#happy birthday lord col
jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sunday 14 April 1839
7 40/..
11 ¾
fine but dull morning F47 ¾° inside and 43 ¾° outside at 8 50/.. and breakfast in ½ hour – then came upstairs and sat reading ‘Every man his own butler’ good – till 10 35/.. when A- came to me – worse than ever this morning what shall I do with her we must get off – walked with A- in front of the house from 10 40/.. to 11 20/.. and she then lay down on my bed beside me – had Robert Mann while we were walking – came for orders for tomorrow – to be off the scale carting for a couple of hours in the morning to get stone (from Jonathan Mallinsons’) for pitching the inside of the meer-embankment breach – while A- lay down wrote copies of letters in answer to the one of last night and wrote copy of letter for A- or much altered what she had written to her sister  before and after her luncheon – with A- at luncheon at 12 ¾ - wrote the last 3 lines now at 1 40/.. A- sitting by me writing to her sister – at colliery accounts till 2 25/.. – Mr. Horsfall did all the duty – preached (I asleep the greater part of the time) 28 minutes from 1 Epistle, St. John v. first part of v. 10 – 20 minutes at Cliff hill – Mrs. AW. looking very well – asked if A- had seen Mr. Jubb again but never asked (nor has she once asked) how A- was – poor Mrs. AW. all is not right with her – she fancies us on the eve of going and perhaps fancies A- sent for Mr. Jubb by way of excuse for getting off, as if A- was not independent of all excuse, and quite at liberty to go where and do what she pleases – home at 5 ½ - having stopt a minute or 2 at the school after leaving church – poor A- this school giving up business has been and is a great mortification   I blame it much for her present lowness she has been terrible today   tried to cheer her and dry up her tears before dinner   and talk of being off on Whitsuntide Tuesday – Paris or Saint Petersburg - dinner at 6 ¼ - A- read French  Letter 3 pages and ends from M- Lawton – in good sorts – chiefly on her happiness at getting rid of their
rector of Mr. Frederic Ford – glad to hear from me – would have forgive my silence had I written on any other day than my birthday– should not have been governed by my silence not writing ‘has not your silence of months and now of weeks made me doubt whether an uncalled for letter night not interfere with your intention of gradually letting slip not only from your memory, but from all claim upon your time the friends of former days’ – coffee – skimmed over last nights’ and tonights London papers – mused and looked about a few minutes in the hall, and wrote the last 17 lines till 9 ¼ - when A- went to have a motion the first since Friday  spite of the two Brodie pills last night poor A- I wish she was better  how miserable to see her as she is! vide last nights’ paper of Friday the 12th instant p. 5 col. 1 Death of Lord Caledon in the early part of the week, at Caledon house, country of Tyrone – then read from p. 311 to end of 317 end of interesting not laudatory article on Captain Scotts’ travels in Andalusia, and then turned to the article (last Quarterly no. 126) p. 369 and read 3 or 4 pages on the ‘state and prospects of Asia’ – came upstairs at 10 20/.. at which hour F48° inside and 44° outside – fine day
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
The part where you get basic info on my Pokémon oc's so you don't get confused when I post about them.
This is gonna be a long post. I have like 8 total. 16 if your counting the secondary protags (my version of May and Lucas for example,which I won't be going over in detail cause I'm not insane). Might want to check my timeline 9 it's pinned or just check bulbapedia if your confused about the ages. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I hope you enjoy :)
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Name :Jin Amachi
Gender: " I am nonbinary. I they/ them pronouns, but I'm alright with he/ him as well.
12( when started journey in Hoenn( Emerald)
22 by SM/USUSM
26 by SWSH
Basic info: With all things said and done, Jin is grateful for their journey. They learned a lot, even if they had to stop two extreme environmentalist along the way. They know the two meant well, but it's just too bizarre for it to happen. Though the two seem to be in a better place now. They're happy for them. They're father and them talk more now. It's still awkward, but better. They know he's trying his best, and they will do the same. It's much better than back then. But no need to worry about the past.
If anything, they're more worried about the others.
