clutchpowers · 2 years
LCU Pokémon AU? LCU Pokémon AU! Any thoughts on what Pokémon some of the characters would get? I'll start - Frank gets a Bidoof.
OOHHH ill do the other core 3 then i government assign chase - mr.mime, natalia - weavile, and ellie - drilbur
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halfbreeddege · 10 months
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*Tumblr has it out for me. This is the 3rd time I'm trying to post this**
Awww, the few who voted, you guys are awesome! It truly boosts my confidence. <3 <3 <3
Ok, I'm opening up commissions. I'll take TWO at a time so I don't overwhelm myself.
Prices: Line art, 1 character for $10 If you want color (flats/shading/highlights) it'll be $20 Any questions, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE to ask me.
Payments will be paid via PayPal.
Commissions will be provided as a .png but I can also provide the .psd or clip studio file if you want it.
I'll draw: SFW Fanart Your OC - I'll need references though, please.
You can reach out to me here on Tumblr or on my Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/halfbreeddege or on my Twitter: https://twitter.com/HBDege
Again, here's some examples of some line art:
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cyrusbugged · 3 years
Dude! What a cowinky dink! I just saw Encanto yesterday too! :D Yes! Bruno's my favorite character too <3 (actually he seems to be the fan favorite out of the familia). Oh no, now I'm thinking of an Encanto Ninjago AU. Lloyd would be the Maribel ("Green isn't an element!") I wanna say Garm would be Abuela, but that would probably be Wu. Garm might be the Bruno since both have a bit of a rough path. Would the BD or the monastery be Casita?
GAH why won’t this post… cyrusphobic methinks…
but yooo that’s awesome!!! and yes bruno he is def the fan favorite,, but can you blame us? he’s just a little guy. a sweetheart. also had some Very lesbian thoughts over dolores and louisa. (also also thinking of making an encanto sideblog for hcs pfft-)
but AHHH yes encanto ninjago au,,, lloyd would def be mirabel in this situation methinks. and wu would absolutely be abuela, since i kinda see some similarities between the two. garm would def be the bruno, since they both had a p rough past. (they would be rlly good friends i think…)
the monastery would def be casita!
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breathlessmorro · 3 years
Oh snap. SCP AU shenanigans! If you got the time, lets have some more Cyrus Borg headcanons please. Maybe this will help my muse some.
Halfbreed, I will literally sell you my soul and the soul of my mother to fuel your muse but since you asked I guess I'll settle for some
Cyrus Borg Headcanons p.t... Idk (SCP au)
Cryptor is actually Cyrus' son and Pixal's younger brother, and he and Cyrus used to be very close before Cyrus started becoming aware of how inhumane the Foundation's treatment of SCPs was. At first he tried to get Cryptor to understand, but his son was too deeply indoctrinated by the 05 Council at this point, and Cyrus had to accept that his son wouldn't stand for reason.
Borg Tower was actually a gift to Cyrus from Pixal's and Cryptor when they were children, as he was often bored at work and needed something to distract his big brain. The Jenga tower has since been been his favorite item in his entire office, and that's why he refuses to let anyone touch it.
Cyrus likes to visit Wu's cell when he can. In the past, before he realized how horrible his actions were, Wu used to be his favorite test subject, and he even tried to test the anomalous properties of the Overlord on him. He deeply regrets his actions now, and Wu has forgiven him.
His relationship with Dr. P is... An unusual one. While he tries to displace her attention from the actual experiments on the SCPs, he knows that if she's in town with the other higher ups, there is nothing he can do to stop her, but he certainly likes to make his dislike of her obvious.
He likes to roll over the toes of any researchers who attempt to torture the SCPs, and wave it off as him being clumsy and not paying attention to where he's going.
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Asked by @fandomrecycling, @halfbreeddege, @keplered, @elizabethrzg, @kira-time, and Anonymous
“Wer’re all friends here— or, at least, we try not to let grudges get in between all of us. We can’t afford to be driven apart when we’re barely allowed anything as is, it’s just asking for those goons to solidify their control over us further. Though, aside from Neuro and Karlof, I am friends with Morro— I woke up here with him in the cell next to me, kind of ironic to wake up inprisioned next to your Master’s mortal enemy’s son, huh? 
But Jacob and Griffin are also pretty cool. They both work in the agriculture department, like Morro, so I don’t get to see them outside of mealtimes much, though.”
(Reblogs > Likes)
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love4my2cats · 7 years
halfbreeddege said:
Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys!
cupcakeforger said:
fingers crossed for my two favorite kitties on tumblr!!!
mistletoe25 said:
Hope your kitties will be okay. Sending good thoughts and well wishes to you and them.
bonniewendy888 said:
Oh, no!  Please keep us posted!  All good kitty thoughts your way!
spiral0city said:
All good wishes coming your way for both your kitties.
accidentalajumma said:
I hope they are ok!
nikittypaprika said:
oh no :’( so sorry to hear that, im really wishing the best outcome possible in this situation for both your cats
Thank you so much, guys! It means the world to me. We are about to get going. Vet appointment in an hour. Fingers crossed. Thank you.
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lynxgriffin · 8 years
First off, want to say I'm really enjoying all your comics. I also like how you're including the amalgamates in your comics too (they really do need lots of love, the poor fellows). Your art is amazing. Did Reaper Bird get the candy? I see them walking off with a bag of chips.
