cardinalira · 4 years
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Piss Lyset Tar Oss or whatever the fuck varg vikernes said
if these memes aren’t a good enough advertisement of the ghost oc rp server i don’t know what the fuck is (Message me for the link)
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exquisiteccrpse · 4 years
👫 (@halflingvero)
send a 👫 && i’ll write four headcanons i have about our muse’s relationship // @halflingvero
party ghouls. except when these two party together there’s major fire damage.it keeps happening , and they somehow haven’t got caught yet. or maybe there’s just no witnesses. it’s a mystery.
any time vero’s references his duties as an informant he just keeps upping his price. if she ever genuinely needed his services , no hesitation ( not that he’d admit this ). until then , she can keep saving up for a payment plan. he’s got gucci to shop for.
sometimes , out of nowhere , they just seem like they’re gonna fight. teeth bared , snarling. mean and snarky , nipping at each other’s throat. they’re just fucking around with some fire ghoul energy but it can startle anyone passing by with all the ghoulish aggressiveness.
smoke breaks above the courtyards where the clergy stray cats can still venture. they sneak a shit ton of scraps and spend a while with the kitties away from the hellscape they live in on the daily.
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ghulehdoctor · 4 years
A steaming mug of coffee was cradled gingerly in her hands as she made her way through the quiet halls of the church. It was getting late, and she was on her third batch of paperwork, so another cup of coffee was due. By this point, she was used to everyone heading to bed, thus leaving her with quiet halls and an empty church. But tonight... she wasn’t alone.
She heard the raised voice before she saw who they belonged to. Turning the corner, the doctor spotted who was having such a heated debate- Vero, and... Was that Lucifer? The halfing threw her hands in the air, and Lucifer looked more than pleased with himself. They were tucked up against the opposing wall, and were hardly mincing words. What all were they talking about that was so damned important this late at night?
Faye cleared her throat, rounding the corner as she took a sip from her coffee. “You both alright? It’s later, and you both seem like you’re having a rather... heated talk there.”
Maybe she was just checking in because she was curious, maybe it was because she was trying to make sure Vero wouldn’t burn anything down, or that Lucifer would goad anyone into doing anything they’d regret.
@halflingvero @mr-lucifer-mornlngstar
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satanicstfrancis · 5 years
closed starer for @halflingvero
It had been a month since Omega had arrived, and so far, Errett had kept her distance. She was adamant that Air and Omega spend time together without her. Mostly, she was afraid he would feel like she was butting in and resent her for it. If he could see that she was capable of sharing Air, there would be one less reason to dislike her.
It was hard enough figuring out what to do in a relationship with one ghoul, let alone two, and Errett had lost her two biggest confidants when if came to relationships. 
But tonight, she was joining Air and Omega for a dinner she was making. Omega had brought back spices from Hell, and Errett had offered to try to cook with them. There was one in particular that tasted an awful lot like paprika, so she had decided on beef stew with fresh bread and an apple pie.
Vero would have bawked at the idea of proving oneself to be a worthy mate. She’d be perched on the counter while Errett cooked, making fun of her the whole time while swiping mouthfuls of food and making the blonde feel infinitely better and more relaxed.
It’s not the 50’s, Blondie, they should be making you dinner. They’re already lucky enough to get to grab your boobs. You’re like a fucking Stepford Wife.
Errett slammed the oven door harder than she had meant to. She ached for Vero often throughout the day, and she imagined she would for awhile yet. The bubbling stew, as good as it smelled, was a poor distraction.
I hope she’s filling Ouija’s water bowl.
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She looked at the floor while holding out the gift card, packaged in a little pop-up card shaped like a couch. "Don't ask how I got it. Yeah, I know you don't need it. But the thought is supposed to count, or something." @halflingvero
Lucifer raised a cautious brow as Vero approached him. She wasn’t meeting his eyes and her walk wasn’t as confident as it usually was, but that didn’t mean she was up to any good.
He took the gift card, but looked back to her before reacting. What’s the catch, he wondered silently.
He waited, but there didn’t appear to be one. He could tell by how much she seemed to hate to be doing this. Lucifer grinned mischievously before pulling Vero into a hug. Not because he was much of a hugger, he wasn’t—at all, but because she was even less of one. He did let her off after she’d trashed his room, after all. “Thank you, Vero. Errett wasn’t fibbing about there being a bit of kindness in you, after all.”
