#happy 420 Buster call
popculturebuffet · 1 year
Belated 420 Special: Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue: A Million Wonderful Ways to Say Blaze It (comissioned by WeirdKev27)
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Happy belated 420 you happy people! I'm jake, I review cartoons and to celebrate a drug that genuinely helps people relax, with anxiety and really took way too long to get legalized, let's talk about a goofy cartoon from the 1990 that treats it with the grace and subtely you've come to k now from anti drug psas.
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Yes folks we're talking about Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue, the 1990 drug PSA that's here to talk about how the devil's weed will destroy your brain, lead you to injecting crack, and force all your faviorite cartoons and alf to stage an intervention.
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And you'd expect that last part to be in quotations, being whoever the networks could scrape together. Instead.. it's an entirely stacked lineup of some of the biggest cartoons of the 80's, two all time stars, most from franchises that in one way or another are either still here or still iconic enough their in the public conciousness: We have Michealngelo of the tmnt, Kermit, Piggy and Gonzo of the muppet Babies, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Bugs and Daffy, Pooh Bear and Tigger too, Slimer, Garfield, Huey, Dewey and Louie, The Smurfs and … Alf.
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A lot of studios went in on this and every children's cartoon network aired this thing. Granted they all agreed to a limited release, so it hasn't gotten a remaster or anything since airing, but said legal hurdles mean that since no one technically owns it, no one can yank it off youtube.
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So I not only got to watch it but I can present those of you who haven't seen it with one of the most hilariously inept psas and crossovers of all time. Join me under the cut as these cartoon all stars jump to the rescue!
We open with what brings all these grand and wonderful characters together… in the bedroom of young Corey, SOMEONE'S STOLEN HER PIGGY BANK, and all her toys, posters, records, garfiled lamps and framed pictures of alf, what every child in the 1980's had in their bedroom.
Come to life. How?
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Given slimer just.. passes through the wall she could just be a ghost and no one realizes it. Look if you came for logic from a 90's drug psa where instead of I don't know, saving some lost orphans, fighting skeletor or helping the autobots in their endless battle to destroy the evil forces of the decipticons, all these iconic characters are trying to save a piggy bank, you must be pretty pedantic when your high.
I will say that for all the speical's goofyness.. they do get the characters down really well. Alvin has to be dragged into it and Garfileld is happy just being a lamp until Alf threatens to eat him. For as mockable as this thing is.. they did put in actual effort. It's easy to forget when the team of Garfield, Alf and the Chipmunks are going into Corey's brothers room to find the stolen piggy, but they did actually try with this thing. The characters are on point the plot is just bonkers, with Corey's brother not only pouring over her money, but also having a smoke monster following him…. okay so maybe Corey and her brother are stand users and Pooh Bear is her stand. Maybe this is just a ghost since again, ghost busters are real. Maybe this is what the phantom from Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase did for a living before getting sober. I don't know for sure
What I do know for sure is that Simon from Alivn and the Chip Munks knows what Weed is and says it's marjuana and that it's the best thing ever. I'm also entirely convinced Simon DOES smoke up as Alvin calls the drugs a "chemistry experiment" and Simon can recongize rolling papers, baggied up weed and smoking impliments on sight despite being ten. I mean.. it would explain how he's so chill despite also being perpetually annoyed by his brother, can't blame him. All I ask is maybe he wait a few more years till high school and share with dave.
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Corey comes in to talk to micheal whose response is GET OUT YOUR NOT MY DAD I FOUND THIS BANK YEAH FOUND IT. FOR DRUGS. GET OUT. The two have had a strained relationship since Micheal started getting all sticky icky and she dosen't understand why. It's one of the few parts of the special that actually works: while it's still midly hilarious because it's weed, the idea of a small child who dosen't know HOW to deal with a sibling whose addicted is a great one. She spends the special confused, heartbroken and having no idea why her brother suddenly hates her. Her parents are no help: her mom seems oblivious to it and her dad is a raging alcholic as her mom's reponse to him noticing two beers missing is to assume he drank them in a stupor. I mean… i'm a teetotaler, but I do the same thing with my sodas. Shit is expesive. You gotta know what you have left in case you need more. This guy just comes off oblivious , not
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At any rate the cartoons decide they need to stage an intervention for micheal, a sentence I need to remind you i'm getting PAID to write. I love this job so damn much. Thank you kevin. Pooh stays to guard corey because when you think someone to protect a small child you think Pooh Bear.. actually you do. He's cuddly, kind and reassuring and knows all about drug abuse after Christopher Robin came back from the war. Good call writers. Micheal goes to the arcade to chill with his buddies, all of who also do drugs and one of whom just.. casually plans to hand out some crack. Fun fact I didn't realize Crack was another form of cocaine. Their still diffrent drugs, Crack is the harder smoked form of it while Cocaine is the snortable kind that wears cool sunglasses. Aint' that right terry?
