#hamptons au
itsaash · 11 months
Hamptons Cubs: Midnight
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Prompt credit to @noots-fic-fests and character credit to @lumosinlove!
Today we're back to the Hamptons featuring some boys just trying to figure it out
Rated M, 1900 words, Read on ao3, if you prefer
Finn didn’t know what to do with his heart. It was 8 sizes too big and yet felt like it was in a vice. He wanted to pull it out and put it on ice and turn it fucking down .
Logan was in his house. With Leo. Going into Leo’s bedroom with him after an awkward evening of talking about careers and apartments and absolutely not college.
Leo must have made himself dizzy from all the darting around his eyes were doing, between the other two men, who were dancing on conversational thin ice. Finn didn’t blame Leo for yawning and pulling Logan into his bedroom with a kind goodnight. Finn had retreated to his own room and tried to force himself to sleep, hoping it would all make more sense in the morning.
But all Friday Logan had been with Leo in the kitchen like an adorable snarky shadow, and god, they were so cute together. Between frittatas and pasta salad and paninis Finn saw Logan cleaning up behind Leo like he was made for it. He saw Leo laughingly take a steak knife out of Logan’s hand (that he was trying to cut peppers with) and guide him to the sink full of dishes instead, with a kiss to the curve of his neck that forced himself to walk away from watching.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday passed with Finn trying to work, trying to not see the extra love that was cooked into their meals with the presence of Logan being around Leo. His parents loved having someone new there and at any meal they ate all together it was easy enough to stay polite but quiet. To only see the love shimmering between Leo and Logan out of the corner of his eyes because to look at it full on felt like it would burn his retinas like the sun.
Logan and Leo .
On Sunday after a dinner of grilled local sausages, a green salad from the garden, and smashed potatoes, Finn grew the courage to offer to help with dishes. Missing the time he usually had with Leo felt like a gaping opening in his heart and so he shuffled into the kitchen and settled in at the sink, aiming for casual.
“Oh hey Finn, thanks sugar. You might want to leave that pan soaking for a bit yet, the meat got nice and stuck on there.”
“Sounds good Leo, happy to help,” Finn said, holding his hands under the running water for just a breath.
“Busy weekend? Seems like you had a lot of work to do,” Leo asked.
“Hmm? Oh, oh, yeah. I didn’t get done what I wanted to this week, so I was trying to catch up. I got put on a new book recently. It’s a really great project, but I’ve just kind of … stuck on it lately, for some reason.”
Reasons including: it’s hard to focus on editing when his mind wasn’t sure what year it was, was time travelling every time he looked up and saw Logan.
Leo nodded in understanding as he finished bringing the dirty dishes to the sink. He put away the leftovers in silence as they worked together for a while. Finn took a deep breath as he scrubbed the extra dirty pan.
“I’m guessing Logan told you all about how he saved me in that history class, huh?”
Leo propped a hip against the counter near Finn, relaxed with his arms crossed. “Well he was actually pretty sure you saved him, so I guess it sounds like you helped each other.”
Finn dropped the sponge and turned to Leo, his breath heaving.
“I’m sorry,” Finn blurted out.
Leo cocked his head to the side, eyes soft. “For what?”
“That I kissed your boyfriend,” Finn said in a rush, making it sound like all one word.
“Oh sugar, Finn, don’t apologise. It’s ok. It was ages ago, I didn’t even know him then.” He picked up a towel and started drying the cookware Finn had washed before continuing. “I’m actually really glad you had each other. It makes me happy to think about the two of you studying, helping each other out.”
Finn managed a half smile at the thought of his and Logan’s study session.
“Is it ok that we’re here, Finn? If it’s weird, it’s totally fine. We can head home for the week. You’ve been … quiet …. this weekend and we really aren’t trying to mess up your week.” Leo hesitated. “Not to get in the middle of it, but Logan did mention you might feel like he ghosted you. Or that maybe you feel some anger towards him?”
“No, no! Did he say that?” Finn ran both hands through his hair, getting it wet, and took a deep breath, shaking his head. “I don’t remember it that way. Please, stay. I was surprised, like shock and awe , like get me a fainting couch type surprised. And I think it made me seize up a bit. But I see the two of you are really happy, it’s so sweet. Please, stay. Have a fun week out of the city.” Finn turned and finished cleaning the last dish and dried his hands.
Leo smiled, towel moving slowly over the dish in his hand. “Thanks Finn. That means a lot to me.”
Finn nodded and turned, meaning to head upstairs. That was about as much of confronting this weirdness that he could handle for today. Logan might be back in from his conversation with his parents at any time.
“And Finn?” Leo called. He turned back, leaning against the wall, hip popped out, listening. “Don’t avoid us, okay? If you don’t want to? I promise there’s no hard feelings on our end.” Finn just gave a small smile and nod, but the worried look lifted, just a bit, before he turned to go upstairs.
Logan had been helping Leo and between frittatas and his pasta salad and peach pie they had been busy all weekend. Logan was so impressed by his boyfriend, was soaking up every moment of watching Leo in his element, and with a backdrop worthy of a postcard too. Leo had even let Logan peel the peaches and mix the salad, although mostly Logan cleaned and organised and prepared while Leo cooked.
But, Finn. Logan didn’t know what to think. The shock had faded somewhat in the past two days of helping Leo with meals. It was a busy gig, an easy distraction. But then he’d glance out the window and catch a glimpse of Finn’s red hair out the window, amidst the beautiful garden and sprawling lawn. And his heart would stutter and he’d forget where he was for a moment. He’d think of books and candles and highlighters until he looked at Leo. Then reality would spin itself around him again and he’d kiss his boyfriend on the cheek as he walked to the fridge to put something away and tried to live in the present.
Sunday night they sat outside to watch the sunset, it wasn’t fully dark until nearly 10, and they sipped their drinks and watched the colour fade from the garden and flowers and trees as colours bloomed across the sky instead. And then those faded too, and the stars started sparkling out of nothingness. They sat in loungers beside each other, gaze shifting from the horizon to the sky. Leo’s hand was still warm in his with blankets over both of them.
Logan turned his head from the stars to Leo, just as awed by the sight of his love, even in the dim light.
“So are we staying the week still?”
Leo hummed. “Yeah, Finn said he wants us to. You ok with it? It’s ok if you’re not.”
Logan took a moment to trace his eyes over Leo’s cupid bow as he collected his thoughts. “I still want to. It’s beautiful here, and I have some guilt about how I treated Finn, but really I have nothing but good memories of him.”
“Yeah? You ready to talk more about it?”
Logan took in the stars. Orion’s Belt, the Big Dipper, the sparkling dots that could tell any story, told them all. When he had gathered his thoughts from the spaces between the stars, he went on.
“It was just a few months. But it’s burned into my mind like when you close your eyes after looking at something too bright. Finn is … bright.”
