#emotions rearise
aqpippin · 11 months
i need to stop coming up with fic concepts in the middle of the night 😃
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lunadademon14 · 2 months
Overthought about rearise again
Takumi anc mon are kinda sad to me, cause both are teens who grew up too fast, both because of the expectations on them, but also their circumstances
Takumi, having noticed the way his parents grew stressed over things, like him as a whole, made him mad, and then proceed to try and take on the issues of people who wre too "incompetent" to take them on. Like, i mean yeah, sure man, alright but like.
To me, it means he thought his own emotions and existence was a burden and tried to take them on himself. Thats a heavy thing to place on yourself, how did he get here from that? He was mad about it, thought of his parents as weak, and became strict on himself. And then his whole character arc was about him understanding that he too worries like they do, because they care, and i think it was him and dorumon becoming more vulnerable with their feelings, which is a really important thing for men to do.
Don't get me wrong, he's still kinda a jerk(a funny one to me) but also, arc 1 act 17, when he digivolved dorugamon to dorugreymon from pushing him, they were still injured weren't they?? Did he have to go home and patch himself up??? By himself??? Did he have to hide those injuries from the people around him for a few weeks??
But its also kinda sad he still kept the other tamers at arms length?? The tamers are vulnerable with their digimon, yes, but like, it feels like they never made friends with each other like the other kids do, except for like, michi and sara
Other than takumi, we have mon and shes sad to me too, because she grew up early, but not because she questioned her existence because of her caretakers, its more than that
The digimon of the village literally got massacred by an icedevimon because it wanted to have her make it stronger. She, as a human child, was saught out, and the people who loved her paid the price for that. Then she was saved by huckmon, and after something like that, she would be saving more digimon in the digital world.
But for a child, imagine how terrible it'd be to be too late sometimes to save some of those villages. Her existence becoming something where she needs to save the homes of others, and thats really sad to think about
Once the spirals started going around, and she had to gain the help of other tamers, i wonder how she felt when they tried to get her to have fun, when they tried to take her to the mall, chihiro letting her taste coffee. Did she ever feel like it was going to ripped away at any moment? She probably did
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letsrearise · 1 year
Season 1 retrospective part III:Keito's missed potential.
Keito is the ReArise character I find most underwhelming to talk about with regards his season-one material. While the first season is overall formulaic and goofy— not something that's exactly tightly written nor super serious for the most part, it does offer plenty of highlights for the other Tamers. It's not like there wasn't material that could be compelling for him, but his writing is definitely the one that suffered the most in season one. So I mostly set to talk about what ideas I'd have liked to see developed for him and what exactly doesn't click for me about what we do get.
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Inconsistent start
His introduction in act 5 is likely the most fun one out of the introductory acts. The comedic effect to Elecmon chasing him through the mall brings to mind Adventure's Jou, but he's quickly set apart by his level-headed curiosity putting him in hot water with the Spiral of the act. There is a funny contrast here: he's both wary and a worrywart, but also a serenely curious guy. He's like a mix of Koushiro's desk-man role, Jiangliang's serenity and Jou's anxiety packaged into an unassuming, mellow young man.
During the first library incident, he refuses to participate in Michi's antics—and the Tamers' activities by extension— because he's busy with his college papers. The idea of a Tamer whose human-world responsibilities and priorities clash with his new-found role as a Tamer is a compelling one. Elecmon's frustration over Keito's decision to stay behind and their boredom over the lull that is waiting for Keito to be done are good setup for the friction in their relationship and Keito's struggle to accept his role as Tamer. Except that's not where we end up going, for worse.
Despite the fact he's put off by the idea of willingly putting oneself in harms way when Michi wants to test out training to evolve Plotmon, and passing on investigating the ghost rumors in favor of keeping his little sister out of the nonsense (hello, human-world responsibilities and protective-older-brother trope), it's not necessarily a conflict that gets the spotlight for his adult evolution act. His curiosity and want to research Spirals and Digimon never clash with his reservation over the dangers they represent, despite the later showing up in his perfect evolution act and the Eiji sidestory of season 2. In fact, he helps out to save Truffle in act 10 just fine. Similarly, by the start of act 11,he already has the resolve to bite the bullet and fight Spirals in order to prevent other people from getting caught up in the middle like he did in act 5, his prior complete reluctance to get involved notwithstanding.