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Yeah he be jammin. I love Smoke, the shadowy smoke monster what follows MIcheal I mentioned earlier's reaction of "aw yeah, crack!". Though honestly he strikes me more as the cocaine type but I get suburban kids can't really affor buisnessman coke, so he'll have his young charge smoke it up. Micheal IS reluctant to go full on cokey bryant though and thankfully a cop showing up scatters them.. and even more thankfully given this was the war on drugs it's just Bugs Bunny in a cop hat. Seriously just having some weed would get a subruban white kid like micheal jailed for like.. a week. My boy bugs has an uphill battle naturally, as Micheal is all "YOUR NOT MY DAD AND THIS WAS MY CHOICE. DRUGS ARE MY FRIEND! ARE YOU MY FRIEND BUGS BUNNY? ARE YOU" So bugs decides to debunk that first one the logical way: WITH HIS TIME MACHINE. Yes this special features bugs bunny with a time machine and isn't about him clowning on genghis kahn or stopping weed from existing all together like it should be. He did buy it from acme though.
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So he reveals via the power of time micheal blazed it for the first time two years ago, when his friends who apparently have not aged in two years while Micheal apparently had a growth spurt and his voice drop in two years.. which i'd joke about but is somehow something they actually got right. And I feel it not being his decision.. was a mistep. I know , in the same speial that decides a gathering of some of the greatest cartoons ever should be to stop one weenie from getting into crack, quite the shock. But while peer pressure is a big part of this special and something that is genuinely dangerous, points to them there… they treat it like you ONLY get into drugs if it's peer pressure. It happens sure, but i've had friends who smoke and I never did, and my desire to take weed is because it'd help with my anxiety, not because people told me to SMOKE UP PUSSY. It's why not doing something like say cocaine where it's a genuine danger, addictive and makes more sense for the guy to not take casually. I know I know this is a fat lot of
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But it's still worth pointing out where the special could've been really cleve rwhile still being a preachy mess.
Anyways rather than.. continue this himself bugs just.. drops micheal off and he goes to see hsi friends again with the only girl int he group suggesting she can get them all crack for 10 dollars. I'm guarnateeing she just gets some detirgent in a plastic bag that says DEFINTELY CRACK FOR REAL on it. Michela is one again hesitant so she just.. straight up robs him, and he chases after her. For some reason THIS Is when Michealngelo decides to intervene and captures him in a sewer. Like bud.. he was trying to get his money back to NOT spend on cocaine, and stopping him means it's already as going to a tuesday night coke party. Not only that it really undercuts your message when the person kidnapping a teenager to try and help him get clean eats chilli pepper whipped cream and sardine pizzas with hot fudge on top. Like either Mikey is baked out of his mind most of the time, or is donig this shit sober and neither speaks well.
Mikey apparently saw this coming though and thus calls in the muppet babies for an assit. Yes this could be another monthly muppet madness but I choose not to count it as such as there's so much I love involved here. I mean Garfield gets threatned bodily harm to help, Michealngelo is baked out of his gourd teling another teen not to and now 2 year old versions of kermit, piggy and gonzo are taking a teenager though his drug blown brain and .. somehow thorugh him skateboaring while he's inside his brain?
