#hamas rapist regime
al-kol-eleh · 6 months
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Nicole Lampert
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
Jewish Defiance
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Below is the speech I gave at a tiny, spirited protest of Jews - and their allies - who faced off a vast, snarling, swarm of pro-Hamas racists marching through London. Thank you to the organisers and those who turn up every week to show the indomitable defiance of the few.
This is a nice day out, isn’t it? What a lovely day out? Isn’t it nice to shlep into London when we could be doing anything else? We all really wanna be doing this on a weekend, don’t we? It ain’t what I want to be doing with my life. I don’t want to be here. I don’t think any of us wanna be here. These idiots are making us waste our time. But you wanna know what’s even more stupid? They’re wasting their time because they are not going to win. The State of Israel and the Jewish people are not going anywhere. We haven’t gone anywhere for three and a half thousand years. We’ve seen off the Romans, the Babylonians, the Nazis. We’ve outlasted all of them. And we’ll outlast these schmucks. Because antisemitic movements don’t have a long shelf life. History is not kind to the antisemite. And neither should we be. Any antisemite who transgresses should be made to suffer within the full scope of the law. They should be made to suffer consequences, socially, occupationally, legally.
Let’s be clear about who they are. We are not the same as them. They are fakes and frauds. Their calls for “ceasefire” aren’t about peace? You’re not for peace if you’re for globalising the intifada. You’re not for peace, if you’re calling for a Palestine from the river to the sea. You’re not for peace if you ignore, justify or excuse Hamas and their rocket attacks and their acts of terrorism against the Jewish People. You’re not for peace if you don’t condemn Hezbollah for firing rockets. You’re not for peace, if you don’t condemn the theocratic, Mullah regime of Iran and their complicity in all of this. You’re not for peace if you haven’t been calling for the complete and unconditional return of the hostages since day one.
If these liars on the streets of London were for peace they would be marching with Palestinian AND Israeli flags. But they aren’t. If they were for peace they would be screaming for the end of Hamas - a criminal rape gang of Islamic fundamentalists dedicated to jihad and the total extermination of all non-muslims. But they aren’t. These liars, these frauds, these Jew haters feign their tears and call for a ceasefire when the rapists Hamas are under the cosh, but they cheer when Israel is attacked. Sod them.
We on the other hand ARE for peace. There is no Jew that doesn’t want a world of peace and love. But you can’t shake hands with someone who’s trying to punch you in the face. And that is all our enemy does. Since Israel’s inception we have extended our hand in peace. But we have been met with punches, and knives, and rocks, and bullets, and car rammings, and rockets, and bombs, and rape, and torture, and murder and kidnapping. And if the world just expects us to take that. And to smile. And to say thank you world for allowing us to be murdered - then sod them. We are not the world’s punching bag, and we will not be sacrificed because of the non-Jewish world’s problems, or because of a superior, supercilious and utterly misplaced notion that they somehow own us and can dictate to Jews who we are, how we must live and how we are to die.
No one else decides our destiny. We do. When our destiny was in the hands of the world - the world bullied and slaughtered us. Zionism liberated us from the shackles of an abusive relationship with the world. And no one gets to tell us we go back into that relationship. The dynamic has changed. Get used to it. Zionism is the self-determination movement of the Jewish people. It is OUR liberation movement. Not yours. It is OUR civil rights movement. Not yours. The minute a non-Jew tries to define who the Jews are, or define Zionism or control our story - they prove exactly why we need Zionism - to liberate us - from them.
And like an abusive partner, many in the world can’t handle us being free. They can’t handle seeing us happy, thriving and getting on with our lives. Antisemites in Europe and America can’t handle seeing a Jewish minority making choices for themselves when they believe that they, the oh so cultured and civilised non-Jewish world, knows best. And antisemites in the muslim world can’t handle seeing a Jewish minority thrive outside the totalitarian confines of Islamic theocracy.
And so they come after us. Wanting to enslave us again. Not gonna happen. We will never be second class citizens or dhimmi again. And if you don’t like it that we fight back - good. I’m glad you don’t like it. Fuck around and find out. We’ll go as long as we need to.
And let me reiterate here: Jews don’t want violence. There are a million things we’d rather do. You are stopping us from achieving our full potential by making us have to fight you. We don’t want to spill blood. Jewish laws reiterate relentlessly the sanctity of blood. And then there was King David - who wasn’t allowed to build the Temple, because his hands were tainted with blood and the wars he had to fight. We are Jews and we wanna do good shit. We want to make advances in art, science and medicine for the good that it brings and for the joy of simply enriching our knowledge of this world.
