#haikyuu kamomedai
jimporcs · 4 months
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Every 2020 Haikyu!! Exhibit visitor's pamphlet illustration from The Art Of Haikyu!! Endings and Beginnings (Part 1)
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mzhari4 · 11 months
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h4mmiee · 1 year
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couple of cool guys
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lunamochii · 4 months
"You like me don't you?"
"No, I don't!"
"You like me."
"I don't!!"
The members of Kamomedai are watching the scene unfold before them with a bored expression, it's been days ever since Sachiro figured out who was slipping confession letters to his locker and it was no other than you, their manager.
"Just admit that you like me and I'll be your boyfriend."
Sachiro clasp his hands together and broke out into a fit of laughter and the others could only roll their eyes, finally the never ending chase have come to an end.
"Ugh, whatever! I'm leaving!"
"Ah- wait up!"
Sachiro ran up to you and when he did, he engulf you to a hug which you didn't bother struggling and he showered kisses to your cheeks. Well, he likes you too. Waaaay before you start liking him.
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
The art of flirting
word count; 1583 – f!reader
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Everyone else on Kamomedai’s volleyball team would probably say that their second-year manager’s relationship with Hoshiumi Korai was very flirty. However, you and Korai saw it more as a rivalry. You would always be bickering back and forth, throwing insults and annoying comments at each other like it was breathing. Being a manager was truly rewarding, but you and the one-man army simply couldn’t get along.
When Korai stepped out of the locker room, very ready to get on the bus back so he could rest, he saw you. His eyes always found you, even if the room was filled with other people. You were there to make sure all the boys came safely out of the locker room and went in the direction of the bus instead of wandering off.
Korai automatically scoffs and adjusts his bag up on his shoulder. “What a difficult job you have,” he said sarcastically, raising a brow as he walked over to look at the notepad you were writing on. You jumped slightly at his sudden presence and looked up, but Korai was surprised when you first met his eyes and then looked up at his hair. And to top it off, you blushed. It looked sweet on your soft skin, making the boy a bit dazed even though he was frowning.
You were flustered because he wore his hair down after a shower.
“It would’ve been easy if I didn’t have to look at your ugly face all the time,” you said, but it sounded much less annoyed than usual. The warm colour on your face made you much less convincing.
“Good one, tomato face,” he said back and rolled his eyes, stepping past you towards the doors. You looked at him over your shoulder, mentally beating yourself up at how ridiculous that was while also getting another good look at him because when did Hoshiumi get so handsome?
The short boy sat down in the bus seat beside Hirugami with a heavy sigh. His friend raised an eyebrow. “I assume you met y/n on your way out?” he asked rhetorically, amused with how he crossed his arms stubbornly.
“She’s so freaking annoying, looked at my undone hair and suddenly acted all bothered,” he grumbled, making faces at the seat in front of him from thinking about it.
Hirugami almost got annoyed with how oblivious his friend could be. Obviously, you two found each other attractive and refused to admit it. After all this time, you finally revealed a crack in your resolve, yet all Korai saw was a challenge. “Probably thought you looked hot,” he said casually, looking out the window where you followed the last players out the door, laughing at something one of them said.
Korai was looking as well, but his eyes widened at Hirugami’s theory. Now his cheeks were even redder than yours were earlier as he grumbled something under his breath and turned away, staring at the floor instead. “What do you know anyways...”
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However, there was no denying – despite your continuous attempts – how the atmosphere changed around you two after that. Perhaps even you two could admit it was flirty now, as you laughed at his missed serve during practice and he came over to playfully punch your upper arm and mess up your hair before going back to the practice game. There was always a light air of laughter around you now that wasn’t there before, a discreet way to tell the other please, don’t stop giving me your attention!
Who could blame him for never doing his hair after showering anymore to watch your red cheeks and smile at you before going home for the day? All so he could be recharged for another day of foolery knowing he still had your attention.
And who could blame you for targeting his height with your teasing just so he would come closer to you and make you repeat it to his face? All so you could bat your eyelashes and then push him away while the others gaped at how much differently he reacted when you did it.
Hirugami wasn’t sure which one was more frustrating, before or now. Because both of you were still too stubborn to admit your feelings first. Will he intervene? No! Maybe... Most definitely.
