#lore; codex entries
bragganhyl · 7 days
however obsidian still hasn't answered the question most pressing *to me*
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will we have Cazadores 2.0 or not?
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 6 months
star wars fandom scholars: obi-wan kenobi is from stewjon, and, he's just a normal human male.
me, blithely nodding: uuhhhhhuh yep. got it.
(and then i proceed directly back to writing obi-wan with Special Stewjoni Biology and 4 different 'configurations' in 4 different fics.)
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swtorpadawan · 10 months
The Tuk'ata: People Actually Keep These Things as Pets???
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"These oversized hounds were bred to be fearless and relentless. Left to guard the Sith tombs of Korriban, they have sharp horns, long claws and savage teeth. They are unusually intelligent and seem capable of communicating with one another through unknown means. It is said that the species was nonviolent and grazing before being corrupted by Sith alchemical experiments that awakened a latent part of their brains and changed them into unnatural abominations. Random mutations now occur that produce some tuk'ata that can live for centuries and grow to immense proportions."
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danielnelsen · 4 months
anon who asked about chasind headcanons, i am not ignoring you, that is actually step 3 of my current project:
gather all chasind lore in existence
organise it into something coherent
fill in the gaps
unfortunately i have been on step 1 for about 2 weeks and it is currently a 130 page document and will still take a while to finish
but i am getting there!!! and i have formed many headcanons in the process about all kinds of things
#personal#da#don’t get excited about 130 pages of chasind lore. that’s not actually what it is#i’ve included anything on the avvar and the early alamarri and clayne#and the largest category is obviously the avvar (esp from dai)#but it’s coming along#i’m currently going through game dialogue which i was Dreading but it’s not too bad#i’m not gonna do da2 because i would have to go through each file and map the individual lines. nope!#just gonna go through some of mota (cahir is chasind) and ctrl-f through the talktable for the rest of the game#and i’m considering skipping dai altogether because……like when tf would the chasind be mentioned. bioware forgot they exist in dai#they get one codex entry for the skyhold decorations and that’s it#even the fallow mire has avvar instead even tho it’s BASICALLY IN CHASIND TERRITORY#devastating that so many of the avvar files are labeled chasind. like they were gonna be there and then they got replaced#look i don’t dislike the avvar at all but they are very much the favourite child and i resent that#anyway. all i have left is some other in-game text (quests mostly; which aren’t gonna give me much)#(i’ve already done codex entries and notes and item descriptions)#and a few things that i’ve skipped because i was getting sick of them: two avvar-related ttrpg adventures (where eagles lair & buried pasts)#and one novel (the calling. also something that has avvar stuff rather than chasind stuff)#where eagles lair is the most important one of those to actually go through because it goes in-depth on avvar culture#and since there’s very little actual chasind lore i’m basing some ideas on avvar stuff because they evolved from the same culture
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pinkfey · 1 year
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famewolf · 4 months
oh wow the first Mass Effect does appear to be pretty short. I'm going to move my focus to completing a fair few systems first before going on to start Noveria
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flowersonpebbles · 9 months
Dallas Surana
The Hero of Ferelden, Grey Warden-Commander:
The Fifth Blight was a true Blight despite some people's theories and arguments and it began in the swamps of the Korcari Wilds on the southeastern border of Ferelden in the year 9:30 Dragon. Believed to have woken the Archdemon, an Eluvian had been activated by Dalish hunters and thus it all began... 
The Hero of Fereldan, Dallas Surana, belonged to the Circle of Magi in Fereldan, residing in the tower at Lake Calenhad since he was 6 years old. Before the Circle, Dallas lived on a farm with humans, working as a farmhand until his first burst of magic blasted back everything and everyone around him. He ran in fright and Templars found him. He went with them in hopes of not hurting anyone else. 
First Enchanter Irving had highly recommended Dallas to Grey Warden Commander Duncan shortly after his Harrowing. The Circle was forced to give Dallas to Duncan after he forced the Right of Conscription upon Dallas whom had aided a blood mage in escaping though. Duncan was later informed that Dallas had not thought Jowan to be a blood mage. Duncan was still impressed that he would aid a friend so passionately. 
King Cailan Theirin was swift in responding to the darkspawn threat, gathering the royal army, every Grey Warden in his country, and sending a call for aid to the Fereldan nobility and wished to have the Orlesian chevaliers and Grey Wardens there as well but they would not arrive on time. The assembled armies laid a trap in the ruins of Ostagar, hoping to crush the force before it reached civilization. But they failed.