Leo chuckled and nodded at that, Logan squeezed his hand three times.
“Really, we pretty much just studied. We were in the zone, essay writing and memorising,” Logan continued. “Then we went to a party, and we kissed.” He set his head back against the lounge chair. “And Le, it was such a good kiss. It was a long, beautiful, hot kiss.” Logan sighed. “And I think I said something like I’m not gay ? And then the semester was pretty much over, and I was scared, and I didn’t call for months. And when I did, his number had changed.”
Leo reached over and took Logan’s hand in both of his, running his thumb in circles. 
“And I kissed boys after that, and slept with girls, and never felt a hint of the spark I had with him.” He turned his head towards Leo. “Until I met you, of course.” Logan turned onto his side and ran his fingertips down Leo’s cheek. “Remember? We talked, and ate, and when you kissed me, there were the sparks of sunshine filling every part of me.”
Leo smiled, and gripped his hand tighter. “I’m glad you had each other, love. That sounds lovely, and kind of really sad.”
Logan smiled a half smile. “I love you so much. Leo, you are the light of my life. I kissed Finn, one evening, years ago. Today, I’m with you and I want you .”
Leo smiled and they leaned across the small space between chairs to press their lips together.
“You want to stay?” Leo asked.
“Yeah, I do. Let’s have our little vacation, let’s relax, and eat, enjoy the scenery,” he said, waving a hand vaguely around at the dark.
Leo’s watch beeped, midnight.
They sat in the deep quiet for a minute, hands connected between the chairs.
“You told me once your first kiss with a guy had been in college. Was that Finn then?” Leo asked softly into the darkness.
“Oui, soleil, it was.” He made the move to forgo his chair in favour of joining Leo in his. He climbed on top of Leo, pressing them chest to chest. “You were my first everything else, though.”
He leaned down and pressed their lips together and Leo tilted his head up into the kiss.
“I tried with other people in college, but it was never right, never felt good, until it was you,” Logan peppered Leo’s face with kisses. The darkness hugged them as they kissed, making them feel like the only people in the world.
Logan pressed a deep kiss down to Leo's lips, leaving him breathless. Then he stood, one leg on either side of the chair, and pulled Leo’s body down the lounge chair until his hips were near the edge. His long legs sprawled off the end onto the soft grass. Logan backed up and dropped to his knees under the midnight bright stars. The grass was only darkness, but was soft under his knees, cool in contrast to the hard heat that was soon filling his mouth.
“I love this, I never get to make you come on Sundays,” Logan murmured against his skin.
Leo huffed a laugh, arching his back involuntarily. “I think it is Monday by now, baby, ahhh.”
Logan just hummed and swallowed in response.
Leo could hardly see Logan through the darkness, but the stars twinkling in the sky kept him company when stars sparked and exploded behind his eyes.
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aqpippin · 11 months
i need to stop coming up with fic concepts in the middle of the night 😃
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ttte-in-the-sky-au · 12 days
How many people want to kick Mallard’s butt? 👀😂
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: Great Northern, Merry Hampton, Pretty Polly, Gordon, Scott, Blink Bonny, Henry, Spencer, Ryan (if he wasn't a scaredy cat /aff), Windsor Lad (verbally lol, he's a pacifist), probably Green Arrow when he was still alive (read Go Out There And Change The World for context) and that's just the family xddddd
Oh also my babygirl Ella <3333
Why? The discord crowd knows and I shall write about it whenever the Vibes are right. For now, all you need to know is that Mallard is a bitch.
Thanks for the ask, Loraine!!
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tornadoyoungiron · 4 months
Merry Hampton pulling the Flying Scotsman
Artist Unknown
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askyoungiron · 3 months
Polly are you doing okay??? What's with Merry's engine?
PRETTY POLLY: I am, not sure of myself right now. But I am certainly more worried for Olivia than I am myself at this moment.
Merry's engine...it is... a very traumatising tale, what happened to Merry Hampton. I dare not speak of it.
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qishylia-adelia · 14 days
@wowhenryiscooked / @stormyy-bluezz01 .
I refuse to make an a03 account just to comment on your ssr fanfic.But I still want to show you my support.So instead,have this as my symbol of appreciation for you liking the ssr route too.Tbh,your the first person who has given me enough motivation to finally write something akin to a oneshot.I guess I owe you a thank you?
Henry's got nothing to lose.
The wall is after him and he doesn't have allies from a big boy faction like the government or toppats to back him up.He can't steal anything (with style) anymore without revealing his identity! In his opinion,it's a fate worse than death for someone who spends his entire life doing thieving and mischief.What was he supposed to do with his life from now on?
Well,if you asked himself from other timelines,alot really.All of it lies in his ability to turn back time to a checkpoint and pick another 'ending'.
But unfortunately (or fortunately?) we're stuck with this Henry.Who let's his big plans and desires move his body first before rationalising any of them in the long run.
He's not a clan leader,he's not a government agent,he doesn't have allies to think about that'll stop himself from doing anything stupid.
This Henry is just a vagabond with nothing to lose,except for a grand plan to get done.A freak of nature of a man.
"How did you both managed to even get the resources for these renovations?"
"We steal them of course,only me and him.Can't let the others can't know we found out how to beam people back to earth" Hampton's calm and collected smile contrasted the security guard's flabbergasted expression over the entire ordeal that was just lay out to him.
"He does the dirty work while I stay here controlling the beam and keeping a low profile of our deeds.This is better than any heist I was involved in before,makes me feel a little special." Hampton swings his legs back and forth under the table as his smile grew wider.
Dave considers himself a pretty chill man.But even this behaviour makes him want to smack some sense into this guy.
"But I suppose you're not here to listen to me gushing about us.You're here to ask me and Henry for protection from the other crew"
"No shit,all of you kinda made me your prisoner for the past couple years"
"And I'm sorry on our behalf.We're not in control on who the toppats higher ups wants locked up"
"Go figure" Dave rolls his eyes.Call him judgemental,but he's not planning on immediately being buddy buddy with someone with a criminal record.Especially if said person has one of his charges being 'kidnapping by proxy'.
"Look Panpa,It's either you being around the loyal toppats behind that door,or you helping me and Henry with renovations as we film it to advertise for future customers below"
"And if I choose neither and sneaked into an escape pod,the toppats on earth will target me for investigation?"
"Yup,and jump into conclusions that you're on Henry's side somehow.I'll admit some of us toppats are cuckoos,especially the ones with an ego"
"Oh don't worry,I know" Dave clicked his tongue.
The room was in total silence for a moment.Both men only stare down at the tea Hampton brew for them.
Dave looks at the view besides him.This is one of the many rooms that Henry and Hampton had chosen to renovate into a bedroom for the future guests.The window here is one of the many factors on why this room was chosen.
He could see earth from here.The blue dot that holds all the stickpeople in the world.
