#haikyuu g/t
obwjam · 4 months
saw the haikyuu movie last night and tell me why they HAD to include this visceral g/t moment because i was not expecting it… i was blindsided at an AMC
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plus the bonus poster like. stop it. stop it!!! get some help (me @ myself)
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gina103 · 4 months
Accidental Discoveries (Karasuno x Borrower!reader)
Inspired by the amazing @obwjam! The Karasuno volleyball team meets a borrower. The borrower goes by she/her pronouns in this.
word count: 1172
Never in a million years did you ever think you’d be friends with a human. But somehow, it happened.
After being discovered by Hinata months prior, your life had changed in ways you never thought possible. For once, fear wasn’t the primary emotion you experienced on a daily basis, and it was strange to say the least. Nowadays, you felt excitement, you felt happy, and it was all thanks to Hinata.
His outgoing and friendly personality couldn’t help but bring you out of your shell, and you always enjoyed his presence even if he could be a little overwhelming at times, particularly when he got really fired up about volleyball. His heart was always in the right place.
So when Hinata insisted on you coming to practice with him one day to watch him practice his super cool, awesome, amazing jump serve that he’d been practicing, you couldn’t say no to him. He was really good at begging, plus, he did his best to reassure you that nobody would see you. Everything would be fine.
And before you knew it, you were nestled into the front pocket of Hinata’s bag, listening to all the noises, voices, and ambience that was a volleyball practice with all his teammates. It was quite boring at times. You couldn’t see what was going on outside the bag, so you spent most of the practice taking a relaxing nap. That is until you were rudely interrupted.
Something struck the front of the bag, rocking your environment and causing you to let out a frightened yelp.
You tried to take some deep breaths to calm your nerves, but nothing could have prepared you for what happened next.
All of a sudden, the rays of light from the gym lights beamed down at you, as the noise of a zipper being pulled filled the air. You looked up instinctively, immediately regretting doing so as the giant boy you saw above you, that eclipsed your view like the moon itself, was certainly not Hinata.
You froze in terror as the boy stared at you, he said nothing, just stared, frozen in shock and disbelief. It felt as though he could see straight through you. His presence was just so intense.
He had jet black hair that was almost the complete opposite of Hinata’s, in that it laid completely flat against his head. He was sweaty from practice too, holding what must’ve been the ball that hit the bag in one of his arms. You realized that this boy must be the Kageyama that was always brought up by Hinata as being grumpy and unpleasant.
You prayed to whatever god that was out there that nobody else had noticed his discovery of you, but your hopes were quickly dashed at the sound of hurried footsteps approaching.
“KAGEYAMA DON’T OPEN THAT!” Hinata yelled, trying to shove a frozen Kageyama out of the way. It didn’t work, in fact, it only got worse from there.
“Hinata’s hiding something? Oh, now I have to see what’s in there,” Another voice said. A new boy, towering over Hinata, made his way over. This one was blonde with glasses. This must be Tsukishima. He was even more intimidating than Kageyama, and when he shoved poor Hinata out of the way and laid eyes on your tiny trembling form, he also froze.
While Kageyama’s expression was almost unreadable, Tsukishima’s was easy to read, he looked positively revolted. This you saw, called the attention of even more boys, much to yours and Hinata’s despair. You didn’t blame him, he was looking at you from the floor with the most sincerely apologetic expression. Bless his heart, he just wanted to show you his jump serve.
“What’s going on over here?” a strong authoritative voice boomed. A brunette boy made his way across the room. This boy wasn’t as tall as the others but he had an air of leadership and confidence that the others she’d seen didn’t have yet. Another boy with silver hair and a seemingly gentle demeanor followed him.
They locked eyes with you, both of them, as all the other boys had done, froze in shock and disbelief.
“Woah, Daichi, I think practice might be over…” the silver-haired boy said, he had a soft voice.
“I think you’re right, Suga,” The brunette, Daichi replied. His eyes softened as he perceived your terrified expression.
You couldn’t even think really, there must have been about 9 boys at once, all staring at you like you were an alien creature from outer space.
“Guys stop crowding the space! You’re scaring her!” Suga called out to them. He shoved back a shorter boy with spiky hair that was staring particularly hard at you.
“Hinata, she came from your bag, you wanna explain?” Daichi asked crossing his arms.
Poor Hinata scrambled to his feet. “I didn’t mean for this to happen! I just wanted to show her my jump serve after practice! She wasn’t ready to meet you guys!”
“So, she’s your friend?”
“Since when do you have friends?” Tsukishima remarked. He was whispering to another boy who was freckled and brunette, he seemed fascinated by you.
Slowly, you turned to look at Kageyama who was still standing stock still, his expression still unreadable. However, you noticed a tinge of pink in his cheeks. He started when he realized he’d been caught and began trying to look around the room instead. Weird.
