#hanni and nanni
tis-i-german-potato · 8 months
Are audio/radio dramas for children not a common thing in other countries??????
I spent 90% of my childhood listening to audio dramas of Die fünf Freunde(Famous five), Hanni & Nanni (St. Clare's), TKKG and many more while playing with Legos or drawing or whatever.
What did all of you do if radio dramas aren't as widespread???? Sit in silence?????
A N D apparently you're allowed to just....make stories up for radio dramas???
Hanni & Nanni originally only consists of 6 books by Enid Blyton and 2 by Pamela Cox.
Do you know how many audio dramas there are in Germany????
76 episodes.
There are 22 Famous five books.
There are 157 audio dramas.
Are you telling me the rest of the world did not grow up listening to these adventures???? Y'all were robbed.
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zeichenlily · 4 months
Deutscher 2000er Film in dem die Vampirschwestern auf Schloss Lindenhof zur Schule gehen
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official-lauchzwiebel · 6 months
Hanni und Nanni Spin-Off aber es dreht sich eigentlich alles nur um Madame Bertoux, Frau Mägerlein und ihre sich entwickelnde rivals-to-lovers Beziehung
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lilolilyr · 10 months
Ok I know I am definitely reaching here but cousin Alison from the St Clare’s books = homosexual behavior
Args I should’ve live-blogged this from the start! I was binge re-reading these children‘s books all week and I’m for the first time realizing how incredibly crush-like Alison’s behavior towards the woman and girls she’s obsessed with is - like yes she tends to like them for superficial reasons and the other girls rightly make fun of her for being a feather-head and always falling for people who turn out to be shallow and not so nice… but that she keeps falling for pretty girls in the first place? Over and over again, every book? No Heterosexual Explanation dot jpeg
It starts in the second book she’s in, Summer Term at St. Clare’s, with “her precious Sadie.” who’s quickly the only one whose opinion she values and the only thing she’ll talk about, as the other characters notice, “She's like a gramophone record always set to say" Sadie says. . . . Sadie says . . . Sadie says . .”, and it keeps going throughout all the books adsfg
Case in point:
- ‘Miss Quentin certainly was extremely good looking. She had black piercing eyes, and a beautiful voice. Alison thought she was wonderful.’ ‘The class disliked Miss Quentin's “dears” and “lambs” and other names-except Alison. She loved them’ and the ‘sugared words of praise she felt sure would drop from Miss Quentin's lips.’ ‘Alison loved to wear anything that even remotely resembled her beloved Miss Quentin's belongings.’ ‘She waited round corners for her, hoping for a smile. She hung on every word the teacher said.’ (About a teacher in book 4)
- ‘Fern blushed and Alison, looking at the pretty, dainty girl with approval, stepped forward. “Fern!” she said with her charming smile. “What a pretty name!”’ ‘“Well, Alison, I can’t understand what you see in Rachel, to be honest,’ said Fern in her high, pretty voice. ‘But as it’s so important to you, I really will make an effort to be nice to her.’ She smiled her sweetest smile, which a delighted Alison returned with one of her own. … Alison was content, and made up her mind to speak to Rachel later. Perhaps they could be a threesome after all.’ (Fellow students in book 5 - and yes I’m laughing at the use of the word threesome xD)
-‘Margaret was a remarkably good-looking girl’… ‘Alison said nothing, staring raptly at Margaret’s retreating figure’ … “Alison, don’t say you’re going to lose your silly heart to Margaret” (an older student in book 6)
- ‘Alison leaned over the banisters-and, just as the others had guessed, she immediately lost her heart to the new girl. “She looks like a princess from a fairy-tale,” said Alison’ (fellow student in book 7)
-‘She had graceful, dramatic gestures, which filled Alison’s romantic soul with delight’ … “Alison, you’re not going to lose your heart to her, are you?” … “Why isn’t Miss Willcox the right person?” said Alison trying to speak coldly, though she felt very hot and cross “She’s clever, she’s written the most marvelous poetry, she’s got a lovely deep voice, and she’s most picturesque-looking.” … ‘thought that their beloved Miss Willcox looked lovely with her dark soulful eyes flashing’ (about a female teacher in book 8)
Femme 4 Femme Alison O’Sullivan confirmed
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lichtecht · 1 year
hab grad "hanni & nanni" geguckt. direktorin theobald and frau mägerlein are gay
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frau theobald und frau mägerlein ist das original grumpy gf x sunshine gf.
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twinsoftheday · 1 year
today's twins of the day are:
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hanni and nanni sullivan from hanni & nanni
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eldritchmushroom · 1 year
the only things I am watching rn are Star Trek, K-Dramas and questionable German teen movies from the 2000-2010s
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thequeerlibrarian · 1 year
Hello! 11 and 17 for the ask game~
Hii! Thank you <3
11. what non-fiction books do you like if any?
Ich habe es satt: wie uns Ernährungsgurus krank machen - a german book about eating habits and diet culture
17. top 5 children’s books?
