)
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Medium brown
What do they consider their best feature?: Smile? I don’t know that they give it that much thought really.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Casual and outdoorsy, bohemian, with lots of knit and blue jeans and a mixture of pants and skirts. Got a thing for customizing their clothes by painting on or embroidering them. I could keep trying to describe it or you could just go look [here]
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Jewelry! Tattoos! Piercings! Simon really likes and collects vintage(/vintage inspired) rings and bracelets. They do also have an interesting assortment of necklaces and anklets. There is a tattoo thingy (here.) Their ears are only pierced the one time, but beyond this they also have a double navel piercing (top and bottom). Just ‘cause.
Do they work out/exercise?: Some yoga gets worked into their not-a-routine fairly regularly, but other than that no
Level of Self Esteem: Pretty good, pretty high. Broadly comfortable and secure in their identity, appearance, etc.
Known Languages: Spanish, English
Gifts/Talents: I have just been informed they can wiggle their ears. This is news to me but there you go.
How do they deal with stress?: Stress-baking, 100%. The problem will be more conquerable once the (cookies/bread/pie/muffins/etc.) are done and have been eaten/shared.
What do they do when upset?: Run.
Do they believe in happy endings?: They would......................... like to.
How do they feel about asking for help?: No particularly strong feelings, really? Some things they wouldn’t ask for help with, but that’s more to do with the fact those things are secrets than any objection to being helped.
Optimist or Pessimist: Uh. Good question.
Extrovert or Introvert: I think ultimately an introvert, but with a high level of sociability before burnout.
Leader or Follower: Loner
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: Bit of both?
Spontaneous or Planner: Spontaneous!
Thinker or Doer: I think a bit more of a thinker? They’re not afraid to try things, good god will they just try things, but there are times when they get caught in that thought-feedback loop and also my goodness do they spent a lot of time theorizing and testing things in a very mad-scientist-esque way (but like. with recipes and potions, not mass destruction. But they very much mix things no person should mix.)
Organized or Messy: Organized. There’s a flow to it, a sort of rustic and organic nature to the layout and feel, so it never seems sterile or perfectly curated, but there are places for things and things go in their places. It wouldn’t do to start letting potions or potion materials overlap or get mixed up or cross contaminate each other, now would it? Then we’d all be sorry.
Worrier or Carefree: Well they don’t have anxiety, anyway. A lot of guilt and some concerns about where they’re going and who/what they’re becoming, but honestly if not for the whole werewolf thing they’d be much more relaxed.
Artistic?: Somewhat! Most of their artistic expression is focused on the joy of the process, though, so while there’s definitely an arty ~vibe~ they’re not like, studying figures or planning to do deep dives on the complexities of contemporary art or anything. Simon paints (and etc.) for fun, and because the process of the art is engaging and rewarding. The final product isn’t really the major concern. If it looks cool, awesome! If not, well, they had fun anyway.
Mathematical?: Absolutely not
Current marital/relationship/sexual status: Single. but they’re protesting because their most developed version was in a ship they were very happy about so there’s also that.
Sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret): Pansexual, with just a little bit of a lean for feminine people admittedly. Simon was very lucky to have grown up in a very encouraging climate: they were very free to explore their sexuality and never really faced it being potentially “othering” until after they left home. They still don’t really question it, but it has become more of a open secret sort of situation. They don’t go out of their way to deny or conceal their sexuality (or gender identity) but don’t wave it around either.
Views on sex (one night stands, promiscuity, etc): Have fun, be safe, hit anyone who tries to pressure you ♥
Ever been in love?: A couple of times. It’s a tender subject.
Do they fall in love easily?: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnno? There is. I mean this one thing happened sort of fast but it definitely was not love at first it was Fun at first but it escalated and that still happened? A little fast I think??? But not. instantly. I dunno man.
Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future?: Proverbially they made eye contact with me and went  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Marriage is neither here nor there. They do...like children. And raising them isn’t like...... off the table? But there is. A lot of grey area and many questions in the situation of conceiving that I’m not sure they’d be totally comfortable with. Regardless, they’d what to be in a more stable financial situation before considering it. Simon doesn’t mind sleeping in public places on occasion or skipping a meal here and there but would not put a child in that situation.
Thoughts on public displays of affection?: A menace. Not likely to be explicitly inappropriate in public spaces but very much going to tease about it.
How do they show affection/love to their partner?: A menace; Simon is very biased toward love bites and leaving marks, often in very intentionally visible locations. (They’re a little bit.............. I was going to say “jealous” but I think “territorial” is funnier.) They’re also very physical in general, and want to both give and soak up as much attention and touch as possible. They also like to banter and flirt, even in established relationships, as a way of expressing continued interest and attraction.
Social Habits (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): A loner, really, but in such a warm and oddly charming way that a lot of people tend to miss the way that wow Simon knows so much about everyone and treats them all with such friendliness and is so fondly regarded and yet...no one could really tell you much about them, where they come from, what their family is like, etc. Every now and then they make a strong bond, but mostly they keep to themself in this fashion.
How do they treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?: As said, warm and friendly and honestly a little bit flirty. They also tend to come across as odd if not on first impression than soon after. All of this, though, while still keeping people at a distance. Bigots and hateful people are going to catch some serious sass and, if they’re being particularly unpleasant, maybe some hands.
Argue or avoid conflict?: Situational. In the past Simon has been known to question things and stir up trouble, and generally won’t idly accept or tolerate hate speech or cruel behavior. They also, however, have run from several large conflicts in their life rather than stick them out and see them resolved.
Dreams: oof. Don’t worry about it.
Greatest Fears: The full moon really just hits different, now; the thought of being caught off guard, of causing harm to people, scares Simon to bits.
Biggest Regret: [Redacted]
What they most want  to change about their current life?: Everything to do with getting bitten, probably.
Hobbies: Embroidery(+possibly crochet?), cooking and baking, gardening & herbology, painting, exploring, hiking, some mild zoology/animal care, and some astrology interest
Indoors or Outdoors?: Outdoors
Favorite Color: Yellow! but specifically like...... goldenrod yellow. Fall leave yellow. Warm toned and deep and rich. Lemonade yellow just isn’t it ok.
Favorite Smell: maybe just. Soil? Like, potting soil. Middle of the forest dirt. Earthy smells.
Favorite and least favorite food: Too many favorites do not ask. (Though....maybe partial to mushrooms?) Not a big fan of bacon, believe it or not.
Coffee or Tea?: Coffee but in the most cursed way imaginable.
Favorite type of weather: Immediately post-rain, when everything is alive and nourished and, yes, wet and splashable.
Favorite form of entertainment: Movies, I think. Movies are silly and fun and good for spending quality time with people.
How do they feel about traveling?: Home is behind, the world ahead!
What sort of gifts do they like?: Bring them the weird shiny thing that may or may not be a rock that you found on your walk. A flower that is considered a weed. A tin ring you got out of a quarter machine. A pack of stickers that seemed very them.
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: Considerably something of a Hippie-type. Interpret that how you will.
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: Cigarettes, no. It’s like.... verse dependent and version-of-Simon-in-question dependent but definitely they dabble in weed. They bake with it more than smoke it, but do both.
Have they ever tried other drug? (which, what happened, consequences): There may have been a notable shroom escapade. Don’t worry about it. (No really, don’t worry, nothing bad happened, they had a lovely and absolutely bananas time. 7/10 might do again.)
Do they have any addictions?: Nah.
Most important/defining event in life to date: It just keeps coming back to the Bite doesn’t it?
Daily routine: Absolutely Not
Typical Saturday night: Doing something alone, usually! Simon likes to cook and to explore, etc., by themself. Sometimes they go out on their own to something like dinner or a movie. In a way I would describe as regular but not frequent they will seek out hookups. (This. this is not exclusive to Saturdays but. Y’know. Weekend vibes.)
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse): They may in fact be homeless at this juncture. When they do have somewhere to land, though, Simon tends toward the neater side of things, and given time will accumulate a lot of knick knacks and textiles to decorate with. The natural vibes apply, though in a deliberate way.
Pets? if not, do they want any?: Cielo and Fontaine are both snails of a small variety native to North America I never actually thought to look up but the general notion is that Simon found Cielo by chance and thinks the snail is/has good luck and grew quite attached to the little guy. Research showed snails prefer company, thus: Fontaine. And this resulted in Simon carrying snails with them on their travels. All of this is completely normal behavior I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Can they hold their breath for a long time?: I mean. Probably just average?
Do they know how to swim?: Yep
Can they cook (if so, how well and do they enjoy it)?: They CAN they are SO GOOD at it and they REALLY LIKE TO please let them cook for you but also please cook with them!!!!!!
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ziam-is-golden · 5 years
Lots of love and keep well!
Stay inside
Wash your hands! (Don’t forget to use protective hand lotion afterwards)
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iphoenixrising · 3 years
DickTim Week Day 4: Dark!Dick and Vampire!Tim
So. So. *Steeples fingers* this may or may not be the fic for you. Yet another combination prompt because the people on the Capes and Coffee Discord are fucking enablers. You know who you are.
Warnings for: captivity, blood-letting, missing-in-time Bruce
The hidden bunker is outside the city limits of Gotham, a perfect place to stay off the grid.
Officer Grayson makes the drive with the radio on WKKG, All Gotham, All the Time. He moves his head to the beat of the pop song blaring over the line.
The outside of the abandoned gas station looks positively deserted and if they were any more rural, tumble weeds would be rolling around the decrepit gas pumps.
Officer Grayson parks around the back of the building out of sight and grabs the paper bags from the passenger side, holds his cup of coffee in the same hand, whistles to himself as he gets out of the police cruiser.
A complex locking system on a seemingly outdated walk-in freezer opens up to an elevator that is decidedly the newest fixture in the place.
He hums the chorus of the pop song from the radio on the way down, small smile on his face reflecting back at him from the mirrored doors.
The underground is a completely different world.
Apparently constructed to be a bunker, the basement is lead-lined and spacious with all processes set-up to stay off the grid, perfect for his needs. He has a separate power supply, a separate HVAC system, a security system with nearly imperceptible cameras to make sure no one, no one gets close enough to the property without alerting him immediately.
And he certainly doesn’t want anyone finding his personal mission here.
Officer Grayson puts one of the grocery bags down on a table littered with notebooks and read-outs he’d left the last time after he’d gotten samples. He sips on his coffee as he walks around the first room, lit only by the emergency lights at the top of the low-slung ceiling, and turns on the power, turns on the lights in the rest of the bunker.
The beeps behind him are the locks resetting on the elevator, the only way out.
Dick is still humming when he passes into the next room, blocked on either end with thick, metal doors complete with a complex locking mechanism and impressive alarm system. The many tables in this room are filled with laboratory equipment, a biotechnician’s playground.
Half-completed analyses are still running on the impressive screens mounted overhead, status bar at 68%.
Five-gallon buckets under the tables with black Sharpie denote chemical names with dates scribbled hastily below.
Dick sips his coffee as he looks up at the running totals, makes mental notes, compares previous tests and results.
It’s discouraging, but Dick just sighs to himself. Of all vigilantes in Gotham, he’s the optimist, and he knows that each failure will just bring him closer and closer to success. He just can’t give up.
Bruce is counting on them.
With his coffee and bag in one hand, he lets the analysis churn, and enters his code in the next door, then places a palm print on the pad outside. Leans down so his eye scan can be completed.
Unlike the other rooms, the lights come on the second the door fully unlocks and opens to allow Dick entrance.
The reason for that is to turn on the intense sun lamps to further weaken the figure strapped down to the gurney in the center of the room, strategically lessening the possibility of an attack.
Dick puts the bag and his coffee down on the only table in the room.
“Sorry I didn’t come yesterday. Rupert Thorne had a big shipment planned and we were up late tracking it,” his voice is light and cheery, his smile wide and white. He comes to the side of the gurney, takes note of the slight burning smell that always seems to permeate the room no matter how much he tries to avoid it by making sure there’s always something between skin and pure silver. Struggling dislodges whatever he uses, so the result is the smell of burning flesh.
He clicks his tongue in disappointment, looking down at Timmy’s closed eyes and painfully pale face.
His frown deepens when Tim Drake rolls his head over to face the wall instead.
Silver chains wrap his arms, legs, neck, and torso, rendering him utterly immobile. Holy relics hang over the gurney as an added safety measure. He’s completely naked under a flimsy sheet.
“Aren’t you going to say hello?” He asks softly. “I’m letting Alfred pick up Dami so I can spend some extra time with you today.”
IVs are grotesquely hooked into each major artery, set on slow drain. The multiple blood bags hooked under the gurney show the slow trickle as the bags fill to a crawl.
Tim’s violet-blue eyes crack open a sliver, but he doesn’t look away from the wall, away from freedom.
“That isn’t very nice,” Dick’s tone stays soft, yet firm. “You know what I’m trying to do here.”
The sound of Tim trying to swallow is heard over the soft mechanical beeping, the hum of working equipment. “You know how important you are to this, Timmy. I don’t like how you keep refusing to be a team player.” Dick pauses just a moment, eyes narrow, “is this still about Damian being Robin now? Because you know how many times we’ve been over this.”
Tim closes his eyes again, a muscle in his jaw jumps.
“Well, I think you’ve been sulking about it long enough,” Dick brusquely throws the sheet out of the way to show IVs, burns, and the network of complicated blood vessels below deathly pale skin. “You knew even before you went to Iraq my choices were the best for everyone, not just you.”
Dick checks all the leads, makes sure the drip is slow. He doesn’t so much as lift up the solid silver chains and nudge them with the cloth he keeps underneath, the point of it is to try and keep Tim’s skin from burning, temporarily cauterizing his veins and killing the supply. The last time the chains were displaced this much, Dick had made the mistake of lifting one, giving Tim enough power to bare his fangs and lunge. Since then, the chains have stayed put, only shuffled around a little.
“And if you would have just listened to me and stayed in Gotham, you wouldn’t have been caught by vampires in the first place. You know that, don’t you? If you would have worked with us at home, Ra’s would have never taken that much of an interest and led them right to you. Heck, you might still be alive and have your spleen.”
Shaking his head in frustration at all the events from last year when Bruce’s body was brought back, when the Battle for the Cowl had forced him to raise his hand against Jason again and break his heart over Little Wing again, when he knew Tim didn’t need any more mentorship, didn’t need the support and encouragement Damian did after losing their father, and the ultimate decision to let Tim decide his own future after Robin, when seeing Tim six months after his disappearance as a vampire in a cape, all of it had made the choice on how to handle this situation.
How to fix everything that had gone so horribly wrong.
Do what he had to do, try disseminating the secrets of immortality so they could bring Bruce back.
And like this, Tim is going to help him do it.
“But it’s okay,” he’s back to smiling again, “we’ve worked past all that, haven’t we, Timmy?” Dick is satisfied all the leads are fine and the slow flow unimpeded. He steps back to the bag on the table.
In one hand is a pint of O Positive. In the other, a Krispy Kreme with sprinkles.
Both their favorites.
“C’mon,” he cajoles after taking a bite of his donut, “it’s one of Steph’s extra pints. I know you’re going to like it.”
He holds the oozing bag to Tim’s averted mouth and patiently waits, nibbles on his donut in the other hand.
“Why don’t,” and the tone is hoarse, faint because Timmy mostly doesn’t really talk to him anymore, “you just kill me?”
Dick pauses mid-chew, blinking down at the eyes filling with bloody tears, the hitch in the chest that doesn’t really move anymore.
Dick swallows the bite, suddenly more like ash than icing in his mouth. “You know I can’t do that,” is more harsh than he means. “We don’t kill. Not even vampires.”
“Then let me go.”
“Can’t let you go out and kill people either, Tim, and I need the supply for testing.”
“This is torture. This is fucking torture and you don’t even give a shit about me anymore–”
With a flick of his fingers, a crucifix falls right on Tim’s chest, and the screams are awful, horrible, but that is probably never going to outweigh the smell.
By the time Dick finishes his donut, Tim is weakly writhing in agony and the screams have died down to soft whimpers, mouth open to show those killer fangs.
He dusts his hands off and pulls on a glove from the Nightwing suit under his uniform, gingerly lifts the holy item off, grimaces when tissue and flesh stick to it.
“Kill me,” Timmy whimpers. “Just fucking kill me.”
Dick scoffs and takes the chance to lean down, presses his mouth to Tim’s forehead. “You know I can’t lose anyone else,” is the softest of reprimands. “Don’t worry. Once I just figure this out, we’ll get Bruce back and he’ll help us reverse the turning. Before you know it, this will seem like just a bad dream.”
Dick presses another kiss to each eyelid, talking softly against the deceptively soft yet immortal skin. “And when you’re back to yourself, we can be together again. I’ll take care of you just like I used to, promise.”
Dick leans back up with a small smile on his face and familiar fondness in his eyes. He holds the bag up to Tim’s mouth again, ignores the red tears streaming down the pale face. “We’ll get there, okay? I’m close to the answers we need. I just need a little more time. But, I have to have samples to work with, which means you to drink, Timmy.”