“Are you going to introduce us then?” Suga asked.
Hinata looked at you for permission, his eyes seemed to scream I’m so sorry this happened.
You hesitated and then nodded your approval.
Hinata turned to the rest of the team, you couldn’t help but notice how much taller some of the other guys were compared to him and it made you nauseous to think about.
“Everyone, this is (y/n). She’s my friend. (y/n), this is my team.”
You bowed politely, trying not to let your legs give out.
The team all bowed back and Daichi began introducing the boys one by one. The only thing you noticed was the intense burn of Kageyama’s stare. It was almost annoying, you already felt like a zoo animal without his gaze.
After everyone was introduced, Daichi announced that practice would end early.
“We wouldn’t be able to focus if we tried to keep going,” he reasoned.
At last, the attention was taken off of you and you were free to go home with Hinata. As soon as you were alone with him, he began frantically apologizing to you over and over again. You forgave him of course.
“You know what was weird though?” he asked as he walked into his house, “Kageyama never said a word to me after practice.”
You remembered his frozen demeanor, pink cheeks, and piercing stare. It was almost cute, you thought.
The excitement of the day had throughly worn you out, you looked up at hinata from his front pocket tiredly.
Suddenly, he gasped in realization.
“I forgot to show you my jump serve!”
Oh boy.
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revasserium · 7 months
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just: cry fly
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Emmy I just thought about motorcycle man samu in the tight sports leathers and helmet and I’m literally (s)creaming so bad rn. Imagine him with a strong but still soft body all wrapped up in those tight outfits. He’s an upperclassmen in your college and an occasional costumer at the small noodle shop you work at on your days off. The first time you meet him was brief and you don’t actually know it was him. To be fair you were rushing to a lab you were late for and you weren’t looking where you were going -honestly though, how can you miss a man so deliciously big as him?- he had just stepped off his bike right into your path and now you’re face first into his tits with your books scattered on the ground (this is sounding suspiciously similar to the piece you did for college Samu IT WAS SO GOOD EMMY PLS MORE). The next time you meet him he’s leaning against the wall in your living room waiting for your roommate to lend him some notes from a lecture he missed. He has his helmet off this time but he’s still all decked out in his motorcycling outfit and you don’t normally stare but it is genuinely a crime for him to look that good. You stumble out a quick hi before darting to the fridge to get some water and a snack and the whole time you can feel his eyes on you (I don’t know where to go from here but GOD I just want this man to be so smug about himself and wrap my arms around him while riding on the back of his motorcycle. Pls I would literally let him do anything to me) -pip anon
Also my former mechanic/mechanic k1nk really comes through so I am sorry for any sin you might see PFFFF- also this isn’t what you asked for but I make the rules so-
But unlike his brother, Osamu is just not into the sport life anymore. He’s still bulked up and muscle, hell he is still Atsumu’s brother, but there’s no volleyball in his blood anymore. He turns himself into a love for working with his hands, and the minute he lands his eyes on a pretty motorcycle for cheap- just needed some touch ups with the spark plugs and ignition, there was no way it wasn’t meant to be.
And he pimps it out good.
It’s hot, he’s hot with it, it makes the ladies sweat and men intimidated, he’s always working on it outside of classes and he always takes it on a first date to make anyone behind him squeak and hold onto him tight.
You hate him and that stupid bike.
He’s so ridiculous with it, it’s so goddamned loud every morning, when he rolls up to the small shop you work at- who cares if the nice old couple who owns the store loves the bike and sends him on little errands, it’s obnoxious, and it causes major backups in your line from people staring.
(It definitely doesn’t do that, people just stop and look because they’re interested in the beautiful metal. But that’s not the point, okay, it’s obnoxious.)
You wouldn’t even care, okay, if he wasn’t so obvious about owning the bike. It’s his personality trait at this point; one time, when you were making a mad dash to your class, you literally ran into Osamu, who’s built like a damn house, and he sent you flailing back onto the curb. His helmet and keys clanged down next to you, and at first he looked at the helmet, then he looks at you.
A flurry of apologies came out from his lips, accompanied by an offer to give you a ride, but your scraped palms and sore tailbone caused tears of frustration to well in your eyes, and you shoved him away with a bark.
You hated the motorcycle. And you hated how much he cared for it. It’s a piece of metal, why does anyone love it sooooo much?
It doesn’t help that every Tuesday, you come back to your apartment, your home, your safe space, and the damned hunk of junk is parked, because one of your roommate’s is best friends with Osamu (actually, it’s your roommate’s boyfriend’s bestie, which makes it even worse bc he doesn’t even live with you-) and he comes by to catch up on some notes; that ugly ass helmet with corny ass gold embossing just sits on the table that you eat at, mocking you.