The never ending story by Michael Ende
The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis
The Hobbit by Tolkien
The St. Clare’s Series by Enid Blyton
The Conni books by Liane Schneider & Julia Boehme
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free-kaosz · 2 years
me: I am never crying, I am as hard as the rock and as atrong as a tree, nothing can bring me to tears
also me: crying at every single childrens movie, when they are arguing
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elternhandbuch · 6 years
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Literarische Zeitreise mit Enid Blyton
„Hanni und Nanni“ und „Dolly“ – Gerade wurde ich wieder an die Heldinnen meiner Kindheit erinnert. Enid Blyton, die geistige Mutter der Mädels, starb nämlich vor 50 Jahren…
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eggcompany · 7 months
Starlight Boy
Little Hannibal Lecter, a kid looked over by nanny Will Graham. They go to the park, they eat, they take naps together. However one day Hannibal's parents drink and drive and crash, perishing in the blink of an eye. From then on it's Will and his little Starlight, Hannibal. By the time Hannibal was in highschool he knew he could never want anyone the way he wants Will. He holds out until one day soon after his 19th birthday. Threats of tearing himself apart pushing Will to finally give the boy what he wants. Sex. But what if it makes him finally realized that Hannibal truly really loves him.
“Hannibal, this is your new nanny. Will, this is Hannibal.” Said the modestly dressed older woman as the boy sat at his work desk writing. Standing behind her was a teenaged man, not very tall, wearing a pair of cheap tan slacks, a blue flannel button up, he had thick black rimmed glasses, and had a plain brown canvas backpack on his back. 
“Say hello Hannibal.” The woman prompted and the boy quickly stood up and stuck his hand out, hair gelled back perfectly and nearly like a robot he held his hand out and looked Will dead in the eyes. Will noted he had very beautiful eyes, nearly red. 
“Hello Will, it’s nice to make your acquaintance.” Will smiled and crouched down to shake his hand lightly. The boy had little hands, warm little hands. 
“It’s nice to meet you too Hannibal, I’m glad we’re gonna be friends.” Will answered and the boy nodded and went back to his desk. 
Will had been looking for another job. He already worked at the lab at night, cleaning. He just needed a little bit more a month and he wouldn’t starve, he’d be able to take some days off sometime and rest. 
He found an ad for ‘Nanny needed, experience in childcare, tutoring, and must clean. Trustworthiness will be tested regularly.’ Will had looked into it, sent his resume, talked to the old nanny, talked to the mother, and after a week of background checks and such he had a week to win over the boy. 
Hannibal was an easy boy to take care of. He likes having his hair combed for him but he could do it himself. He likes bubble baths and he doesn’t like being washed, he can wash himself but he likes when Will sits in the bathroom with him and reads books to him. He likes eating fine food from glass only, but he also loves laffy taffy that he ‘sneaks’ from Will’s backpack. He likes being held for a bit before bed, curling up into Will’s side and staying snuggly warm. He likes when Will picks him up from school and they go eat snacks on a bench that oversees the dog park. He likes when Will lets him run around the house in his pajamas, but only when mommy and daddy are away. And he really really really loves Will Graham. 
“Willy! Look, I stacked them all up! Aukštas bokštas!” Will would come over, trying to think of what the Lithuanian word meant. Hannibal was being brought up with three languages, English, Lithuanian, and Danish. Sometimes the little boy would get words all swapped up. ‘ A Tall Tower! ’ Is what the boy had said. 
“Yes! Very very tall, good job Hanni.” Will always called him Hanni when they were alone. He’d gotten chastised when he’d called him ‘Hanni’ in front of his mother. The boy liked when Will called him that. He liked that Will was… different than the other kids he’d met. Will wasn’t very stuck up and he was… free thinking and fun. 
Everything was perfect, fun and happy and Will was getting paid enough he gained weight and bought new shoes. He played with Hanni during the day, and left for work and night classes at six. It was perfect.
That was until the day Hannibal lost the last of his family. He’d already lost a sister when she was born, and that day… he lost everyone else. 
“I’m here for the Lecters, I’m their nanny. The boy, Hannibal, where’s the boy, he's my ward” Will said frantically as he ran up to the ER counter. People were rushing around and the nurse looked at him solemnly. 
“I’m sorry sir but that crash caused two casualties. Mrs and Mr Lecter both perished at the time of the crash, I’m so sorry.” The nurse said but Will was confused. He’d just gotten the call from the hospital saying Lecter’s were in a crash. 
“Two? No, there were three. Miss and Mister Lecter and Hannibal. There should be a young boy. He’s six. He’s in kindergarten. He was wearing a pair of shiny black shoes and a cashmere sweater he likes- he likes wearing cotton undershirts. He had on a blue cotton undershirt.” Will explained, he felt dizzy, like he was gonna barf. Or pass out. Or that his heart was gonna stop. 
“Sir there wasn’t a child. Only two adults. No children were brought in from that scene.” The nurse said and Will felt like ice traded places in his veins. 
“No, no, you guys didn’t find him? He’s only a baby! You don’t have him! Fuck! Where is he? Is he still there?” Will said and started to panic as he ran back to his unlocked car. He hadn’t even parked it right but that didn’t matter cause he was already racing to the site. 
Damnit Hanni, where are you? Will thought as he hit his palm against the wheel a few times. He’d dressed the boy for the dinner party before he’d left for class. 
Will was frantic as he shoved the key into the door and ran in, turning in circles for a sign. He ran looking for any sign. 
“Hanni! Hanni, come here! Hanni are you here?” Will screamed at the top of his lungs and heard a small thud and ran to the library. The phone was dangling off the desk, the wire holding it just above the carpet. 
“Willy?” Asked Hannibal who was dressed in his little white nighty with his white slippers on and his head covered in a nightcap. 
Will ran to him and fell to his knees to hold the boy in his arms. Will felt tears roll down his cheeks. The baby was okay, the sweet poor little baby was okay. 
“Oh Hanni, I was so worried.” Will said and held Hannibal tightly against his chest. 
