#hannah puts her back together and she just goes and does that to herself
agentravensong · 2 years
incoming self-indulgent crossover au pitch:
kris, susie, and noelle deltarune go to hatchetfield and meet hannah and lex foster (maybe also rose? (I think she and susie would be fast friends) as well as miss holloway/holiday. the forging of new friendships - partly involving delving into similar supernatural trauma - ensues :)
putting the elaborate setup i came up with to justify this fun thought experiment under the cut (featuring brief spoilers for nightmare time season 2)
My thought for how this comes about is that, during or post the events of deltarune chapter 3, kris gets across to toriel that they are in need of capital H Help, the kind regular monsters may not be equipped to deal with.
Fortunately, when Toriel adopted the baby human from a not too far off human town, she was given a number to call in case of such an emergency. Her call to the social services is picked up or overheard by Duke Keane, who, after hearing the type of problem it is, tells her to come bring the kid to town to see Miss Holloway.
When Kris informs Susie they’re leaving for a little while, Susie insists on tagging along cause they’re besties (she convinces Toriel that her parents agreed to it). Noelle gets involved either because Kris and/or Susie asks her to come along, or maybe because, when Kris tells them the town they’re going to, Noelle remembers that was a place December had interest in as a weird town where weird things happen.
Susie doesn’t hear or fully absorb the name of the town they’re going to until they’re arriving, but once she does, she realizes she remembers it. See, building off the hints in-game that Susie grew up around humans rather than monsters, I think it’d be fun if her family, for a few years at least, lived in Hatchetfield. I mean, you can imagine a Hatchetfield story about a family suspected of being lizard people or something, right?
And, more importantly, it’s a good excuse for the squad to meet up with the Fosters. Susie goes back to the spot where she grew up, out of her or her friends’ curiosity, and runs into a face she very vaguely remembers: Lex. (Lex, for her part, forgot about this Susie kid - or, at least, forgot there ever being anything monsterly about her - when she gave up on her “imaginary friend” Webby and the idea of magic and the supernatural in general.)
Anyway, that’s my long-winded excuse to see the dynamics that would arise between these five teens (again, potentially six if we rope in Rose, or Ethan). Featuring Susie and Lex awkwardly catching up and finding each other to be kindred spirits, Noelle seeing herself and Dess in Hannah and Lex’s dynamic, Kris and Hannah quietly bonding over being Weird Kids with musical talent (among other things), and generally all of them having fun with, learning from, and helping each other.
And while they’re all growing close, Holloway/Holiday* is trying to help Kris (and potentially Noelle, if we decide to involve That Route) with the whole possession thing. A thing that Hannah inevitably picks up on - maybe even before Holloway does, with Webby’s help - and, perhaps, tries to help with in her own way.
Obviously the teens all have to go on a Dark World adventure together, but the contrivances required for that are something to ponder on a future date.
* I was thinking of maybe setting this around the events of Nightmare Time Season 2? Both for the easier way to tie in Rose (depending on timing), but also, the parallels between what Otho does to people in Yellow Jacket and Kris’s situation are so ripe for the dissecting that I would love to have Hannah notice and act on them in some form. Problem being, of course, that she and Lex leave Hatchetfield at the end of that whole thing. Might just cheese it and have this be a separate timeline where Hannah has dreams of other ones. This AU isn’t supposed to take itself that seriously, after all; it’s just for funsies.
…That being said, having Miss Holloway be going by Miss Holiday at the point that Noelle Holiday shows up is a joke waiting to happen. So I might just have to make it work.
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prettyboylovemail · 2 years
🌟 + one for Sigma!
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@schrodingers-catgirl Including these both in one! ❤✨
Okay SO. For Sigma, it gets really complicated due to all the different timelines and time travel and all that jazz, so I'll try to keep it brief.
The best word to describe my ship with Sigma is "soulmates".
