lnejnina · 6 years
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@tscsapphicnet event two: haline day 2018
“She’s the light of my days.”
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kittrook · 6 years
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tscsapphicnet event two ⟶ haline day 2018
Helen remembered the first love note Aline had ever written her. “the curves of your lips rewrite history. The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold.” Later, she’d found out it was an Oscar Wilde quote, and had said to Aline, smiling, “you’ve got a lot of nerve.” Aline had looked back at her steadily. “I know. I do.”
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ssamart · 6 years
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its that time of year again!!! happy haline day!!!!!!!!!!
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tscsapphicnet · 6 years
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EVENT TWO: haline day 2018
Last year @catarinalosss, @fcirfolk, @emmarosales, and @tiberiusblacktorn held Haline Day 2017, inspired by malec week, a day dedicated to @cassandraclare’s characters Aline Penhallow and Helen Blackthorn and their iconic relationship. The reaction was incredible and the beautiful content for Helen and Aline increased immensely.
To carry on the tradition and to continue to cherish these lovely canon wives, we’re holding it again this year!
To take part, all you need to do is create anything centred around Haline. edits, art, writing, headcanons, you name it. Tag all of your creations with #halineday2018 and they will be queued to this network. our members and anyone else who loves Haline can track the tag. If you can’t create any Haline content, reblogging things from the tag is enough to take part.
Due to the short notice, haline day isn’t confined to just one day, so you can still post content for them in the tag throughout the following days without any difference, but the official day is September 3rd 2018.
reblog to spread the word!
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nazyaleskyzoya · 6 years
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for haline day 2018: mermaid!helen x mundane!aline AU
“the curves of your lips rewrite history”
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tiberiusn · 6 years
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@tscsapphicnet event two: haline day
beautiful wives <33
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jesperfvhey · 6 years
haline day is really goin strong im so happy it’s doin so well my heart 💘💞💖💓💘💞💖
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titsthedamnseason · 6 years
you guys i’m eating a frittata on haline day this is aline’s power
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tiilnna · 6 years
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happy haline day!! 
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babslightwood · 6 years
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@tscsapphicnet event 2: haline day 2018
❝Helen remembered the first love note Aline had ever written her. “The curves of your lips rewrite history. The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold.” Later, she’d found out it was an Oscar Wilde quote.❞
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thomastair · 6 years
Haline + 13
haline—“i thought you were dead.”
At the end of the hallway a door opened into a large room. Aline blinked at the sudden onslaught of bright light from the windows that lined the far wall. Through the glass she could see the green of the lawn that stretched for acres behind the house.
She touched the seraph blade at her side for comfort and scanned the room.
The polished wood floor was marred by burns. A pentagram was painted in the center of the space amid scraps of paper and half melted candles.
Aline picked up a newspaper clipping, the edges were charred and smudged her fingers black with ash. The date on the newspaper read 1928.
What the hell. She thought, taking one more step into the vast room, footsteps made inaudible by the runes she’d inked onto her skin an hour ago.
—the night before—
“What’s the plan?” Alec said, brushing the dark hair off of his forehead.
Magnus sighed and took a sip of what had to be his third coffee. It was late and through the curtains Aline could see the yellow illumination of street lights.
Aline didn’t know if Magnus has rented the flat they were staying in, or if he owned it from the previous years he’d lived in Venice. Aline didn’t know much about Magnus. She still didn’t know whether she trusted him. All of the things she’d been taught about warlocks kept spinning around inside her skull.
The most dangerous downworlders. Her mother had once told her over dinner.
Her father had chuckled and replied. No, that’d be the faeries.
“Well obviously somebody has to go in.” Helen said, sitting down beside Aline, carefully holding her freshly made coffee.
Aline jumped, making sure to put space between their legs, painfully aware of the other girl’s bare skin. She didn’t know why Helen made her feel so jumpy, Aline had always been self assured and confident.
Magnus sighed. “We don’t know what enchantments are laid on the house. I can’t enter because there are undoubtedly anti-warlock spells that’ll keep out any warlock who might be after information”
“Can’t you get through those spells?” Alec asked.
“Definitely, but it’ll be much quicker for you three to exercise your shadowhunter rights and perform a search. No downworlder in their right mind is going to stop you outright.”
Helen leaned forward, pale blond hair shifting to reveal the pointed tips of her ears. “Won’t it be more discreet if only one of us goes in? There might be spells against multiple people entering at once right?”
Magnus nodded, light glinting off his earrings. “We just need to get a look around, that’s all. See if there’s been any demon summoning and the like.”
“Yeah it’s not a raid.” Alec said, tapping one finger thoughtfully. “We don’t need to all go.” He sat up straighter. “I can do it.”
Aline watched the barely perceptible shift in Magnus’s face before he opened his mouth to undoubtedly argue against Alec putting himself in danger. So it is more dangerous than he’s letting on.
“I’ll go.” She said, feigning indifference. “I’ve always wanted to see an illegal warlock lair.”
“Oh.” Helen said, sounding disappointed. “Are you sure?”
Aline shot her a look. “Why wouldn’t I be sure?”
Helen took a hurried sip of coffee. “No reason—never mind.”
Magnus and Alec exchanged a glance that Aline couldn’t read and she glared at Alec until he returned his attention back to the blueprints of the warlocks’ house. “Okay then.” He muttered. “Let’s do this.”
The entire house shook. Dust rained down from the ceiling as Aline stumbled and righted herself. Her sight rune on the back of her hand tingled, and as she looked she realized that warlock runes had been painted and scratched and scribbled around the room. Webs of glowing blue runes traced themselves, crisscrossing under Aline’s feet in rows, their shapes foreign to her eyes.
Scraps of paper blew in a whirlwind as the floor began to bend upwards, the house giving a concerning rumble.
Aline realized what was about to happen and sprang into action. As she ran towards one of the giant windows she caught a glimpse of a strangely familiar rune painted larger than the others on the far wall, it’s lines stark against the wallpaper.
She brought her arms up to protect her head and, as she hit the glass, the house exploded behind her.
Heat seared at her back as Aline went through the windowpane, shards of glass raining down around her.
She hit the lawn and rolled into a crouch, trying to run to get away from the worst of the debris. A second boom knocked her to her stomach and left her ear ringing. Blood rushed down her side and glass cut into her palms. Pain, sharp and hot, coursed through her.
She didn’t know how long she lay there disoriented until a voice shouted her name.
“Aline!” Helen cried skidding to a stop on the torched grass. “By the angel Aline.” Her voice cracked as she fumbled with her stele, bringing it to the side of Aline’s head.
Aline blinked woozily at her. “What’s wrong?”
Helen gripped her shoulder. “I—I thought you were dead.”
Before she could stop herself Aline brought her bloodied hand up to touch Helen’s cheek. Helen went still, blue green eyes finding Aline’s dark ones.
“Believe me.” Aline whispered. “It’ll take more than an explosion for you to get rid of me.” She cleared her throat. “Besides, I’d hate to miss the trouble you get us into.”
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sanktaninazenik · 6 years
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Helen Blackthorn and Aline Penhallow- “They stood at the center of the ceremony, twin suns, and for a moment all the world seemed to spin and turn on them.”
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lxcieherondale · 6 years
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Happy Haline Day everyone ❤️
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frayclary · 6 years
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The curves of your lips rewrite history. The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold  
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