Like usual, the pink tracks down his face stand out starkly in the false sunlight when Tim finally gives in and punctures the bag with his fangs.
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popatochisssp · 4 years
I need memes for the new boys. Meme me, Poppy. Meme me.
As always, I am ashamed at how well-equipped I am to answer this question...
Meme Fluent: Ash (Undergloom Sans), Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus), Sunny (Gastertale Sans)
Can At Least Ask Where The Bathroom Is In Meme: Brick (Horrorfell Sans), Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus), Aster (Gastertale Papyrus)
Meme-blivious: Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus), King (Horrorfell Papyrus), Merc (Horrorswap Sans), Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans)
Ash (Undergloom Sans): Very savvy and up on all the most popular memes, scrolling through memes is an activity very low on the ‘activity’ part and great for when he’s feeling a little too tired to do anything else. He’s very into tiktoks, which help him keep up to date on the latest meme songs-- some of which he might try to learn to play on his own. In general, he’s also into memes with funny or weird-looking animals (frogs, possums, axolotls, etc), no specific kind of meme, the presence of a goofy-looking creature in it is usually good enough to get a smile or a chuckle out of him.
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Not all that up to date on the meme scene, he’s usually busy with other things... but! He really loves relatable memes, especially ones about procrastination or not being able to focus on work or having to do chores, everyday mundane irritations that everybody can relate to! He also thinks reading comprehension errors are great harmless fun (i.e., “my bad i thought u said moths”), just silly misunderstandings that make for confusing interactions until someone realizes.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): Doesn’t always remember every meme, but he gets the gist of most of them. His favorites are the MS Paint memes, usually the more poorly drawn, the better (but a fan of pretty much every catcrumb image he sees, those chaotic little cats are great). He can also be caught laughing himself to wheezing and banging on the table over completely bizarre and out of context interactions--for some reason, they just hit right on the funny bone and he has no defense against them. (The ‘Nyquil Detroit Become Liquid’ post nearly killed him, but he would’ve thanked it.)
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): Not too interested in memes. He’s peripherally aware of them but rarely knows the latest trends or cares to know them. He does have a slight fondness for evil memes--ones about being evil or having an evil lair or just have the word ‘evil’ as an adjective in front of something else seemingly incongruous--he finds them silly and they can usually win at least a smirk out of him when he happens to come across one. If you want a laugh, though, find him some of those screenshots of old newspapers from the 30s-50s, formally written humor that still holds up even now (like The Windsor Star, Ontario, November 1, 1958, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Ohio, February 21, 1947, or Barnard Bulletin, New York, December 20, 1935). Sensible chuckles abound from those!
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): Not too into memery, he’s definitely got a lot of other things going on and isn’t always online. Still, he is a fan of stuff like one-time-i-dreamt and other accounts of peoples’ dreams or thought processes. He thinks it’s interesting, the little peek into the wandering, strange, and sometimes funny subconscious, or how people think about love and tenderness and nostalgia and remind others to appreciate those things, too. It’s a very niche, wholesome sort of enjoyment for sure... but not to worry! If you’re looking for something more mainstream and ‘haha funny,’ he also got very into the whole ‘Surprise! It’s cake!’ meme trend that was going on for awhile and is still delighted to find a video where a realistic object is cut into and turns out to be cake. He’s definitely going to make one himself, maybe as a social media marketing thing for his home business...
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): Very meme savvy and tends toward some of the maybe darker types of humor--stress and anxiety memes, introvert memes, et cetera. Animated text is a big one he likes, with enough of a mix of pessimist and optimist memes that he doesn’t come away from checking it actually bummed out or feeling bad, a fine line to walk to be sure. He also likes coding and programming humor! He’s still kinda teaching himself, so he definitely doesn’t get them all, but it gives him a little sense of accomplishment and community when he does, which he really likes.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Not interested in memes, and a lot of them are heavily based on visuals which, unfortunately, he’s going to miss the context. Still, he does get a hell of a kick out of brazen and blatant misinformation--the smooth sharks post, facts-i-just-made-up, and the like--and finds it hilarious when someone insists something that is obviously untrue, especially if a lot of people aren’t getting the joke and are trying fervently to convince them of their wrongness. He’s also a little bit evil, so whenever he learns a new piece of whatever slang is popular and in at the moment, he’s going to use it incorrectly, or use outdated slang to induce cringe in those around him. ‘Totes yeet yo’? Yes. ‘That is so pog, as the kids say’? Of course. ‘It’s lit, fam’? Definitely, who do you take him for? The cringier, the better, he revels in the discomfort of others when he throws one of those babies out.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): Definitely knows a little bit about memes, not always the latest trends but his base knowledge is pretty good, and of course has his favorites. He loves John Mulaney references and reaction images, they just Speak to him, y’know? Outside of that, he’s very fond of day-of-the-week memes, Tuesday Again?, Out of Touch Thursday, Fat Fuck Friday and so on. Aside from being a useful reminder of what the hell day of the week it is, he likes the consistency and recurrence of it, just a silly little moment to look forward to at some point like, “oh yeah, it’s el muchacho monday, nice!”
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): Pretty wise to the meme scene overall, loves the fun and creativity of it all. If you want him to absolutely lose his shit, though, show him a terrible picture of an animal--by which I mean, poorly photoshopped, blurred, in mid-panoramic, as long as the end result is an absurd or very screwed up image. Why are things like ‘buff half cat’ and ‘dog but very, very long’ his sense of humor? He has no idea, but the worse it looks, the harder he laughs. He has a bit of a fondness for ‘gotcha’s too, like a Rickroll but really anything where you go into it expecting one thing, and get trolled by receiving something else. (If Megalovania memes were a thing in his universe, he would be all over them, if that gives you an idea of the kind of gag he thinks is funny!)
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): Aware of memes, but not all that invested in them. He likes corporate and office/business memes a lot-- the kind that roast bosses and unnecessary meetings, translate ‘polite’ corporate phrases, anything to do with emails--because they can be very relatable. He also likes seeing screencaps of people on Facebook or Twitter getting dragged for misinformation, or trying to act like a pompous jerk and getting shredded (for legitimate reasons of course, not just random unprovoked cyberbullying). He...may be involved in a bit of that sometimes himself: he may not be working in a scientific field, but he is half of a scientist, and just petty enough to spend a few hours of his free time looking up and reading through a few credible sources to cite in a strong and well-crafted rebuttal argument if someone is being especially, dangerously wrong about something. Not everyone has the time and resources to do it, so why shouldn’t he? 😇
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years
Jake Gyllenhaal and Jealous Liz (October 2010 - February 2011)
Now, there’s a lot to say about Jake and Taylor. The time they got together was a time when he was promoting his movie, Love and Other Drugs, and she was about to drop Speak Now. So at first glance, it look a lot like a traditional PR stunt. However, they do not have a first public meeting -- something that Taylor has with a lot of her other PR relationships (think Calvin at the Fund Fair or Harry at the KCAs), and seemed generally more camera shy. 
Jake’s costar in Love and Other Drugs, Anne Hathaway, was also single at the time, and arguably a PR relationship between the two of them would’ve drummed up significantly more buzz for the film, so stunting with Taylor seems an odd choice.
Jake also reportedly annoyed Taylor with how much he wanted to hide from the press, which is interesting. I’m not totally certain if they were real or not, but I’ll put all of their stuff in here, because it’s interesting to note Liz’s reaction to all of it, despite her relationship:
23 October 2010 - Emma Stone hosts SNL. Both Taylor and Jake G show up to support her, supposedly they’ve already started dating at this point and this was their first public appearance together.
"They walked around together backstage, but they were careful not to be seen too close. It was hard to tell if they were together, but everyone was shocked that she brought him," a source told People magazine.
Notice the lack of public meeting. Strange that they just showed up together dating. 
24 October 2010 - Liz tweets about listening to Never Grow Up
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October 2010 - Taylor writes All Too Well, the first of the three “Nashville songs” -- All Too Well, State of Grace, Stay Stay Stay-- that were written for the Red album before she moved to LA, based on the fact that she said she started writing for Red slightly before Speak Now was released.
We also know All Too Well has to have been written in 2010 because what the copyright record for it says:
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Now, it seems to me that this is too soon to be about Jake. It’s obviously a breakup song, and Taylor and Jake have only just started dating (unless they had a secret dating history we don’t know about). It would be weird for her to be writing all this about him while they’re still dating.
All Too Well could be about any of the three women I’ve spoken previously about in this masterpost. However, I’m going to try to make the case that this song is for Liz:
All Too Well is Liz’s favorite song from Red. She has said so on multiple occasions. Years later, when she came to watch Taylor’s Reputation tour in Glendale, Taylor even played it for her as the surprise song. Sure, it could just be that Liz is just a fan, but the song fits where we are in the timeline. Liz has moved on with someone else. Taylor is trying to get over it, but she can’t help but think back to the past she remembers “all too well.”
If the song is about a woman, lines like “back before you lost the one real thing you’ve ever known” reads to me as Taylor making a (possibly unfounded) dig at closeting. All Too Well also carries the bad driving metaphor with “almost ran the red,” which runs throughout a lot of the other Liz songs on Red, and which Liz will later reference herself in her own music. The lines in the bridge about “asking for too much” and “running scared,” remind me of Taylor insisting she was single during Valentine’s Day, despite spending it with Liz, only to turn around and miss her once Liz got a boyfriend. Lines about loss of innocence are also interesting, when we think about that L Chat post about Liz from earlier...
Of course, obviously, you can think this song is about whoever you want. If you wanna claim it for JH or Joe Jonas or Taylor Lautner or maybe even some girl Taylor went to high school with, be my guest. I personally don’t buy it being about Emily in a post-Dear John world, and the timeline doesn’t read as Jake to me, so I’m giving it to Liz!
25 October 2010 - Speak Now is released. In the album’s prologue, she specifies that the song “Long Live” is for her band, which is interesting to me, considering that the bridge of the song sounds like it might be about a relationship, and the secret message of the song is “For you,” which sounds oddly specific:
Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you’ll stand by me forever But, if God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children someday When they point to the pictures, Please tell ‘em my name
The secret message for Mine is “Toby,” which is the name of the actor who played her love interest during the song, making it make no sense for the song to be about him (and, in my eyes, making it more likely she was trying to cover up who the song was really for). We’ve already discussed Story of Us having “CMT Awards” and Back to December having “Tay,” so I won’t beat you over the head with those.
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Unlike the original handwritten lyrics to Sparks Fly, which featured the lyric “Get me with those brown eyes, baby,” the version that Taylor put on the Speak Now album had the lyric “hit me with those green eyes, baby,” with the eye color presumably being changed because Liz has green eyes:
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The secret message for Sparks Fly is “Portland, Oregon,” which is where Taylor and The Agency covered Tom Petty’s song American Girl in May 2009 during the height of early TayLiz. 
26 October 2010 - Taylor and Jake are spotted together in Brooklyn getting lunch with Emma Stone:
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Liz does a sound check for Taylor for the Today Show. A video later gets posted on YouTube and someone leaves this comment noting Taylor and Liz’s chemistry:
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31 October 2010 - Taylor and Jake are spotted in Big Sur together and stay at California’s Post Inn Ranch. 
Liz spends Halloween with her boyfriend:
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1 November 2010 - Taylor’s appearance on Ellen airs. Ellen asks her about Jake. Taylor says “I’m always optimistic about love. Yes, always, sometimes.”
2 November 2010 - Taylor and Jake are spotted in Santa Barbara together. They get ice cream, interact with fans, and Taylor reportedly laughs at everything Jake says.
16 November 2010 -  Jake attends the Love and Other Drugs premiere alone. This is interesting to me, considering if this was a PR relationship you would’ve thought he’d bring Taylor as his date. Still, Paula made some weird decisions in her time as Taylor’s publicist (like putting her with a carousel of 18 year olds), so this could just be Paula thinking that Taylor showing up at the premiere with him would be too obviously read as a stunt. Doesn’t rule it either way. Still, I think Anne would’ve been a better choice for PR for this.
Mid November - Perez Hilton alleges that Jake has picked up Taylor on his private jet to fly her to London because she was “feeling lonely.” Jake was in London promoting Love and Other Drugs so this seems very stunty to me personally.
22 November 2010 - Taylor attends the American Music Awards and wins Favorite Female Country Artist.
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Liz tweets congratulations at her and seems generally excited.
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24 November 2010 - Love and Other Drugs is officially released in theaters.
25 November 2010 - Taylor and Jake spend Thanksgiving in Brooklyn with Jake’s family.
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26 November 2010 - Liz seems to have spent Thanksgiving with Jason:
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27 November 2010 - Taylor and Jake are spotted in a coffee house in Nashville:
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And, maybe in response, Liz makes this weird and vaguely jealous Tweet:
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Now, I don’t know what this means. Maybe the “you” refers to Liz and she’s having what Carly Rae Jepsen would call “boy problems” -- feeling torn and overburdened between a best friend and boyfriend:
Or, perhaps, the “you” in this Tweet refers to Taylor, and Liz is trying to say that Jake is “using her up,” maybe meaning taking up her time. Or maybe Liz wasn’t referring to any of this. We can’t really know. Still, it’s interesting.
29 November 2010 - TayLiz hang out and Liz tweets about it. Perhaps to make up for the lack of time spent together since they both got boyfriends.
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30 November 2010 - Taylor and Jake have coffee in Nashville:
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1 December 2010 - Taylor writes a MySpace post about the CMTs.
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Liz tweets about watching Glee, meaning she’s the one who got Taylor hooked on the show and therefore interested in Dianna. Hilarious.
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2 December 2010 - Taylor calls Love and Other Drugs a “good movie” when asked about it, and won’t say anything more. She also adamantly refuses to talk about her personal life (This gives me 2018/19 Joe vibes, whatever that means).
3 December 2010 - Liz tweets that her favorite song on Speak Now is Last Kiss. She also tweets at Jason about his cooking:
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5 December 2010 - Jake is asked about Taylor and says this:
“One of the greatest parts about being in a relationship is the intimacy you share, but it can be difficult if you’re being watched the whole time.”
This reminds me so much of what Taylor’s currently saying about Joe. Interesting, looking back on it.
7 December 2010 - Jake and Taylor do the “maple latte” pap walk stunt in Brooklyn with Maggie and her daughter. This is the only series of photos of them that I think was a set-up, but that means it’s pretty gross this is the one they chose to bring a child into:
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I think the reason this was so obviously a pap walk was to get the “maple latte” in the shot. I’ve already speculated that Taylor had written All Too Well prior to her relationship with Jake, and this stunty pap walk would make sense if she needed to use him to cover for it.
8 December 2010 - Liz makes another weird vague possibly jealous tweet:
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Now, in the context of Mine possibly being about Liz and Taylor saying that song is about her “tendency to run from love,” it’s possible Liz is shading Taylor’s pap walk with Jake the previous day. This tweet feels very “back before you lost the one real thing you’ve ever known.”
However, maybe she’s just really happy with Jason. I don’t know. I don’t know these people.
9 December 2010 - Taylor and Jake drive around LA, Jake yells at the paps.
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Compare these to those photos with Taylor Lautner earlier in the timeline. These are not nearly as staged. Take away from that whatever you will.
13 December 2010 - Taylor turns 21. Liz and Caitlin bring her a pizza. Liz tweets at Taylor that she’s changed her life. This is supposedly the birthday that Jake didn’t show up to that The Moment I Knew is about. Liz and Caitlin bringing her pizza if she’s sad about it would make sense...
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31 December 2010 - Taylor and Liz spotted together in Nashville. They get Pei Wei and JustJared calls Liz a “gal pal.” Taylor seems upset, possibly about her whole Jake birthday thing. Or possibly something else.
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Liz tweets about going for a run and listening to Speak Now:
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5 January 2011 - Taylor and Jake break up.
19 January 2011 - Taylor and Jake are spotted together by fans in Nashville, first at a coffee shop and then at dinner. Jake did not have any other business in Nashville, so it can be assumed he came there to talk to Taylor:
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CONCLUSION: Were Taylor and Jake real? I don’t know. They really only ever did that one pap walk and didn’t seem to publicly promote each other’s work, as far as I could find, despite both releasing projects while together. The one pap walk they did seems to maybe have been to cover for All Too Well, which had possibly already been written (likely about Liz) before Jake and Taylor started dating.
Were those tweets from Liz jealousy? Or am I reading too much into it?
Either way, Taylor’s had her fun, and now it’s time to maybe start thinking about getting back together with Liz. There’s just one problem: her boyfriend.
The Speak Now Tour Begins (February 2011 - May 2011)
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
November Magical Dates and Astrological Transits
Welcome to the deep darkness of the year. November we get plunged into the dark quarter getting us in our hibernation mode and focusing on the realms within. It's a great time of the year for magic in the household (known and tagged sometimes as Cottage Witchcraft: witchcraft encompassing magic indoors, in your bedroom, kitchen witchcraft, bath witchcraft, cleansing and crafting etc.), shadow work and resting. It's also a great time to take up a hobby craft as you can focus your creations and learning on gifts for Yule to come.
