#happy birthday katieykat513
seas-of-silver · 1 year
Hey Baby~
It’s Marinette and Adrien’s wedding day! Everything is perfect… well, it was…
Happy birthday @katieykat513!!! Hope you enjoy this lil fic!
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minetteenfers · 4 years
Today was my 31st birthday!!!
I thought I would share some amazing friends that got me things this year and didn’t have to. I shed many happy tears today and I can’t explain how thankful I am for my amazing friends. 
@lalunaoscura​ wrote me this amazingly hilariously cute one shot with my favorite meme and Adrienette: With every heartbeat I have left(I’ll defend your every breath)
@hermionemonica​ wrote me this other super cute and sexy one shot with my weaknesses for music, singing, dancing, and piano playing Adrienette:  We Can Just Dance to This
@katieykat513​ gave me a Nintendo Online subscription so I could play Animal Crossing online with her plus flowers and fruit trees and I got to explore her island and get a Ladybug dress she designed.  She also has amazing fanfics here!!! Check them out!!
I don’t deserve any of my friends. They are all amazing, even the ones not listed. I love you all and I couldn’t be more thankful and grateful for meeting you all. CRIES. I feel so lucky. Thank you!!! <3 
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pessimisticlatte · 5 years
Glass Roses ~ Chapter 13
Adrienette ~ Marichat ~ Lukagami ~ Ninalya ~ Nathalie x Emilie ~ Chloe x Sabrina ~ Gabriel x a long walk off a short pier
Shorter than usual but enjoy! <3
Nathalie watched the news with her office door locked, Duusuu fluttering worriedly around her head in a mess of crystalline tears and silky lilac feathers.
“Duusuu, stop,” Nathalie waved her hand at the Kwami, Duusuu’s tiny chest contracting too quickly as she inhaled. In a daze, the Peacock Kwami lowered herself to Nathalie’s desk and sat on it, shaking.
“H-how’re we going to get Nooroo away from him, Nathalie?” Duusuu’s voice rattled around in her head, echoing in a way she’d never experienced before. 
“I don’t know just yet but I am devising a plan. Chat Noir messaged me today,” Fishing her phone out of her pocket, Nathalie unlocked it and showed Chat’s message to Duusuu, who exhaled heavily. “After we’ve sorted this out, I’m going to request custody of Adrien.”
Gripping Adrien’s hand, a dizzy feeling fluttering in her chest, he walked her down the steps of the Louvre. She’d wanted to see a new exhibition really badly, but Marinette hadn’t been expecting Adrien to show up at her door dressed in dark jeans, a button down and a beanie over his golden hair with two tickets for premium entry. It had been weeks since she’d mentioned it too, maybe having waited so long for Adrien to return her affection had given her the strange notion that he didn’t listen to her, but she couldn’t be sure.
“Are you alright, Mari?” Pausing at the bottom of the staircase and pulling his girlfriend to the side slightly, Adrien’s voice wavered with worry. 
“Y-yeah, I am, why wouldn’t I be?” Her cheeks started to heat, she could feel the crimson flush rising up her neck to paint her face with embarrassment.
“You’re chewing your lip,” Adrien reached a hand out to her face and brushed his thumb across her bottom lip, pulling it free of Marinette’s teeth. “I know this is the first date date we’ve been on so I’m very wary of making you anxious or uncomfortable.”
Marinette giggled, putting her hand over his where it was resting on her face. “Anxious or uncomfortable? Really, Adrien?”
“Come on!” His cheeks turned red as he ducked his head down to avoid her gaze, the thick locks of his blonde hair sliding over his forehead as they freed themselves from where they were loosely tucked beneath his beanie. “Mari,” Adrien dragged out the vowels of her name. “Don’t make me say it.”
“Make you say what?” There was mischief in Marinette’s stunning blue eyes as she quirked a worried half smile. 
