#hakim ziyech fanfic
Hiii could you do a one shot on hakim Ziyech where he is married to the reader who is of Moroccan origin and he is a son Nahil who is 1 year old he looks a lot like Hakim but in a smaller version and his daddy's son he is constantly in the Hakim's arm which makes Hakim laugh because his wife sulks every time because when Nahil sees his father he stretches his arms towards him and when Hakim has to go to training he cries he sees his dad leave and the reader and lanpenfa't 1h to calm him down with these tears plsss 💕
My Little Clone
Pairing: Hakim Ziyech x female!reader
Warning: non just pure fluff
Words: 2106
Writer Note: sorry i've been silent for couple of months cause i've been busy with my editing, school and a lot more, but i'm back now, if you made a request before, please send it to me again. Thank you, enjoy this one. Thank you anon <3
P/s: not edited, grammar mistake and typo ahead!
Hakim Ziyech is a successful professional soccer player, playing for one of the top teams in Europe. He's known for his fast dribbling and accurate shooting, and is often called "The Magician" due to his ability to dribble past several defenders before scoring a goal. In addition to his talent on the field, Hakim is also known for being a devoted husband and father.
His wife Y/n and their 1-year-old son Nahil, is always proud to watch him play. His wife supports him from the stands and completely different comparing to their son, Nahil will be cheering on his dad, and waving to him when he saw him on the field and Hakim will smile and waving at his son or give him a flying kiss, their one-year-old son going to be the one who truly steals the show. Despite being so young, He already has a strong bond with his father. When Hakim is at home, he is always holding Nahil in his arms, making him laugh and giggle with his playful antics
Hakim looked over at Y/n as she sat on the couch, staring blankly at the TV. He knew she was pretending to sulk, but he could not help but laughing at her wife cuteness.
 "You okay, Y/n?" he asked, settling down beside her. "I'm fine," she reply to her husband while she doing a crossed hand on her chest, her eyes still glued to the screen.
 Nahil, who was sitting on Hakim's lap, stretched out his arms towards his father. "Dada! Dada!" he squealed; his little voice filled with excitement. Hakim chuckled and lifted Nahil up, kissing his cheek.
"Hey buddy, what's up?" he asked, making silly faces at his son. Y/n rolled her eyes but could not help but smile at the sight. She knew she had no right to be jealous of her husband and son's bond, but she could not help it. As much as she tried to pretend otherwise, she loved seeing them together.
Nahil started bouncing in his father's arms, his laughter filling the room. In that moment, Y/n felt a surge of happiness wash over her. She was lucky to have such a wonderful family, even if it did make her feel a little like a third wheel at times. Hakim noticed Y/n's expression and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.
 "You're never a third wheel, honey. You are the most important member of this family," he said sincerely. Y/n smiled, feeling a warm glow settle in her chest.
She knew deep down that Hakim was right, but hearing it from him still meant the world. As Nahil snuggled into his father's chest, Y/n leaned her head on Hakim's shoulder. She knew she couldn't ask for a better life than this - a husband who loved her unconditionally, a son who idolized him, and a home filled with love and laughter. She was the luckiest girl in the world.
The trio spent the night relaxing on the couch, Nahil giggling and kicking his legs as he snuggled in Hakim's arms. Y/n couldn't help but watch them with a smile, her heart swelling with love for her happy family. She knew she was lucky to be a part of it
Hakim was the first to speak, breaking the comfortable silence. "You know, Y/n, sometimes I feel like the luckiest man in the world," he said, his eyes fixed on their son's sweet face. "I know," she replied, placing a hand on his leg. "You always say that when Nahil gets particularly adorable." Hakim chuckled.
 "I can't help it. He's just so perfect, you know? And I'm so grateful to have both of you in my life." Y/n smiled, feeling a lump form in her throat. She knew what he was saying was true, but it still meant so much to hear it from him.
As Hakim, Y/n, and Nahil settled in for the night, the room was filled with the sound of laughter and happy chatter. They spent the evening playing with Nahil, taking turns chasing him around the living room and tickling him until he was giggling so hard and he couldn't breathe, the origin Moroccan woman couldn’t help but feel a tug at her heartstrings every time her son ran into his father's arms.
She could tell that Hakim loved him fiercely, and it made her feel grateful to have such a loving and devoted husband and father for her son. Even with the laughter and the play, there was something deeper that connected the trio. They were a unit, a family that loved each other unconditionally.
By the time Hakim left for training, Nahil's protests grew louder and more desperate, until he was outright sobbing in Y/n's arms.
“I want Dada!”
“Nahil your dada needs to go to work you know, so that he can buy you a lot of toys”
Despite her best efforts, she cannot really seem to soothe him, and the sound of his cries echoed in her ears long.
As the day drew to a close, Y/n settled in for what she hoped would be a peaceful evening with her husband and son. She breathed a sigh of relief as she heard Hakim's key in the door, Y/n settled down on the couch with Nahil sleeping soundly in her lap. Hakim settled down next to her, taking her hand in his, and she smiled at him cheerfully.
“Assalamualaikum” he greets her wife
“waalaikummusalam” his wife replies to his greet.
"I missed you today," Y/n said, her voice filled with warmth.
Hakim leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I missed you too, Y/n," he said softly
“He cried earlier when you left the house” Y/n tell her husband
“I know, I’ve heard him, he’s quite loud, can’t even know how you handle him, you’re a pro!” Hakim compliments his wife and they both laugh softy due to not wanting their son to wake up but Nahil seemed to know his father's presence.
Their son stirred on Y/n's lap, his brown eyes that cloning his dad, open slowly. As soon as he saw her dad already home, he quickly gets up from her mother lap and jump into his father arms and hug him.
“Hello buddy, you sleep well?” Hakim asks his son and he can feel that his son reply with a single nod on his shoulder
“Good, mama said that you cried when I left earlier, why?”
“I don’t want dada to leave, I want to play with dada”
Y/n looked at her husband and son, she felt her heart swell with love and gratitude. She knew that life wasn't always easy, but with them by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came their way.
“Nahil, dada need to go to work”
“why” their son asks Hakim and Hakim looking at his wife, y/n shrug.
“Well, boy, so that we can go out and eat some delicious food, buy you a new toy and a lot more, don’t you want that?” Hakim explains
Nahel nods
“After this, no more crying, okay?” hakim told his son
“okay!” He sequels.
Hakim kiss him on the cheek softly.
Today, a match between Chelsea Vs Spurs, Hakim prepared for the match, he could feel the pressure weighing heavily on him. He knew that the eyes of millions of fans were on him, and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. As he stepped onto the field, he could feel the energy from the crowd, but he didn't let it distract him. He was focused, and he was determined to win the match for his team.
When the match progressed, Hakim became more and more impressive.
His dribbles were fast and precise, and his shots were accurate.
The crowd was on the edge of their seats, and his teammates were cheering him on.
But it was when he scored a goal in the dying minutes of the match that the crowd became truly electric.
Hakim ran to the corner flag and jumped up and down searching for his little family. The noise from the crowd was deafening, but he could still hear the sound of Nahil, who was cheering loudly for his dad. Hakim pointing at his son that is in Y/n’s arms, to sign that the goal was dedicated to him and his wife.
After the match, Hakim doing the post-match interview, He was asked all sorts of questions: about the match, about the goal.
Journalist: Congratulations on a brilliant performance today, Hakim! Can you walk us through your goal?
Hakim: Thank you, it was great to be able to contribute to the team's victory. The goal was a result of good teamwork and timing. My teammate passed me the ball, and I was able to take advantage of the open space to make a run and get into a scoring position. It was a great feeling to see the ball cross the line and the crowd celebration.
Journalist: And overall, how do you feel about your team's performance today?
Hakim: I think we played well and followed our manager's game plan. We were able to control possession and play in the opponent's half. We also created plenty of chances and were clinical with our finishing. Overall, it was a solid team performance and a good result.
Journalist: And finally, who do you dedicate your goals to today, Hakim?
Hakim: Well, first and foremost, I have to dedicate these goals to my family, including my wife and son who is on the stand tonight, and who is always support and motivate me. They're my biggest fans, so I want to give them a special shout-out and I'm grateful for their support.
Journalist: Congrats again on a great performance today, Hakim. Thank you for your time. We'll let you go so you can celebrate with your family and your team
Hakim made his way into the locker room, his blood pumping with adrenaline and excitement after the big win. As he entered, his teammates greeted him with high-fives and congratulations, and he smiled back at them, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.
But the moment he had really been looking forward to was the moment he would get to hug his son and see his wife's smiling face. He could hardly wait to share the excitement of the win with them.
As he walked out of the locker room, he saw them waiting for him—his son running towards him with a huge smile on his face, and his wife standing there with her arms open wide. Hakim scooped his son up into his arms, feeling his little body wiggle and laugh as he swung him around in a circle. His wife came over and embraced him, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and he felt a rush of joy and love wash over him.
He held his son close, feeling the little heartbeat against his chest, and felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for his family. They were the ones who made him feel strong and supported, and he knew that he could face anything with them by his side.
"Dada, you're so amazing!" Nahil exclaims after one particularly spectacular goal.
Hakim cannot help but smile. "Thanks, mini-me, did you see the goal?" he ask
"yes!yes!" Hakim smile and ruffling Nahil's hair.
"You know, Y/n," Hakim began, breaking the comfortable silence, "I know that sometimes I'm not around as much as I'd like to be. And I know that it's not always easy for you to take care of our son when I'm gone, but I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you do."
Y/n smiled and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "I know, Hakim. And I appreciate you too. You work so hard to provide for our family, and I am proud of you and I’m sure Nahil too. I love you both so much, and I wouldn't trade our life together for anything in this world."
Hakim pulled her closer, and they sat there in comfortable silence, listening to the soft sounds of their sleeping son. It was moments like these that reminded them just how lucky they were to have one another, and they knew that they would always have each other's backs, through thick and thin.
It was a moment he would always cherish, filled with happiness and love, and he felt grateful for everything in his life. He was blessed to have a family that loved and supported him, and he was determined to do all he could to make them proud.
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lfcslut · 1 year
no touching
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hakim ziyech x reader
words: 2.3k
request: FILTHY ziyech smut where you show up to his game with another chelsea players shirt 🤞🏼
warnings: 18+ ONLY! smut, angst, fluff at the end. dom!hakim, sub!reader, jealousy, possessiveness, established relationship, name calling/degradation, bdsm undertones (reader gets tied up), unprotected sex, creampie, oral (m and f receiving), dirty talk, choking, slapping, hair pulling i think that's it. please don't read if you're against the idea of smut about hakim.
“What the hell is that?” Hakim asks as he comes up to you after the match.
You were currently standing in Hakim’s box at Stamford Bridge after an exciting game in which Hakim had assisted a beautiful goal, assuring that Chelsea won the match after what had been a difficult start to the season. Given this, you had been expecting a much warmer greeting from your fiance when he came up to you in the stands, but Hakim was currently staring you down cold. 
“Huh?” You ask, genuinely confused as to what he was talking about.
“Your jersey. Why are you wearing his kit?”
It’s at that point that it hits you. You had been a Chelsea fan long before you had even met Hakim, and so while you owned several different number 22 jerseys, you also had some jerseys belonging to other players. You had been in a rush to get to the match, so you had simply grabbed a jersey from your closet without looking at it, assuming that it was one of Hakim’s. Now, you quickly realized that this wasn’t the case.
“Oh,” you say. “I didn’t realize-”
“We’re leaving,” Hakim says suddenly, and before you can get in a word, he’s grabbed your purse and begun heading towards the exit. Stunned by his reaction, you hesitate for a moment and then quickly follow suit behind him. 
“Hakim, wait,” you say, jogging to catch up to him. “I swear I didn’t know-” 
“I don’t want to hear it,” says Hakim coldly. You’re too taken aback by his harsh tone to say anything in response, so you simply follow him in silence to the car. 
Neither of you exchange a word during the car ride from the stadium back to your house. Hakim has a tendency to become jealous easily, but even for him, this was a bit of an overreaction. It was a genuine mistake. You normally always make sure to wear one of his jerseys to his matches. To be honest, you weren’t even sure whose jersey you were currently wearing. 
When you arrived home, Hakim immediately exited the car and walked through the front door, not even bothering to wait for you like he normally did. By this point, you were more frustrated than anything by his behavior. As soon as you entered the house, you confronted him. 
“Listen, you know that I have a bunch of different Chelsea jerseys. I was running late to the game, so I grabbed one and just assumed it was one of yours. I don’t even know whose number I’m wearing-”
“Number 24. That’s who you’re wearing,” says Hakim, not making eye contact with you. 
“Oh.” Number 24 belonged to a certain Reece James. A certain Reece James who you had a short fling with years ago, before you had even met Hakim. Fuck, you thought to yourself. You suddenly realized why Hakim was so upset. 
“Baby, I swear it was a mistake. You know that there’s nothing between the two of us anymore, that was forever ago-”
“Then why the fuck do you still have his jersey?” asks Hakim, finally turning to look at you. 
“I just never got around to getting rid of it. I have lots of players’ jerseys-” 
“Upstairs. Now,” Hakim commands before you can finish your sentence. You hesitate for a moment, considering arguing back, but you realize that you’re not going to win this battle so you begrudgingly head upstairs to your bedroom. You sit yourself down on the bed, arms crossed in front of you. Hakim follows you upstairs shortly afterwards. 
“Why are you still dressed?” he asks, closing the door behind him. His question surprises you. 
“Hakim, baby, I think we should really talk about this-”
“No, I don’t want to talk. Now, strip.” His voice is deep and commanding, and his eyes are icy cold. You have never seen him like this before. You know that it would be useless to argue, so instead, you stand up and begin taking off your clothes. You start with your pants and then take off your jersey. Once the kit is off your body, Hakim takes it from your hand and tosses it into the trash. 
“Hakim!” you say in protest, thinking about how much that kit had cost.
“You’re lucky I didn’t rip it to shreds,” he says. “Now take those off, too.” He gestures towards the bra and panties that you’re still wearing. 
