#hap birth percy
blorbologist · 2 years
Hap birth! 41. Stored correctly a lot of ancient honey remains edible to this day! Yes this means some archaeologists tested this on themselves like nutters, not unlike the lick bone/lick stone test. For the characters/dynamic of your choice.
Various honey HCs because! Honey!
Vex is very, very adept at stealing honeycomb from wild bees. The comb and honey sells for a very good price, or she could keep some to make candles, and Trinket was such a glutton for the stuff - and of course it tastes fucking delicious. Sometimes, after a raid, she’d pop a piece in her mouth and pretend she was at some fancy table eating sweets. Not long after she becomes Grand Mistress she takes Percy out with her to get some comb just because she can and it’s a rush she doesn’t have to do anymore. He impulsively bundles the comb in his coat and regrets it dearly when it gives the bees ample opportunity to sting through his thinner shirt - Vex tends to his poor sad welts after, sitting in the courtyard with their prize and popping pieces of the sun in eachother’s mouths (with Trinket of course, who licks Percy’s honey-covered face to his shriek of surprise).
Zephrah’s honey has a very distinct taste, given the many rare and unusual flowers that grow there. After the timeskip Vax takes to keeping a small pot of it handy for his tea - other honey just doesn’t cut it anymore. 
Given the climate Yasha grew up in, her understanding of honey for a long time was corpse honey. Vulture bees eat carrion and make a sort of honey with it. I mean, Yasha’s eaten worse, but whenever anyone brought up enjoying honey she truly thought that these Empire and Menagerie Coast people were super gross. It’s Jester who figured out the source of confusion and got her to try some good, real honey - her moan at the taste had Beau blushing down to her roots, which made Yasha blush, which had Jester fucking losing it laughing at these disaster lesbians.
(Send me a prompt and I’ll write a ficlet, a HC or an AU idea + share the science fact that inspired the prompt!)
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corcnach · 2 months
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{sam heughan, 45, cis-male, he/him} We are so glad to see you safe, CATHAIR FERGUSSON of SCOTLAND! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are NURTURING and STRONG-WILLED enough to handle it. Just don’t let your PROTECTIVENESS bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out you're cooperating with foreign rebels in order to abolish the scottish monarchy
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b a s i c s //
birth name: cathair fergusson
birthday: june 13th
occupation: scottish soldier / fergusson clan head assassin
orientation: demiromatic - demisexual
status: married to tbd
languages: scottish gaelic (native), english (native), arabic (fluent), russian (conversational), french (conversational), spanish (intermediate beginner).
character influences: orochimaru (naruto), russell lightbourne (the 100), hap/dr. percy (the o.a), milton brandt/whispers (sense8), elijah mikkaelson (tvd/to/legacies).
tarot card: death
p r o l o g u e // murder tw, torture tw, blood tw
whether the first-born child of alexander fergusson and his wife was created out of love or hate, many would never know. in a home that was neither warm nor cold, he grew up, perhaps, the least privileged of every boy born to them. for fifteen years, he lived and worked simply under his father's guiding hand on a farm of their owning. whispers of rebellion came in and went out, he had never paid much attention then, more worried about the cows and horses in the paddocks and barns and keeping the younger fergussons out of trouble to pay attention to politics. that was until one day when the stuarts took everything from them - including their true identities. the stripping of all that he had known, while uncomfortable, was not what brought strife upon him. no, that would come in the dead of night when his father roused him from his makeshift bed surrounded by a puddle of red-headed children searching for safety and warmth and made him follow him with a knife in hand. his father had announced to many that he was, in fact, the new chief of the fergusson clan but with demanded proof, his father had fallen desperate. at fifteen, he found himself torturing a poor older man for a simple sheet of paper; a birth record, forged, and blood-stained. life felt strange, after that - he went from sleeping on hard ground, surrounded by his younger brothers to soft beds, lavish parties, and forced studies. however, something else changed, something deeper and more complex; he'd learned that people who held power over others could gain what they wished, more so, he learned that violence was the most effective way of persuading those to give him just that.
p r e s e n t d a y //
In whispers among the high courts of europe, africa, and northern asia, the name 'coronach' is a well-kept secret. monarchs in need of a closed mouth; nobles wishing to marry for love; or simply a scorned lover looking for revenge - it is said that, if the price is right, this faceless person will do anything asked of them. many think of them as a ruthless, uncaring man, but the truth would shock them if ever they knew; coronach was a simple man, a warm husband, a doting father, and a protective older brother. while being known as a strong soldier with an offstandish air and a cautious manner, he was the chief of a well-decorated clan inherited from a passionate father, surrounded by thriving siblings raised under his guidance who loved him just as fiercely as he fought for them. though, those in his real life would also look upon him with shock if they ever found out his secret; he would do anything to keep them and their legacy safe, even if it meant that his hands were covered in the blood of many.
