#verse; the little dragon
porta-decumana · 2 months
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Come, champion.  Let us find the answer together.
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stuck-in-jelly · 12 days
Obsessed with how Claudia and Soren view magic.
Claudia views magic as something amazing and special, even dark magic despite having to ‘harvest’ from living creatures in order to use it. Because in the end how could something that helps her friends and family be bad? How could something that saved an entire kingdom from starvation be evil?
Soren meanwhile doesn’t care about dark magic vs primal magic. In his eyes Dark magic can be used for immense good just as much as Primal magic can be used for horrific evils. At the end of the day all magic has ever done is divide people and cause years of suffering.
But they are both such hypocrites (affectionate).
Claudia views dark magic as a gift, something to take pride in having. But when she is finally broken down she reflects back she feels disgusted at herself for viewing living creatures as parts. Then when pushed into a dangerous situation she cried out “Don’t make me! Don’t make me do dark magic!”
Soren believes the world would be better without magic at all. Yet he turned to it, he looked his father in his eyes and said “You have your other way! Dark magic.” Not caring that Viren explained the original spell was a primal spell and the new spell would require a terrible sacrifice.
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sukibenders · 9 months
Something that still doesn't sit right with me while being a part of the HOTD fandom is how Laena was done so dirty, from being placed as a "second" option for Daemon and having him keep her from returning home, from having her daughters see Driftmark, from seeing her own brother and parents before she died! That added on to the fact of how Daemon just sucked at loving her the way she deserved makes my blood boil. And to make matters worse, to drive the knife further, is during her funeral (added on to him laughing during it, which wasn't appropriate at all no matter the context or what anyone says) where she and her unborn son were only just recently placed at the bottom of the sea, Daemon and Rhaenyra sleep together and then marry each other all within the span of the same episode (don't even get me started on how they went heavy into the romantics of the moment but couldn't even bother to show Daemon be affection with Laena like he was in the books I believe).
And some in the fandom reaction to all this can be such a turn off. Because you can have people, mainly black fans, rightfully call out problems with this plot change, with Rhaenyra and Daemon sleeping together only right after Laena's funeral and will be met with so many heinous responses (a lot in which tie in with centering Rhaenyra and going "oh so you hate her" type beat) and it's so frustrating. That, and how we barely see Daemon interact with his daughters, let alone be affectionate as well as protective over them---that scene where the girls are bruised from a fight and clear in distress and yet Daemon doesn't even move to check on them nor go into a rage at the fact that his daughters were harmed, let alone the fact that his now dead wife's dragon was claimed by another on the day of her funeral. None of that. But will stand protectively by Rhaenyra and her sons' side without second thought. Make it make sense.
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fistfuloflightning · 7 months
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In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme Of all the things that you would change But it was just a dream
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arisenreborn · 5 months
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all that you are is a promise to the world -
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edda-grenade · 2 years
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me: feral verse is gonna be a fun one for once, enough angst
also me: *rubs hands* okay how can i put more Eldritch Horror into this
(granted, the first half is very fluffy and fun. just everything after the aeonar is… not XD end of da:i is just full-on stalwart hades and dread persephone vibes except they're both persephone)
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murmel-malt · 4 months
gotta admit, i'm coping with the general sadness of the hedaera verse by thinking of her fleeing with a dragon + saera telling jaehaerys to fuck off when he tries to get her back
It is a bit sad/depressing in the beginning I admit (there’s a reason the Vizzy/Daera plot is labeled ‘the bad timeline’ in my google doc), but it’ll get better (or at least less sad), I promise.
Daera just fucking off when she somehow gets her hands on a dragon has definitely crossed my mind too. She would have left, no looking back, no second thoughts, just ‘poof’ gone one day, heading straight for Volantis. ‘Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a 3rd grader on a sentient nuke running away from having to marry her brother!’
She bonds with her aunt over how shitty Jaehaerys is and just goes into witness protection as one of Saera's bastards. Alysanne keeps writing her letters and for once her daughter is curious enough to actually open and read them. Of course it is just her repeating Jaehaerys’ demands of sending Hedaera back. In a less demanding and more pleading tone ofc but still. They know Daera is with her. The reports of a dragon-sighting by Volantis is pretty damning evidence.
