#hair salon business insurance
gothdaddyissues · 2 years
The Devil Came To A Small Town
Chapter Three available on Ao3 - or under the cut (~6500 words)
Summary: Cardinal Copia seeks out Primo for some advice. Izzy and Copia meet again, and continue to pine for each other (like the idiots they are).
Tags: OC female, Cardinal Copia, Papa I/Primo, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Ministry Hijinks, Idiots in Love (heart-eyes motherfucker), Eventual Smut (but not yet), swears and cursings, No Beta (we die like Terzo), Google Translate Italiano
Catch up here: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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September 30
Her nose was cold.
Isabelle had slept with her bedroom window open. The night air was crisp and cool this time of year and always made for the best sleeping environment. The contrast between the outdoor breeze and her body cuddled in the blankets guaranteed a blissful night’s rest. But now, the chill was creeping in, slithering across her face, tickling her ears, and sneaking down into the cozy nest she had built in her bed.
She sat up with difficulty, her cat asleep between her legs and burrowed in blankets to keep warm. She gave him a pat on his head, noticing his ears were cold too.
“Gonna go close the window, Poe,” she said to him, “Be right back.”
The uncarpeted floor was like ice. Hissing, she skipped across the room to the window and pushed the curtains back enough to close it. The first colors of dawn were coming to light on the horizon, while the moon and stars still hung visible in the clear sky overhead.
Izzy hurried back to the bed, wrapping herself up in the covers again. She grabbed her phone to check the clock - just past 6:15 am, hours before her usual wake-up time. But she was wide awake now, the cold on her skin jolting her straight into full consciousness. She lay huddled in her duvet, staring up at the ever-lightening sky through the gap in the curtains. Today was the last day of September, meaning tomorrow would start the busiest month of the year for her, business-wise and personally. Samhain / Halloween would be here before she knew it.
She fussed under the blankets, rolling over onto her side, annoying the cat enough to make him jump off the bed. It was unlikely she would go back to sleep at this point, between the chill and Poe hounding her for breakfast now that she was awake. She mentally ran down her checklist of things to do for the day. End-of-the-month bookkeeping would be her first priority. She had to make some orders for supplies. Was there anything left over from the previous day?
The previous day…. Cardinal Copia.
She had successfully managed to distract herself with TikToks long enough to fall asleep the night before. There were no captivating dreams about him (or the skull-painted man that may or may not be him). And she had awoken without thoughts of him, until this moment.
Now it was unlikely she’d think of much else.
“Okay, fine,” she sighed to herself, tossing aside the covers and getting out of bed, “Let’s get the day started.”
Izzy took her time with her morning routine: feeding the cat, a shower, a light dusting of makeup, and a cup of tea with some avocado toast for breakfast. She planned to go to the shop early for a head start on paperwork in an effort to keep her mind occupied. She sat and ate her meal, staring out the window at the sun finishing its rise. A foggy haze was descending, the cool air mixed with the still-warm earth to blanket the town in mist. This was her favorite type of weather.
So instead of working, she chose to distract herself by heading outside for a walk. She outfitted herself all in black - leggings, a sweater, a long coat that hung past her knees, and her most comfortable boots. With her phone in hand, her earbuds in, and her moody Darkwave playlist on shuffle, she ventured into the chill morning.
She first went down Main Street a few blocks, then crossed the road onto King Street. She passed the dry cleaner, the salon where she got her hair done, the Reiki practitioner, the insurance office, and finally the library, one of the oldest and most imposing buildings in town. It was still too early for anything to be open, but the streets were alive with residents on their morning jogs or walking their dogs. She exchanged smiles and nods with everyone she saw.
King Street came to an abrupt dead end just past the library. At the end of the block was the entrance to a vast forested area, known to most everyone simply as “The Woods.” It was blocked off by concrete barriers, with a small enough opening to allow only pedestrians and cyclists through. The town owned the Woods, and while it was not an official park, the residents used the roughed-in trails as though it were. Over the years, unscrupulous businessmen had tried - repeatedly - to buy it, tear it out, and develop it, but the town had always fought back and kept them at bay. It was too beloved a spot to destroy.
It was also the place where Izzy felt most at home.
Being a witch, she was drawn to nature, of course. But she had spent so many hours of her childhood and youth exploring and playing in these woods. And as she grew into her teen years, the Woods became a safe haven for her and her friend group. It was a place where they could hide away from their parents, drink, smoke, play music, and party. The secret makeshift clearings they had built deep in the brush still stood. She never felt afraid here, only comfortable and nostalgic.
The main path through the Woods was not paved, but so well-worn that it was easy to navigate. Izzy took her time and kept a steady pace, enjoying the music in her ears while she wandered the path. Birds and squirrels were busying themselves preparing for winter. Acorns and leaves crunched under her boots. This was the distraction she needed. There were no thoughts except existing in this moment and enjoying the foggy beauty around her. She was content. She inhaled deeply, the brisk air filling her lungs, and the heady smell of damp earth enveloping her.
About twenty minutes into her walk she reached a large clearing, known as the Halfway Log Turnaround, so named because of the huge trunk of a felled tree that lay across the ground there. It was the ideal place to have a seat and rest. This was also the spot where most people would, as the name implied, turn around and head back into town, which was what Izzy had initially intended on doing. But she stopped, surveying the way ahead of her.
The path continued on, past the clearing, further into a more dense part of The Woods. It was not nearly as well-worn as the first half of the path since it was now so rarely used. It was a bit harder to navigate, more serpentine, but still accessible if you were confident and careful. Or if you knew the way as well as Izzy did. Because she and her friends had traveled it often back in the day, using it as a shortcut to get to Windermere Abbey.
Windermere Abbey. The new home of the Church of Emeritus. Where the Cardinal most likely was, right this minute.
Now she was second-guessing herself. Had she really wanted to just ‘go for a walk’ or was she being compelled to end up here? Here on the path that would carry her to the mystery man she was so drawn to…
Izzy checked the time - it was almost 8:30. She had about two and a half hours before the store was due to open. The wooded path ended beside the old, overgrown graveyard at the back of the Abbey property. It would take about twenty more minutes to get there, then another forty or so minutes back to town.
Her head was telling her to turn around and go home.
But her feet had already started moving in the opposite direction.
Copia hurried through the halls of the Abbey, red cassock swishing around his legs and Grucifix jingling as he moved. He had successfully avoided any more interaction with Sister Imperator the previous evening by taking his dinner in his office and heading right to his quarters afterward. He had slept fitfully, unable to stop thinking about Isabella, and had to drag himself out of bed as early as he could so he could speak with Primo before the duties of his day began. And he wanted to do it before Sister Imperator was up and about, so he had to move quickly.
He made a brief stop in the dining hall, pouring two silver travel mugs full of hot, fresh coffee. With one in each hand, he made his way through the less-traveled corridors at the rear of the main building, taking the first exit he could find that would lead him out into the grounds behind the Abbey. He used his elbow to push down on the handle, bumping it outwards with his ass to open the door, then kicking it shut with his foot once he was outside.
It was a beautiful autumn morning, the air brisk but refreshing. The rising sun’s rays shone through the light mist hanging over the gardens and into the forest beyond. It was peaceful with no siblings or clergy in sight. The only sounds were the occasional chirping of birds and the crunch of gravel under his feet as he approached the large greenhouse on the other side of the Abbey grounds.
Primo’s ghoul Alpha kept watch at the greenhouse entrance, and he opened up the door for Copia when he saw him approaching with his hands full.
“Thank you, Alpha. Primo is here, si?” Copia asked.
Alpha nodded, pointing toward the far end of the greenhouse.
The air inside was heavy with the lush fragrance of flowers, herbs, and rich soil. There were small puddles of water here and there, rivulets trickling towards the floor drain as Primo watered the raised plant beds with an antique watering can. He was humming happily to himself, seeming so content that Copia felt almost guilty interrupting him.
“Buongiorno, Primo,” he greeted, “Come stai?”
“Ah, Cardinale! You brought me un caffè? Ti benedico, figlio!” Primo took the coffee mug from Copia and took a deep, appreciative, swig. “I am well, my boy. Much better now, with this.” Primo took another sip before continuing, “It is good to see you, Cardinale. We missed you at dinner last night. Were you unwell?”
Copia sat on a bench next to the garden bed Primo was tending. “No, not unwell,” he said, “Just busy. I had a half day’s worth of work to catch up on.”
“Because of your trip into town yesterday?” Primo gave him a sly wink. “We heard all about your visit to the magic shop.”
Copia furrowed his brow. How would they find that out? Did Aether tell them? “You did? From whom?”
