lovemyromance · 1 month
why are we still yapping about "Elain can't handle Azriel's darkness, but Gwyn can because she saw him slaughter soldiers."
... you mean... the soldiers that tried to SA her?? Azriel was not about to let them get away, that man is standing on business - especially, when there's a woman involved. What the fuck else would he have done than kill them? They deserved it??
That's literally the only time she's seen him act not polite and courteous. It's not like Gwyn has front row seats to Azriel's interrogation sessions otherwise??
Also - what is this narrative that Elain can't handle Azriel's darkness and she doesn't know what he truly does???
1. The woman is a damn Seer - I think she knows
2. She's been living in the NC for 2 years now, surely she knows of his role in the IC
3. Elain literally killed the King of Hybern - I don't think she minds getting her hands dirty when it's to defend people she loves
4. Her two mentioned friends are literally a part of Azriel's spy network - what tf does she think N&C are spying and collecting information for... Azriel's next best-selling novel???
5. Elain was literally at the final battle with Hybern. She has SEEN Azriel tear into that battlefield. And lo and behold - she is still fine! She still wanted to kiss him after seeing all that! Isn't that crazy?
I think it's so funny when Anti-Elriels say that Elain can't handle Azriel's darkness and she hates violence - but then they turn around and try to claim Lucien "slaughtered his way across a battlefield to get to Elain" (nowhere in the text does it say this, btw. Just says he showed up haggard and bloody - which, given they're in a battle, that makes sense??), and suddenly Elain would be fine with that?
At least stay consistent y'all 🙄 This argument about Elain being some fragile flower girl was shut down the moment she stabbed TT into Hybern's throat. Stop underestimating my girl 😠
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afictionalwhor3 · 2 months
I just finished watching HOTD and I have sm thoughts rumbling inside my head and I’m going to try my best to get them out in a way that makes sense
HOTD 2.07 Spoilers Ahead
- The ending of this episode saved it sm omggg. And please I understand why these side characters need this story building. Esp Daemon, I think we as viewers have been robbed in a lot of ways of seeing Daemon as a multi dimensional emotional character. However, this is why shows need to go back to 24 episode seasons. When there’s only 10 episodes before we lose these characters for two years I wanna see more action and not so much story building.
- The scene with Jace, my bbg đŸ˜–đŸ«ŁđŸ« . I loved that scene bc it shows that Jace is insecure. He realizes what people say abt him and in some ways he probably believes it as well. Bc even if he has “plain” features the thing that separated him from the small folk was his claim to a dragon. Now that the small folk can claim dragons it’s like he is one of them. And I understand those frustrations (if we had 24 episode seasons 🙄) I would’ve loved to see wherever he went and have like a private moment amongst himself or even with Baela
- Daemon, Daemon, Daemon 😭😭. I’m sorry but him tripping acid in Harenhal is so genuinely funny to me. In seriousness tho we stan Oscar Tully cuz we love seeing Daemon humbled. The way he was able to spin the situation and make Daemon the uncomfortable one? Yeah you ate down mama
- The scenes with Matt and Paddy are just so good their chemistry off the charts. And the fact it was Paddy’s suggestion to do the scene as decrepit Viserys makes it even better bc it’s Viserys telling Daemon here the crown is yours, you’ve always wanted it, but while I hand it to you, look what it did to me.
- As someone who has not read the books, I saw that in the books Rhaena was happy in the Vale and that makes me sick cause that girl deserves it. Pray she claims a dragon next episode.
- Can a book person confirm is Alyssa had a sister? Cause ik with the kings guard from last episode (sorry I’m bad with names) they like made up Aerianna? So I wanna know if Hugh’s mom actually existed. Also hate hm character development/screen time he’s gotten as opposed to other side characters makes me sick.
- All those small folk in Dragonstone had me like, idk sista, but Rhaenyra seriously gained infinite aura points being able to calm Verthimor down.