“What happened? Why’re you sad?” Hannibal asked and looked at Will’s face. He didn’t like when Will was sad. Hannibal rubbed at the tears rolling down Will’s face, little hands clumsy. 
“Oh Hanni, I’m so so sorry. Mommy and Daddy got in an accident. I’m so sorry sweetheart but they aren’t coming back.” Will said and watched the boy scrunch his eyebrows and cock his head to the side a bit. 
“N-never? Mummy’s never coming back?” Hannibal asked, his hands shaking and his lip quivering. Will shook his head and sat down, crisscross, and pulled the boy into his lap. 
“No Hanni. Mummy’s not coming back.” Will told him and Hannibal grabbed ahold of Will’s button down. Hannibal hiccuped as tears welled up and his nose became leaky. 
“But- but where am I gonna go? Wha’s gonna happen?” Hannibal said through tears and snot and the heaviest of sadness and fear. 
“I'm gonna stay with you. We’re gonna be okay, you’ve still got me. We’re gonna stick together okay? Just like always, me and you.” Will reassured him and rocked back and forth, one hand holding the boy around the middle and the other petting at Hannibal’s soft blonde hair. The little boy started to sob, little body shaking. 
“Don’t leave Willy. Please don’t leave.” Hannibal begged as they both sat together on the cold library floor, crying over parents who were never there anyway. Hannibal was crying for his own loss and Will was crying for the boy who was being left alone just as he was so long ago. 
Will was appointed guardian, the Lecter’s will made it that much easier by giving Will power over the assets and the boy. Which helped because for six months and eight days, Hannibal Lecter was a wreck. Six months and eight days is what it took for him to get in counseling, back in school, and for Will to get guardianship and move in fully.  
Hannibal never wanted to let go from Will. He was always hanging onto a pant leg or thrown up on the man’s hip. He often stayed up all night crying or worrying, nightmares rattling through him, so he was usually found sleeping in Will’s lap anytime the man was sat down. 
Will took time away from school and the job. He threw himself into getting Hannibal stable. He brought his things into the Lecter house, he chose the room at the end of the hall, he made it his own. Well, somewhat. 
“Willy?” Said a small voice from the tiny crack in the door. Will woke up and sat up, his hair sticking to his forehead. He felt groggy, his eyelashes stuck to each other. 
“Yeah Han?” Will grumbled and wiped the back of his hand against his eye as he clicked on his yellow lamp. The golden glow from it reached out from his bedside to show where the little boy was standing in the doorway, nighty pulled to one side and his hair a mess. Will looked at him for a moment. Hannibal had stopped wearing his cap claiming they were for babies and he wasn’t a baby anymore. 
“Willy can I um- may I- I had-“ stuttered the small seven year old. He looked down at the floor, hands picking at the front of his nighty. He’d gotten into the habit of picking at one spot near his belly button to the point Will had put little patches on some because the boy had picked a hole all the way through. 
Will sighed and gave a pitiful smile and waved the boy closer. He pulled back his blankets, he was usually too hot to actually get under them. 
“Oh come here Star, you can come lay down with me.” Will said and tapped the side of the large bed that was empty. The boy crept a little closer but looked nervous as he fiddled with the seam on the pocket of his nighty. 
“Are you sure?” Hannibal asked and stood beside the bed. 
He was always nervous when it came to touch. His parents never touched him. His last nanny never touched him. Willy was the only one who did and he did a lot. Will gave him hugs and carried him and ruffled his hair and would put his hand on Hannibal’s shoulder and held his hand when they walked and and well Hannibal still couldn’t ask for it. 
“‘Course Hanni, we all need some contact every once in a while. Especially special little starlights like you!” Will said and smiled as he lifted the boy to lay down next to him. The boy giggled and kicked his feet a bit before he was laid back down next to the man. Hannibal liked Will’s nicknames for him. Star, starlight, those were his favorites. 
Will laid back down and Hannibal curled up closely resting his head on Will's shirt clad chest.
Will wrapped an arm around him and rubbed at the boy's boney back. He didn’t know why Hanni was skinny, or why he wasn’t really growing as much as the other kids. Those kinds of thoughts flooded his mind as he clicked the light off  and Hannibal let his small fingers play with the ribbed fabric of the undershirt’s neck. 
Will kept a smooth, gentle rhythm with his hand on Hannibal’s back but the boy started to sniffle. 
“Mommy never let me sleep in her bed…” Hannibal mumbled and sniffed his nose, Will could feel his shirt getting wet. 
“Sh sh sh, it’s okay Hanni, it’s alright baby. I’m right here and you can always come sleep in my bed. Just try to sleep, Starlight, get some rest, yeah?” Will whispered and kept rubbing the boys back as he sniffled and let out small sobs. Hannibal never really got upset, never let himself lose control like a usual toddler, so his crying was so stressful on him. It was hard to calm him down from it. Except one thing. 
Will sang to him, an old lullaby his mother used to sing him. It was filled with Cajun French that Will never fully picked up but knew enough of. The lullaby hummed deep in his chest. 
Hannibal slowly stopped his sobs and soon was drooling lightly on Will's chest. Will pulled the blankets tightly around them and made sure the boy’s face was uncovered and that he was warm. 
“My special baby, we ain’t goin anywhere, just me and you.” Will whispered and let himself fade to sleep. 
“Cmon Hanni we’re gonna be late! You still gotta get ya shoes on!” Will yelled as he did up his belt that was for some reason in the laundry room. He grabbed Hannibal’s lunch box that the thirteen year old had made himself the night before. 