This month is nearly nested between two Full Moons but the previous full moon reached opposition on the 31st so technically the moon at the end of November is not a Blue moon. However the moon at the end of November is a Blood Moon meaning it's a Full Moon Eclipse that will cast the moon in a red shadow. The themes of this month will take us through Scorpio's shadowy introspective period helping us to understand where our energy and sense of freedoms may be repressed then optimistic Sagittarius season helping us to focus on our dreams and how we can work towards manifesting them. There are a lot of surprises coming with dynamic Uranus in retrograde influencing a lot of planets which will lead up to the full moon eclipse no doubt bringing a lot of changes and sudden endings that no one can predict. Get ready for your life to be upgraded!
1st - ☾♉ Samhain  🎃 Mercury rx in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn
We will still be under the influence of the full moon as it's in mid-transit in Taurus. Today Mercury rx in Libra will square Saturn in Capricorn bringing up themes of restriction and our mental barriers. With mercury in retrograde it's a good time to reflect on how these mental barriers can hold us back and why we feel oppressed by them. Especially since Samhain is a good time for shadow work and overcoming mental obstacles, it's a good day for meditation and introspection on how we may harbor negative beliefs that keep us imprisoned. (Especially in regards to our relationships, coworkers and authority). With the full moon conjunct Uranus RX we may have gotten themes of material or superficial things that we value that could either be restricting our freedoms or holding us back. The next day with the Mercury rx square with Saturn we will dive further into our subconscious to focus on our mental blocks and restrictions. Since Samhain is a good day for shedding and letting go this is great energy to reflect on and release for our personal freedoms to emerge. Take a moment today to write down what you'd like to free in yourself. You will see later on it will help ;)
Additionally Blessed Samhain!
Week 2 - 8
2nd - ☾♊ Moon enters Gemini
When the moon is in Gemini it’s a good time for taking in new information, studying magic or writing in your grimoire, using binural beats in magic, meditation or trance or doing air based magic.
3rd - ☾♊ Mercury Direct in Libra
Mercury finally stations direct today! It will still have it's moment of grogginess so still expect delays and some missed communication, but things will finally start moving forward. Take the time to reflect on what you have learned during this retrograde period and how you will apply it to your life moving forward. Though Mercury will be moving forward, it's still a time for rest, hibernation and reflection. Don't feel the need to hit the ground running or be surprised when everything still feels groggy and introspective. This is the dark quarter of the year and time to hibernate.
4th - ☾♋ Moon enters Cancer
When the moon is in Cancer it’s a good time for magic around the home such as cleaning and cleansing, kitchen magic and bath magic. It’s a great time for self-care rituals and water-based magic. The theme of burrowing and hibernation will feel amplified today as the moon is in it's home sign.
5th - ☾♋ Disseminating Moon | Moon in Cancer Trines Sun
The waning gibbous moon is a great time for taking stock of your progress during this lunar cycle and celebrating any little successes you’ve managed to accomplish so far no matter how small. You can reflect on all that you have worked through and learned through retrograde and the insights that the full moon has given you. It’s a lovely vibe for socializing, spreading generosity or just taking the moment to enjoy life. When the moon trines the sun it’s a harmonious time that brings a lot of luck. When you take stock and realize that you may not be where you’d like, then it’s a good time to catch up on work to help you out or do magic to bring opportunities for doors to open for you. Celebrate at home with the moon in Cancer and make your personal space feel special by burning nice scented candles, changing bedsheets and getting really cozy. 
 6th - ☾♋ Mercury in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn
Time for another Mercury and Saturn square, except Mercury is now direct! This is when I suggested you should write down any themes the last square brought up on Samhain as you may get stronger clarity now on what you need to let go in order to liberate yourself mentally. As all squares operate, it's not a good time for action, yet reflection and meditation. Wherever you feel mentally blocked, reflect on it, write it down, meditate on it and do some divination if you are feeling stuck.
7th - ☾♌  Autumn’s Crossquarter Moon enters Leo
Today is also when the Sun is 15 degrees in Scorpio making it the official Crossquarter of Autumn. This is a period of shedding, cleansing and banishing along with tying up any loose ends before going into hibernation. This is the official end to Samhaintide. 
8th - ☾♌ Last Quarter Moon in Leo
The themes of reflection and introspection carry on with the Last Quarter moon in Leo. The Last Quarter moon is a good time for reflecting on the lunar cycle that past and the lessons we have learned. It's a good day for meditation, mindfulness, gratitude and reviewing the past. The lunar cycle begun on a Libra new moon so you can take the themes of introspection today on what you have learned in regards to what resonates with your heart, the value you put on relationships, your money, material wealth and partnerships and what is truly important/resonates with you vs. what is holding you back. Leo rules the heart so this is a good day to be honest with yourself and seek out what makes you free and what is in your best interests.
Week 9 - 15
9th - ☾♍ Venus in Libra opposite Mars rx in Aries Moon enters Virgo
You may find some clarity today on the inner work you could have done yesterday with the last quarter moon as Venus in Libra transits opposite Mars rx in Aries. Previous injustices regarding relationships of all kinds could come up now from the past. Repressed anger or desires could emerge that may feel shocking but could be clarifying on the pain experienced or how you could have created barriers to protect yourself yet in turn these same walls became a mental prison. As the moon and season is in decline it's good to reflect on these themes and release what's no longer needed. With the moon entering Virgo you will have a more clear headed approach to your introspection. With the opposition it's a good time to release the built up tension in healthy ways in any physical activity from exercise to dance. This energy could also show you where you may feel lacking in terms of your relationship dynamics or self confidence. It's not a time to act yet but to reflect and observe. Write down any insights in your journal to review later.
10th - ☾♍ Balsamic Moon | Moon Sextiles Sun Mercury enters Scorpio Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune rx in Pisces
Mercury enters Scorpio today! We can re-enter our dark underworlds now with a bit of introspection from what the retrograde has bought. Mercury in Scorpio brings two weeks of deep intense thought, diving to the core of the truths shrouded by darkness and uncovering ours and others shadows. With the moon in it's balsamic phase (waning crescent), it's a time to wrap up loose ends of this lunar cycle and depart from anything no longer serving us. If there are things in our lives such as people or physical materials that no longer align with our values, we should find ways to distant ourselves or banish them. It's also a good time to do some deep house cleaning and throw out anything old that we've been holding on to without realizing (as I type this, there are 3 large plastic water bottles in the corner of my vision I use for watering my plants which I only need 1 of haha). With the Sun trining Neptune rx this can highlight what our dreams are for ourselves or the future. Now is a time to pay attention to our dreams and day dreams to see where deep subconscious desires lie that may be brought out by Mars's retrograde and Mercury now in Scorpio. The Sun and Neptune Rx transit also heightens our sensitivity and empathy towards others. This can help us connect with our sense of spirituality from within.
11th - ☾♎ Moon enters Libra
When the moon is in Libra it’s a good time for attraction magic (friendship/coworkers/partners - all kinds), glamours and charms, love based magic and harmonizing spells.
12th - ☾♎ Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Today will feel powerful and intense as the expansive Jupiter conjuncts intense Pluto in Capricorn. We will feel focused and driven to succeed and with a mix of intense effort with good luck, we will have teh boost to make a big difference anywhere we focus on energy towards on this day. This is powerful energy to not let go by so mark this day on your calendar. It is important to think about what you want to do during this prosperous phase. Ventures regarding business success, abundance, travel or career can get a boost of positivity during this time if used well. However focus your energy on either spiritual self-development or success for your genuine benefit and not more power or control over others (especially those already in power). Anyone with power already can get a boost during this time so if you challenge them you can face those powers against you. Therefore focus on your success and if it's in a circumstance even where your success lies in another person relinquishing power over you then maybe use this energy to escape from their influence, but don't challenge anyone directly.
This is a great day for action but if you want to do spell work then try barrier-breaking magic where you can break through obstacles to gain what you need.
13th - ☾♏ Moon enters Scorpio
Today is Friday the 13th! It's a magical day celebrating Venus and the divine femme! It's been warped by modern day society to be evil or whatever, but Friday the 13th is a fun time to be spooky, get up to shenanigans, do love attraction magic and fool around. Especially in honor of Venus, Friday the 13th is a fun day to dress up very mystical or witchy just for the sake of it. Today will feel extra spooky and intense with the moon entering Scorpio. When the moon is in Scorpio it's a good time for shadow work, energy based magic, scrying, blood and sex magic.
14th - ☾♏ Mars direct in Aries Sun in Scorpio sextiles Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn
GOT DAMN Mars is FINALLY Direct. Finally.. woof.. It's over. Though it will still be in it's groggy phase we may already feel motivated and ready to move forward after that lengthy period of introspection and reflecting on our inner motivations and drive. Energy may feel more free-flowing from now on and we may feel more inclined to act. This energy will be amplified by the Sun sextiling both Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn helping us to work through anything. This will help us succeed in our goals and aspirations and especially in the realms of our work or careers. You will feel the energy to hit the ground running and it's a good time to wrap up projects or strive for what you need during these prosperous transits.
15th - ☾♏ New Moon in Scorpio Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn Moon enters Sagittarius
A new lunar cycle begins! The moon in Scorpio will bring themes of our liberation again with it being opposite Uranus rx and how we need to connect with ourselves on a soul level to understand where we have been stripped of our power. This theme will be amplified by Venus in a square with Pluto. We may be more aware today of how we can be controlled in our relationships as power and control issues may arise. There can also be emotions tied to not feeling loved or valued come to the surface or worse, be buried deep within but be the motivation behind acting out or seeking control. If you are feeling these negative feelings you should look within to seek out what you need to change in order to make yourself feel more free and more valued and how you can commit yourself to these changes during this new Lunar Cycle. Especially in transformative Scorpio, this New Moon is looking to make a change.
Week 16 - 22
16th - ☾♐ Venus in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn
So Venus and Jupiter squares are not like many other. Squares tend to bring frustration or restrictions that may make us feel blocked and forced to reflect on our obstacles. However Jupiter squares creates another type of obstacle which is excess. Sometimes too much of a good thing can easily lead us astray. With the Venus and Jupiter square we can easily blow a lot of money accidentally on a shopping spree or spend way too much on take out or any other forms of gluttony. You should be especially wary if substances come involved. Moderation is key with this transit and we can easily go overboard if we aren't careful, especially since the moon is transiting Sagittarius. If we do feel inclined we should reflect on the root reasons why we want to over indulge instead of feeding the need. This way less damage is done. If you do want to go out, give yourself a budget so you don't over do it.
17th - ☾♑ Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus rx in Taurus Venus in Libra opposite Chiron rx in Aries Moon enters Capricorn
Today may feel hectic but there is opportunity for healing if you pay attention. The two major transits here are Mercury opposite Uranus rx and Venus opposite Chiron rx. With the Mercury and Uranus rx opposition we may be faced with obstacles that may change our plans and scatter our minds. This is not a good day to make plans or agree on deals but just to let our minds wander and not be restricted. This is a day that can bring great insight and epiphanies to how we relate to ourselves as an individual and understand our freedom. It's a better day to reflect and seek to understand ourselves then move forward. Additionally with Venus opposite Chiron rx we may be confronted with painful emotions revolving around our relationships and past trauma or pain. With the two transits together we can be confronted with external obstacles or events that could make us aware of our limitations, freedom, lack of individuality or authenticity and how that pain or boundary could have stemmed from toxic relationships from the past. Though it's potentially a lot of pain to work through, it's a day that can bring insight on how to move forward from it.
18th - ☾♑   Moon in Capricorn
With the moon in Capricorn, it’s a good time for organization, addressing our tasks and responsibilities, ancestor magic, earth and mineral based magic.
19th - ☾♒ Waxing Crescent | Sun Sextiles Moon Sun in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn Venus in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn Moon enters Aquarius
While the moon is still in Capricorn, it will sextile the Sun in Scorpio bringing a boost of positive energy that can help us take on any task. This is a great part of the lunar cycle to look back on the intentions you've set for the new moon and start exploring new ways to incorporate what your intentions were into your life. This could look like you signing up for a new class or experimenting with something new. It's a great time for seeking out new ventures, experimentation and learning. With the moon's energy in Capricorn there would be a boost in the areas of work where you can explore new open positions at work or switching up your schedule and seeing how that suits your work life balance better (especially in regards to the new moon theme and if that allows you to have more freedom.) The Sun will also sextile Saturn in Capricorn giving us a positive boost in our work ethic. We will find tasks much easier to complete today and feel more responsible. It's a great day to get your to-do list checked off and confront whatever long-term "to-do's" that you may have (like renewing that license for example). Venus in Libra will also square Saturn in Capricorn bringing the positive mood down a little as we may feel restricted by some of our relationships or unable to really act upon our values due to barriers or obstacles that block us from being our true selves. The energy today is pretty free-flowing to make changes in your life so if you are feeling that restriction maybe you can look into how you can shift things around like your work schedule or try new things to feel less blocked.
20th - ☾♒ Moon in Aquarius
When the moon is in Aquarius, it’s great to expand on your perspective, explore new material, work with tech magic or electricity and work with celestial magic or astrology. Especially as the moon is still in it's waxing crescent phase it's a great time to explore new things and try new ventures.
21st - ☾♒ Venus enters Scorpio
Venus enters the most passionate and intense sign, Scorpio bringing us into the deep depths of the shadows lingering from our love lives and other relationships that may still cause us to act paranoid, jealous or resentful of some people we live around today. This cycle is a great time for shadow work revolving around our relationship to other people and understanding why some people may trigger a negative response from us. Romance under this transit can be intense, dramatic, thrilling but also if you manage to have a healthy dynamic it can be soul bonding and long lasting. It's a good time for healing the heart and confronting any toxicity that we may be unknowingly harboring for the next month that this transit continues.
22nd - ☾♓ Sun enters Sagittarius First Quarter Moon in Pisces
The most festive season begins!! The Sun enters optimistic and excitable Sagittarius today bringing lights to the impenetrable dark of this somber quarter of the year. Trees will start to be aglow with lights, festive music will haunt us from every radio station and shop, everything we drink will be hot and spiced. You cannot escape the jolliness of Sagittarius season. However this energy may feel more tense than usual with the first day also landing on the First Quarter moon in Pisces. The first quarter moon calls for reflection on strategy and what we've learned this lunar cycle so far by experimenting and trying new things. What tools have we gained? What would we be willing to try or implement to get our goals ahead? Especially in the theme of Pisces we may really be focusing on our dreams and how we can bring our dreams to reality. How do these dreams liberate us? With what we've learned how can we achieve that liberation? As optimistic Sagittarius season overlaps with this lunar cycle, we may feel upbeat about taking this on.
Week 23 - 29
23rd - ☾♓ Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune rx in Pisces
Today feels tied in with yesterday's transits as Mercury makes a beneficial trine with Neptune rx which will create a lucky period of time where we can feel mentally aligned and balanced with our creativity, our spirituality and our dreams. We will be in-tune with what we want and be able to express it. If we are feeling repressed in this area, this transit will help us to understand these hidden parts some more. As beneficial as trines are, they are unfortunately so easy-going in their energy that we can easily miss them going by. This is a beneficial day to work towards your dreams so mark it on your calendar (especially as the moon will be conjunct Neptune rx in Pisces as well!) The energies will be aligned.
24th - ☾♈ Waxing Gibbous | Sun Trines Moon Moon enters Aries
Another wonderful trine will happen today with the Sun trining the Moon in Aries. This easy going day will be a great day to work towards your dreams as well, implement whatever strategies you reflected on and planned during the first quarter moon at the start of Sagittarius season and put them into action! Especially as the moon is in Aries we will feel inclined to take action so perhaps this trine will not go as unnoticed as most. This will feel like such a good spirited and lucky day, it's good to use this expansive energy wisely and keep your eyes on the prize. Fire magic would feel powerful today as well as barrier-breaking magic to bust through any obstacles in your way. It's also a good time to raise energy and create spell items especially fire-based tools like spell candles.
25th - ☾♈ Moon in Aries
Today the moon will conjunct both Chiron rx and Mars in Aries still giving us some of that productive boost of energy from yesterday. It's a good day to work though we may feel a window of time where we could feel uneasy or subject to pain with the moon and chiron rx conjunction. It's good to be aware of this to understand where to take it slow and be kind with yourself as you charge forward towards your dreams.
26th - ☾♈ Moon in Aries
When the moon is in Aries it’s great to take on challenges, use fire magic and hexing.