Jews do not want war. But be under no illusion, if you bring it to us we will give you a war. Because there IS a time for war just as there’s a time for peace. And the time for war is when THEY come to kill us. Don’t fuck with Israel. Because our ancestors weren’t just shepherds and prophets and judges - they were warriors. And what was in them is in us. And just as they gave hell and triumphed over their enemies - we will give our enemies hell and we will triumph and we will win and then we will laugh and we will sing and we will dance - and with a bit of luck - we will make love and create more Jewish babies.
Look at the idiots out there who want to destroy us. They have to sing repetitive rhymes en masse - like morons in a cult - because they’re scared to be individuals. They’re scared to think for themselves. Scared to speak for themselves. They’re scared to be different. They’re scared to stand alone. They need nursery rhymes because they’re scared to engage in the complexities of an imperfect world. They’re morons.
Look at the numbers they have to gather in to feel brave enough to chant what they think? To shout that they want jihad and to kill every Jew between the river and the sea?
People who gather in that volume in order to shout at Jews are scared of Jews - and they should be. Because we’re fucking awesome. Being small in number is not a weakness. It is our superpower. It’s always been the Jewish superpower. It gives each of us ten times the resilience of those who rely on numbers. Never forget, no matter how surrounded you feel, strength is not in numbers, it is in your soul, it is in your heart and it’s in your resourcefulness. And we’ve got all of that. We are small in number but the things we’re each capable of are mighty. So go out every day and be mighty.
And don’t ever forget what Hamas did and what these people support. Darkness. They support darkness. There has never been more moral clarity to a fight than the one we face. What Hamas did on October 7th - demons from hell would ask them to be their teachers. And Hamas promise to do it again and again. A ceasefire is not peace. It’s a downpayment on future blood shed. It’s an investment in future war. The first step for the Middle East to even have a chance of peace is for Hamas to be gone.
Hamas are not the same civilisation as us. No peace can be made with them or anyone who thinks like them.
Our civilisation is worth protecting because it offers something good. The next time you’re in Jerusalem go and visit the Kingdom of David and you will see how precarious our origins were and how miraculous it is that we are still here and the responsibility we have to protect ourselves. David’s Kingdom was tiny. A tiny hillside that offered something new. A small outpost of light in a sea of darkness. It offered a revolution. It rejected what surrounded us. And what were we rejecting? We were rejecting the cruelty of those who engaged in child sacrifice. We were rejecting those who worshipped Moloch and set their own children on fire.
Now look at what’s happening today! Nothing has changed.
We’re facing an enemy who still sacrifice children. Deliberately. In Hamas we have an enemy who encourage their children to die, to blow themselves up, to set themselves on fire, to become so-called martyrs and shaheeds. We face an enemy whose parents praise Allah if one of their children blows themselves up with a suicide bomb to kill other children. We face an enemy that teaches their children in kindergartens, in schools, in mosques and in the home to die. We face an enemy that deliberately hides behind its own, and prevents them from seeking safety, so that they can be harmed in a war that THEY started. We should have no ambiguity and no doubt that we are on the side of good, and that good must triumph. Not just for us, but for this planet, lest that the ancient darkness faced by King David conquer every hillside and plunge the whole world into a night without end.
I want to leave you now with something important. The most important thing. What’s going on with our cruel and wicked enemies is deadly - but it’s also theatre. It’s designed to be a spectacle that scares you. It’s designed to make you crumble inside, give up and walk away. But it’s clear from your presence here today that you will not. And that none of you ever will. I wanna say that you are all fucking brilliant. All of you. You don’t even realise how brilliant you are. Seven months into the most disgusting war against us and here you all are standing tall, not backing down, ready to go on for as long as you need to. You are epic Jews, equal to any Jews of the past.
And don’t let the world spin your heads. Because mark these words: this is the best time to be a Jew in 2000 years. It is the best time to be a Jew in 2000 years. Because we’ve always had enemies. There have always been those who’ve risen up to kill us. But this time, this time we have the State of Israel. The Jewish People are home. They are in their indigenous homeland and they will never be uprooted again.