Hannibal was in eighth grade already. He’d taken half a year to complete third grade so he was caught up with his age group. Will was substitute teaching and working on getting his degree in forensics and taking care of Hannibal and well… It was a lot some mornings. He had to make sure he had everything and that Hannibal had everything. Hannibal had lacrosse and track and cooking classes, and Will had no time to run back home so everything had to be had then . 
“Coming Will, give me a second. I couldn’t find my hair gel.” The boy said as he walked into the entryway and sat down and pulled his little loafers. Will checked his backpack and threw it on his back and then put Hannibal’s lunch box and backpack next to him on the little bench he was sitting on. 
“Well we’ll have to make sure to put it back in your bathroom next time we do my hair.” Will said and smiled at the way Hannibal nodded and grinned at him. Hannibal’s smile was something wonderful to Will. Wolfy and bright. 
Will just looked at him for a moment as he gathered his things and double checked himself in the small mirror by the entry. 
He was nearly as tall as Will. Growing into a handsome young man, even more handsome than his father. Tall and strong and handsome and so helpful and sweet and smart. Such a different boy than the thin little thing he was before yet when Will looked at him he was just the same baby boy. 
“Willy? Why are you crying? Are we that late already? I’m sorry I’ll go get in the c-“ Hannibal said worriedly as he watched his guardian tear up and cry. 
Will pulled him into a hug and kissed his forehead. 
“You’re such a big boy and you’re getting so grown. I remember when you were so small and now you’ve grown into such a handsome young man and I love you so much.” Will said through his tears and hugged Hannibal’s solid strong body tightly before letting him go and holding him at arm's length. 
“Thanks Will, you look very handsome too. I like the scruff” Hannibal said and scratched Will's cheek which just caused more tears. Hannibal giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Oh you evil little boy, stop being so nice.” Will said and playfully shoved the boy’s hand away and headed for the door. 
Will got sick. Not much after Hannibal started highschool. It started as some nausea and body pain, and then fatigue and vomiting and headaches, and then hallucinations and fever and having to have some help walking. 
Brain scans and many days in the hospital, Hannibal stopping by every evening, and it came down to it. Encephalitis. Take it easy, rest, take your injections, take your pills, and don’t irritate your symptoms. 
Will did most of those! He rested… some. He gave himself his injections, he took his pills. 
But life kept moving. Hannibal had track meets and practice, he played soccer with his friends on the weekend, he had a full schedule. Will had classes but he’d managed to get most of the notes sent to him and he only went in for tests and labs. He cut down on the days he substitute teaches down to once or twice a week. 
He fell asleep a lot. Everywhere. And Hannibal, tall, strong Hannibal, always carried him to bed. 
The boy was taller than Will now, much taller. He was broad and strong and smart and loves to cook. Hannibal still took cooking classes, advanced cooking classes at the college now, and he was on honor roll for the third year now that he was a junior. He was the star hurdle jumper on the track team, and did well in long jump. He went to all sorts of cooking courses around the state, often driving himself since Will had lost his license. 
He loved Will. More than anything in the world. He never felt love like it for anyone else. He craved Will. When Will got sick… Hannibal had started having panic attacks, he was nervous, he didn’t want to go to school, he didn’t want to leave the hospital. He wanted to be beside Will taking care of everything. 
When Will got home two years ago Hannibal had… changed. 
He did everything for Will. 
He cooked, cleaned, drove when he could, he went to appointments with Will and took notes, he was everywhere Will was. He carried Will and put him in his bed, when the older man fell asleep elsewhere. He would sit and watch Will sleep sometimes. He would hold Will when he had seizures, he held Will after the seizures, he held Will’s hand every time they walked anywhere. He wanted to crawl into Will’s skin and hold his heart in his hands. He wanted to be more than close with Will. 
Will was like a proud Grandma when it came to Hannibal’s sports. He was always right there, front row, hat on, dressed as nicely as he dressed, backpack sat next to him, shouting for the world to know. 
“Yes! That’s my boy! Woo! Hannibal! Good boy! Good Job!” Will screamed and stood up only to get dizzy and sit back down, fists raised in the air. It was a very important meet, championships for their district. And Hannibal was the best . 
The blonde waved and jogged over to where Will sat, behind the wall. He was sweating like crazy, hair sticking to his forehead in a mess, jersey a shining white and deep blue, school colors, and his shoes still squeaky from being new. 
“I’m so proud! Star, you're so amazing! Tell the boys we’re having a pizza party at the house, I don’t care what you tell the parents, I’ll go along. Doesn’t even matter if you win! Hanni, that was your record! I’m so proud, baby!” Will ranted and Hannibal laughed and leaned his hands on the short wall, catching his breath. Will threw his arms around his boy, not caring if he stank or if he was sweaty. 
“Are you sure? I’ll take care of everything, you’ll need to rest when we get home.” Hannibal said and hugged Will back and kissed his forehead. Will smiled and shook his head, sitting back down taking a drink of his hydration drink. 
“I’ll admit, today’s been hard on me. This was your last event right?” Will asked, he was sweaty too, he hadn’t eaten all day and was feeling a bit fevered. Hannibal smiled knowingly and nodded. 
“Yeah, I just have to wait for medals. Why don’t you go home and call in the pizza? I’ll tell everyone else we’re having a homemade Italian night.” Hannibal suggested and wished Will was back in his arms. His mind raced with how it would feel to kiss the other man right then, kiss him and hold him and touch him and- these shorts show everything he reminded himself and thought of gross stuff like mcdonalds and 7-up. 
“Course. I love you, I’m so proud of you, be careful.” Will said and hugged Hannibal again, kissing him on both cheeks and then the forehead. 
