#hapo liveblogs
allbeendonebefore · 4 years
judiejodia replied to your post “on a related note i said after i got my BA i would...
Hey, i've never read herodotus before, how about we challenge each other? One bulky greek poet for another?
I havent read Herodotus in his entirety either and I desperately want to for the AaSA structure.......... let me go see if i also have herodotus because i dont mind Also doing That next..............
i DONT........ tragic. I have way more roman authors than i have greek, Unfortunate. I do have a book ABOUT thucydides that informed AaSA (and lbr trying to write a history and then being too upset at politics to finish is a Mood these days). I guess most of my greek lit i got through the library, which is Good its just... I would also like... to have floor to ceiling loebs at home..... yknow.... especially in this current situation where i cant roll into the library and my online credentials are not Good Enough 
anyway i Accept your challenge! I will move my copy of the iliad out of the basement and place it pointedly in a location i might actually read it in!!
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Of all the human characters (historical figures) you have included in your story so far, who's your favourite (you don't have to answer, if you don't want)?
Off the top of my head I recall I drew an anachronistic Herodotus in one panel and since I am reading the Histories right now I’m very biased towards him. The people who hold Thucydides as peak Greek historian haven’t actually read Thucydides, they’re just people who like to pat themselves on the back for theoretically knowing Real History (tm) and not Made Up Stuff like Herodotus. Leave Herodotus alone, he’s the one and only Old Man Yells at Cloud in my heart and the kind of guy who throws in stuff like “one of the concubines at Sardis gave birth to a lion” just to make sure you’re paying attention.
For more Fun Facts from Herodotus, I provide my liveblogging on my main blog ( @allbeendonebefore ) and tag it hapo reads herodotus while my dear friend @judiejodia is also taking this challenge on with me using the tag herodotus blogging
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
lets liveblog episode 2 of story of us which so far has been blasted by both Nova Scotia and now Quebec. cant wait to get to western history in spite of myself xDD
im so pained by this intro they are using ‘key’ which was the key word of the american version and they are playing up the whole OUR GREATEST RESOURCE... OUR RESOURCES. TRULY STRONG AND FREE.
new brunswick hallo
is this the aroostook war
please tell me they are going to try to make this bar fight out to be a nation building event ok phew it is not the war
“if he cant do the thing... he will lose hundreds of thousands of todays dollars’ this is like the least risky sounding thing ever the way they say it
‘everybody came to canada looking for something... vast potential’ ‘tHEY HAD TO DREAM AS BIG AS THE COUNTRY’
‘the settlers said the same thing their eyes went wide open and they said ‘my gosh’’ im crying so hard
they are doing the DRAMATIC ZOOM INS on BLACK POWDER im laughing
[music intensifies]
todays canadians dont understand Grit
‘they do not find life overwhelming’ as a millenial, i-
wow a non white person amazing
george washington’s lackey is here they are going to have a showdown
this is so goddamn canadian “THE AMERICANS INSTIGATE AN AGRESSIVE TAKEOVER” “idk about you but i would have just said ok”
its eugene levy
their animation is improving
st john wahoo
oh yeah hudsons bay ohhh yeah north west company
the economic ENGINE of a BURGEONING nation
we’re already on the prairies wow
they are trying to do the character shots and failing miserably like they dont even do the freeze frame they just shake it up a bit
buffalo can reach 65 mph a horse can reach 88 does this mean horses could timetravel
the amount of time they mention growth and economy and resources and nation makes me feel like im in the middle of a harper speech
sideburns = 1812?
we’re in quebec again
are all the franco speakers just like?? sports pros or??
we’re back in 1793 again make up your Minds we are in trois rivieres now
entrepreneurs are Different from everyone else they See the Future
our greateSt challenge SURVIVING THE WINTER
a franco who is not a sports star amazing
the market might not liek it
[sensually runs his hand along the metal]
the pristine englishman is the True Entrepreneur while the dirt covered francophones labour away... the englishman rubs his brow with sWeat and Stress despite having done nothing but wander around the forge looking at things and occasionally writing things down, trying to see over his Neck Ruff
he sensually rubs the stove again
the CANADA... STOVe like it wasnt even a full pause it was just long enough to be awkward
wow hamilton and fort mac what breathtaking views literally p:
god finally Take Me Back West
its northwest passage time which means its VANCOUVER ISLAND TIME sexy
god this guy is 22 and chief of nootka sound what have i done
king of kings the xerxes of vancouver island
its james cook turn up the SLO MO
the Impact of their meeting [spash of canoes] WILL BE FELT AROUND THE WORLD
like why are we jumping around in time so much what is the theme exactly ive already forgotten since i dont have an american shouting PIONEERS in my ear every five minutes like what is this
my screen has just paused on a nfld tourism ad so i guess we are done
is that it
managed to replay the ad 3 times before i got any headway here
maquinna aint daunted by your stripey pants
‘i can only imagine what he must have felt when he held the first sea otter in his hand...... this isnt another beaver...’
maquinna watching the boats and looking pleased as they smash is my aesthetic
slo mo spanish guy with a long name vs george vancouver who will win I have No idea
maquinna teaches himself english and spanish i have done nothing
The HBC and the NWC WANT IT
but the friggin Mountains are in the Way
stop saying the word dream god
is this 
its alexander mackenzie ok i was hoping for the welsh guy whose name escapes me David Thompson that guy
look at those sexy mountains mmm peace river oh yeah
he has perfect teeth
he screams
RICK IS BACK hes gone
‘i cant leave a house without my phone let alone tackling a mountain’ lets just talk down Soft Modern People some more
im very for constructing historical figures as enduring and heroic but can we do it without talking about some Golden age of Humanity when Men were Men please
no women so far this entire episode lol
they have a dog
fraser river hella
yeah still the gleaming anglo teeth of determination and the dirty franco rowers im seeing this trope that qc is upset about
bald guys speeches tire me out
‘our people are our greatest resource’
looks like that is the end
i dunno this still seems kind of trite i dunnooo
looks like we are building up to 1812
im too drained to watch episode 3 i need a Rest
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allbeendonebefore · 3 years
Wow that post blew up today - I figure I should just say hi to anyone stopping by this blog and say something about me for those on mobile who can't see my about?
Hi I'm Hapo, I'm a recent grad of a museum/info studies degree and my previous degrees were in classics. I wrote my master's on an archaic greek site and I kind of like standing at that weird crossroads between archaeology, literature and whatever the hell else is going on. I like writing about gender and greek religion and cultural memory and I'm thinking a lot about syncretism between greek and other religions.
I haven't studied classics formally in a few years and I'm a little rusty but I'm using the global panini as an opportunity to read some classic lit from cover to cover (in translation) that I wasn't able to read in full while I was a full time student. I liveblog my casual reading of the Histories on Wednesdays as #hapo reads herodotus and I do the Iliad on Thursdays under #hapo reads the iliad. These, like I said, are just casual gut reactions and more meant as a mnemonic for primary sources so that if I or anyone wanted to investigate further they could - there's no serious academic treatise material here (yet lol) it's just for funsies until I bully myself into a phd.
Other than that and the odd historical post I reblog a lot of art and fic for some other niche personification oc related stuff and if you're not vibing with that it's fine. I've got a dumb comic featuring personified greek city states I wrote in my undergrad here @athensandspartaadventures. I post more rarely on my studyblr now that I'm finished school but you might find some more academic stuff on @lazylacadaemon up your alley. I also do art commissions so check out my art blog @acetechne :3
Yeah! Hi! Thanks for dropping by and the kettle is on if you want anything.
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