You grumble, slip your backpack off and stomp to your bedroom to get away from the smell of gasoline and sweat and absolutely flowing testosterone.
You’re in the middle of your pity party when there’s a knock on your door, and when you answer it, there’s a fuckin’ barn standing in your doorframe, that horrendous smirk on his face.
“Hey sunshine,” that stupid slight accent drawls, and you snarl. “Gonna run to your noodle bar, you hungry?”
“I’m there every other day, I’m more than fine.”
“Shame,” he sighs dramatically. “Only reason I go everyday is to see you.”
“Get OUT!” You bark, grabbing a pillow and swinging it at him, but before you can hit him with it, he’s laughing and slammed the door shut for protection.
“And don’t ever go out of your way to see me, you freak!”
Spoiler- he does continue to go out of his way to see you.
Granted, you never saw it like that, it was more him flexing off his motorcycle than anything else, but now with the idea he was doing it to see you makes you even more shy around him. You can’t meet his eyes as easy, when he makes an innuendous comment, your cheeks get embarrassingly hot, and god, those fucking compression shirts he wears because of how long he rides starts to drive you up the wall.
Stupid shaggy hair and stupid big muscles and stupid cocky smirk and stupid arms that could easily scoop and pin you to the wall and stupid lips that could mark the deepest of hickeys on your neck.
God damn it.
You hate stupid sexy Osamu and his stupid sexy bike.
The one sliver you’re able to get away from it is when you’re locking up the shop for the night, no sight of anyone for the last hour and a half, and despite the hot broth it’s too cold to walk into the shop, and it’s a time of peace.
Well- at least until you hear the reviving of an engine behind you.
“Hey,” he smirks. “You need a ride? Dangerous for you to be walkin’ ‘round out here alone.”
“Are you stalking me, you freak?”
“No,” he shrugs. “But roomie told me you got out at 10. This is me picking you up to drive you back to your place.”
You scoff as you cross your arms, “I’ve walked this route plenty of times by myself. I can handle it tonight too.”
“Wasn’t a question, doll.” He reaches behind him for the rear compartment’s helmet, shoving it towards you for you to put on. “I’m driving you back.” He gives you a playfully cock of his head and pokes his tongue in his cheek, “what would I do if somethin’ happened to you?”
You cock your brow, “you practically shoved me on the concrete a few months back and you checked on your precious helmet first; you don’t give a shit what happens to me.”
“You’re still on that?” He sighs, taking off his helmet to make direct eye contact with you. “I told you I’m sorry, I heard the loud noise before I heard you. You know I’d never fuck around if you were hurt.”
“I was hurt. I couldn’t write notes for three days.”
His brow cocks cheekily and he gives you a cocky shrug, “well then next time I’ll be a little more gentle with ya, hm?”
Your cheeks flush and your hands ball into fists, trying to ward off the clamminess. Your little heart pounds, and with those giant grey peepers looking you up and down, you hate the way the dynamic shifts. “You’re such a fucking-“ you let a shaky exhale out of your nose. “Fine. Take me home.”
“With pleasure,” he purrs, letting you put on your helmet and swing a leg over the back of his motorcycle. A gasp slips through your lips as your hips shift to try and get comfortable behind him, but it’s taller and it looks and wide enough for his massive legs to stretch over but not necessarily yours, and for fucks sake how does he deal with these vi-fucking-brations-
“Hold on tight,” he calls behind to you, revving the engine once, twice, and a third before he feels your arms cling tight around him. You practically hear the smirk in his voice when he chuckles:
“I like to go fast, babe.”
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cloudynyims · 2 months
maybe I'll post a haikyuu g/t fic in the next week or so... I had 1000 words then I completely forgot about it! Returning to it as we speak... we'll see how it goes
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wondereads · 3 months
Weekly Reading Update (06/23/24)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler (8/10)
This was my first ever Octavia E. Butler book, and it didn't disappoint! The way this story used Anyanwu and Doro's relationship to comment on power dynamics and issues in the world at large blew my mind; I found the discussion of eugenics particularly interesting. They were both such intensely flawed yet compelling characters. This book skirts the line between fantasy and sci-fi (something I'm looking into for my thesis as a peripheral issue), and it definitely made me wonder about the world. I wasn't aware going in that this was a prequel situation, but even then I do think I was a bit dissatisfied with how things left off. That's just my personal taste though.
Haikyuu!! Vol. 41 and 42 by Haruichi Furudate (10/10)
It usually takes me around half an hour or so to get through a volume of manga, but these took me a couple of hours. Why? Because I had to keep putting it down because I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. As someone who has read a plethora of books ever since I was young, it takes a lot to get me to cry, especially that hard. I was sobbing. Furudate has created such wonderful characters and then puts them through so many struggles that I can't even be mad about because it's highly realistic that someone pursuing a sport would run into this! Seeing Hinata break down followed instantly by the third years graduating and the Brazil arc had me miserable in the best way possible. I usually never rate manga or graphic novels five stars because they're usually super fast-paced and so much relies on writing style for me when I read novels, but this just broke me.
Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter (46%)
This is a very cute book so far. I could probably tell you exactly what's going to happen from this point onward, but it's a genre convention for romcoms to be predictable. Liz is a fun protagonist; she's quirky in a way that has a reason and isn't annoying. There's good chemistry between the leads with some great banter, and you really can't ask for more than that. However, I will say the constant song references are starting to irk me, especially with the lyrics included in the writing --I don't know, it just reminds me too strongly of my early fanfiction years.
Moon Rising by Tui T. Sutherland (45%)
If there's one thing about me, I love a mind-reading protagonist. Moonwatcher is probably my favorite perspective of the Wings of Fire series, even if I wish she'd speak up sometimes. Sutherland did a great job making her similar to Starflight, since they're the same tribe, without being a carbon copy, and while mind reading might seem a little too omniscient, her inexperience and general social ineptitude keep it from becoming overpowered. I'm thrilled to see the return of Peril, whose story is left open from the previous arc, and I'm excited to learn more about the other new characters (Winter, Qibli, and I believe Turtle) who have their own interesting introductions.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien (43%)
Despite my fantasy obsession, this is my first time reading The Lord of the Rings (though I have read The Hobbit). While it is definitely much slower-paced than the average modern fantasy, I'm enjoying myself so much. If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll know I'm a worldbuilding nut, so this is like my dream book. There are so many tangents to tell stories about the history of Middle Earth and all the goings-on of the world, and I keep noticing little details and wishing they'd talk about those too. Tolkien is also a rather funny writer; Bilbo's passive aggression in particular made me giggle. While this a bit of a dense story, it's definitely living up to its reputation so far.
Boys With Sharp Teeth by Jenni Howell (42%)
This is a project for my part-time job, so I'm not sure how much I can actually divulge, but let me just say this: this book is compared to The Raven Boys in its summary, and it's living up to that.
Her Wolves by G. Bailey (7%)
I won't lie, the writing of this book so far does not give me hope. However, it could still be a fun read even if the grammar and syntax aren't the best. Also, funny thing, this book is set in the future on Earth. I did not know this. I thought it was a high fantasy. So imagine my surprise to see a landmass labeled "America Court" on the map. My misunderstanding was cleared up soon, but it still made me laugh.
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grahamophone · 6 months
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 months
The original article was about Elizabeth McCracken but this post is about Haikyuu
I have 90 minutes that I could do anything with right now. But all I actually want to do is STARE INTO THE VENTRICLES OF MY VOLLEYBALL-SHAPED HEART so I guess that's what I'll do.
We saw the Haikyuu movie this week, in theaters, which was cool in itself because I'd never seen (or wanted to see) an anime movie in a theater before. I mean, besides Ghibli (Ponyo and Boy and Heron), but that's its own thing. ~Back in my day~ if you wanted to see an anime movie you bought a region-free Chinese bootleg like god intended. The world is out here offering subbed (and dubbed) screenings of anime?? volleyball?? in a movie theater??? In NORTH AMERICA?? Amazing.
I don't know anything about Haikyuu fandom, but I know a few Normal People whose kids enjoy Haikyuu, and I feel like at least in the context of those conversations Haikyuu often gets shorthanded as being about "the power of friendship." I don't think that's it, though. I mean, friendship is powerful, and the friendships in Haikyuu are no exception, but Haikyuu is not about the power of friendship.
Haikyuu is about volleyball.
In one of my absolute favorite pieces I read in 2023, Yiyun Li cautions against defining fiction in terms of its "aboutness"--saying a (or your) work is "about" motherhood, or "about" grief, or about some amorphous concept. About the power of friendship. And she describes (in her case, Elizabeth McCracken's fiction) as being, instead, a triumph of characters you can truly come to know. Characters who breathe and move and are real enough not just to walk off the page but real enough not just to be known but also maybe to know you. She adds, paraphrasing one of McCracken's own characters:
If you take your characters’ feet for granted—if you haven’t washed and bandaged your characters’ toes, if you haven’t placed their feet on yours to lift them upstairs—perhaps they have a right to refuse to come alive. You’re stuck with sentient and bodiless beings: egos, ghosts, cyphers, fragments of an insufficient imagination.