Instead of getting to see how he gets to that point, we get… a rather childish fight between him and Elecmon in act 11. Mind you, an immature outburst of emotion can be an appealing way to drive the conflict brewing to the forefront; if Elecmon's tantrum served to illustrate their growing frustration and disillusionment in the Tamer they were initially so excited to finally meet in person, that would be one thing. ReArise's setting about Tamers first meeting their partners through their phones until the digimon eventually realize into the human world is an unique and relatively underutilized aspect. The concept of the process of becoming partners being a lot more mundane and taking a lot of adjustment is unseen and appealing. However, the fight we get doesn't underline any of that. Elecmon misunderstands an idiom and zaps Keito, while also acting like a toddler because he's jealous of Keito talking well of Herismon. It comes across as jarring to suddenly have Elecmon act so childishly. Sure, they have been like a little kid stuck in the mall with their parent more than once, but you'd think their differences would lie in the clash of their personalities and priorities.
It's worth mentioning that this isn't the only time ReArise employs a childish fight in an adult-evo act, with the resident comedy duo that are Michi and Plotmon also having a quite goofy, bratty fight in theirs. However, they work out a lot better because it serves to showcase they're close enough to be utterly immature with each other, taking teasing too far and knowing all about each other's embarrassing points and weaknesses. They're two peas in a pod, and they serve as an ideal of partnership Herismon desires for themself. Watching Keito and Elecmon bridge their differences isn't nearly as satisfying because their fight doesn't address their clashing personalities nor the actual causes that could be causing dissatisfaction between them. Keito's act of bravery with him finally putting himself in the spot and shielding Elecmon from danger rings hollow when he was already at a point where he's fine with helping deal with the Spirals. Still, Leomon's debut playing out like a reference to Oz' cowardly lion is good in theory, especially when Leomon is all about being a noble, brave hero.
Foregone conclusion
Generally speaking, the perfect evolution acts (plus Takumi's ultimate material) serve to give a bit more depth to the Tamers characterizations and themes. It's vital set up for their season-two writing, so I found myself really digging that stretch on rewatch. Not so much Keito's though, as he once again gets rather underwhelming material. We've been here and done that countless times before in this franchise: the overprotective older brother needs to learn to trust the little sibling (more often than not, little sister). ReArise doesn't break the formula, but rather punches it up to goofy levels. It's more of a parody of the trope than a serious exploration of the Tamada siblings' dynamic. Nozomi is comically unaware of the danger she is in, but it's clear from the beginning there's no dramatic tension to derive here because her playmate and new bestie is Pumpmon, who's more than enough to protect her. Rather, the one causing trouble is Keito. His berating causes her to throw a tantrum, and we engage in a silly Coyote and roadrunner chase with the two of them, until Keito decides to chill and trust his sister. The conclusion is foregone from the setup itself, but that doesn't mean we couldn't have had some interest here. Keito being so much older, at least a decade, than Nozomi driving their rift could lend some novelty to this well-worn trope. Having to get out of his head and extend respect and trust to those he can't possibly understand could tie in well with him overcoming his own wariness of digimon and blossoming into the enthusiastic bridge between worlds he wants to become in season two. Ultimately, it's more missed potential.
It's a shame season one didn't outline his arc better, given his Tamer responsibilities end up being about helping those around you and getting to have a hand in building the kind of world you wanna live in, even when it clashes with other priorities. It's such a perfect theme for a character that has just become a "young adult", though, admittedly, that's the sort of coming-of-age arc that fits season two's sensibilities and deftness much better.
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pechebeche · 2 years
SaraMichi ReArise for the song thingy? 😂
Michi, Utada Hikaru
Cosmic Love, Florence + the Machine
Before the World Was Big, Girlpool
Something Else, Good Charlotte
Only the Good Die Young, Billy Joel
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invidiatechdemo · 11 months
also i /will/ elaborate on the 'baldr has herissmon line in a digimon au' thing (also as a reminder: if you want to skip crossover stuff/meme posts pleeease blacklist 'invidiatech evil moments'):
... this has digimon ReArise spoilers.