He started with his best friend. Korai was telling him about some observations from their last match at lunch when Hirugami very obviously diverted his attention elsewhere. Korai followed his gaze and found you, smiling and laughing with your friends like you always do. With a small tsk, he turned back around quickly. “Am I boring you?” he asked with the usual attitude.
“Think that guy likes her?” Korai had to ignore how frustrating it was to have a question answered with a question in favour of turning back to where you were. Hirugami smiled at the shift in Korai’s expression.
Korai never took the time to look at your friends, not when he could be looking at you. So he hadn’t really noticed how some of your friends were guys and one of them was leaning particularly close at the moment. It shouldn’t annoy him, because he totally doesn’t like you like that, but it did. “I don’t care.” he insisted, but it wasn’t very convincing when he didn’t stop staring.
Hirugami let out a fake dramatic sigh, spooning another portion of rice into his mouth. “Doesn’t matter, I heard that she likes someone in the volleyball club anyways,” he said as if it was just a throwaway line. Of course, it wasn’t just that to Korai, whose neck looked like it could have snapped from how quickly he turned back to his friend. He was squinting, as if trying to spot any hints of a lie on his face.
“Whatever.” Hirugami’s job was done here, now he just had to talk to you. Unless Korai got to you first, that is. His friend wasn’t exactly known as a patient guy.
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The middle blocker passed by you in the hallway on the way to the volleyball club, and he thought fate might be with him. “Y/n, wait up!” he said and fell into step with you while you smiled at him. “Korai was looking for you earlier.”
“He was?” you asked, making Hirugami smile even more.
“Think he wanted to ask you something,” he added casually, and he could swear you walked with a spring in your step now.
You stood beside Korai while they had a break, giving him his water bottle last and wondering what he had wanted to ask you earlier. “So what’s up?” you asked, making him look at you with a raised eyebrow. That was unusually civil of you.
“Nothing, weirdo,” he answered. Maybe Hirugami shouldn’t have intervened…
“Oh, okay,” you said, suddenly looking oddly dejected. Part of you was embarrassed at the hope you had felt when you heard he wanted to talk to you. You’re supposed to deny any feelings, but it was getting more and more difficult every day. Korai was facing the court but didn’t stop looking at you in the corner of his eyes.
Silence fell over you as you tried to think of something else to do, but the other managers were already hard at work. “You look good with your hair like that,” Korai said, making you look at him quite stunned, but he was already jogging back out on the court as the coach blew the whistle.
It made you dizzy. You were thinking constantly about how confusing Korai was today. Did you do something wrong? Did you do something right?
Once again, Korai didn’t style his hair after practice, looking for your attention on his way out of the locker room. He walked over to you while you were gathering your stuff to leave. “Who is it?”
You stop your movement of trying to fit the stupid shoes in your bag, slowly turning your head to look at the boy you wished wasn’t so handsome. “Who’s the dumbest person in this room? I’m looking right at him.” you quipped. It wasn’t a very good insult, but it was all you could manage in your state of attraction mixed with confusion.
“Ha ha. No, who do you like on the team?” he said, or more like insisted. You straightened up and a blush covered your cheeks the way he liked, but he was looking at you with such a deep frown that you felt nervous.
“I like all of you. Even though you’re a bit of a turd sometimes,” you answered childishly.
“You should like me more.” It was a confusing statement, and now you were both just staring at each other as if trying to decipher what the other one was thinking.
“Why?” you finally asked, nose scrunching as you gained some attitude back.
“Because I like you more. It’s only fair,” he said like it wasn’t a confession. It was.
“Fine, then I like you more,” you said stubbornly. If Hirugami saw your matching frowns right now, he would probably laugh.
“Great.” And then Korai couldn’t take it anymore. Curse you and your sweet red cheeks. He put his hands on the sides of your face, thumbs rubbing over the soft skin, and the second he saw how your expression softened, he pulled you in for a kiss.
Fortunately, Hirugami didn’t miss this part. He chuckled under his breath and shook his head before leaving the gym. “Finally.”