This is what Haikyuu does so well--but in a very particular way (a way probably very unlike Elizabeth McCracken) where we know and see almost nothing about any of these characters that does not have to do with volleyball. There are no storylines that don't ultimately have something to do with volleyball. There's no "sure it's a cop procedural but we learn so much about the cops' complex home lives! what's where the real story is" Whoever these kids are (and some of them may actually genuinely be volleyballs all the way down), their aliveness does not have to do with suggesting all that they are beyond this one thing, what grand additional worlds they might belong to. It's about who they are, and all of who they are, being crystallized, focalized, pressure-cooked into volleyball.
I'm going to commit the very thing Li warned against and say that this Haikyuu movie (and Haikyuu in general) is "about" LOVING this one thing and growing and connecting through that thing and wanting to bring others to that place and share it. But it is "about" this thing in ways where there is no way to these ideas but through--though the feet and the bandages and the hands and the sweat and the sweat and the sweat. It is only about these things because of the way these things live in every cell and tic and expression of these characters and a volleyball. The film--like the series--is also so good at characterizing that one thing as simultaneously fleeting and menial while also, in the truest form of a both/and, being the most important thing in the world.
Haikyuu is about volleyball.
I've spent most of the last eight hours basically on the verge of tears because I am so overcome with love for THEMMMM; I'm pretty sure I watched the whole movie with my hands over my mouth like 😳🫣. I first thing I wanted to do after watching it was immediately buy another ticket and watch it again. I LOVED IT.
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urlocaltannenbaumm · 2 years
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keiscorner · 4 months
thinking about... boyfriend!haikyuu things
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haikyuu boys as stupid cute things my boyfriend does for me
✧ feat. tsuikshima, oikawa, bokuto, kenma!
warnings: pure fluff and nothing else, g/n reader!
a/n: my warmup into writing again! it's been a few years so i'm very rusty T-T
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✧ tsukishima — has always had a good memory. he remembers the things you like and thousands of tiktoks you send him every day, and will plan accordingly for your next date. if you tell him you like strawberries? he will take you strawberry picking the next weekend. he likes the look on your face when you realize he remembered and how excited you are. of course, if you make a big deal out of it, he'll just shrug it off. "do you want to go or not?" (the sassy man apocalypse started with him) he thinks, that's just what good boyfriends should do of course. it's nothing to write home about.
✧ oikawa — gets into a "i love you", "i love you more", "i love you the most" argument with you every time you say i love you. he knows he loves you the most, because how could he not? you understand him. however, you ultimately gaslight/confuse him into saying that you love him the most. he pouts. (he requires a kiss to "mend his broken heart after being manipulated by the love of his life.") tooru oikawa invented the term drama queen. you are the sappiest couple alive and you love every second of it, congrats! it makes the team sick to their stomachs.
✧ bokuto — tries to buy you everything you look at for more than a second. when you gasp at your phone or say something like "i want this", he will pounce on you to look at your phone. he just wants to spoil you! he thinks that you're so perfect for him, so obviously that you should get anything you could ever want. you have to remind him that you're both still young and don't have infinite amounts of money. but like the cutie he is, he will show up at your door the next day with a haphazardly wrapped present. (he did his best. and his best was amazing.) what's inside you ask? nothing other than the thing you told him about yesterday!
✧ kenma — gets excited to play when you decide to game with him, since you don't get on very often. he's logged on and already warmed up half an hour ahead of time so he can play his best. he obviously has to impress you, no matter how long the two of you have been dating. if he sees someone shit talking you in game, he'll pull out profanities you've never even heard of. (unrelated i think he loves giving you forehead kisses. he's just that kind of guy. SO PERFECT MWAHAHA) he loves spending time with you in any way possible, but this is one of his favorites.