He is homesick for his family and friends.But Dave admits that being up here makes him feel the most free he's ever felt in his life.He just hates being here because he was held captive,but actually being here by his own free will? It felt good.Not even the loyal toppats from the other side of the door can truly ruin this feeling for him.
It's not like he can live his normal life again,the toppats from below will get his ass one way or another.Then boom,the same old cell.
What does he had to lose?
Henry does the things he does because he doesn't have a life to go back to.Being a target of The Wall is basically a death sentence for anyone really.
And Hampton,heck,most of the toppats up here decided to walk the life of crime because their previous life was shitty and insignificant enough to be left for dead.
This orbital station is beyond the fears, laws and responsibilities of the world.A blank space on the canvas ready to be painted.
Why not paint it a resort and start from there? Replace all the clutter with something clean and new as you mentally readied yourself to finally get your problems sorted out?
Dave must've lost his mind.Thinking turning this orbital station into a resort is equivalent to a therapy session of letting your brain take a break as you rethink your life decisions up to this point.
But he finds himself reaching Hampton's hand to take the offer.
For new beginnings.
When we got nothing to lose,we can always find new ones to replace it.
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m3tth4ws · 5 months
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Yknow what’s missing? Hampton AU. May I kindly request a continuation of this one?
Thena stood by the vegetable beds, trying to seem like she wasn't waiting deliberately. She was just here - casually - enjoying the morning sun. It would be strange for her to wait in the garden in hopes of running into Gil while he was collecting the day's ingredients.
She was his employer, she couldn't risk doing anything unseemly or inappropriate. He was the best private chef she had ever managed to procure, and arguably the only one whose company she had ever tolerate. She had even come to enjoy it.
Ever since he had kept her company during her dreadful dinner party she had come to crave his presence more. She had been thus far restraining herself from being too conversational with him, out of fear of seeming untoward. But perhaps having a friendly relationship with her chef wouldn't be so uncouth--they could be friends.
Friends were not her forte. Even through her life in various boarding schools, she wasn't particularly socially minded. How could she have been, after growing up in this massive estate with only Karun to mind her?
Thena checked her phone again, toying with some of the stray hairs slipping from her ponytail. Nothing like 'casually' waiting for someone and checking the time. Kingo would laugh himself into hysterics if he could see her.
He hadn't been at the party, but she did mention that she had managed to avoid most everyone from the worst families to know. He didn't yet know that she had done so by hiding in the basement with Gil, enjoying crudites with his hoodie over her shoulders.
She spun around, slipping her phone into her leggings pocket. "Gil, morning, how are you?"
That was a lot to pack into one greeting.
He smiled, though, as he always did. He walked up to her, basket in hand, although he wasn't changed into his pristine white chef's jacket yet. "Good, good, getting everything ready for today. I have the weekend menu all planned."
"Oh?" she prompted, hopefully in a way that wouldn't betray her lack of natural conversational skills.
"Well, I know it's not often you have a weekend totally off," he shrugged one shoulder, somewhat inviting her along as he walked up the garden beds and towards the herbs. "I bought some fresh Atlantic salmon, I've got lemons from the greenhouse, I'm gonna pair it with some really nice fennel pasta--you'll love it!"
It already sounded divine, and the way he so passionately described every dish he made always had her entranced. She had never had even close to the passion Gil had for food for anything in her spoiled little life.
"I'm sure I will," she sufficed to say, rather than gush about how she already couldn't stand waiting. She strolled alongside him, watching him eye the tomatoes. "You have yet to make something displeasing, I hope you know."
"Well, maybe I thought you were just too nice to say," he replied in a playful tone. He leaned against the brick edge, reaching for the deepest in colour.
Thena averted her eyes from the muscles in his back. This was exactly what she was trying to avoid.
"Do you have this morning off too?" he asked, leaning back with his reward and placing them in the basket ever so gently.
No, she had two different meetings she had requested to move, just for this little charade. Not that Karun knew that specifically. But she knew that Gil would be out here longer than usual to collect ingredients for the weekend. This was the perfect time.
She smiled, "serendipitous, isn't it?"
"Lucky me," he grinned and even gave her a wink.
The man was trying to kill her.
She sighed as he reached for some mint in the next section. "Are you certain you want to stay all weekend? Your room is ready, of course, but I can also have you driven home."
"Ah, I don't mind, I have some recipes I've kinda been wanting to try out, and the kitchen here has a lot more room for me to experiment with."
She was happy to let him experiment. Sometimes he discovered the most wonderful things while he was doing so. "Is that so?"
He looked back at her mid-lean, "do you like lavender?"
She restrained herself from making a face. "I admit I have only had it a number of times, at teas and such. I would not want to say I dislike it as a whole if I've only had poorly made creations of it."
"Ah," he nodded, reaching for some anyway. "Well, we can start with some subtle stuff and go from there."
She laughed faintly as he swatted at a bug buzzing around him before arranging his basket again. "I will look forward to it, then."
His eyes met hers, and she wondered for a moment if he could tell that she had waited all morning just to exchange these precious few words with him. Her hands fidgeted behind her back, "Gil, I-"
"Ah!" he hissed, slapping his neck and flinching sideways. He wiped his hand away, shaking it. "Shit, I thought it was a big fly."
"Are you hurt?" she asked, halfway between leaning closer into his space and not wanting to risk seeming even more desperate. Her hands hovered as he rubbed his neck more.
"I'm fine, just kinda stung," he grumbled before wiping his hands off, metaphorically ridding himself of the nuisance. "Let's get inside."
"Let's," she murmured quietly, eyeing him as his hand lifted faintly. It might have grazed the small of her back but it never landed. "Gil?"
She frowned, watching as the veins in his neck became more prominent. The healthy colour of his skin became overtaken by a more aggressive red. "You don't seem well, are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, I-" he paused, clearing his throat once, and then more aggressively. He tugged at the neck of his t-shirt. "Throat kinda-"
He broke into a coughing fit. It only made the colour in his face worsen, caught between flushing and going pale.
"Gil," Thena repeated, but he swerved. She did her best to catch him, but she underestimated how heavy all those muscles were. "Gil!"
He gasped for air, his hand on his throat in a vain attempt to solve the problem. His other hand floated out for help.
"I'm here, I'm here, it's okay!" she did her best to assure him, holding the floating hand tightly between her own. He was a puddle in her lap, trying to breathe. "Karun!"
It took him only a few seconds, but she feared that was more than Gil had. "Madame!"
"Get the first aid kit! I think it's anaphylaxis!" Tears sprung to her eyes as she looked down at Gil amidst his agony. He was staring at her, asking for help she couldn't provide. "I'm sorry Gil, sh, it's okay, you're going to be fine."
Gil looked at her like his life was flashing before his eyes.
She bent over him, squeezing his hand. "Please!"