And because we have the State of Israel we will never be as vulnerable as our ancestors. As bad as things sometimes feel we will never know how vulnerable they felt when the rug was pulled from their feet. And they would be SO happy for us. We are the luckiest Jews in 2000 years. With Israel we can defend ourselves. We can fight back. We have an army. We have infrastructure. We have technology. For the first time in 2000 years the Jews can truly fight back. And if our enemies wanna bring it, they will know we can fight.
So you can be anxious now and then. But never, ever give in to fear.
In this life you can be scared. You can be messed up. You can even be fucked up. But the most important thing is to show up. Always show up and give a good account of yourself and with God’s grace we will always triumph. God bless you. Baruch HaShem.
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worstloki · 10 months
Zionists will claim they stand with the innocent people on all sides and then their posts about Palestine are limited to condemning Hamas, talking about antiZionism being antisemitic, labelling all Palestinian men rapists and murderers, talking about how ‘actually’ evil Iran Russia Lebanon/Syria China Iraq Yemeni ‘regimes’ are, why segregated laws and regions and settlements across Palestine are Necessary Actually, why no one who doesn’t know about every single historical event in two continents shouldn’t stand in solidarity with Palestine, saying other countries should just take in the remaining Palestinians as refugees, saying Hamas could stop the killing of civilians anytime, saying Palestinians aren’t innocent because they don’t appreciate occupation, explaining why ‘Israel’ is ‘actually good’, saying that no one understands ‘buzzwords’ like ‘Zionism’, ‘genocide’, ‘apartheid’, ‘racism’, ‘innocent’, saying Arabic words make them uncomfortable, acting like Oct 7 was an isolated event or that the attack was nothing more than a continuation of thousands of years of hate for Jewish people, saying that speaking out for the injustice and genocide in Palestine and not every other specific form of injustice happening in the world means you don’t care about helping people but actually just hate Jews, asking where the Jews will go as if the only natural choices would be getting expelled or genocide, proudly equating a genocidal ethnostate and sociopolitical movement with Judaism, etc.
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Rafael Medoff
Bernie Sanders says his new bill to restrict aid to Israel is a response to the deaths of civilians in Gaza. Yet he also proposed cutting aid to Israel more than four years ago. The current war, it seems, is just a convenient excuse for Sanders to slam the Jewish state again.
In the immediate aftermath of the mass slaughter, torture and gang-rapes of 1,200 Israelis by Hamas on October 7, Sanders briefly took Israel’s side. He called Hamas “barbaric” and rejected the demands by his political allies that Israel cease firing at the terrorists. That enraged friends such as his ex-press secretary, Briahna Joy Gray, who claimed there’s no evidence that Hamas raped Israeli women and called Sanders “the biggest political disappointment of our generation” for not agreeing with her.
It didn’t take long for Sanders to succumb to the criticism. He’s now the author of legislation to put restrictions on the supply of U.S. weapons that Israel needs to fight the gang-rapists.
But Sanders cannot pretend his motive is the current casualty toll in Gaza. In October 2019, addressing the annual conference of J Street, Sanders proposed reducing U.S. military aid to Israel—and he said a portion of the Israel aid should be diverted, “right now,” to Gaza.
Sanders said he was proposing that the funds to Gaza consist of “humanitarian aid.” But it has been well known for years that “humanitarian aid” such as concrete, ostensibly to build houses, was being used by Hamas to build tunnels. That is, the hundreds of miles of tunnels, underneath Gaza, where Israeli rape victims and other hostages are still being held to this day.
So it appears the new Sanders legislation represents nothing more than a political calculation. Impressing Briahna Gray and other rape-deniers is more important to Sen. Sanders than standing by Israel. And it’s not the first time that he chose to abandon Jews in their hour of need.
On May 17, 1988, then-U.S. Representative—today Senate Majority Leader—Chuck Schumer led a delegation of eight Democratic congress members to the Soviet Embassy in Washington to protest the Soviet regime’s persecution of Soviet Jews.
They were especially concerned about onerous new restrictions the Kremlin had imposed to deny requests for exit visas. Soviet Jews seeking to emigrate now had to prove that their departure would not cause financial hardships even for distant relatives. Invitations to Soviet Jews from relatives in America would no longer be accepted unless the relative was a parent, child or sibling. And not only were Jews who supposedly knew “state secrets” disqualified from emigrating, but now their spouses and children would be denied, too.
In addition, all families with children under the age of 17 would be denied exit visas until the children completed military service. That new rule was particularly cruel because it was a Catch-22: those who completed their army service were often then denied exit visas on the grounds that they had learned military secrets during their service.