Darkspawn overran the defenders of Ostagar and decimated the king and his army. Loghain and the soldiers under his command to flank the enemy had survived because of his tactical retreat only. The darkspawn continued their advance into Ferelden unopposed. Only two Grey Wardens, Alistair Theirin and Dallas Surana, managed to escape the slaughter. And only because of their mission for the Joining of Dallas they came into possession of ancient treaties, which compelled all the races to join arms against the massing horde.
The Wardens were saved by Flemeth, a witch of the wilds, and her duaghter, Morrigan. Together, Alistair, Morrigan and Dallas journeyed to Lothering. On the way there, Dallas had found a mighty hound to aid them, he named him Griffin but Alistair called him Barkspawn. 
In Lothering, they met Leliana and Sten. They recruited the well spoken archer and strange qunari warrior gladly. And helped the people of Lothering best they could and encouraged the citizens to flee. They also met a merchant, Bodahn Feddic, and his adopted son who could make and do enchantments, Sandal, who accompanied them on their journey. 
The surviving Wardens sought Arl Eamon, uncle of the late King Cailan, in the hopes of mustering troops from the Ferelden nobility. Upon arriving in Redcliffe they learned that the arl had fallen ill and was near death. His knights had gone in pursuit of the fabled Ashes of Andraste, Eamon's only hope for a cure, and the village surrounding the Keep was beset by a host of animated corpses. The heroes helped the townspeople and Taegin through the night's battle. The Wardens found that Eamon's son, Connor, had been possessed. And Jowan, Dallas' friend who escaped, was the one who poisoned Eamon. He trusted Jowan to look after the castle whilst they go to the Circle to find help for the boy. Dallas himself stopped the demon behind the undead with help of the Circle mages. Once the people of Redcliffe were safe, they joined the search for Eamon's cure.
No one is certain if the Wardens actually located the final resting place of Andraste, but whatever they found saved the arl of Redcliffe. It was later known as The Temple of Sacred Ashes where the Conclave had been held before it's destruction. The town nearby, Haven, the first base of operations for the Inquisition thereafter. 
The Wardens made their way to Kinloch Hold, home of the Ferelden Circle and Dallas, and conscripted the mages after helping them fight blood mages and demons. They recruited Wynne, a powerful spirit healer, into their ranks. 
In desperation to find more allies, the Wardens journeyed into the Brecilian Forest, seeking the Dalish. The elves, too, joined the growing army after the Grey Warden helped them solve a dispute against Werewolves. Dallas had been very intrigued by the bloodwriting and traditions of the Dalish elves. 
Into the Deep Roads the surviving Wardens went, searching for Paragon Branka in hopes she could settle the unrest in Orzammar and unite the dwarves in the battle against the Archdemon. Branka had gone mad and the Wardens worked with another Paragon: the legendary Caridin to not only stop Branka from misusing the Anvil of the Void once more but also forged a crown that ended all question of succession. 
Bhelen Aeducan was crowned king of Orzammar, and the dwarven armies marched for the surface.
Despite their successes, though, greater challenges were yet to come.
Upon his recovery, Eamon Guerrin called for a Landsmeet and he and the Wardens traveled to Denerim.
There, they had to save Queen Anora from Arl Howe, free the city elves from being sold into slavery that was permitted by Loghain and help various unrests in the city. 
The gathered lords and ladies of Ferelden found Teyrn Loghain guilty of a number of crimes. He was sentenced to join the Grey Wardens to atone for his deeds. Furthermore, the Landsmeet bore witness to the betrothal of Queen Anora to Alistair Theirin, the lost son of Maric and a previous Grey Warden mage, Fiona.
The Archdemon clashed with the allied forces at the city of Denerim and was eventually slain, but at terrible cost. Much of the city lay in ruin. Dallas, who rallied the armies was named the Hero of Ferelden and accorded the highest honor. The first Grey Warden to have survived slaying an Archdemon thanks to his good friend, Morrigan. But now he had a son he'd never meet, as to Morrigan's wishes. 
The Fifth Blight ended before most of Thedas knew it had begun. But it left a terrible wound on Ferelden. The losses suffered at Ostagar and Denerim greatly compromised the security of the kingdom. Southern Ferelden from the Korcari Wilds to the edge of the Bannorn are, to this day, a wasteland. It's uncertain how far the ripples from this event shall travel, or what waves it has already stirred.
After defeating the Archdemon and ending the Fifth Blight, the Hero of Ferelden took up the mantle of Warden-Commander. He began the task of rebuilding the Order in Ferelden, serving with honor until his disappearance several years later.
The Inquisition has discovered that he has gone west in search of a way to cure the Calling. For he wished to die old with his beloved Zevran. 