“Are you not going to join me?” you ask flippantly. 
“Patience, darling,” says Hakim, smirking. The way he says darling makes your insides tingle. You unclip your bra and toss it onto the bed before taking off your panties and letting them fall to the floor. Hakim looks you up and down once while licking his bottom lip. 
“Good girl. Now get on the bed.”
You’ve been naked in front of Hakim many times before, but this time he’s fully dressed, which makes you slightly nervous. It’s cold in your room, and you shiver as you climb onto the bed and lie down on your pillow. You expect Hakim to join you, but instead, you hear him rummaging around in his closet. You look up and see him heading towards the bed with one of his ties in his hand. 
“Shh,” he interrupts you, as he climbs onto the bed. He towers over you with his legs on either side of your body.  “I don’t want to hear a word from you.” He uses his teeth to undo the tie and then uses it to bind your wrists above your head. You feel the wetness begin to collect at your core as he does so. “You did something bad. And bad girls deserve to be punished.” You can’t help but let a whine escape from your lips at his words, but you know this was a mistake when you feel Hakim tighten the grip of the tie on your wrists in response. 
“What did I just say?”
“I’m sorry, sir,” you say, and he can’t help but smirk at your obedience. You know that Hakim loves it when you call him sir, and you can feel the tent in his pants become harder. 
“Now,” says Hakim as he takes off his pants. “You’re gonna suck this dick like the dirty slut that you are, and maybe if you’re good, I’ll let you cum.”
As soon as his cock is out, your mouth opens with anticipation. You want so badly to wrap your hands around it. Hakim brings his knees to either side of your torso, so that his dick is hanging right above your mouth. He strokes it a few times and moans as he does so.
“You want this dick, baby?” He asks, biting his lower lip. 
You nod eagerly. He lines his dick up with your mouth and slams it all the way down your throat, making your eyes tear up immediately. “Then take it. Take all of it.” He begins fucking your mouth vigorously. You can’t help but close your eyes as your gag reflex kicks in. 
“Keep those eyes open,” commands Hakim, and you do as you’re told. He grabs some of your hair in his hands and uses it as leverage to fuck deeper into your mouth. 
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he praises you, and after thrusting into your mouth a few more times, he slows down and lets you begin to set the pace. By now, tears are rolling down your cheeks and drool is piling up around your mouth. You pull away slightly, so that your tongue can circle the head, before taking the entirety of him down your throat again. You feel the vein on the side of his dick pulsate, and you know that he’s about to come. 
“You gonna swallow all of my cum?” He asks, and you nod eagerly in response. As soon as you do so, he releases into your mouth. His warm cum fills your mouth and you swallow every last drop of it. 
Hakim pulls away and collapses on the bed next to you, taking a moment to catch his breath before turning towards you to wipe your tears away. He brings his thumb towards your lips and wipes away the mixture of cum and saliva dripping around it before sticking his finger in your mouth so you can suck on it. 
“Hakim, I wanna touch, please,” you whine.
“Soon, baby, soon. Let me have a taste of this pretty pussy first.” 
You groan at his words, half in frustration that he won’t let you touch him and half in anticipation of him eating you out. The wetness in your core was building up again, and you know you’re probably making a mess on the sheets, but you don’t care right now. You brush your leg against his thigh, eager for him to touch you. 
“Uh uh, darling. What did I say about being patient?” Hakim smirks, and you almost roll your eyes in response. 
“Please, please touch me.” 
Hakim obliges and brings his finger up and down your slit. “So wet for me already, baby? And just from sucking my cock?” You’re too impatient to be embarrassed by this. Hakim lifts your thighs up and places them over his shoulders so that he has full access to the area where you need him the most. He kisses your inner thighs and you push your core forward towards him, which only makes him chuckle. 
“That’s enough teasing, baby,” you whine.
Hakim then places a kiss on your clit and looks up at you, smiling, his lips already wet from your juices. “You’re already making a mess and I’ve barely even touched you.” He buries himself back down towards your core and then finally, finally, brings his tongue to you, hungrily lapping up your mess. You’re so desperate that you let out a scream when he makes contact with you. He looks up at you periodically, watching as your eyes roll towards the back of your head. 
“More, more,” are the only words you could muster as you rock your hips towards him, desperate for more pressure. Understanding what you want, Hakim takes one finger and pushes it inside of you, all while his mouth keeps contact with you. 
“Fuck, fuck,” you scream, knowing that you weren’t going to last long. God how you wish you could run your fingers through his hair right now. 
Hakim inserts a second finger, and your toes begin to curl. You’re sure your wrists were going to be red the next day from how hard you were tugging.
“I bet Reece James can’t do this to you, can he?” Hakim whispers into your core, his words and the hot air from his mouth bringing you closer to the edge. “Answer me.”
“No, only you can make me feel this way, sir,” you respond with shallow breaths. 
Hakim grins. “Come all over my fingers, darling.” 
“Hakim, Hakim, Hakim.” His words bring you undone and you come all around him as you scream his name. He continues to finger you through your high, lapping up all your juices. 
You keep your eyes closed for a minute as you come down from your high, finally looking down at him and smiling. “You’re so good at that,” you say, grinning at the way his mouth is glistening with your cum. 
“Gonna untie you now, sweetheart,” he says, and you groan with relief as he frees your hands. As soon as he does, your hands are all over his body, caressing his toned chest and arms and then finally running your hands through his hair. 
“Please fuck me,” you whine, taking his face in your hands. “I’ll never wear someone else’s jersey again.” 
“I know you won’t. Now turn around,” Hakim commands. 
You obey immediately, turning around so that you’re on all fours with your ass sticking up. Unable to help himself, Hakim brings his hand down, slapping your ass so hard that you’re sure it’s going to leave a bruise. He then strokes himself for a second before lining up at your entrance, soaking his tip in your juices. Becoming impatient again, you began to rock your hips backwards into him, desperate for more friction. In response, Hakim leans down against you, wrapping his hand around your throat and whispering in your ear. 
“I’m still in control, darling. Don’t forget that.” 
He lets go of you and then slams his dick inside you, bottoming you out with one thrust. You scream out as he stretches you out, the pain quickly turning into pleasure as you adjust around his girth. He doesn’t move for a few seconds, then begins to thrust in and out of you. His hands reach around to cup your breasts, and his fingers twirl around your nipples. 
“You like being fucked like a slut, don’t you?” He asks between thrusts. Unable to form any words, all you can say in response is a “Mmhmm.” Hakim’s hands then go to your hair, grabbing it in a ponytail and using it for more leverage to fuck into you. 
“God, you’re so sexy,” he grunts, and you can tell from the way his voice falters that he’s close. The knot in your lower stomach tightens, and you know that you won’t last much longer, either.
“Gonna come inside you, baby,” he grunts and thrusts into you a few more times before exploding inside of you. As he squirts his hot cum inside of you, you come undone around his dick. Various expletives escape both of your mouths as the two of you reach your highs together. He pulls out of you and the two of you lie down on the bed next to each other, both taking a moment to catch your breath in silence.
Finally, after a minute of only the sound of your panting filling the room, Hakim turns over to look at you. He takes your cheeks in your hands and caresses them gently. “I’m sorry, baby. Are you okay? I hope I wasn’t too rough with you,” he says softly. 
“You weren’t,” you respond, smiling. 
“I love you so much,” he says, planting a gentle kiss on your lips. 
“I love you, too,” you respond when he pulls away. “I think I should wear your teammates’ jerseys more often, though.” 
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canirove · 1 year
Hakim Ziyech Imagine
Author’s note: This is a request from Wattpad. They wanted something where the reader is married to Hakim and they have a little boy called Nahil. He only has eyes for his dad and constantly wants to be with him, which makes the reader sulk. Hope you like it and thank you for reading! 💜
"Come here, little man!" Hakim smiles, picking up our son Nahil and lifting him in the air.
"Please be careful. He just had lunch and I don't want him throwing up all over your Chelsea tracksuit."
"Oh, sorry" he chuckles. "Did you eat everything?" he asks, kissing Nahil's cheek.
"All of it. Physically he may be your carbon copy, but he's got his mama's appetite."
"He also looks like you."
"He does not and you know it" I chuckle. "Anyway, shouldn't you get going?"
"I should, yes. But you are coming to the game, aren't you? It is the last one of the season, you can’t miss it."
"That's the plan. But mini you has to go have his nap, and it will probably take me ages. You know how he gets every time his dada leaves" I say, rolling my eyes.
"He loves you too."
"Does he? Because it feels like he only cares about me to feed him, and not always. It's always dada dada dada."
"He loves you. Don't you, little man?"
"Dada!" Nahil says.
"Now say mama. Ma… ma. C'mon, you can do it. Ma… ma. Mama."
"See? Nothing. He doesn't even try!"
"He'll say it when you least expect it, you'll see" Hakim says, caressing my cheek. "This is just a phase, the book I read when you were pregnant said it."
"I know, all the other mums I’ve asked say the same. But it still hurts, you know? I carried him inside me for 9 months, gave birth to him, and now that he finally starts running around and talking, I want to see him clumsily running towards me saying mama or asking me to give him cuddles. But he only cares about you. About his dada."
"You'll get to do all that, you'll see. You just need to be patient" Hakim says. "I'm sure that when the day comes and he doesn't want to leave your side, you'll complain about it."
"I won't."
"We'll see" he chuckles. "Should we put him to bed? You can't miss the game, I want to do the walk around the pitch with both of you."
"Won’t you be late?"
"I'll tell them it was the traffic if that’s the case” he shrugs.
"They won't believe you."
"This is London. They will" he laughs. "Should we?"
"Ok, fine. Come, Nahil. Nap time" I say, stretching my arms towards him.
"Dada!" he replies, hugging Hakim's neck.
"See? Just you!"
"Give him time, trust me" he smiles before taking my hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. 
"5 minutes. It took him 5 minutes to fall asleep" I say as we leave Nahil's room. "If it had been just me and him, he would have cried for an hour while screaming dada, and then fell asleep just because he was tired."
"Then lucky you I was here to help you" Hakim says. "And now that the season is over, I will be here to help you all the time. I should do everything and let you rest, to be honest. Maybe that way he will start missing you."
"Or completely forget about me" I snort.
"He will never forget about you. You are his mum, he's here because of you" he says, hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.
"You also had something to do with it" I smirk.
"I did. But you deserve all the credit."
"Aww, thank you" I say, turning around to look at him and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"You're welcome" he smiles. "And because you deserve the world, I've booked us a little holiday just for the two of us now that I’ll be free."
"It'll be just you and me and the most romantic and relaxing getaway. No diaper changes, food flying, or babies crying."
"Or screaming dada, dada" I chuckle.
"Nothing. My mum will take care of all that while we just chill and enjoy each other's company. How does that sound?"
"Perfect" I smile. 
"Perfect" he smiles back. "And now I should probably get going. See you at the game, ok? Don't forget to wear your shirts."
"We won't, I promise."
"I can't wait to have my little family walk with me around Stamford Bridge."
"Neither can we. I love you, Hakim."
"I love you too" he says before kissing me. 
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chaiiitime · 1 year
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I wanted to write a comedy of errors of sort with the Moroccan nt but I realised it’s very difficult to come up with a remotely good plot line. It’s not as funny as I wanted it to be but I’ve spent too much time on it to not post it, so here goes …
P.S ignore the plot holes
P.P.S if you’ve got an actual funny story idea drop me a little 💌
Part 1 | Part 2
"You lot are having a little get-together without me, huh?" Walid said as he walked past Nayef, giving him a pat on the shoulder.
"So, what are you guys up to?"
"Nothing." They all echoed a bit too quickly.
Walid seemed oblivious to the tense looks around the room. "Wladi, call room service and have them send up some tea," he said as he nudged Sofyan to make some room for him on the couch. "One last tea before we go, what do you say?"
“So, I told him …” Walid stopped to take a sip of his tea as the rest of them prayed that the end of the story was near.
Hakim felt Walid’s story was endless. He was getting anxious. He had lost count of the number of cups of karak chai Walid had drunk so far. It had been over an hour since he came, and he was showing no indication of leaving soon.
He shared a worried look with Yassine and Romain - time was getting away from them and they would be in deep trouble if they didn't make a move soon.
Yassine shifted closer to Bilal who had ended up standing next to him. "Pretend you're feeling sleepy," he whispered.
"What? Why?" Bilal whispered back.
"Fine, fine" He conceded at the look Yassine gave him.
"I think it's time for me to go to bed" Yassine cringed at the exaggerated yawn Bilal gave.
"Ah, would you look at the time!" Romain said, making a whole show of looking at his watch. "We should all go to bed if we want to be fresh and rested for the flight tomorrow."
Walid looked reluctant to leave, taking a long sip of his tea. "Well, then!" Walid said, slapping his knees like every typical dad as he got up.
“I should get to bed too. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. See you all bright and early for checkout!”
Everyone watched in tense silence as the door closed behind him, then they all broke into chaos.
"We need balaclavas to hide our face!"
"Where the hell are we getting balaclavas at this hour?!"
"This is not heist movie that we need balaclavas!"
"We can just break the cameras with stones!"
"Let's go, l'm ready to tackle some guards!"
"No Sofyan, you're not tackling anybody!"
"Stop it!" Romain shouted. "We just need to be logical about this."
"First, we need to narrow down the possible location of the trophy. That place is huge. We can't waste time trying to search for it everywhere"
"If what Bilal and Boufal said is accurate, the trophy was last seen just before we got on the bus." Yassine pursed his lips, "My guess is that it's still somewhere around there."
"If I remember correctly," Hakim scratched his chin thoughtfully, "the bus left through the west gate. So, the west side has to be our point of entry."
“Right then!” Romain clapped his hands, and gestured for all of them to huddle together as they usually did before a match.
"Bilal and Aboukhlal, you two stay here and cover for us if someone looks for us. Yassine, Youssef and Hakim, you'll be responsible for retrieving the trophy. Munir, Abdelhamid and Sofyan, you're covering their backs. You'll be responsible for neutralising any threat. Abde, Boufal and I will stay outside of the compound and be on the lookout." Romain instructed.”