Congressman Schumer said he was worried the Soviet Jewry issue would “be swept under the rug” in the name of pursuing détente between the U.S. and the USSR. He was right to be worried. Because his future Senate colleague, Bernie Sanders, was one of the ones doing the sweeping.
Two weeks after the Schumer protest, Sanders and his new wife, Jane, decided to spend their honeymoon with a group of Vermont political activists on a visit to the Soviet Union to promote friendly relations with the Kremlin. Upon their return, Sanders—who was then mayor of Burlington, Vermont—held an hour-long press conference with his fellow travelers to discuss their trip.
Sanders spoke first. He heaped praise on the “friendship and openness” of the “extremely generous and warm” Soviet officials who hosted them. He hailed the Soviet government’s cultural programs for youth, which, he said, “go far beyond what we have in this country.”
Sanders focused on the trains in particular. “In Moscow we were extremely impressed by their public transportation system,” he said. “In fact, it was the cleanest, most effective mass transit system that I’ve ever seen in my life…The stations themselves were absolutely beautiful, including many works of art, chandeliers that were beautiful, it was a very, very effective system.”
While Sanders had much to say about the efficiency of Soviet trains, he had nothing to say about the vicious mistreatment of his fellow-Jews behind the Iron Curtain. He never mentioned the plight of the three million Soviet Jews who were being persecuted and prevented from emigrating. He never spoke about the grueling new restrictions the Kremlin had imposed.
When Soviet Jews needed Bernie Sanders to raise his voice in protest, he abandoned them. Today, when the Israeli victims of Hamas rapes and torture need Senator Sanders to raise his voice on their behalf, he has chosen to abandon them, too.
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
(May 28, 2024 / JNS)
During World War II, a series of documentary films were made, directed by Frank Capra, that set out in explicit and graphic detail the precipitating causes and reasons why the United States entered the war to defeat the Axis powers, including Nazi Germany.
Before Imperial Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, many Americans were beset by doubts about the war. Even after Nazi Germany declared war on Washington on Dec. 11, 1941, there were still those who did not know or understand why it was so important for America to be involved.
Nazi propaganda had been hard at work for years dulling American sensibilities and outright lying to the American people to justify the Nazis’ evil deeds. The chief architect of this reprehensible propaganda program was Joseph Goebbels. His dictums included, “Accuse the other of that which you are guilty” and “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
The Capra documentaries were a clarion call that awoke Americans to the danger posed by Nazi Germany and catalyzed a nation to fight and defeat the Axis. I saw the documentaries when I was a young student. They left a lasting impression on me regarding the battle between good and evil and the imperative not to be complicit by idly standing on the sidelines.
The genocidal terror group Hamas, the spiritual successor to the Nazis, is intent on eliminating the Jewish people and Israel. It has falsely accused Jews and Israel of genocide in a moral inversion that channels the evil techniques of the notorious Goebbels.
The massively funded and premeditated barrage of antisemitic slurs and slogans, including the “genocide” blood libel, is poisonous to the minds of many college students and other ignorant useful dupes. They now suffer from a malady I call the “Goebbels Syndrome.” Much like the original syndrome, the cure is plain-spoken, sobering and graphic truth like that featured in the Capra-directed documentaries of yesteryear.
In this regard, the apprehensions expressed by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) at the recent congressional hearings on campus antisemitism are telling. She complained bitterly about what she referred to as vile and disturbing footage on large screens. She was referring to the video footage taken by the Hamas rapists, kidnappers, murderers and perpetrators of sadistic atrocities on Oct. 7. She did not condemn the terrorists and their evil deeds.
It would appear that Hamas’s amen chorus is worried about having to face the truth of their evil deeds and intentions. The recently released horrifying video of the confessions of a Hamas father and son, who on Oct. 7, together with a cousin, gang-raped a woman and murdered her is nearly impossible to watch. So is the video depicting a group of handcuffed young women kidnapped on Oct. 7 being referred to as sex slaves by their disgusting Hamas captors. But these videos ignited the moral conscience of many.
To the hideous Oct. 7 deniers and others suffering from the Goebbels Syndrome: Watch these videos and end your moral malaise.
Efforts to propagate false narratives are failing because the truth is coming out and it will triumph. The overwhelming majority of the American people are not buying into the propaganda generated by Hamas and American supporters.