“Imperator, of course,” Primo continued, placing his coffee mug down on the railing of the plant bed and turning back to his herb garden. “She told us how smitten you were with the witchy lady who runs the place.”
Copia cringed. He lowered his head, setting his mug on the ground between his feet, then covering his face with his hands. “That is… Sister did not… errgghh…” he groaned, “She didn’t say that, did she?”
“Well, perhaps not in those exact words, but that was what she implied. She went on at great length about her shop and how whimsical it was, about her kindness and her helpfulness, how lovely she is. She said those were your words.”
Copia couldn’t deny that. He had told Sister as much. “Si,” he said quietly, “She is all those things and more.”
The hushed tone of Copia’s voice made Primo glance over his shoulder at the Cardinal hunched on the bench, and he turned back to him with full attention. “Is this a bad thing, Copia?” he asked, his concern obvious.
Copia was silent for a moment. He shook his head. “No, not a bad thing. Not exactly. It’s just… it was all so strange.”
“Strange how?” Primo asked, picking up his coffee and taking a seat next to Copia. “Speak to me, figlio, tell me what happened.”
There was a reason he felt comfortable confiding in Primo. The old man was patient and understanding, but above all, he was like the father he’d never had. Copia knew he could trust him and that Primo would offer thoughtful and logical advice. He raised his head from his hands. “There is something about her that I cannot explain. When I met her, it felt as if… well, as if I knew her already. I was so drawn to her, I could not look away. I took her hand and I did not want to let go. I felt like an absolute fool. And then I couldn’t sleep last night for thinking of her. This is not like me, Primo. I’ve never had something like this happen before. It makes no sense. I’m confused.”
Copia was clearly distraught, but Primo could not help but raise his eyebrows and give a soft chuckle. “Ah yes,” he began, “I see. Things like this happen if you are lucky. Usually for a reason, you know. It can be a mystery as to why at first, but that reason will make itself clear in time. The Dark Lord has blessed you. Why does this upset you? Are you not happy? Intrigued?”
The Cardinal blinked a few times, not really expecting Primo to react that way. He was not upset, or unhappy. More puzzled and anxious than anything else. Mostly, he couldn’t understand why a woman as lovely as Isabelle would want anything to do with him. “I just think it’s a bit absurd,” was all he could manage.
“You are too rational, Cardinale,” Primo said, “This is why you are bothered. You want things to ‘make sense.’ You want everything to have a reasonable explanation. You hate the idea that such things might be out of your control or that fate has decided for you. I understand. I don’t fault you for that, it is just your nature.” He gave Copia a pat on the shoulder. “But matters of the heart very rarely ‘make sense.’”
Copia picked up his mug and took a long sip of his coffee. He still didn’t want to believe it. “It feels… I mean I feel… eh… People don’t just fall in love at first sight.”
“What do you think happened when I met my Lilliana, hmm?”
“You can’t be serious?”
Primo readjusted himself on the bench to be more comfortable, facing Copia. “Oh si, it is true. It was long ago, when I was a Cardinal like you, back at the Ministry in Italy. We met in the library. I turned around a bookshelf and ran right into her, the books she carried falling everywhere. I helped her gather them up, all apologies. When our eyes finally met, it was the same feeling you described. I could not look away. I felt as if I was on fire. My heart and my soul knew her, knew that she was the one I was searching for. My beautiful Lilliana. From that very moment, she was mine and I was hers. 50 years we spent together, Copia. And even though she is gone from this earth now, I see her in each flower I grow here. She is still with me.”
The old man’s words hit Copia hard. He had fond memories of Prime Mover Lilliana, of how she and Primo were infatuated with each other even into their golden years. Their relationship had been a pure example of true love and left Copia wondering if he would ever experience something like it. But that was years ago when he was a younger man. His last serious relationship had ended when he was promoted to Cardinal, and he had long since given up on such illusions…
He gave Primo’s arm a gentle squeeze. “You were a very lucky man to have known such love in your life. But I’m not searching for anything, or anyone.”
“Your head may not be, but your heart is. It always is. Things come to you when you stop looking for them,” Primo said sagely. “You need to get out of here,” he tapped Copia on the forehead, “And use this instead,” he nudged him in the middle of his chest. “Thank Satanas you do not think with your dick like Terzo does.”
The two men shared a knowing laugh. Primo’s youngest brother Terzo, the wild and lascivious Papa Emeritus the Third, would never have such hesitant thoughts when it came to an attractive woman. Copia was no stranger to carnal pleasure - he was, after all, high-ranking clergy in a church that encouraged such things. But he had no desire to compete with Terzo’s libertine antics.
“We joke, yes, but I am serious Copia,” Primo said softly. “These last few years have been challenging for us all, but for you especially - becoming Papa’s Cardinale, leaving Italy and Sister Antonella to come here… You do so much for us, for the Ministry, but I see you have changed. You work, you eat, you sleep. You isolate yourself. Where is your joy, figlio? I worry about you. True, you are not an Emeritus by blood, but to us you are family. We want you to be happy. You should have seen Sister Imperator last night, so excited talking about you and this lady.”
This was Copia’s chance to divert the topic of conversation from himself to the real reason he came to speak with Primo. “Speaking of Sister Imperator, have you found her… difficult to deal with of late?”
Primo shook his head. “No, not more so than usual. But I don’t interact with her as much as you do. Has she been causing you trouble?”
“She was the one who sent me into town yesterday. She insisted that I go, told me I had to meet Miss Bennett. It was on purpose. It felt like she was pushing us together. I suspect it was all because of one of her damn visions.”
“I would not be surprised. The Sister has become quite the avid prophet of late, eh?” Primo mused before downing the last of his coffee.
“Do you think we should be concerned?” Copia asked. “It’s starting to worry me.”
“Why?” Primo stood and shuffled off to the potting table in the corner. “Imperator has always had visions of some sort, as far back as I can remember. Births, deaths, times of joy or turmoil - she saw them beforehand.” He returned with a small pair of shears and began pruning overgrowth from his herbs. “I was always impressed with her accuracy. She would warn me when bad weather was coming so I could protect my plants. And there was that time she told Terzo who would win the Superbowl. He won quite a lot of money making bets.”
“Yes, but compare that to what she’s doing now. Buying this Abbey, all the renovations, moving our Clergy here, taking on students, summoning more Ghouls… These are major decisions that affect all of us, and The Ministry as a whole. Based on one woman’s visions.”
“But these are all good things, yes?” Primo countered, “We are thriving here! Our numbers increase week on week. We are spreading our message. As the Sister’s commitment to the Dark One grows, so does her connection with Him. Her devotion is rewarded with the strengthening of her foresight.”
“Primo, you and I both know that the Dark One does not just grant gifts. There is always a price,” Copia said, gesturing to his white eye, the symbol of his communion with the lord Lucifer. “What price will she have to pay for this great blessing, hm?”
The old man stopped fussing with his plants and turned his full attention back to Copia. “I do not know, figlio,” he said, an edge of worry in his voice, “If Sister has made a contract with our Dark Lord for her visions, she is wise enough to know the consequences. There is little we can do to change that. Hopefully, the continued success of The Ministry will be payment enough.”
“I hope so,” Copia said ruefully. “I worry that she’d burn this place down with all of us inside just because The Devil told her to.”
Primo sighed. “You are not the only one to have such concerns. Secondo has said similar things to me. He too worries that this is getting out of hand and that Sister Imperator is playing a dangerous game. Trust me when I say he is keeping an eye on her. I will tell him you are worried as well.”
“Thank you, Papa,” Copia nodded. “What about the others? What do they think?”
“They say and do nothing. Terzo is Terzo. He he reaping the rewards of our success without worrying about the consequences. But he would side with us if it came to that, this I know. And Nihil, quel vecchio sporcaccione, is as useless as tits on a bull. Whatever Imperator wants, he agrees. As it has always been.”
With a furrowed brow, Copia finished the last of his coffee. This conversation with Primo wasn’t easing his fears in the slightest. Secondo was the most experienced of the brothers in communicating with the Dark One. If he was nervous about Imperator’s heightened abilities, Copia was right to be uneasy.
Primo sat next to him again, placing a reassuring hand on Copia’s arm. “I think I understand… you and Sister have a complex relationship. She is like a mother to you. You worry about her, about what she is doing to herself and to all of us. And at the same time, you are upset. You feel she is meddling in your life, manipulating you into meeting with this witchy shop lady, si?”
The Cardinal laughed under his breath. The eldest Emeritus brother was well into his 80s, but his mind was still as sharp and perceptive as a young man’s. “Yes,” he said, “That’s exactly it.”
“Do you wish for me to just acknowledge your feelings, or would you like my advice?” Primo asked.
“I always value your advice, Papa,” Copia answered.