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Herissmon's basic digimon reference guide entry is as follows:
"It is brimming with curiosity and will lose sight of its surroundings once it finds something to fixate on, although it is also highly cautious and will make its hard, needle-like quills stand on end when it is afraid, curling up into a ball until no sign of danger remains. However, it gets very attached to those it has warmed up to, and will show them its favorite treasures that it keeps stashed in its fur. It seems to have a habit of going on guard whenever it spots a Tailmon, due to having been bullied several times in the past. Its Special Moves are attacking the opponent by shooting lightning-coated quills (Lightning Fur), and curling its body up into a ball and charging forth (Kenzan Dive)."
okay, cute! similar color scheme to hringhorn and baldr's own, and the sort of disposition we seem to know of pre hoder stuff baldr.
... THAT IS. not the only reason.
Herissmon's digivolution line is split, as many digimon partners are, into a 'good' outcome, and a 'bad' outcome at the end.
... so let's look at the bad one.
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Rasenmon: Fury Mode's entry is as follows:
"A ruthless, nine-tailed Ultimate Digimon that became unable to control its power of darkness when large amounts of negative emotion data flowed in from others while it was evolving from a Perfect Digimon. It is a destroyer that gave in to its rampaging power of darkness when it finished evolving, instinctively devastating its surroundings. It suffers from inner conflict stemming from its fear of and attempts to reject the swirling negative emotions inside of itself, which gave rise to its destructive impulses and subsequently its vicious personality."
... There's actually even more stuff with ties to ReArise's story mode that would fully spoil the game but. point being is Baldr's digimon is Herissmon. definitively. absolutely.
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uupiic · 5 years
Current vortex team: An underpaid babysitter looking after four children.
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strabi-hero-mha · 3 years
The hardest part about playing MHA Strongest Hero is definitely the 12-16 year olds sending each other death threats in the public chat, and the adults that egg them on because they dont care about the emotional turmoil these hormonally stressed out children are going through.
I don't mean to compare different games to each other, but I think the reason you can't leave comments or send messages on Digimon ReArise is because they understood the immaturity of their demographic (children and teens), and didn't want to give them a platform they could potentially abuse.
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dovahkiin796 · 3 years
Digimon: Three Days with the King of Vampires Day 0
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To those who play the phone app game Digimon ReArise. Will only truly know what I'm talking about. Even before playing season 2 of the story, I knew about Michi, one of the main characters and her partner Angewomon. Become mind-controlled by the great GranDracmon and becoming his minions. When learning of that I was excited to see that in the story and see how the characters will save them and see what kind of role the vampire digimon will give to the pair. But when playing the next act, I was greeted with disappointment. The act starts off with the cast in a downcast mood as they haven't seen Michi and Angewomon in three days. I was surprised by that and hoped to see what the duo were doing within those three days. Spoilers! We never learn what they did. No flashbacks, no dialogue or anything of the sort. So, my best guess is GranDracmon took Michi and Angewomon back to the Digital World and had them do nothing while he came up with his next plan. Now when it comes to the present, Michi and Angewomon are destorying things that made Michi sad in anyway or pretty much anything Michi holds dear... so just causing pure chaos. Ok, kinda boring but makes sense for GranDracmon as he wants humans to express the negative emotions as he treats things as if he's watching or directing a play. Now when it comes to the mind-control it's written weirdly for Michi as she sometimes expresses her true feelings despite not fighting against it... at least, I think. Anyway, I'm writing this story to explore more of Michi under GranDracmon's control. Now I'm writing this more for myself rather than trying write some grand story. So I'm keeping the writing simple. Hope you enjoy.
Day 0
"Eye of the Gorgon!" GranDracmon exclaimed, his right eye glowing a menacing orange color. Michi, a teenage girl who has been hearing the Vampire Digimon's whispered voice within her own mind. Is unable to save herself from the digital monster's dark influence. From within she can feel the darkness her heart had generated spread out through her entire body. If Michi wasn't in such a perilous state right now she could describe the feeling as a cold stream that broke free from its dam. Though the feeling of coldness was quickly replaced by a feeling of pain when the darkness reached her head. In a firm grip she places her hands on both sides of her head in hopes to soothe the harmful feeling, but it was a completely futile attempt. The pain continued to grow and grow till she couldn't handle it anymore and let out a loud scream. Then suddenly her screaming stopped. She falls onto her knees, her head drooping a little, which made it difficult to see her face.