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My point is it was hard to just let the muppets have this. Also why the fuck are toddlers teaching this teenager about how much weed h'es smoked. Has animal been doing drugs that long.. actually yeah that explains everything about animal. But if you can't get a baby to stop snorting cocaine you can't expect a teeanger to work.
he soon runs into Huey Dewey and Louie, presumibly because Mickey would invite roger rabit style equilvent screentime nightmares and Scrooge being a businessman in the late 80's early 90's would be the last person tellnig you not to do cocaine. I don't know what a hive mind of triplets is going to do exactly but then i'm asking for the barest minimum of reason from a special that then thinks what will talk torubled youths off the ganja is a rousing musical number starring huey dewey and louie. Garfield, maybe, lorenzo music can sing as Garfield incredibly well, but for some reason they factored everyone in. Plus he actually makes sense as while he does eat a lot and is near constantly asleep, Garfield is also too lazy to actually go out and buy some weed. So Micheal wakes up … for some reason thinking this was all a nightmare.
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Only for Corey to come in to talk to him, worried about him. She tells him Pooh Bear is also worried he's on the stuff and he tells her "You can tell Pooh Bear to mind his own buisness)
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He nearly breaks her arm.. well okay he grabs her arm agressively but the special and wikipedia would like you to think he did and she runs out crying, with Micheal seemingly finally off the stuff.. btu Alf dosen't think he's learned enough so he yanks Micheal into a hellish mirror dimension. He shows him a corpse like version of himself and when Micheal insists he can stop whenever he wants he's in charge, alf shows him SMOKE is actually in charge. That.. actually works honestly, a nice way of showing drug addicts aren't in charge of themselves afte ra point.
Corey goes to try and talk to micheal and finds the drugs, with smoke trying to tempt her and just shoving pooh bear away. Yet this dosen't stop say.. SLIMER or any of the dozen other cartoon all stars from coming to the rescue. Like.. the only ones trying to traumtize micheal right now are alf, huey, dewey and louie, and daffy, who are putting him through a hell carnival that makes sure I won't be able to sleep. no really I.. can't really describe what the fuck happened, it just.. did. Micheal however comes to his senses in time, with the help of psychic daffy, to save his sister, swears off drugs, and tells smoke to go the hell awya. Micheal goes to tell his parents he's got the reefer madness and the special ends
Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue fails at everything it tried to do. It has one or two good moments but is preachy and it's "just say no message".. dosen't work. As the special ITSELF shows, peer pressure is a lot harder to shake than just going NOPE NOPE WON'T DO IT NOPE. It's a specail designed more to try and wash parents hands of blame and convince kids who already wren't going to do drugs.
That said.. it is GENUINELY hilarious. The heavy handendess, genuine effort from the voice actors involved, and hilarously weird stuff like Micheal's friend stealing his wallet or bugs having a time machine, makes this a comic masterpiece. Will it convince you not to smoke weed? No nor should you stop if your of age and responsible with it. Will it make you laugh really hard and is it great riffing materail? Yes. So just say yes to watching this and smoking a bigass bowl of weed with me and KG and thanks for reading.
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animebw · 3 years
Reading One Piece: Chapters 419-420
-”You’re wrong... we won’t make it through the gates!” You know, as sad as I am that Robin’s gotten to do nothing but get dragged around this arc, at least she’s making it as hard as possible for Spandam.
-”I’m a hero!” Wow, you’re delusional.
-Right, almost forgot that Spandam’s daddy was the guy who did the Buster Call on Ohara. Nepotism at its absolute worst.
-”I’m strong cause I’m made of steel.” let’s goooooooooooo
-The. Cuffs. Are. OFF.
-”You are without a doubt a member of Luffy’s gang. Now enjoy your freedom!” It’s about GODDAMN TIME.
-”I could do this all day!” Guys, I’m so goddamn happy she’s back.
-”Hey, Usopp!” “You called?” And now not even he’s keeping up the disguise anymore. Welcome back, pal.
-So Luffy’s increasing his blood flow by using his rubber body like a suction device. Which takes such a toll on his body that it’s slowly chipping away at his life. That’s... nuts.
-Welp. The ships are here. Time to fucking book it, lads.