"Madame, I have it!" Karun declared, running with the epipen in his hand.
She snatched it from his hand, removing the cap and jabbing it into Gil's leg, against the denim of his jeans. "Please work."
The sound of him gasping was like nothing she could have imagined. It was certainly not something she wanted to experience ever again. He coughed some more, even as she propped him more upright, but he was breathing again. The swelling around his throat went down quickly and visibly.
"Gil?" she sniffed, trying not to be the one crying when he had nearly died in her arms. It took the length of her arm to hold his shoulders up, and even then she couldn't quite embrace him the way he probably needed.
After a few more pants of breath he blinked, "holy shit."
Karun, already calling the ambulance, patted Gil's knee, "very good, sir. Fine pulling through."
Gil gave a dazed thumbs up to Karun, looking up at the sky. His limbs moved like they were too heavy to control, but he managed to turn his head to look at her. "Thena?"
"Hey," she smiled, blinking her tears into her eyelashes as she focused on his face. "Can you breathe?"
He tested it, taking a deep breath, consciously expanding his chest and back as he did. "Y-Yeah, I can, now. Thanks to you, I guess."
"Well," she managed a faint smile, "Karun brought the thing."
"I, uh," Gil blinked at the orange epipen responsible for saving his life. "I didn't know I was allergic."
"Nor did I," she frowned. Because, had she known, she never would have allowed him out in the gardens at all. Or at least not without medical supervision. "We will have to see to it that you get one of these to have with you at all times."
Gil didn't exactly argue. He remained in her hold, both of them only half listening to Karun recite the situation and their location to the medical authorities.
He turned back to them with a crisp nod. "They are on their way, sir. Were you still anaphylactic I would have called for a chopper, but I believe you will be well enough to wait for them to arrive."
"Yeah, no worries, dude."
Thena smiled against Gil's hair. They had a funny relationship, but it charmed her to no end that they got along so well. "We'll be right here."
He made a small sound at that, letting her bury her nose in his hair (propriety as his employer be damned). He mumbled something.
"What was that?" she whispered, brushing her hand over his cheek (forgetting herself completely).
"The tomatoes," he repeated a little more strongly. "They didn't break, did they?"
Thena laughed, although her tears came again as well. "Gil!"
"I need those," he attempted to sit up more within her embrace against her knees. But she tugged him back again. "They're for the shakshuka for breakfast tomorrow!"
"Leave them," she soothed, rubbing his arm and patting his chest. "There will be more tomatoes."
He sighed more heavily, at least sounding more like himself. "At least put them to the side. Don't let the ambulance guys break 'em--they're perfect!"
"I will take care of the produce, sir," Karun assured him, indeed picking up their dropped bounty carefully. "You must focus on resting. I'm sure the Madame will make sure you are well situated."
She glared at Karun, positively flushed at the implicating tone in his voice.
"Cool," Gil gave him another thumbs up as Karun scurried to the house and out of their way. He looked at her, as she held him the way a knight might hold a maiden. "Sorry to ruin your morning."
She laughed again, although maybe later she would admonish him for giving her the fright of her life. "You're breathing; I'll call it a very lucky morning."
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mihrsuri · 3 months
I’m drawing a scene from the OT3 verse that requires me to draw Windsor Castle (inspo photos below) and I realised I do need a baseline for what it looked like in the…mid/late mid 1500s but also at least Windsor/St Georges Chapel has changed a lot less. And then I realised that Tommy and Mihrimah as the future King and Queen would have their wedding at Westminster :facepalm:
Anyway I’m off to find new reference picture inspo to refer to when drawing
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dafeelingsperson · 1 year
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Made a v2 of Ticketmaster desing, so it's more similar to the one in the Thumbnail in the track, this one:
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(Thumbnail art by Starchive)
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cuddlebugsirius · 2 years
Guess who’s finally written enough of the next chapter of A Scandal in the Hamptons for it to have a directon... [that’s right, it’s me]
So to celebrate... a little teaser! 🫣
“I diversified my portfolio,” his husband said cautiously, “it was a steal really, the securities market just dipped so it was only-“
“I don’t want to know a number,” Remus said decisively; “did you follow my rule?”
“Of course I did,” Sirius tugged him closer, pressing kisses along the slope of his shoulder as he was forced into the larger man’s lap; “I chose a few, this time. Seeing Eye Dogs, Coalition for the Homeless, and the DNC.”
“The DNC?”
“It’s election season, baby, I’ve gotta keep the politicians sweet and my mother rolling in her grave,”
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itsaash · 11 months
Hamptons Cubs continued....
We've got history together
The prompts from @noots-fic-fests have been invaluable in actually getting this AU written, with the character credit of course to @lumosinlove
Remember when personal chef Leo was invited by sweetheart Finn to bring his boyfriend up for the week to his house in the Hamptons? But then I left you on a cliffhanger on how Finn and Logan knew each other?? like 3 months ago?? Here's their backstory! (about 2000 words, rated T)
Read on ao3
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Finn, for some unknowable reason, was taking History 1039: First Empires: Power and Propaganda in the Ancient World, and was actually looking forward to it each week. It was a smile in a crowd, a time slot highlighted deep green (which was the colour for good things, peaceful things), a moment to look forward to amid his absolutely manic final semester. And well, if he was being honest with himself, it was the time he saw Tremblay. Logan Tremblay. At a heavy wooden table, absolutely surrounded by reference books, he had learned Logan had played hockey as a kid, as Finn had too, and they’d traded hockey nicknames, seldom used now, and Tremzy had been a fixture in his colour-coded, highly precise day planner. Because if it wasn’t in the planner, it didn’t happen, and he needed those study sessions to happen.
Finn had known since freshman year that he needed another history class and had been putting it off, so here he was in his final semester, finally taking one. And the flutter in his heart whenever he sat down by Logan during the lectures made him appreciate his top notch procrastination skills.
The problem, one of the problems, is that history textbooks aren’t actually well written. Finn would find himself writing ‘we need to pick a theme here and stick to it’ in the margins. His book was marked up to the nines, comma splices fixed, bright orange highlighter over unnecessary details that only clog up the plot, and plenty of sky blue ballpoint pen notes of ‘where are we going with this?’.
But in this class he was expected to remember all those orange details? And had to write essays about the confusing dates and names and meandering themes? He should’ve picked a history class that covered a decade, tops. Any decade would do. This class was so broad it made his head spin. But, another class wouldn’t have had Tremzy in it, so.
So, their highly exclusive study group of two took up a permanent Wednesday evening slot of deep green in the planner. Logan could remember the dates and details and helped Finn with mnemonics so he could remember them too. They made up back-story and funny details to help Finn’s brain tie together a rambling plot. And Finn would read the textbook aloud to Logan on the days where he was too tired to read the English words and the scenes of ancient history would dance in the air between them as they helped each other learn.