27th - ☾♉ Venus in Scorpio Opposite Uranus rx in Taurus Moon enters Taurus
Once again the themes of our lack of liberation and freedom in regards to our current relationships comes into the spotlight with the opposition today between Venus and Uranus rx. With chaotic Uranus transits it's always a spin-the-wheel adventure and Uranus rx will want us to seek change that can help us feel more free or help us expand our perspective. Even so Uranus loves change for the sake of change just to try something new and learn so our existing relationships, especially any that are restrictive could all go through an upheaval where we could either end up leaving or another person could get involved. It's an exciting time but it's usually not long lasting and it's just to change things up. If you are in a situation where you don't like the dynamic between you and another person, today is the day to shake things up or break it off. Also be mindful of your money today. Uranus is the master of surprises and chaos and even though it's in retrograde it can still bring events that could impact your finances or valuables if you are not careful.
28th - ☾♉ Neptune direct in Pisces Mercury in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Capricorn
Wow Neptune is finally direct! This sleepy planet has finally ended it's 7 month long nap and is ready to move direct helping us reconnect with our source of creativity and be more aligned with our dreams and spirituality. Another beneficial transit will be Mercury sextiling Jupiter creating a day where luck is on our side in regards to learning new materials, trying new things (especially in the work place), understanding and exploring our minds and deep subconscious and taking on any tasks. However we should avoid biting off more than we can chew as this sextile can give us such optimism and ability to take on so much we can forget that we have natural limits and we may be unable to complete everything before the clock strikes 12.
29th - ☾♊ Moon enters Gemini
The energy carries on from the next day but as the moon enters Gemini it's a great day for reading and exploring interests, communicating ideas, sound and music based magic, air based magic and meditating with binaural beats.
30th - ☾♊ Full Moon in Gemini, Lunar eclipse Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn
Today's full moon feels powerful and intense as it's not only a lunar eclipse, it's a blood moon which means it's a total lunar eclipse casting the moon in earth's shadow giving it a reddish illusion. It's a time of transformation and changes that can leave the past chapters suddenly behind as we get elevated to the next level. With the moon in Gemini opposite the sun in Sagittarius the themes are surrounding the details of the big picture and how they form the steps in the grand staircase that will carry us up towards our dreams. Eclipses are not the best time for manifesting new things as they are best for endings so if you are struggling with obstacles that stand in your way of your dreams or anything that is blocking your staircase it's time to banish them all! Avoid charging anything under this moon (unless if it's something like an athame that serves to cut chords and bring endings). Be aware that the eclipse is about endings to bring in a new chapter in life and unless you want to channel that energy into your tools you should be aware of what you are bringing in.
This will feel like a productive day with Mercury sextiling Saturn making us superbly aware of our tasks but having the ability to take them on. We will feel more responsible today and will feel inclined to work on our plans.
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soccerdailyuk · 1 year
Date set for potential arrival of Josko Gvardiol at Manchester City as ‘no way back’ order issued for first-team star
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Date set for potential arrival of Josko Gvardiol at Manchester City as ‘no way back’ order issued for first-team star According to reports, Manchester City may be preparing to welcome Josko Gvardiol to the Etihad Stadium after the start of the Premier League season. However, discussions regarding the transfer have slowed down in recent days, despite earlier claims that a transfer fee had been agreed upon with the Bundesliga club for the talented Croatian central defender. The situation surrounding the 21-year-old's potential move is just one part of a larger picture of player movements at the Etihad Stadium. Manchester City is currently facing uncertainties concerning the futures of players such as Joao Cancelo and Bernardo Silva. As the summer transfer window progresses, Manchester City's dealings have been a subject of media attention, with the 37th day of the window already passed. RB Leipzig director, Max Eberl: “There is no agreement with Man City . Not even close… The fact is City would like to have him. Currently we are still very far apart. The transfer of Szoboszlai has secured us financially. We don’t need the money. We would prefer Joško to stay… We are not a club that blocks anything. We are transparent. But we have our ideas and want them to be implemented… “A lot has been written anyway and the latest information about Joško surprised us all. But as you can see: Josko is here – so it’s not true… He didn’t do a medical – not that we know. And I don’t think he did it behind our backs because he’s just a professional…” (Sky Germany) Manchester City is still determined to secure Josko Gvardiol as their top priority during the transfer window, and they are optimistic about his eventual arrival, even though an agreement hasn't been reached in time for him to join their pre-season tour. The club is currently hesitant to meet RB Leipzig's asking price for Gvardiol, as Leipzig believes their valuation is fair due to the defender's higher release clause next summer. (Reports by Simon Bajkowski, Manchester Evening News, and Simon Stone, BBC Sport) A potential transfer of Josko Gvardiol to Manchester City is not something that will be decided on Deadline Day. The implications, both in terms of sports and finances, are significant, prompting RB Leipzig to seek clarity in the coming weeks. If Manchester City is genuinely interested in signing Gvardiol, they should aim to finalize the deal by mid-August. Contrary to recent rumors, Manchester City has no realistic chance of acquiring either Barcelona's Raphinha or RB Leipzig's Dani Olmo. This is because Riyad Mahrez's move to a Saudi Arabian club is progressing, which likely affects any potential signings. (Reports by Philipp Hinze, Sky, and Vayam Lahoti, City Xtra) Date set for potential arrival of Josko Gvardiol at Manchester City as ‘no way back’ order issued for first-team star Read the full article
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windupnamazu · 4 years
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carrying our song, cradled fast within your arms so its chorus may ring for all!
lulun! ☆ 26 ☆ she/her ☆ EST ☆ aether dc ☆ g’raha wife (ultimate) 
[honks the horn of my clown car] welcome to my self-insert/daughter quantum hybrid circus! i like to make things and post them at 3 in the morning! this is a sideblog so if i follow you itll be under @kasayaw! 
neocities (not mobile friendly) ☆ tags ☆ ko-fi ☆ commission info
↓↓↓ mobile info! ↓↓↓
non-ffxiv interests: pokemon, splatoon, seventeen, precure, fire emblem!
thanks for dropping by!! ^w^ i’ve been trapped in ffxiv since stormblood launch and now i can’t think of anything but my 57 million ocs :’)
i’m a former ast main who dropped it like a hot potato when endwalker killed everything i loved about it! i main dancer these days and i like to savage raid casually!! also im obsessed with collecting things! you can check out my ffxivcollect profile here!!
here are my main guys!!!
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she/her | 19 (ARR) to 29 (DT)
my main main main wol and my self-insert! lunya’s eclectic family hails from different islands scattered across the southern seas and since childhood she’s taken their wish for her to have a better life than they did personally. playful and endlessly warm, this ball of sass has more compassion and love in her little pinky than all of etheirys combined.
she’s married to g’raha tia!
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she/her | 17 (ARR) to 27 (DT)
my second self-insert (surprise!). a botanist, student of baldesion, and friend to the warriors of light and the scions. awakening the echo as a young girl made the once-energetic and cheerful melmeltan retreat into herself. though a meek and pessimistic shadow of the girl she once was, place her next to coco or rile her up enough and youll catch a glimpse of that spark that lit up the streets of old sharlayan.
she and coco are dating each other!
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he/they | 17 (ARR) to 27 (DT)
technically @/windupairship’s oc but everyone knows this is my boy. i grew him in my garden. a soft-hearted and kind warrior of light from old sharlayan who left his hometown to find himself and learn to be brave. he loves music, airships, and submersibles! despite everything, he’s still just a little guy.
he’s dating melmeltan!
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he/him | 16 (ARR) to 26 (DT)
a hopelessly optimistic and somewhat naive viera/lalafell boy living in lunya’s house with his little sister and faerie companion! his parents have been regularly abandoning them at home since he was just a toddler, but butter is so kind he doesn’t know how to resent them yet.
also he’s in love with @/hqmillioncorn’s babycorn and they wont become canon until we clear p12s. somebody help him. and me.
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she/her | probably in her mid-20s in ARR?
a warrior of light who exiled herself from her homeland of hingashi after her engagement was broken by her pigheaded fiancé. a charming, clever, and calculative woman who’s fueled by coin and prioritizes herself and those she loves above the fate of the world as a whole.
she’s dating hancock!
i have a lot more ocs but these are the five who pilot me like remy ratatouille! thanks for reading this far owo)7
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abanomath · 4 years
DC’s Tone Deafness
So I don’t really like ranting or being negative, but DC Universe recently released an article to celebrate pride month about the Top 5 canon and non-canon LGBTQA+ relationships in Young Justice.
And the tone deafness is just off the charts. Like most of the world, I’m not American so I needed someone to screen-cap the actual article for me. I’m going to organize my thoughts and go down below.
For one, its pretty obvious the writer didn’t look at the source material. This article sounds like it was written by someone filled in on the basics and told to write a good PR article for DC.
There are a lot of little details in the story, such as when the writer claims that they “showcased even more LGBTQA+ protagonists in season 3″ implying they had previously, which they hadn’t. One character was implied to be bisexual in the comics, never on screen, but more on that below. Season 3 was the first LGBTQA+ rep for the show.
Also its always a bit tone deaf when in an article celebrating LGBTQA+ and diversity in your show, that you have a list of 5 “ships”, of which only ONE is actually a couple in canon. Not only did they need to resort to non-canon ones, they included people that can’t be called a “ship” or couple.
1. Kaldur/Wyynde
This is the only actual LGBTQA+ couple on the list that is canon in the show, and I liked them. But I can’t deny that Kaldur who was a main cast member for the past two season’s had a vastly reduced role (compared to straight cis white characters like Dick and Conner). He was basically written out of the first half of the season, and then his relationship was really present for 1.5 - 2 episodes max. This in a season that was marked with excessive attention given to heterosexual relationships (like seriously, basically every character was in some form of relationship on-screen). The one healthy LGBTQA relationship got less attention than Black Lightning and Dr. Jace’s romance, something that ultimately went nowhere, Dick/Barbara, even Megan/Conner when Megan was also essentially written out of the season.
2. Marie Logan and Rita Farr
They really dug deep for this “ship”. Ironically, they start this by talking about the scene in Young Justice #25, when Queen B’s powers work on Garfield’s mother. This was the first implication her being bisexual. And of course, she also dies in this scene, so starting off with a “Bury your gays” trope where Marie’s queerness literally got her killed and orphaned her son.
There isn’t much more to say about this ship, because it literally doesn’t exist. The shipping community for this is so small you have to go digging deep into tags to find even hints of it. The article even basically says this, posing the ship as a question. As being interesting. (Does it count as Bury Your Gays when both woman are dead before their relationship is even hinted at?)
In other words this article about celebrating LGBTQA ships literally had to try and CREATE A SHIP to reach 5 ships. Despite the fact there are plenty of LGBTQ fanon ships (Birdflash being the most prominent one left off the list). It really hits at the thing I said above, this is a “write us a good PR article with the barest amount of effort put into it” situation.
3. Harper Row and Halo
Oh boy don’t get me started on this. There are so many problems with how they did Halo this season, she is basically tone deaf personified. (For the purpose of this rant, I’ll be using the “she” pronouns for Halo, because I have no choice but to assume they are her preference, unless the show purposely spent the entire season mis-gendering her, but I don’t think her characterization really supports that she prefers “her/she”).
I’ve had a problem with Halo from the start, because she is basically an attempt for the writers to shallowly include representation without having to actually deal with it. She is Muslim representation, but not actually Muslim (as she confirms on the show). She wears the Hijab because she feels like it. She is genderqueer, but they never once talk about her pronouns. She refers to herself as “not feeling like a boy or a girl” and constantly refers to herself in the third person, but everyone uses “she/her” pronouns without asking her. They even have a scene where she informs them she is genderqueer, and its never brought up again without asking any actual follow up questions or awareness. They also infantalize and treat her as a little girl.
Additionally, she falls into one of my greatest pet peeves - she is genderqueer but for fantasy-scifi reasons. For those that follow genderqueer or transgender characters in media, this is a very common trope. Essentially, the trope is when someones gender identity is caused by/determined from otherworldly experiences.
This trope bugs me because it completely undermines the point of representation. Representation in media is supposed to show the audience that these are natural human experiences and that people like this exist and are normal. But the trope ensures that the experiences are not normal human experiences.
(and don’t even get me started on the fact that this show has made New Genesis tech gendered before, with Sphere. And even gender the bioship in the same season they pull this for Halo).
Lastly, she also falls within the “promiscuous bisexual” trope, with the very kiss this article praises as THE FIRST LGBT KISS ON SCREEN for the show. This is a problematic trope that DC seems to love. Basically, this scene has Halo cheating on her boyfriend with another young classmate, engaging in two kisses with her.
Now I’m not going to say that all LGBTQA+ relationships need to be wholesome one true loves. Problematic behaviour like Halo and Harper’s is a story telling tool. But the fact that the LGBTQA+ was told going into the season there would be LGBT rep so they should watch, and this was the first rep we got 18 episodes into the season? It felt a bit like a slap in the face. They could’ve had her break up with Brion beforehand, or any number of different ways that would even keep the scene in tact.
And the relationship doesn’t really go anywhere anyways. Harper doesn’t really remain part of the season going forward, Halo and her boyfriend continue their relationship after it was revealed until the end of the season.
This is ultimately my problem with Halo. There are a few tropes that basically are summed up as “writers put all their diversity into one character” which is basically what Halo is. Each of these qualities, from faith to gender identity to sexual orientation could’ve been a fleshed out character arc (oh! I forgot to mention she also falls into the “My gender identity isn’t cis, so my sexual orientation is also bi/pan/gay” trope). Instead all the diverse qualities of Halo are addressed shallowly as the show-runners pat themselves on the back.
4. Bluepulse
I’ve ranted a lot so I’m not going to go crazy on this point. You can probably find tons of posts about the drama between Bluepulse Shippers and the show, which again makes their inclusion kind of tone-deaf. Bluepulse shippers have been called disgusting by the fandom for the three year age gap, an age gap that was never confirmed on screen and you had to go digging in Greg’s personal message board to know (resulting in many people shipping them not knowing their ages at all).
In addition, the showrunners made it clear they did not like this ship over the several years the show has been off the air. And in Season 3 they give Jaime a girlfriend….who is a lesbian in the comics. Now Traci and Jaime did date in the comics before she came out, and this is another Earth. But when the sole purpose of their relationship being on screen was to tell the audience that bluepulse wasn’t happening, choosing a lesbian character to play the cis straight girlfriend is a bit of a slap in the face. again.
5. Bart Allen and Eduardo
Queerbaiting, nuff said.
For those not in the know, Ed is a character introduced as a runaway in Season 2, but he doesn’t really interact with Bart until mid-season 3. There is an episode where a group of heroes go to a carnival, and Ed and Bart appear to be on a date. They are in a group with all couples, except for Virgil. Virgil laments being the only person there without a significant other, implying that Bart and Ed are together. Additionally, Bart and Ed do everything that the other couples do together. It was pretty heavy-handed that the couples were there on dates.
And fans liked this! Even if Bluepulse wasn’t happening, Bart may still be bisexual or gay. This was made worse by Greg retweeting and liking Ed/Bart content, and not giving a straight answer on whether they were dating.
Which obviously, creates the expectation among LGBTQA+ fans that they will get together. They don’t. And later at a convention, one of the main writers (not Greg) said something like “its funny how the fans see relationships between characters differently from our intent” when asked a question about them. Essentially confirming that yeah, they didn’t have any actual content for them planned anyway. Though they did have an addendum that they may build on the fan reception/view of the relationship in the future (basically saying, maybe they’ll be canon).
As much as I’d like to be optimistic that they actually will get together and we’ll get a LGBTQ relationship that is in the spotlight for once, I’m not. I’ll be happy to be proved wrong on this point.
And that was my TEDtalk about how tone-deaf DC patting themselves on the back for LGBTQA+ content in Young Justice is. Especially when other animated shows do so much better with fewer episodes and screen time.
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awastelandheart · 4 years
Sebastian’s personality analyzed through his theory-crafted natal chart: The perspective of a professional astrologer.
i apologize in advance to any capricorns i unintentionally read to filth in this post.
          i think out of all the bachelors   &   bachelorettes, Sebastian has the oddest, most abrasive post-marriage dialogue. i’ve heard plenty of people over the years complain about how awkward being married to him is   &   i, myself, tend to not marry him when i play since locking him in pelican town like that when he so clearly wants to leave feels bad. even before marriage as well, he has a lot of almost cringey   &   certainly concerning dialogue. Sebastian’s not a man that’s made for marriage or long term relationships i think, at least not in his early to mid 20s which is how old i believe he is in canon. unlike the rest of the bachelors   &   bachelorettes, his character arc   &   development don’t do much for melding him into someone worth being with. even Shane who is troubled in a much more obvious way than Sebastian has more moments of reflection that convince the player that he’s a good person despite his flaws. Sebastian may seem to be gentle in his internal struggle, it’s easy to believe that, at most, he’s rude   &   depressed, but i think there’s a lot more to unpack here that suggests he’s violent, angry to an awful degree,   &   possibly the worst marriage candidate, if not just the worst townie out of the whole cast.
          to start off with, i believe Sebastian’s sun sign is Capricorn. my reasoning for this is a blend between a post on reddit i found that used a simple algorithm to convert the in game dates to real dates. taking into account the slightly flawed method that gives each date 2-3 days worth of wiggle room,   “ january 17th ”   implies he’s on the Capricorn side of january. to be honest, when i was first thinking about what sun sign i wanted Sebastian to have, i was leaning towards Aquarius since he has several lines about escaping the town   &   wanting his freedom   ( both being very Aquarius-like qualities ),   however i think the case for Capricorn is much easier to make. to start off, i’ll give a run down of the most defining Capricorn characteristics, then i’ll move onto showing in-game examples of how Sebastian demonstrates these traits   ( while leaving room for his other natal positions that i’ll extrapolate on in more posts to come ).