The main consistency amongst all the different branching timelines and everything is that my insert (still named Hannah) went to college with Sigma, and they shared at least one class together. While Sigma didn't really notice her — other than vaguely noting that she was simply "some girl in his class" — Hannah very quickly developed a big crush on him. He wasn't the type of guy she would normally go for, but there was just something about him that caught her attention and she couldn't help but find herself daydreaming about him all the time.
Flash forward to when we're both kidnapped and put inside the Ambidex Nonary Game (and subsequently the Decision Game in ZTD), Hannah is the one to recognize him immediately. We end up getting paired together multiple times, practically forced to spend a lot of time together, and that's when they really get to bond and actually develop real feelings for each other. And once Sigma starts getting all his memories from other timelines — remembering all the times I've died because of him or the times he's died trying to protect me — that's when he starts to realize that he never wants to lose me again and does everything in his power to keep me safe.
'Course, there's a lot that goes on in between that would take far too long to explain in detail, but the gist is that no matter what timeline we're in, or how many times we have to die and relive the same horrible days over and over again, we always find a way of coming back to each other.
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Faith's Journey Home Chapter 20
“So sister, how did you end up marrying our cousin?” They sit together on the front porch. Hannah Rebecca sits on her new uncle’s lap.
“Well, that is an interesting story. I needed a husband,” he looks down at Hannah Rebecca startled,” no no, she was born in wedlock. I, well I like lasses.” She gives him a minute.
“Oh like, like lasses?”.She nods. “I see. My father, John that is, likes lads.”
“Yes, I know. He likes our papa.” They look at each other and laugh.
“What a strange family we have Faith.” He lifts up the baby. “Hannah Rebecca, you have a strange but wonderful family.” She gurgles down at him.
“That she does. Are you happy William, to be a part of it?”
“Very. It was just John and I for the last five years. To have this much family, it is a blessing.”
She can understand that. “I had just my Uncle Ray, so I understand.”
“Look at us sister. Two found children.” She smiles and breaths in the sweet air. Hannah Rebecca is two months and she plans on trying to seduce her daddy tonight. Her brother sits beside her. Jemmy is doing better everyday. Mandy’s medicine still works. It is a wonderful day. “Have you found contentment in your marriage?”
“I have. Ian is a sweet and loving man. We get on quite well.”
“Very good.”
She feeds Hannah Rebecca and sees her down before her daddy comes in. She wants no distractions. She puts on a clean shift and places a wrap around herself.
Ian enters and stops and stares at her. “Hello wife, you look nice.”
“Thank you husband. How goes the repair on Bree and Roger’s house?”
“We should be done in a day or so.” She places her hands around him. “Hannah Rebecca?” She is pressing kisses on his neck.
“Feed, changed, and sleeping.” She is working to get his shirt off. He stops her.
“She is still quite young. Are you sure?”
“I am. Trust the doctor.”
“Wife, I am not who you need. We have our child. You should find a lass.” She drops her hands and stares at him. “I shall go hunt up some fresh meat.” He turns, whistling for Rollo. The wolf dog whimpers at her before hurrying after Ian. She stares at the door for a moment after it closes. Then she lets out a frustrated growl before picking up a broom and getting rid of some of her gathered and unspent, energy.
She is furiously cleaning when Bree comes in. Her sister looks around and then arches her eyes at her sister.
“The last time my croft was this clean, Roger had spend, what I thought, to much time with one of the widows. What has Ian done?”
“He told me that I needed a lass.” Her sister ‘s eyes get bigger. “With Hannah Rebecca being two months, I thought it time too…
“You were before?” her hand goes over her mouth as soon as she said it, “I mean…”
“Yes Bree. I told you I thought myself more bisexual then lesbian now.” She sighs, running her hand thru her hair. “We have a very good relationship in that way. I don’t want or need a lass to make me happy.”
Bree places her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Faith, do you believe he can read your mind?”
“No but he should…”
“Lads need to be guided. They don’t know what they need. We need to tell them. Faith, tell him how you feel.”
“Your right. Guys are more complicated.”