From where he is standing. GranDracmon watched in glee has he saw a purple aura manifest itself around the human and envelop her. Letting him know that the human is now susceptible to his brainwashing. "Stand Michi." He mentally ordered through the connection that he now had with the girl. She does so and pretty stiffly one would add. As if she was being puppeteered by some invisible strings. The sight causes a chill to run down the other human and their Digimon's spines. Michi puts her hand on her head again and starts rubbing it and speaking in a livelier tone than anyone would think she would. "Ow! Why does my head hurt so much!?" She asked to really no one. She then starts looking around her surroundings. "And what was I doing that has me in the park?" Her gaze eventually lands on the human and their Digimon partner. "Oh, that's right! I remember now! Angewoman, attack their Digimon!"
Angewoman, who already fell under GranDracmon's control, obeyed her partner's order and attacked the digital monster with more power than an ultimate level should have. The Digimon sustain so much damage it reverted back into its Rookie form. GranDracmon watched with great amusement as saw and sensed the despair the other human was giving off. And despite how much he wanted to continue it. He decided to leave it at that for the time being as he wants to plan for more excitement in the coming days. "Let us close the curtains for this evening. Come now, Michi and Angewoman." He said.
"Okay... See you around, friend." Said Michi. With that done GranDracmon left the area with the brainwashed Michi and Angewomon following close behind him. When they got far enough the brunette asked him a question. "So, what's the next step in the plan?"
"For now, my dears we'll head to the Dark Area in the Digital World. I have a castle there established in very center. We'll use it as a place to be left undisturbed by your former friends and those pesky Devas or any other righteous Digimon that might try to stop us. I must come up with the next act in the play." He answered.
Despite her current state the female human couldn't help but express her excitement. "Really?! I never been to a castle before in either world. This is going to be so cool!" It couldn't be seen by the pair but a very small smile formed on the centaur-like Digimon's face. Nighttime eventually arrives in the Real World and using the darkness to his advantage. The Vampire Digimon opens a portal to the Digital World.
The three walk right into the newly created portal, only to then exit out of it a few seconds later and find themselves inside the interior of a reddish stone made structure. The room they were in specifically is gigantic and decorated with amazing pieces of art. Up against the center of the backwall seems to be a throne for the owner of the place to sit on. The giant digital monster turns around to face his new guests and gestures his arms to his sides. "So, my dears. What do you think of my home?"
Angewomon was the first to answer the question in a more cool, business-like tone. "It will suffice for a resting place for when the day is over. But I'll admit the art you have is very nice to look at." Michi agreed with her partner. "Totally! Can't wait to see more of it!"
"Your praise of my humble abode fills me with much joy. And as much as I'll love to give you both a tour of the place, I sadly must tend to other matters. But feel free to familiarize yourselves with the layout of the castle." He said. Both said ok and left to head towards a nearby large corridor.
While watching them leave GranDracmon's right eye glowed orange again. He can see that the purple aura surrounding the two is still there, keeping them in his control. GranDracmon was most excited to have them take part in his next act as it'll be the grandest sendoff he'll have for the humans. At least for now that is. 'My little stars, soon you'll both shine brighter than the others in the pitch-black sky. Only to then be pulled down into darkness.'
Back with the pair, their self-tour of the massive castle eventually led them to a balcony that is overlooking the Dark Area. As far as the eye can see were the numerous dead trees, rocky terrain, dark sky, purple water, and a purple fog covering the ground below. "So, this is what the Dark Area looks like." Said Michi, "It's actually not that bad as my old friends and the Devas kept describing it as. I was expecting something more, R-rated."
"I agree Michi. The Devas clearly exaggerate whatever they don't see fit in a pure negative light." Said Angewomon in a sour tone. Before more could be said, the holy Digimon sensed they weren't alone. Doing a quick 180, Angewomon summons her light bow and pulls back the string to create a light arrow. Standing, or a better use of words, flying in place, just several feet away from them is a DemiDevimon.