          Capricorn is an earth sign, reveling in stability with a handful of almost toxic traits to display if that stability isn’t achieved. ruled by saturn, or kronos if you wanna get greek, Capricorns are at a constant war with themselves between the general human experience   &   cutting out as much superfluous expression   &   feeling as possible. the story of kronos is very reflective of the Capricorn struggle:   it’s the tale of a man   ( god, but that’s not important )   whose wife is predicted to bear a child who will surpass him   &   take his legacy. kronos, in his anxiety to prevent this change, begins eating each of his wife’s children as they’re born until one day, his wife replaces one of the newborns with a rock so that it will survive kronos’ consumption. of course this leads to the child growing up   &   indeed surpassing kronos just as the prophecy foretold. the lesson to be learned from kronos is one of restriction   &   the inevitability of time.
          between their earthly reliability   &   love of practicality, Capricorns are viewed as the traditional fathers of the zodiac sphere. they guard their values of yesteryear close to their chest. anything too different is cast far away from themselves or, rather, consumed until all traces are disposed of. thankfully not as stubborn as poor Taurus   ( another earth sign ),   Capricorns have a touch of adaptability in all their logic. their modality is cardinal, implying they take charge of situations. they are the leaders next to Cancer, Libra,   &   Aries:   any good leader knows when to give up their morals for the betterment of their charge. to boot, Capricorn is represented by the mythological creature, the sea-goat   ( a creature created by dear old kronos, himself, consisting of the torso of a goat   &   the tail of a fish );   the goat half delivering on that steady earthly nature of an unrelenting climb to the top of a mountain called life, yet the inclusion of the ocean in this aesthetic implying an amount of emotion only water signs can relate to.
          in the typical male-dominated, fatherly way, however, emotional expression does not exist for Capricorns, resulting in this implied depth to lurk well below a Capriorn’s surface. they are deeply independent in a way that leads to intense loneliness. they must do everything for themselves, another thing lovely kronos has taught us here. why look for a different solution to this problem when i so clearly have found one for myself, the ruler of saturn proclaims. a Capricorn’s independence is almost panic charged in this way. they so dearly want to be seen as capable that they will shred their own livelihood as a price. they are masters at self control for it, each having taught themselves the art of stoicism from a young age. Capricorns are at best, friendly in a superficial way. knowing their loneliness is created by their own hands but never knowing how to move passed their own cold   &   distant heart to enact any change necessary to improve their relationships.
          something that is often associated with Capricorns   &   the other earth signs is the act of earning money. while Taurus enjoys earning money to support their lavish, venus-ruled lifestyle   &   Virgo sees money as something to worry over thus resulting in them hoarding it, Capricorns crave for their income to be stable   &   plentiful in order to provide for their loved ones, or for the more lonely Capricorns, to provide for themselves.
          saturn is the first planet to take a substantial amount of time to complete its cycle through all the signs. compared to earth, which takes one year to complete its solar rotation   &   jupiter which takes 12, saturn takes upwards of 30 years. we astrologers take that as symbolical for how Capricorns get significantly better with age, as well as their   “ slow   &   steady wins the race ”   attitude. Capricorn is a sign of wisdom but only at the hand of experience. young Capricorns frequently find themselves discontented with their environment   &   lifestyle, craving a stability that cannot exist without first having established themselves in the world. every seven years it’s said, a Capricorn reaches a new level of understanding   &   maturity, as it is about every seven years that saturn completes 1/4th of its solar cycle.
          Capricorns, like Scorpios, love their privacy. regarded as one of the more shady signs of the zodiac, a Capricorn is the type of person to have everyone believing they know everything there is to know about them while simultaneously only ever revealing surface level knowledge about themselves. Capricorns love having friends   &   spending time with their loved ones, however they lack a sense of trust that would allow them to form deeper connections. while a Capricorn does experience their emotions as thoroughly as the rest of the zodiac, they have an equally intense insecurity about expressing them. a Capricorn lives their life wanting to be depended on or at least wanting to provide for those that do depend on them. emotions are seen as a weakness that cannot be spared.
          with the basic personality of a Capricorn outlined, i’ll now go through some choice quotes that demonstrate these traits   &   then talk about a few parts of his heart events that do the same.
“ if i just disappeared would it really matter ? ” “ i was thinking... people are like stones skipping over the water. Eventually we're going to sink. ” “ what am I going to do today ?   probably nothing.”
          when the player first meets Sebastian, he is overtly depressed   &   never goes out of his way to hide it. there is a solemn dark cloud filled with rain, ready to burst constantly following him   &   it’s difficult to ignore. this seriousness is very characteristic of many signs, Capricorn being one of them as it is ruled by Saturn, an outer planet with a very melancholic tone.
“ hey, don't let me stop you from getting your work done. if you aren't busy i don't mind if you stick around. ”
          this quote demonstrates the productive mindset of a Capricorn. compared to all the other bachelors, Sebastian is the only one to ever really consider the player’s work schedule.
“ i was so close to screaming at mom for throwing away my old comic collection   ...  but something stopped me. hmm   ...   with age comes wisdom. ” “ the older i get, the less i'm drawn to the city. ” “ sometimes i feel so angry  ...  but when you show up i always start to calm down. maybe i'll mellow out with age. ”
          while these quotes are also depicting other personality traits, for now i want to emphasize Sebastian’s constant referencing to the passage of time. time is always on a Capricorn’s mind, even the less self aware ones always feel the effects of its passage harsher than other signs. after dating   &   at points in marriage, which is when these quotes are from, Sebastian begins to view time as something more positive   &   optimistic. he recognizes that he has anger issues, at the very least,   &   hopes they’ll get better as time goes on. it’s quite the feat to make a Capricorn see growing older as something positive instead of something anxiety inducing, so from this alone we can really tell that Sebastian is absolutely in love with the player, without a doubt.
“ i couldn't sleep last night so I went for a night ride on the motorcycle. i need to stay independent, even though we're married. that's just how i am. i still love you, though. ” “ hey   ...   want some coffee ?   i needed some   ...   woke up early from a nightmare   &   i just couldn't fall back asleep. ” “ hey. i couldn't sleep last night so i took a walk to the caves. ” “ i'm going to take a walk today. i need some time to myself. i'll see you in the evening. ”
          Capricorns tend to be almost predisposed to sleep issues due to their immense amount of anxiety that comes with the disconnect between productivity   &   incapability, or craving emotional connection   &   viewing emotions as unnecessary. Capricorns are also fiercely independent, so independent that it’s no surprise Sebastian’s the kind of person to sneak out of bed   &   go off alone when feeling anxious instead of waking his partner up for comfort.
“ i don't want to get soft now that i'm a married guy. maybe i should start eating more hot pepper   &   working out ?   just an idea   ... ”
          while i’d also be willing to chalk this expression up to Sebastian being anxious about not passing as masc, i’m also willing to attribute this to a Capricorn being afraid of time passing   &   “ missing out ”   on life. growing soft can be a fear of a sign so dedicated to seeming tough   &   dependable.
“ i don't really feel like doing work today. maybe i'll see what's on tv. ” “ i did some work on the laptop today. ” “ i'm debating whether i should work or just read comics all day. ” “ you know, i should be doing something productive right now. i just lose focus too fast   ...   maybe i should drink more coffee ? ”
          Sebastian references his work so frequently, in typical Capricorn fashion because the urge to justify one’s pleasures by mentioning the fact that they’re also being productive is something ever-present. they are a very guilty breed;   on top of their other burdens, they feel especially bad for moments of relaxation or times when they should be doing something, but cannot bring themselves to.
“ you’re probably making a lot of money on your farm, huh ?   i guess i should get a job soon   … ” “ we should raise more slimes. in big quantities they can be really profitable. ” “ i did some work on the laptop today. i was actually brainstorming some ideas for a game i want to make. with your farming income, i can afford to do what i want with my life. it’s pretty amazing. thank you. ” “ hey. look at me. never forget that i love you   ...   you’re everything to me. now go make us some money. ” “ are we doing okay on money ?   i don’t want to have to sell my laptop   ... ” “ *sigh*   ...    if gas wasn’t so expensive i’d ride my motorcycle to the city today. so what do you do when you aren’t working ? ”
          Sebastian talks SO much about money   &   to me, it’s really hard to imagine concernedape didn’t intentionally make him a Capricorn with this much dialogue about income when no other bachelor or bachelorette has any mention of the topic   ( except for harvey who mentions he’s afraid he’s not bringing in enough money from the lack of people in town ).   the biggest one that jumps out at me to really signal a significant change in his personality after marriage is when he mentions having the freedom that comes with a steady income, a freedom that now allows him to do what he really wants which is, apparently, to make a video game. another one that jumps out at me here is his immediate association with feeling like he should get a job after assuming the player is making a lot of money. since income is such an important subject for Capricorns, it’s easy to imagine Sebastian feels inferior in comparison to the player since he’s   “ just ”   a freelancer.
“ i often felt unappreciated at home   ...   but here i feel like i really belong. ”
          this quote kind of hits Capricorn’s need to be appreciated   &   useful directly on the head   &   is a good transition for me to talk about the fact that Sebastian never progressed very far in his career while living at home with his family because he felt unappreciated. compared to how he almost immediately has a dialogue line after marriage where he tells the player he’s been inspired to make a video game, it’s easy to see the almost instant maturity Sebastian obtained just from moving out;   something he had assumed was in the far off future, implied by his heart scenes.
now let’s break down Sebastian’s heart events.
          his first heart even opens with him busy working, already a very Capricorn setting honestly, as i’ve said a few times now since Capricorns are prone to productivity. Robin enters after a moment   &   informs Sebastian that Abigail is looking for him, to which Sebastian responds to ask if his mother had informed Abigail that he’s working. Robin says that while she had, Abigail still intends on visiting Sebastian at some point today. Sebastian’s next piece of dialogue is very important.
“ *sigh* no one takes my job seriously. ”
          this is an incredibly Capricorn thing to say, both because Capricorns always feel the need to be taken seriously   &   also due to their signature insecurity about income.
          the scene continues so that the player can ask Sebastian what his career goals are. he explicitly says:   “ well, i’m trying to save up so i can move out of here. probably to the city or something, ”   which by itself is obviously very Capricorn, both nailing their need for income, their constant validation that they deserve what they want,   &   their desire for independence, however his dialogue continues for another textbox that contains the most Capricorn lines i’ve ever heard.
“ you know, if i went to college i’d probably be making six figures right now … ”   
          Sebastian is so very   &   obviously obsessed with money, it’s crazy to think he’s any other sign but Capricorn. this portion of the heart scene ends with him saying, 
“ but i just don’t want to be a part of that corporate rat race, you know ? ”   
          this dialogue i’m willing to attribute to another one of his signs at a later date in another post, but in my experience, i’ve known several Capricorn suns that feel the same:   that while they strive for a stable income, they hate participating in capitalistic culture.
          this first heart scene ends with Sebastian dismissing the player, saying he   “ has to get this module finished by tomorrow, ”   indicating he has a very set schedule when it comes to his work. organization being yet another characteristic trait of Capricorn.
          Sebastian’s second heart scene opens with the player catching him working on his bike. after a moment of introspection, Sebastian starts talking, again, about how when he saves enough money, he’s going to get out of the valley, just him   &   his bike. this scene doesn’t have anything specifically Capricorn about it   &   i plan on revisiting it when i talk about his other placements.
          likewise, Sebastian’s third   &   fourth heart scenes don’t have anything outrageously Capricorn in them   --   in fact neither scene tells us very much about Sebastian in particular aside from pointing out that he likes tabletop games   ( which obviously isn’t exclusively Capricorn by any means, but i’ve known so, so many Capricorn suns that have been hardcore into dnd over the years   ...  )   &   has social anxiety. i’ll most likely dip into his fourth heart scene a little more when i talk about his other placements, though.
          Sebastian’s fifth   (   &   final before marriage )   heart scene is, of course, important,   &   probably the most memorable for anyone who’s played Sebastian’s route, but it honestly doesn’t tell us much about his core personality. what it does tell us is how he acts   &   feels when he’s in love, so i’ll definitely come back to this scene when i talk about his venus position.
          &   that’s on his heart scenes !
          so, in summary, i believe Sebastian has a Capricorn sun because he shares many qualities with how astrologers perceive the position. of course this is all just my personal interpretation, but i hope this was an interesting read   &   shed some light on the kind of person Sebastian is !
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lalainajanes · 5 years
I teased this one ages ago! Sorry, rl got in the way! Do me a favor and cross your fingers that my bosses agree to start letting ups work from home a couple days a week next year bc that will make my life waaaayyy easier.
You’re Better Than Normal (Part Two) 
Part One
Caroline shifts from sleep to wakefulness violently, with a jerk and a gasp. She can’t trust the fuzzy place between the two.
She’s yet to manage a decent stretch of rest. She dreams of walls that shift closer and closer no matter how hard she tries to force them back. Of Bonnie fading and weakening when no rescue comes. Of Bonnie hanging in there until Caroline gets so thirsty.
Those are the worst.
She fights her way out of the nightmares and her body reacts accordingly. Each time she wakes she’s rigid, ready to use every ounce of her strength to get free.
Klaus is always there to remind her that she is.
This time her palms slam into his chest when she tries to spring to her feet. She snaps into lucidity when his body gives in a way the ground wouldn’t. He inhales sharply but makes no other noise of shock or pain, just grabs her wrists firmly. “Caroline, wake up.”
Caroline’s eyes pop open, only to close quickly when the light stings. She relaxes as the memories – of the last few hours, of yesterday - flood her. She inhales deeply in relief before she slumps back down. There’s a lamp on the bedside table, the shade off so it’s as bright as possible. “Ouch,” she grumbles, tucking her forehead against Klaus’ chest.
He laughs and his hands glide up her arms, his thumbs rubbing circles against her stiff shoulders. “You seemed not to appreciate the lack of light the last, oh, half-dozen times you woke.”
She’d been so sure she was back in the cave when she’d found herself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by unbroken darkness. Her throat had tightened, her breathing growing ragged and painful. Klaus had asked what was wrong and parsed the issue from her frantic gestures and garbled words.
He’d left the bed long enough to solve the problem, had brushed off her weak protests that he wouldn’t be able to sleep. He’d said he’s gone weeks without sleeping while on the run, without slowing or resting, so he wouldn’t even notice a few nights spent awake in the comfort of a bed.
When it had been silence that made her uneasy, he’d talked. About what Caroline’s not quite sure because the words had mattered less than his voice.
She’d grown used to noise while she slept in various hostels and hotels in Europe. People shifting across the room or through too thin walls, city noise streaming in through open windows. Birds chirping and trees rustling the few times they’d ventured somewhere more rustic.
The cave had been quiet.
“Sorry,” Caroline says, not for the first time. “For, well, you know.”
Keeping him up, invading his bed, being so freaking needy. It’s an ever-lengthening list.
She bites back a moan when he digs into a particularly tight knot near her spine. “Stop apologizing,” Klaus chides.
The first ‘I’m sorry’ she’d muttered had been mortified. They’d moved to a bed but she hadn’t allowed Klaus even a fraction of an inch of personal space. Each time she barrels into alertness she’s half on top of him. Her hands are always on his skin, gripping too tightly.
He’s yet to complain.
She sighs, turns her head to rest her ear against his heart. “It must be almost morning.”
“Nearly.” He doesn’t seem particularly eager to start his day.
“Bonnie’s still asleep?”
“Yes. We’ll know when she stirs,” Klaus promises. Elijah’s with her, he’d explained. That there were plenty of other vampires he could have posted but Elijah had offered, reasoning it was best that someone familiar attend to Bon.
“How long has it been now?”
“About fourteen hours.”
So an hour longer than when she’d last asked. She’s kind of impressed that Klaus doesn’t sound more annoyed. “I’m…”
This time Klaus doesn’t allow the apology. “Worried about your oldest friend, I know. If she’s not up in another few hours I’ll send someone to fetch a doctor.”
“Have house calls made a comeback in the twenty…” Caroline pauses abruptly, lets the joke die. She doesn’t even know what century it is.
“Second,” Klaus tells her softly, his palm flattening on her back like he’s braced for her to rear away.
Caroline doesn’t move much, lets the news sink in. Honestly, she’s kind of relieved. She’s had no real way to guess – Klaus and his siblings will look the same if a hundred or a thousand years had passed. “Are we talking early twenty-second century?”