The old fashioned study room had huge white candles in sconces around the room and the candles dripped their wax down the sides, within the glass containers. Finn stared at the patterns the wax made on the outside of the candle, tried to read them like tea leaves. Tried to remember dates and names and if that shade of green had always been the one associated with good things? The light from the candles sparkled off the glass holders and Finn knew that green would always mean good, now.
They were just weeks away from the end of the semester now, final essays in the final editing phase (the part Finn was actually good at. Logan may have learned quickly to send Finn his absolute earliest drafts, just to enjoy the sight of him opening his case of markers and highlighters with a flourish and smile). The sun was staying out later now, still shining as their evening study sessions went on into the night. They found themselves invited to a party at the hockey house after going to watch a Crimson game together. They had traded stories of their successes in junior hockey, and an injured player watching from the stands had joined their conversation and invited them to a party.
“Bruh, it’s gonna be summer vibes. We’re bringing on summer early. Wear florals or some shit. The chicks dig florals.”
Finn laughed, “I can probably manage that.”
“Make your outfit as colourful as your papers, Harzy,” Logan had teased. The player, Wags, upon hearing of Finn’s editing skills had desperately begged Finn to do just a quick edit of his last English paper. Finn agreed, laughing.
“Harzy, you’re a beaut! Fuckin comin through like a champ. Ok I gotta go join the boys for intermission pep talk but come by the house Saturday! Drinks all night for you two!” He pointed his crutch back at Finn and Logan as he walked away, “fuckin florals!”
Logan laughed and bumped Finn’s shoulder, “Yeah, Harzy, you beaut.”
Finn bumped Logan back. “Shut up. Roping me into editing in exchange for drinks. And you’re the one with flow,” he said, hitting the back of his hand into the bottom of Logan’s dark curls, which did flow just past his ears.
“Come on, as if your hair isn’t the nicest in any room,” Logan scoffed. He brushed his hand past Finn’s temple as if he was dismissing Finn’s thick red hair, but the touch lingered a bit longer than a dismissal would, and Finn drew his hand back as he felt the air thicken. Their eyes locked together for a long moment. Finn swallowed.
“I should head home,” Logan said, standing up, brushing imaginary dust off his pants. “Essay to finish. Colour coded editing to decipher.”
Finn laughed, tried to make it sound natural and not high and tight.
“Yeah, ok. If we stay here any longer we’ll start calling each other bruh.”
“Yeah, put a red line right through that shit, Harz,” Logan laughed. And the air settled back to normal around them, for now.
But they did call each other bruh the rest of the week.
The party was fun. Wags came through with the drinks and introduced Finn in every room as “a total lifesaver, bruh.”
They’d danced, and played beer pong (Logan was unfairly coordinated, even amidst a house full of athletes), and debated music and majors with the other students.
But by midnight Finn and Logan were happy to leave the hockey players to their ever stranger games, and Finn walked with Logan back to his dorm. They collapsed into one of the couches in the sitting room off the main entry, it seemed no one was partying here tonight.
“Have fun, Tremzy?” Finn asked through a yawn. Logan tipped his head back against the couch and was quiet for a long moment. “Yeah, it was fun. Do you miss it? Hockey? And the built-in friends?” Finn also tilted his head back, and turned his head towards Logan. He waved a hand in the air. “Yes, and no. The sport itself, I loved, would totally play some more. And I made some awesome friends. But the locker room culture overall isn’t quite where I wish it was? It made it hard, in the end, and I just stopped having fun.”
“Ouias, même chose. And I just wanted to focus on other things.”
They sat for a long minute beside each other, heads resting back and looking at each other. Something switched in the air, like one of the sconce candles had been lit, all of a sudden, on. And Finn leaned over and was kissing Logan before he even knew he was going to.
Logan was still for just a moment before he threaded his hand into Finn’s hair and pulled him closer. Finn held Logan’s jaw in both his hands, unbearably gently, and they settled into each other, the press and movement of lips against lips, jaw, ear, neck.
“I’m not gay,” Logan murmured against his mouth, after some minutes, and Finn backed away slightly.
“That’s ok, that’s fine,” Finn said. He kept his hand cupping Logan’s jaw, never wanted to touch anything else after this sacred skin against his fingertips. “I think I’m bi, but lately there have been more guys in my mind, so who knows.” Not guys, the inner editor in his mind corrected. Guy. Singular. Be specific with your words. It’s green eyes and broad shoulders that have been building a home in your mind. But Finn couldn’t make his mouth say these truths, not with Logan’s eyes looking that stormy and wild and worried.
He leaned in again, 80% of the way, ok maybe 95%, but then waited to see if Logan wanted more. Finn melted and felt like he might float away when Tremz leaned in to press their lips together again. It was soft and tentative but Logan’s grip against his bicep with one hand and side with the other transferred plenty of desire and care. Finn thought he might keep his hand on Logan’s jaw until his hand cramped, it felt so good and right there, the slight stubble soft enough to feel like the best texture toy in existence.
Their lips pressed together like a dance. For a while soft and sweet, just Logan’s fingertips on Finn’s biceps and Finn’s fingers in their new home. Then it turned hotter, deeper. They gripped tighter and moved skating fingers across each other’s chests and hips.
Finn slung a leg over both of Logan’s, still sitting beside him, not on him, but now turned fully towards each other so they could press their chests together in a gasp.
“I thought you liked girls,” Logan said, very unfortunately using his mouth to talk instead of kiss. “You talked about Hannah a lot back at the start of the semester.”
“I do like Hannah. I like a lot of people,” Finn said into the hinge of Logan’s jaw. I like you, his brain amended.
“Have there been, you said you’ve been thinking of boys? Have there been guys in your bed too?” Logan said slowly, accent heavy around the words, the sentence stumbling as his fingers traced up and down Finn’s side. Finn’s heart galloped ahead before he could answer. He pulled back slightly, feeling that Logan really wanted an answer.
“Well, no, not lately. I mean, I have … well I’ve had a lot of people in my bed honestly. But lately, no, no guys in my bed for ... quite some time.” At least two months, Finn thought. A bit more? Which in retrospect was not the norm for him, but he honestly hadn’t noticed the lack these past weeks. “Why? Are there guys in your bed? You haven’t told me about anyone you’ve hooked up with.”
Logan just shook his head, fingers gripping into Finn’s hips, but he didn’t lean in again. “No, there hasn’t been, I mean I’ve done stuff with girls, but I haven’t, merde,” Logan looked up at the ceiling before levelling his gaze at Finn. “Finn, you’re the first guy I’ve kissed.” Finn raised his eyebrows. “I honestly don’t know what, don’t know who I like,” he stuttered.
Finn traced his fingertips over Logan’s cheeks. “Do you like this?” He trailed his fingers down Logan’s neck. Logan nodded. “And this?” Finn leaned in to place a soft kiss just below Logan’s ear.