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obwjam · 5 months
how i think the karasuno high school volleyball team would react to finding a tiny
hinata: would be a mix of being cautious and having no chill. the type to fire off a million questions and not even wait for an answer before asking a new one, and his intrusive thoughts would be to grab a tiny but he never follows through on it. he’s too loud for them but learns over time that he can’t scream around tiny ear drums all the time! he’s insanely protective tho and literally never makes height jokes bc he knows how it feels. they bond over this, even though the tiny thinks it’s hilarious that hinata is short by human standards. hinata would endear himself to a tiny so fast it wouldn’t even be funny, like even if it isn’t the same they could talk for hours about how frustrating it is to be too small. he loves giving shoulder rides and sometimes even head rides, ratatouille jokes and all. they would be like best friends, they just have this bond that nobody else could have
kageyama: i hc him as being obsessed with borrowers as a kid and he somehow knows everything about them and expects others to know too. like he legit gets mad having to explain borrower lore to everyone else. it would be like rekindling a childhood obsession but the tiny would be so scared of him bc he’s so INTENSE but he’s actually so gentle it shocks everyone, even though it's in a clinical kind of way. like he's like "i brought you food." because he thinks they need food kind of thing, like he knows the motions to go through but only because he read about borrowers as a kid, not bc he asked them. he’s so perceptive tho, he would be the one to catch a tiny in an instant. even though they find it strange at first, they come to appreciate that kageyama actually cares about them and thinks they’re cool. the tiny comes to him with any volleyball questions bc he loves yapping about setting so he will just ramble for hours about what goes on in his head during a match and the tiny eats it up
daichi: i mean he is the prototypical “i know how to handle this situation perfectly” type of person like he just knows exactly what to do, what to say, how softly to talk, how to move. if the entire team was swarming a tiny he would calmly bend down to their height, very softly ask for their name, offer to bring them anything they need, and the entire team would back off and follow his lead, naturally. he would be an instant beacon of comfort for a tiny, always taking care of them and listening to whatever they say without pressuring them. like he would know all the tiny’s secrets bc they want to tell him everything and everyone else is jealous that he knows super special information. also the king of handhelds, no explanation needed
sugawara: oh my god suga would be the softest, sweetest person on earth dealing with a borrower. like he’s so kind and gentle with a tiny it’s actually disgusting. he find the tiny so cute beyond all comprehension and above all just wants to make sure they’re comfortable and taken care of. he legit feels honored whenever the tiny talks to him or wants to see him, he feels like the chosen one and he absolutely does not hide it. he would love bringing them little treats, not just food to survive but desserts and sweet drinks and he LOVES putting them in his pocket and showing them around the school and around town, he just can’t help himself. he wants them to be included in literally everything. would ask very bashfully if he could hold them and the tiny is like��🥺 yes 🥺🥺🥺
tanaka: i pity the tiny who gets discovered by tanaka. i love him so much but oh my god he would really have zero self-control and he would not be able to contain himself. he would be picking that tiny up and holding it up to his face going :O :O :O GUYS LOOK AT THIS! like he would not be keeping that secret. he would listen when the tiny is like “BRO STOP” though and he would be insanely protective. like the way he gets when anyone else looks at shimizu. he would simply want to be the tiny’s best friend so badly and genuinely thinks they’re the coolest thing. but there would be no shortage of height-related nicknames. they would be unrelenting. but he loves talking to the tiny and including them in literally everything, like he would shit talk everyone with them (especially the CITY BOY ALLIANCE) and explain all the lore 
nishinoya: he’s kind of like tanaka lite when it comes to a tiny, but less with the picking up and more with the getting too close, staring too long and asking too many questions. but it’s lowkey endearing because he does it with such wonder and enthusiasm that the tiny can’t help but be almost be flattered at the amount of attention he’s giving them. he would also want to be best friends with them and him and tanaka would legit fight for their attention, like it would be a joke at first but then it turns into a real competition, much to the tiny’s glee. campaigns for them to be the team mascot but in a cute way. also loves giving shoulder rides and asking them what it’s like to be even smaller than he is
asahi: oh i love him because he would be more scared of the tiny than they are of him. like it would be so bad the tiny would think he hates them and they would be so scared of him because of it, which just makes everything worse bc them asahi feels even worse that he’s making them scared! he’s legit too nervous to so much as talk to them, and daichi and suga literally need to stage an intervention to sort things out. he would just feel so uncomfortable around a tiny but definitely warms up to them when he kind of understands that they’re just a very small human being and not like, a creature. he has to be convinced a million times he won’t hurt the tiny, and omg his first time holding them would be so cute and everyone would make fun of how scared he is to do it
tsukki: oh man. oh, tsukki. he would give zero shits about a tiny, and lowkey, he doesn’t fully believe they’re a functioning person for a while. like he truly doesn’t understand why everyone is so enamored with them, to the point that it kind of starts to piss him off. he wouldn’t like be a total asshole to them or anything, but he would 100% pick them up when nobody else is around, look at them for a little bit, then scoff and just plop them down at a high elevation where they can’t get down by themselves like he would be such a good foil to everyone else’s obsession with them. but of course he would eventually come around, and he would never fully say sorry but he starts getting them food and stuff and the tiny knows that’s his way of apologizing 
yamaguchi: he would think the tiny is so freaking cool but he would simply be too nervous to talk to them, not because he’s scared but because he just literally has no idea what to say. he doesn’t have the nurturing instinct of daichi and suga or the natural charisma of tanaka or noya so he kind of just stand there like 🧍‍♂️ and stares at them a lot, but would immediately go red in the face and look away when the tiny looks at him, and the tiny actually finds this very adorable. like of all the big scary volleyball players they have to face, yamaguchi is NOT one of them bc hell even his serve is understated. it’s the rare dynamic of the tiny wanting to get to know HIM more when they’re comfortable enough around everyone, and ofc he would just be a big flustered sweetie
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chaepink · 2 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Masterlist! ❤
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❤ haikyuu !