Bree laughs. “Just recall they can get you pregnant. Even exclusively nursing, you need too…”
“Absolutely. We don’t want Irish twins.”
“Nor do I. Any ideas on that front?” She sits down and looks in the basket. Hannah Rebecca still lays sleeping. Her aunt smiles down at her.
“Almost. I am working on a version of the pill, something that stops ovulation.”
“Truly. Until then, I suggest withdrawal. I know it isn’t always affective but…”
“Better then nothing.” She looks back at her niece and places her arms over her chest. “I will have to go soon and feed Mandy. Are you going to talk to Ian.”
“I will, promise.”
He returns as the sun is going down. She sits, Hannah Rebecca in her lap. He bows before them. “I have brought home fresh meat Faith.” Rollo comes in and lays at her feet. He knows it is his duty to guard the small human.
“Thank you Ian. We need to talk.” She hands him his daughter as she opens her shift and then places her on her breast. “Please sit.” He does, looking at her with a bit of trepidation. “You need to know a few things. First is, you are enough.”
“But you…”
“Yes, I would have sworn before you, that I was only into ladies but, Ian you have changed that. For I find myself more then loving you. I am in love with you. You, my darling husband, are enough. I don’t need a lass to make me happy, accept our daughter. Understand?”
He looks at her, his sweet puppy dog eyes full of love. “Your in love with me! Truly?” She smiles, her free hand coming out to touch his cheek. He leans into it and her heart jumps.
“Ian Murray, I am your wife in every way a lady is supposed to be. I love you. Fully and completely. I love you in and out of bed. Tonight, I want to love you in bed. Will you have me?”
She watches his Adam’s apple go up and down. “Aye my wife, I will.”
He unwraps her like she is a precious and fragile gift. His kisses are full of love and deep passion. Hands wonder across bare flesh with urgency. She is laid down on the bed and he dives between her legs. She gasps and clings tight to his hair as he eats her out. She calls out, arching up and away as she climaxes as hard as she ever has with a woman.
He slides into her, hot and heavy. She presses kisses on his shoulder and neck as he starts to move. Dazed eyes meet as they find the rhythm that has them both close. So close. “Remember pull out before…” A breathless reminder.
“Aye, I will try.” It is a near thing. He just barely gets himself out before he squirts his hot cum all over her stomach.
Jamie and William walk along the edge of the loch. The younger has to leave the next day to return to his unit and training.
“You will be careful?”
“Yes da, I promise.” Jamie knows what is coming from his daughters and Claire. A war for Independence that the colonist will win. A war that will make his son and himself, enemies. He frowns. “What is in your mind da?”
He smiles at his son. “This coming conflict.”
William shrugs. “Maybe it won’t happen. We could find peace.”
He da shakes his head. “The colonist want their independence.”
“You da, what do you want?” They stop and Jamie skips a rock across the still water.
“Peace. I want peace but,” He sighs and turns and faces William, “I fought for Independence once. It is hard for me to not do the same here.”
William nods. “Do you think that what Murtagh said was right, about me being family now matter the uniform I wear?”
“Mo mhac, you will always be family. That can’t change. I just hate to see you as an enemy in any way. I will stand with the colonists. Can you accept that?”
“Da, you have your convictions and I, mine. It is fine.” He turns towards the lake, as they are known here, “In honesty, I see some of the colonists points. I just pray it ends without bloodshed.”
“Me too William.” The men walk back. William leaves the next morning after his whole family hugs and kisses him.
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krisb-writing-blog · 2 years
Chapter 2: Wicked Game
Start date: 07/01/22
End date: 07/03/22
Rating: PG (kissing)
▪︎ __________ 🌷 __________ ▪︎
The encounter in the parking garage left Hannah with a lot to think about. Was Sam lying? Were both Sam and Marianne lying to their kids and Hannah? What was the truth about their family state? She sipped her coffee as she waited at a red light the next morning in traffic. She was almost to the building when she received a phone call from Marianne.