“Then my advice is this: do not dismiss your attraction to this woman because of the circumstances of your meeting. I have been where you are, I have felt these feelings for someone once, and I have never regretted it for a moment. I would wish the same happiness on you. You are a most loyal servant to the Dark One, and if he has brought the two of you together, there is a reason. He finds you deserving. What have you got to lose?”
“My immortal soul? It’s possible Sister Imperator has already sold it to him.”
It was Primo’s turn to laugh now. “Oh, Cardinale, she would never! You are too dear to her. But I would sell my soul five times over to have Lilliana back in my arms again. To me, it would be worth it.” His tone grew more serious, “Try not to let Sister trouble you, alright? We will keep watch over her. Live your life and try to find some happiness. Will you do that for me?”
“I’ll try, Primo. But no promises. I already have a full-time job keeping Terzo out of trouble,” Copia replied with a weary smile.
“We’ll see if we can’t get you some help with that too,” Primo offered, “You shouldn’t have to shoulder that burden alone.”
Primo’s Ghoul abruptly appeared, on alert. He stared pointedly out of the greenhouse window towards the back of the Abbey grounds. He was tense, his hands flexed with claws at the ready, and a low growl came from his throat.
“What is it Alpha?” Primo asked, alarmed. He stood and went to his Ghoul, following his line of sight with his own. Alpha stood in front of him protectively, but Primo placed his hand on the Ghoul’s shoulder to calm him. “It’s alright, it’s alright. It’s just a visitor.”
Copia popped up from the bench. “Oh! Is the deer back again?” he asked excitedly, making his way to the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stag that visited most mornings.
It was not the deer. It was a woman walking through the abandoned cemetery at the edge of the property. Even from several yards away, Copia recognized her immediately. His heart fluttered, his breath hitched. Isabella.
“Oh sweet Satanas, Primo. It’s her,” he whispered, “It’s Miss Bennett.”
“Well, well, well,” Primo grinned, “If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is, Copia. You’d best go say hello to her, si?”
Izzy emerged from the Woods through a bower formed by the thick, unkempt hedges that edged the Abbey’s property. The abandoned nun’s cemetery stood just ahead of her, still shrouded in fog, most of its thin, plain tombstones jutting out of the ground at odd angles. Some stones were broken, while others lay flat on the ground in various states of decay, covered in moss and ivy. It was a bit more run-down than the last time she had been out here and vastly worse than she recalled from back in the day. It was dank and dreary, and perfectly melancholy.
Off to her left, several yards away was Windermere Abbey. This was the first time she had seen it since the Church of Emeritus had taken possession. Her last visit here with Ari was the previous autumn - it had been derelict for years at that point. Their amateurish attempts at urban exploration yielded nothing but crumbling old buildings filled with trash and graffiti, infestations of rats, gaping holes in the roofs, broken windows, and rotting wood.
But now? Now it was nothing like she had remembered.
The main chapel and all the other structures surrounding it looked as pristine as old buildings could possibly be. A new metal roof had been installed. All the masonry was repaired. Stained glass windows had been re-installed, and even the greenhouse was restored. The gardens were perfectly manicured, bordered by neat paths of clean gravel. Even the long wooden dormitory building along the side of the property had been completely rebuilt. It had likely been decades since it looked so immaculate. Izzy estimated that it must have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe even millions, to renovate it to this condition. And the interior was no doubt refurbished in a similar, grand manner. This beautiful piece of history was finally being appreciated again, but it was a stark contrast to the overgrown graveyard here.
She strolled through the cemetery, one of her clique’s favorite places to hang out and do dramatic, goth fashion photoshoots when she was a teenager. It was embarrassing to think about now, especially after learning the history of the building and the convent that occupied it. All these women who had lived their lives in pious devotion were long forgotten, their names barely visible on the worn stone tablets. Nature was taking it over, and Izzy found that morbidly appropriate. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and all that.
The sun was rising higher in the sky now, burning off the lingering fog. She would have to start her walk back to town soon to open the store on time. There hadn’t been a soul out on the Abbey grounds at this early hour, and she felt oddly disappointed. Some part of her had hoped she would see the Cardinal… which was silly, really. Did she expect him to be sitting there waiting for her? Of course not. He’d have no way of even knowing she was here. It was early, he was a busy man, he had duties and classes to teach, and a life of his own. This was technically his home - if he saw her, would he think she was stalking him? Was she trespassing on private property?
Suddenly, she was an anxious mess. Her mind raced with panicked thoughts. This is stupid. Why am I here? I shouldn’t have come… I need to get back. Go quick, before someone sees you, dumbass…
Izzy turned on her heel and started back towards the Woods. She took one last, admiring glance towards the Abbey.
That’s when she saw him. The Cardinal. Clad in a deep crimson cassock. Approaching her.
Holy shit.
Her head felt fuzzy and her heart was hammering in her chest as he came closer. The panic she was feeling just moments ago was still thrumming through her, like a hormonal teenager coming face to face with her crush.
The Cardinal must have sensed her anxiety. He moved forward slowly, as if she were a frightened animal that he didn’t want to scare off. And then he waved. A shy, awkward wave accompanied by an equally shy, awkward smile. He gazed at her, those hypnotic mismatched eyes twinkling, and it melted away the panic inside of her. She returned the wave, realizing only then that she still had her earbuds in and the music blasting through them. She quickly pulled them out and stashed them in her pocket, silencing her phone just as she heard him say “Hello.”
“Hello, Cardinal,” she smiled, stepping forward to close the distance between them. “I, uh… I hope I’m not intruding. You don’t mind me being here, do you?”
“Oh no no no, you are not intruding! Not at all! It is a pleasure to see you,” he stammered, full of nervous energy. “But, eh… how did you… what are you doing out here?”
“I was taking a walk,” she replied, “It’s a beautiful morning, with the fog. I couldn’t resist.”
“You walked? All the way from town?” he asked, incredulous.
“Yes, there’s a shortcut through the woods,” she said, motioning over to the dense trees nearby. “It starts right next to the library on King Street. Takes about half an hour or so.”
“I had no idea! Do… do you walk this way often?”
“Not as often as I used to. Haven’t been since the Abbey was sold.” She nodded towards the building. “It looks amazing, by the way! Last time I saw it, it was practically falling down. Now it’s almost good as new! You’ve even rebuilt the original greenhouse.”
“Yes, everything is completely refurbished inside and out,” Copia said proudly, “And Primo was quite insistent that the greenhouse be included in that.”
“He was the head of our church, many years ago,” he explained. “He’s enjoying his retirement with us now. The greenhouse is his pride and joy.”
Izzy could see an older gentleman standing at the windows of the greenhouse, watching them with a smile on his face. “Is that him?” she asked.
The Cardinal glanced back, and the old man waved to acknowledge him. “Eh, yes, it is. I was just sharing a morning coffee with him. He is a good man… like a father to me.” Copia gave a small wave in return, and Izzy joined in with a wave of her own. She watched Primo wander away from the window, the smile still on his face, before she turned her attention back to the man in front of her.
“The only thing still needing to be dealt with is this place, I’m afraid,” Copia continued, referring to the old cemetery, “We have yet to come to a decision on what to do with it. We would not desecrate it, obviously, but do we clean it up, restore it, tend to it? Or do we just let it continue like this?”
“Funny you should say that because I was just thinking that letting nature reclaim it might be a reverent thing to do,” Izzy said, “There’s something strangely beautiful about seeing it all overgrown like this. But that’s just my opinion, unusual as it might be.”
“Yes, yes” he agreed, nodding in earnest, “I think so too! But the Sister, she… well, she thinks we should be asking the community first.”
Izzy laughed softly. “Well, as an almost-lifelong member of this community, I can tell you that most people in town won’t care…” She stopped, worried that she was making the townsfolk sound cruel or insensitive, so she softened her tone, “I mean, the convent shut down, like, 40 years ago. There won’t be many folks around that remember anything about them. And the Diocese didn’t even maintain the upkeep while they still owned it. I think you’re safe to do with it what you like.”
“Then I will tell Sister Imperator that I have spoken to a representative of the community,” he gestured towards Izzy with his hands, “And that the community says to leave it be, si?” Copia smiled at her then, and she could see a glint of playfulness in his mismatched eyes that made her heart flutter. “You seem to know much about the history of this place.”
“My mother was very involved with the town’s Historical Committee back in the day,” she explained, “I learned a lot through her.”
“You likely know even more than we do.”
“You think?” Izzy gave him a smirk. “Tell me what you know and we’ll find out!”