“Absolutely.” Logan tilted his neck to give Finn more access.
“Ok, well then, Tremzy, do you want to keep kissing me? You don’t have to. It’s so fine if you want to stop.”
Logan just leaned in and captured Finn’s mouth again and Finn let himself be kissed within an inch of his life.
Some time later they slowed, and stopped. They peppered small kisses across each other’s faces for a long time before actually stopping. Finn walked Logan up to his room holding hands. They kissed one more time at Logan’s door. Finn felt like the house around them may as well not be there, like he may as well be floating with Logan, under the stars, for as much as he took notice of anything other than the soft lips, the scruff of hair, the hard muscles under his hands. It felt a little bit like magic.
In the scheme of things, their history together included dozens of evenings together with books strewn about the heavy wood table, a difficult course that had been successfully navigated by the help of each other, moments of care and kindness and friendship. But that was one class, a handful of months, one kiss. Years ago.
They had continued to study after that night, proof-reading each other's essays. There had been more casual touching, a hand on a knee or a stroke across a back as they walked by, but they hadn’t kissed again. Finn thought maybe they would at the end of the semester. But then the semester ended in a whirlwind of exams and papers and best wishes from so many people and Finn had been travelling into the city to find an apartment on the weekends and doing job interviews at magazines and publishing houses. They just … hadn’t. And then he’d dropped his whole fucking bag onto the tracks that day in New York and he’d decided to switch to an android phone, and the kiss, and Tremzy, were a fond but distant memory.
Except, now here he was. Right in-fucking-front of him. At his house. For the next 10 days. With Leo. Leo was his boyfriend.
What the actual fuck.
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aqpippin · 8 months
me: stuck in a rut at like the last 1K words of idddr ch2
me: hasn’t worked on hamptons au for like 2 months
also me: hamptons au follow up oneshot organised ✔️
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year
Okay so like I'm sorry to everyone else's Modern AU Headcanons or whatever but the actual modern equivalent here is that your plane has crashed in rural Nebraska and the survivors are
A homeschooled goth girl who was raised in a bunker by a bunch of excommunicated Scientologists
A pissed-off bisexual who grew up in some kind of sovereign-citizen compound and has vastly overestimated her current class rankings at West Point
The disgraced son of some politician who made a deal with the mob to protect someone and then took a dive to protect his father's reputation rather than try to explain
Straight-up a human trafficking survivor who's using a fake ID to try to flee the country
Genuinely a really sweet young woman trying to get out of an abusive relationship whose shitty ex-girlfriend destroyed her highly-controlled and incredibly expensive heart medication out of spite to punish her for leaving, and who also lost her health insurance when she ran
and of course
Some guy from the Hamptons who is otherwise honestly super friendly and normal, except that he's managing his terminal leukemia by sucking the dye out of shoes and it actually seems to be working
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misswynters · 2 months
HIGH (modern au)
CEO! Cregan Stark x Heiress! reader
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[synopsis: As the heiress to a conglomerate, it can be extremely difficult and challenging. So you decide to step away and find yourself with cregan.
[warning: smoking, not proofread
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Cregan Stark leaned against the balcony railing, the city lights flickering below like stars trapped on earth. He flicked his lighter, the flame briefly illuminating his chiseled features before he brought the cigarette to his lips. The scent of tobacco mixed with the crisp night air, creating a heady aroma that felt strangely comforting.
"You know, this is probably the worst thing we could do for our images," you remarked, stepping onto the balcony with your own cigarette in hand. The cool night air wrapped around you like a cloak, and you couldn't help but shiver slightly, though whether from the cold or the presence of the Stark heir, you weren't sure.
Cregan's lips curled into a smirk as he blew out a plume of smoke. "Since when did you care about our images, Princess?" His voice was a low rumble, filled with amusement.
You shrugged, leaning beside him, the heat from his body a stark contrast to the chill in the air. "I don't, really. Just pointing out the irony."
He passed you his lighter, his fingers brushing against yours, sending a jolt of electricity up your arm. "Irony? That the heirs to two of the biggest conglomerates are sneaking a smoke like rebellious teenagers?"
Lighting your cigarette, you took a deep drag, savoring the way the nicotine hit your system. "Exactly. We should be inside, mingling with the other sharks, planning our next big moves."
Cregan turned to face you fully, his intense grey eyes locking onto yours. "Or maybe, we deserve a break from all that. Maybe we need moments like these to remind us that we're still human."
You met his gaze, the world around you fading into insignificance. "Maybe," you echoed softly, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the cigarette between your fingers.
For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the distant hum of the city and the faint crackle of burning tobacco. In that shared quiet, you found a connection deeper than any corporate alliance, a bond forged in the rare moments where you could just be yourselves.
"Remember that summer at the Hamptons?" you asked, a nostalgic smile tugging at your lips.
Cregan chuckled, the sound rich and warm. "How could I forget? The bonfire on the beach, the midnight swims, and you challenging me to that surfing contest."
You laughed, the memory vivid and bright. "You cheated, by the way. I'm convinced you had more practice than you let on."
He raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Cheated? I seem to recall you daring me to do it. Besides, you held your own pretty well."
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't suppress your smile. "It's one of the few times we weren't surrounded by suits and expectations."
Cregan nodded, taking another drag from his cigarette. "Those moments are rare. We should make more of them."
You looked at him, really looked at him, and saw beyond the heir to the Stark empire. You saw the boy who'd grown up under immense pressure, the man who craved genuine connections as much as you did.
"I'd like that," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
He smiled, a real, genuine smile that reached his eyes. "Then let's start now."
As the night stretched on, you and Cregan smoked in companionable silence, sharing stories, laughter, and dreams. Two heirs finding solace in each other, away from the demands of their world, cherishing the simplicity of a shared vice and the promise of more moments like this to come.
Cregan's phone buzzed, interrupting the quiet. He glanced at the screen and sighed. "Duty calls," he muttered, but he didn't move to answer it. Instead, he turned to you, his expression softening. "Ever think about just... running away from it all?"
You laughed lightly, the sound mingling with the distant noise of the city. "More times than I care to admit. But where would we go?"
He shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Anywhere but here. Someplace where no one knows our names or cares about our last names."
The thought was tempting, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to imagine a life free from the pressures and expectations. "Maybe a small town by the sea," you mused. "We could open a little café, live simply."
Cregan's smile widened. "I like that. We could call it 'The Heirloom Café,' a nod to our past lives but nothing more."
You shook your head, grinning. "You have it all figured out, don't you?"
He chuckled, the sound deep and reassuring. "Not really. But it's nice to dream."
As the night wore on, the conversation flowed effortlessly between you. You talked about your hopes, your fears, and the weight of the legacy you each carried. Cregan revealed a surprising passion for painting, something he rarely had time for, and you confessed your love for writing, the novels you penned secretly in the dead of night.