"Hey, is this a bad time?" Marianne asked, with the sound of a blender going in the background.
"Nope, my car has Bluetooth and I'm almost to the parking lot. Is something wrong?" Hannah asked in response.
"No, but I just wanted to let you know that Sam is going to be working from home today, so you don't have to stay the whole time if you don't want to. His sister Robin insisted, it's a whole thing. You'll still be paid the same though." Marianne replied.
"Alright. I promised Mickey that I'd help her with her chemistry flash cards so I'll probably leave after we're done with that, is that okay?" Hannah parked her car in the designated parking spot.
"Sounds good to me, you're a sweetheart. I gotta go, but I will see you later. Bye." Marianne hung up the phone quickly.
Hannah quickly made it upstairs in time to say goodbye to the twins and Marianne. In seeing that Sam still kissed his wife goodbye in the morning, his statements the previous night didn't line up, but she kept that to herself and focused on keeping Ainsley distracted with Paw Patrol and baby snacks.
"Hi!" Ainsley smiled. Her vocabulary was as limited as her ability to walk long distances, but she did seem excited to see Hannah, which was a welcome change.
"Hi there sweetie." Hannah replied back, with a small wave.
"Dada?" Ainsley looked puzzled in the most adorable way ever.
"Dada is in his office working. Do you want your dolly?" Hannah tried to keep Ainsley from interrupting Sam.
"Dada!" Ainsley cried. The sadness of baby Ainsley made Hannah sad too, so she picked her up and headed to his office, but she stopped and knocked first.
"Hey Sam, it's Hannah. I'm sorry to bother you but Ainsley wants to see you right now, and she's not happy." Hannah tried to calm Ainsley down as she talked.
"Come on in." Sam simply answered.
When Hannah entered with Ainsley, she saw an office fancier than her professor's, which said a lot about the public education system, but also family photos and a modern minimalist aesthetic gone horribly awry.
"Dada!" Ainsley clapped her little hands as Hannah handed her to Sam.
"Now that is the Ainsley that shared half a cookie with me yesterday. She already has her favorite parent." Hannah joked.
"I guess she does. And I wanted to apologize for what I said last night, I was out of line." Sam turned his attention from his daughter to Hannah.
"That's okay." It really wasn't, but Hannah was a smart girl and knew that it might take some strategy to figure out what Sam's endgame was.
"Maybe when Ainsley goes to take her afternoon nap, I'd love to chat and see how you're doing. It's better than listening to business pitches from my shark of a sister." Sam pitched, as Ainsley smashed the keys on the office keyboard.
"Sounds like a plan. She should be ready for lunch in a few minutes, so I'll go get something ready." Hannah left the father and daughter together and headed to the kitchen.
After a small lunch of applesauce and a handful of Cheerios, as Ainsley had pushed most of them onto the floor, she was fast asleep in her nursery while Sam and Hannah chatted in the living room.
"What kind of work did you do before you became a nanny?" Sam asked.
"Well I have a degree in chemistry, so I was working towards becoming a chemistry professor and focusing on getting rid of the gender bias and getting more young women inspired to pursue science. However that takes time and money, so I put that on pause and pursued being a nanny since my nurturing side could also be inspirational in a classroom." Hannah explained thoroughly. She was really passionate about that part of her work, and wasn't going to stop until she made a difference.
"Oh, that's nice. Maybe you could help the twins find their careers." Sam clearly wasn't paying attention to anything Hannah said, but he might have been paying attention to the blue jeans and the red tank top she was wearing.
"Sure, I mean I'm helping Mickey with her chemistry flash cards later so that's a start." She felt defeated already, and the day wasn't even half over.
"Are you okay? You seem a little distracted, sir." Hannah tried to change the subject.
"I'm fine, it's just that you look a lot like my ex wife. I haven't seen her in twelve years, so it's kind of confusing me." Sam clarified.
"She doesn't visit the twins? I mean I knew you and Marianne had full custody, but what kind of mom abandons her babies like that?" Hannah was shocked.