“Well,” Copia began, still smiling, still enraptured with her, “We know that the main chapel was built in the late 1800s, with the dormitory and outbuildings added sometime in the early 1900s. It housed a Benedictine convent. Over time, their numbers dwindled and it was closed down in the 1980s. But it was considered a historical property and no one wanted to tear it down, so it remained unused and fell into disrepair. Does that sound right?”
“Yes,” she said, “More or less… it was sold for a brief time in the 90s, but the town persuaded the Diocese to buy it back afterwards.” She leaned in a little closer to him. “And they were very unhappy about it, I might add,” she whispered slyly.
The Cardinal raised his eyebrow, intrigued. “Why?” he asked, his voice also a whisper.
“Some dude-bros from the city bought it and turned it into a very raunchy goth nightclub. Called The Sanctuary,” Izzy revealed. “Our town got quite a bad reputation because of that. It was a wild place.”
Copia gasped lightly, surprised and amused. “Really? Now that I did not know!”
“I spent many, many a night here in my younger years. Drinking, dancing, smoking up behind that greenhouse, taking naughty photos in this cemetery…” Izzy confessed with a giggle.
“Oh my, Isabella… How sacrilegious of you!” Copia was laughing now, and Izzy couldn’t help but join him.
The nervousness she’d felt earlier had dissipated. She was entirely comfortable in his presence - enough to admit to the rowdy antics of her misspent youth without fearing he would judge her. Instead, he was laughing along with her, endearing him to her even more. For his part, Copia’s initial awkwardness seemed to have faded. He stood a little taller, spoke more confidently, and joked with her easily. She still felt that mysterious pull toward him, but now it felt a little less like some pre-destined arrangement, and more like the natural attraction to a handsome, charming man.
“So,” she said, stifling her laughter, “That’s the secret history of Windermere Abbey. And that’s how I know exactly the path to take through the Woods to get here. It’s burned into my memory. I will say, the exterior looks much better than I remember. I’m sure the inside is very different.”
“Well, you must come in and see. Let me give you a guided tour,” he offered eagerly.
“Oh, I would absolutely love that! But…” She knew that she had to start her journey back, that at this point she was cutting it close to opening time. It killed her to have to say no. “I can’t today. I really need to head back to town. It’s a bit of a hike and I have to get the store open.”
Izzy could see the disappointment on his face, and she could feel her own in her heart. “Of course, mia cara, I understand,” he said. “Would you like a ride? I can see if someone is available to drive you back.”
“That’s very kind of you, Cardinal, but I’ll be fine. The walk is good for my soul, y’know?” She reached out and placed her hand over his reassuringly. “But I do want that tour. I absolutely do. And I want to have the time to enjoy it and appreciate it. So I’ll be back. Soon, okay?”
Copia’s face lit up with the sweetest grin, crinkling the corners of his dark-shadowed eyes, a slight blush coloring his freckled cheeks. “Yes, yes. Soon! I look forward to it.” He slid his gloved fingers over Isabelle’s and bowed slightly, bringing her hand up to his lips to place a delicate kiss on the back of it. “Until next time, then.”
He gently let go of her hand, the soft leather slipping from her grasp sooner than she wanted it to. A simple gesture that felt so sensual, it left her momentarily breathless. “Yes, until then.”
“Ciao, Bella.”
With a smile and a nod, she turned and began making her way back to the wooded path. Her hand was tingling where he had kissed it. She took a few more steps before she heard Copia’s voice call out behind her.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright in there, Bella? You won’t get lost, will you?” He sounded worried.
She spun around to face him, still walking backward towards the bower. “Yes, Cardinal, I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry about me. I know it like the back of my hand!”
Yeah. The back of my hand… that’s all tingly because you kissed it… and now I’m walking away flexing it like fucking Mr. Darcy… shit.
Izzy waved and turned back to The Woods, stepping through the opening in the hedge and starting her trek back to town. Slipping her earbuds back in, she restarted her playlist, setting it to shuffle. It was a good thing she knew the way so well because her mind certainly wasn’t focused on the path under her feet or the music in her ears. Her thoughts were wandering to Copia, his beautiful mismatched eyes, his smile, his classically handsome face, his musical Italian accent. Even his deep red Cardinal’s robes were unlocking something within her, another kink to put on the pile with all the others she had. And the gloves… she could not stop thinking of those gloved hands touching her. Everywhere.
Before she knew it she was at the Halfway Log. She had completely zoned out, wandering the Woods in a blissful daze for the last 20 minutes. She stopped for a moment, trying to clear her head, forcing her attention onto something to ground her. She chose the music. Nine Inch Nails was on the playlist, Trent Reznor growling in her ear about wanting to “fuck you like an animal.”
How appropriate… For fuck’s sake.
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crashpill · 7 months
Name: Isabella Bloom
Age: 30
Gender: She/Her
Residence: Lud's Holm
Job: Hair dresser
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Grey
Family: Father and mother dead, brother works as a Constable
Relationship: Single
Special features:
Birthmarks on the face, (Half mask)
Uncle Jack
Making people happy
Favorite song: Not a Crime to Smile
Isabella and her brother Edward witnessed a tragic incident as children that claimed their parents' lives. In a devastating air raid on Wellington Wells, their parents were killed amid the chaos of war. Isabella was only 14 years old at the time, and Edward just 18.
With the loss of their parents, not only did the siblings' idyllic world crumble, but their family was torn apart. Without relatives to take them in, Edward, the elder, felt compelled to care for Isabella. In a world shrouded in Joy, where grief was considered a weakness, he tried to be a substitute family for his sister. The two endured a challenging childhood, marked by loss, loneliness, and the constant struggle to suppress their tears.
To make ends meet, Edward took on a job as a delivery boy at an early age, and later, when old enough, joined the Constabulary. The responsibility weighed heavily on his young shoulders as he tried to shield Isabella from the world's horrors.
In their cozy home in Wellington Wells, Isabella and her brother Edward lived happily. Isabella's hair salon was not far from their home, where customers came not only for a haircut but also for the warm atmosphere.
Isabella was a respected hairdresser in Wellington Wells, renowned for her artistic hairstyles that enhanced the city's splendor. Her life seemed perfect until she lost her hair salon due to an unfortunate chain of events threatening her livelihood. A devastating fire, triggered by an unlucky short circuit, destroyed her business and everything she had built. Without insurance and financial means to rebuild the salon, Isabella faced ruin.
Desperate and without hope for improvement, she turned increasingly to Joy to numb her worries and fears. However, over time, her body could no longer tolerate the drug, and Isabella found herself caught in a whirlwind of withdrawal symptoms and depression, while her once lively salon turned into a sooty ruin.
Without her livelihood and the support of her salon, Isabella not only lost her economic security but also her faith in the apparent perfection of Wellington Wells.
Instead of living in the euphoric illusion of Joy, Isabella found herself in the abyss of reality, plagued by withdrawal symptoms and the painful realization that the world around her was, in truth, crueler than she had ever imagined.
Her brother, torn between duty and family ties, eventually decided to bring Isabella to the outskirts of the Garden District as a Downer. There, in the decaying remnants of the city, Isabella must not only battle physical withdrawal symptoms but also the emotional turmoil between her past and an uncertain future. Her journey is marked by the quest for truth, self-discovery, and overcoming the dark shadows that loom over Wellington Wells and her family.
Relationships with:
Arthur: She could never really become friends with him but she liked his brother Percival. Sometimes she misses Percy as she remembers him more and more.
Sally: She doesn't know Sally well enough.
Ollie: Better keep distance from him.
Relationships with other characters:
Nick: She really enjoyed listening to his music. Would do anything to go to one of his concerts.
James and Roger: She doesn't know them both.
Percival: She was friends with him at the time and got along well with him. She doesn't know what happened to him and misses him in dark times.
Bobbies: Isabella's relationship with Constables is strained, marked by a conflict of allegiance. Her brother, Edward, being a Constable, adds complexity as duty clashes with familial bonds. The authorities view her as a Downer, intensifying the tension and making her interactions with Constables fraught with suspicion and risk.
Doctors: She actually likes them, Isabella maintains a neutral stance towards the doctors and harbors some hopes for understanding and support.
Uncle Jack: She loved watching him and misses seeing him on TV. She likes going to the Uncle Jack meeting at her place in Lud's Holm, but it's just not the same.
Foggy Jack: Isabella's relationship with Foggy Jack is characterized by caution and uncertainty. She doesn't want to meet him but would like to know more about him.
Downers: Can't trust everyone and she's pretty careful too. But when she meets someone good, she likes to help the person out and also share the things she has.