The good people of America are waking up and rejecting the evil that is Hamas and its repugnant sponsor the terrorist Iranian regime. Some 79% of Americans polled in the latest Harvard-Harris poll rightly support Israel in the war started by Hamas. 69% correctly believe Israel is seeking to minimize civilian casualties. 78% agree that Hamas must be eliminated. 74% favor Israel proceeding with its Rafah operation and finishing off Hamas. The poll also showed a nuanced understanding of what a ceasefire means to the American people. 66% oppose a ceasefire unless the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power.
Interestingly, even the International Court of Justice didn’t wholly buy Hamas’s propaganda. It didn’t outright order a halt in military operations in Rafah. Its order stated that Israel should “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Thus, the order was qualified and may be interpreted to apply only to those military operations in Rafah that may inflict such “conditions of life” on the Palestinians. In essence, Israel can continue with military operations so long as Israel complies with international law, which Israel is doing anyway. It is reported that a number of the ICJ judges support this interpretation.
It’s time for Israel to enlist a prominent Hollywood director like Steven Spielberg to make a documentary that uses documentary footage of the horrible events of Oct. 7 to explain why Israel is fighting the evil that is Hamas.
Israel is winning its just and legal defensive ground war against Hamas. It can win the PR war, too.
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drnotreallystrange · 4 months
ah, feel the love, exactly like I said, candice stans love “palestine”, same type of stupid and evil. Logic has never been their strong point: “arab terrorists” means that these particular terrorists are arabs, not that all arabs are terrorists. Too late for you to go back to school, I guess. Go back to tiktok now.
“Israhell”? Yeah a thriving, open, tolerant society that is actually contributing something to the world is “hell” for you, you’d rather live in an racist islamist shithole full of useless idiots, like Hamas-controlled Gaza. Sure.
“islamophobic” (but did I even mention the religion of love and peace? haha I don’t think so)
and of course, this terror fan is accusing others of what her Hamas buddies did themselves, and even fucking filmed themselves doing it 
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pastordonroy · 3 months
‘I felt like the questions were copied from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague’The Biden regime has opened our borders to ISIS, murderers, rapists and military age men from hostile adversaries. His administration is teeming with terror tied operatives But don’t you worry, the Biden regime is tracking down the Jews coming from Israel.Caroline Glick writes, “The U.S. is interrogating Israelis about the granular details of their IDF service under suspicion that they are “war criminals,” before approving visas, etc” Meantime, DHS immigration screener and Hamas supporter Nejwa Ali is still on payroll.
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xtruss · 5 months
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Colombian President Gustavo Petro has announced that his Government will Sever Diplomatic Ties with “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell”. Speaking at a May Day rally in Bogotá on Wednesday, Petro described Israel's war on Gaza as "genocidal" and said the world must not accept the "extermination of an entire people".
"Tomorrow [Thursday], diplomatic relations with the state of Israel will be severed, because of them having a government, for having a president that is genocidal," said the Colombian president, a fierce critic of Israel's war. It is thought that Petro was referring to “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-helli Prime Minister Benjamin Natan-Yahu,” rather than President Isaac Herzog.
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"I believe that today all of humanity in the streets, by the millions, agrees with us and we agree with them," Petro, Colombia's first left-wing president, told the crowd. "If Palestine dies, humanity dies, and we will not let it die, as we will not let humanity die," he said, to cheers and applause from the rally. According to AFP, “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell” responded by describing Petro as "antisemitic and hateful", saying his stance amounted to a reward to Hamas.
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"The Colombian president has promised to reward Hamas murderers and rapists - and today he delivered," Foreign Minister “Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, war Criminal, Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell” Katz said in a social media post. "History will remember that Gustavo Petro decided to stand by the most despicable monsters humanity has known, who burned babies, murdered children, raped women and kidnapped innocent civilians," Katz added. Bolivia, Belize and South Africa have severed or suspended ties with “Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, war Criminal, Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell” over the war in Gaza, while several other countries have recalled their diplomats.
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newsource21 · 6 months
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#BREAKING: The US @treasurydept and @ukhmtreasury have sanctioned @gazanow for providing material support to Hamas. Safe to say if you've been getting your news from propaganda outlet Gaza Now, you've been spoonfed lies from the Hamas rapist regime. The US and UK are also sanctioning Gaza Now founder Mustafa Ayash and UK companies Al-Qureshi Executives and Aakhira Limited, as well as their director Aozma Sultana, for fundraising for Hamas.