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Top “13” Most Haunted U.S. Hotels
(Okay, so 1 in London makes 14, but 13 is spookier.) ? What’sa Matta? U Scurrd? Attention ghost busters and wobbly-kneed chickens, alike. Behold! Here’s your access to the haunted list of lists. Enter at your own risk … Muuuuahahahahaha! Stanley Hotel | Estes Park, Colorado Red Rum!Haunted events have been recorded at the Stanley Hotel since 1911. It was then that housekeeper Ms. Elizabeth Wilson was shocked during a lightning storm. Room 217, where it happened, has become a hotbed for paranormal activity. She may or may not think she is the “gate keeper.” Wha? You say this place looks familiar? Better tighten those boot straps, Pardner. The Stanley was made famous in the movie “The Shining.” And even before the movie, it was known for a deep connection to the paranormal. Haunted events have been recorded at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, as far back as 1911. Be sure to ask for Room 217 (so we don’t have to). Red Rum … Red Rum … Bourbon Orleans Hotel | New Orleans The grand, historic Bourbon Orleans Hotel originally opened in 1827 as a ballroom for glamorous events. By the late 1800s the hotel was acquired by the Sisters of the Holy Family. Their idea was to use it as a school, orphanage, medical ward, and convent. It was then that the yellow fever epidemic struck and leading to the death of many children. It’s said that the ghosts of children and nuns can be seen and heard throughout the hotel. Additionally, there have been several reports of a ghost dancer in the famous Orleans Ballroom. You can book a Ghosts & Spirits Walking Tour, which stops at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel during your visit to New Orleans. Let the creeping begin! Emily Morgan | San Antonio Emily Morgan HotelHoused in a historic neo-Gothic building with a reputation for paranormal activity, the 177-room boutique Emily Morgan Hotel has a prime downtown location across from the Alamo. It also at one time was a medical facility, so the property housed a morgue and a psychiatric ward. Reports of unexplained noises, apparitions, and the feeling of being touched (go ahead and book now if you like) are fairly frequent. If you want to up your chances of a paranormal encounter, book a room on the seventh, ninth, eleventh, or twelfth floors. Also, as a nod to the hotel’s notoriety for paranormal activity, the on-site Oro Restaurant and Bar offers a Psychic Happy Hour with palm readings on Thursday nights – if you DARE! Omni Parker House | Boston Steeped in history, stuffed with ghost lore, and teeming with old-world grandeur, the surprisingly affordable Omni Parker House is the place to stay for a taste of Boston’s literary and political past. The original hotel opened in 1855 and was run by founder Harvey Parker until his death in 1884. Many guests have reported seeing him in their guest rooms, where he’s asked about their stay. After a businessman died in room 303, there were multiple reports of laughter and the smell of whiskey. Stephen King’s short story 1408, which was made into a movie with John Cusack, centers on a writer who experiences a haunted stay at a New York hotel; the story was based on the supernatural activity in room 303. If you plan on staying, do not watch the movie. In fact, you should probably steer clear anyway. It is terrifying … you’re welcome. Langham Hotel | London Not in U.S. – more than creepy enough for this list One of the more notable historical hotels in London, the Langham Hotel has been around since 1865 — when it opened as the city’s first purpose-built luxury hotel. The hotel is a frequent place of lodging for celebrities and royals, and apparently, ghosts. Guests have reported seeing the apparition of a German prince, a German solider and a doctor who murdered his wife and then killed himself on their honeymoon, among others. The spirit of Emperor Napoleon III, who lived at the Langham during his last days in exile, has also been said to occupy the basement. Room 333 is supposedly the most haunted of the guest rooms and is available for booking for any brave travelers and, of course, the unbeknownst (insert creepy laughter here.)   