“You really wanna do this?” The smile turned from worried to cocky, Marinette tipped her head to the side slightly and slid her hand down his arm as his palm remained pressed gently against her face. “You get really anxious, Mari, and I don’t want to make you hate me.”
“Aw,” Mari released a small squeak as her grin dropped, looking up into his green eyes through her lashes. “You couldn’t make me hate you, Adrien. And me having anxiety about being around you is a thing of the past! After the day where we ran around Paris while I was in my pyjamas, I really don’t think I’m ever going to reach the same level of embarrassment ever again,” Seeing his jaw drop slightly, she amended her words. “It wasn’t you! It was me running around with you while in my pyjamas! Y-you’re wonderful, Adrien!”
“Then what’s on your mind?” He brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“I was just thinking that…,” Mari paused, embarrassed with herself. “...what if your Dad doesn’t like me and he doesn’t end up wanting us together?”
“He doesn’t have the right to choose who I love, Mari, and if he has a problem with you then I’m going to have a problem with him. My Dad has left me on my own for almost my whole life, I’m beyond the point of worrying if the wonderful, intelligent, selfless person I’m bringing home is going to meet his standards,” 
Marinette felt her cheeks begin to blaze red at Adrien’s words, her boyfriend grasping her hands in his as he rested his forehead against hers, blinking slowly before meeting her gaze.
“You are amazing, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and you are talented, selfless and twice the person any of the vapid girls my father has tried to set me up with are,” Brushing her fringe out of her eyes, Marinette allowed Adrien to press a soft kiss to the tip of her nose as she scrunched her crimson flushed nose up with happiness. “Now let’s go look at this exhibit. It’s not going to be anywhere near as interesting and beautiful as you but I guess I have all the time in the world to admire you.”
“You have a way with words, Adrien Agreste,” Marinette pulled away from Adrien and interlaced their fingers, tugging him toward the exhibit. “Are you ready, Chaton?”
“If you’re coming with me, I’m always ready, my lady,”
“Nathalie,” Snapping her eyes up from her tablet, Nathalie looked at Gabriel Agreste with wide-eyed surprise. Lurching up from her seat to stand for her boss, she pushed her glasses up to stop them from slipping down her nose further. “Where is my son?”
“Y-your son,” Stumbling over her words, Nathalie willed her heart to stop racing. There was a part of her that worried that Gabriel had worked out that she’d betrayed him and that part wouldn’t stop singing it’s siren song in the back of her stress shaken mind. “Yes, your son, Adrien. Adrien is at the Louvre.”
“Pray tell, why is my son at the Louvre, Nathalie? I don’t remember consenting to him going on an excursion to the Louvre,” Gabriel’s voice was cold as he surveyed Nathalie from beneath his glasses. She wasn’t a short woman by any standards but there was something about the signature indifference of Gabriel Agreste’s gaze that made her feel miniscule. 
“He’s on a date,” 
“A date?” Nathalie couldn’t remember the last time she’d actually seen Gabriel surprised about anything but the slight widening of his eyes gave away his disbelief. His son had a girlfriend or boyfriend and hadn’t thought to tell him? His heir, his golden boy, had told Nathalie about his love before he’d told his own father. “Was he ever planning on telling me that he’d begun a relationship with someone?”
“Yes, he was, but he was waiting for the right time. The relationship is new, fledgling if you will, and he had no desire to bring Miss Dupain-Cheng home until he was sure that he was more than a passing fancy,”
“Dupain-Cheng? That’s the girl that designed the hat a few years ago for one of my competitions, isn’t it?”
“Yes, sir, it is,”
“How do you know that she is who my son is seeing?” 