“Yes Capi!”
Then, they were on the move, all of them somehow fitting in the same lift, with Elias complaining all the way down for being squished into Sofyan’s pecs. They stumbled out into the warm night air and came to an abrupt stop.
Walid was standing just outside, looking rather unsurprised to see them.
“Aha! I knew it! I knew you were hiding something from me!” He snapped his fingers victoriously. “Tell me what’s going on.”
“Nn…nothing” they all stuttered.
“Bilal?” Walid fixed his I’m disappointed stare on him.
Bilal was only that strong, after all. He stumbled through the whole story, ending with their half-baked plan to retrieve the trophy.
Walid advanced on them, shaking his head in disappointment. They all held their breath as they waited for his angry outburst, which would be totally understandable. But they’d forgotten that Walid was Walid.
“I’m disappointed in you,” he said, looking at each one of them. “I thought I have earned enough of your trust for you to know that you can always come to me, whatever the problem is.”
“So let’s go!”
They all looked at him in surprise.
“What?! You don’t want to get the trophy back? It’s going to be light soon. We need to move!”
“Are you serious?” Hakim asked. They were idiots for not having gone to Coach in the first place. How could they have ever doubted that he wouldn’t do his absolute best to get them out of trouble?
“But wait … how are we getting there?” Yassine asked. They’d truly not considered the most important points.
"Yassine, my son, when I say to trust me, you need to trust me. Dir niya"
Some twenty minutes later, they were on their way.
Romain rather not question how Walid had procured a 7-seater in such a short amount of time. The man truly could work wonders no other person could. He just wished it was a bigger car because he had Sofyan sitting nearly in his lap.
Walid stopped the car a safe distance from the palace compound.
"Abde, you're in the driver's seat," Walid said, opening the driver's door. "Keep the car running. We need to be ready to drive away at any time."
"Bilal, you stay here and be on the lookout for any trouble. The rest of you follow me."
They left the car, walking as quietly as they possibly could. They shuffled along the wall hoping no one would notice them. At the corner, they all stopped, waiting for Walid to give the all-clear, then they quickly rounded the corner.
"There! That's the west gate!" Hakim whispered.
"See there," Yassine pointed to a spot a few meters ahead. "I think this is a blind spot. The nearest camera is pointed in the opposite direction. This is the perfect spot for us to jump the walls."
Walid turned around and gestured for everybody to come closer. "Yassine and Youssef, you two are the tallest so you need to help the others over the wall. Boufal, Nayef and I are staying here in case something goes wrong."
"Come on, my lions," Walid clasped Yassine and Youssef on the shoulder. "Get to work."
Yassine and Youssef crouched down, linking their hands together to create a sort of stepping stone. Up went Hakim, then Romain, Sofyan and Munir. Finally, Walid and Boufal helped Yassine and Youssef over.
Boufal grunted as he helped boost them up the wall. “These two really need to lay off the harissa.” He muttered as he bent at the waist to catch his breath.
Once over the wall, the boys assessed their options. Their bus had been parked on the far side across from where they currently were. To get there, they'd have to cross an open courtyard, which in their mind, seemed to be the most herculean task. They looked at one another in apprehension.
What if there was a sniper hidden somewhere, waiting to shoot them, one after the other as they attempt to cross the open space?
"We need to get to the other side without being seen." Romain fished his phone out of his pocket, fumbling to turn the flashlight on.
"Yeah, well" Hakim's voice was sarcastic. "We're not going very far with you waving that flashlight around."
"Fine, fine. I'm switching it off."
"I can see you rolling your eyes at me even in the dark"
"Guys, can we not?" Yassine cut them off. "We are definitely getting caught if you two keep on fighting."
Munir took a big breath and slowly let it out. "All right, guys," he said, cuffing his sleeves. "I guess we don't have any other options but to run very fast and very quick across that open space."
Romain nodded, agreeing with Munir. "Ok guys, on three" he said, lightly jumping on his feet as if he was warming up before a match.
"One ...
And they were off. Romain cursed under his breath as the others jumped the start. He started after them, crouching low to avoid being detected. They reached the spot where the bus was parked, all of them looking around frantically.
"Look behind those pots there." Yassine whispered urgently.
Hakim bent down, peering behind one of the big ceramic pots that bordered the far wall. Was that a glint of something he saw? He reached out, his hand connecting with something metal. Hell yeah, this had turned out easier than they had thought. His hand curled around the base of the trophy as he carefully shimmied it out from behind.
“Found it!”
“Hell yeah man!” Sofyan high-fived him.
“Let’s get the hell out of here.”
They ran across the courtyard, high on the adrenaline of a successful mission. They felt almost invincible - after all, they were too good. No one would even know they had lost trophy.
They reached their point of entry. One after the other, Youssef and Yassine boosted the others up the wall.
Youssef crouched down as he tipped his head towards the wall. “Khoya, you go first.”
Yassine shook his head. “I’m the last line of defence. I don’t go anywhere until everybody is safe. You go first.”
Youssef was about to argue, which frankly they didn’t really have time for, when Yassine shushed him.
“Someone’s coming.” Shit shit shit. They hadn’t made it here so far for them to fail at the last minute.
“Quick, quick” Yassine almost tackled Youssef to the ground in his hurry to get him up the wall.
The voices were getting closer now. Youssef hung over the top of the wall, his hand extended towards Yassine as he silently urged him on. Yassine took a deep breath, moved back a few steps as he gathered enough speed to launch himself as high up the wall as he could.
Somehow, he managed to grab Youssef’s hand, scraping his elbow in the process. Sofyan appeared besides Youssef as he gestured for Yassine to grab his hand. Together, they pulled him over as fast as they could. Then, they were on the move again, rushing towards the car. They piled into the car, tripping over each other and not caring that they were nearly sitting on top of each other. Hakim had barely closed the door before Abde peeled away like a GTA gateway car.
For the first few minutes, they all stayed quiet, catching their breath as the enormity of what they’d just done dawned on them. Then, Walid turned around and smiled at them. They burst out laughing in relief.
Dir niya, indeed.
The next day, the PR head of the Moroccan National team was feeling exasperated but mostly confused.
The buses were lined outside. The hotel staff had gathered in the lobby for the farewell of the team. A healthy number of international press was waiting outside to capture the departure of the team from Qatar. They had a strict schedule of celebration to follow starting with the broadcast of the team’s arrival in Rabat and ending with dinner at the King’s palace, but yet, the players were nowhere to be seen.
“Coach Walid,” she marched towards him as he finally made an appearance. It was a bit surprising to see that he didn’t look as well put-together as he usually did. “We have been waiting for you and your team, sir. We’re running late.”
“I apologise, Miss Asma, but they are on their way down now.” It had taken Walid numerous calls to each of them before he managed to get them all out of bed.
“Here they are now.” Asma watched horrified as the lift doors opened and the players came out. They looked like they’d gotten dressed in their sleep. In fact, they looked like they were barely awake. It would take some heavy-duty concealer to hide those eye-bags they were all sporting.
Coach Walid looked at her and smiled sheepishly. “They’re just not morning people.”
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deluluduck227 · 7 months
how to deal with a pregnant woman? |Hakim ZIYECH
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Summary : Situations when Hakim knew exactly how to deal with his pregnant wife
Words count: 870 (the longest)
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Being seven months pregnant, your hormones took the best of you. You literally cried river or when you couldn’t pick up the remote lying on the floor because of your bump. But all through this, your husband always helped you. Hakim always made sure that you felt loved and he never even let you lift a finger.
"Donut needs a friend!"
You were chilling in the living room, and a cover was shielding your body from the cold weather, Donut, your cat was lying just beside the extremities of your legs. Wiggling his tail from time to time, he annoyed Hakim who was lying on the couch, too busy playing 'Call of Duty' on his phone. While all your attention was on the television, one of your favorite movies was playing 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. The number of times you've watched it is uncountable yet it never failed to make you enjoy it. The familiar smell of the diner that Hakim took charge of cooking was making you so eager to put it in your mouth. All of these circumstances were more than enough to make you comfy, happy which you were! But looking at Donut who was trying to sleep, he looked "tired, gloomy, and downhearted" only from your point of view. You realized that your dear cat was feeling lonely and there's nothing you could do about it and what made it worse was you realizing that he's gonna die. This brought tears to your eyes as you were now crying silently. Your loud sobbing grabbed your husband's attention and as soon as he acknowledged you were crying he approached you at the speed of light. " Hey babe what's wrong?" He divulged, the worry was clear on his face as he cupped your face, his warm thumbs wiping the tears gently. " Donut's gonna die!" He quickly switched his gaze to the cat who was grooming his paws indifferently. "What do you mean? He seems very fine to me!" " No, you don't understand" you sniffled " He's gonna die one day!" " Babe, the average age of cats is 14 years. Donut's still young, he's gotta a good 12 years ahead to live!" He tried to comfort you with his deep warm voice. " Exactly! He doesn't even know how short his life is." You murmured, hiccuped breaths were interrupting your speech occasionally. The whole situation seemed funny for Hakim yet he didn't laugh because he knew it would hurt. He just wrapped his arms around your shoulders while you put your head on his chest, your breaths matching the steady pace of his heartbeat until you progressively calmed down. " Get me another cat!" You interrupted the silent moment you've just had. " You want another cat?" You nodded. "But I think Donut is enough for us!" " He needs a companion, I can feel it from her eyes! "Your last remark made a smile beam through his face as he raised his eyebrows as if he was making sure he heard you just right and you nodded to assure it. " I just imagined him being alone this whole time. Babe, what if he feels left out because the baby is born and then he feels like he's not the baby anymore?" Hakim was just listening to his pregnant wife, he got used to these breakouts by now and he knew exactly how to deal with them. "Don't worry munchkin, We'll get Donut a friend !"
Cranvings and relief
Hakim was watching as you were stirring the soup. You craved some Moroccan Harira and since he was not the best cook you chose to do it yourself, and he insisted on helping you. He's been enjoying watching you waddling around with your huge baby bump and pouty lips. On days when it's too much for you to handle, he'd stop enjoying it. He admits that he'll miss the pregnant you but what to do? "Stop staring like that and mix this! Put those arms in use." You were pointing at the bowl that had some flour and water. It was necessary to make the soup more viscous. "I mean what can I do? You're adorable pregnant!" He teased you, already started to mix the ingredients, and poured them into the harira. "This !" You pointed to your bump as you continued." It is your fault! You seduced me into this!" You earned a loud laugh from him as he resumed stirring the ready soup. "Well, I did it after your acceptance!" He spoke knowingly, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You couldn't bear the backache anymore as you leaned on the counter searching for relief. And that's when Hakim knew exactly how to deal with this situation. " Babe, stand straight for me." He demanded gently as you felt his presence behind. You applied, furrowing your eyebrows. His hands sneaked under your bump as he crossed his fingers tightly, lifting your bump. The relief you felt was undescribable, you never felt this light in months. "Babe, this feels so good. I can't imagine I survived all this period without these hacks." " I know I know, don't be surprised when you gotta a talented man like me! Now go sit I'ill serve dinner." You nodded as you turned to peck him quickly.
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i know i already wrote a hakim fanfic with a pregnancy trope but what can i do he's the fittest to my imagines
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0alanasworld0 · 10 months
Our Allens <3
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How would our boys react to the Barbie Movie?
Warnings: none
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♡ Yassine ♡
I imagine that out of the two of you he’d be the first to see the trailer when it comes out.
Like minutes into its release, already in his Youtube recommended 
He was well beyond the age of acting like he was too cool for it
It looked fun and right up your alley
You’re busy with work and he doesn’t close your laptop but he holds his phone over it so you can watch
You’re not too happy with the interruption but he just seems so excited, practically buzzing so you take the phone.
2 minutes and 42 seconds later, you’re up on your feet and buzzing with him
He’s quick to sift through your shared closet for things to wear (before everyone else decided to do it)
He’s got some pink dress shirts so he thinks he’ll be fine but you on the other hand
He’s not impressed by the lack of variety
There’s months before the film comes out but no, you need to be prepared and NOW
Practically dragging you to the mall to look for stuff because there is NO WAY you’re going to this film underdressed
He picks a hot pink skirt and white top that he thinks you would look cute in
He’s got surprisingly good taste, let's just say that and before you even open your purse, he’s paid for it.
As the release date gets closer and closer and more trailers come out, he has a new and even more brilliant idea
All black 
“If you wanted to go to Oppenheimer instead, you could have said!”
He gasps in offence and pulls out the screen-cap that inspired him
“... also what is Oppenheimer exactly?”
“Yassine, I can’t wear a damn tiara!” “Why not?”
You end up having to wear the tiara
You spend about half an hour taking photos in the Barbie box before doing anything
He doesn’t post anything because he never posts anything but you certainly do and it gets reposted onto the Sevilla instagram because it’s just too darn cute
He cries at the Billie Eilish bit but gets over it quickly so you can jam to the Ice Spice remix together
“I promise you that I’m more of an Allen than a Ken, Angel. I would never believe in patriarchy! And I hate horses!” “...” “Okay I don’t hate horses but you get the idea!”
“So do you want to watch oppenheimer?” “Angel, I still don’t know what that is if I’m being completely honest.”
He thought that Barbenheimer was just a cool reference to how well the film was gonna do
“Why is it such a big deal that they come out at the same time? Mamma Mia and the Dark Knight also came out at the same time and no one said anything about that!”
You do end up watching for the sake of it but he’s not feeling it at all.
“Do you think that Cilian Murphy is more attractive than me?” “He could never.” 
He’s quite pleased with that answer and he gets all blushy
He ends up dragging you to the next screen to watch barbie again right after for a ‘palette cleanser’
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♡ Abde ♡
You’re definitely the one to push it in this instance
He’s young, like really young, so there is a little bit of an obsession with that macho image
Much less of it since he managed to win you over by letting it go but its still kinda there
Even with that, he may have read a couple of unflattering reviews (obviously from men) so he’s not got the best impression
It doesn’t take you long to convince him at all because the the way your eyes lit up is enough 
He loves the idea of you dressing up all cute for it, happily help you pick an outfit but when you bring up the idea of HIM matching you, he’s not so keen
“Come on! What's wrong with a bit of pink? Most designer men’s clothes have a little bit of it!” “Yeah but that's different!” “Sure (!)” 