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why-its-kai · 1 year
managed to take a walk today but it did not make me feel good. stressful bc cars whipping past constantly and sidewalk basically right next to road. saw maybe 3 other ppl walking the whole time. looked at the businesses and whatnot along the road in hopes of noticing anything that interests me or like a community space or anything. there’s TONS of restaurants, at least 6 barber/hair/beauty salons, at least 5 or 6 medical practices of all sorts, bird feeder specialty shop, 2 dog salons, computer repair, car repair garage, 2 gas stations, 10+ offices for like insurance/tax/investment/realty consultation, at least 4 churches, 2 different banks, several businesses i couldn’t quite tell what they were, liquor store, 2 specialty clothing stores, and around 10 vacant/for lease retail spaces in varying states of disrepair. did not see any place that was of interest to me and/or did not require buying something or paying for a service to visit. kind of depressing all these places i can walk to but i have no reason or desire to visit.
also almost lost my footing in a pothole in the pharmacy parking lot bc wasn’t paying attention where i was stepping in the broken pavement. but i saw some pigeons roosting in the rafters of the bridge i walked under which was the highlight of the whole thing i guess. pigeons are nice. i got my meds picked up too so that’s good. idk i just feel tired and sad tho. glad i got exercise at the very least even tho i didn’t really enjoy it at all
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chanelfunnell · 2 years
Lindsey was a bottle girl and part time hairdresser when she met Toews. It was as a bottle girl that she met Toews. Toews had to pay off some debts Lindsey accrued. She went to full time hairdresser after dating Toews. Having Toews as bf is what got her as a sort after hairdresser. Toews paid for Lindsey side of her salon she is in partnership with. She got a lot of hate because she was a party girl/bottle girl but Toews was a frat boy as well. But it always seemed neither cheated on each other until towards the end when it was very much a off and on relationship until it was off for good. As for the other site on Crosby he learnt very early not to have a public private life and Kathy seems to stick to that rule. Does he cheat maybe. Who knows. Also they bash Amanda for not going out with wags she is 35 with a 2 year old. Her life is now about her family not wag lifestyle and kane seems to love both off them. People forget these guys play hockey and are human and so r the gf and wifes
Do you mean wives ? None of these 3 was or is married to Toews, Kane, Crosby . Maybe Crosby is married and they have a child now looking on Kathy's hair and a belly cradling by both on the photo and overgrown dark roots of L Blakeley actress but gosh you have all sort of info from all NHL franchises all over North America .
i agree it is not easy life to be wag with non stop travel and moving and all 3 were or are long term partners . Amanda has had her party time and fun Kaner has met her as a waitress during her uni, supporting herself. So Lindsey . It is up to her to keep her biz afloat and so during pandemic. It does not matter who has funded her biz as it is not her vanity project. She has had balls to leave him as he loved her but not enough to have a child with her. She could go ahead to have a kid with him and a child maintenance. It was pandemic, she has found her new Mr Right asap and he's a father of her baby girl. No public spats or posing online like Elina .I think Tazer has suffered so far. Kathy is out since 2014. More hyped media bubble about Crosby since his teens what you can't see about Bedard now or fake choir boy hermit image applied on McDavid to sell jerseys and a young captain and scoring machine image lol ...really, she comes from well to do background. Not rich one but the background and family where Steptford Housewives are born and bred. They don't work and a wealthy partner is expected. So far so good if there is a commitment what seems to be a case but relationships break and divorce is easy. So the marriage is sought. And prenup to award the woman in the question, not easy split of the couple who grew apart with all sorted out beforehand. She is 37. 15 years together. I'd think twice to stay like Lindsey to waste my chance to have family etc to be a semi hidden partner of busy ice hockey player. If they have fertility problem, ok. It's understandable but then again it's fair Kay game to release the girl like Lindsey to go than drag her around the rink. I think Kathy wants to stay, for various reasons like comfort, trust, routine of a partner she knows and also his money to ke a housewife. Her work is a light commercial modelling that does not count with million per an endorsement so she relies on her partner. Any split makes it harder and old insurance in the form of the child as well as legal marital cord is not here. She can use a cohabitation as she reaches 40 and so the end of modelling fun but it does not set her for a life.. Call Vecchione a bottle girl as any woman is a marketing guru with IN or a model now but Vecchione without a cushy family background of executive father is doing very well and far from a doormat. Kathy is hanging on for dear life, years and years...no a job. Crosby stays in Pittsburgh. Call Hevner a plastic Barbie in latex tight pants from Disneyland she has been working for years and grasped the sale management..I'd say Kathy has neither a child not a job in the case to support herself and Crosby is also interesting man with his freaking about privacy yet posing happily with Drake and two bottle girls. You don't see it with Kane right now...he has had his scandals, huge cab drama but never hiding it is not him.
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engbergsinfinland · 1 month
Happy Saturday, everyone!
I'm writing this standing outside the Hakametsä jaahall, where the kids have their ice skating today, and it is another beautiful day here in Tampere. It is in the mid-60s and the sky has some fluffy, white clouds in it. This week, there was some rain, but once again, the weather was darn glorious! Next week looks pretty good, too. I know things will turn shary before too long, so we're really trying to enjoy the end of the Finnish summertime.
This week's big news was that I found a super rad hairdresser, by walking by his salon (Salon Jarmo Hentilä), seeing that he had an Egon Schiele print hanging in the window, and thinking, after peeking in, that I liked the place's aesthetic. I went in, talked to the stylist/owner (Jarmo, I think!), showing him my color formula from my amazing hairdresser at home (Megan), and we were off to the races, as they say! I saw him Thursday morning and ooo lala!! So nice to have smooth hair and a sleek look again. I was a frizzy mess before 😆
Also, this Friday Eric and I had our account-opening appointments at Nordea bank. What a debacle! I mean, we are really paralyzed here without a bank account. I can't add funds to my SIM card so as to retain the Finnish phone number I started with; we can't yet pay for any of the kids' activities through those programs' online portals; and I can't buy the required competitive sports insurance or renter's insurance. Our credit cards do not work for those things and the direct- from-your-bank transfer is the ubiquitous process here. I'll include an image here of what you see when you get to a payment page, say, for your kids dance studio. Also, given that I have a non traditional bank in the US, by direct deposit of my Fulbright stipend hasn't gone through the last two payments, so I really, really, really need the Nordea bank account set up! We chose them because they are an international bank, across the Nordics at least, but, DANG, the thickness of the bureaucracy is staggering.
Of course, perhaps I cannot compare; I have not opened a US bank account in nearly twenty years so I do not recall what is required and of course I was a US citizen when I did so. I did open a bank account in London at Barclays when I lived there and that was a royal (haha) pain in the neck, but I do recall getting it done in a single day.
What Nordea needed was not only our Finnish residency permit card and our US passports and for us to fill out lots of paperwork (as expected) but they also needed the printouts of the PDFs we received from the Finnish immigration office and I did not know this and I only had them in PDF on my phone and of course could not just email them to them. So we had to go home, print them, and go back 🤦🏻 Now, we wait about three business days and we should hear something. Then, we need to set up the online banking and may have to book a fifteen minutes appointments at the branch to get help with that. And, THEN, perhaps we can pay all of our delinquent enrollment fees and other things.
In other news, Cece was invited to a hobbyhorse race party next Sunday by her classmate Herta! We are so excited about this, having seen these videos. If you click no other links this week, click that one, and have your mind blown!
Here are a few other interesting things that happened with us this week.
One day this week, when I knew Cece had to be at school at 8:15, I thought Rowan had to be at school at 9:00. So, he left on the tram later than she did. Later that day, after school, I learned that I sent him to school an hour late. I'm really struggling to get the hang of their different schedules each day! Rowan took pity on me and hand-drew a weekly overview schedule that, in one visualization, includes both Cece's schedule and his. Let's see if I can follow that or whether they just push me to the wayside and manage their own schedules entirely 😆
This weekend has been quite a happenin' one so far in Tampere. There was a big festival called Blockfest at the Nokia arena. I think it was largely a rap festival, featuring some US artists but some from throughout Europe. Eric and I took a walk on Friday night and walked down to an area that is adjacent to the arena and we saw lots of fashion... There were lots of different styles and there was a lot of ... skin. Me even saying that reveals that I have an Irish Catholic mother 😆
Finally, Cece and I went to a fabric store I had spied from the tram we take to one of the ice skating facilities. We tried to go last weekend and it was closed so we went this Friday and had an amazing experience, though the proprietors did not really speak English, though one of the employees did and that was helpful! The owner was very enthusiastic and with a lot of hand gestures we were able to communicate all right. This fabric store was super densely packed and had a lot of upholstery fabric but also had a lot of stretch knits, which I love to sew with. I am definitely going back to that place. Cece chose some blue stretch knit with white stars and some ribbed blue knit for the collar and cuffs of a shirt I will make her. It was a store of my dreams!