"I don't know. But you two, gosh you look like you could be her sister." Sam's comments echoed in Hannah's mind, and made her skin crawl. Comparing her to someone who had left her children and husband without a trace? It seemed weird. Hannah choked down a sip of orange juice and sighed.
The silence was broken by the crackle of a baby monitor and Ainsley crying, so Hannah went to go check on her while Sam sat on the couch, playing back what he just revealed. Poor, innocent Hannah had no idea that it was just the tip of the iceberg. Eventually Sam went back to his office and they worked separately until Marianne and the twins came home. After dinner, cleaning up, and helping Mason with his math homework, Hannah went to help Mickey with her flash cards in Mickey's bedroom, while Marianne and Sam helped Mason with rest of his homework.
"Alright, so what part are you struggling with?" Hannah asked.
"The gas laws. There's too many of them, and that's basically what half of the final is on." Mickey sighed as she got some markers, index cards, and pens out of her desk drawer.
"Ah, those stumped me too. Unfortunately, combined gas law is just the first three put together and there's six different outcomes." Hannah winced.
"Six?! Well there goes my A minus grade." Mickey looked like she'd just heard that Ariana Grande was retiring.
"Relax, I have a degree in this, I'll help you. We'll make it into a game: if you can guess the most difficult gas laws, I will see if I can talk your parents into letting you get your learner's permit." Hannah tried to get the young teen to focus.
"Have I ever told you that you're my favorite person to study with?" Mickey smiled.
"I am winning at this nanny thing today." Hannah thought to herself as she helped Mickey draw the flash cards. When Hannah picked up a piece of paper, she accidentally knocked down a picture frame and apologized.
"Oh it's okay, it's something my dad put in here. It's an old picture of him and my mom when she was pregnant with me and my brother." Mickey picked up the frame and handed it to Hannah.
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"She looks beautiful. Do you remember much about her?" Hannah was curious.
"Not really. I mean there's family photos and videos with her, but me and Mason were three when she left so it's all a blur. But I want to know where she is, eventually, so maybe I could become an investigative journalist like those people on Dateline or something." Mickey looked upset, so Hannah put the picture back.
"Well, if you want to do that in college, you have to pass this test, and remember the promise." Hannah changed the subject.
Hannah and Mickey quizzed each other using the homemade flash cards, and soon enough Mickey was ready for her test. Hannah was on her way out when she got in her car and it wouldn't start. After saying a string of expletives, most starting rhyming with "duck" and "ditch", she hesitantly dialed the home phone number of the Daltons, and Mason answered.
"If you're trying to reach us about our car's extended warranty, you'll have to be specific and also not a robot." The fifteen year old answered.
"I am not, though I may have to borrow that one. Can you put your stepmom or your dad on the phone? This is kind of embarrassing but my car won't start and the mechanic is closed until tomorrow morning." Hannah explained.
"Got it. I'll go get one of them. Aren't there subways around here?" Mason asked.
"Yup, but my metro card is at my apartment, which is clear across town." Hannah replied.
"That sucks. I'll go get my stepmom." Mason put the phone down, leaving Hannah waiting.
Eventually, Mason got his dad and gave him the phone. Sam drove Hannah home, and the two chatted again as they waited in traffic. When they got to her building, it was time to say goodbye.
"I'll call a tow truck tomorrow to get my car out of the garage so the security guard doesn't get mad at me." Hannah unbuckled her seat belt.
"Works for me. But before you go, there's just one more thing." Sam stopped her from getting out.
"What?" Hannah asked.
Sam leaned in and kissed the young nanny, and she hesitantly kissed him back, against her better judgment.
When he pulled away, she got out of the car and headed to her apartment. She told her roommate about it, and the two talked through the possible options of whether to tell Marianne, whether she should quit after just a few days, and Hannah told her roommate about the weird things Sam had said to her before that. Whatever games were being played, Hannah had entered a very difficult level.
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