But Saera has taken a page from the ‘Targaryen Textbook of Gaslighting’ and is just ‘idk what you are talking about. there is no princess that fled a forced marriage to her brother, who is boring and far too old for her, and is much happier with her cool aunt and cousins that don’t have a stick up their asses anywhere near Volantis. there is just me and my sons and my recently adopted daughter who is far better off here than with the family that claims to love her but would knowingly have made her life absolutely miserable. also: fuck you <3’
I mean what are they going to do?? Nothing, that’s what. The only other dragonriders at that point are two senior citizens too old to even mount their dragons, the future king that Jayjay will not risk losing and the woman he passed over, who most likely even helped Hedaera disappear.
Are they going to learn from this? Absolutely not. Are they just going to move on down the line of potential victims of their nonsense? Yes, they are. The circle just goes on and on :(
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sonofsaviors · 4 months
Logan does have a scale chicken (dragon) verse. Mostly because I think it'd be hilarious for him to be a mischievous fire puppy who gets stuck in soda cartons and sweater sleeves.
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kurogane-redfox · 11 months
@atherissquamigera asked: Aya fussed with the hem of her top as she looked up at Gaj. "I know you jus' got home---but we gotta talk. Lily already said he'd look after Daiki while we talk but its important---"
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Having just taken his coat and boots off, he'd pause and loft a brow. Aya was acting odd, which was concerning to the Dragon. He'd lean down and scoop her up into his arms before walking to the couch where he'd rub her back and play with her hair to help her relax a bit. His travel bag lay near the entry to the house so he wasn't too worried about it, he could move it to the bedroom after they talked.
"What's wrong? Yer actin' kinda weird, Aya. Ya okay?"
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He asked her, his voice remaining low. He'd lean down and nuzzle her softly before kissing the top of her head, then her forehead and hum softly. If he needed to, he'd sing to her to help her relax so she could talk to him about whatever was bothering her.
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porta-decumana · 2 years
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Love Was Found.
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roquenxnar · 6 months
"Me? Oh I ain't no one important. Just a guy stuck tryin' to stop some batshit crazy darkspawn magister who thinks he can become a god is all." - from Tal @quiisquiliae
The world still shimmered as the ancient elf opened his eyes, still too bright to focus on much— aside from the raging headache that still pounded in his skull, like a war-drum. The question had slipped from his lips before he could even see the people who'd saved him— at least, the people he thought had saved him. Memories came in flashes— greeting red-clad pilgrims, a burst of magic, the sickening scent of lyrium on the breeze. And a club coming down upon his helmeted head. He'd felt himself being dragged, of course, but he'd been in no state to fight back.
Myndilon shifted to try to get a better look at the stranger; he was young, from the sound of him, with no accent he recognized; probably some youth from the north. The old elf grunted as he shifted again to try to sit up, and the world spun around him— he could only thank his lucky stars that he hadn't yet had his daily meal before the attack. "What in the All-Mother's name are you talking about, child? We have no magisters here." he muttered, eyes narrowing as he finally found Tal's face; though his irritation soon turned to churning dread, and fear. This was no elf— no pilgrim, certainly. Wearing armor he'd never seen in his long, long life.
"What are you doing here?" he barked, looking around desperately for something, anything, to defend himself with, eventually settling on grabbing a nearby satchel of what smelled like spindleweed. "Are you here to finish off what those… those horrors could not?"
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sxs-a2 · 11 months
I keep forgetting about the new Dragon Ball Daima so....Here's Baby Nez!
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bigdaddydaemon · 1 day
"... you have always waited for this day." otto glaring at him through the iron bars. "... what will you do with me then?" / inheritsnothing because. why not.
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lips pull back in a sinister smile , flashing the faintest bit of teeth. so long ──── so long has he SUFFERED beneath the scrutinizing ways of one otto hightower ; so long has the former hand been but a THORN in the rogue prince's side , feeding his late brother LIE after LIE , chipping away at the TRUST viserys once had in him.
no longer , now that the cunt sits in his cell.
how EASY it had been to arrange his capture , daemon having caught wind of the usurper having let go the man from his position. on the road out of king's landing , heading for oldtown , men employed by the rogue prince had made short work of otto's capture. thrown in a cell underground , fed but stale bread and water , daemon had not graced the man with his presence until now , his army having been gathered , ready to march upon king's landing at his queen's command.