"Why don't you publish them?" he asked, genuine curiosity in his eyes.
You sighed, the weight of your responsibilities pressing down on you. "Because they're not what people expect from me. They're personal, and I'm not sure the world is ready to see that side of me."
Cregan nodded, understanding in his gaze. "I get that. Sometimes, it feels like we're trapped by the expectations others have of us."
"Exactly," you agreed, feeling a kinship with him that you hadn't felt with anyone else. "But out here, with you, it feels different. Like we can be ourselves."
He reached out, his hand finding yours in the darkness. "We can be. We just have to decide to make it a reality."
You squeezed his hand, the simple gesture speaking volumes. "Maybe one day," you whispered, the words a promise and a hope.
The conversation lulled, the silence comfortable and filled with unspoken understanding. You finished your cigarettes, the smoke curling up into the night sky, disappearing into the vast expanse. "Ready to go back in?" Cregan asked, his voice gentle.
You nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. "Yeah. But let's promise to do this again. To find these moments, no matter how busy we get."
Cregan smiled, his hand still holding yours. "Deal."
With a final look at the city below, you both turned and headed back inside, the noise and chaos of the party enveloping you once more. But something had changed. There was a connection between you and Cregan now, a shared understanding that made the weight of your responsibilities a little lighter.
As you mingled with the other guests, you caught Cregan's eye across the room. He raised his glass in a silent toast, a promise of more moments like the one you'd just shared. You smiled, raising your own glass in return.
For tonight, you were heirs to empires, but in that brief interlude on the balcony, you were just two people finding solace in each other. And that was enough.
Later, as you lay in bed, you thought about the evening's conversation. The idea of running away, of living a simpler life, was still tempting. But more than that, you realized how much you valued the connection you'd found with Cregan.
Maybe you couldn't escape your responsibilities, but you could find ways to cope with them. And maybe, just maybe, you could find more moments like the one you'd shared tonight, moments that made everything else worth it.
With that comforting thought, you drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a little café by the sea and the promise of more nights spent talking and laughing with Cregan Stark.
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taglist: @benjicotblckwood
banner credits to: @cafekitsune
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lnfours · 11 months
inclinations (invisible string) | l.n
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summary: a story told in two parts: summer and autumn. summer held the whirlwind romance that came crashing down too soon. autumn brought the repercussions of young love and learning how to fall in love all over again.
au: childhood friends to lovers, uni!au
warnings: language, some not so secret pining, moving fast but it’s for the plot, language, fluff, i kinda want what they have.
masterlist | next chapter | listen
where every rich family spent their summer days by their fancy in ground pools or at the country club. the afternoons consisted of hitting the shops and cafes for some light shopping and brunch with friends.
but night time, that was your favorite time of day. that’s when everyone would hit the town for drinks or the few clubs that lingered, some would even host their own parties at their houses.
and one of those notorious parties would be the ones flo norris would throw. she was known for throwing the best parties in the hampton during the summer. and being her right hand woman, of course you’d always make an appearance.
which is where you were right now, sitting her room as she tried on bikinis. asking for your opinion on each.
“okay,” she said, walking out her closet in a black two piece, one that looked similar to the red one she had on prior, “how’s this one?”
you nodded, looking up from your phone, “i like it,”
“you said that about the others,” she pouted softly, “should i go with the red or this one?”
you twisted your lips in thought before pointing at the black two piece, “that one.”
her phone pinged on the bed and she sighed softly, “who is it?”
you glanced down at the phone. the name illuminating her lockscreen making your heart skip a beat.
“uh, your brother,” you said, picking the phone up.
“what’d he say?”
you clicked on the notification and typed in her passcode before reading the message out loud, “‘let mom and dad know max and i will be at the house in an hour please’.”
“just put the thumbs up on it,” she said and you double tapped the message before clicking on the thumbs up button. you locked her phone, setting it back on the bed as he hopped up next to you.
“you’re nervous,” she said, “why’re you nervous?”
you furrowed your eyebrows at her, “i’m not nervous?”
“you’re a bad liar,” she said, “c’mon! we’ve been friends for how long? i know when you’re lying and when you’re lying about being nervous?”
you swallowed and opened your mouth to speak before closing it. her eyes widened, “oh! is it because of him?”
him, meaning her brother. you knew that too well.
“you know, he’s not seeing anyone, it’s totally your chance,” she said and you laughed softly.
“no, flo-“
“oh come on!” she giggled, “you and i both know that if he wasn’t stupid, you two would practically be married by now.”
you laughed, “i doubt that.”
she sighed, getting up and offering her hands to you, “okay, fine then. no boys tonight. just us and our guests and officially kicking off summer. how about that?”
you sighed and looked up at her, laughing softly as you shook your head and grabbed her hands. you stood in front of her, “okay, deal.”
she smiled, pulling you into a hug, “good! now let’s do this, yeah?”
you nodded, following her down the stairs and through the house you had spent more summers at than your own. you made your way to the backyard, the speakers still playing music and the pool floats she insisted on blowing up earlier this afternoon floating around in the pool.
the night continued on and more and more people ended up showing up. you said hi to the other friends you had made during your summers in the hamptons, catching up with them.
flo raised her champagne glass to you, “cheers to us, and summer,” she smiled, “i missed you.”
you raised your glass and clinked it with hers, “cheers to us. i missed you.”
you both took sips and her eyes grew wide as she spotted someone in the crowd, a smile on her face as she called them over, “max fucking fewtrell is that you?!”
you followed her gaze and spotted the brunette as he made his way over. max fewtrell: lando’s right hand man, his best friend. wherever max was, lando definitely wasn’t far behind.
he smiled as he joined the two of you, giving flo a hug, “what’s up! as always, great party, flo.”
“thanks, max,” she smiled.
you smiled at him as he pulled you into a hug, “hey, y/n,”
“hey,” you smiled, “did you grow since the last time i saw you?”
you teased him and he rolled his eyes playfully, “ha ha, very funny.”
“where’s your other half?” flo asked, “better known as my annoying brother.”
max looked around at the groups of people, “he’s around here somewhere, think he went to go say hi to a few people.”
you both nodded, sitting and catching up with max. after a few more sips from your glass, you looked over at flo, “i’ll be right back.”
she nodded as you got up from your seat, making your way into the house through the crowds of people. on your way inside the house, you felt a hard chest collide with you. you were about to pull back and tell them to watch where they were going until you looked up and saw that stupid necklace.
the same one you had given to him for his sixteenth birthday.
