#verse; the atonement
ghost-bxrd · 4 months
What if one of Jason's Red Hood revenge plans go off the rails, in Owl Song?
Off the rails as in, Dick gets caught in something that can kill even a talon - say, a big enough explosion... Jason left convinced Dick is dead and he is responsible for it...
If Jason is absolutely sure Dick is dead/beyond any chance of being revived either with electrum or other supernatural means…. He’d completely shut down, turn himself into authorities, and plead for the death penalty.
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general-kalani · 1 year
{ @askrosemarymckneal sent in; Rosemary sighed as she sat by the door of a bunker she ran and went around looking for any sort of food to eat. “Jeez this place is packed with a fuck ton of essentials! And there's a Bible here that had the same symbol as those signs I kept seeing,” she said as she looked at the book before jumping a bit as she heard a door opening and closing.
Unprompted! }
How his Heralds had lost the Deputy was beyond him.
Joseph wasn't angry he was just... Disappointed.
It hadn't mattered in the long run, as long as the Collapse didn't happen yet there was still time to find the Deputy.
But just because there was a new threat his flock had to be looking out for did not mean there was time to rest for his own duties.
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Hence, entering the bunker beneath his church. Was he sure he'd just heard something? He'd attribute it to some animal getting inside.
He had to count rations after all. With the threat of the Collapse at any moment there was too much at stake. It was a habit, sure. He'd done the check yesterday. Nothing should be taken.
"Strange, I thought I left the book in the prayer room. I'll do that after." A quiet hum to himself as he tapped the paper. He really had to get out of these habits, they weren't doing him any favours and it didn't bring the Collapse closer or prolong it...
He began to count anyway. The flock will be fine without him for a little while, after all God didn't tell him it would be happening today. And yet he was still on edge...
Damn this Deputy for getting him so worked up from worry!
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hvbris · 1 year
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Despite Coin’s assassination, the new Government of Panem is set on hosting new Games in the name of healing and peace. These new Games are called the Freedom Games, but besides the name changing, the concept is pretty much the same.
12 boys and 12 girls from the Capitol are reaped. To no one’s surprises, the children of the Capitol’s richest and most powerful families are reaped, to make amends for their parents’ sins. 
Cassia Snow wins the first annual Freedom Games, and is then sent on a Victory Tour across Panem, to apologize for her grandfather’s actions. It is not a moment of celebration. 
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daemondaes · 7 months
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Ostagar, 9:30 Dragon
{ Starter for @atonings - "Loghain" } The thrum of activity in the camp around her felt muted in her ears. Voices, the barks of the Ash Warriors’ hounds and the loud, chaotic banging sounds of hammers on wood as the King’s Army constructed last minute fortifications…
All of it sounded as if she were hearing it from under water. Elissa had felt physically… ‘strange’… to say nothing of her heart, the entire way from Highever to the camp at Ostagar. In sleep, she was plagued with persistent, dogged constancy by the images, sounds, and smells of that night when everything changed. More than once on the road from Highever, Elissa had woken up to being pinned down, with Duncan's hand clamped over her mouth as she thrashed and screamed - seized by night terrors.
It was hardly better during the daylight, when she moved, ate, and spoke with a rote, dull, almost tranquil quality...
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She had not forgotten Duncan’s instructions to seek out one of the other Wardens with the name ‘Alistair’, but after wanting to find Fergus - the first thing she had resolved to do the morning after they had escaped the perimeter of Howe’s men-at-arms, had been to speak with Teyrn Loghain. To what precise end, she had not quite figured out, but she was at a loss for what else she could do - especially since the immediate circumstances prevented her from setting out into the Korcari Wilds to find her brother.
There was also a gut-wrenching, insidious train of thought that clawed at the back of her mind that speaking with him might put to rest.
Rendon Howe was known to be many things, and a foolishly reckless man was not one of them. He would not have taken such a drastic action without certain assurances - but what assurances? Cailan’s astonishment at the news of the Cousland slaughter had thrown that very question into a sharp light…
How could he believe he could get away with such treachery?