The Marshall House | Savannah Built in 1851, the charming 68-room Marshall House accommodated Union soldiers during the Civil War — and some guests say their spirits still walk the hallways. The oldest hotel in Savannah, it also acted as a hospital three times (always a red flag for hotel conversions) — once for soldiers and twice for yellow fever epidemic victims. During renovations, workers found human remains under the floorboards from long-ago surgeries when the ground was frozen and nothing could be buried. In addition to seeing ghosts throughout the property, guests report hearing children run down the halls, faucets turning on by themselves, and the rattling of doorknobs. The Hay-Adams | Washington D.C. Another spooky thing about Washington Quite possibly the most famous hotel in the capital, The Hay-Adams has hosted many a politician, including the Obamas before inauguration. In 1884, best friends John Hay (Abraham Lincoln’s private secretary and later a Secretary of State) and Henry Adams (the author, and descendant of John Quincy) built their homes on the plot of land where the hotel now sits. In 1927, nine years after Adams’ death, the houses were razed and replaced by the hotel that stands today. Adams’ wife, Marian Hooper Adams, committed suicide on the site in 1885 and her spirit reportedly haunts the hotel. Guests and staff say they can hear a woman crying softly, disembodied voices, and doors opening and closing on their own. Hotel Sorrento | Seattle Built at the turn of the 20th century, the upscale Hotel Sorrento is an iconic Seattle boutique property. It’s said that the ghost of Alice B. Toklas, a woman credited with the invention of pot brownies, can often be seen roaming the halls, particularly around room 408 (you would think it would be 420). Guests have also reported their drinks being moved at the Dunbar Room. To honor her, they have a Ms. Toklas cocktail on the menu that includes lucid absinthe, elderflower, chamomile, honey, and lemon juice — so you can get both a trick and a treat at the Sorrento. Of course, all of this could just be absinthe related … Hotel Provincial | New Orleans What isn’t a little haunted in French Quarter? The two-story Hotel Provincial — with 94 rooms in the historic French Quarter — is a retreat into old New Orleans. Like many New Orleans properties, it also claims to be a popular paranormal activity hub. Like other area hotels, the property acted as a medical facility for wounded confederate soldiers and is said to still possess their spirits. From distressed soldiers and operating doctors to pools of blood, guests have reported it all. If actually staying at the property seems too spooky, it’s also a stop on many walking ghost tours of the city. 11. Omni Shoreham | Washington D.C. Built in 1930, the Omni Shoreham Hotel has echoing ceilings, grand chandeliers, and an allegedly haunted suite. The Ghost Suite, a two-bedroom apartment-style suite with a full kitchen, is reportedly haunted; spirits of the original owner, his daughter, and the housekeeper supposedly linger here. Both the housekeeper, Juliette, and the owner’s daughter, Helen, died in the suite. Once the family was gone, reports of unexplained noises, lights being turned on, and the feeling of someone running by, were made. Travelers can book the suite if they’re looking for the chance of a paranormal encounter – or just need someone to jog with, indoors. Le Pavilion | New Orleans Another New Orleans HauntOften called by many locals “The Belle of New Orleans.”  The Le Pavilion Hotel offers guests turn-of-the-century charm in the heart of downtown Haunted New Orleans.  At one point a few years ago the hotel management hired several local paranormal investigators. They identified several ghosts in the hotel and recorded EVP’s saying “Please, get out” and “Hold on I see you now.”  Another team said they documented 100+ individual ghost and haunted hotspots in the hotel. A third team said this hotel was actually a portal to the other side. We hope you don’t accidentally walk through THAT door. Crescent Hotel & Spa | Eureka Springs Guests who want an extra scare can take a nightly ghost tour of the Crescent. And you may want to. This historic Victorian-style claims to be “America’s most haunted hotel.”  Members of Historic Hotels of America can watch ghost videos and even learn about Eureka Springs’ unusual history. The “fun” peaks during Paranormal Weekend, a three-day, hands-on paranormal investigation event in January. It even includes and everybody is welcome ghost hunt. While completely unrelated, the French Onion Soup is said to be excellent. Queen Mary | Long Beach We’re Just Gonna Take Their Word for ItThis historic ocean liner in Long Beach is considered one of the most haunted places in the the nation, and even beyond. Visitors can sign up for special haunted twilight tours of the Queen Mary. A guide will take you through the ship, right to the supposed paranormal epicenters. Some visitors claim to experience the ghost of a dead sailor. Others say they see children who drowned in the pool or a woman in white. The Queen Mary’s tours even include séances, for the bravest guests. There is even an option for “dining with the spirits.”   Want to save big on your up coming trips? Of course you do. We can HELP YOU BIG TIME at club.mustdotravels.com The post Top “13” Most Haunted U.S. Hotels appeared first on Must Do Travels.