- what a slut | ❝where Hinata suggests using a vibrator in public...❞
- you're pretty when you cry | ❝you always thought kageyama would be a pretty crier, so why not put that theory to the test?❞
- studying session | ❝in need of tutoring, kageyama goes to you who oh so kindly agrees to help them. but there's a catch❞
- such a tease | ❝teasing kageyama is always fun, especially if it has something to do with him cockwarming you.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
tsukishima |
yamaguchi |
bokuto |
- good girls are bad girls (that haven't been caught) | ❝you have to tutor Kuroo, the school's infamous fuckboy, but the situation escalates into something else ❞
oikawa |
- embarrassing... | ❝kenma humps your thigh in the men's volleyball locker room—where anyone can hear❞
- jealousy, jealousy | ❝jealousy gets the best of you when you see Kenma being flirted on so you can't help it when it leads to some jealous sex...❞
ushijima |
- pathetic | ❝you just can't help being mean to your pathetic, little, boyfriend❞
osamu |
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : lev w/ a size kink // kageyama w/ touching in public // riding tsukishima // edging oikawa // yandere!kageyama // pegging bokuto // pegging atsumu // punishing kuroo // goshiki cumming untouched // fisting w/ kageyama // pampering midoriya after a bad day // sub!yan!oikawa who loves your praise // tsukishima cumming untouched // bratty nishinoya //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
- who loves to be marked?
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❤ my hero academia !
- impatient | ❝you're busy but midoriya is horny, so he takes matters into his own hands❞
- bite me, baby! | ❝midoriya gets his blood sucked by you, a vampire, and maybe enjoys it a little too much❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
- money, money, money | ❝you just love spoiling your sugar daddy❞
- stripper!bakagou hcs
- awoken | ❝whines and whimpers wake you up as you find out shoto has been humping your thigh in your sleep❞
kirishima |
- shocking! | ❝where you use your boyfriend's quirk against him in a way he doesn't expect❞
- putting on a show | ❝you've been treating denki so well lately whether its buying all the luxury items he wants or taking him out to all the fancy restaurants around. so he thinks it's time for him to repay you back and what's better than having him put on a show for you wearing some sexy lingerie?❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
- behind closed doors | ❝there's obvious sexual tension between you and your rival, iida, but no way you would fuck "mr. perfect" right?❞
- your own private show | ❝you catch iida masturbating and he puts on a show for you❞
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : werewolf!reader in rut (midoriya) // naga!reader using their tail to choke (kaminari) // naga!reader w/ size kink (midoriya) // iida secretly masturbating // iida w/ werewolf!reader // pussydrunk!izuku // izuku w/ rimming // riding bakugo // overstimulating todoroki // bratty!bakugo // masochist!iida //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
- who loves to be marked?
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❤ chainsaw man !
- bark for me | ❝denji just loves it when you treat him like a dog and tug on his leash.❞
- clouded with lust | ❝aki finds himself in the hands of the lust devil who takes an interest in him.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : denji w/ lust devil // aki w/ lust devil // fucking aki on the kitchen counter //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
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❤ demon slayer !
- 7 minutes in hell | ❝tanjiro is just so innocent and adorable that you can't help be mean to him when the two of you are paired up for 7 minutes in heaven.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
- open your mouth, pretty boy | ❝who knew that the nerd in your english class would be a virgin and that they would be so fun to corrupt?❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
rengoku |
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : whiny!zenitsu w/ breeding kink //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
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❤ jujutsu kaisen !
- challenged accepted | ❝you've given your boyfriend a challenge: go through the day with a vibrator in him. he's sure he'll complete it with ease but he realizes it may not be as easy as he thought.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
megumi |
- such a flirt | ❝gojo is such a flirt and sometimes he gets too close to other people to rile you up. lucky for him, it works every time.❞
- heat it up! | ❝gojo loves being a brat and by the amount of times he has been one, he's gotten use to your punishments. so you decided to try something new on him.❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
- my kind of present | ❝Gojo surprises you for Christmas with a present: him.❞
- down the chimney! | ❝in which chimmy is the euphemism for geto's throat as you're face fucking him.❞
- king of curses? ha! | ❝sukuna is the king of curses! he's supposed to be strong, in control. so how did he end up kneeling before you, a mere human?❞
- cat's got your tongue? | ❝toji tries to dominate you and his plan backfires.❞
- a househusband's duty | ❝after coming home from a hard day at work, your househusband surprises you by wearing a maid outfit. though he's annoyed that you're late so how about you bend him over the kitchen counter and eat him out to make up for it?❞ 𓆩♡𓆪 kinktober
d r a b b l e s / l o n g t h i r s t s : gojo w/ a vibrator in public // punishing gojo w/ overstimulation //geto being a good boy for you // overstimulated gojo // megumi w/ feminization // pussydrunk!geto // brat!gojo & good boy!geto // fucking geto over gojo // brat!sukuna // soft sex w/ nanami // overstimulating gojo //
h e a d c a n n o n s :
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❤ miscellaneous !