“I love you, Will.” Hannibal said as Will walked away… man he looked good in those jeans…
“Be quiet. Will’s sleeping. Just shut up for a second, lemme put him to bed.” Hannibal snapped quietly at the laughing and joking boys behind him. They’d all come over in the promise of cheap greasy pizza and nasty movies in Hannibal’s room. They were rich kids, cheap pizza was like gold . 
“Okay, mom .” 
“Yeah, alrighty mom ” 
The boys heckled him but kept it quieter as they caught scent of the pizza, bags being slung into the coat closet in the entry hall. 
Hannibal made it to the living room where Will often fell asleep reading his textbooks. Sure enough, Willwas in his chair, curled up under a blanket, book spread on his lap. Hannibal closed the book and sat it on the side table, on the stack that was there already. He then just looked down at Will. His hair was shorter than usual, he just got a haircut a few days ago but it looked so soft… Hannibal indulged himself and let his fingers skim over his hair… but then they drifted down to his rough stubble and the soft crest of his cheek and then across his soft pink lips… Hannibal swallowed thickly as he let his fingers run across Will’s bottom lip. The older man’s mouth was open slightly, breath creasing warming in a smooth rhythm. He pushed that soft bottom lip down, showing Will’s teeth, and pulled his hand back when he felt all the blood rush south, he was wearing a pair of tight pants, he didn’t need to be heckled for a boner. 
Hannibal bent down over Will, wrapping the man in his blanket, and picked him up. One arm under his back, one under his knees, making sure Will’s head laid on his shoulder. It was a practiced thing, he’d carried Will like this a thousand times. It was muscle memory as he made his way up the stairs and into Will’s room. 
“Into bed, sweet Will. Into bed.” Hannibal whispered as he placed Will down on his mattress, blankets tossed over to the side. He pulled the blanket that had bunched up around his waist to lay nicely over him. Over his socked feet all the way up to his neck, over his hands, and made sure his head was on the pillow. 
He just stared at Will. So beautiful. So soft, so sweet, so pretty, so warm… So his. 
“I love you. I do, I love you Will. I want you.” Hannibal whispered to Will who slept on, exhausted from the day. Hannibal sighed and left the room to go celebrate with his friends. 
Will got better. Will gained a little bit of his weight back, he had so much more energy, and he looked incredible. Hannibal was often staring at him, head resting on his fist, drool practically dripping from his mouth. He often stared at Will’s handsome face when he wore his glasses, so focused on doing work or studying or reading. He often stared at Will’s butt, he gained ten pounds and his ass was so plump and practically begging to be bitten into like a ripe peach. And he was very very often staring at Will when he was out doing yard work, something he’d banned Hannibal from doing after he cut his hand with rose clippers. Hannibal would sit in the paved driveway and watch Will. He made the excuse that the sun was good for him but he just wanted to stare at Will as he stretched and sweated and oh wear those little shorts and flip flops and Hannibal would waddle back into the house claiming sunburn or ants and jerk off in the shower. He’d turn the water on, just warm, not hot. He’d be so worked up he’d barely get his pants off and a hand on himself and he’d be ready to bust. 
Just picturing Will, his body, his face, feeling up and down his solid body, kissing his lips, slipping his tongue into Will’s wanton mouth. Imagining how Will would sound as Hannibal fucked him, how he’d beg and whine and whimper sweetly. How Will’s ass would look as he fucked it, how Will’s body would move full of cock, how how- 
“ Will ” Hannibal would moan into the tile and spend the next ten minutes standing under the water thinking how mad Will would be if he knew Hannibal came thinking of him. 
It all came to a head when Will broke up with his bar fling named John and Hannibal had nearly drowned in the school showers because he was blowing two guys at once and they thought it would be funny to turn the shower head to spray over his face. They were Juniors and he was a senior, they assumed he could ‘take it’... He beat them up before he left. 
Neither wanted to talk about why they were sad and pissy. 
Hannibal was huffy in his room, watching all sorts of bad porn and jerking off just to be unsatisfied and then kicking dirty clothes around his floor just to dig under his bed again and look at a pair of Will’s underwear he’d snatched from the laundry room. 
Will was being sad and eating ice cream curled up in the living room watching romcoms and telling himself John was just using him for notes and test answers. Then knowing John wasn’t even in the same classes and crying again. He was so horny and so bad at dating. 
Hannibal just kept going around his loop, trapped, Will moved on but Hannibal couldn’t. He kept feeling more and more edgy and aggressive. He felt like a balloon blown up too far. 
And then he did something irrational. Irrational and irreversible. 
“Hannibal, what are you doing!?” Will yelled as he stared at the boy who was kneeling in the middle of the living room, back to the roaring fireplace. He was kneeling down low, knees spread wide, chest uncovered, his robe flowing around him held up by his arms still being through the sleeves. His chest and shoulders were bare, all the way down his toned torso, down passed the neatly trimmed blonde happy trail, down to his pink cock and the veiny hand that was wrapped around it. His other hand was holding him up from where he’d bent back, head thrown back, exposing his muscular neck. 
Will was in shock. His baby boy. His kiddo, His Starlight. Putting on a goddamn show. 
“Will, I want you. You’re the only person I need. Please Will, the other boys aren’t nice to me they hurt me, they won’t treat me like you do” Hannibal begged as he let his head loll back forward to face Will. It made him feel a bit less confident when he saw Will’s shocked face. 