c o n n e c t i o n s //
unknown fergusson (spouse) - tbd
cailean fergusson (youngest sibling) - tbd
w a n t e d c o n n e c t i o n s //
spouse (romantic) - cathair's love is quiet. it manifests in protection and secrecy that isn't always well intentioned. many would describe this person as strong for being left to their own devices most of the time or for marrying a man of such a personality as cathair's. outwardly cruel and standoffish, inside their home, when he isn't away, he is a doting father and attentive husband, even if his heart is a bit distant and his hand, strict. their children are 5 & 8 and are starting to ask questions neither of them want to answer. there is tension within their marriage surrounding his job but as long as they sweep it under the rug, their relationship is relatively harmonious.
past/current hires (political) - whether monarchs or civilians, these people are the people who want cathair's sword for purposes of murder, torture, etc. if they pay a good fee, cathair is willing to do whatever they ask of him as long as insurances of his family's safety can be promised.
coronach members/spies/fall guys (political) - these people are those who work under cathair's alias, coronach, so that he can never be made by people who have hired him before. aligned with the scottish rebellion, they are a smaller more ruthless branch and their true loyalties lay with cathair. although their name is scottish in origin, members of this pathway of spies/assassins are of different origins, making the true face of this branch unknown.
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reality-refuge · 5 years
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“COMING!” Korrah shouts over the balcony. “Jeez,” he mutters as he trots down the stairs. “Impatient bastards.”
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Everyone cheers once Korrah throws the door open.
The wave of excitement that rolls in with his friends wipes Korrah’s annoyance away. “Thanks y’all,” he greets, giving each guest a hug as they enter.
“So,” Cerise starts as she pulls a box from behind her, “I don’t know a place that does cakes, but…”
She opens the box to reveal an assortment of gourmet cupcakes.
“…I do know a place where you can pick up cupcakes!”
“Cerise,” Percy starts, picking up one as if it is a precious gem, “I don’t know how to tell you this, but you are a goddess.”
Cerise smiles as everyone blisses out over the cupcakes. “It’s nothing!”
“It’s everything,” Korrah emphasizes, dropping a kiss on Cerise’s forehead. “You’re amazing.”
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neomacaught · 6 years
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birthday aesthetic for @percstolen, with and without words! 
but you’ll never be alone,  i’ll be with you from dusk till dawn  i’ll be with you from dusk till dawn  baby, i’m right here  i’ll hold you when things go wrong  i’ll be with you from dusk till dawn i’ll be with you from dusk till dawn baby, i’m right here
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kportist · 7 years
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It’s a birthday present! A drawing with an actual purpose! What a day!
@achtervulgan315 Happy Birthday! Your math jokes are cool but you’re cooler :) I hope you like it! (tbh I’m p sure this is the best thing I’ve ever made)
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atypical-artisan · 9 months
i remember u saying a while back great tiger has autistic swag. not that i disagree, but can you say why you think that is? id love to hear your thoughts :3
Sorry for making this sit in my inbox for so long!! I kinda forgor about it lmao
Ne ways on to why I think tiger has autism™:
Primarily, it comes from vibes
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I can't look at him and NOT think he's autistic like, idk how to describe it other than me just projecting on to him lmao
I think maybe what spurred me to this is actually seeing his clones talk to each other??? Because it reminded me of how I stim/overthink by talking to myself and will sometimes laugh out loud to jokes in my own head. Plus the weird 'drink your mothers milk' idiom definitely comes off as an awkward insult I'd come up with
With that being said here are some random hcs related to his autism:
He stims most frequently with music and actually loves it being turned up super loud/live performances if he likes the music enough
One of his special interests, other than big cats, is with making music, music theory, and audio tech- he has a particular fascination with tape recorders and decks
Because of this interest in music, he's been able to teach himself to play a couple dozen different instruments all on his own.
His parents are really supportive of this interest and always have been- more than happy to get him tech, music lessons, and instruments when he requests them.
Tiger's also a cuddly autistic- he's SUUUPER touch starved and cannot live without cuddles
Talks/hums to himself all the time and gets really embarrassed when ppl bring it up
Def bad at insults without a lot of time to think something up- this means he'll just say super weird/awkward stuff sometimes, esp in english where he sometimes forgets certain words
He mumbles and slurrs his words quite a bit when in regular conversation- all his ring quotes took a lot of practice for him to sound good
Pretty sensitive to temperature changes
Cannot eat greasy or cold bitter stuff
Cold food in general is pretty hard for him to handle
Baaaaad at understanding idioms and memes, but once he DOES get them he'll abuse them endlessly
finds jokes funnier when they're explained, even if he understands them initially
dishes are worst chore and having to do them can p easily trigger a meltdown
Can recite a music textbook he read 7 years ago perfectly but will absolutely forget your name 5 seconds after you tell him
Loves infodumping about his mlp ocs and fursona
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