- smile for the camera! ♡
- give a twirl!
- submissive good boys
- bratty disobedient subs
- adorable puppy boys
- overworked pillow princes
- on the naughty list! ♡
- turning pretty boys to mush
- naughty boys w/ a scent kink
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More animes tba?...
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
⤷♡.+ Status: OPEN.
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What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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cloudynyims · 1 month
I can’t believe I just found out about that Haikyu RPG game they made called Haikyu Quest (or Final Haikyu quest?) and my g/t thoughts are going brrrr
Like it has humans a demons in it and I’m just thinking what if the demons were inherently giant sized and omg the potential for angst
hold up hold up there's an rpg game????? Ok drop the link anon because I did not know about this
your ask is reminding me of that scene in season 3 where ushijima was like total giant vibes in the last episode or so
but I think i'd nee dto understand the mechanics of the RPG game before I have any thoughts
I am intrigued but confused so plz enlighten me😅
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torakan · 2 months
sorry guys it took me so long to make p2 of fic recs in ao3 *laughs awkwardly*
The world’s weirdest sleepover and Sleepovers aren’t always one night are two parts of the same let’s say “story”, an original a 10/10 from me (seriously it’s so comforting)
Borrower under the bed is a one piece not finished story hurt/comfort, a bit of angst. i personally like it and you don’t have to know anything bout OP to enjoy the story (i didn’t watch it)
A little hatted borrower it’s also not finished, based on a game “a hat in time” (never played it), really cute love kid and snatcher’s dynamic 🤭🤭
The secret world of yamaguchi basically the secret world of arrietty x haikyuu (LOVED IT SO MUCH) i’d recommend watching haikyuu to fully understand it, but it’s not necessary
love you people, i’m really sorry for a delay 🥲🥲
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suosteacup · 3 months
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🌸 Age in bio (or anywhere accessible/visible in your blog) to interact. Ageless blogs, blank and empty blogs and porn bots are automatically blocked on sight.
🌸 Ageless blogs and blank blogs, please refrain from reblogging my nsfw pieces and/or reblogs.
🌸 For followers uncomfortable with sm*t/nsfw stuff, kindly block the tag #kitty☆thirsts along with the usual fandom nsfw tags (such as #haikyuu smut, #jujutsu kaisen smut, etc).
🌸 Minors 14 years old and below are refrained from following me but are still allowed to interact (strictly sfw only). Minors 15 years old and above, on the other hand, are now allowed to follow me though you have to abide by my blog dni/byf (particularly blocking the sm*t/nsfw tags). If—IF!!!—I see you liking, commenting, and even reblogging with my content (also reblogs) that have the tag ‘kitty☆thirsts’, I will (unfortunately and sadly) block you 😊 /gen
🌸 I don’t accept requests (writings) unless it’s for an art ask game/event. All my writings are purely self-indulgent and written with a female reader in mind (but I’m trying to write fics for gender-neutral readers, too). Thirsts and brainrot (fluff and sm*t) are okay though (applicable for Haikyuu/Blue Lock/Wind Breaker characters only) but please no sc*t, w*terw*rks, ch*king… or anything in between (I forgot my hard no’s oh noes 😭 I should’ve written them down before when I sent an nsfw event ask to a moot 🤦🏻‍♀️).
🌸 All the characters depicted in my writings (sfw or nsfw) are either aged-up or canonically post timeskip (unless otherwise noted). I do not write underaged characters in an nsfw setting/scenario—that’s a big no-no here.
🌸 Please don’t hesitate to use tone indicators when replying/sending asks/DMs and reblogs/answering the taglist form to be made soon(!!!!!), else I wouldn’t know if you’re joking or not (in case I don’t see any emoji enclosed). /g
🌸 This blog interacts with and supports DC blogs/writers/content creators and may share some dark content, so reader discretion is strongly advised. Proper tw/cw’s will be tagged accordingly.
🌸 DNI if: racist, ableist, sexist, have a hatred towards the LGBTQIA+ community, have a hatred towards DC writers and blogs, participated in character hate night, blogs who spam-like posts jfc (depends on the blog), bully other Tumblr blogs jfc (doxxing other people and sending anon hate), people who always assume/misunderstand other people’s actions/sayings, plagiarizing other people’s work AND/OR reposting my and other artists’ art!!! (without permission AND credit), people/blogs who lie about their age!!!, Islamophobic, pedophile/creep, blogs sending real sugar daddy/baby asks/comments/DMs. Also don’t be rude! :)
※ If you have other queries, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask or DM and I will gladly help you! *headpats*
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