“What do you mean? What are you doing? Hannibal, we have neighbors!” Will said and rushed around to close the curtains that were thankfully mostly closed. What was Hanni doing? And when did he get so… grown. They had just celebrated his 18th birthday but still when did he get so big and and strong and handsome and since when did he have such… When did he act like this?
“Will, please, please, take care of me. Like you always do…” Hannibal said in a grumbling rolling way with a little innocent smile on his lips and he held his cock in his hand. He was looking at Will over his shoulder and he moved so the back of the robe dropped down to cover nothing . His back and ass on display. Will stared at him and felt a wave of heat hit him. 
“Hannibal we can’t. You shouldn’t do this.” Will said and came up behind the boy and pulled the robe up to cover his back and pulled it closed in front of him. 
“We can’t. You don’t want to.” Will said and Hannibal felt something break in his chest. He slumped, confidence gone, he held the robe closed as his cock softened quickly. He sat down on his butt, crossing his legs and covering himself. He stared at Will who was rubbing his eyes and who let out a loud sigh. He looked like he was so… upset. 
“Take me Will, take me apart, touch me, Will please, please I can’t take another day.” Hannibal begged, shamelessly as tears welled in his eyes, his chest hurt. He felt tears starting to roll down his cheeks and Will turned around with that we-can’t-kill-someone-for-being-rude lecturing kind of look. 
“Hanni-” Will started but Hannibal snapped, yelling. 
“I’ll kill myself. I’ll tear my veins from my flesh, I’ll flay myself open and hang myself up.” Hannibal screamed, opening his arms to show Will his long perfect arms, making his point he stared right into Will’s eyes. 
“Hannibal…” Will said calmly and put his hands out to calm the boy down but Hannibal jerked away, crying loudly, sobs wracking his body. Will felt himself losing his restraint.  Hannibal was his. Since the second he’d seen him, Hannibal was his . 
“I can’t take a moment more. I love you Will, I love you, I love you, I need you I can’t can’t take-“ Hannibal broke off sobbing. He looked so defeated, sitting naked on the floor, crying like a baby. Will smiled. 
The older man knelt down and shoved away tears with his thumbs and held Hannibal’s sharp beautiful face in his hands. 
“My little starlight, you evil little boy, you mustn’t do this again. There’s far too many windows. And now you’re mine. No one else’s to see.” Will whispered to Hannibal who’s eyes seemed to be blood red in that moment. 
“Wi-” Hannibal had started but was cut off with a powerful long tongue filled kiss. They both could taste his tears, neither cared much though. Hannibal’s hands caught Will’s neck and pulled him down. 
“I love you.” Hannibal gasped when they pulled away, he meant to pulled Will down and fuck him right there but Will pulled away and pulling Hannibal up to stand, robe opening. 
“Not on this floor, not on a floor, my room, now.” Will said and pulled Hannibal down to kiss him again. Hannibal was getting whiney, hating to wait to have what was finally his. 
“Slow” Hannibal bit out as Will moved to kiss down his jaw. Will pulled back to say something but Hannibal already had him from behind the thighs and was hualing him up to carry him. Will squeaked which made the young man smile a big wolfy grin as he made the memorized walk to Will’s room without stopping their deep kissing, Will’s hands pushing the offensive silk off Hannibal. The blonde let it drop from him the second Will was thrown onto the bed. 
“Hannibal, my star, when did you become so…” Will said as Hannibal crawled up over him on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt and grinding down on his lap. Hannibal looked up at him, breathing heavily, eyes manic and hazed. 
“Such an animal.” Will finished and Hannibal grinned and pulled Will’s belt from its loops, slightly picking up the man for a moment. He let Will wiggle them down his hips before yanking them off, pulling Will’s legs straight up in the air. Will let out a surprised noise as Hannibal shoved his legs apart and leaned back down to kiss him. 
“Mine, Willy, You’re mine.” Hannibal growled as he ground down, his cock covering Will’s completely. The brunette let out a moan as he grabbed at Hannibal’s shoulders and back. Their lips met again, teeth and tongues clashing this time, Hannibal taking over and throwing Will’s legs up, one over his shoulder and the other around his hip. 
“Hanni…” Will whimpered and pushed his hands down to stroke the boy’s heavy hard cock. God that would feel so good inside…
Hannibal was moaning, long and low, right into Will’s neck where he was hiding his face. Will kept on stroking, not even being able to reach the base. 
“Hanni… is this what you want? Me to only touch you like this?” Will asked as he let his thumb run and rub gently at the perfect crown of his star’s cock. 
“Wanna fuck you, wanna, wanna fuck you” Hannibal stumbled through. Will smiled and let his nail lightly graze the fever hot skin, each movement causing Hannibal to let out groans. His little starlight taken apart from prim and proper to begging messy little slut. 
“I’ll let you fuck me. My way only. You little beast.” Will whispered and let go of Hannibal as the boy sat up, eye’s wide, smile playing at the corner of his lips. Will stretched his arms above his head, showing himself off, and squeezed his leg that was around Hannibal’s hip, pushing the boy to thrust against him. Hannibal moaned, lips making a beautiful little O. 
“Willy, please, please, please” Hannibal begged as he thrusted against the older man, cock slipping beside Will’s to rub in the crease of his thigh. Precum tracing lines into Will’s short brown pubes. Will shushed him and tried to straighten his thoughts. 
“Baby, calm down, sit back. Can’t jus fuck me, Star. Gotta get ready.” Will explained and pushed Hannibal’s shoulder so he’d sit up. Hannibal growled and kept thrusting for a moment before Will had his hand in his hair, pulling him back. 