—From A Report of the Fifth Blight and The Hero Warden-Commander of Ferelden, by Flowers on Pebbles
"I wish that I had helpful information regarding Corypheus, but due to my own limited training during the Blight, I know less of ancient darkspawn lore than most Wardens do. I am engaged in a search of my own. All Grey Wardens who do not fall in battle eventually fall to something known as the Calling, a magic that preys upon our own connection to the Blight and the darkspawn. Rather than such foul magic eventually leading to my death, I have determined to find a way to negate this Calling and save all Wardens from its effects.
As I have little useful information to offer, please accept the accompanying gifts instead. If, in my quest, I find anything that may be of use to you in your fight against Corypheus, I will send it to you immediately.
Part of me wishes that I could help your Inquisition more personally because the danger of Corypheus and the Breach approaches the threat of even another Blight. Regardless, Zevran and I have our own battles to fight, and I can only offer my confidence that you have matters well in hand.
Yours, Warden-Commander Surana of Ferelden"
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porta-decumana · 1 year
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Kaida Asagiri - Pre-1.0
Daughter of Councilwoman Norita Asagiri and a former warrior of the Malaguld tribe.
As the oldest daughter, Kaida lived a life of high expectations and constant pressure from her mother, who hoped to see her wedded off to a wealthy man or ascend to the status of Azure Priestess.
Unfortunately, even after years of training under the Azure Priestess of the time, Kaida was declared incompetent as a successor and was exiled after a mishap in the temple involving a loose voidsent.  
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Hm. I would say the codex actually provides an answer to what the arch-eve title means, but it's also one that doesn't quite hold up, as it doesn't explain why Luka is referred to as an arch-adam or why Jeanne is once an arch-eve or why destroying alt Bayonetta's just immediately destroys the universe (unless it's a "well Bayonetta is the only thing around to challenge him" type of deal)
I thought I already read all the codex entries but I missed one; Singularity appears to be an artificial human who was made in a lab...by accident? (It says it was a place that made body parts and somehow an anomaly occured that made a full human...) (It's not brought up in game that singularity is anything but a regular dude)
So he mass-produced homunculi and killed all the humans for reasons. He just has the power to go to parallel worlds. He's destroying - or rather, absorbing them? - to become more powerful. I guess his goal is what Rodin says at the beginning - once he collapses the parallel worlds of chaos into one, he can properly challenge paradiso and inferno. (Singularity himself never states this as a goal, or really even hints at it, and nothing he says really vibes with it).
But anyway "arch-eve" seems to be a title he just bestowed on Bayonetta because he considers her a symbol of the realm of chaos itself - since Bayonetta is the strongest thing around (and specifically the Bayonetta we play as is intended to be the strongest), he goes world to world absorbing Bayonetta souls in order to match her power.
Idk what any of this has to do with the truth nonsense he was spouting but whatever. Slightly more comprehendible. Don't know why Viola joins in on calling Bayonetta "arch-eve"
I guess knowing he's artificial implies "arch-eve" is just what he's calling the most powerful woman around and he's calling her "eve" in a "are you a son of Adam" type of way but it still doesn't answer why Luka is an arch-adam.
...I suppose it does because Luka has fairy powers now but that's dumb.
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vigilskeep · 7 months
dont get me wrong i love your powerpoints but its so funny to see people ask for specific topics like youre telling me not everyone just browses the wiki for fun . you guys arent reading all the codex entries :( everyone join me in information heaven
non codex readers are vital to the ecosystem . the information heaven serotonin can only be enjoyed to the fullest when you know more than other people. and sometimes you get asked to EXPLAIN things to them (said with the energy of a dog when someone has mentioned going on a walk)
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calicostorms · 11 months
hi. hello. um. for the codex prompts- 1, 4, 6, 12, 13 for meraad. thank you ily
1: a conversation overheard about your oc
[Conversation between two Inquisition scouts]
How odd— did you see that qunari the other evening?
The one with the beard? What's so odd— he looks like any other oxman.
Yes, him. I heard he has a wife and is flirting with that Tranquil gardener.
Truly? Maybe he doesn't know they can't feel like us.
Rumors have it that they have kids together, too. A shame for his poor wife.
4: a letter from your oc to their love interest
Codex: Inquisition Agent's Letter
[A letter found in the rotunda in the Skyhold garden. Its written in functional, blocky script on basic Inquisition stationary and smells heavily of elfroot and embrium]
All is well. We have at last been sent somewhere warm and dry. All of our mercenary band should return in good spirits with a heavy tan. If all goes well with the next mission, we will return within a week from your receiving of this letter.
I have packed enough sun balm for those who forget theirs more often than not. I often find the constellation of draconis (or that's what the southerners call it— I am unsure how to translate the Qunari word for it) and imagine you are likely still gardening high in the mountains while we rest. The sunsets here are much faster than further south.