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political-affairs · 11 years
Muhammad Badie
 Muhammad Badie (Arabic: محمد بديع‎ Muḥammad Badīʿ, IPA: [mæˈħæmmæd bæˈdiːʕ]; born 1943) is the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood.[1] He has headed the Egyptian branch of the international Islamist organization since 2010. Before becoming general guide, Badi'e had been a member of the group's governing council, the Guidance Bureau, since 1996. His arrest was ordered on 10 July 2013 for inciting the killing of protesters.[2]
Badi'e was born in the industrial city of Mahalla al-Kubra on August 7, 1943. He took a degree in veterinary medicine at Cairo in 1965.[3]
The same year, he was arrested for the first time for his political activity in the Muslim Brotherhood, during a nationwide roundup of activists; he was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a military tribunal.[3]
Paroled along with almost all other Brotherhood prisoners in 1974 by the new Egyptian president, Anwar al-Sadat, Badi'e went on to continue his studies and begin a teaching career at various Egyptian universities.
Badi'e continues to work part time as a professor of pathology at the veterinary school of Beni Suef University.
Muslim Brotherhood Involvement
In 1965, Badie was arrested for his political activities, along with Muslim Brotherhood leader Sayyed Qutb, and sentenced to 15 years in prison. He served 9 years and was released in 1974 by President Anwar Sadat. Badie became a member of the Brotherhood’s al-Mahalla al-Kubra administrative office the following year and was eventually named chief of that branch. From 1986 to 1990, he served as a member of the Brotherhood’s administrative office in Beni Suef. In 1993, he became a member of the group’s Guidance Office. In 1998, he was imprisoned for 75 days as a result of his participation in the Islamic Dawa Society in Beni Suef. In 2010, Badie was named supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, replacing Muhammad Mahdi Akef.[4] In July 2013, a travel ban was put on Badie as well as Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and Badie's deputy Khairat el-Shater.[5]
Statements on Israel
In a weekly sermon, titled "How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny [against the Muslims]," Mohammed Badie accused the Arab and Muslim regimes of avoiding confrontation with "the Zionist entity" and the United States, and also of disregarding "Allah's commandment to wage jihad for His sake with [their] money and [their] lives, so that Allah's word will reign supreme and the infidels' word will be inferior." Badie stated that the U.S. is immoral and doomed to collapse. He accused the Palestinian Authority of "selling out" the Palestinian cause, adding that a third intifada was about to erupt. Badie also stated that "Resistance is the only solution against the Zio-American arrogance and tyranny, and all we need is for the Arab and Muslim peoples to stand behind it and support it." [6][7][8]
In July 2012, during his weekly sermon, Mohammed Badi stated that Israelis are "rapists" of Jerusalem, and called on all Muslims to "wage jihad with their money and their selves to free al-Quds." He described the creation of Israel in international law as an "alleged, illusory right."[7][9][10]
In October 2012, Badie alleged that "The Jews have dominated the land, spread corruption on earth, spilled the blood of believers and in their actions profaned holy places, including their own." As such, he demanded that the Arab world reject negotiations with Israel in favor of "holy Jihad," saying that "the Zionists only understand force" and while alleging that allowing Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, would result in the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.[10]
Statements on Operation Pillar of Defense 
Badei denounced peace efforts with Israel, urging holy war to liberate Palestinian territories, on Thursday, November 22, 2012—just a day after Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi succeeded in brokering a truce to end eight days of Israel-Hamas fighting. Badei says "jihad is obligatory" for Muslims and that peace deals with Israel are a "game of grand deception." He says there's been enough negotiations, the "enemy knows nothing but language of force."[11]
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pastordonroy · 3 months
BIDEN REGIME INTERROGATES JEWS FROM ISRAEL APPLYING FOR GREEN CARDS, WHETHER THEY ARE “WAR CRIMINALS” BEFORE APPROVING VISAS, ETC. ‘I felt like the questions were copied from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague’The Biden regime has opened our borders to ISIS, murderers, rapists and military age men from hostile adversaries. His administration is teeming with terror tied operatives But don’t you worry, the Biden regime is tracking down the Jews coming from Israel.Caroline Glick writes, “The U.S. is interrogating Israelis about the granular details of their IDF service under suspicion that they are “war criminals,” before approving visas, etc” Meantime, DHS immigration screener and Hamas supporter Nejwa Ali is still on payroll. https://60679920f0990.site123.me/the-freeline-fm-class-action-news/biden-regime-interrogates-jews-from-israel-applying-for-green-cards-whether-they-are-war-criminals-before-approving-visas-etc
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