The boy let out a whine and sat back on his heels. He pouted, bottom lip poking out a bit and gave Will the biggest pair of puppy eyes. Will laughed a little bit and reached over to his bedside and dug around for a long moment before finding the probably expired condoms he had and the small thing of lube that he rarely used. He preferred lotion of jerking off, but lube was best for this activity. 
“Do you know how to do this or do you want me to show you?” Will asked as he held up the foil packet and small bottle. Hannibal stared at him and shook his head. He’d never done it to someone else… himself sure sort of and a girl one time but that wasn’t- they weren’t nearly as precious as Will. He’d cut his own hands off if he hurt Will. 
“Lemme see your hands.” Will ordered and Hannibal held them out, palms forward, which made Will giggle as he turned them around to look at Hanni’s nails. Short and smooth. Will held Hannibal’s hand open, fingers spread a little with one hand and popped the top on the bottle, pouring some over his three fingers. 
“Will? I thought you were going to do it…” Hannibal said curiously as he pinched his fingers together just to spread them apart. The lube was thick, cool but warming quickly, and felt oddly like film on his skin. Will huffed and scooted up on the bed, getting into a comfortable position. He wasn’t a young man anymore, he was 37, he could keep up. Just needed to make sure he was in the right spot. 
He laid his head on his pillow, grabbing the other on and shoving it under his hips. He shuffled for a bit and decided he needed more behind him and wadded up his blanket and stuffed it behind him so he was curled up a bit, hips up, shoulders up. 
“You’re beautiful.” Hannibal whispered and watched Will huff and wiggle his shoulders against the blankets. Will looked at him and shook his head. Course his little starlight would say that, of course he’d have the mind to compliment even when his cock was drooling and cherry red. 
“Star? Do you know how to do this?” Will asked, his voice dropping, dragging itself from his throat as he let his hands wander over his own body. One hand staying up at his chest to rub into his chest and pinch and pull lightly at his nipples, the other roaming over his flat stomach, pulling a few times at his cock, and down to handle his balls for a moment before moving lower to run a dry finger over his hole. Hannibal was staring, his eyes focused exactly where Will was circling, he nodded, his eyes not leaving the show. 
“You know you need to be gentle right? You gotta use one finger… then another… then another. So big, I need three. Then you can fuck me.” Will said in a sultry way that had Hannibal’s cock jumping up as he moved in closer so his cock was nearly touching Will’s hole.
Slowly one of his sticky slick fingers started doing circles like Will’s had been and then pushing around and then finally slipping in. All the way in, and rubbing right across Will’s prostate. 
“Fuck! Oh Baby, baby, don’t touch there yet. Don’t don’t turn your fingers up. Keep em straight. Can’t cum more than once, honey. Wanna cum with you. Don’t be rubbing on me like that.” Will panted out, little shivers racing through him. Hannibal nodded, unable to tera his eyes from where he was inside . Even just his finger. He was fingering Will. 
It was slow, Will telling him when to add another, when to speed up, when to spread his fingers, and soon Hannibal was spreading his three fingers inside Will, spreading his rim. 
Hannibal was dizzy, his cock was so hard and had been for so long. And Will was making such amazing sounds, whimpering and panting, his hands leaving their positions playing with himself to hold his legs up and open, gripping behind his knees. 
“No more, fuck me. C’mon baby, fuck me like you wanna.” Will bit out, tears welling in his eyes. He was ready and Hannibal was such a good boy. 
Hannibal hastily rolled the condom on his cock, it was a little uncomfortable because it was a little snug but it wasn’t gonna make him stop. 
He leaned over Will, letting his ankles rest on his shoulders, and guided his cock to Will’s slick messy little hole.  He was barely pressing in, he didn’t wanna hurt Wil-
“You fuck me right now or I’m gonna do it myself.” Will said and grabbed two handfuls of hair on the sides of Hannibal’s head. He had a crazed look in his eyes, and Hannibal couldn’t resist letting himself go, matching that look. 
He slammed into Will, hips slapping the backs of fuzzy thighs. And he didn’t stop. Shoving his face into Will’s warm neck, feeling each one of his moans, he fucked Will like he wanted to. He fucked him hard and fast, grunting and whining, hands sliding under Will’s back, holding him close, lifting him up from the mattress. 
“Star, Star, Hannibal! I’m gunna cum. Oh god, Hanni, good boy, good boy, cmon keep going, baby don;t stop, so close! So close!” Will begged, his hole tightening around Hannibal’s cock. His hand moved to jerk at his own drooling cock as Hannibal, kept thrusting as hard and as fast as he could. 
“Willy, Willy, I love you. I love you Will, I love you.” Hannibal whined as Will moaned out louder and louder, Hannibal was holding on but he felt like he was going to explode before Will came. 
Will pulled his legs to wrap around Hannibal’s waist and pulled him in, yelling out, cock spilling out over his belly. He grabbed onto his boy, who was still fucking him roughly. 
“C-cmon sweetheart, my pretty, precious little star. C’mon baby, cum for me” Will whispered into Hannibal’s ear. He was sweating, hair sticking to his forehead, grunting each time he slammed into Will’s hole, he looked up at Will with wild eyes. 
Will was crying, it was too much, way too much. He smiled and pulled Hannibal down for a kiss. Hannibal let out a little strangled sound as he shoved as far as he could into Will’s body, his hips twitching and his cock jerking where it was deep inside Will’s body. 
Hannibal panted as his arms shook, he dropped down to lay on top of Will, who automatically carded his hands through Hannibal’s blonde hair. 