You would like it here far more than I do, I suspect. The weather is closer to your home than mine and the dry heat does little but cause me irritation. The creatures here, however, have been fascinating. Some look like a very small, spiky dragons and are called varghests. I have enclosed a sketch of one such creature which I observed for several hours yesterday.
I look forward to returning to you when this mission finishes and am missing you greatly. Shaye and the rest pass on their well wishes as well.
Meraad Adaar
6: someone describing a time your oc helped them
Codex: Archer's Unsent Letter
[A crisply written but rushed letter on brown parchment dated for the 3rd of Harvestmere. It is unsent and occasionally dotted with small spots of moisture]
Hi Fanora,
Sorry for the lateness of this letter, things are hectic here. I joined up with the Inquisition recently have got put right to work. I'm doing ok; it's an honest job and pays more than hunting my kills in the forests ever did. I'm getting paid the big bucks now to shoot down all manner of weird beasts, human, animal, or in between.
Last week I joined a Qunari mercenary band that works for the Inquisition on a dragon hunt of all things with a couple of other agents I've become friends with, Amund and Sidony. Well, I don't think Sidony likes me so much, but she's like that with everyone. I think. I almost got injured but one of those qunari we traveled with pushed me out of the way just in time for the dragonling to miss me and my bow!
I got hurt a little, but that qunari was watching out for me most of the time. Maybe his name was Meraad? I should ask the Ambassador to thank him for me if she can find out who he is. The rest of the injuries are just scrapes.
I hope your Clan is well, even if they never wanted to take me in. I'm using what you've taught me for good now. I miss you.
Dareth shiral,
12: your oc overheard while drunk: skipped, I can't think of anything atm
13: transcript for an interview with your oc: skipped, I have a separate interview thing I'm working on for him already
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couslande · 2 years
also not sure if this is a case of correlation not equaling causation and is just me reading too much into things, but i do wonder if kirkwall not being visually/mechanically as complex as its lore tells us it is factors in to people thinking the game is more morally grey than it actually is. like all signs point to kirkwall as a city being actively hostile to its inhabitants, but its an incredibly easy city environment to navigate. while hightown looks nicer than other areas, its very samey in a way that gets kind of boring. and lowtown and darktown could definitely go harder on the idea of this is where the people who society hates are forced. i think it could have been interesting if in act 1 the player had very limited access to areas of hightown to emphasis that refugees are not wanted in kirkwall. if the decadence of the chantry was more obvious from the outside (maybe have it making the mansions look shabby in comparison) to emphasise how outrageous it is that the chantry goes to lowtown to ask for donations. i do think that the actual experience players have navigating kirkwall (which is very repetitive) was strengthened by the devs having more time to make the city match what the lore tells us, people would pay more attention to what is being told
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today i learned there are five holidays (or annums) celebrated in the DA universe
codex entries are dope, why the hell dont i read these more often
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alteredsilicone · 1 year
note to self: scan the crystals in mirror defense
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devitalization · 10 months
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ ꒰ worldbuilding.txt now available ꒱
꒰ low city is a place where, even on a sunny day, it’s so dark you can’t get by without artificial lighting. it’s where apartment prices plummet, public transport tubes terminate, and aurocar stops start to show up. the lower you get, the lower the population becomes. at the very bottom, called rou (roof of the undercity), you can find both deserted places and areas bustling with life.
if you stand on the lowermost walkway of low city and look 150 meters down, you will see the mist and dust-covered ruins of old warsaw. that’s undercity. inhabited by savages who rejected civilized life and nasty creatures like poisonous bats or toxic, mutant rats. low city is protected from those oddities by mg buoys. whenever they detect a bat approaching or a rat climbing one of the towers, they open fire, eliminating the menace.
temperature disparities between low city and mid city can cause weather anomalies like dirty rains, created by vapor condensation under the walkways of mid city. low city’s biggest allure are the night clubs that are open 24/7. if you don’t come from this polis layer and you intend to visit it, take a few words of advice:
first, watch your account. don’t let any suspicious-looking individual, even a kid, come near you without a good reason.
second, don’t believe everything you’re told.
third, think twice before going online using local equipment: it’s all knockoffs and patched-up salvage, infusion liquids are not original, and a “cheap gamepill” can damage your metabolic pathways.
so, if you decide to use local devices or medications – do it at your own risk. oh, and pay some kid to watch your stuff while you’re in vr. don’t say i didn’t warn you. ꒱
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flowersonpebbles · 8 months
I'm gonna reward myself.
I've finished writing for ZevWarden week but now I'm typing it all out.
I've just finished typing day 1 over.
Now I shall indulge myself and tell you all more about Dallas Surana.
Right after lunch though-
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