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aeruginoussulfur · 5 years
The halfling let out an exasperated sigh and flopped across the piano, halting the air ghoul mid melody. "This is a mess," she said, blowing at the nest of messy hair that stuck to her face. Even a fire ghoul couldn't work with this humidity. "Help me get this shit out of my face. You can braid hair pretty." @halflingvero ((fingers crossed that tunglr dont eat this one))
Air winced at the abrupt clang of the keys, pushed himself up from the piano bench, and gently hauled Vero off of the piano with both hands. Setting her down easily on the bench, he crossed his arms, glaring lightly.
“My piano is not a couch. Don’t do that again. Now, what is it that you want from me?”
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sinful-thaumaturge · 5 years
🔪 (time to meet this binch) @halflingvero
First door? Locked. Second? Locked. Third? Fourth? Fifth? Locked, locked, locked! People fucked one another right in the halls of this place and yet not one unlocked, unguarded door?
Malfrit was beginning to panic. His kill had been ruined by that twink of a fire ghoul and now he was just running around with his vessel covered in blood. He had to find somewhere to lay low and let his vessel come back to consciousness. He didn’t have a ton of time, she was starting to fight him. Subconsciously, of course. She wanted to wake up and he was having a difficult time keeping her down. If he could just find her room, or any room, he could get rid of the bloody clothes, shower off and let her think everything was a dream. He didn’t need her catching wind of what he was trying to do, not yet. 
Finally, one handle clicked, but it opened the wrong way. Out came the halfling his vessel liked so much. This was just not the crossroad collector’s night.
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pallidi-rebellis · 5 years
When she spotted him, the halfling leapt down from her spot up in the rafter, landing perched on his back and shoulders. The large aether ghoul lost his balance a bit but didn't topple, letting out a startled sound as Vero sprung off of him as quickly as she'd sprung on. "Welcome back, himbo!" she said.
“Agh, oh, fuck—“
The noise that came out of Ferrus’ mouth was more of a squeal than anything, accentuated with swears and frantic hand movements as he tried to dislodge whatever the fuck had just plopped itself basically on top of his head. He didn’t need to, in the end, as his assailant jumped off almost as soon as they’d landed on him. He shook his head, fixing his vest as he spun on his heel to face his attacker—
Oh, it was Vero, resident rafter goblin. He should have expected that, shouldn’t’ve he?
Despite his feined exasperation, the aether ghoul was unable to hide that he was happy to see her. He sighed and gave a tired grin, rolling his eyes.
“Vero, Vero, never change!
“Himbo? Oh—oh, I see what you did. Clever. How ya been, weirdo?”
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cinnabaritebouquet · 5 years
"Whatcha doin' with that chicken?" the halfling asked, catching the unknown ghoul off guard. She obviously knew what this ghoul's intentions were. She crept out of the shadows, gentle candle like plumes of fire blowing at the tips of her horns. "I sure hope you weren't planning on eating that, since I'm pretty sure that one's not on the chopping block." As she continued to talk, she let her flames strengthen, eyes glowing in the night. - @halflingvero
“you know damn well what l want to do but since you caught me, fine”
she drops the chicken who slowly walks away from the weird ghouls, her hands are up to show she not holding anything besides that chicken, hoping the other can’t see her  Satchel
“guess no chicken dinner for me, get anything besides that to say to me, miss fire horns “
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abyssalghoul · 6 years
Fuming, Vero stormed over to where the deep sea ghoul was reading. She nearly closed the book on his fingers when she snapped it shut, snatching and throwing it aside. "You'd best fucking watch it," she spat, venomous. "You get off on screwing with my friends, huh? The last time I saw a water ghoul, he was choking on his own ashen heart." -@halflingvero
The sudden disturbance in his concentration startled him so fiercely that his neck fins shot out past the illusion of his glamour, bristling and rattling against his skin. Abyssi’s fingers curled around the arms of the chair he was seated in, lip pulling back in a snarl as the half-ghoul leering over him spat threats in his face. He bared his fangs, pulling himself up in the chair to snap his teeth inches from her face.
“How dare you speak to me as such, little fire ghoul? I don’t even know what you’re talking about. 
“Unless you’re somehow friends with that little blonde human. How much lower can you fall, halfling? You think ghouls and humans can be friends?”