Thanks very much, glad that you are enjoying them! XD And yes, Reaper Bird got the candy. Alphys brought enough for them to have multiples, so Reaper Bird got a candy and a bag of chips. 
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clutchpowers · 2 years
I LOVE your LCU roleswap AU. Can you show us any other swapped characters in that AU? :3
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halfbreeddege · 6 years
For like all 5 of my followers
Tumblr seems to be going down in flames, baby! So if ya want, you can also follow me at:
Deviantfart: https://www.deviantart.com/halfbreeddege
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HBDege 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hbdege/?hl=en
Hell, you can even find me at Pixiv:  https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1173039
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cyrusbugged · 3 years
Got anymore Garmadon & Ronin shenanigans? :3
oh lord- these two are my fav pair tbfh
- there was a situation they got in, where somehow garm managed to get kidnapped while out helping the ninja with a mission
- ronin was in the area where garm had been kidnapped, and the ninja couldn’t get there in time so they just asked ronin if he could help
- he’s like “yeah sure” but obviously if he gets something out of it, considering the fact it is ronin
- so he manages to sneak in the place where garm was captured, however he manages to get caught and captured, and thrown into the same place garm is in
- garm’s like “you’ve got to be kidding me.”
- ronin, being ronin, is trying to be chill like “uh yeah, so i tried to rescue you-“
- and garm is just like “and you obviously did not succeed.”
- eventually the ninja saved the two, but for those few hours garm and ronin were stuck together was a nightmare for the older man
- there were also times where garm would catch ronin trying to scam out people in the tea shop and he immediately shuts it down, but in a way where the costumer thinks they’re just being offered a better deal from garm and ronin is just like 😐
- he goes “im just trying to do business!” and garm is like “you are ripping people off!”
- lloyd’s never heard his dad curse before and when he hears him yell “no, what you are being is an ASSHOLE” from the front end after closing, he fuckin dips
and yeah. <3
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breathlessmorro · 3 years
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So glad you asked @rosiehunterwolf !
So my SCP au (while horrendously inactive at the moment since I turned off my asks) is basically the characters of NinjaGo placed into the SCP universe. For those unfamiliar with SCP, it's essentially a fandom run storyline about anomalous entities who have been placed into security facilities by a group known as the Foundation, or the 05 Council. SCP stands for the company's slogan, "Secure. Contain. Protect." This applies to both the SCPs themselves, and the rest of the world.
Another major part of the SCP universe is the D-Class Personnel, as they are who you typically play as in the games. D-Class members are essentially criminals placed onto death row who are given a chance to get time off their sentences/get out of jail. They can do this by participating in experiments involving the SCPs. Basically the Suicide Squad. There's a ton of lore based around the fandom, and the games are very well known (especially the iconic, "Containment Breach.")
In the au I've created, it's kind of like a, "Bad Guys Win," au since the Foundation is canonically not a good group of people. They consistently mistreat the SCPs, and the D-Class personnel, which most of the main cast of NinjaGo make up in this au.
You can find any of the content for the au on my blog with the tag, "scp au," as I tag every single post. It's mostly run by anon asks and myself randomly posting about it, but I've gotten a couple of arts from people like @halfbreeddege and @keity-devil - whose art I have already reblogged! I definitely recommend giving them both a follow, as Keity has also written a one shot for the au!
Also!!! There is a bit of shipping in my au, the more prominent relationships being KaixMorro, JayxNya, ZanexPixal, GarmadonxMisako, and some one-sided SkylorxNya as well as some one-sided ColexZane.
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alduinlovesyou · 6 years
halfbreeddege replied to your post “I can donate $10 if you tell us what your ball date is going to do to...”
Dapper Goose makes a great dance partner too.
I got footage of that I’m saving for a rainy day~
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cosmicguts · 9 years
First off, your Undercafe AU is awesome!
ahh thank youu!!!
I’m not quite sure what role would Frisk play, there’s a few like Frisk and Monster Kid that are really young so its kinda hard incorporating them into this sort of au
So for now, it’s up to interpretation~
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lynxgriffin · 9 years
Hola! Thought I'd just let you know that your Undertale comic is amazing! You even included Snowdrake's mom! You totally broke my heart! That is a compliment, mind you. ;)
Thank you sooo much, I’m glad that you liked it! (And sorry for the broken heart!)
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clutchpowers · 3 years
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halfbreeddege asked: I don't know who the hell's in charge of the LCU Wiki but they got Chase marked as the next Ice Ninja for some crazy reason. Aw heck, now I kinda want to see that for poops and giggles.
"Bring the chills!" (his exclusive battle quote before fighting)
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cyrusbugged · 3 years
What's your favorite Sensei Garmadon moment? Lord Garmadon moment? And which side character do you think is underrated and would love to see more of?
OOOH okay i have two sensei g moments. first one is when he comes back in rebooted after being yeeted off by evil wu and attacks pythor and pythor says “but your oath! you swore you’d never fight!” and garmadon goes “when you took my son, all bets were off.” i just ahsjwjd his voice and protective papa bear garmadad <33
the second one is when he’s being banished to the cursed realm and says to lloyd, “i yearned to make the world in my image. i never realized i already had, in you.” it makes me sob
my fav lord garmadon moment is when he and lloyd have that little chat after they get the fangblades back from pythor. it’s so sweet and it rlly shows how much garm cares for lloyd <33
a side character i think is absolutely underrated and id love to see more of? hm… probably borg or neuro,, i love them both very much and i think they should have more screen time :))
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