Hey, she’s always been an optimist.
“Mid,” Klaus says, a touch regretfully. “Just on the cusp of late, mathematically speaking.”
That startles a choked noise of amusement from Caroline. She taps his chest lightly, “Nerd.”
Klaus doesn’t react much to the teasing but then he’s definitely been called worse. “Do you want a specific date? Or would you prefer to ease into it a bit?”
Caroline takes a deep breath, then another. She’d told herself she’d face her problems head on in the morning. It’s time to stop procrastinating. “No, let’s get it over with. How long did I spend molding in a cave, Klaus?”
She shivers involuntarily, remembering just how long it had taken for the water in the shower to run clean.
His hand starts to move, gliding up and down the length of her back. It’s an attempt at comfort that she wouldn’t have thought Klaus capable of, once upon a time. “One hundred and forty-seven years.”
She’s always been a fan of numbers. In goals that could be measured. Timelines. When Klaus gives her the number – the length of time she’s been gone – her brain whirls, trying to quantify it.
One hundred and forty-seven years equals two human lifetimes, almost. It’s roughly ten percent of Klaus’ very long life. Almost eight times as many years as she’d lived. Caroline can’t decide whether she should laugh or cry or scream.
“And a few months, I believe,” Klaus adds softly.
A few months doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things but Caroline does appreciate precision. It had been the very beginning of spring when they’d returned to Mystic Falls. After a winter in Greece neither she nor Bonnie had been happy to find their hometown chilly and damp. “What’s the date?”
“September 30th. Twenty-one-sixty-four.”
“Huh. Just in time for my…” Caroline thinks for a minute, “…172nd birthday.” She’s technically older than Stefan had been when they’d met. Damon too, she’s pretty sure.
“I know,” Klaus murmurs. “I’ll have to scrounge you up a gift.”
Caroline lifts her head, glad he’s given her an opening to quit obsessing over a length of time she truly can’t even fathom. She glares at him playfully, “You’ll scrounge? You, a birthday enthusiast, will scrounge for a gift for the first birthday I’ve been aware of in a century and a half?”
He smiles at her and shifts so he’s propped against the bed’s padded headboard, easily moving Caroline with him. She stretches out her legs, wonders if she should move. Discards the idea when Klaus’ fingers sink into her hair. He matches her feigned outrage with a taunt, “I know you love surprises so I wouldn’t want to spoil anything. I may have a suitable item or two laying around.”
Hmm. Would it be rude to snoop? Probably. Is she going to do it anyway? Of course. Hopefully cake is still a thing in the twenty-second century.
“I hate surprises.”
She feels his amusement this time, rumbling through his chest under her head. “I’m well aware, love.” Klaus rubs at the base of her skull and Caroline finds her eyes drooping, unable to form a clever comeback. She knows she won’t sleep properly but a few more minutes of rest might be a good idea.
She wants to be sharp when Klaus’ guests arrive.
* * * * *
Caroline paces, waiting for Bonnie to wake. It's been at nearly eighteen hours and Caroline’s worry is mounting. Bonnie seems okay – she’s not too hot or too cold, doesn’t look like she’s in any pain or distress. She looks like she’s just sleeping well.
Kol’s insisting that’s exactly what’s happening, that it’s normal for witches to need to rest after big spells to recharge. He’s made the proclamation at breakfast, while double fisting blood and bourbon, in the most man-splain-y way possible, and Caroline’s temper had flared.
"Bonnie is not a freaking battery!" She’d snapped, her hands hitting the table hard enough to send cutlery rattling. Kol had leaned forward, his lips twisted condescendingly. Whatever he’d been about to say had been cut off by the warning look Klaus had leveled his way. It had promised retribution and so Kol had refrained from snapping back.
Or snapping Caroline’s neck.
She'd left the breakfast table (and it's weird, unidentifiable, array of food-like things) in a huff. After a few wrong turns she’d found her way to the room they'd deposited Bonnie in last night. She'd been soothed by Bonnie's strong heartbeat, by the steady rhythm of her breaths. She'd relaxed enough to accept the glass of blood Rebekah had dropped off, had even remembered her manners and muttered a thanks.
Rebekah had left quickly, telling Caroline to yell if she was too dim to remember how to work the shower, leaving the door ajar.
She'd downed the blood quickly and rinsed the glass (managing just fine, Rebekah). Bonnie’s a little uneasy about the whole blood drinking vampire thing. Better than she had been but, when they’d been travelling together, Caroline had gotten into the habit of hiding her meals as much as possible.
Unable to sit still any longer, nervous energy thrumming through her body, she'd started to move.
It takes fourteen strides, from wall to wall, and she's never been more grateful for Klaus' penchant for opulence. She's making lists in her head. There’s so much she’ll need to know, a million things she'll have to do. Like, how's she going to go about getting a driver's license? Do people still have those? Or is there a retinal scan, or some creepy microchip implanted in your body? Caroline had never been much for sci fi movies, something she deeply regrets now that her life has become one.
She's got her ears focused on Bonnie, however, recognizes the little annoyed noise Bonnie always makes when she's about to wake up. Caroline's in the chair beside the bed in under a second, legs pulled up under her, trying to look casual and like she's not freaking out.
The attempt is pointless, Bonnie's known her forever, and it only takes a second before her green eyes sharpen and focus on Caroline. "How bad is it?" Bonnie asks, resigned because she’s way too accustomed to doom and gloom.
They’d been doing so well on their own. They’d been away for months without even the tiniest threat of danger.
Caroline chews on the inside of her lip for a second, considering how to answer. She can't lie, won't lie, but a little stalling might be a kindness. Just until Bonnie has a chance to shower and eat. "Honestly? It's not great, Bon. But we're alive. We’ve got… help.” She’d almost said friends but that would have been pushing it.
Bonnie closes her eyes again, “This bed is an improvement over the cave.”
“That’s the spirit. I felt a bajillion times better after a shower.”
When Bonnie sits up and kicks the blankets aside, the sheets are no longer white. She makes a disgusted face at the grit and grime covering her body, "Gross. I can't believe I fell asleep like this."
"You were right out," Caroline tells her. "Rebekah tucked you in and you didn't even notice."
"Weird. I wish you hadn't told me that."
Caroline cracks a smile at the mildly disgusted look Bonnie wears, "Don't worry. I have it on good authority that Nice Rebekah will be a fleeting presence. We'll probably miss her once Bitch Rebekah rears her ugly head."
"I heard that!" Rebekah bellows from several rooms away.
Caroline looks away, from Bonnie. She'll start giggling if she doesn't and that will likely not endear either of them to Rebekah.
Caroline’s stronger than she had been but Damon will be too. If things get violent, well, she wants all The Originals on her side.
Once she's swallowed down her laughter she stands, brushing her hands together, "You'll have to bear with me. Everything in the bathroom is crazy fancy and I've only been in it once. I'm pretty sure there's no boil humans alive setting though."
"Are you sure?" Bonnie asks dryly. "You're aware of just who lives here? Might be something they do for fun."
Klaus, with his impeccable timing, chooses that moment to poke his head in the door, "Now why would we overcook a perfectly good meal?"
Bonnie glares, dark and deadly, and Caroline hastily steps into her line of sight, in case she starts throwing magic around. "He's joking, Bon. Klaus just doesn't realize that he's not actually funny."
She shoots him her own quelling look, more exasperated than upset, and he merely smirks back, leaning against the open doorway. "Nonsense, my sense of humor is delightful, everyone says so."
"People you're attempting to kill, I'm guessing? I think that counts as duress and you should assume they're lying."
Klaus places a hand over his heart, his face dropping into an exaggeratedly wounded expression. Caroline rolls her eyes, "Did you need something?"
He turns serious in an instant, "Yes, actually. Our guests will be arriving within the hour." Klaus' eyes flit over to Bonnie, and Caroline glances over to find her friend looking puzzled at Klaus' words. She’s not going to start explaining with Klaus in the room. There are things Bonnie needs to hear from Caroline. Privately. "I'll let you know when I'm ready to see them," she says.
He nods in acceptance, rocks back a step, before turning to leave. A thought occurs to Caroline, one she's kind of ashamed is just now popping up. "One sec, Bon," she says, before darting out the room after Klaus. He turns, a brow raised, and she invades his personal space to speak quietly.
It’s weird she even notices considering how she’d spent last night draped all over him.
"Bonnie's mom was a vampire. Can you find out what happened to her? If she's still around?"
"I can," Klaus says. "I even have a reasonably good idea of where to start looking."
"Good. Thank you. Can you let Enzo know what I'm doing? I'll find him as soon as I can."
"And our other guests?" Klaus asks mildly. "Any specifications for how I treat them?"
She knows what he's asking, wonders what it says about her that her first instinct is to ask for a little bloodshed, Damon's in particular. "Are their memories still gone?"
"Yes. It was a clever spell. Your little witch friend is the only person who can break it."
Caroline's not surprised. Of course Damon would craft the tiniest loophole possible. "Then I think they should be comfortable."
“Such generosity.”
“Comfortable for now.” Until their memories have returned, and they’ve confessed to the exact series of events that had led to Caroline and Bonnie losing so many years.
Klaus' eyes gleam, a slow, pleased smile tugging at his lips, "I’ve always enjoyed the way your mind works."
She remembers, had always found it flattering, his intrigue with her brain when so many had only seen a pretty face or attractive body. What does it mean that it's endured?
Klaus tips his head, gestures to the room behind her, "You'd best return, it sounds like someone's getting impatient."
She can hear Bonnie moving around, now that he mentions it, "Right. I should," Still Caroline hesitates. She wants to say thank you, again, but she feels like she's already said it so many times. Knows she'll probably need to say it more, over the coming days and weeks.
"I'll send someone with a tray of food, in a bit. And you may find me, if you need anything."
"Klaus…" Caroline murmurs, trailing off helplessly. She can't find the words but she's always been good at actions. Before she can second guess herself, she puts her hand on his shoulder, rises and brushes her lips over his cheek. He stiffens, and his eyes are slightly wider when she pulls back, trained on her face. She feels a momentary surge of satisfaction at having caught him off guard.
Surely not many can claim the same.
Caroline lets her hand slide down his arm, before she steps back. Throws him on last smile, before she turns on her heel.
Klaus, and all the things between them, will keep. He's proven that. Right now, Bonnie needs her more.
* * * * *
“What? That’s insane. Impossible. She can’t be a vampire. She took the cure. Katherine tried to turn back, remember?”
Bonnie’s restless, crackling with energy. She’s pacing the room, just as Caroline had earlier. They’ve thrown all the curtains in but there’s not a whole lot of natural light to be found. Clouds pack the sky, sitting low and heavy, like a storm threatens. They hadn’t been able to figure out how to open the windows but at least the room is big and well lit.
They’re avoiding the view. Caroline vaguely recognizes the back grounds of Klaus’ Mystic Falls home but it looks way different. Once carefully manicured it’s now little more than a few scraggly patches of brown-yellow grass dotted over rocks and cracked soil. The outbuildings are crumbling and weather beaten and the stone paths that had once wound around the house no longer visible.
Caroline’s doing her best to project calm. So not her forte but she’s had a good chunk of time to process. Someone to lean on (in the most literal sense of the word) and answer her questions. “Bon, you’re a witch. Once upon a time we thought that was impossible.”
Bonnie’s head swivels to shoot Caroline an annoyed look. Caroline’s sitting cross legged at the end of the bed and she tips her head to the side and maintains eye contact until Bonnie huffs out an irritated sigh and resumes walking. “Fine, I will give you that one.”
“Why thank you.”
“She wouldn’t though. Elena never wanted to be a vampire.”
That’s kind of a sticking point for Caroline too. Klaus hadn’t known how or why Elena had turned but he’d had theories. Caroline goes with the most generous, “Maybe it was life or death again. She chose to be a vampire rather than die the first time. If she had to choose again...”
“She wouldn’t sacrifice us though. That’s not Elena.”
Caroline’s not so sure.
Elena had chosen sleep knowing that the future she wanted was on pause. That Damon would be waiting for her, and Stefan would remain unchanged. That she could have everything her little heart desired when she woke up and that she wouldn’t even suffer the agony of waiting. If something threatened that future? Caroline doesn’t trust that Elena’s selflessness would have held.
She’d let go of the things Elena had said and done with her humanity off, had known that holding on to her anger was pointless when Elena hadn’t even been willing to entertain the idea of an apology. She’d rationalized that it wasn’t really Elena. Then she’d flipped her own switch and she’d been entirely herself. The worst parts of herself that she’d tried to temper, yes, but she’s not going to deny they exist. She’s ruthless and blunt, and capable of terrible things in pursuit of her goals.
Some might label those traits as flaws but privately Caroline thinks they can be strengths too.
Elena had always been selective about the flaws she was willing to overlook, a teeny bit in denial about the ones she possessed.
Damon and Stefan were gifted limitless chances. Other people not so much.
Sometime after Damon and Stefan had shown up Elena’s universe had narrowed. Caroline had been aware of just who existed at the center of it. If Damon was the sun and Stefan the moon, destined to be stuck to Elena’s side, Caroline had figured she and Bonnie were planets. Their orbits would grow bigger, away from Mystic Falls, but that they’d still be important. They’d keep track of each other, share milestones, celebrate success and band together in tragedy.
That may have been too rosy a view. Maybe, to Elena, she’s Pluto. Easily demoted.
“She’s here, according to Klaus. Damon and Stefan too. That wouldn’t be possible if she hadn’t turned.”
Bonnie pauses, her head snapping up and her eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Are they the guests Klaus was talking about? He sounded extra smarmy.”
“Yup. Their memories are all messed up. Klaus thinks you’re the only witch on the planet with a fix.”
“Klaus thinks,” Bonnie repeats and there’s a whole heap of distaste in those two little words.
Oh boy.
“I know you don’t like him,” Caroline begins.
“That’s understating it a bit.”
Caroline decides it’s prudent to ignore the interruption. “Or trust him. And you don’t have to. But maybe give him some credit for springing us yesterday.” Caroline’s not sure she would have been able to do it on her own. She’s definitely sure that she wouldn’t have been fast enough for Bonnie to make it out with no ill effects.
“Yeah, about that. He says it’s been a hundred and forty seven years, how did he happen to show up in the exact right place at the exact right time?”
Caroline had really been hoping to avoid that question.
But she’s not going to lie. Or even sugar coat. She and Bonnie need to be a united front.
“Klaus has been… searching for descendants of the witch who sealed us in.”
“And?” Bonnie prompts because she really knows Caroline too well.
“And killing them. If they proved unable to help.” She’s not well versed in the intricacies of magic. Only knows that there’s usually a whole heap of terms and conditions. Klaus had explained, sometime last night, when Caroline had been failing at sleep, that the original witch had anchored the spell to her line. That Damon had compelled her very human husband as a means of making her cooperate. She’d refused to lift it no matter what Klaus had offered or threatened.
Damon had, apparently, used every ounce of self-serving cunning and self-preserving intelligence he’d possessed. Without any memory of the undoubtedly heinous orders he’d given the witch’s husband, Damon couldn’t be forced to undo his compulsion. The spell to seal his memories away had involved Bonnie’s blood and the spell to return them required the same ingredients.
And Bonnie was trapped, her blood well out of reach.
Klaus had seethed with frustration as he’d explained, his body a solid mass of tension where they’d been pressed together. His hands had remained gentle, however, his fingers in her hair soothing.
Caroline still wears his scent on her skin and she’s glad Bonnie’s human senses can’t detect it.
“How many?” Bonnie demands.
“You know, I didn’t ask,” Caroline replies, and that’s not a lie. She hadn’t wanted a count for this very reason.
Bonnie rolls her shoulders, a hand coming up to rub at the back of her neck. “I think I need a couple minutes. To make this all make sense. Is that okay?”
Caroline’s already rising and she scoffs, “Of course it’s okay. We’ve dealt with a whole lot of crazy but this is a brand-new level of nuts. You can have all the time you need to process.”
Bonnie smiles. Just a tiny wan quirk of her lips but Caroline will take it. “Thanks, Care.”
“Come downstairs whenever you’re ready. Klaus has been hoarding spell books that might help with the memory thing but honestly, there’s no rush.”
“Who are you and what have you done with Caroline Forbes?”
It’s a terrible joke but Caroline lets that slide. She shrugs, turning when she reaches the door. “It’s not life or death. I’m alive, you’re alive. Everything else we can figure out, right?”
Bon blinks a little, her eyes shining, and Caroline swallows passed a lump in her throat, rushing forward and throwing her arms around Bonnie. She watches her strength, mindful of how much it’s grown, how weak Bonnie had been just yesterday. Bonnie returns the pressure, her breathing shaky, “We’ll figure it out,” Caroline repeats.
This time it’s a promise, one she intends to keep.
* * * * *
Caroline had been on her way back to her room to wash her face and fix her hair. When she’d gotten closer to the staircase she’d heard the voices. They’re too quiet for her to make out the words but one voice is new, just slightly familiar. Her feet take her down the steps quickly, towards an open door.