On Monday morning we head to Helsinki for the Fulbright orientation and the kids will get to stay there too, 'til midday Wednesday. I've already told their teachers that they'll miss a few days. I'm excited to meet the other Fulbrighters!!
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mynattinsurance-blog · 3 months
Reasons To Buy Barber Insurance in Carrollwood and Tampa, FL
Numerous tradespeople earn an income on account of their skills throughout the country. The beauty industry is flourishing, with thousands of beauty salons and barber shops operating in highly populated areas. Most cannot protect their business during the lean years and after a natural disaster. Shutting shop and beginning anew is even more troublesome. Carrying barber insurance in Carrollwood and Tampa, FL, that covers all eventualities can be helpful to keep the business operational. ​ Whether one has a full-service salon or provides hair-cutting and trimming services to clients, being covered by the right insurance plan can help one continue the business confidently. Being covered by business insurance is optional for barbers. Still, it certainly helps to mitigate the financial risks significantly, primarily when one obtains the necessary compensation to take care of the following:-
· Medical expenses · Property damage · Legal fees · Lost wages
True, barber shops do not run the risk of being gravely injured on the job. But the risks of hurting oneself or a customer are possible as the professional has to do the following regularly:-
· Work with sharp implements · Management of the staff · Deal with employee dishonesty · Cater to multiple customers with diverse needs simultaneously · Stocking heavy products
It is normal to need clarification about specific coverage to reduce the risks of a barbershop. With different types of shops and salons operating with various kinds of services provided to customers, it makes sense to pick and choose individual coverage carefully. Some of the most necessary types of coverage that hair stylists must consider include the following:-
· Barbershop professional liability insurance · General liability insurance · Property insurance · Equipment breakdown coverage · Workers’ compensation insurance
The necessity is not unlike that of other small business companies. Hair stylists and barbers often purchase the Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), which combines three distinct types of coverage, making insurance more cost-effective. Buying each of the following coverages individually is sure to be more expensive:
· General liability insurance- The compensation is received for resolution of liability claims filed for physical injury or property damage of another person not related to the business
· Commercial property insurance- The insurance carrier pays for damage repair or replacement of equipment that is necessary to operate the shop or salon. Most carriers will cover the following implements:
l Grooming chairs l Clippers l Blow dryers l Towel-warming machines
· Business income insurance- A natural disaster or ongoing renovation may temporarily force one to close the business. The insurance company will reimburse the income lost in the interim, thus making good the loss.
Sure, a small-time barber is likely to worry about insurance coverage expenses. Fortunately, the price is reasonable and easily afforded by most hair professionals.
Big and small businesses can reduce their financial risks by buying the requisite commercial insurance in Tampa and Carrollwood, FL.
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culttvblog · 5 months
The Avengers: Ashes of Roses
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This is another first series Avengers episode which no longer exists and this post is entirely based on the original camera script which you can read here (which is also my source for the illustration and most of the information for this post). I think I used to think that I shouldn't write about series 1 of The Avengers because I would work my way through the episodes, and should cover them sparingly and gradually. I have now changed my mind and can see no reason why I wouldn't blog about the alomst-completely-missing series. If I get to the point where I've blogged about them all there is also no reason I can't blog about one or more again.
Ashes of Roses is a bit different from the rest of series 1 because Dr Keel hardly features at all. Instead all the action centres on Steed and Carol, Dr Keel's assistant. According to Dissolute (link above) this was probably deliberate and would have depended on Ian Hendry's acting schedule.
It is also a bit different from the other series 1 episodes I have blogged about in that the plot is an absolutely straightforward detective story, with none of the labyrinthine twists I have found in either Double Danger or Dance with Death. Both of them required some work to read the script, but I found that Ashes of Roses was a pleasure to read and a literal page-turner.
The premise is once again that Steed (we still don't know quite what he is) is investigating a very obvious insurance job where a business has been burned down shortly after the insurance was hugely increased. The difficulty is that the insurance company was obviously already suspicious and had put their own man in undercover as a security man, who has been killed in the fire. Steed discovers that there is a connection with a beauty salon and also with a criminal who is known to him, so the investigation revolves around the beauty salon and Carol goes to get her hair done.
How Avengers is that? The staff of the salon are exactly what we would find in a later Avengers series, and it's exactly the sort of innocuous setting the series uses so well as a setting for crime.
And Steed comes across as a magnificently dirty old man. He seduces one of the staff of the salon, takes her back to his flat before telling her why he really wants to talk to her and then proceeds to seduce her after she agrees.
It's not really a criticism, but this is a straightforward detective play where we pretty much know how it's going to end very quickly, so all the interest is in the action in between. If you want a mystery, this isn't it. If you want a plot criticism I'm a bit sceptical that even in the early 1960s insurance companies would agree to insure a building and then go into an extensive and expensive investigation because it sounds dodgy. I think they would just have refused the insurance when the business was obviously over-insured. But this feels nit-picky again.
A rather different first series episode of The Avengers which is a really good read.
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vhcc · 7 months
Box Hill Provides NDIS Services
The NDIS services Boxhill is a national scheme that provides funding for personalised support to help people with disability access community services. It also helps them achieve their goals and aspirations. It has been designed to improve quality of life and increase independence.
Participants have reported that systems for inter-organisation communication can be inefficient. This may result in some organisations working in isolation.
Box Hill Institute
Box Hill Institute is a leading vocational education and training provider. It is known for its innovative learning programs and its industry partnerships, which foster student work placements, internships, and overseas projects. The institute also offers a wide range of courses, including higher education programs. Its diverse student community comes from around the world and contributes to a culturally inclusive campus environment. It also provides a variety of support services for international students.
The institution has modern facilities that simulate real-world workplace environments and experiences. These include a hair and beauty salon, pet shop, Fountains restaurant, and an integrated technology hub. It also has customer-facing businesses where students can learn to provide services to the public.
It offers a wide variety of scholarships and awards to help students with financial support. These can cover tuition and materials fees. It also offers a variety of payment plans and VET student loans at the diploma/advanced diploma level and FEE-HELP for eligible degree courses.
VIA Care
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian initiative that gives participants access to personalised support and funding. This can include activities like daily personal care, access to transport and equipment and community participation. In addition, it can also include therapeutic supports such as occupational therapy and exercise physiology.
Local Area Coordinators assist individuals with disabilities to navigate the NDIS and connect with services in their community. They can help people to set up their MyGov and NDIS portal accounts, and assist with organising and booking services.
VIA Care provides health management services for people with a disability, including a person-centered medical home, care coordination and support planning. Their multidisciplinary team creates a health plan for each HHP member to address barriers to care, support treatment adherence and reach healthcare goals. They also provide health promotion services to help their clients make healthy lifestyle choices and manage chronic disease. They can even accompany their members to doctor’s appointments.
Box Hill Community Services
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is an essential initiative that helps people with disabilities live a more fulfilling life. It allows people with disabilities to access personalised support in areas as diverse as transport, employment, home and community participation and lifestyle support. This will help them gain more time with their family, improve their quality of life and become a more active member of their community.
Local Area Coordinators are available to assist individuals who meet the eligibility requirements of the NDIS to navigate and effectively use their funded supports. They will work with you to identify your goals and help you develop a plan that will achieve those goals.
Box Hill Community Arts Centre offers a variety of workshops and classes for all ages. It also has meeting rooms and exhibition spaces for rent. It is a great place to host special events. The Box Hill Community Arts Centre is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Box Hill City Council
The City of Box Hill is a suburban centre with busy shopping precincts, educational institutions and a range of parks. It is also a hub for transport, with trains and trams connecting it to the Melbourne CBD.
The community can access a variety of services, including libraries, health clinics, and sporting facilities. Residents can also get Occupational Therapy Australia wide from Ability Action Australia. These therapeutic supports are funded through the NDIS, a government-funded scheme that offers participants greater choice and control over how their funded supports are delivered.
Council is conscious of the need to ensure local infrastructure keeps pace with the strong growth in places like the Box Hill MAC. In this regard, it has undertaken work to inform the development of a suitable developer contributions tool for the MAC. This work will be reported to the next Planning and Environment Committee meeting.
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datascraping001 · 10 months
Furniture Stores Email List
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Elevate Your Furniture Business: Datascrapingservices.com's Furniture Stores Email List. In the ever-evolving world of furniture retail, establishing meaningful connections with potential clients, suppliers, and industry stakeholders is essential for success. Datascrapingservices.com recognizes the power of targeted data and proudly presents its Furniture Stores Email List—a comprehensive resource designed to empower furniture businesses and professionals in the industry. In this article, we'll explore the transformative potential of accessing key contacts within the furniture sector and why Datascrapingservices.com stands as the preferred choice for businesses seeking to enhance their operations through precise and reliable data.