“Starlight, so good to me. How could I have not noticed? I love you Hannibal.” Will said as he caught his breath and pet down Hannibal’s back and pushed his fingers through his sweaty hair. Hannibal kept holding him, face smushed into his shoulder. 
“Of - ew- ill” Hannibal said into Will’s skin, ‘Love you will’ . Will laughed and kept on petting till Hannibal had his fill and then they went to the bathroom to bathe together. 
“Welcome home Will.” Hannibal said from the kitchen as Will walked through to set his briefcase down and kick his shoes off. 
His hair greying at the edges, his scruff gone grey in patches too. Hannibal found him even more handsome even in his very thick glasses. 
“Hello Star, what are we having for dinner? I’m starved. I worked through lunch.” Will said as he wandered over to his husband, wrapping his arms around Hanni’s middle. 
“You shouldn’t do that Will, you’ll get weak.” Hannibal said, chastising Will for his self neglect. Will nuzzled in between Hannibal’s shoulder blades. 
“You fret on me too much, I had a granola bar and an aspirin.” Will said and let his head rest against the broad strong back in front of him, loving the strong beating of Hannibal’s heart. 
“We’re having long pig and I made fresh gelato. Chocolate with brownie bits, you’re favorite.” Hannibal said and Will groaned, squeezing his love. 
“I love you Hanni” Will said and moved to pull Hannibal down by his neck. 
“I love you too Will, forever.” Hannibal answered and pressed a loving kiss onto Will’s soft lips.
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official-lauchzwiebel · 3 months
Hanni und Nanni aber Madame Bertoux und Frau Mägerlein sind Lesben
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lilolilyr · 10 months
I got tagged by @banashee thanks a bunch! Feel free to do any of my recent tagging memes if you like:D
Question Tag Game Thingy
Current book I’m reading:
Fifth Formers at St Clare‘s, I found all the St Clare’s (zu Deutsch: Hanni & Nanni) that exist in the original English online here for free, I used to be obsessed with the German translations (and additions - there are way way more of those in German than the 9 English ones) as a kid and the nostalgia overtook me when I remembered the books because of this tagging meme and I completely singlefocusedly binge read through them in the last couple days
Last song I listened to:
Joel by okdanketschüss
Currently watching:
not anything really? I’m stuck at the beginnings of S2 of Good Omens and The Witcher since forever and I haven’t continued DS9 either, I just haven’t watched any TV really…
last thing I watched was a Bernadette Banner YouTube video a couple days ago
No wait! Warehouse rewatch on discord! I missed last week but I’ll join in today :D
Current fic I’m reading:
Not any??? I mean I’ve got tabs open but I really read St Clare’s and only St Clare’s in the last days! Maybe the one I’m on now counts as fanfic tho bc it’s not by Enid Blyton (the original author)? xD
I do still want to continue reading @purlturtle’s And Now You as well as all the fic recs @lavendelhummel sent me, and I’ve got a bunch of other tabs open besides, but I’m probably gonna finish St Clare’s first! Well, I might read the last two tomorrow so there’s that :D
Next on my watchlist:
I’ve never seen While You Were Sleeping and since I’ve seen ppl talk about it both here and on discord I really want to watch it
also ‘tis the season for silly Hallmark movies, so I’ll for sure watch a couple of those xD there are also two wlw ones from last year or so that I haven’t seen yet, and of course piles and piles of straight ones
current obsession:
Definitely St Clare’s xD did I mention this already on this post, perhaps once or twice? xD
Also, I managed to have a crush on a minor book character again, headmistress Theobald o.O
I should update my obsession tag and my blog description! I think it still says flufftober xD
For easy copying - leave a blank for the people you tag! Question Tag Game Thingy Current book I’m reading: Last song I listened to: Currently watching: Current fic I’m reading: Next on my watchlist: current obsession:
Tagging everyone I’ve already tagged as well as @die-schwanenkoenigin, @squishmittenficfan @toboldlynerd purlturtle and anyone else who sees this :)
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ninizxot · 1 month
Danielle's Sister
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Pham Hanni (03)
Hanni used to be quite friendly with Y/N before Minji started hating her, and to this day she doesn't know why. In order not to make her friend uncomfortable, Hanni completely distanced herself from Hwang's friendship and focused on basketball. She also likes Danielle romantically, so she created a slight dislike for Y/N because they are very close.
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Kang Haerin (05)
always thought Y/N and her group were very kind, but she never said anything so as not to irritate Minji. (has the slightest cutest crush on Hyein)
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Lee Hyein (05)
Hyein is almost the best of all in basketball, being tall is just one of the adjectives that makes her good, one of the reasons why Haerin likes her. has a HUGE crush on Kang, makes that very clear, would obviously humble herself for her if necessary.
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Kim Minji (04)
Minji is... well.. bipolar? has very mixed feelings for Y/N, one is hate, the other is disgust. Despite everything, she feels nervous in her presence, as if she were going to explode with hatred. She works as a nanny in her spare time to support herself in a humble but certainly comfortable home. Minji takes basketball seriously. Even if she is tired or sick, she will train every day.
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lalalaugenbrot · 5 months
i'm wondering... do other countries have equally insane audio play traditions as germany does? not even mentioning "???" but i just bought a "hanni & nanni" (germanised version of st. clare's) cassette tape from 1974 and the fact that the actresses who spoke hanni & nanni back then, 50(!!) years ago, are STILL recording hanni & nanni audio plays to this very day in the year 2024 (TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTYFOUR) seems bizarre to me...?!???
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