You do manage to get his approval of one pink shirt but he’s a little bit sulky the whole way home and you give him the silent treatment for it
He respects your space but he ends up whining to his brother about it which feels like the biggest mistake when his mum overhears it; more of a blessing in disguise to be honest
“That girl puts up with so much of your nonsense and you can’t even put on a pink shirt for her Barbie thing without adding on even more nonsense? Ya Allah, forgive me I’ve raised a wannabe macho idiot for a son!”
His dad ends up overhearing as well and gets to a stern explanation
“In what world is pink girly? It’s a fucking colour, son. Any ‘man’ that associated a colour with being a girl is a west-washed little boy, you wear little necklaces and get an eyebrow slit but you draw the line at pink? I raised you better than that.”
His brother ends up chiming in too.
“Yeah man, it's a little scummy. It’s a pink shirt and two hours of your time, she used to wear that ugly yellow kit happily to matches AND she watches you play video games for way longer than that, and at least a movie might be more entertaining…”
At first he doesn’t really want to believe anything that they’ve said but he spends the evening pondering over it, only feeling more and more guilty and time passes by
“I’ll just watch it with my friends, it's fine!” but you’re obviously disappointed, he can see it written on your face and you don’t give him time to say anything as you walk away
He spends a good hour going back and forth with you about that, eventually just wrapping you up tight in his arms and apologising over and over again
“Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase take me! It’ll be fun, I swear! I’m a fun guy, am I not?” “You’ve changed your tune.”
“My parents didn’t raise a west-washed little boy, did they?” you don’t know what that means but you can’t really ask with your face pressed up against his neck.
“Should I grow out the eyebrow slit?” 
You find the strength to pull away from him with that suggestion, “YES!” 
To add to the apology, he lets you do his nails but refuses to let you push at his cuticles
Not that you need to do that anyway because his nails are beautifully shaped and you LOVED being able to paint them
He does indeed make it a fun experience when you go out for it and you get some really cute photos together
He spends a while getting photos of you in the booth on your own because you looked so damn adorable
During the film, he keeps pointing out the outfits he thinks would look good on you… so basically everything.
He’s intrigued by the giant fur coat but you immediately put a stop to that
“But look! it's so-” “Ugly! Looks like a freshly killed polar bear rug!”
By the end of the movie, you're both in tears and he gives you the biggest hug he can manage when you leave the theatre.
Its a genuine eye-opener for him
“I’m such a Ken, anjo!”
It's his awakening: he didn’t really like acting all hard and cool anyway and now he had a better understanding of just how dumb that mentality was.
Constantly talking about “boyfriend-girlfriend” things
You didn’t mind but you wished he would stop referring to it as that because you wanted him in all his glory and you didn’t need to be laughing in the middle of it.
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♡ Hakim ♡
Its a cute little moment where you swap phones to show each other the trailers
He’s definitely more intrigued by Oppenheimer but he’s happy to watch barbie with you
Of course, so long as you watch Oppenheimer with him
Like Yassine, well beyond acting too cool for a movie and the colour pink
Your outfits match and are a mix of pink and black so you can really get into the spirit of the occasion
You match clothes quite often but it still makes him smile when you get excited and scan over the outfits
He honestly just liked doing stuff with you and vice versa
He’s not really bothered by what anyone thinks of him anymore
You watch Oppenheimer first and he can’t help but point out the things he told you about when he explained the movie to you
He has some of his own critiques and gripes too
He’s not impressed when he sees the American flag nor is he happy with the nudity but he’s okay with the film, overall.
Surprisingly enough, he was actually quite excited for barbie. 
You had explained every little detail from the trailers and the underlying themes and easter eggs and he supposed that at least 1 live adaptation was ready to be faithful
You’re the more energetic watcher while he’s just extremely focused
Like his eyes don’t leave the screen once, he looks to be in deep thought
Although there is some palpable shock when Barbie is called a fascist
You’re worried when he hasn’t said anything by the end of the film, fearing that he was gonna be one of those
“Men really suck, huh?” 
Big relief and you agree with a laugh
You spend ages talking about the little intricacies in the movies and the deeper messages, from when you get back into the car and well into the evening
He does post a little thing on his story: a blurry photo of the two of you
His brothers do tease him a little bit but they’d all watched it with their partners too and they were all in agreement: it was fantastic
They acted cool and stoic critics about it on the outside but the excitement on the inside was still evident
You pointed out one of the dresses from the movie that you loved, thinking he wasn’t paying attention but alas
He goes above and beyond to find a replica and eventually just settles on a tailor to make you a custom one
He has your measurements because he’s bought plenty of custom pieces for you already and he wouldn’t stand for anything less than perfection
If he was picky for himself, imagine how h would be for the love of his life
He gets a little slap-happy with it and ends up ordering like 4 custom outfits for you instead of one
He wondered about whether he should save them for special occasions but he concluded that he just couldn’t wait
I imagine you coming back from a long day at work and the outfits are laid out, in their garment bags 
You assume that he maybe got himself some new jackets or something because that's pretty common for him
When you unzip the bags and obviously you’re surprised
“Do you like them?” “I mean yeah but… what?”
He can’t wait for you to process anything and he’s hurrying you to try it all on
Obviously you look absolutely stunning and the way he’s looking at you has you all nervous: partly because he always just looked at you like you hung the moon and stars but also you were slightly concerned that he was seconds away from tearing it off you
“Oh god, you’re such a barbie…” he knows exactly how big of a compliment that is, your beloved allen
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♡ Nayef ♡
He definitely isn’t at Yassine and Hakim’s point where image isn’t that big of a deal but he’s an absolute sweetheart
Genuinely so positive and joyful, in that sense there’s a unique maturity about him
You call him over to watch the trailer with you and he doesn’t really understand but matches your excitement when you point out the little details
I feel like he would be doing a lot of his own research too, those youtube videos of people analysing the trailer frame-by-frame become his new obsession
I imagine he’d be getting into a lot of arguments on his burner twitter account with the bitter men trying to tear it down
He doesn’t care at all, he’s going to see barbie with you the first chance he gets and he’s going to find a matching outfit somewhere
You assumed he’d just find a pink shirt but no, he spends ages sifting through the internet for a ken inspired outfit that he could replicate and a barbie outfit for you, pink would not suffice on its own, you were gonna go all out with some proper references
He’s definitely the most Allen-esque of the boys, that's for sure
Proudly posts a photo of the pair of you on his story and your matching outfits with the reference on the side
He does get a lot of praise online for it for being so “brave” but he sees it as the bare minimum and doesn’t quite understand why it's such a big deal
Somehow he’s more excited than you at the theatre
And he somehow knows even more finer details than you as well, it’s kind of jarring
He LOVES the music and knows all the lyrics because he’s been listening to the album non-stop
He is in tears from America Ferrara’s beautiful speech
Constantly looking over at you like you’re a champions league trophy
The switch from emotional billie eilish to the upbeat ice spice remix is a bit of a shock but he just goes with it because at the end of the day, he’s having the time of his life with the movie
“You know I would love you no matter what, right?”
“Like you ARE extraordinary and perfect in every way but even if in some bizarro universe where you weren’t, I bet I would still be obsessed with you.”
And you fully believe him because he would drop anything and everything for you, no doubts in your mind whatsoever
I feel like he’d be so cheesy when you leave the theatre, like he’s carrying you to the car bridal style 
He would also refer to the deed as “boyfriend-girlfriend stuff” for months
He would be dragged to Oppenheimer with his friends but he comes back home too you and he looks far from impressed
“Well it certainly wasn’t Barbie, I know that much!”
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not my usual style but i just thought headcannons would be a better format since i got requests for all of them! i hope u enjoy, lovelies <3
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loohs-world · 1 year
Hakim Ziyech x reader!fem
hziyech ✓
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Liked by benchilwell and others 1.844.779 people
hziyech about yesterday❤️
user ❤️
chelseafc ✓ 💙💙
user I'm new here, this woman's instagram is private can someone tell me who she is and what Hakim is about her?
user his wife
hziyech She is the great love of my life.
hakimfan Life's goal is to love someone like Hakim loves yn
*limited comments*
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Liked by masonmount and 1.004 people
youprivateinstagram_ ❤️
user I love you so much 🥰🥰
yoursister ❤️😍
user 😍
user they don't ship they don't have fanfic they don't have fandom but they have my heart and i promise i'll take good care of them🫶🏼
youprivateinstagram_ ❤️❤️
user oh my god... you answered me
hziyech 🥰🙏🏼
masonmount ✓🤍
sophiaaemelia ✓ 💖
*limited comments*
hziyech ✓
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Liked by chelseafc and others 385.310 people
hziyech My princess 🤍
tammyabraham ✓ ❤️❤️
user there is no more perfect❤️
user perfect tune 😍
masonmount ✓ ❤️
benchilwell ✓ photo of millions 🫶🏻🫶🏻
hziyech ❤️
kepaarrizabalaga ✓ 😍😍
kaihavertz29 ✓ ❤️😍🥰
*limited comments*
hziyech ✓
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liked by youngchalobah and others 70.519 people
hziyech 👨‍👩‍👧
user 😍
user Hakim made a great choice
userbr apaixonada em vocês
userbr RT
userbr tão lindos
youngchalobah ✓ have fun friend ❤️
thiagosilva ✓ ❤️❤️
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hziyech ✓ I love you beautiful❤️😚
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emgavi · 1 year
Secrets Out (Hakim Ziyech x reader)
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Requested, I hope you enjoy it! <33
p.s be on the lookout for more fics soon today 👀
“y/n/n , have you seen my warm-up jacket? I can’t find it” Hakim said while rustling through his bags. 
‘Oh you mean this one?” you said teasingly. Hakim turned around to see you wearing his jacket. Giving you a smile, he walked towards you, putting his arms around you. 
“You know, it looks better on you” he said, looking at you adoringly. Smirking up at him, “yeah?” 
Leaning closer to your lips, “yeah” he whispered until he finally pressed his lips onto yours. Giving you a sweet kiss before pulling away, “but i’m going to need that” he pulled lightly on his jacket that you were wearing. 
Giggling at him, “well since you asked so nicely”, stepping a bit back to remove his jacket, you handed it back to him. ‘Thank you Mrs.Ziyech’ he said before giving you a quick kiss 
“Your welcome Mr.Ziyech” smiling at him, you both start to get ready to leave the hotel and to the stadium. Today was the big game against Portugal in the World cup quarter finals. You were so proud of Hakim either way of the outcome of this tournament but you couldn’t help but feel him be nervous on the ride to the stadium to meet with the rest of his team. 
His hand intertwined in yours the whole ride there. After being married for one year you both knew each other like the back of your palm. Softly caressing your fingers over his hand to help him feel more at ease. He noticed this and gave you a soft smile before kissing your forehead, leaning more on you
When you both finally reach the stadium and facility, that’s when you and Hakim have to part ways so he can meet with the rest of the players. Giving you a quick kiss before anyone can notice, Hakim walks through the players gate while you go to meet with the rest of the family in the family area. While you and Hakim are married, the rest of the world other than your families doesn’t know about it. They don’t even know that he’s in a relationship. Hakim made it so that he can keep you safe from the harsh world of the media. 
Greeting his family, you sit next to his mom when you all make it into the stands, waiting for the game to begin. As pre-game warm ups start, you see your husband, Hakim, make his way on the field. Admiring him from afar, you can see he removed his normal wedding band that he had on this morning, to keep the press from asking not wanted questions. Instead, on the pitch, he wears a clear rubber band on his ring finger, to give him the comfort that he still has you with him at all times. From the press it’s hardly noticeable, you would have to grab his hand to notice it, making it perfect to wear in public outings.
“I’m happy you’re here, you stick by my son through everything, he loves you so much” his mom spoke, interrupting your admiration of Hakim. Turning to her, you give her a soft smile, “i love him just as much, and your- our family”. At this she in return gives you a warm smile turning back to look at her son, you do the same. “So when are you going to grow your little family?” she said casually, giving you a raised playful eyebrow. 
Laughing at the question, “I think Hakim right now needs to focus on this tournament but afterwards…we’ll see” you nudged his mom’s shoulder lightly, knowingly how much she wants to have grandchildren. 
When you see Hakim from far, you see he is looking at you two with a smile on his face. You give him a tiny wave, which he just smiles back acknowledging you secretly.
During the game vs Portugal, clinging to your jersey that had your husband's name on the back, you felt on edge the whole time. While the team successfully gained a goal before halftime, there was still plenty of time for the opponent to score. You held your breath until you heard the final whistle blow. Seeing all the Moroccan players celebrate in the field, your vision goes straight to Hakim.
You see a big smile on his face and it only makes your smile grow bigger at this win for him. It was an incredible win for Morocco, you and his mom kept hugging in celebration of this victory to the semi-finals. 
In the middle of the team’s celebration on the field, you see Hakim run over to you and his family in the stands. Going to hug his family first, so the media won’t suspect anything, then he finally went to hug you. “I’m so proud of you,love” you whispered in his ear. You feel his smile grow on your neck and feel his place a gentle secret kiss there. 
In your little moment between you two, you both didn’t notice a couple of sneaky photographers who took pictures of the interaction. Already planning to publish once they got to their rooms. 
By the time you and Hakim were at the dinner celebration with his team and whole family, you noticed your phone and his phone started to buzz.  Taking his phone out, you see his eyes go wide, “oh no” 
You look over his mom’s lap who was sitting between you since not even the players knew that you and him were married. Looking at the article you gasped seeing the headline. 
“Hakim Zieyech’s secret wife seen in the stands at the Morocco v Portugal game???”
How did they find out? Where did they get that picture? What was your life going to be like now that everybody knows in the media? All these questions stir in your head until your thoughts are interrupted by Hakim’s hand grabbing your own, you barely notice now that he changed seats so that he is sitting next to you. 