1. Direct Access to Furniture Retailers: The Furniture Stores Email List provides businesses with direct access to a targeted audience of furniture retailers, suppliers, and professionals. This direct approach streamlines communication and collaboration, allowing businesses to reach out to the right contacts within the furniture industry for partnerships, networking, and potential collaborations.
2. Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns: Quality leads are the driving force behind successful marketing campaigns. Datascrapingservices.com's Furniture Stores Email List facilitates targeted email marketing by offering businesses a pool of potential clients and collaborators within the furniture sector. This precision ensures that marketing efforts are directed towards a receptive and relevant audience, maximizing the impact of campaigns.
3. Streamlined B2B Connections: Furniture businesses often rely on B2B connections for supplies, partnerships, and collaborations. Datascrapingservices.com's service streamlines B2B connections by providing businesses with detailed insights into the contacts listed within the Furniture Stores Email List. This enables businesses to efficiently identify and engage with potential suppliers, manufacturers, and industry partners.
4. Product Launches and Promotions: Furniture businesses thrive on showcasing their latest products and promotions. The Furniture Stores Email List becomes a valuable asset for businesses looking to promote new products, special offers, and events within the industry. By directly reaching out to the right audience, businesses can enhance the visibility and success of their product launches.
5. Market Research and Industry Insights: Access to the Furniture Stores Email List not only provides contact information but also serves as a valuable resource for market research and industry insights. Businesses can gain a competitive edge by staying informed about trends, consumer preferences, and emerging opportunities within the furniture sector.
6. Strengthening Customer Relationships: For furniture retailers, maintaining strong relationships with customers is crucial for repeat business and positive brand perception. The Furniture Stores Email List allows businesses to stay connected with their customer base, providing updates, exclusive offers, and personalized communication that strengthens customer loyalty.
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Datascrapingservices.com is your trusted partner for high-quality data services, and the Furniture Stores Email List exemplifies our commitment to precision and reliability. We understand the unique challenges faced by businesses in the furniture industry, and our email list is meticulously curated to ensure access to the most valuable and relevant contacts. In a competitive furniture market where precision and relevance are paramount, Datascrapingservices.com's Furniture Stores Email List empowers businesses to enhance their networking, marketing, and collaboration strategies, establishing a strong foothold in the furniture industry.
If you're ready to amplify your outreach within the furniture community or explore new collaborations, reach out to Datascrapingservices.com. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about how our Furniture Stores Email List can transform your approach and help you achieve your business goals. Your success in the furniture industry deserves nothing but the best, and Datascrapingservices.com is here to provide it.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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The Importance of Public Liability
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Public liability Sydney protects individuals and businesses from financial losses resulting from property damage or personal injury. This type of insurance covers a wide range of incidents, including slips and falls.
There is a huge range of businesses that require public liability, from sole trader cleaners to large national companies. Many are required by government contracts to have cover. To know more about Public Liability, visit the Arc Insurance Brokers website or call 0468848642.
Many tradesmen work on site at client locations, which puts them at risk of property damage and personal injury. While not mandatory in Australia, it is wise for tradies to take out public liability insurance to cover their business against the risks of an incident.
It covers any damages your business is liable for caused by your business activities, such as third-party property damage, personal injury and accidental damage to goods. Without public liability, a single incident could bankrupt your business.
The cost of public and product liability will vary between insurers. It will also depend on your occupation and how much of the risk is carried by your business. For example, electricians will pay higher premiums than plumbers due to the more hazardous nature of their jobs. Other factors that will affect the price include your turnover and the number of people in your business. Some insurers may measure these by revenue, while others use staff numbers.
Whether you operate as an independent contractor or work for a company, public liability and workers compensation are important requirements to meet. Failure to have the required insurance policies can result in hefty fines from the NSW government and a loss of reputation.
Subcontractors are usually specialists hired by a principal contractor to carry out a particular task or function on a jobsite. While this is a common practice in many industries, it’s vital that businesses ensure their subcontractors have the right insurance coverage in place before accepting their services.
If damage or injury is caused by a subcontractor, the injured person or business will likely sue everyone involved. This includes the principle contractor, the head contractor and any other subcontractors or employees. This is why it’s vital for subcontractors to have their own public liability policy. They should also request a copy of the policy from any principal contractors they work with to ensure their policy is current.
Australian law deems importers as manufacturers of the goods they bring in, meaning if these imported goods cause injury or damage to someone then you may be held liable. This can be a substantial claim as insurance policies typically cover compensation payable to the injured party, and also your defence costs.
Whether you’re a graphic designer in Burwood or a hair and beauty salon in Thredbo public liability is something every NSW small business should consider. As a professional it’s likely you interact with your clients in many different ways from visiting their workplace to meeting them at their home, work or at third party locations.
All of these scenarios are a potential risk for your business as it’s not always possible to be with your clients and control their actions at all times. That’s why it’s important to be covered with a comprehensive Public Liability policy.
As a small business owner in NSW, you have plenty on your plate. There are marketing campaigns to manage, staff salaries to pay and Zoom calls to make. But don’t underestimate the importance of securing public liability insurance.
Just one claim could be financially crippling and destroy your reputation. That’s why public liability is a must for any business that interacts with customers, clients or the general public.
Whether it’s a child injures themselves at your children’s play centre, or your employee damages customer property at their workplace, public liability covers compensation claims and reasonable legal fees incurred to defend the claim. It also includes a range of other expenses, like cleaning costs and repairs to third party property. This type of cover is not mandatory, but many organisations you work with may ask that you carry a certain level of public liability cover. If you’re unsure about what cover you need, talk to a licenced insurance broker or business adviser. To know more about Public Liability, visit the Arc Insurance Brokers website or call 0468848642.
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Beauty Salon Interior Construction Costs and Unit Price Per Tsubo
If you're looking to open your own beauty salon, you will want to consider all of the costs involved. This includes securing a location, remodeling the salon interior, purchasing essential equipment/supplies, and more. The amount you'll need to spend can vary greatly depending on your location, and whether you will lease or purchase a building and property. Check their site to know more details サロン 内装.
Whether you're opening up a new salon or taking over an existing salon, it is important to make sure your salon has the right insurance coverage. Typically, this will include general and professional liability insurance as well as workers compensation. Purchasing these policies separately can be expensive, so it's usually more cost-effective to find a provider that offers bundled packages for new salon owners.
The average unit price per tsubo for furniture and fixtures for a beauty salon will depend on the size of your salon, but can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Additionally, you will need to invest in a number of other supplies such as hair products, styling tools, nail utensils, etc. The cost of these supplies can add up quickly, so it's important to shop around for the best deals and to keep an eye out for special promotions and sales.
Another significant cost that you'll need to account for is the training that will be required for your employees. This will likely involve a cosmetology class, which can run up to $1,000. This is a necessary investment to ensure your staff is trained on the latest trends and techniques in order to provide the highest quality service possible to your customers.
There will also be a variety of other expenses to consider, such as the costs associated with marketing and advertising. Creating a brand and establishing a presence in the community can be costly, but it's an important part of growing your business. Additionally, you'll need to pay for a website, social media accounts, and any other marketing materials that are relevant to your business.
Finally, it's important to factor in the costs of running your salon on a monthly basis. If you're leasing a space, this will include your monthly rent payments. If you've purchased a property, then you'll need to calculate your monthly mortgage repayment. You'll also need to include the cost of utilities, insurance, and other day-to-day operating expenses.
By taking into account all of the costs associated with starting a beauty salon, you can better prepare yourself for the journey ahead. It's important to do your research and visit local salons in your area to get a feel for how they operate, what services they offer, and the pricing that's typical for the industry. Additionally, it's a good idea to save up some money before opening your salon, so that you have funds available for unexpected startup expenses. This will help you avoid unnecessary debt and stress down the road.
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Beauty Salon Interior Construction Costs
Investing in a beauty salon is a big undertaking. You have to make sure all the legal boxes are ticked, find the right space, equip it, decorate, open your doors and spread the word. But how much is all of that going to cost? Check their site to know more details 美容室 内装.
The average costs of Beauty salon interior construction vary greatly depending on location and the type of business you’re running. But some of the main costs include:
Initial supplies – salons use a lot of products for client services. These can include shampoos, conditioners, nail polishes, hair treatments and more. These can add up to an initial inventory that could run up to $20,000.
Professional and cosmetic equipment – a good quality salon requires high-quality equipment that can help you deliver the best service possible to your customers. This includes items such as sanitizers, shampoo bowls, hair dryers, brushes, scissors, combs and more. Professional hair and nail tools can be expensive to purchase but will last a long time if well-maintained.