The little creature jumps in surprise. "Wait! Don't hurt me!" He begged. His pleading didn't have any effect on the female Digimon. She simply pulls the string back further and says in a firm voice. "State your business for being here! If it's to hurt my partner, I'll grant you no mercy." The purple aura manifests itself around her. The brunette, who turned around to see what the commotion is all about says the following. "Why not grant it now? I mean, I doubt GranDracmon will miss such a weak, common Digimon." Michi said this with a smile that was neither wicked, sinister, or evil. But her usual casual smile, which makes it that more disturbing. Just like with Angewomon, the purple aura manifests around her.
Sweating bullets, the small digital creature stutters out his words. "Pl-please listen! I was sent by L-lord GranDracmon to tend to, to any needs you might have along with answering any questions you might want to ask."
"Really?!" Exclaimed the human. A little surprised by the news. The DemiDevimon nods by tilting his whole body downward a little. "Yes. My lord's orders were very specific. Whatever you require, I'll see that it happens." He said. "Cool!" Said Michi and then motions to her partner, "Stand down Angewomon, be a shame to lose my first servant before getting a chance to give him orders."
The angel Digimon makes her bow and arrow to disappear from her hands. Causing the spherical monster with wings to let out a sigh of relief. "So, Mistress Michi and Mistress Angewomon. How may I be of service?" He asked. The brunette softly laughed at her new title. "Well, I'm a little tired from today, it's been very... busy to put it lightly. Is there a room here I can sleep in?" Just as she finished her sentence. A yawn escapes her mouth. The Digimon says there is and told the pair to follow him, to which they do.
Unknown to the duo. For the next three days Michi and Angewomon will be tested by their new master. To see if they're ready for what he has planned for them.
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strabius-berry · 4 years
Fucking ReArise made me so emotional with this weeks Story Act as if I didn’t need a reason to be more emotional than usual today.
Oh dear D:
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lunarywoman · 5 years
Just Another Cold Weather Post.
There’s a part of me that looks forward to the darkness that winter brings. There are inches of my soul that feel at home within my depression. My mind seems to flourish despite the negativity of the bloom. Of all the emotions circulating through my bloodstream, sadness is the one that feels most welcome in my body. Perhaps it’s the familiarity of it all. Perhaps it’s the fact that after 8 years of swimming through this illness, I’ve learned to stay afloat and greet it in a calm place. Perhaps it’s because I’ve spent so much time in this anxious, depressed, weak vessel of a body that I either feel uncomfortable with happiness, or that I simply just don’t deserve it. My personal depression is a kind of parasite. It leeches off of the fragile parts of my mind and attacks when it knows I am either lonely, or weak. It can be scarily paralyzing if not managed. Though my anxiety attacks are the most terrifying thing I’ve had to endure, there is something about the moments following an episode that are alleviating. The trembling jerks the sadness from my skin, and the crying washes the hate from my eyes. Once I am finally able to catch my breath, I realize that my mind has become blank. Thoroughly empty. No thoughts of torment and no thoughts of cheer exist within me. I take these moments to just be, extant, survive.
Often when I am preoccupied by the daily duties of my life, I forget that I am subconsciously shoving all the negative emotions deep into my stomach, in a scheme to tend to them later on. Once “later on” comes around, I have so many negative emotions to mentally organize that I become frail in my self-care. I mostly snooze away the sadness, or I self-medicate with weed to purge my mind of the agonizing contemplation I so miserably fail to escape. Few things trigger depressing episodes - not having enough time to enjoy the subtleties of life, not having enough financial stability to feel comfortable, sometimes it’s even as simple as not feeling the love of the sunshine on my skin for one day. For me, learning that my depression is my own responsibility is the most tedious aspect of the illness. For years I’ve had closely connected comerades to lean on in times of crisis. Recently, I’ve had to learn that the battle of my sorrow is by my own liability, and assistance from a friend will not always be available. So how do I subsist when I am alone and my melancholy decides to strike my mind? I don’t really. Is there even a proper way to handle despair? I sob, I rub my eyes, I scratch my skin, I rock back and forth, I scream into my fists, I tug at my hair, I bite my nails, I occasionally cut my wrists... but at the end of it, breathing is my hindmost option. Breathing is all I have left to do. In and out, quickly, then slower. In the darkest of hours, during the most frigid and silent of nights, there is no alternative - I must simply breathe. I breathe until I can see potential in my recovery from the incident. I breathe until my heart rate decreases and my sweaty hands dry up. I breathe until there’s finally someone around to hold me. I breathe until it gets easier to breathe.
