#hana malaguld
porta-decumana · 3 years
Codex Entry: Hana & Sükhbaatar Malaguld, the Mystic and her Beloved
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Hana Okane-Malaguld, runaway of Doma and mystic of the Malaguld.
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Sükhbaatar Malaguld, Warrior of the Steppe.
Sükhbaatar and Hana are Kaida’s paternal grandparents.
Hana was born to the Okane clan, who were considered to be members of high society in Doma.  They made their fortune in selling a variety of luxury items, which they traded all throughout Yanxia and Nagxia.  Their customers were the richest of the rich and thus their coffers were filled to the brim with gold.  The Okane clan had a mansion in Doma, which was fully staffed by servants that tended to their every need.
Hana was the eldest of her four siblings and she was to learn everything about her father’s trade.  Unfortunately, Hana was quite disenchanted with the life her father had laid out for her.  She did not want to learn how to manipulate the market and swindle her way to the top, promising honeyed riches to those with gold and power.  Truthfully, Hana was fascinated by the occult, having a love for geomancy and a fascination with divining one’s future.  She was fascinated enough by magic that she stole funds from her father’s vault and bought herself a tutor that would instruct her in private-- an elderly woman who knew the light and dark sides of magic.
However, her father would have none of that and when he discovered what Hana had done, he forbade her from continuing her training.  Hana’s mentor was sent away from Doma and it is said the patriarch of the Okane had her killed.  Hana was then forced into an arranged marriage with a man she did not love and was twice her age.  Hana knew she could not bear such a life and opted to run away instead, hearing tales of the Xaela and a tribe that took in strays if they could prove their mettle.  
Hana found the Malaguld tribe and though she showed no promise in terms of combat skills, she was clever, her healing magicks were welcomed, and they liked her sharp tongue.  She picked up on their way of life quickly, adjusting from her rigid lifestyle to one of unknown tomorrows.
Sükhbaatar was born in the Malaguld tribe, knowing from a young age that he would be a warrior of their clan.  He grew up with an eagerness in his heart for adventure and fun, oftentimes getting into trouble, even with other tribes.  His life was full of misadventures and his parents were quite concerned he would not make it to adulthood but through a miracle and Nhaama’s mercy, he did.  And not long after did Hana come into the tribe.  He was smitten at once with her.  The two wild souls found instant chemistry and before long, they were wed.  Sükhbaatar was said to be happiest in those days, his joy only growing when Hana bore him two sons-- Erden and Batu.  
A few years on the Steppe found Hana change from the Doman girl of high society to a shaman, a favorite among the tribe’s children.  She even partook in the Naadam several times, supporting her husband as they fought for glory.  She did think to get in touch with her family once.  When she did, she found that her father had passed on from illness and discovered that she had been stricken from the family tree, which gave her little concern.  She had long discarded the name Okane for Malaguld and she never wanted to go back.
Unfortunately as her sons grew into their early pre-teens, Hana contracted an illness that made her stamina gradually wither.  She had difficulty keeping up with the rest of the tribe, resorting often to having to be carried by Sükhbaatar or atop one of their horses.  Eventually, she did pass away, surrounded by loved ones.  Sükhbaatar was devastated, never falling in love again and vowing to spend all the time he had teaching his sons how to be the best warriors in the tribe.  Erden eventually left the Malaguld way of life, adopting the Doman name Sadao.  He did so after a chance meeting with a woman near the Ruby Sea, a lady named Norita, who was of the hidden Blue Village under the ocean’s waves.  Sükhbaatar was sad to see his son go but he encouraged him to do so, telling him that love was the greatest thing in the world and a worthy cause to fight for.
Batu and Sükhbaatar remain with the Malaguld tribe to this day.  Sükhbaatar has earned a reputation for specifically raiding Garlean convoys, using stolen metal to make weapons for his tribesmen.  He is just as spirited as he was in his youth.  He thought once to send a message to Hana’s family to tell them of her passing but decided against it, believing she would have rather them never know of her fate.  Sükhbaatar still sends messages to Sadao whenever he can.  He reassures his son there will ever be a place for him in the tribe should he choose to return with his new wife and children.  He has yet to meet his grandchildren formally but is happy to know of their existence and hopes someday they will visit him on the Steppe.
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