Retail and marketing materials – you will need to promote your new business in order to attract customers, this can cost several thousand dollars in advertising fees. You will also need to provide your customers with an easy way to shop for products such as shampoos and conditioners, nail polishes, etc. This can also add up to a few thousand dollars in stocking expenses.
Salon furniture and decor – you will need to choose comfortable and stylish chairs, styling stations, mirrors and other furniture for your salon. You can get a lot of inspiration online but be sure to consider your budget as these costs will have a big impact on your final design.
Signage – this is an important part of promoting your salon and will cost on average $450 per sign. You will also need to think about additional materials like mop buckets, trash bags, paper towels and other cleaning supplies.
Insurance – you will need a commercial property, general liability and workers’ compensation insurance policy at a minimum. Some insurance providers offer salon packages that bundle the policies together and can save you money in the long run.
During the start-up phase, your beauty salon will need enough working capital to cover all of your ongoing monthly expenses until you’re earning revenue. This can include rent, utilities, product inventory and more.
To determine how much you need to start your beauty salon, take the time to sit down and write out a detailed business plan. This will help you to establish your goals and priorities so you can create a realistic budget for the venture. You may also want to consult a business advisor or an accountant for more information and support. They can also help you to navigate the often complex process of acquiring and renovating a commercial space. By taking the time to do this you can ensure that your new salon will be a success.
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doriasalonca · 1 year
Doria Salon, Spa & Laser
Doria Salon Spa has grown to be one of the largest and most respected salons in Surrey, B.C. Years of award-winning accolades of achievement insure that you can expect, and receive, only the best for all of your hair salon and spa needs.
Website: https://doriasalon.com
Address : 6351 152 St #106, Surrey, BC V3S 3K8
Phone Number: 604-572-5556
Business Hours: Tue - Thu 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday 10:00 am – 7:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Sun - Mon Closed
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tahacollege · 1 year
What is the best college that offers certificate programmes in Toronto?
Are you looking for a career in beauty, business, or health? Do you want to learn from the best instructors and gain hands-on experience in your field of interest? If yes, then you should consider enrolling in one of the certificate programs in Toronto offered by Taha College.
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Taha College is a leading educational institution that provides various certificate programs in beauty, business, and health. These programs are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen profession. Whether you want to become a medical aesthetician, a personal support worker, an international business administrator, or a medical office administrator, Taha College has a program for you.
Some of the certificate programs offered by TAHA College are:
Medical Aesthetics Certificate: This program teaches you how to perform various cosmetic procedures, such as facials, manicures, pedicures, waxing, threading, body care, hair styling, and makeup application. You will also learn about skin care products, anatomy and physiology, infection control, and client consultation. This certificate programs in Toronto prepares you for a rewarding career as a medical aesthetician in spas, salons, clinics, or your own business.
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Personal Support Worker Certificate: This program trains you to provide personal care and assistance to clients who need support due to ageing, illness, injury, or disability. You will learn how to perform tasks such as bathing, dressing, feeding, transferring, and administering medication. You will also learn about communication skills, safety procedures, and ethical issues. This certificate programs in Toronto prepares you for a fulfilling career as a personal support worker in hospitals, long-term care facilities, home care agencies, or private residences.
International Business Administration Certificate: This program educates you on the fundamentals of international trade and marketing. You will learn how to conduct business transactions across borders, manage finances and budgets, solve problems and make decisions, and work effectively in teams. You will also learn about cultural diversity, legal aspects, and global trends. This certificate programs in Toronto prepares you for an exciting career as an international business administrator in various sectors and industries.
Medical Office Administration Certificate: This program instructs you on how to perform administrative duties in a health care setting. You will learn how to use medical terminology, software applications, and office equipment. You will also learn how to schedule appointments, process insurance claims, maintain records, and communicate with patients and health care professionals. This program prepares you for a vital role as a medical office administrator in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, or other health care facilities.
These are just some of the certificate programs in Toronto offered by Taha College. All of these programs are taught by qualified and experienced instructors who will guide you through the theoretical and practical aspects of your chosen field. You will also have the opportunity to participate in field placements where you can apply your skills and knowledge in real-world situations.
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If you are interested in enrolling in one of these certificate programs in Toronto or want to know more about them, please visit the TahaCollege website
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2autoinsurance · 1 year
Introducing Beauty Insurance: Protecting Your California Beauty Business
Running a beauty business in California comes with its fair share of risks and responsibilities. From hair salons to beauty salons, professionals in the beauty industry understand the importance of providing high-quality services to their clients. However, it is equally crucial to protect your business with the right insurance coverage, such as beauty insurance, to safeguard against potential liabilities and unforeseen circumstances.
Beauty insurance, also known as professional beauty insurance or beauty salon insurance, is specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of the beauty industry. It offers coverage for a range of risks, including product liability, property damage, and bodily injury, which are inherent in this line of work.
One of the key components of beauty insurance is product liability insurance. This type of coverage protects beauty professionals in the event that a client experiences an adverse reaction or injury due to a product used during a treatment. With the increasing awareness and concerns regarding allergies and sensitivities, having product liability insurance is essential for any beauty business.
In addition to product liability coverage, beauty insurance also provides general liability insurance, which protects businesses against claims of bodily injury or property damage. This is crucial for situations where a client may slip and fall in the salon or suffer an injury during a treatment.
Hair salon insurance in California, a subset of beauty insurance, focuses specifically on the unique needs of hair salons. This coverage includes protection for hair stylists, hairdressers, and salon owners, ensuring that they can continue to provide their services without worrying about potential risks.
By investing in beauty business insurance, salon owners can enjoy peace of mind and focus on what they do best – making their clients look and feel beautiful. It offers financial protection against lawsuits, legal expenses, and damages, enabling beauty professionals to navigate the complex landscape of the industry confidently.
So, if you are a beauty professional or a salon owner in California, make sure to prioritize the protection of your business by considering beauty insurance. It not only safeguards your financial future but also demonstrates your commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for your clients.
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culttvblog · 5 months
The Avengers: Ashes of Roses
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This is another first series Avengers episode which no longer exists and this post is entirely based on the original camera script which you can read here https://dissolute.com.au/the-avengers-tv-series/series-1/109-ashes-of-roses.html (which is also my source for the illustration and most of the information for this post). I think I used to think that I shouldn't write about series 1 of The Avengers because I would work my way through the episodes, and should cover them sparingly and gradually. I have now changed my mind and can see no reason why I wouldn't blog about the alomst-completely-missing series. If I get to the point where I've blogged about them all there is also no reason I can't blog about one or more again. Ashes of Roses is a bit different from the rest of series 1 because Dr Keel hardly features at all. Instead all the action centres on Steed and Carol, Dr Keel's assistant. According to Dissolute (link above) this was probably deliberate and would have depended on Ian Hendry's acting schedule. It is also a bit different from the other series 1 episodes I have blogged about in that the plot is an absolutely straightforward detective story, with none of the labyrinthine twists I have found in either Double Danger or Dance with Death. Both of them required some work to read the script, but I found that Ashes of Roses was a pleasure to read and a literal page-turner. The premise is once again that Steed (we still don't know quite what he is) is investigating a very obvious insurance job where a business has been burned down shortly after the insurance was hugely increased. The difficulty is that the insurance company was obviously already suspicious and had put their own man in undercover as a security man, who has been killed in the fire. Steed discovers that there is a connection with a beauty salon and also with a criminal who is known to him, so the investigation revolves around the beauty salon and Carol goes to get her hair done. How Avengers is that? The staff of the salon are exactly what we would find in a later Avengers series, and it's exactly the sort of innocuous setting the series uses so well as a setting for crime. And Steed comes across as a magnificently dirty old man. He seduces one of the staff of the salon, takes her back to his flat before telling her why he really wants to talk to her and then proceeds to seduce her after she agrees. It's not really a criticism, but this is a straightforward detective play where we pretty much know how it's going to end very quickly, so all the interest is in the action in between. If you want a mystery, this isn't it. If you want a plot criticism I'm a bit sceptical that even in the early 1960s insurance companies would agree to insure a building and then go into an extensive and expensive investigation because it sounds dodgy. I think they would just have refused the insurance when the business was obviously over-insured. But this feels nit-picky again. A rather different first series episode of The Avengers which is a really good read. This blog is mirrored at culttvblog.tumblr.com/archive (from September 2023) and culttvblog.substack.com (from January 2023 and where you can subscribe by email) Archives from 2013 to September 2023 may be found at culttvblog.blogspot.com and there is an index to the tags used on the Tumblr version at https://www.tumblr.com/culttvblog/729194158177370112/this-blog
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