“Jean-Luc and I drove them to the Louvre, sir, we picked her up on the way and made sure the two arrived safely. I am quite sure that she is who he is seeing,”
“Mr Gorille,” Turning slightly toward the open doors behind him, Gabriel called for Jean-Luc. Both Nathalie and Gabriel were aware that Adrien has given Mr Gorille the pet name of ‘Gorilla’ and it had taken the two much longer than they cared to admit to stop calling the poor man by the nickname themselves. Gabriel had resolved to calling Jean-Luc by his family name, which quite literally meant ‘gorilla’, rather than address his bodyguard and chauffeur in such an undignified way. Jean-Luc always chuckled at the nickname, he’d been called worse in school having had such a ridiculous last name but it had become endearing when the young Agreste boy had begun to address him as such. 
“Yes, sir,” Jean-Luc Gorille entered the parlour with his hands held loosely behind his back. “How may I be of service?”
“Nathalie has just informed me that Adrien has gone to the Louvre with his girlfriend,” Sighing, Nathalie sat back down and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose once again. Why did Gabriel always feel the need to undermine her? Emilie hadn’t let her husband undermine her in such a way but Gabriel appeared to hold not even a modicum of the respect he had for Emilie for Nathalie.
“That is correct, sir,”
“Alright, thank you, Mr Gorille,” Bowing his head slightly, Gorilla left the room and resumed his pace in the hallway beyond. “Seeing as my son is not here, I guess I’ll discuss my plans for his 18th birthday with you.”
Sliding into the seat across from Nathalie, Gabriel braced his elbows on the table before him and steepled his fingers, pinning Nathalie with an intense stare.
“What are you planning?”
“I would like to throw a party for Adrien. A formal one,”
“Adrien is not one for large events, Mr Agreste,” Swallowing any fear she had of losing her job or drawing forth Gabriel’s anger, Nathalie spoke truthfully about Adrien’s aversion to large, decadent events especially when they were being held in his name. 
“I’m aware of that, Nathalie, but it is an opportunity for me,”
“An opportunity of what kind, if I may ask?”
“An opportunity to meet my son’s girlfriend formally and to invite Ladybug and Chat Noir to an event which will allow me to steal their miraculouses out from under their noses,”
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scribblingmama · 4 years
Happy birthday, @katieykat513. I hope you enjoy your special day.
This story is inspired by Calum Scott’s You Are the Reason (duet version). It’s a wonderful song and I hope you like this post-Hawk Moth confession between our two heroes.
It starts out a bit angsty (whoops), but it does end happily. I promise.
Read on AO3.
Marinette landed with an exhausted on her bed, her transformation dropping as she curled into a ball.
“What a night,” she whispered, tears sparkling in her eyes. “Did you know who Chat was, Tikki?”
Her kwami stared at her for the longest time, her eyes blinking with a greater knowledge than Marinette could ever dream of possessing. The truth reflected in those large blue eyes.
“I should’ve known.” She glanced at the pictures on her wall. “Is he ever going to forgive me for taking away his family?”
“I can’t answer that, Marinette.” The resignation and sadness in Tikki’s voice told her the kwami wished she could, though. That was enough to comfort Marinette.
Neither spoke as they nestled closer on the bed.
Marinette’s eyes grew heavy, tears trickling in her exhaustion. She didn’t bother to wipe them away, allowing their salty comfort to ease her into sleep.
They’d done it. They’d defeated Hawk Moth.
She wished it hadn’t been at Chat’s, Adrien’s, expense. She wished she could take back the devastation of learning who his father was. She wished she hadn’t been the one to bring that knowledge to light, ripping the Butterfly miraculous from his father’s possession.
Dreams assailed her, turning to nightmares she couldn’t shake that night.
The set alarm blared too soon for the weary superhero.
She groaned, rubbing at her grainy eyes. “Tikki? It’s too early.”
“I know, but I thought a run before school would help.” Her kwami floated in front of her, a hopeful smile giving off a hope that pulled Marinette from her comfortable bed.
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seas-of-silver · 4 months
Hey Baby~
Chapter 2: It's A Moo-tiful Day
Take two, and the wedding will definitely go off without a hitch! Except that obviously Adrienette are getting hitched, so that hitch needs to happen and- well, you know what I mean!
Part 2 of @katieykat513's birthday story!
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