- Vermithor knew damn well he ain’t have to burn all them people like that. Which leads me into my point that I love that these dragons have personalities. Like Syrax is literally just a girl, Vermithor is hot headed, Vhagar is an old lady, I just love that aspect of the show and someone give us a dragon personality fic
- Ulf stumbling onto a dragon like that I thought for sure he was dead. And also another clutch of dragon eggs???? Do they not know abt silverwing? Sm questions but when he went to kings landing I thought for a moment he was going to claim House Hightower. And when Aemond got to a haggard she was like “not again cmon”
- My favorite part abt next weeks preview was seeing Aemond tell Haelena she would have to ride Dreamfyre. Like she’s not meant yo be a warrior princess she’s meant to run in a field of flowers
But those are my thoughts if you somehow read this whole thing awesome and let’s talk in the comments I love talking abt these things it makes my day!!!!
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gutterspeak · 4 months
back on my luthais nonsense. today I'm thinking about his hair
in his true aeon route he ends up letting it grow out super long down to his waist or so, but. he doesn't really take care of it at all
it's mostly out of indifference that it gets that long. he just can't be bothered to cut it. and he ties it up or braids it out of his way when he needs to but otherwise he rarely even brushes it (which is something that daeran can't stand so he eventually steps in and starts doing it for him. he won't be caught dead with a dude who refuses to even comb his hair, come on 🙄)
he stops taking care of himself in other ways too - he loses a lot of weight and doesn't really sleep or eat well so he's constantly got this haggard, haunted, and sickly vibe going on. if his hair hadn't already all turned white waaay before that point then it definitely would have from all the stress </3
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rosevalleynb · 8 days
Letting Go
For those wondering, ‘Letting Go’ is still being worked on. Because I apparently have nothing better to do, I’ve been reworking it as well as simultaneously working on the final 3 (maybe 4) chapters. 😅🙄
Anyway, here is a snippet from one of those chapters as a peace offering for the long wait.
The video call connected, revealing Jaime's haggard face on one side of the screen and Galladon's stern expression on the other. Joy sat in the middle, metaphorically and literally.
"Lannister," Galladon greeted coldly.
"Tarth," Jaime returned, his voice equally frosty.
An uncomfortable silence stretched between them. Joy cleared her throat. "Well, this is off to a great start."
Jaime sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Look, I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now, but—"
"You're damn right about that," Galladon interrupted. "After what you did to my sister—"
"I won't apologize for loving her," Jaime shot back, his eyes flashing. "What Brienne and I had—"
"Had?" Galladon scoffed. "So you're done with her now? Moving on to Elia, are we?"
"That's not what I—"
"Enough!" Joy's sharp voice cut through their argument. Both men fell silent, looking chastened. "You two are acting like children. Jaime, what exactly do you want?"
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serirei · 19 days
showing up to class visibly haggard and unkempt and oily and sweaty due to circumstances out of my control🙄
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hm. hey. there's been multiple instances where ailette and tesilid have been out and away from civilisation for the whole day, if not days, and yet there's never been any mention of tesilid having stubble.
now obviously this is because this is a rofan and our male leads aren't allowed to be anything other than conventionally attractive 🙄 but for a moment let's do the more ridiculous thing and assume that it's because tesilid genuinely doesn't have any stubble for ailette to comment on.
before we start delving into the possible implications of this, let's systematically go through all the instances tesilid should have stubble, but doesn't. (or at least the instances i recall, anyway)
(contains spoilers for season 3 of the manhwa onwards)
1. Start of the 17th
Tesilid is unconscious for a couple of days. This can easily be explained away as Ailette having helped him shave while he's unconscious. Kind of a weird thing to do for a guy you've only met twice, while he's unconscious, but these two have always been kind of weirdly familiar with each other so whatever.