Elissa was not sure she wanted to know the answer.
Her back straightened her chin tilted up as she approached the guard to Teyrn of Gwaren’s tent. She did her best to project her usual noble authority when requesting an audience, but to any who knew her even decently well, her voice would sound gutted and hollow. And anyone with a keen sense of observation, let alone someone who had known her since birth as the Teyrn had, would be able to see she suffered beneath her numbed exterior...
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ivorysodapop · 2 years
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aselysium · 1 year
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Following the events of the Calamity and the flood of light that engulfed the First, Eorzea is plagued by the presence of Voidsent and Lightwardens, beings of immense power fueled by the overwhelming light. The Warriors of Darkness, a group of heroes from the Source, arrive in the First to restore balance and confront these Lightwardens.
Knives stands at a towering height of 12 feet. His body is composed of radiant, white-golden light, but with stark differences. He emanates a cold, piercing brilliance that borders on blinding.
Knives' form is slender and sinuous, almost serpentine in nature. His body is covered in overlapping, angular plates that resemble shards of white-gold crystal. These plates give off a subtle, shimmering luminescence, accentuating the intricate patterns etched onto them.
His face, instead of the obscured helmet, features a mask-like structure. The mask is sleek and angular, with sharp lines and edges.
Knives' arms are elongated and graceful, ending in delicate yet sharp fingers. The fingers are adorned with golden claws that seem to gleam with a divine radiance. The same angular crystal plates that adorn his body extend along his arms, creating a sense of unity in his design.
From Knives' back sprout four majestic wings, each feather composed of pure, radiant light. The wings are reminiscent of angelic wings, yet with a distinct, sharp appearance
Knives is known as Elysium. As Elysium, Knives is a charismatic and enigmatic figure. He commands the Sin Eaters under his control with unwavering authority, utilizing their destructive nature to achieve his goals. While he may appear benevolent, his motives and intentions remain veiled in mystery. He poses a normal Drahn to blend in with citizens in the First
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confiteorims · 1 year
"you must know… surely, you must know it was all for you." for faerie tale!
|| pride and prejudice starters ; accepting!
"And I believe you, I do, my dear, mysterious sunshine."
Or perhaps not so mysterious now. E'mrys laughed softly, distracting himself by brushing imaginary tangles from his tail from where he sat on the low wall. Here they were on this final eve of the ball, unmasked at long last. Who'd have ever thought the entertaining young man he'd been immediately smitten with was the prince of his own kingdom's rival?
Not that E'mrys truly cared about the specifics of their positions.
But it was still funny.
"There's no need to look so worried. I... I'm merely surprised but I know you had no ulterior motives. Rest assured in that." The prince of Tiramet sighed, raising his eyes with a smile to meet those deep blues he loved. "Besides, it's hardly as if you were aware of who I was. I've never made any public appearances until this ball."
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general-kalani · 1 year
{ @withthedoubleg sent in; ★ for joseph!
Prompt from here! }
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If he wasn't used to this mans presence, accepted the man his flock really, he would have taken this as a sign of aggression and killed him.
As it stood, he shouldn't be letting this happen anyway. It was dangerous. What if someone had seen this and presumed that he was being unfaithful to God?
"Careful." Tone sharp, and his voice despite all efforts sounded a little angered.
"Explain yourself, please. I am a busy man and I don't like to be held up."
Thank God he finished that sermon...
Or perhaps, this man had been waiting for that moment. For the sermon to be over, for everyone to leave to take this opportunity for himself.
With that sharp mind he can see just behind the eyes of this wanderer, he wouldn't be surprised if this was planned... Did he have to be so close?
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
“Put the atonement cover on the ark of the covenant law in the Most Holy Place. Place the table outside the curtain on the north side of the tabernacle and put the lampstand opposite it on the south side. 