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touchlikethesun · 2 months
actually i do think that between the two, kags would be the one to make sure that hinata is drinking water during a game. like they both get that laser focus where an earthquake could happen and they’d simply immediately adjust their playing styles to accommodate the shaking, but like on timeouts or between sets kageyama is the one handing hinata’s water bottle to him and making sure he’s had a few sips before the start back up again because in the heat of the moment hinata is just so liable to forget little pesky things like hydration
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sunarins · 2 months
due to popular demand (not), i will be ranking the prettiest haikyuu character names
matsukawa issei
konoha akinori
suna rintarou
hanamaki takahiro
hoshiumi kourai
special mention to komori motoya bc he's as cute as his name is and iwaizumi hajime bc it sounds so masculine and strong and embodies everything he is
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gyuunyuumiya · 8 months
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From 2013 until this very day
Happy gaosuna day to those who celebrate 🎉
(Late to my own 10/7 party but 10/10 is the proper gaosuna day anyway if we follow the Rules
Their eternally matching jersey numbers are so important to me. I love them and i love being delusional ILL BE HERE FOREVER)
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grahamophone · 2 months
Headcanon that after the Kamomedai match after everyone went back to their rooms Kageyama waited for the rest of the team to fall asleep before he quietly slipped out and went to find Hinata. He silently walked in, told Hinata to shut up when he stared at him half-asleep, half-delirious from his fever, and fully surprised, and silently slipped into his futon with him. Hinata, freezing although he was burning up, immediately rolled over and clung to him, and Kageyama held him tightly while he began running his fingers through his sweat-dampened hair. Neither of them said anything. After a few minutes Hinata mumbled a very soft, very satisfied, “Goodnight, Kageyama.” And Kageyama affectionately said, “Goodnight, dumbass.”
The next morning he slipped out just as silently after detangling themselves from one another, gave a very brief kiss to the top of Hinata’s head, and went back to the team’s room with his face as warm as Hinata’s body. They never brought it up. They never spoke about it. On the way home the next day they sat by one another on the bus and Hinata leaned his head on Kageyama’s shoulder, and Kageyama laced their fingers together. They both fell asleep basking in the warmth and comfort of each other ignoring their surroundings. At some point during the ride Suga looked back to check on Hinata and after noticing their positioning he turned back with a small smile on his face.
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tocco111 · 2 months
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jimporcs · 4 months
Every 2020 Haikyu!! Exhibit visitor's pamphlet illustration from The Art Of Haikyu!! Endings and Beginnings (Part 2/2)
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mzhari4 · 10 months
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Captains !! 🌟
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haikyuustuffs · 10 days
Those who have seen the movie....
Can we all talk about how they animated the last point?!
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lunamochii · 3 months
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sachiro.hirugami x f!reader
cw; make out session,
"Oh c'mon! We already paid plus we'll go by groups!"
You refuse to let go on grabbing a tight hold on the railings of your school while your friends are doing the best they can, to get you off
"I rather jump down than go inside!"
It's your school's festival and your annoying friends manage to trick you on accompanying them to the second floor, where the class activities are happening. Your class decided to do a photobooth for the activity, not that much people are visiting so your class was place at the third floor.
The class that chose to do activities that got a lot of people visiting were place on second floor. For examples, cafe theme, horror booth and many more.
"You guys know I'm bad at any horror related!"
"We'll go hand in hand!"
"Nah-uh! You guys also said that last year but I was left inside."
Well, it was more likely of you running away from them since you got so scared that you let go of their hand.
"Hey guys! We all can hear you downstairs, what's up?"
Your friends let go of you and you sigh in relief and fixes your uniform.
You mentally gag and glared at your boyfriend, Sachiro, he knows how much you hate being called that but he loves to see your annoyed face.
"Oh hello sugarplum."
You smirk seeing his twisted look, if he knows what to tease you. You also know how to tease him back, two can play that game.
"Hirugami-san can you please, please, please drag your beautiful girlfriend inside the horror booth? We don't wanna waste our money y'know!"
"Hmmm horror booth huh.."
Sachiro looks at your way and you gulp seeing that nasty smirk he has on his face, before you can even run away he already have a tight grip on your hands and drag you. Hell, you can't even get yourself free from him.
"You can pay right after you get out!"
You heard the student who's assign on the entrance then you saw your friends laughing along with Korai and Gao, you wish they'll slip on to something once they are inside.
The inside is reaaaaally cold if you must say plus it's pitch black on the entrance, there's a faint light of red, green and blue. Plus, the eerie sounds they are playing. You found yourself sticking to your boyfriend's body like a leech.
"It's okay baby, I'm here."
If he said that in a normal setting where his just reading one of your mangas on your room then maybe, maybe you'll be feeling butterflies from your stomach.
"Walk faster, Hiro!"