Looking up, you see him looking at you with eyes of concern, not knowing how you are feeling. You just nodded at him that you are okay and he proceeded to look at his teammates that were sitting in the tables around him, some of them now seeing the article and shocked. 
You then see Hakim’s best friend, Noussair, walk towards your table with a blank face. You think he is about to be mad at Hakim for never telling his best friend about your secret marriage but instead his face turns into a big smile as he puts his hand on his shoulder. 
“Hakim, i’m so happy for you brother, but next time some big news about you comes out, i would like to hear it from you.” he said jokingly to him. Hakim just smiled back relieved that his friend wasn’t mad, in fact none of his teammates were mad at the kept secret,  they were just surprised they never guessed sooner. 
“It’s a good thing too I found out because after this tournament I was going to try my shot with your “family-friend ``'' Noussair tells Hakim teasingly , making everyone laugh including you except Hakim himself. You giggle at Hakim’s now hardened face, already knowing his jealousy is taking over now. 
Calming him down you kiss his cheek, your hand turning his face to look at you. “Babe, you will always be my love, no one else” you say to him. At this he puts his forehead on yours, sighing softly, feeling the jealous feelings fade away. 
Laughing his friend tells him,“Yeah Hakim, it was just a joke, everybody give it up for the love birds, Mr and Mrs. Ziyech!” Noussair cheers, making everyone cheer for you and Hakim. 
Feeling pure joy of finally not having to hide his love for you at least in front of his teammates, “I promise even now that everybody knows, I will forever protect you y/n/n. Kanbghik (i love you)”
“I know , I love you too” at this he leans to give you an official kiss, making everybody cheer again
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footballandfics · 1 year
Hey can you do a fluff ziyech one where he meets the reader for the first time.
Btw love ur writinggg
thank you for the request, sorry it took me a while.
You've met hakim through one of your friends
She's working as social media Manger in chelsea
And you've always been football fan
She knows that
So she invites a lot to watch the games with her and help while you're at it
You agree even though you're kinda of shy
You get excited that you're going to watch from a very up close sitting plac
She's not a big fan
But she loves her work
She spends the whole time filming short clips
Then she started to invite you for fiming interviews with the players
At first you refused
Since it'll be awkward with you around
Yet, she insisted saying she'll need someone who likes football to help her
Someone who knows inside jokes for the the club
Knows the crazy moments
What the fans like to know
So you agreed
You have been helping her on your free time
Sending her ideas for the next videos
Who's more popular with the fans
What the fans like to see and know
Then one time she asked you to assist her in a video
You agreed after a lot of convincing
It was a video for Chelsea youtube channel
The team stars playing some games
Who is most likely to
It was hakim, mount,kepa
The three of them are your favorite in the team
That's making you even more nervous
You helped her pick the questions
And prepare the set
Then they came and said their hellos
She introduced you to them
Mount cracking jokes here and there
Kepa laughing at everything mount says
Hakim was quiter than the two
Starting to film
The shoot went smooth
But you kept locking eyes with hakim
He has such beautiful eyes
They sparkle
You felt butterflies in your stomach
No you weren't starstrucked
He was funny
Without even trying
And when he smiles
His beautiful eyes always sparkling
Without realizing the shoot is over
The other two said their goodbyes
But hakim stayed a bit
You didn't know what to do or say
So you acted occupied
Your friend caught up and she said some silly excuse to leave you both alone
"So miss assistant, do you like to go out with me?"
He asks you and you never thought he'll be straight forward
"As in a date? " He continued wanting to make himself clear
You agreed, never thinking that in the end of the day you exchanged numbers and set a date
With this beautiful man.
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sheainlondon · 5 months
as much as it seems
like you own my heart
it’s astronomy.
we’re two worlds apart.
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(gif isn’t mine , credit to whoever made it! xx)
“stop denying what you love.”
a/n: i see almost no writing for these two!! at the same time, i feel as if it’s an interesting pair but i also believe a storyline with them would have so much potential. i hope you all enjoy!
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Faith in love
Hakim Ziyech x wife!reader
" Your eyes always made me lose my attention, and I hope those eyes are also the ones who looking for me in a crowded room" "Don't worry love, with my eyes, you are the only person that I'll be searching for"
words ; 1417
warning: none just fluff and translate Dutch
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Hakim shows me what real love means, from the first time we met til we married, he never slightly change the way he loves me, we constantly got lost in each other eyes and that's also the beginning of our love story.
It is not his conversation that keeps me entertained, but rather the way he looks at me and the curve of his lips makes me feel sustained, no words could ever tell him, and no action could express the way I feel about him. With him, my life is blessed
"Schatje! I'm home where are you?" I heard Hakim's voice echo around our house looking for me, no words can describe how exciting washing over me whenever he's back from training or other occasions.
"I'm in the kitchen Hakim!" I reply to his call while stirring soups in the pot that I cook for us.
I feel his pairs of arms snake around my waist and his soft breath behind my ear. "Hello sweetheart, smells good here," he said and kissed my temple.
"you talking about the food or me?" I ask him jokingly.
"oh, of course, the food" Hakim answer my question. I gasp playfully and slap his arm that resting around my waist. "Ouch!" he yelped. "I'm just joking baby, you smell ambrosial like usual y/n"
"yeah sure," I rolled my eyes and we both laughed. "how's your training?" I ask him as I turn off the kitchen stove and turn around only to greet him with his handsome and his gentle eyes.
Hakim smiles softly, "it was great, Mason as usual, made stupid jokes, and we all feel sorry for Ben, you should see his face....-"
Once again I got lost in his eyes, God, what the hell is this man doing to me?
"y/n? do you even listen to me? is there something on my face" he asks me rapid questions
" I just got lost in your eyes, your eyes always made me lose my attention, I hope those eyes are also the ones who looking for me in a crowded room"
"don't worry love, with my eyes, you are the only person that I'll be searching for" He stated and kissed my forehead.
Even though we've been together for many years, we still got flustered by each other words.
"oh baby, you blushing?" he teased me, and this time I slap his shoulder. "ow! stop hitting me, I know I'm a tough man" He laughs.
"shush, why don't you go shower, you smelly' I said while covering my nose.
"Oh, I see where it's going now, well, gonna go shower now, after we eat I want to take you somewhere" He loses the embrace and makes his way to take a shower.
"Where to?"
"that's for me to know and you to find out"
"Hakimmmmmmm tell meeeeee pleaseee" I whine
"Bla bla bla bla bla, I can't hear you" he teases while he put both of his hands on each of his ears.
we'll just wait I guess.
After we finish eating, Hakim insisted on doing the dishes, and he ask me to dress up in something casual. Well, what my man said.
I finish dressing up, just, a white blouse, back jeans and high cut converse. Hakim helps me with tying my shoes, I swear he is so gentleman.
"Okay done, let's go, cmon' up up up" he helps me stand up.
we both walk to Hakim's car, and he helps me open the car door too, as I go in I said thank you, and he replies "my pleasure mjin prinses"
"so where we're going?" I ask him again, hopefully, I got an answer this time.
"as I said earlier, that's for me to know and you to find out"
"hate you.."
"no, you don't baby"
"eyes on the road Ziyech"
"don't pout, you look so cute, I can't focus on the road, all of my attention is on you!" he teases making me blush
"I feel like I couldn't believe my eyes" I turn to look at him
"Why?" he asks and I reply "Hakim Ziyech! you bring me to my favourite place!" I grabbed his hand and bring him inside my favourite bookstore, I can hear him laughing at my excitement.
Well, I can't help myself, the smell of the bookstore just makes the ambience more chilling, I will always catch my eye on classic books, even Hakim knows that classic is my favourite genre of all time.
"Hi Mr and Mrs Ziyech" Mrs Michelle a middle-aged lady that owns this bookstore, she knows me and Hakim cause, we both always come here when I finish my book and If I want to buy a new book, Hakim will wait for me or talk with Michelle while me busy searching for books that I been looking for.
She greeted us and we greeted her back
"Are there any new arrivals for classic books?" I ask her
"Oh yeah, there are, you can check on the new arrivals section sweetheart," she tells me and I giggle and quickly go to the section as l release from Hakim's gripped
"she never changes eh? always energetic" Mrs Michelle said while Hakim sat on the chair beside the cashier counter. Hakim that was on his phone earlier, stop, when he heard Mrs Michelle asking him about his wife.
"of course, she will never change" Hakim smiled softly while thinking about his wife.
silent ringing in Hakim's ears, there were just 3 of them in the bookstore, no other customers besides their two, but y/n was nowhere found anymore.
"How's life son?" she asks Hakim.
"It's great, but the training makes me a little bit tired, but otherwise it's okay" Hakim replied to her question. Of course, Mrs Michelle knows that he is an infamous footballer from the start. So there's no problem between the two of them.
"That's great to hear, but I hope you'll find your wife soon, I don't think she remembers that you're here," she said and we both laughing
"Hello, I'm back" y/n back carrying 4 books in her hand.
"you got a lot this time Schatje" Hakim said quickly standing up from where he sit, and helping y/n carry the books from her hand.
"Those are the only books that caught my eye" y/n replied with a smile drawn on her face
"Whatever you want my love" Hakim put the book on top of the counter and took out his wallet from his pocket jeans. "how much Mrs Michelle?"
"No hakim," y/n told him to not pay for her books
"no, what?" he confusedly looked at his girl.
"I can pay it myself Hakim," y/n said to him while taking out her credit card from her purse.
"No no no no love, I'll pay for it!"
"Hakim! I'll pay for it!"
both of them argue about who's gonna pay for about 5 minutes until...
"Okay, we do this way, how about you guys do rock, paper, scissors?" They both stop arguing and agree on Mrs Michelle's suggestion.
they decided to play 3 rounds, y/n won the first round, the second round Hakim won and the last round.......
y/n lose when hakim decides to defeat y/n with scissors.
"YES! I'll PAY FOR IT WOOHOO!" Hakim celebrates before giving his credit card to Mrs Michelle. But y/n on the other side pouted and caught Hakim's attention before him laughing.
"Don't pout sweetheart!" he said to her and pinch his girl's cheek.
"you guys are so cute," the owner other the bookstore said as she give Hakim's credit card back.
Both of us smile at her. "bye bye Mrs Michelle, see you soon" me and hakim said goodbye to her before exiting the bookstore and going to Hakim's car. Then we decided to go back home.
"Y/n, you need to realize that we are together, we live in the same house, and we're even married, so stop feeling guilty when you spend my money, I don't care, spend how much you want, you know why? cause my money is your money too, understand?"
"but-" y/n doesn't even finish her sentences yet got cut off by her husband.
"I don't accept no, but, why, ifs, maybe" Hakim warn her
"Okay, I understand and Hakim..."
hakim hummed signalling for y/n to continue while his eyes focused on the road.
"thank you"
"my pleasure mjin prinses" he smiles softly
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like by Hziyech,MasonMount,AchrafHakimi and 101,576 more
Y/n.Ziyech : bedankt voor alles mijn lieve man, Ik hou van je tot het einde van de lijn <3 @Hziyech
Hziyech: Anything for you wifey
-> Y/n.Ziyech : 🤍
MasonMount: oh so this is why you so rushed earlier @Hziyech?
-> Hziyech : My wife is my number one priority
-> MasonMount : No need to did me like that man...
ZakariaAboukhlal: Glad to see you happy brother
-> Hziyech : Thank you brother, I'm always happy when I'm with @Y/n.Ziyech
-> like by Y/n.Ziyech
Hakim.Y/nFans: Parents :)))
->AchrafHakimi : true
->BenChilwell : true
->MasonMount : Im waiting @Hziyech @Y/n.Ziyech
->Hziyech : ask @Y/n.Ziyech.....
->Y/n.Ziyech : 🤷🏻‍♀️
-> Username : hints
bedankt voor alles mijn lieve man, Ik hou van je tot het einde van de lijn : thank you for everything my dear husband, I love you to the end of the line
mjin prinses : my princess
schatje : sweetheart
first football imagine, tell me what you guys think, leave notes, thank you for reading my fic, want more? send request, my football masterlist/ f1 masterlist
Dedicated to my friend: Zariff
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lfcslut · 1 year
my mistakes were made for you
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hakim ziyech x reader
words: 4.8k
warnings: 18+ ONLY! jealous hakim, kind of an asshole hakim, mentions of alcohol, LOTS OF ANGST, a fair amount of fluff, and SMUT at the end - unprotected sex, oral (m/f receiving), pet names (baby, angel), dirty talk, aftercare, etc.
summary: you run into hakim at the club a few weeks after he broke up with you, and jealousy gets the better of him…
I wanted to write something angsty and smutty for hakim and it somehow turned into this. I swear I didn't intend for it to be so long! I hope you all enjoy <3
The kick drum was blasting in your ears and the taste of vodka was lingering in your mouth. It had been a few weeks since your breakup, and your girlfriends had somehow managed to convince you to go out with them, promising you that it would make you feel better. And in some ways, you were feeling better, but that might just be the liquor talking. You had started the night at your best friend's place for a pregame and had made your way to a local bar for some drinks. By now though, it was well past midnight, and your friends had decided that they wanted to go to a nightclub. You had your reservations about coming here - you knew that this was a club that was often frequented by football players, including players for a certain club that your ex-boyfriend played for. It had been at a club just like this that you had met him over a year ago now. But London was a big city and you knew that you were being paranoid - after all, what were the odds that you would end up at the same club on the exact same night?
You were sipping on champagne and dancing with some of your girlfriends when a man came up to you and asked you to dance with him. He was handsome - like, movie star handsome - with dark hair and dark eyes. He reminded you a bit of your ex, which made your heart sink a little. You hesitated at first, but your girlfriends egged you on, so you said yes. It didn't hurt that he was good looking, too. I hope he isn't a football player, you thought to yourself, having sworn off any and all athletes ever since your break up. He took your hand and led you out to the middle of the dance floor. You were nervous at first, but when one of your favorite songs came on, your confidence grew.