" let you rot , perhaps , " daemon answers , cleaning the dirt from beneath his nails with a dagger. lilac eyes roam the small prison , noting the lack of light within , the CRAMPED cell in which otto hightower sits. his clothing is FILTHY , the stench near unbearable , the bucket used to relieve himself having not been emptied. " but , that is not for me to decide. " he settles his gaze on the man in the cell , his smile fading. " i plan to present you to the queen ──── no , no , not that BITCH you call daughter. the rightful queen. what is to be done with you will be up to her. beheaded , perhaps ? TORTURE ? or , maybe fed to the dragons. "
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on-dragons-wings · 24 days
We told you! Now that's funny what he did. You love being bit after all ;)
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"That was not a kinky bite! Look at how big his teeth were!"
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mzminola · 1 year
Jedi Temple Briefing on the Rukbat Sector
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 1000+ words.
The Jedi prepare to reach out to a long-lost system whose inhabitants have an interesting connection to the Force.
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incendiorum · 3 months
while in their fantasy verse dragon io has a rather fluid handle over their own appearance from human to dragon, they have three that they flip through most often, with defined features/traits.
their full dragon form: by far their favorite, simply for the sheer power it grants them. their build here favors agility and quickness, and does not handled blunt, physical fights well at all, especially if their opponent makes it so they can't strike with their fangs. however, it's hard to get that kind of upperhand on them. they're big (30' tall at the shoulder, ~200' long), but slender and rather lithe, a build somewhere between a greyhound and a mink, with narrow, swept-back wings meant for aerial speed and agility, not unlike a falcon. they have six fingers on each wing instead of five (including the hooked thumb at their wrist-joint).
from nose-tip to shoulders, they are remarkably snake like. from the broad, triangular head of a viper (although horned, a combination of nose 'horns' and straight above-the-eye horns not unlike mixing a rhinoceros viper and a horned sand viper) to the flexible, serpentine neck capable of rapid strikes. the rest of them is much more dragon-like. four legs with sharp claws. a long, slender tail that is always carried off the ground. their fire is sourced in their chest, and a constant hum can be found there, as well as so much heat as to almost burn someone when not in use (and will burn when in active use).
they are pale and mottled light gray in color, with the only vibrancy being the bright orange found mixed with the gray of their eyes, and the blood-red underside of their wings.
they are capable both of fire, and a potent venom that has, can, and will kill other dragons. it will effortlessly kill people too, although their fangs are... very long, and liable to simply go through someone.
their snakelike qualities don't end with their appearance, either. they lack eyelids and have a piercing, expressionless stare. and they have a forked tongue that can taste and scent the air as well as their infinitely smaller look-a-likes. they are marked by their fair share of scars in this form. scarred nostrils, a tear in one wing. claw-mark scars down their back and concentrated around a wing joint. a constant, obvious limp in their left foreleg.
the intermediate form: taller than their human form (6'3" here). there are several pale scales present, forming interlocking patterns on their lower arms and legs, collarbones and hipbones. their canines are longer, sharper, and liable to cut and pierce very easily. their wings are present - all twenty-four feet of them. the membrane of their wing that exists between their body and the sixth finger attaches from the wing joint behind their shoulder all the way down to their hip, which makes shirts an interesting and modified affair. their eyes are closer to that of their full dragon form - gray, and with a lurid orange concentrated close to the slit pupil.
they take this form most often with trusted company, or in the privacy of their own home.
and their 'human' form: most similar to io's canon appearance, barring some traits. they are their same canon height (5'11") here. small, pale scales dot their skin, and frequent spots where the skin is thin over bones like their elbows, collarbone, hips, knees, etc. their canines are sharper, coming down into short points. their pupil is round here, but the gray of their iris is marked by a hint of brownish-orange nearest the pupil.
this is the one they take when venturing out amongst unfamiliar people (towns/cities/etc).out of all these forms, they find their human form most uncomfortable - when asked they will compare the sensation to something not unlike trying to shove a cyclone into a glass bottle.
their intermediate and full dragon are equally preferred, and they switch between depending on the mood or the company. no matter what, however, they have left behind a completely human guise. and they don't regret it. the death that led to them choosing to become a dragon when offered is one that haunts their sleep. the helplessness, the shame, the anger. io was offered power upon their death, and they took it eagerly.
it's important to note that io technically did fulfill their venadeus blood-right in this verse, and in every way is a god, even if they are not entirely aware of it. they are bitter, and angry, and the circumstances surrounding their death in this verse is all the reason they needed to come back as such. they are divine wrath given the most terrifying form they could muster.
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