With winter returning, the anxiety of not being able to handle myself rearises. The idea of suicide reenters my mind and I come back to the many plans that I have previously failed to execute. My mental barrier weakens and I am more subservient to the intrusive thoughts. I involuntarily allow my depression to own me and control my energy throughout the weeks. Grief possesses most moments of the nighttime and often seeps into my dawns, maintaining its capacity all day long within the fragile state of my brain. I am well versed on the methods my depression uses to disarm me, but I am not unconquerable to it. I still allow it to detour my happiness from visibility. There is a voice I hear, similar to my own, but not. I never converse with it, I only ever listen. It reminds me of all the vain attempts I’ve made to improve. It reminds me that although sometimes I may think I am stronger than my depression, I am not. It reminds me that my energy is heavy and that my mind is too impenetrable to even begin to analyze. It reminds me that I am too overwhelming of a being to love consistently. It reminds me that my mental state is tenuous and that I am often unable to achieve even the simplest of responsibilities. It also reminds me of the boundaries I must reconstruct in my relationships to stay practical. It reminds me that late night drives on country roads featuring sad music is an ignorant idea. It reminds me that quality sleep, quality relationships, and a quality diet is extremely important.
I know for a fact that my depression is an illness that will never leave my brain entirely. I know that I will live with this ailment until I surrender to my old age. I know that some days will be much more arduous than others, and that the temptation of suicide may never completely retire. Though, I also know that I am leisurely coming to peace with what it is, the hold is has over me, and how to mould it into a quiet and personal art form. I have no other choice but to confidently anticipate the day that I have complete sovereignty over my mental illness. I just hope that day comes soon.
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smackins · 3 years
So glad I didn't get into ReArise after Links shut down. I thought I was emotional when I had to say goodbye to RustTyrannomon and Puppetmon... If I played the game where emotional attachment was actually part of the game I would have thrown my phone and screamed bloody murder over that little hedgehog.
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fellow-earthling · 5 years
I think about how I’m just better off alone. That way I can’t hurt or disappoint anyone but myself. 
I’ve lost many friends within the past five years, but most of all, I’ve disappointed myself in the process. I can’t deny that I’m completely lost, and selfish tendencies have resulted in people exiting my life. 
I drank tequila for breakfast to numb my emotions but that doesn’t keep them from rearising in the surface of my thoughts. The feelings of insecurity and inferiority just come back. 
Maybe it’s just easier to have no one in my life. Because one way or another there is anxiety and fear and loss. 
I’m 24 and most of the people I once called friends, have given me the permanent silent treatment. 
and all I’m left with are painful memories. 
painful because I know that they can never be recreated 
painful because I know that it’s somehow my fault
painful because no matter how hard I try, I fuck up. somehow. 
It’s easier to have no one. because then there’s no one to lose. 
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lunadademon14 · 1 month
Thing about rearise is that, the more i think about it, rearise spends a lot of time going over agency, or the taking of agency
Like the most obvious ones being that of the spiral hive mind hijacking herissmon, grandracmon essentially making michi become the darkest version of herself for a breif period of time thats basicly mind control, and eiji using sara and takumi for his own gains
But also, think about takumi trying to take on battles alone woth dorumon as his only backup, often telling the othwr tamers to just leave it to him(rather rudely, but he does it regardless), and in his pov, taking on his own emotions not wanting to burden his parents
Or how keito trying to protect nozomi was framed as him being too overprotective and controlling
Or how michi actively attempts to keep people positive, even if its not what they need right now
Or how mayu tried to give up her own agency to try and keep as many people as passive as possible
I can't remember where i was going with this, but its certainly interesting
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pechebeche · 2 years
thinks about sara snapping michi out of her hypnosis from grandracmon. thinks abt michi mid hypnosis at her lowest point worrying about sara and insisting she care for herself. thinks about michi describing the only sensation she can feel amid a world of cold as the warmth of sara's hand. tries not to cry. cries a lot
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