#hades would def do anything in his reach to make nico happy no i dont care what you think
yonemurishiroku · 3 years
I read the similar in one of a time-travel fic and now i’ve started to think.
What if when Nico said he would leave the camps forever, he meant that he and Hades had had a deal: after everything had ended and all had settled down, Hades would grant him a gentle, painless death?
A true end it was.
Maybe it was because he had failed to believe that the surface would welcome him. Maybe it was because he was painfully aware that his powers had been eating him up inside out, and Nico just didn’t want to succumb to that.
Because he didn’t want it to be his end. He wanted not his soul to dissolve into one with the darkness forever.
Because death wasn’t an end. Nico saw death as a mere stop in the middle of a road trip, a long, needed rest between continuing days. Those which heralded a new start, a new journey, a new dawn. And he wanted it. A new life. Starting over.
He asked for his soul to be freed from physical restraints and returned to the cycle. Rested. And then started walking again. Their was no chain from the past. Only the arms of a new future awaited.
And Hades had no reason to decline. Even if that would leave a hole in his heart. His son was just like him. He, too, saw a restful death as a reward.
And the god loved his son too much to not give him just that one thing. And he would go as far as asking Zagreus for a blessing for Nico’s next life to be the happiest of all because that was what the child deserved.
I have spent too much time thinking about Hades and Nico and now i’m making myself cry.
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