"Hi, I'm Adam," said the man in front of you, as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Hi, Adam. I'm Y/N," you replied, knowing that he wouldn't remember your name and you wouldn't remember his by the end of the night, but not caring much in the slightest.
You had been dancing for a few songs when you felt someone's eyes on you. You glanced behind you and looked up at one of the private sections of the club, where you saw a couple of familiar football players. No, it can't be, you thought to yourself as you began to recognize some of the men from the Chelsea football club team. Your eyes scanned the group as your stomach churned. Please don't be here, please don't be here. But your prayers weren't heard because your eyes soon landed on the man who was quite obviously glaring down at you - your ex-boyfriend, Hakim. You felt your cheeks turn red with heat and you quickly turned away, knowing that he had definitely seen you looking at him. Fuck. You hadn't noticed him and his friends come in, or perhaps they had been here the whole time. The look on his face as he stared down at you and Adam had been one of pure anger, intense rage, and perhaps (and maybe this was just the lighting in the club, or maybe it was wishful thinking) a smidge of sadness? You recognized that look - it was the same look that you had on your face in the days after the breakup, when you had been scrolling through Instagram, looking through the profiles of all of the girls Hakim had started following since he had ended it with you. Fucking asshole didn't wait long, did he?
"Everything okay?" asked Adam, and you eagerly nodded your head.
"Yeah, perfect," you replied. Without thinking, you turned around so that your back was to his chest and began grinding into him. His arms grabbed your waist as you pressed into him. You didn't know what had gotten into you - this wasn't like you at all to grind on a strange man you had just met - but you didn't care. Adam put a hand on your chin and turned your face around towards him, and before you knew it, his tongue was in your mouth. You turned around and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, but the kiss didn't last long because you soon felt an arm separating the two of you.
You opened your eyes and saw your ex-boyfriend standing in between the two of you. His hand was on Adam's chest and his eyes were dark, filled with rage, glaring at the man whose tongue had been down your throat mere seconds ago. You had never seen Hakim like this before, and for a second, you were worried that he might punch Adam.
"What the fuck, man?" said Adam, looking up incredulously.
"Get the fuck away from her," said Hakim.
Adam stared back at Hakim for a minute. You held your breath - Hakim had never been the fighting type, but then again, you had never seen him in a situation like this before. You finally breathed a sign of relief as Adam took a step back, likely realizing that this wasn't worth the effort. "Whatever, man," he scoffed, looking at you and then back at Hakim, before walking away.
"What the hell was that?" you said angrily, your relief now turning into annoyance.
"I should be asking you the same question," he said, his eyes still not leaving the back of Adam's head as he walked away, ensuring that he didn't dare turn around and come close to you again.
"We were just dancing!"
"That looked like a lot more than just dancing to me," he said, and his brown eyes finally turned to look into yours, causing your stomach to somersault.
"Well, what do you care? You're not my boyfriend anymore, remember? I can do whatever I please." You felt the anger building up within you, and all of the emotions from the past few weeks started coming up again. This man in front of you - this man who you had loved so deeply, who you would have done anything for - had broken your heart, left you crying in your bedroom for days, and just as you were starting to feel like yourself again, he had the audacity to show up out of nowhere and ruin that?
Hakim's eyes softened as he could tell that you were upset. He hesitated for a moment. "Y/N, I'm sorry... I just couldn't stand seeing him with his tongue down your throat and his hands all over you."
"God, I can't believe you! You broke up with me, remember?" Tears began to well up in your eyes, and to prevent yourself from totally losing control in front of Hakim, you turned away and stormed towards the exit.
To your dismay, Hakim followed. "Baby, please-" he said, as you left the club and stepped into the cool London night.
"Don't call me that! You don't get to call me that anymore!" The tears were now fully running down your cheeks, but you didn't care, you were just so goddamn angry. "You don't know what it's been like, the past few weeks! And just as I'm starting to move on, you have to show up and ruin it."
Hakim put his hand on your shoulder, but you shoved him away. You could tell from his face that he now regretted what he had done in the club. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to hurt you like that, I promise," he said quietly, looking down at his feet, feeling ashamed. "But don't think for a minute that the past few weeks haven't been tough for me, too, okay? You're not the only one who's been suffering."
You scoffed at this. "Yeah, right."
"I'm serious," he said, looking up at you. "I wanted to call you the second I left your place that night. I wanted to take it all back, everything I had said, but... I was ashamed."
He looked earnest, but your heart didn't want to believe it. The possibility that, while you were bawling your eyes out over him, he was feeling the same way... no, it couldn't be true. If he really meant this, why hadn't he reached out? You had spent days waiting for him to call or to text, and based on his Instagram, it seemed like he had been too busy partying with other girls to apologize to you for the way things had ended.
"I don't believe you," you said, and you turned away from him, walking to the end of the block to hail a taxi.
"Y/N, please. At least let me drive you home."
You ignored him, and instead flagged down a car. As you were about to open the door to the backseat, you felt Hakim's hand on yours. "Please. Please give me another chance, Y/N. I love you." You looked up at him and saw that he was now the one with tears forming in his eyes.
For a second, you thought about it. You thought about all of the memories you had shared together - the dinners, the birthdays, the game days, the family gatherings, the picnics, the trips to Amsterdam and Morocco, the plans for your future together. But despite all of that, you pushed his hand away, opened the door to the taxi, and got in.
"King Street, please," you said to the driver as he pulled away, leaving Hakim standing alone on the sidewalk.
The next few days were almost as terrible as the days right after your breakup. Your girlfriends had been blowing up your phone - they had all seen the confrontation with Hakim in the club and wanted to know if you two were back together. You didn't have the heart to tell them what had really happened, so you ignored all of their texts and calls. Instead, you spent the next two days lying in bed, eating takeout and watching silly movies.
Hakim had also been calling and texting you, but you had been ignoring those, too. You didn't want to hear any more of his excuses.
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On Sunday, you woke up to your doorbell ringing incessantly. You had gone to bed late last night after staying up watching Netflix and drowning your sorrows in wine. You groaned, turning over to look at the clock and seeing that it was well past 1pm. You hoped that whoever it was who was at the door would go away soon, but after another minute of the doorbell ringing nonstop, you finally pulled the covers off of you and went searching for some pants. You realized that you had been in the same pajama tops all weekend and hadn't showered since you had gotten home from the club, but you hardly had the energy to care at the moment.
You grumpily opened the door to see your sister, Amelia, standing outside holding takeout bags.
"Well, well, well. Look who hasn't been returning my calls," said Amelia, walking past you to make her way in. You rolled your eyes at her and closed the door behind her.
"What are you doing here?" you asked.
"Well, I heard what happened the other night, and since you weren't answering my calls or texts, I thought it was my sisterly duty to make sure you were okay," she said, as she plopped down on your couch. "Do you have anything to drink, by the way? I'm parched."
Annoyed, you walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a half empty container of juice. "So does everyone on earth now know what happened at the club?" you asked, thoroughly irked that your friends had told your big sister about what had transpired between you and Hakim.
"Not everyone, but since you've been sulking around all weekend and have refused to speak to anyone, the word got around."
"Well, I'm sorry I haven't exactly been in a chatty mood," you said, bringing two glasses to the living room table and sitting down on the couch across from Amelia. You eyed the takeout bags that were on the table, and Amelia grinned knowingly.
"Taco Bell, your favorite."
You couldn't help but smile as you reached for one of the bags. Even when she was annoying the living shit out of you, your sister knew how to make a bad day slightly better.
"So, tell me," said Amelia, taking this opportunity to pry some more information out of you. "What happened with you and Hakim? You never even told me why you two broke up in the first place."
You sighed. "He completely blindsided me. He broke up with me out of nowhere and didn't even give me an explanation. Then he has the audacity to get mad that I'm dancing with someone else at the club."
"Well, I heard that you were doing a little more than just dancing..."
"Okay fine, we made out a little! So what? I could have had sex with him in the middle of the dance floor and that still doesn't mean Hakim had any right to interfere!" You said, exasperated.
"You're right, Y/N. That was an asshole move on his part," Amelia responded. "So what was his reasoning behind what he did?"
"He made up some bullshit about how he regrets breaking up with me and wanted to take it back as soon as he did it, which I don't believe for a second."
Amelia frowned. "Why not?"
"Because if he wanted to take it back, then he could have done so! He could have called, texted, something. Instead, he was out partying while I was in bed crying." Your voice was rising, and you could feel the frustrated tears starting to come up again, so you took another bite and washed it down with some juice to distract yourself.
Amelia was silent for a minute, taking a bite out of her own food, which only irritated you further as you really wanted to hear what she had to say.
"What?" you finally said, annoyed by her silence. "I know you have something to say, so just spit it out."
"It's just... you two were so good together. I agree he did a shitty thing, but maybe he really does regret it, Y/N. You know how men are - they'll never admit that they were wrong. Maybe he was just... embarrassed."
You paused for a second, thinking over what she had just said. Hakim? Embarrassed? You highly doubted that. "Well, that isn't an excuse. An entire year I spent with him, and for him to just end it and then disappear like that? That's fucked up."
Amelia nodded, agreeing with you. The two of you finished your food and you changed the subject, asking about Amelia's life and your family. When she finally left, you decided to hop in the shower and get ready for the week ahead of you, but your mind kept wandering back to what Amelia had said. What if Hakim really had meant what he had said? What if he was just too ashamed to admit he had made a mistake? That certainly didn't justify his actions at the nightclub, you thought to yourself. But maybe you had been a bit too harsh on him...
The next day was Monday, and you were kicking yourself that you had to go into work. Despite spending most of the weekend in bed, you were still absolutely exhausted. You knew it was going to be a busy week at work, too, and you were beginning to wish that you had just called in sick. You rode the train in the morning, and when you finally got inside your office, you noticed a beautiful bouquet of roses sitting on your desk. Thinking that it might have been Amelia or one of your friends attempting to cheer you up, you picked up the card and opened it.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
Love, Hakim
So Hakim had sent you roses. You were surprised, as he had never sent flowers to your work before, even when you were dating. Hakim was romantic, but in a quiet, intimate type of way. He wasn't one for flashy, public gestures like this. You stared at the last line - "Love, Hakim" - for a minute, your thumb circling around the word "Love" as if to make sure that was really what it said.
"Ooh, who's the lucky guy?" Your co-worker, Debbie, popped her head into your office. "Is it that ex of yours? The footballer?" Debbie meant well but she could be rather nosy at times. Still, she was probably your best friend at work, so she had known about Hakim and had been there in the days after your breakup when you were an absolute mess.
You just smiled and said, "Yeah, it's from him."
"Well, whatever it is that he did, I'd forgive him if I were you. I mean, those flowers are beautiful," Debbie chuckled and walked away.
They are beautiful, aren't they? you thought to yourself, as you moved the bouquet to the windowsill and sat down at your desk, suddenly feeling a little bit better about the day ahead.
Later that night, you got home from work, exhausted but determined to cook yourself dinner instead of getting takeout for the fourth night in a row. You kicked off your heels and didn't even bother changing out of your blazer and pencil skirt. You opened your fridge and groaned, realizing that you had very limited options as far as ingredients went. So instead, you reached for a bottle of white wine, and poured yourself a glass.
You had just sat down on your couch and were about to turn on the TV when the doorbell rang. You let out a loud groan. You hoped it wasn't Amelia again, though you wouldn't mind another round of takeout if she were to offer. But when you opened the door, it wasn't Amelia standing in front of you, but instead, it was Hakim.
"Hi," he said shyly, wearing a sweatshirt and track pants. His hair was wet from the rain.
You were too surprised to speak for a moment, but when you finally regained your composure, you muttered back, "Hi."
Hakim paused for a second and then asked, "Can I come in?"
You're not sure what possessed you in that moment, but for some reason, you nodded your head and let him in.
He stepped inside of your flat - the flat that he had spent countless nights in, that he had almost moved into for a few weeks when his own place was undergoing renovations. It hadn't changed much since he had last been in here on that night that had changed everything for the two of you.
"You can sit," you finally said after a few moments of the two of you standing awkwardly in the foyer. Hakim obliged, following you into the living room, where you both took a seat across from each other.
"I hope you liked the flowers," said Hakim.
"Yeah, they were nice, thank you," you answered, looking down at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with him. "Um, do you want something to drink?" you asked.
"No, I'm good, thanks," he responded. After another moment of brief silence, Hakim cleared his throat. "Look, Y/N, I know you probably hate me right now, and you have every right to. You don't have to forgive me, in fact, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. But please believe me when I say that I never stopped loving you and I never stopped regretting ending things with you. Yes, I went out for a few nights after we broke up, but that was just to distract myself from what I did. You can ask any of the guys, I was an absolute mess after it ended between us. Losing you was the biggest mistake of my life."
You looked up at him, and you could tell from his face that he was telling the truth. "I believe you, Hakim. But that doesn't change how much you hurt me."
"I know, baby, and I'm so, so sorry for that," Hakim answered, moving so that he was now sitting on the couch next to you. "I never wanted to hurt you, ever. I was just scared. We had started talking about our future together, and I've never had that conversation with anyone before. I panicked."
"Well, if that's the case, then you talk to me about it and we have a mature conversation. You can't just end things and then disappear from my life because you're scared."
"I know, I know, I should have just told you. That was my mistake," he answered, taking both of your hands into his. Despite how angry, frustrated, and sad you had been towards him, you couldn't help but feel a deep twinge of affection and love towards him - this boy, sat next to you, who was oh so stupid and immature but oh so perfect for you at the same time.
"Will you forgive me, baby?" he asked, and how could you say no? You nodded, and you both leaned in for an embrace. When you both finally let go, Hakim put his hand underneath your chin and asked gently, "Can I kiss you?" You didn't respond, but instead pressed a soft kiss to his lips. God, how you had missed those lips. Your hands folded around the back of his neck as you pulled him in closer.
"God baby, I missed you so much," he whispered, and you simply whimpered in response, taking this opportunity to push your tongue past his teeth. Your tongues danced around each other as he pulled you in closer, so that you were practically sitting on his lap. After a few minutes, you pulled away, looked up at him and said, "Hakim. Take me to the bedroom."