There’s no real point in cleaning away the evidence of tears. Enzo had always been annoyingly perceptive about her emotional state and, with the events of the last 24 hours, Caroline’s in no position to attempt to act like she’s okay.
Besides, he’s seen her look far worse.
Caroline deeply regrets the hair and leather pants related mistakes she’d made with her humanity off.
She’s not trying to be stealthy and the conversation pauses, a glass hits a table with a clink.
Her hand touches the door and then everything gets blurry. There’s a crash, she feels a whoosh of air, hears a groan and a tear. Caroline shakes her head, blinks, finds herself staring at the back of Klaus’ neck. Enzo’s there too, right in front of Klaus, wide-eyed and unconcerned about the death grip Klaus has on the collar of his jacket.
She’ll chalk that up to his total lack of a survival instinct.
“Manners, Lorenzo,” Klaus warns, mostly friendly but with the tiniest edge of a threat.
Caroline brushes passed Klaus, a laugh bubbling out of her. She plows into Enzo and he grunts but lifts her off her feet in a bone crushing hug. “It has been far too long,” he mutters into her hair.
She returns the embrace just as fiercely, “Doesn’t feel that long for me but I have missed you.” Enzo sets her down and Caroline notes the room’s other occupant. Kol’s here, slouched on a leather sofa. He lifts his glass in her direction in welcome, Caroline supposes he’s over their breakfast table spat.
“Aren’t you two adorable?” Kol drawls.
Enzo shoots him a casual rude gesture and Klaus laughs softly behind her. His hand presses into her hip briefly, drawing Caroline’s attention. “Drink, love?” he murmurs.
She’s hopeful the booze is less terrible than the food. “Yes, please.”
He makes his way to a cart across the room. It holds glasses, several crystal decanters, Klaus pops the top on one and pours a more than healthy portion. Caroline drops down into an armchair, curls her legs under her. Enzo pats her head and she swats at him but he’s still much faster than her, dodging easily as he throws himself down next to Kol.
And props his feet on the coffee table. Caroline glares a little but he grins at her, unrepentant. Caroline half expects Klaus to comment but he doesn’t seem bothered, leans against the arm of her chair after handing her a glass.
“How’s the little witch?” Kol asks, as if he’s genuinely interested.
“Fully recharged,” Caroline tells him. “She wanted a little time alone to process but she’ll be down later.”
“Have you told her…” Klaus lets the sentence hang.
“Everything I know, she knows.” Caroline twists her head to study Klaus’ reaction, searching for a hint of displeasure of disapproval.
Klaus only nods, “Did you discuss what we’d like done with our other guests?”
“Not really.” She and Bonnie had only decided that the first order of business would be to figure out how to restore the memories that Elena and the Salvatores apparently lacked. “I’d like for them to be kept comfortable. Until we can make them remember.”
AKA warm and fed with all their organs and extremities intact.
She watches Kol as she says it. Klaus had already agreed but she remembers Kol being volatile, fond of bats and not a big fan of Damon.
He moans in exaggerated disappointment, his head rolling back against the couch, his expression growing petulant. “You, darling, are a bit of a fun killer, aren’t you?”
“Elijah’s settling them,” Klaus tells her, ignoring his brother’s complaint. “In separate, well stocked rooms.”
“Cells, technically,” Enzo pipes up.
Kol cheers up a bit, “Well, at least that’s a little bit of torture. As clingy and nauseating at their little triangle is.”
“Did Elena go back to Stefan?”
“Back and forth. Back and forth,” Enzo drawls. “For ages.”
“Took her far too long to work out that she didn’t have to,” Kol adds. “Imagine, being a hundred years old and only just realizing you’ve options other than monogamy?”
Unfortunately, Caroline had just taken a sip of her drink. She chokes on it and her throat burns. Her eyes water and she coughs while Klaus pats her on the back. He sounds distinctly amused when he speaks, “She insisted on living with humans. Got a little caught up in the norms.”
“This is really too much information,” Caroline manages, her voice weak. She’s also seriously regretting her honesty is the best policy vow. This is not gossip she wants to have to relay to Bonnie.
“Jealous? You’d developed a bit of a thing for Stefan, hadn’t you?”
Ugh. Had it just been a few minutes ago that she’d been elated to see Enzo?
Klaus straightens next to her, putting more distance between their bodies and lifting his hand away. This time, Caroline does not check his reaction. “I got over that pretty quickly, thank you very much.”
“Oh?” Enzo asks, like he doesn’t believe her.
Caroline takes another sip of her drink, this time welcoming the fire when she swallows. “I wasn’t good with change. With everything that happened with my mom…” Caroline hadn’t been ready to lose her mother. She’d had plans – she’d wanted to graduate college and get a job, to make her mom proud while she could, knowing that by the time she hit thirty-five or so she wouldn’t be able to show her face in Mystic Falls without whispers starting.
With her mother’s death Caroline’s reasons for playing at being human evaporated. She’d taken a leap, dropped out of college, and bought a plane ticket. Had quickly realized that there were plenty of new experiences worth having.
“Stefan was familiar,” Caroline says, keeping it simple because Kol really doesn’t need to know her personal business, outdated though it is. “After I left I found I didn’t actually need familiar.”
“I could have told you that.”
She makes a face, barely resists the urge to stick out her tongue. Enzo’s not the least bit chastised. His boots squeak against the polished coffee table as he gets comfortable. “Tell me, Gorgeous, what’s the plan then? We just wait?”
She’s about to snap an apology for inconveniencing him but Klaus speaks first, “It shouldn’t be too long. I believe we have the spell, the wi…” Caroline sees him glance at her when he pauses. He smiles at her, all warmth and dimples, and corrects himself. “Bonnie just has to look it over. It’ll take a few days to track down the necessary ingredients but she likely shouldn’t be spilling blood immediately, given her condition.”
“Is my usual room ready?” Enzo asks.
It’s so weird that he has a usual freaking room.
“Of course,” Klaus answers, the tiniest hint of offense making the words come out clipped.
Caroline takes another drink. A bigger one. “I’m going to need the full story of how you two became bffs. Like, right now.”
Enzo smirks, his eyes growing gleeful, “It was a rocky road, Gorgeous. There was bloodshed, severed limbs.”
“His,” Klaus mutters darkly.
He doesn’t try to stop the story, however. Only interjects when Enzo begins to embellish and occasionally to supply extra details.
It’s not long until Caroline’s sides hurt from laughing.
For the first time she feels like maybe, somehow, she really will be okay.
* * * * *
It takes a minute for Elena to realize she’s no longer alone. Caroline hadn’t announced herself but she’s kind of surprised Elena’s not more alert. She looks miserable, wrapped in a blanket on the mattress in the corner of the cell. It’s not her only blanket, she’s got a whole pile. Pillows too. It’s only the locked door that makes the room a cell because it’s clean and dry and well lit.
Far nicer than a cave.
The door’s feature small barred cut-outs, high enough that Caroline doesn’t have to duck to look through them.
There are guards behind her, at the bottom of the staircase, but they hadn’t tried to stop or discourage her. Caroline thinks they’re hybrids but she’s not sure how that’s possible. It’s another question to add to her endless list. It’s mental list for now. Klaus had informed her that paper and pens were no longer commonly used. She’d been horrified and he’d smiled, had told he’d sacrifice one of his sketchbooks and some pencils for her until he could track down something suitable.
He’d offered a tablet too but nothing is as satisfying as striking off a task on paper.
Stefan had glanced up as she’d passed his cell. They’d eyed each other for a moment before he’d bowed his head once more.
It had felt like a dismissal and she’d be lying if she claimed it hadn’t annoyed her.
She can hear Damon moving, breathing harshly. Dull thuds that must be him slamming into the walls. Idly, she wonders if putting Elena in the center cell had been purposeful or coincidence. She doesn’t travel beyond Elena’s cell, has no pressing need to check on Damon.
Elena’s still a pretty crier, no snot or splotchy skin, just big fat tears and attractively clumped lashes. Her hair is shorter than Caroline’s ever seen it, resting just at her collarbones but that’s it. Physically, the Elena before her is identical to the Elena she’d always known.
Caroline taps at the door and Elena startles, springing from the bed and pressing her back to the wall. Her face is twisted in anger but confusion takes over when she spots Caroline. “Who are you?” she asks warily.
Well. That’s weird. She’d shared dolls with Elena, games of Candyland. Giggled about crushes and complained about pop quizzes. There’s no hint recognition in Elena’s red-rimmed eyes.  
She takes another step closer, “My name’s Caroline.”
Damon’s stilled and Stefan’s risen. A glance to her left and right shows the they’re peering out at her. Elena can’t see them and she’s waiting, like she expects a longer explanation. “Where’s your boss?” she spits, when Caroline remains quiet.
“I don’t have one of those.” Technically, she’s never had one of those. She’d had ideas about trying her hand at a career or two, hadn’t gotten the chance.
“Klaus,” Stefan cuts in. “Where is Klaus?”
Caroline shrugs, points upwards. He’s somewhere upstairs. Bonnie had emerged from her room, had begun to go through the research Klaus has compiled over the years. He’d excused himself to make a call, had said something about arranging for reinforcements. “I’m not a hybrid. Just a regular ol’ vampire. About the same age as you, actually. And I don’t work for Klaus.”
The noise Elena makes is disbelieving. “Sure you don’t. Why else would you be here? Unless you’re…” she trails off, her eyes flitting over Caroline in a way that’s familiar in it’s silent judgement. Caroline’s sure she’s trying to find a safe euphemism but she apparently fails. “…with him,” Elena finishes.
Caroline keeps her reply simple. She doesn’t owe anyone in this basement an explanation. “He’s helping me with something.”
“Klaus doesn’t help people.”
Technically false. “Really? I thought it was pretty helpful when he offered up a hybrid for you to kill so you didn’t spend a few decades going insane.”
Elena shrinks back, growing fearful once more. “How do you know about that?”
“We used to know each other.” Kind of an understatement but Elena’s not going to believe her anyway.
“We’ve never met.”
“We have,” Caroline counters. “I don’t actually remember when.”
Mystic Falls had been small, and big on community celebrations. She assumes she’d met Elena and Bonnie at one of them, had been plopped in a group with kids her age under the semi-attentive eye of whatever grown up was the most likely to go easy on the spiked punch.
Elena’s watching her with some measure of concern. Caroline can’t blame her. A stranger, talking nonsense, while you’re trapped in a cell is bound to be alarming.
She should probably apologize for the kidnapping thing but she’s not sure if Elena deserves it.
Elena moves forward again, her big brown eyes once again pleading, and her voice turns soft. “Listen, Caroline. If you need help, I’ll help you. We’ll help you if you get us out. But Klaus is… Klaus is bad news, okay? You need to get me out of here. Damon and Stefan too. He’s going to kill us. Torture us.”
A demand, one that’s annoyingly condescending. Not even a request.
“He’s not going to torture you.”
Caroline’s hoping that, whatever went down, Elena had been kept in the dark. Damon and Stefan had tended to get high handed and she thinks it’s plausible that they’d decided on a course of action for Elena, had decided what her best interest was and hadn’t cared about collateral damage.
The door to the next cell rattles and she hears a strangled grunt. Glancing over Caroline sees Damon, his pale blue eyes just as startling as she remembers. He’s livid, his color high and his mouth is ringed with dried blood. He makes more sounds, feral inarticulate noises that don’t resemble actual words.
Elena’s frantic, stretched up on her toes, her head pressed to the bars but there’s no way she can see Damon. She glares at Caroline, “Do you not consider cutting out a tongue torture?”
A throat clears behind her and one of the guard pipes up, “Technically, that was Kol.”
Ah. She should have known. He’d acquiesced so easily.
Caroline wonders if she should be outraged but she finds she can’t muster the energy. ““I mean, it is but it’ll grow back.”
Elena gasps, “That’s not the point.”
“The Damon I remember was really bad at knowing when to shut up.”
Elena recoils, watching Caroline warily now. “And that makes it okay?”
It’s not a debate Caroline’s willing to entertain, especially when there’s no point in reminding Elena what a giant freaking hypocrite she’s being.
Stefan says her name, catching her attention. “Caroline,” he repeats, drawing out the syllables. “Klaus asked us about you. Several times.”
This time the noise Damon makes is a snarl and Caroline figures those were not civilized conversations. “Like I said, he’s been helping me.”
“For a hundred years?”
“More like a hundred and fifty.”
She can still read Stefan. He’s measuring her, trying to figure out how loyal she is to Klaus, if he can use her. He’s going to be disappointed. “An awfully long time,” he finally says, carefully neutral.
Caroline laughs even though none of her present company will get the joke, “Didn’t feel like it.”
She studies each of her old friends in turn. Stefan’s got his brows furrowed in frustration, Damon’s tense like he’s considering going for her throat, thick doors be damned. Elena’s sad and anxious, her knuckles white where they clutch the edge of the window.
Part of her hadn’t understood what it meant that she’d been erased. She’d half expected recognition. That seeing her in the flesh would shake whatever magic that had been weaved loose. She’d hoped for answers. At the very least she’d wanted a target for her anger.
Of course it’s not that simple.
* * * * *
She’d planned to sleep in her own bed.
Had showered, explored the bottles and tubes of sweet-smelling lotions and creams that had appeared in the bathroom adjacent to the room she’d been given. Had used up several hours making notes in the sketchbook Klaus had provided while scouring the internet for answers to some of her more practical questions.
She’s super disappointed that flying cars still haven’t become a common mode of transportation.
When she’d settled under the covers and closed her eyes she’d begun to get anxious. It wasn’t the silence because music hadn’t help. She’d turned on a lamp, just in case it was the dark. She’d grown tense as she’d lain there, struggling to take even inhales and exhales. Had thrown off the blankets once she’d grown hot and sweat slicked.
Her mind had kept returning to waking up alone, in the cave. To the moment when she’d realized she was trapped, when she hadn’t been sure if Bonnie was alive. She’d felt utterly alone and so scared. That same terror creeps into her bones, until she’s shaking and curled into a tight ball, her teeth grinding together.
Maybe she should have stuck it out. She’d known she was safe. That Bonnie was just next door, that it would be daylight again in just a few hours.
The longer she’d lain there, unsleeping, the harder it had been to tell herself that she needed to.
Why she should have to suffer? It’s not like Klaus is going to judge her or turn her away. He’d made that clear last night. She’s not sure what time it is when she gives up, only knows that she can’t hear a peep from any of the other occupants of the house.
She finds Klaus’ door wide open.
She can see him propped up in the center of his bed. He watches her approach, shifts to one side, an invitation he doesn’t bother to voice.
She reaches behind her once she crosses the threshold and shuts the door, fingers fumbling for a lock.
It’s warm when she tucks herself under the covers and she sighs and stretches out her legs, her muscles unclenching in relief. Klaus sinks down until his head rests on a pillow, on his side facing her. There’s no hint that she’s not welcome.
It used to make her jittery, the way Klaus looked at her. She’d tried to tell herself that he wasn’t actually interested, that he had a motive or a lack of other prospects in the immediate vicinity. That his pretty words were practiced lines and that he’d offered trips and trinkets to a thousand people before her.
Caroline knows she was wrong. That if she’d been only convenient he never would have bothered digging her out of that cave.
That should scare her.
Caroline pulls the heavy comforter over her shoulders, wonders if she should just say screw it and cross the few inches that separate her from Klaus now, or if she should make a show of getting heavy eyed and sleepy first.
“Something wrong with your bed, love?” Klaus teases.
Ugh, he’s so not going to let her get away with faking sleep before she gets hands-y, is he?
She rolls until she faces away from Klaus but rests against him. “Shut up,” she mutters, reaching back to grab his arm. She wraps it around her middle, rests her hand over top of his and squirms until they’re comfortably pressed together. He takes the hint beautifully, his legs bending to tangle with hers.
She feels him laughing, his breath against the back of her neck. “I’ll take that as a no, then.”
They shift, settling, and Caroline finds that she can breathe easy now that she can focus on the faint thrum of Klaus’ heartbeat. “How did your visit downstairs go?” he asks.
Caroline scoffs, tugs at a leather cord on his wrist, “Like your minions didn’t report back my every word.”
“They would have. I didn’t ask.”
Caroline finds that she’s smiling, presses her face into the pillow to try to hide it. It’s a simple statement but it tells her that Klaus trusts her. She hadn’t expected that.
“They don’t remember me. I knew they wouldn’t but I still didn’t totally expect it. I felt… expendable a lot, you know? I thought I’d gotten past that but… they kind of brought that all back.”
His grip on her tightens, his stubble scraping her skin as he shakes his head. “You are not expendable.”
“I know,” she answers, firm and steady.
Caroline isn’t who she’d been when she’d called Mystic Falls home. Getting out had been good to her. She’d lost the instinct to second guess her actions, to wonder if her choices would negatively impact her friends. Outside of the tiny town, away from all the people who’d known her all her life, she hadn’t worried about anyone whispering about how she was disgracing her family name or embarrassing her mother.