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Top “13” Most Haunted U.S. Hotels
(Okay, so 1 in London makes 14, but 13 is spookier.) What’sa Matta? U Scurrd? Attention ghost busters and wobbly-kneed chickens, alike. Behold! Here’s your access to the haunted list of lists. Enter at your own risk … Muuuuahahahahaha! Stanley Hotel | Estes Park, Colorado Red Rum!Haunted events have been recorded at the Stanley Hotel since 1911, when Ms. Elizabeth Wilson, a housekeeper, was shocked during a lightning storm. Though she wasn’t killed, the room where it happened, Room 217, has become a hotbed of paranormal activity. She may or may not think she is the “gate keeper.” Wha? You say this place looks familiar? Better tighten those boot straps, partner, ‘cause you’re right on point! Made famous in the movie “The Shining,” The Stanley is known for a creepily deep connection to the paranormal. Haunted events have been recorded at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, as far back as 1911. Be sure to ask for Room 127 (so we don’t have to). Red Rum … Red Rum … Bourbon Orleans Hotel | New Orleans The grand, historic Bourbon Orleans Hotel originally opened in 1827 as a ballroom for glamorous events. By the late 1800s the hotel was acquired by the Sisters of the Holy Family to be used as a school, orphanage, medical ward, and convent; a yellow fever epidemic struck at this time and led to the death of many children. It’s said that the ghosts of children and nuns can be seen and heard throughout the hotel. Additionally, several reports of a ghost dancer in the famous Orleans Ballroom have been made. You can book a Ghosts & Spirits Walking Tour, which stops at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel, during your visit to New Orleans. Let the creeping begin! Emily Morgan | San Antonio Emily Morgan HotelHoused in a historic neo-Gothic building with a reputation for paranormal activity, the 177-room boutique Emily Morgan Hotel has a prime downtown location across from the Alamo. It also at one time was a medical facility, so the property housed a morgue and a psychiatric ward. Reports of unexplained noises, apparitions, and the feeling of being touched (go ahead and book now if you like) are fairly frequent. If you want to up your chances of a paranormal encounter, book a room on the seventh, ninth, eleventh, or twelfth floors. Also, as a nod to the hotel’s notoriety for paranormal activity, the on-site Oro Restaurant and Bar offers a Psychic Happy Hour with palm readings on Thursday nights – if you DARE! Omni Parker House | Boston Steeped in history, stuffed with ghost lore, and teeming with old-world grandeur, the surprisingly affordable Omni Parker House is the place to stay for a taste of Boston’s literary and political past. The original hotel opened in 1855 and was run by founder Harvey Parker until his death in 1884. Many guests have reported seeing him in their guest rooms, where he’s asked about their stay. After a businessman died in room 303, there were multiple reports of laughter and the smell of whiskey. Stephen King’s short story 1408, which was made into a movie with John Cusack, centers on a writer who experiences a haunted stay at a New York hotel; the story was based on the supernatural activity in room 303. If you plan on staying, do not watch the movie. In fact, you should probably steer clear anyway. It is terrifying … you’re welcome. Langham Hotel | London Not in U.S. – more than creepy enough for this list One of the more notable historical hotels in London, the Langham Hotel has been around since 1865 — when it opened as the city’s first purpose-built luxury hotel. The hotel is a frequent place of lodging for celebrities and royals, and apparently, ghosts. Guests have reported seeing the apparition of a German prince, a German solider and a doctor who murdered his wife and then killed himself on their honeymoon, among others. The spirit of Emperor Napoleon III, who lived at the Langham during his last days in exile, has also been said to occupy the basement. Room 333 is supposedly the most haunted of the guest rooms and is available for booking for any brave travelers and, of course, the unbeknownst (insert creepy laughter here.)   