He grinned at you, and before you knew it, he had picked you up and was carrying you to your room, all while continuing to kiss you on your mouth, your cheeks, your neck. You were so entangled in him that you didn't even notice that you were in your bedroom until you felt the soft bedding underneath you and him on top of you. Your hands moved all over his body, underneath his shirt, as you begged him to take it off. He obliged immediately, pulling his shirt over his head, and then turning his attention to your top. He took your blazer off and unbuttoned your blouse only halfway down, too impatient to fully take it off you. You pulled your bra down to make it easier for him, and as soon as your breasts tumbled out, his mouth was all over them.
"I missed these," he muttered in between his licks. He popped one of your nipples in his mouth while his hand played with the other one. You moaned at the stimulation, and your hand instantly reached for his crotch, while your core ached for him to be inside of you. You unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick, already hard for you with pre-cum glistening from the tip. You instinctually moaned at the sight as your hand worked up and down his shaft.
"I want you to fuck my mouth" you whispered, and Hakim groaned in response. He lifted you up from the bed, and you kneeled before him, licking up and down his length before taking the entirety of him in your mouth.
"You sure about this, Schatje?" he asked, using his old Dutch nickname for you. You nodded. "Let me know if it gets too much," he said, before beginning to thrust into you. You gagged and whimpered around his cock, tears beginning to spill from your eyes as his dick hit the back of your throat over and over again. "Fuuuuck," said Hakim, his head tilting backwards and eyes closing. "That feels amazing." He kept going for a few moments before pulling out of you gently, bringing your mouth up to him to give you a soft kiss. Your cheeks were stained with tears and mascara, and he pulled away from you to wipe them off your face. He then gently pushed you back onto the bed and brought his head down towards the place where you needed him the most. He pulled up your skirt, once again too impatient to take it off fully, and blew hot air onto your panties before pushing them aside.
"Fuck, I missed this pretty pussy," he breathed into your cunt before using his tongue to lick it up and down. "So wet already just from sucking my cock?" he chuckled, and you were too intoxicated by his tongue to retort back. He began lapping at you before moving to suck on your clit the way that only he could. No man had ever eaten you out as divinely as Hakim. He began to run his finger up and down your slit, coating it in your juices before bringing it up to your mouth for you to suck. "Mmm," you moaned while you sucked on his finger, licking your own wetness off of him. It turned him on how much you enjoyed tasting yourself.
"Tastes so good, doesn't it, baby?" he asked, before bringing his finger back down to your core and pushing it in slowly. He curled his finger into you, hitting the spot that only he knew how to hit, and before you knew it, he had slid another finger into you. The knot in your lower stomach tightened and you began to see stars. You knew that you were close, and he knew it too, because he sped up his pace, fucking you with his fingers while sucking on your swollen clit. "Let go for me, darling." That was all you needed to come apart, screaming his name as he continued to fuck you with his fingers and his mouth through your high.
For a second, the only sound in the rom was that of your heavy panting. Hakim came up to face you and began planting kisses all over your mouth and face. "You look so pretty like this," he whispered, but you were too busy riding out the lingering pleasure to respond. Once you had come down from your high, you grabbed his face and brought his mouth to your lips, sloppily kissing him. "Hakim," you said in between kisses, "Please fuck me."
You didn't have to ask him twice. He grabbed his cock and aligned it with your entrance, coating it in your juices before pushing all the way in. You cried out in pleasure - the familiar way he stretched you out was too much to bear. Hakim looked down as his dick slid in and out of your pussy.
"Fuuuuck, you're squeezing me so tight, baby," he cried. The lewd sound of his dick squelching against your walls filled your bedroom. You sat up on your hands and looked down, this new angle increasing the intensity with which you felt him inside of you. You screamed out, and began to bring your hand to your mouth out of habit, but he moved it away. "No baby, I want to hear you." With his permission, you cried out his name, begging for him to go faster, and he obliged.
Sensing that you were close to unraveling again, he brought his fingers to your clit, rubbing circles into it. "Fuck baby, keep doing that, don't stop," you whimpered, as you felt yourself nearing your second orgasm of the night.
"I'm close, angel. Where do you want it?" he asked, his voice strained and his thrusts becoming sloppy as he reached his high.
"Inside me. I want it inside me, baby, please."
Your words sent him over the edge and you followed not long after him. He cried out your name as he came deep inside of you, your clenching pussy milking him for every last drop of his hot cum. He leaned against your chest, his head falling beside you, as you both tried to catch your breath. He stayed inside of you for a moment before pulling out and rolling beside you.
"I love you," he whispered, bringing your face close to his.
"I love you, too, Hakim," you whispered back.
"Let's clean you up, darling. You ready for a shower?"
You nodded, and wrapped your arms around him as he carried you to the bathroom, just like he had done countless times before.
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inejschumacher · 6 months
Via’s Taycember Fanfics
Hi everyone! I’ve decided to do a personal project where I write multiple Taylor Swift song fics of various Formula 1 drivers and football players songs during the month of December. My goal is to explore different regions of writing (e.g. angst, romance), expand my horizons and improve my skills! It’ll also be a test to my commitment to see if I can continue this project for some time. My initial goal is to write 12 fics as in the 12 Days of Christmas, but hopefully I’ll surpass that!
I’ll be using the tag “via’s taycember” to indicate these fics and as a featured tag
Day 1: False God - Lewis Hamilton
Day 2: I Can See You - Nayef Aguerd
Day 3: Fearless - Oscar Piastri
Day 4: Gold Rush - Jude Bellingham
Day 5: Gorgeous - George Russell
Day 6: Willow - Eduardo Camavinga
Day 7: Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince - Logan Sargeant
Day 8: So It Goes… - Abdessamad Ezzalzouli
Day 9: Back to December - Alex Albon
Day 10: Tolerate It - Hakim Ziyech
Day 11: Maroon - Carlos Sainz
Day 12: This Is Me Trying - Trent Alexander-Arnold
Day 13: Cowboy Like Me - Lance Stroll
Day 14: Mirrorball - Vinicius Jr
Day 15: Our Song - Danny Ricciardo
Day 16: Labyrinth - Jamal Musiala
p.s word counts do NOT include the song lyrics, I don’t want girlie to sue me🙏🏽
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chaiiitime · 1 year
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I wanted to write a comedy of errors of sort with the Moroccan nt but I realised it’s very difficult to come up with a remotely good plot line. It’s not as funny as I wanted it to be but I’ve spent too much time on it to not post it, so here goes …
P.S ignore the plot holes
P.P.S if you’ve got an actual funny story idea drop me a little 💌
Part 1 | Part 2
Yassine was about to nod off to sleep when his phone rang. He frowned when he saw the caller's name. Why would Bilal be calling him so late?
He sighed as he picked up, "Hello.”
"Yassine?" Bilal sounded tense on the other end. "Can you come down to my room please?"
Yassine sat up at his wary tone. "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"
"I can't tell you over the phone," Bilal whispered. "Can you please just come? It's urgent."
Yassine rolled his eyes at the secrecy. What could possibly be so urgent? It wouldn't be surprising if Bilal's urgent matter turned out to simply be that he couldn't find his passport for the trip back home tomorrow.
Ah, these young ones - so bright and yet so irresponsible sometimes.
He kicked off the blanket, pulled on his joggers, grabbed his key card, and stumbled smack across Romain who was also leaving his room. Capi looked like he had been rudely awakened from his sweet dreams.
"Did Abde call you?" He blinked up sleepily at Yassine.
Just as Yassine was about to answer, the door to Hakim's room was shoved opened and he came out, mumbling under his breath. He stopped in surprise when he saw both of them standing there.
"What are you both doing out here at this time?" He asked suspiciously, doing that thing he always did with his eyebrows.
"Did Abde call you?" Romain asked.
"Boufalinho, actually. He asked me to come down to Bilal's room."
They looked at each other, hands on their hips, as it dawned one them that there, indeed, was something wrong.
What had they done now?
They reached Bilal's room slightly out of breath, having basically run down four flights of stairs.
"Hey guys"
They all nearly jumped out of their skin at the voice coming from behind them. They turned around to see Sofyan standing there. Even at this late hour, he was munching on an apple.
"So, you guys have also been summoned, huh?" He asked around a mouthful.
Before they could ask him what he knew, the door opened, Nayef standing there looking nervous.
He hastily grabbed their arms, pulling them into the room. He then leaned out of the door, looking right and left down the corridor as if they were in some kind of thriller movie and there was someone spying on them out there.
Romain was pissed at all this supposed secrecy and urgency. He wanted to get back to bed, thank you very much. He walked further into the room. Most of the others were here. Aboukhlal had dozed off against Abdelhamid's shoulder, who looked relieved that they were finally here. Noussair was impatiently walking around the small room while Youssef looked as cool as a cucumber, which to be fair, was his usual state of being given how anything rarely phased him out. The others were sat on whatever empty surface they could find in the small room.
At the centre of the room, however, were the clear culprits.
Bilal looked like he was about to burst from the anxious energy radiating from him. Abde was nervously gnawing at his nails while Boufal looked like he was about to throw up.
Romain rounded up on them. "So, will one of you tell us what is happening?" He asked impatiently.
Boufal nudged Abde, who in turn nudged Bilal. They seemed to be engaged in a silent battle of who would be the sacrificial lamb.
Hakim huffed impatiently. "Get on with it, why don't you?"
"Well, the thing is.." Bilal gulped loudly, looking around the room. He took a steadying breath, looking as if he might throw up on the spot. "We lost the trophy," he mumbled under his breath.
Romain blinked unbelievably at them while the top of Hakim's ears had turned a tell-tale red.
"What do you mean you've lost the trophy?" Yassine asked through clenched teeth. "You mean the trophy that the Emir of Qatar himself gifted to us just this evening and the one that we have to present to the King tomorrow? That trophy?"
The three of them nodded dumbly, eyes downcast to avoid the increasingly murderous look in Romain’s eyes.
Yassine sighed. The whole Moroccan delegation had been invited to the Emir’s palace for a celebratory before they left Qatar. They had been hosted by the Emir himself and the dinner had been way over the top - every imaginable dish under the sun and where everything that did shine was actually gold. That level of wealth had been outrageous and all of them had been on their best behaviour. They had even nibbled daintily on the food instead of wolfing it down as was the norm.
At the end of the night, the Emir had presented them with the now missing trophy for their historic performance at the World Cup, a trophy that they needed to present to the King when they landed in Morocco tomorrow.
"Explain yourselves" Romain demanded.
"Well," Abde shifted uncomfortably on his feet. "Elias and I took a selfie with it when we were still at the palace and then I gave it to Boufal," he said pointing at him. "He's the one who lost the trophy"
Boufal sputtered. "That's so not true. I gave it to Bilal. So, if there's anyone who lost it, it's him."
"I gave the trophy back to you." Bilal spun towards Boufal. "I took a selfie with it and then I gave it back to you just before we got on the bus."
"No, you didn't!"
"Yes, I did!"
"Enough you two!" Capi held up a hand. "Does anyone remember seeing the trophy on the bus?"
A pensive silence fell over the room. "I think I saw Munir with the trophy on the bus" Aboukhlal said, scratching his head.
Munir reacted as if someone had accused him of murder. "That's not true. I haven't even touched it once!"
Romain went to stand in the middle of the room, waving his hands to quieten everybody down. “So, we are all sure no one saw the trophy on the bus," he paused, looking around. "Which means only one thing - we left the trophy at the palace."
"But wouldn't someone, like a guard or something, have seen it and returned it to us by now if we left it there?" Noussair added.
"Maybe they haven't seen it yet because it's too dark?" Elias suggested.
"That place is lit up like a carnival though. If it's there, someone should have seen it already." Abdelhamid interjected.
"There's only one thing to do" Hakim went to stand next to Romain. "We break into the palace."
"And how do you suggest we do that?" Munir scoffed.
"We climb over the walls." Hakim stated as if it was the most obvious fact.
"Break into the most secure place in Qatar? Are you crazy?" Yassine retorted. "They catch you going over that wall, you're not seeing the light of day ever again."
"Or..." Sofyan started from where he had somehow managed to slump himself on the couch, "each one of us take on a guard. We incapacitate them and that way, we get in and out without anyone noticing us."
"I vote for this plan." Hakim said, high-fiving Sofyan. The rest of them looked at the two as if they were crazy.
"We just need to be reasonable about the way forward." Yassine tried, "We tell Walid and he will contact the palace to get it back."
"No, no, no" Capi gestured. "We cannot tell Walid. “The Minister of Sports is here. If he gets involved, this will become a whole diplomatic matter and the story will end up in the press."
Then Romain felt like everybody was talking over each other, each of them getting louder as they tried to get their suggestion across. Romain was questioning everything in his life that led him to being captain of this team.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
Romain held his finger up to signal everyone to stay quiet as he nodded to Nayef to open the door.
"Coach" Nayef squeaked from the door.
They were so doomed.
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deluluduck227 · 5 months
Hot Tub Event | Hakim ZIYECH
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Warning: kinda smutty but not smut
Summary: In which Hakim is having too much fun in the hot tub with his wife.