For the entrance to the tent make a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen -- the work of an embroiderer. Make gold hooks for this curtain and five posts of acacia wood overlaid with gold. And cast five bronze bases for them.” 
- Exodus 26:34-37 NIV (2011)
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murder-popsicle · 2 years
Does Bucky think about her future? Has she thought about what she would want for herself if she felt both mentally and legally free to live her life as she wished to?
ask me anything || always accepting
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In her main modern verse, Bucky is actually pretty satisfied with her life. She has friends, people she cares for and trusts – Steve and Sam, Clint, Yelena, Maria, and a few others. She’s reunited with Natasha, whom she loves dearly, and they’re happy together. Her job may be dangerous and messy, but it’s something she’s good at, and it’s a kind of work that her skill set makes her well-suited for. She can do it, so she does, and it spares someone else from having to take care of it. Plus it means she’s doing what she can to stop people who cause harm and pain, and that’s something she believes in – or, as she would put it, You gotta have a purpose in life, right? Otherwise why bother to get outta bed in the mornin’?
It’s not the kind of life she dreamed of having as a child, but any possibility of living those dreams died in 1945. She knows she can’t undo the past. She knows there’s no point in dwelling on what might have been. She’s come to terms that, for the most part, though there are still days when she feels those losses a little more keenly. But that’s life, right? Sometimes the past hurts. But she isn’t going to let that pain poison what she has now. Overall, she would say that she’s content.
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bills-bible-basics · 1 month
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If You Have Not Accepted Jesus Yet ... IF YOU HAVE NOT YET ACCEPTED JESUS ..... https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/salvfree.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/if-you-have-not-accepted-jesus-yet/?feed_id=192052&If%20You%20Have%20Not%20Accepted%20Jesus%20Yet%20...
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daemondaes · 2 years
in honor of cherry's bullet train verse, her older fc speaking portuguese
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banishmark · 6 months
he hadn't seen her in some time. truth be told, he wasn't sure if he ever would again. but now that the situation has presented itself, the young firelord isn't sure how to take things. azula was there before him and memories come flushing in. years of torment, years of feeling nothing but her ire. there had been a small ray of hope at one point, but even then, he'd seen her true colors.
so what has changed now?
❝ i was told that you wanted to see me -- that you wanted to talk. ❞ jaw clenches only slightly and he fights the urge to yell at her and deny the request. but she is his sister. regardless of everything ... family has to mean something, right? ❝ well ... ? ❞
@fearbend : sc.
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thewholecrew · 1 year
@deathvisited said:  “There’s a whole world out there for you to explore and get to know and instead you’re just focused on all the wrongs you’ve had dealt.” Mare to Grant.
     grant leaned his elbows against the bridge railing as honey eyes gazed into the distance over the river that lead to the ocean. lips pressed into a firm line as he held back a tired sigh. he had been given a second chance for exactly what she was talking about and yet; “it’s hard to focus on anything else when you have dealt so many wrongs....” he told her honestly, and he was sure it could be seen as an excuse but it was the truth, he couldn’t see past his mistakes, past the harm he had done to so many who didn’t deserve it. how could he move past that and think he deserved anything more than to drown in his own guilt?
     “you don’t know what i’ve done, i doubt you would say such things if you knew.”
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Jeric is obviously not your end game, so when and why do you see them happening? Would it be true feelings or more of a revenge fling?
Honestly post s8 (canon season 8). Eric and Donna would have a amicable breakup, Jackie would dump Fez because she wants a real relationship (i hc that they just get drunk and bitch about other people during their “relationship”. Also stolen from @jacquelineshyde)
Jackie would be traveling around the world and end up living in Paris. Eric would also be there and one day, they just happen to run into each other at a café. I wrote a fic based on that. It’s just featured in a flashback tho lol. And things go from there. And it would be a real relationship.
My inbox is like the the Tanner/Fuller House, It’s always open!
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