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a-little-ghuleh · 5 years
⊙ (( @halflingvero ayyy))
I think you are:
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak | 
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eeriegastronomer · 5 years
It was 2am and she was restless. Vero wandered the halls and picked up the smell of something sweet, tracking it to the main kitchen. Just the sort of strange and interesting she'd been looking for. The halfling crept silently into the kitchen, the cinnamon scent filling her nostrils. She cocked her head when she spotted the source: a small ghoulette - one she did not recognize - pulling a cake from the oven. She snuck closer, just behind her. "Hey. Whatcha making, stranger?" -@halflingvero
The spice cake reminded Ana of the tea aromas she had set out to replicate, heavy with cinnamon and black tea. She pumped her fist gleefully and bent to pull it out, mouth watering in anticipation. It was so special she’d gotten ice cream. It was going to be wonderful.
She had not accounted for the surprise of a voice in her ear. Ana jumped, kneeing the oven door closed in the process, and just managed to toss the pan onto the counter before she hit the rafters. It thudded against the back board as Ana stared at the stranger, rumbling deep in her throat. Her chest heaved.
Why would you do that?! she projected angrily without thinking. Her tail lashed in the air. I could have ruined my cake!
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exquisiteccrpse · 5 years
continued from here | @halflingvero
OH , THAT'S WHO. " fuckin' cardinal -------- " a curse under his breath , muffled by his iron mask and emphasized by an AGITATED TWITCH towards the furred end of his tail. of course HE would. so easily given away by his favored choice of words. the ghoul exhales sharply through his nose before joining her on the floor.
fingers hook in the jaw of his mask to shed himself of it , balaclava following with a hard jerk and he runs his fingers to tame the pale blonde MESS in its wake. gently , his mask is set next to him , “ mm , good luck. i can be very , very useless. ”  fingers slip around the neck of the bottle and he tips his head back as he takes a rather large drink , savoring the BURN down his throat and the warmth it fuels , despite the RANCID flavor staining his taste buds. another shitty side affect of his AFFLICTION , cursed with an appreciation for only flesh and VISCERA IN HIS JAWS. green eyes lift slowly to the other with a brief stare before a sharp BARK of laughter slipped between his teeth , “ for five dollars i’d tell you to fuck off. ” fucking HILARIOUS ; easiest five dollars he would have ever made. 
lips split in a POINTED SMILE as he shakes his head and passes the weighty bottle back to the ghoul. cigarettes and lighter dug from his uniform and he places a cancer stick between full lips , “ i’m guessin’ you’re vero , then. ”  
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ghulehdoctor · 5 years
Vero peeked her head into the clinic. "Hello? Doc?" When no one answered, she stepped inside, peering over at the vacant desk. "Aaaaanyone in? Help, I'm dying, I have a machete and twelve knives in my ass, oh no, I'm bleeding out," she said, deadpan. She laughed a bit at the following silence and began to raid the lolipop jar. @halflingvero
There was something to be said about the silence of the clinic. It was soothing, almost relaxing when she wasn’t hunched over her desk doing paperwork, which she was, in fact, not doing. The doctor had tucked herself off in the corner, drinking a cup of coffee and reorganizing some of the medicine cabinets when the blissful silence was broken.
She couldn’t help the snort of amusement at Vero’s deadpan tone, and collected her coffee to go out and greet her.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the lollipop goblin. Not actually bleeding out this time. Nice change of pace.” Taking a sip from her mug, she observed the halfling with a little smirk. 
“What’s brought you to my corner of paradise? Just the lollipops?” 
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satanicstfrancis · 5 years
Well, you did get hurt for me.
Even if Vero wasn’t mad, and Errett knew the ghoul loved a good fight, especially one where she won, she still had to deal with Tempest. All of her time with Ffion from here on out was going to be supervised visits, if she even got that. Which would be fair. She was just happy the kit was alright.
“You’d be so good at it. You seem so much stronger. I bet you could kill any monster now, even something really scary. Like Ursula the Sea Witch. And you could make the church pay you for it. And then you could impress Val with your super cool job. And you wouldn’t have to have a boss and you wouldn’t get in trouble for fighting.”
Something like that would be so cathartic for her and it would make her the good guy, which Errett knew Vero wanted, even if she would never admit it in a million years.
“And people could write books about you. You’d be like a superhero. And I took another computer lesson, so I can make you business cards now.”
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"Hey. Juicy Lucy. Word on the street is you're a himbo." she said as he passed, breathing out a puff of smoke from her cigarette. "And that's just some of the things they're saying." @halflingvero
Lucifer saw Vero as he walked past, but for Errett’s sake, he decided not to push her buttons this time. Until she spoke first, that is. “Himbo?” He asked, coming back with a brow raised. He hadn’t a clue what it meant.
He cracked a small smile when she said there were more things being said about him, “Well, I do give quite a lot to talk about.” He said proudly.
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