The Marshall House | Savannah Built in 1851, the charming 68-room Marshall House accommodated Union soldiers during the Civil War — and some guests say their spirits still walk the hallways. The oldest hotel in Savannah, it also acted as a hospital three times (always a red flag for hotel conversions) — once for soldiers and twice for yellow fever epidemic victims. During renovations, workers found human remains under the floorboards from long-ago surgeries when the ground was frozen and nothing could be buried. In addition to seeing ghosts throughout the property, guests report hearing children run down the halls, faucets turning on by themselves, and the rattling of doorknobs. The Hay-Adams | Washington D.C. Another spooky thing about Washington Quite possibly the most famous hotel in the capital, The Hay-Adams has hosted many a politician, including the Obamas before inauguration. In 1884, best friends John Hay (Abraham Lincoln’s private secretary and later a Secretary of State) and Henry Adams (the author, and descendant of John Quincy) built their homes on the plot of land where the hotel now sits. In 1927, nine years after Adams’ death, the houses were razed and replaced by the hotel that stands today. Adams’ wife, Marian Hooper Adams, committed suicide on the site in 1885 and her spirit reportedly haunts the hotel. Guests and staff say they can hear a woman crying softly, disembodied voices, and doors opening and closing on their own. Hotel Sorrento | Seattle Built at the turn of the 20th century, the upscale Hotel Sorrento is an iconic Seattle boutique property. It’s said that the ghost of Alice B. Toklas, a woman credited with the invention of pot brownies, can often be seen roaming the halls, particularly around room 408 (you would think it would be 420). Guests have also reported their drinks being moved at the Dunbar Room. To honor her, they have a Ms. Toklas cocktail on the menu that includes lucid absinthe, elderflower, chamomile, honey, and lemon juice — so you can get both a trick and a treat at the Sorrento. Of course, all of this could just be absinthe related … Hotel Provincial | New Orleans What isn’t a little haunted in French Quarter? The two-story Hotel Provincial — with 94 rooms in the historic French Quarter — is a retreat into old New Orleans. Like many New Orleans properties, it also claims to be a popular paranormal activity hub. Like other area hotels, the property acted as a medical facility for wounded confederate soldiers and is said to still possess their spirits. From distressed soldiers and operating doctors to pools of blood, guests have reported it all. If actually staying at the property seems too spooky, it’s also a stop on many walking ghost tours of the city. 11. Omni Shoreham | Washington D.C. Built in 1930, the Omni Shoreham Hotel has echoing ceilings, grand chandeliers, and an allegedly haunted suite. The Ghost Suite, a two-bedroom apartment-style suite with a full kitchen, is reportedly haunted; spirits of the original owner, his daughter, and the housekeeper supposedly linger here. Both the housekeeper, Juliette, and the owner’s daughter, Helen, died in the suite. Once the family was gone, reports of unexplained noises, lights being turned on, and the feeling of someone running by, were made. Travelers can book the suite if they’re looking for the chance of a paranormal encounter – or just need someone to jog with, indoors. Le Pavilion | New Orleans Another New Orleans HauntOften called by many locals “The Belle of New Orleans.”  The Le Pavilion Hotel offers guests turn-of-the-century charm in the heart of downtown Haunted New Orleans.  At one point a few years ago the hotel management was said to have hired several local well known paranormal investigators, who identified several ghosts in the hotel and recorded EVP’s saying “Please, get out” and “Hold on I see you now.”  Another investigative team said they documented over 100 individual ghost and haunted hotspots in the hotel. A third team said this hotel was actually a portal to the other side – hope you don’t accidentally walk through THAT door. Crescent Hotel & Spa | Eureka Springs Guests who want an extra scare can take a nightly ghost tour of this historic Victorian-style hotel that claims to be “America’s most haunted hotel.” Visitors at the 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa, a member of Historic Hotels of America, can watch ghost videos, learn about Eureka Springs’ unusual history and go on a massive ghost hunt during the Eureka Springs Paranormal Weekend, a three-day, hands-on paranormal investigation event in January. While completely unrelated, the French Onion Soup is said to be excellent. Queen Mary | Long Beach We’re Just Gonna Take Their Word for ItThis historic ocean liner in Long Beach is considered one of the most haunted places in the the nation, and even beyond. Visitors can sign up for special haunted twilight tours of the Queen Mary, which will bring them throughout the ship and into the supposed paranormal epicenters. Some visitors claim to experience the ghost of a dead sailor, children who drown in the pool or a woman in white. The Queen Mary’s tours even include séances, for the bravest guests, or the option for “dining with the spirits.” The post Top “13” Most Haunted U.S. Hotels appeared first on Must Do Travels.
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