“shit, i’m sorry,” he said and when you pulled away to look up at the man in front of you, it had finally registered, “y/n?”
you smiled, “hey, lan,”
he pulled you into a hug, “god, how’ve you been? it’s been a while.”
you pulled away from the hug, nodding as you brushed a piece of hair away from your face, “i’m good! i’m good, yknow, same shit different day, nothing totally new,” you said and he smiled at you, “how about you? how’s the whole racing thing going?”
he smiled, “it’s going good, actually. i’m just kind of glad to have a break, yknow, spend it here. haven’t been here in a while.”
you nodded, “yeah, guess thats what happens when you get hot and famous.”
he smirked playfully, “so you think i’m hot?”
you rolled your eyes, shoving his arm as you laughed, “you know what i meant!”
his eyes looked over you from head to toe, “i mean, you’re one to talk. when did you grow up?”
you laughed, placing a hand on your hip, “well if you’d come to the hamptons once in a while you’d know.”
“if i knew i was missing out on this, i would’ve put more of an effort to come around.”
you smiled, opening your mouth to speak before you were interrupted, “yo, lando!”
you both turned to look at who was calling his name, spotting max in the doorway, “flo needs your help with something.”
he nodded, “be there in a minute,”
“she said it was urgent.” max said and lando rolled his eyes softly and you laughed.
“it’s fine,” you said, “we’ll talk later, yeah?”
he nodded back down at you, turning to walk towards max, “what’re you doing tomorrow?”
“nothing yet,” you called back.
“good,” he said, “mini golf? i’ll text you?”
you smiled, “sounds good,”
he sent you a smile before walking through the door with max.
it was official: summer was your favorite season.
“you’re a cheater!” you laughed as he happily tapped his ball into the hole. he threw his hands up happily, cheering.
“maybe you’re just bad,” he said, crossing his arms as you got ready to take your shot, “your form is awful, hold on.”
you straightened up, watching as he walked up behind you. you sucked in a nervous breath as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around your own, his hands fixing your stance. he tapped his shoe against yours.
“spread your legs a little further,” he said, “and then pull back and follow through, don’t think too much.”
you looked down at the ball and back at the hole in the ground, “okay,”
he pulled on your arms, letting you swing with him as he followed through, tapping the ball. you watched as it went perfectly into the hole. you laughed softly, looking back at him.
“thanks,” you were close enough to see his eyes through his sunglasses. he smiled back at you, taking a step away as he cleared his throat.
“‘s what i’m here for,” he said, watching you walk over to grab the colored golf balls, yours pink and his green, obviously.
you grabbed the score sheet from the pocket of your shorts, unaware of his eyes on you. the way you looked in the setting sun, the way your hair blew in the soft shore wind. everything about you was perfect to him.
but how was he supposed to tell you that? you were his best friend, he wasn’t supposed to think about you like this.
you looked up with a smile on your face and he felt his heart melt right there on the mini golf course, “well, shocker, you won.”
he smiled, “the champion remains undefeated!”
you rolled your eyes, the both of you making your way off the course and to the booth to hand in the balls and clubs, “yeah, yeah, whatever,”
he laughed, “ice cream on me?”
“well if you’re buying, then definitely.” the two of you letting out a soft laugh as you made your way back onto the boardwalk and to the ice cream shop. he held the door open for you and you thanked him, the two of you making your way to the counter.
you placed your orders, making small conversation until a younger brunette walked up to him, “are you lando norris?”
he smiled, “yeah,”
“oh my god!” she turned to her friend, “i told you!”
he laughed softly before she turned back to him, “can i get a picture with you?”
he nodded, “sure.”
you watched as the girl gave her phone to her friend, lando and the girl smiling for the photo before she thanked him and walked out of the store with her friend happily.
“does that ever get old?” you asked him as he turned back to you.
he shrugged, “i mean, the fans are what makes everything worth it, the good races, the bad ones,” you nodded as he continued, “i mean, there are days where i’m just not in the mood, but if one picture can make someone’s day, then so be it.”
you smiled, “i get it,”
the person behind the counter called your order and he handed you your ice cream before the both of you walked out the door. you followed him to bench facing the beach and the water, the both of you sitting down as the sun was setting against the waves.
“so,” he said, “flo told me you were in uni, how’s that going?”
you tilted your head to the side, taking the spoon from your mouth, “it’s going, i guess? i don’t know, it’s not great but it’s not good either. i kinda just feel like someone existing in my classes.”
he chuckled, “like you’re a zombie in lectures?”
you laughed softly, “a little bit, actually, yeah,” you smiled, “especially at my eight o’clocks.”
“what’re you studying?” he asked, looking over at you now. you couldn’t tell behind his sunglasses, but he was watching you with love filled eyes.
“music theory,” you smiled happily.
“oh, no way!” he said, “you got into that program?”
you nodded and he smiled, wiggling his shoulder against yours, “look at you!”
you laughed, “stop,”
“oh c’mon!” he laughed, “you’ve talked about this program since we were kids and you made it! that’s gotta be a little bit of an ego boost, yeah?”
you bit down on your lower lip, trying to fight back the smile, “i mean i guess so-“
“okay, but i could say the same with you!” you said, “you were always talking about racing with mclaren and now you’re actually doing it, you’ve gotta be the tiniest bit proud of yourself.”
he nodded, “i am, i guess.”
“you should be.”
he looked over at you, “but it’s different when i’m here, y’know. because i can just be lando here. not lando norris, formula one driver for mclaren, not the overly cocky, sassy guy twitter paints me out to be. i can just, i don’t know-“
“exist?” you asked.
he nodded, looking over at you, “yeah,” he said, “and beat you at mini golf.”
you rolled your eyes and sent him a look as he let out a boyish giggle, immediately apologizing, “okay, okay, sorry!”
you sprung out of your seat, “okay, but i bet i could beat you down to the ocean.”
he raised an eyebrow, “oh, yeah?”
you nodded, sending him a challenging look before you threw your trash into the trash can next to you, “yeah.”
he stood up, throwing his trash out and smirking over at you, “how much do you wanna bet?”
“loser buys dinner?” you said.
“deal,” he said and the both of you took off down the steps to the sand. you slipped your sandals off and laughed as he chased after you, the both of you running past the sunburnt people coming off the beach. you threw your shoes down on the sand, squealing when his hands found your waist, lifting you off your feet when he reached you. you laughed, flailing your legs as an attempt to get him to put you down.
“lando! put me down!” you laughed.
his laugh echoed yours as he complied, putting you down on the wet sand where the waves previously crashed. you spun around to face him, reaching to grab his sunglasses. you grabbed them from his face gently, finally revealing his watercolored eyes. he watched you intently as you smiled, your heart beating so hard it felt like it was going to break through your ribs.
he reached out to you, pulling you closer, “i’m sorry i didn’t come last summer.”
you shook your head, “you’re here now.”
he brushed a piece of hair from your face, “i’m still sorry.”
“it’s okay,” you smiled at him.
you placed his sunglasses in his curls as he watched you, “so, where do you want to go for dinner?”
“sounds good,” he grinned back at you.
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