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"Okay! Let's set some rules! First thing first, the water will not touch my hair, and if it does you'll take the blame so be careful!"You babbled as you set your foot in the hot tub that Hakim rented just for the two of you. He looked relaxed and yummy as ever, spreading his arms on the tub's edge in a manly manner, he was to die for. He eyed you up and down, making sure to gaze at every inch of naked skin in his sight, and his eyes sparkled as if it was the first time seeing you. He tapped the tub's edge as a sign for you to join him which you approved. "You like what you see?" " Oh you know I always do!" You sat next to him if it wasn't on him, Your legs across his lap while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He also wrapped his arms around your slim waist pulling you dangerously close to him, moving his hand up and down your stomach making you shiver. " Life is treating me fairly at the moment! You by my side, more than I deserve!" His velvet voice was a little above a whisper and your love for him was warmer in your veins. You switched positions, saddling him while sticking your upper body to his, drawing him impossibly close. "I just love you so much." You whispered softly, flicking his cheeks with your thumbs, adorning his beautiful features. His eyebrows rose together in amazement at your sudden boldness. His eyes were like mud, perfectly matched with the frown that permanently stained his face. His aquiline nose added character to his face. Your gaze fell to his lustrous lips and you couldn't stop yourself as you pulled him into a kiss. His lips felt so familiar it hurt your heart. His breathing had become more strained; his muscles tensed. You let yourself sink into his embrace as his hands flattened against your spine. The smell of your perfume, of the soft, peachy scent of your conditioner, was dizzying, butterflies dancing in your stomach. But warmth consumed you as you leaned into the kiss, Hakim’s lips impossibly soft against your own. You soon started to move your hips slowly against his as you felt him jerk underneath you, groaning lowly into your mouth. " Don't start something you can't finish." He spoke as soon as he parted your lips apart, His voice was deep like the rumbling of the earth while his eyes were raging with desire. " Please I need you! " He chuckled at your pleading tone "Babe you know I take control, you'll be unable to walk properly for a week, and you don't want to explain that to the others." He was teasing you, his gravelly voice sounded low and rough and it only made your desire grow. " Hakim! Please! " You were so desperate and he couldn't hold back anymore. "All right, let's get you out of here! We don't want to get your hair wet!"
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Hakim blessing us with those ig posts and i had to write smg abt it ! Enjoy !
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0alanasworld0 · 10 months
Sickness & Health (Hakim Ziyech x reader)
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Request: Hi! Please can yiu write something about hakim ziyech taking care of his sick wife( period) or the inverse you pick 😘 also i missed your writing
warnings: none
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Hakim wakes up with a smile on his face almost immediately. The curtains allow beams of golden sunlight to peek into your shared bedroom. You were going to have to wake up for work soon but today was one of his scarce rest days. So for once, he was waking up with you instead of ridiculously early hours of the morning. His arm rests around your waist and his chest against your back. It was a peaceful moment that he wouldn’t trade for the world. 
And it only got better when you turned around and he got to see your cute little face all scrunched up. He could feel his heart ready to burst out of his chest when you shuffled closer to snuggle into him. His arms immediately go around you to pull you even closer, flush against his warm skin. It would have made the moment perfect but you felt unusually warm against him and slightly sticky. He pays attention to your breathing and it sounds almost laboured.
Not long after, he hears you groan and sniff and you pull your head back to cough. However, once you start, you spiral and can’t stop yourself from nearly coughing your lungs out.
“Oh, angel…” He says softly, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead and once again pulling you to lay on top of him, gently playing with your hair as you calmed down from the cough attack.
“It’s just some sniffles, I’ll grab the pain meds and get to work…” you mumble, almost incoherent, as you shift to get off the bed. But Hakim wasn’t having it. He pulls you back in before you can get very far and you’re in no state to fight it so you relent, relaxing back into the covers.
“Absolutely not, I’ll call and let them know that you’re sick and I’LL grab what you need. I’m sentencing you to bed rest for the foreseeable future!” you groan and whine but he’s having none of it. Before he’s out of your bedroom door, you manage to get a few words out.
“Hakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim…” you whine, shifting around and preparing yourself to get up.
“Don’t you ‘Hakim’ me, you’re not going to have to lift a finger and you’re gonna like it!” and with that he’s off and you concede, sinking back into the sheets.
He’s back soon enough with the thermometer, a cup of warm tea and the tablets. You can’t help but smile at the worried look on his face. You weren’t used to people taking care of you like this or being so attentive but Hakim would be Hakim. Always making you his first priority, your comfort and happiness are always at the top of his list. 
“I could get used to this…” taking your first sip of the tea and sighing out at the way it soothed your burning throat. He smiles softly, placing his hand on your back, sneaking under your sleep shirt to smooth circles on the heated skin.
“It’s the least you deserve, sweets.” he whispers,edging his face towards you but you place a hand over his mouth before he can try anything.
“I’m gonna get you sick!” you whine and he huffs with a roll of his eyes.
“I’ll take my chances.” he tries again but once again, you push him away. 
“Hakim…” you warn, tired eyes narrowed and he finally relents. Opting to sit at the edge of the bed as you finished the tea. He can see that you’re struggling to hold your head up and keep your eyes open so he’s quick to gather you in his arms and lay you down, tucking you tightly under the covers and you snuggle into the softness.
“Coooooooold…” you whine and he can’t help but laugh a little. He loved being able to baby you for once. You were always so headstrong, stubborn, so fiercely independent and it was one of the many reasons he admired you but he loved being able to be the one to care for you. Coddle you and cater to your every plea.
“Should I make more tea?” he offers and he can’t really see it with you bundled up in the blankets but you’re shaking your head. Slowly but surely, you manage to find the edge of the blanket, opening it up as if to offer him a spot under the covers with you.
He gladly takes up on it, finding his way under the soft blankets with you and pulling you to his chest again. You hum in relief.
“Mmmmm you’re like a walking space heater!” you mumble and you can’t seem to get close enough to him. He accepts your clinginess, placing a hand at the back of your head to gently scratch at your scalp. It doesn’t take you long to fall asleep after that, perfectly content in his arms and surrounded by his warmth. It was exactly what you needed in your state. 
He was still worried, however. He had to be doing more. Without trying to disturb the sleep you very much needed, he reaches over to grab his phone. He knew exactly who to call.
“Mama?” he whispers, a smile making its way onto his face when he hears the comforting voice on the other side of the line.
“You know that soup you used to make?”
“That’s a top secret recipe, hbibi, you know that!” he can envision her shaking her head at his request.
“I know, I know! But I can’t just leave your daughter-in-law in this kind of state, can I?” and with that, the secrets are finally revealed. You were his mum’s soft spot. She saw you as an absolute blessing in their lives and Hakim often joked that she loved you more than himself. She would do anything for you like you were her own.
“Have you given her the tea?” 
“Of course!”
“How many sugar cubes? I know what you’re like.” he rolls his eyes at her remark, blushing slightly in embarrassment at the memory of the video. He indeed had an insatiable sweet tooth but the Atay?! That was clearly a step too far for everyone. He was teased relentlessly when everyone got hold of zouma’s video. There had to have been at least 5 cubes casually dropped into the tea.
“The normal amount, don’t you worry!”
“Hmm, the last thing the poor angel needs is a cavity!” she laughs and his blush deepens. 
“Okay, mama I’ll call later! I love you, bye!” he hangs up, not needing to be berated anymore for his sugar addiction. 
It seems that his mum wasn’t done with him though because he receives a text shortly after he hangs up the phone. And of course, he had to be reminded about the olive oil. And alongside the reminder is a photo of a little recipe card and a warning to keep the secret within the family. He may have been the only one of his siblings to know but that was about as far as it was going to travel. 
Thankfully, you’re so deep in your sleep that he’s able to worm his way out of your grasp and out of your bed, not forgetting to tuck you back in and pressing a kiss to your forehead before heading down to the kitchen to prepare the soup. It was going to take a while but he supposed that you would be sleeping for a while anyway.
And it definitely does take up most of the morning. He eventually has to get his mum on facetime for some more direct guidance, as direct as he could get, because there was no way he was going to get this wrong. He was going to cure you of whatever was making you feel so horrible.
He’s thrilled when he tastes it and he’s taken back to when he was a kid. Taking a couple days off school and getting the house to himself while the rest of his siblings were in school. Watching cartoons and enjoying his soup. Very few things beat that for him. It was pretty common for him and all of his siblings to try and feign sickness to enjoy it but their mother was much smarter than that, much to their dismay.
Hakim is almost tempted to finish the batch himself and reward himself for his success but he manages to stop himself and remember the task at hand. 
By the time he’s up the stairs and back in your bedroom, soup and even more tea and some water all ready for you, the first thing he sees is your adorable grumpy face. At least he wasn’t going to have to wake you up.
“Hakim, it’s freezing!” you complain, somehow completely unaware of the sauna you were in.
“I’m sorry angel but I come bearing gifts!” he gestures to the tray but you’re having none of it. You felt exhausted and cold and the last thing on your mind was food. So you did the sensible, mature thing and fell back into the sheets, turning away so you weren’t facing him. 
It may not have been the best reaction to you in your state but he had to laugh a little bit. You huff a little louder in disapproval and he manages to pull himself together before he really upset you.
“Angel, c’mon! You need to eat something if you want to feel better!” he urges but you’re still crumpy with him. Firstly for leaving you to freeze alone under your sheets and secondly for laughing at you.
“Not hungry.” 
“Pleaaaaaaaasssse, I promise I won’t leave you alone again?” he attempts to bargain and he hears nothing. So he waits, time slowing down as he worries he’s actually upset you.
“Fine but only because I am a little bit hungry.” you mutter, taking your time to lift yourself to sit up. He happily takes his place next to you, grabbing the spoon but you push at his hand, eyebrows furrowed.
“I can feed myself!” but that clearly wasn’t stopping him.
“I promised that you weren’t going to have to lift a finger, I meant it literally and figuratively!” he jokes and that's what finally gets a laugh out of you. Although you have to stop yourself because it was somehow hurting muscles you didn’t know you had.
Upon the first taste, you’re pleasantly surprised by the dish. It’s delicate on your tongue, all the flavours in perfect harmony and the warmth of the spice soothing on your throat. It was good, really good.
“Your mum is a genius, you know?’ you smirk, avoiding his eyes as you wait for him to realise.
“Hey! How do you know that it wasn’t my own recipe? You could be living with the next Gordon Ramsay for all you know!” You snort at the idea of that. Hakim wasn’t the worst chef in the world by any means, he could get by just fine. But you knew that near-heavenly soul food like this must have been the work of someone entirely different. 
Now it's his turn to sulk so once you’re done with the delicious meal, he leaves the tray on the bedside table, promptly crossing his arms and huffing. Much like you but it was so much funnier on a big, tough guy like him.
“Oh I’m sorry, love! It must have taken you forever and it was amazing! Next Gordon Ramsay?” you nudge him and his face twitches as he tries to hold back a smile. 
“Are you really going to deny me your cuddles in my state?” you pout and he finally looks at you.
“I guess we both owe each other.” he rolls his eyes, pulling you into his warm hold. You smile, sighing out in pure relief when he pulls the blankets over your slightly shivering body, making sure that not a single square inch of your body was even remotely cold.
“I know exactly how you can repay me, you know…” you remove your face from his neck, waiting for his part of the deal.
“I’ve read that kisses are the cure to all and nothing would make me happier than to cure you! And it would only take me a second!” you deflate a little, rolling your eyes and hiding back under his chin as you shake your head as vigorously as you could manage.
“Your payback to me is to make yourself sick?” you scoff.
“It’s just an annoying little side-effect. I’m sure I can cope, as your big strong man hmm?” he tickles your side slightly so another laugh arises from you.
“You’re crazy.”
“You love it so you must be crazier.” Before you can talk back, he softly presses his lips against yours. You allow for the second that he assured but when you try to pull yourself off, he only follows, prolonging it. The hand now cradling the back of your head was indication enough that he wasn’t planning on stopping.
When he finally does release you to breathe, he’s met with your signature scowl and his eyes widen a little.
“ ‘it would only take me a second’ “ you mock.
“Hey I thought I’d up the dose to ensure its effectiveness!”
“Hakim, you’re going to get sick now!” you whine, pouting. Although hakim’s presence made things significantly better for you, you still felt terrible: achy and sore everywhere, you couldn’t breathe through your nose, your throat all itchy and you felt so weak in general. Horrible. The last thing you wanted was for him to be feeling that way too.
“I’ll be fine! Athlete genes are built different anyway.” he reassures but you’re not buying it at all. And you would argue but you were overcome with exhaustion and all of a sudden, sleep was just sounding too good to pass up. 
Hakim is surprised by your silence and he worries but only for a moment. He feels your slow breathing against his neck, still slightly laboured but sounding a little better than the morning so he considers his time slaving away in the kitchen an ultimate success.
He decides not the disturb you although he could imagine how cute you looked with your face squished under his chin and against his neck. He also decides against leaving the bed again because the idea of snuggling up with you sounded like a beautiful one. He couldn’t think of a better way to spend the rest of the day. And soon enough, he falls into a peaceful slumber too although his grip around your body doesn’t loosen at all. 
The next few days go very much the same. Much to your dismay, he does call off his training so that he can take care of you but it was nothing to him. You were far more important than anything in his eyes. He keeps to his word, waiting on you hand and foot; ready and waiting to fulfil every request of yours and somehow without getting sick of it. Any opportunity to spoil you, he took with open arms. His hard work and love doesn’t go to waste as you’re back to your usual self in no time.
Around 4 days after you first got ill, you wake up and you dread opening your eyes. You contemplated whether the splitting headache was even worth it. It was an inevitability that you despised. But you were feeling a little restless and it had been a while since you felt energetic enough to even get out of bed. When you do eventually open your eyes, first the left and then the right, you’re pleasantly surprised when you don’t feel your head spinning. The next test is breathing in, you didn't like having to constantly remind yourself to breathe through your mouth rather than your nose. And you didn’t like further irritating your sore throat by taking in the crisp air. You’re delighted when you realise that the stuffy nose has gone away too. 
For the first time in what feels like forever, you’re feeling great. Like a whole new girl. But your attempt to rush out of bed to celebrate comes to a halt when you feel the arm draped across your waist constrict around you and pull you closer. Next you hear a loud groan followed by some coughs. You tried to warn him but alas.
“I feel horrible, angel! What on earth is wrong with me?” he wonders out loud.
“I’ll give you 3 guesses…” you shake your head, kissing his forehead before untangling yourself for him. You supposed it was your turn to dote on him for the next few days.
“Would your mum be okay with sharing that recipe with her dearest daughter-in-law?” you whisper and he chuckles a little, although a painful cough stops him in his tracks.
“You know the answer to that, my love.”
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honestly still feeling a little bummed from that anon but y'know, we move on. thank you guys for being so supportive and kind abt it, i love you all very much and i hope u enjoy <3
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