"I am? Relax, I-"
You froze when you felt something cold touch your feet, you slowly look down and your eyes met with a bloodshot eyes and a gaping mouth of a 'ghost'
You scream and push him away as you ran off. Sachiro was left there standing dumbfounded, he look down and saw what scared his girlfriend and smiled. He even crouch down and pat them on the head before running after you. He couldn't care less to the people who pops out from the sides.
When he got out, he paid for his own fee and tried to look for you but you are no way in sight. Soon after Korai, Gao and together with your friends came out looking all spook out but they are only laughing.
"Guys! Did you see her inside?" Sachiro ask
"No? I thought you guys were together?"
Korai said and Sachiro felt nervous as much he wants to tease you, the thought of you crying alone makes him feel bad.
"Can I go back in? My girlfriend hasn't come out yet."
The shopkeeper nodded but just when he was about to enter, he bump into someone. Sachiro was about to say sorry when the person he bump into hug him.
"Don't leave me..."
It was you. His girlfriend, he sighs in relief and hugs you back. Kissing the crown of your head, he can feel the trembling of your body and he just hugs you tighter.
"Hey hey it's okay.."
He guided you on the side and wipe your cheeks with your tears, you pouted and cried more making Sachiro chuckle and kiss on the cheeks.
"Bubs u okay? We're sorry..."
Your friends approach you and you just nodded. When you ran off, you were fast to find the exit but someone appeared making you turn to your right and you ended up getting lost. It was like a maze inside.
"Is fine.. but don't you ever, EVER drag me there again."
You huff and cross your arms, your friends chuckles and promise they won't do it again.
"Guys we'll go on a date. See ya!"
Sachiro held your hand and drag you away from the group, he didn't even let you say your goodbyes to them.
"Hey! This is your second time dragging me away."
He didn't look back at you but his hand squeeze yours and you just let him be, you found yourself standing inside a empty room. You were about to ask him what is going on, he hug you, tight.
"Can I kiss you? I'm dying to kiss you."
"What? You drag me all the way here for that?"
He pulled away but his hands are still on your waist, his light brown eyes staring right at you.
"F-Fine.. I mean, okay. You can ki- mmff!"
Your back being press against the wall while his hands travels up and down, his tongue licking at your lips begging for an entrance. The moment you part your lips, he lets out a moan that made your legs wobble.
Normally, Sachiro doesn't act this way, his usually on his tame side everyday. You just don't know on why he is aggressive today.
"Sorry.. it's just you were so cute when you were crying.."
He said when he pulled away for a bit and before you can even answer him, his kissing you again. Your moans and his mixes together, your fingers tangling on his hair, pressing your body towards him.
"Wait- fuck.."
He pulled away and finally, you got a chance to breathe. He went to the nearest table and sat on it, his legs spread out. He held his hand towards you which you gladly took and now you're trap between his legs and resume your make-out session.
Sachiro admitted later that maybe, maybe not he got turn on seeing you on that vulnerable state and how cute you were crying. You told him that you'd rather hide when you cry than to face his less tame side.
bonus part.☆
"Wanna go in?"
You immediately shook your head and tried to drag away your husband, away from the horror booth you guys stumbled upon inside the mall
"Sugarplum please! You wouldn't want your honeybunch to suffer right?"
His brow twitches on the choice of endearment you use, you swear to god that you saw how his lips form into a nasty smirk. Intertwining his fingers to yours, he successfully drag you inside the booth.
Needless to say, you got fuck dumb by him later at night. Is what you get for pissing him off by using those cringey words and crying when you guys got out from the booth.
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tsunabi-art · 10 months
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Hirugami the Immovable 💙
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lowkxytears · 3 months
i started watching haikyuu around early march for the first time. im done. what am I supposed to do now? also haikyuu fans waiting actual YEARS for a season? that CRAZY.
anyways here are may faves from each team:
karasuno: tsukishima
nekoma: fukunaga
aoba johsai: kyo-ken
date tech: aone
fukurodani: bokuto
shiratorizawa: goshiki
johzenji: terushima
tokonami: ikejiri
wakutani minami: hanayama
ohgiminami: akimiya
kakugawa: hyakuzawa
nohebi: daisho
itachiyama: sakusa
inarizaki: kita
kamomedai: hirugami
niiyami girls': amanai
do i have a #1 fave? no. i am indecisive and have a new favourite every minute. i like ALL of them and I mean EVERY. SINGLE. one of them one way or the other.
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