2. Bandit Village arc (?)
They apparently hadn't been able to bath for a while before this. Or maybe it was before they went to the town where they reunited with Hestio and Ephael. i can't remember. But it's a little weird if they're not able to wipe themselves down, but somehow have water to shave Tesilid's face. you do need water to shave right? or maybe you don't and Tesilid gets nicks and small cuts all over his face and Ailette heals him immediately?? lmao
2. Post-Saintess reveal
This can be easily explained away as Ailette having stashed away a razor in the bathroom of the cottage. She'd planned to use that house as a getaway post-Divine Advent, after all - she had a teleportation stone linked to it for a reason. Might as well provide whatever Tesilid needs to be comfy while she's unconscious.
3. Post-Magic Republic Dungeon
Tesilid hides Ailette away in a dungeon where time passes faster than in the human world. But when they emerge, everyone thinks they've been gone for only half a day. Now that's a little weird đŸ€š Ailette only wakes up in the Vatican, so it's not like she could have helped him clean up, either.
4. Post-Mirror Dungeon
Ailette is unconscious for a couple of days again, and she even feels bad for Tesilid because it means he hadn't been able to eat the whole time; he doesn't have access to her inventory. Again, no mention of him looking terribly haggard because of stubble on his face. You would think that this is the first thing you notice on a person which makes them look scruffy and tired.
So here's the explanations i came up with:
Tesilid's face doesn't have pores đŸ€š
The Strict Order doesn't let Tesilid have access to most shit, but there's a handy razor that he carries around all the time because god forbid god's favourite creation grow stubble. Growing stubble goes against the religion's teachings or something, i don't know
Through his regressions, Tesilid has somehow acquired a passive ability that sort of freezes his body in time. Or maybe an ultra specific skill that stops the growth of stubble
His stubble isn't as visible because his hair is white or something.
My estimate of how often men need to shave their face is terribly off. maybe some men's beards just grows at a really slow rate. i wouldn't know
thanks for listening to my tedtalk
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
OMG. Sass, have you seen that new picture of Harry? He looks so haggard and totally has a dad bod, while it’s very clear she is in her glow up era (again 🙄) and on the prowl for victim number 3. He’s a total slob and while she intrinsically is one also, she’s definitely putting in effort into her appearance for some reason. I can’t stand her, but she actually looked nice today - and we know how difficult that is for her lol. I just think there’s no way in hell she is still attracted to him. Not that she genuinely ever was, but I bet they sleep in separate rooms and lead separate lives. Not sure why she’s making an effort to have him papped with her. They are both so gross and odd and do not naturally fit together as a couple at all.
I noticed the shoes he was wearing with that outfit. Definitely not what I would have picked in a million years.
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thisandthat-whatever · 1 year
It is totally a whacko Z Stan and the z Stan’s trying to say it’s a Tom Stan know it, too.
It is so obvious that it is a Z stan. But the other Z stans are like “that troll is making us look bad which means she can’t be one of us therefore they must be a Tom stan acting like a z stan”. 🙄 Idiots. The troll’s death threats and vitriol and excessive ridiculing is directed at Tom. No Tom stan troll would write any of the shit she writes about Tom even as a joke. Also, the one who first said the troll was a Tom stan herself called Tom “haggard”. So, their agenda is clear. They just do not like Tom and hate Tom stans , so they are like “the troll must be a Tom stan.”. đŸ€Ș
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putellas14 · 2 years
I know I know. I always struggle to sleep when I come back from the west coast because I always stay up so late there.
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earlgreydream · 2 years
SPEAKING OF DRACO I just found out my friend met tom felton after his show and she said he was super lovely I'm so shaken, anw love the idea of draco scoffing at you when you show up to class all haggard-looking bc you've been up all night but the next day you just find someone's left you things like sleep masks, comfy PJs, hot cocoa, etc and when you confront him he plays it off like "you were an eyesore, I don't want to have to look at that 🙄"
wait, how cute, making this a little blurb because I miss writing for draco đŸ„șđŸ€
No amount of makeup was covering the pure exhaustion in your eyes. You’d been kept up to all hours the night before, trying to study with the other slytherins for OWLS, but you couldn’t keep up with them as they went late into the hours of the morning.
You were near tears in your bathroom, trying to make yourself look presentable to avoid being teased by your relentless peers.