She’d shed insecurities as she’d hopped planes and trains.
Caroline knows she deserves to be happy, that she matters. Leap frogging into the future hasn’t changed her mind.
“Good,” Klaus rumbles, a wealth of satisfaction in his tone.
Caroline shifts back slightly, nudging him with her elbow, “What? Did you seriously expect me to argue?”
She knows he’s smiling, can hear it in his taunt, “Are you implying that you’re not argumentative, love?”
Caroline twists to glare at him, “I’m going to ignore that obvious baiting because I recognize that I’m totally invading your space right now.”
“It’s not baiting, it’s a statement of fact. And I’m not implying it’s a defect. Quite the opposite, really.”
She studies Klaus carefully, judges that he’s being honest, and turns until her head’s once more resting on the pillow.  “So I like a lively debate, sue me,” she mutters.
Klaus laughs, so softly that she feels it more than hears it. Caroline closes her eyes, lets the warmth of him behind her help ease her into sleep.
Tomorrow’s bound to be another whirlwind of a day.
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ithehellisbucky · 4 years
Purple Velvet
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Loki x Reader
Requested by: The Fifth Marauder
Word Count: 3,480
Warnings: Happy Loki
Author’s Note: I swear I’m going to stop writing fics about the beginning of relationships. I swear I’m going to start writing different fucking stuff. 
When it comes to your dating history, you kind of struck out. All you'd dated were losers named Dave and their even shittier friends Jeff. (I'm not saying that all people named Jeff and Dave are shitty people because they're not, this Jeff and Dave just happened to be real assholes.)
But the moral of the whole Jeff and Dave fiasco (which included a stripper named Pearl, a smashed kiwi, and a kid named Eli who was way too old to be Dave's son.) But enough with the parenthesis, parenthesis tells the hidden emotions and energy of the story. This story tells a story of emotions and feelings, more than a usual story. So, either the whole story is in parenthesis, or none of it is.
When you met Loki you had no idea that a relationship with him was going to be any different from any of your previous. A seemingly cocky man with slicked-back hair was not exactly the most optimistic of reliable partners, but somehow you were attracted to him. Drawn to the tall man who was possibly wearing a cape in the whole foods checkout line was definitely something to cross off the bucket list.
It wasn't just whole foods, it was possibly every other grocery store in a three-block radius. Considering that three blocks in New York had at one time held four different Trader Joes you had met Loki plenty of times before you finally had a conversation.
It was a normal day and you had been stopping by Harris Teeter to pick up some lasagna and ice cream. While you were bending over to get a pint of Chunky Monkey Ice Cream you heard a voice from behind you. 
"Would you mind grabbing me a pint of rocky road?" The voice asks. It was the man from the Whole Foods checkout line. His voice sounded like purple velvet, not just velvet, but purple velvet. The way purple velvet looks and feels is the way his voice sounds. You may be dawdling too long on what his voice sounds like, but god was such a sexy voice.
"Yeah, sure." It was kind of a lame thing to say, but the only good response. What were you going to say instead, tell him that his voice sounded like purple velvet?
As you handed him the ice cream you quickly analyzed his features. His hair was brown, almost black, but still noticeably brown. He had blue eyes that were almost overshadowed by the shape of his eyes, but not in a bad way. He was wearing a black turtle-neck sweater that was rolled up around his wrists, not because his sleeves were too long, but as a fashion statement.
He stared at you in a pensive manner, but not in a creepy way, in a curious and polite way. He didn't say thank you and you weren't offended, he seemed far too involved in this silent conversation to engage in a verbal one.
After staring at each other for a solid 7 seconds he broke the gaze and said a simple: "have a nice day." Before turning his back, tossing the ice cream into his basket and walking away.
You weren't flustered, by any means; the only word you could think to describe the interaction was interesting. You were deeply and intensely interested in whatever world this man was living in that appeared to be much different from your own.
"You too" you exclaimed in a manner not too different from his, a subtle plea for a reunification, possibly at Food Lion, or wherever had the best deal on tomato soup.
As the story goes, you two met again, in Ikea of all places. You were casually walking through the store, looking for a new nightstand after it had an unfortunate accident after you read the ending of The Time Traveler's Wife. All of a sudden you heard muffled grunting noises as you were passing rows of couches. 
Like any sane person would, you leaned back into the row to see Purple Velvet trying to pick up a couch.
"Um... Excuse me? Are you okay?" You ask, walking toward the tall man who appeared to be sweating.
"Yes, I'm fine." He exclaims, standing up and brushing off his knees. "I just need to get something from under the couch."
"Would you, uh, like some help?" You respond.
"It's alright, I can do it on my own." He replies. He bends over again and starts lifting up the couch for a second time.
For some reason, you didn't walk away. It was probably because you knew he needed help, it was also possibly because he had killer back muscles.
"It looks like you need help." You exclaim, ready to help him out with the herculean feat of lifting up a couch.
"No, I'm good." He grunts out.
After about 20 more seconds of pointless grunting, he finally gives up. "Are you still offering me that help?" He asks.
"Sure, what do you need help with?" You answer, putting down your basket and kneeling down be eye to eye- or at least as close as possible considering your height difference.
"I can lift up the couch, but I can't reach far enough to grab the earring." 
"Earring?" You ask quizzically, it was really none of your business. It was just that  Purple Velvet was lifting up a couch in Ikea to get an earring, and everything about that sentence made you desperately curious.
"Yes, that's the object that I dropped under the couch." He replies calmly.
"Well, that gives me absolutely zero information." You casually respond, a slight smile forming on your face.
He grunts a little, almost like he wanted to chuckle but something stopped him. It honestly sounded more like a snort, but this man doesn’t seem like a person who you say “snorted”.
"When I pick up the couch, can you grab the earring?" He asks. 
He picks up one side of the couch, so it's leaning in an acute angle. You lie on the floor and reach under the couch to try and grab the earring. "What does it look like?" You ask. "There's a lot of shit under this couch, and I want to make sure to grab the one thing that not's shit."
"It's green, and is the type of earring that hangs down." He grunts out. "It’s an emerald color."
"Okay, thanks." You respond, reaching even further under the couch to grab something that appears to have a greenish tinge. 
When you touch that item it's gum you let out a loud ew and continue to reach under the couch. After searching around for another minute or so you grab an object that is smooth on one side and pointy on the other. You look closely, and it indeed appears to be an earring.
"Got it!" You shout.
You slither up from underneath the couch and hand Purple Velvet the earring.
He hesitates for a moment before saying anything. You almost expect him to say nothing before he lets out a quiet thank you.
"You are so very welcome." You announce, letting your positive attitude show.
You get up and begin to walk away, then Purple Velvet sets down the couch and walks over to you; "This may sound kind of weird, but I was wondering if you would like to possibly get something to eat. Together, I mean. At a place other than Harris Teeter."
His demeanor was desperately trying to cover up the anxiety in his voice. He straightens his back and looks at you with misplaced authority. The story happening out loud was far different from the one happening between the two of you, in body language, and in the emotions flashing on your eyes.
The true story going on is that Purple Velvet was asking you out on a date. In a very awkward way that seemed entirely off-brand for someone with his kind of attitude. He seemed shy and was anxiously attempting to hide it. 
“That sounds great, where do you want to go eat?” You answer.
"I saw this Italian place a couple of blocks from here, I believe it's called Mateo's?" He responds, a civil look returning to his features.
"Eh... That made be a problem." You exclaim, a puzzled look forming on Purple Velvet's face, god his voice is so sexy... "Mateo and I have a small food, I dated one of his waiters and after we broke up the waiter spit in my food. Mateo didn't believe me, so here we are. Banned from the best Italian Restaurants in all of New York City. Well not if you consider pizza"
Purple Velvet's face droops, and your absolutely positive the first thing on his mid in skepticism.
"But don't worry! I know another really good place nearby here." You nearly shout, but then you stop. You don’t want him to hate you before he even gets to know you.~
You lead Purple Velvet out of Ikea and onto the street to your left. The two of you keep on walking for about 3 blocks before turning left again and walking into a much dingier road, that could possibly be called an “alley”. You walk for about one more block before stopping at the place to your right.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you." You exclaim jokingly.
Purple Velvet calmly responds with: "I'm not so sure about that," before walking into the structure.
Inside of the building, there's a stairwell leading to the restaurant but to the untrained eye, it could just seem like it was some creepy place that shady businesses could casually murder people in.
"Oh my god, I completely forgot how scary this place looks if you haven't been before. Um... We don't have to eat here, I know a lot more..." You hesitate. “Pleasant place a couple of blocks from this, um, place." You gulp loudly, fear instilled in your heart by the looming threat of rejection.
Instead of running for the hills and being terrified of the eerie place you brought him to, Purple Velvet just laughs. "It's quite alright, I read the sign outside and I saw some people eating in the window; I am more concerned with the quality of the food than any other harm happening to me." He pauses for the moment and then tilts his head and looks at you from the side of his eye. "Unless you possibly know anyone by the name of Thor or Bruce."
"No Bruce." You exclaim. "Unless you count the one that does my dry cleaning."
He chuckles and then gestures up the stairs. 
Once you reach the top of the stairs the door is on your right, and once you step in your senses explode. You step into a brick room with posters from the 1940s all over the walls. The smell of tomato sauce drifted into your nose and the loud sounds of the kitchen filtered into the room where the seating was located.
Purple Velvets' eyes lit up, even though he didn’t make any noise. A smidge of a smile began on his face before twisting downwards to form his usual neutral expression.
"Should we wait to be seated?" Purple Velvet asks. 
"Nah, once Tammie sees I'm here she'll make my usual and then we can start eating." 
"Well, then what is your usual?" He asks, sitting in the seat by the window that you led him too.
"Medium-large pizza half, pineapple on one half and the other half without." You exclaim without a moment's hesitation, not finding it weird at all that you had not only memorized your order but had every single word and the order they were in memorized.
"Pineapple?" He pauses as his face scrunches up. "On a pizza?"
You laugh loudly, reacting to his distress. "Yes, on a pizza. Have you never tried it before?" You ask in genuine curiosity. 
"No, I've never even heard of it." Purple Velvet responds with a light chuckle.
"I'm going to guess and say you're not from New York, or America at that." You exclaim, eagerly awaiting a response.
"No, I believe I'm from Norway." He responds, confusion flashing over his face for a few seconds.
"You believe?" You ask quizzically, wondering how this adult could have no idea where he was from.
"I was adopted when I was a baby." He answers calmly as if it was an everyday occurrence to tell people life details on the first day... And from the way, this man acted it may be. "I grew up in Norway, I’m not sure exactly where, but I could have also been born in Denmark or Sweden."
You were about to interject with a statement about how hard that must be when Tammie comes walking up to you. Tammie was your nemesis from high school, and then you woke up one day and realized your whole feud was pointless. Besides, who gives a shit about shitty Danny Mueller in the first place. Also, her pasta sauce is way too good not to be friends with. And, one bowl of pasta sauce and pitcher of lemonade thrown at Danny, you were best friends. Forever.
Tammie sets down the pizza on the table and almost starts talking to you when she notices Purple Velvet. "Excuse me, care to introduce your, uh... Friend?" She says raising her eyebrows at you. 
"This is P-" You stop yourself from saying Purple Velvet and then you realize you never caught his name. "Remind me again, what's your name?" You ask, must to Tammie's disappointment.
"Loki." He exclaims, with his usually calm expression.
"Last name?" Tammie responds, her skepticism clear.
"Tammie." You say sternly.
"What, I'm just making sure that he's not a famous serial killer." She responds, trying to feign innocence.
"It's quite alright," Pur- Loki answers, a smirk forming on his face. "My full name is Loki Laufeyso-" he pauses, looks down, then regains himself "Loki Laufey."
"Okay, Lowkey Laughy." She responds, her eyebrows still raised.
"See, not a serial killer." You exclaim, gesturing at Loki.
"Maybe not a famous one.” You glare at her. “You're telling me that a man who let you take him down a dark alleyway to go into a shady building and up the stairs, isn't the least bit weird." 
"Farewell." You say to Tammie.
"M'kay." She exclaims, then points at Loki "If you kill her, I will kill you. And I'll get away with it too."
"I genuinely apologize for her." You exclaim, slightly embarrassed for her behavior... But not really, can't blame a girl for being cautious.
"No need." He exclaims as he picks up a piece of the pineapple pizza. As soon as he takes a bite of the pizza his eyes light up, and within seconds the slice is gone. "This is delicious." He exclaims, smiling, the first real smile you've ever seen on his face.
"You either love it, or you hate." You respond with a giggle.
"Well, I love it. I definitely love it." Loki is beaming as he grabs another slice. You hear something he mutters under his breath and it sounds something like: "For the fah-"
You two sit in silence, slurping down pizza. The beauty of silence is real. "What's your favorite color." You ask. He looks at you in confusion. "I mean I really don't know anything about you, and you've got to start somewhere." You exclaim even though you feel like you know everything about him.
"Green." He says. 
"Why?" You ask inquisitively.
"No one's ever asked me why before." He responds, his eyes are curious, and the mood makes you feel like you can see into his soul is as well.
"And I've never asked anybody why before." You respond, taking a bite of your pizza before looking at Loki with a comprehensive look on your face.
Loki is about to say something else before a waiter brings two glasses of water to the table. You thank him quietly and Loki simply takes a sip of his water.
"So... Why do you like the color green?" You ask him for a second time.
"I don't know he responds." He stops and ponders the question for a minute. "The mysterious aspect." He finally exclaims.
"Green is the color of plants, plants cover everything." He continues, looking out the window. "But you never really look that hard at them, unless they're beautiful." He turns back around to face you, to stare into your eyes with intensity. "But they can do anything. Cover skyscrapers, hide secret passages, they can kill you."
He pauses, and you notice that at some point you began to hold each other's hands. "They can also save you."
"What's your favorite color." He counters, dropping your hand to grab another slice of pizza.
"Purple." You say through a mouthful of pizza.
"Why?" He says, repeating the question that you had asked just minutes before. 
"Because everyone thinks that it's all fun and light until they realize how intense it can be. Purple can be intense and fun. And you shouldn't judge purple because it's pretty no matter the shade or the place it's put. It may not look pretty, but once you look closely you realize it's amazing."
Loki's nickname was Purple Velvet for a reason.
"I think our favorite colors have more to do than just colors," Loki exclaims, the darkness in his eyes far overshadowed by the light.
"Seems like it." You respond as you beam, your smile lighting up the room.
The two of you enjoy each other's company for at least another 2 hours, you couldn' tell. All you knew was that the sun had faded into twilight and that Loki's eyes were so goddamn gorgeous (and his voice was so sexy). Long after the pizza was gone, and hours after Tammie's shift had ended, the two of you were still sitting in the brick restaurant.
As the sunset is beginning in the sky you realize that you should probably head out. "As much as I want this to go on forever I just realized that it's getting kind of late, and I forgot to tell my brother I was on a date." Loki looks at you, a brief look of panic crossing his eyes. "As long as this is a date."
"We've been talking for- You trail off, looking down at your phone. "Ah, four and a half hours." You say, kind of shocked. "Time sure flies when you're having fun." You exclaim with a chuckle.
You keep on talking as you walk down the stairs and as you guide him to your building. "Well, this is my apartment." You exclaim, wishing this wasn't the end of your date. "What's your phone number?" You exclaim. Loki gives you his number, and you tell him yours.
After that exchange, you realize that the two of you are standing in complete silence. It feels comfortable with him, just with him. Nothing else.
As you stare deep into his eyes you realize that you are leaning towards his face.
Loki puts his hands on your jaw, cradling your face. His hand isn’t exactly warm, but it’s still comforting. You move your lips towards his and feel the electricity flowing between the two of you when they connect. Your bodies melt perfectly together as your lips combine. One of Loki's arms wraps around your waist as the other continues to caress your face. Your arms drape around Loki's neck, pulling you closer to his body. You feel like a puzzle piece. A puzzle piece in a two-piece puzzle. A puzzle that has finally been completed.
You pull away after what seems like hours, after what has possibly been hours. Your mouths pull away from each other, desperate for breath. You stand outside your building for another minute, feeling his breath on your face. The sun goes down on you two's embrace as you kiss for a second time, and then a third. A fourth.
After you kiss for the fourth time you stop and lean against each other. You stare into his eyes as he holds you to his chest as he drops his other hand to your waist. You move your arms from his neck to around his body, clutching him close to you.
"My name is (y/n)." You breathe out, breaking the perfect silence and replacing it with perfect noise. 
"What?" He responds, looking down at your face in pure bliss, even though his mouth didn't form a smile.
"With all the chaos going on I forgot to tell you my name." You exclaim with a giggle.
"I would hardly call it chaos, it was the exact opposite. Happiness."
You smile and go to kiss him again. Once you pull apart you look up again at his face.
He was smiling.
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