“Hurry up, or Snape will kill us!” Pansy shouted through the door, raising an eyebrow when you threw it open.
Of course, Pansy looked as perfect as always, her manicured nails tapping on the doorframe.
“Merlin, you look a mess.”
“Shut up!” You whined, following her to your potions class, just trying to keep your head down to avoid attention.
“What the hell happened to you?” Draco whispered as you took your seat beside him.
“I was up studying for OWLS, and I just
” you began, eyes filming with tears. His silvery gaze softened, troubled that he’d made you cry.
“Turn to page 394,” Snape interrupted, before Draco could console you.
You shook your head, rubbing your eyes with the wrists of your sweater. You were exhausted, but threw your focus into potions, ignoring the feeling of everyone staring at you.
You ignored Draco when he tried to stop you after class, weaving through the crowded hallways to avoid his snarky comments. You made your way to the greenhouse, quietly tending to herbology for the rest of the afternoon.
Exhaustion finally got the best of you, sending you dragging yourself back to your dorm, just wanting some serenity.
On your bed, a basket with new pyjamas, fuzzy socks, hot chocolate, and eye masks sat on top of the blanket.
“Pansy? Who are these from?” Your eyes widened, nearly crying.
“Draco?” you whispered, sticking your head out into the common room.
Usually he was up far earlier than everyone else, reading by the fire and having a cup of tea. You were still in your pyjamas he had given you, silently searching for the generous blonde.
“Hey, it’s early?” He spoke, nearly making you jump as he appeared beside you.
“I just wanted to thank you, for these, and the rest of it.”
He smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your forehead, his fingers in your hair.
“Couldn’t let you keep looking like the walking dead,” he teased, gently bumping his nose against yours as you curled up under his arm.
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daydreamrry · 3 years
“Hear me out about the whole cheating thing.”
No đŸ„±
I know some of y’all want to twist yourselves into fucking pretzels to make sense of this bullshit when the bottom line is just fame and money. I know Olivia is giving off dickmatized vibes but she’s not in love with Harry Styles for fucks sake, she just has dollar signs in her eyes. The most recent examples (of which there are PLENTY): creating a Vogue highlight on her IG when her kids/films/friends never got that, saying “I got the cover bitches” in her film short, and her billionth pap walk of the week today. It’s so obvious what she values, come on. I know it makes no sense to US but faking a relationship is so basic in Hollywood, it’s been going on in studios since the inception of the industry. some people can’t possibly comprehend why someone would ruin their family for this shit but actors/directors/musicians/etc have done way worse for WAY less.
There was no “cheating” but I’m sure Jason was completely thrown off because once Olivia saw her chance for bigger headlines, brand deals, and ultimately more $$ she jumped at the chance without giving her long-term partner any further explanation. She had no way of knowing Ted Lasso would take off like it did, her dumb short-sightedness and lack of belief in her partner is fucked and is biting her in the ass now. She just saw Harry as the hottest pop star in the biz and she wanted IN because she’s used this tactic plenty of times before. The difference being Harry’s team actually played along because they’re just as fame/money hungry. I love Harry, but it’s true. He’s with an Azoff, the bottom line is ALWAYS gonna me $$$. And Harry is no stranger to PR stunts. He ups her sex appeal too, look at how many of her friends drool over him. Obviously O hates the fact that’s she’s getting older, what better way to regain her youth than try to suck it out of Harry and is younger fanbase like a witch from Hocus Pocus.
Like, that’s LITERALLY it. And Harry gets further connections in the film industry, more headlines by being connected to his previously engaged older director on his first bigger role since Dunkirk, no chance for groupie stories, he gets exposed to an older fan base, etc. It all backfired bc it was done in the sleaziest way with the grossest person, they literally couldn’t have chosen worse. But that’s showbiz, babes. It should’ve been an easy-peasy deal but Olivia is fucking deranged and Harry obviously underestimated his tolerance for lying and bullshit. I’m just looking at everything that’s gone down and it’s so clear this is the situation, especially after Boston. We have video and photographic evidence of his aversion to her, but her teams want us to believe she’s “the happiest and healthiest” she’s even been. As if she’s going to admit that’s she’s a lonely, haggard, money-hungry opportunist that regrets becoming a mother.
It’s so clear to people outside of this fandom, idk why y’all want it to be this torrid love affair when it’s just a business deal that just got too involved with too many changing stories to be believable. They fucked up and when it ends they’ll say everyone is still friends/friendly to not call anymore attention to how dumb it all was. 🙄
But if some of you really wanna believe they fucked in her trailer on set, okay. Believe the lies their teams spoon fed you via Page Six to sell this at the beginning. The man can’t even touch her without looking like his soul has died, but for sure they were banging all across the WB lot and OOPS they got caught so now here we are. 👌
If you really believe that, you’re the reason celeb culture/gossip rags exist and keep making money.
Whew! Sorry for the long post, mod. I can’t with her team hopping from inbox to inbox trying to throw things at the wall to see which story will stick. They’re really trying it with the hooking up angle since the “so in love” angle won’t sell. Again, it’s just all down to sex for them because Olivia is just SO desirable Harry decided to go against his very nature and ruin the lives of two small kids because he just couldn’t resist her.
So, so stupid.
spilled. i love you.
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lovemyromance · 2 months
Antis trynna compare this scene of Lucien showing up at the end of the battle to Azriel's "I'm getting her back" rescue of Elain is so funny.
They're always like "oh and Lucien slaughtered his way across a battlefield and slayed hundreds of enemies and killed thousands of enemy soldiers and caused earthquakes in his wake to get to Elain"
When the text is literally just: "Lucien, haggard and bloody , panting for breath. As if he'd run from the shore" 😐
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This idea that he slew a battlefield full of soldiers to get to Elain is something that antis literally just made up. It is at most a headcannon. Like someone read the text 4 years ago and vaguely recalled Lucien showing up finally at the end for his mate and needed some way to make his sudden appearance more impressive, and then there was a game of telephone until suddenly the Eluciens only recall Lucien slaying a billion soldiers to get to his mate 🙄
Especially when they had to compare it to Azriel's rescue of Elain.
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One is romantic, and one is an obligatory follow-up appointment with your physician đŸ€š
They'll never have what the Elriels have - romantic interaction 😼‍💹
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moonenjoyer · 3 years
i actyally think xie lian should look a little haggard and be stinky after centuries of being an unlucky scrap collector everyone is a coward for insisting hes a pretty little girl. hes a junky nasty weird little girl 🙄 you either get it or dont
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funsize-mermaid · 3 years
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24th 💙💙
(Gags ang haggard ko sa lahat ng picture tapos di pa nakisama yung buhok ko today 🙄 I kennat. Bat yung iba pag birthday photo ang gaganda hayerp. Paano ba mag mowdel sheret)
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jolivia-things · 3 years
You can really see redacted’s age tonight at the event she’s attending, she looks even older than she is and literally so haggard...
She really needs to stop injecting her face she looks so old man

Seeing her natural face tonight compared to the filters she used on her IG pics from the fashion show it’s just so stark damn
Why does she keep going to these events if she doesn’t interact with anyone lmfao
And again wearing Gucci tonight (with a big butterfly on the front đŸ„ŽđŸ™„). And that event as well is sponsored by Audi and Gucci. That’s the only reason she gets „invited“
I think she's lost some weight recently which adds to the look. I don't like to spend too long talking about things people can't help, but she didn't need to inject fillers - her face looked fine before.
It feels like she's trying to re-invent herself. Maybe Jason is a fan of her natural look so it's a bit of a "fuck you". Or maybe she's feeling a bit insecure.
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palmer · 4 years
Why are dude mages always like a 200 year old dude with a beard and a cloak and girl mages are like young and wearing a corset with her titties out? Give me haggard old witches and twunk mages with they titties out 🙄🙄
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