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Kenji Elm
Gender: " I'm getting sudden dejavu. But I'm a boy! The best boy! Don't call me a girl, I will cry. And because I'm not one! So don't. Anyway have you heard of-" * starts to ramble*
10 when journey started in Johto( HGSS)
17 by SM
21 by SWSH
Basic Info: Kenji Elm is not the biological son of Professor Elm. He was adopted at a young age, and he doesn't know who is birth parents. Not that he cares. He's more than happy with the family he got( though he wonders when they'll throw him away like his parents did). Energetic and always willing for an adventure, Kenji is generally on the move!( He's so sorry if he's being annoying please don't leave please)
He has a vast amount of interests, but his two favorites are painting and battling. Battling is obvious, he's the champion of the Indigo League, but he always had an artistic eye. But his favorite pastime is hanging out with his friends! When he gets the time of course. He's sometimes wonder how he was able to hold the title of champion for so long though haha ( his win was a fluke he knows it he knows it) .But yeah! That's Kenji! Always there with a smile! Our little golden boy! 😁
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Name: Danica Yamamoto
Gender: "I'm a girl. She/her pronouns. They/ them is cool too. Don't mind Kenji, he talks a lot." *Offended Kenji noises in the background*
11 when journey started in Sinnoh( Platinum)
18 by SM)
22 by SWSH
Basic Info: Giratina and Arcues are quite alike, the more she thinks about it. Though, the rest if Sinnoh, quite possibly the whole world would disagree with her. Giratina is " the lord of darkness". It's followers have a history of not being....the best. Giratina resides alone in the Distortion World, paying for it's past sins. Clearly, Giratina and Arcues are nothing alike.
Hm? Oh. Right. Pardon.
Danica grew up in Twinleaf town, with her best friend Barry. Those two are almost polar opposites. Barry is always moving, going fast, and doesn't wait for no one( except Danica and Emmet). Danica can go fast, possibly faster than Barry, but likes to take things slow. Both can be quite chaotic.Barry has a bit of a temper, Danica's chill. Both are cases where you should run when they are angry. Like. Very angry. The two bounces of each other well,and hang out regularly with Emmet, even with their busy professions ( Danica as champion, Barry as Frontier Brain and Emmet as a professor). Danica loves baking, and would often be making poffins and other baked treats for her, her pokemon and others ! She's also a bit of a nerd, so you'll also find her in a library or two. Her pokemon are her babies, and she hopes to have plenty of battles with them in the future!
But really. They are quite alike. Both are beings of great power. Both have a following, even if one is less seen. Both are feared. They are feared greatly. Do they fear each other? Did Arcues banish Giratina in fear of the world or in fear of losing control? Did Giratina learn it's lesson after eons of being in the Distortion World? She could never tell. It doesn't really open up much, only going back to said Distortion World on its own Accord( it felt wrong to be it's "owner"). Though it do comes back, surprisingly. Maybe because she asked it to. To make sure Cyrus doesn't die in there. He still won't come out. She doesn't understand why. It's been years. Has he learned his lesson? Giratina seems to be fond of him. Affectionate. Cyrus never objects to this. So he must right? Right?
Ah, getting off topic. They're quite alike, being feared by the masses. Even if Arcues is mostly beloved. It's a god. It has such power. They're both feared. They themselves must fear as well . It must get lonely....... She thinks she gets Cyrus now.
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Name: Alexis " Alex" Jones
Gender: " Um, hi? I'm just a dude. Use he/ him pronouns.....yeah"
14 when journey started in Unova( BW)
18 by SM
22 by SWSH
Basic info: It's so funny, the more he thinks about. He was so excited, despite his worries. He was going on a journey. A gym challenge. Pathway to champion. He was going to do that! With his sister and his friends! On his birthday! It was perfect! It should have been perfect! But everything just went wrong.
The bodies, the blood, the pressure to " be a hero"( intentional or not), it was all too much. Too much. Then- then he was a coward. He fled it all. Even after saving the day. It was stupid. So stupid. And the people in his life had a right to be angry. Why wouldn't they? He deserved it, really. But now things are better(?). He has a daycare to co-run, he's gradually learning his way as a pokemon medic, and he still has his pokemon( the ones that were lucky enough to survive). He's so grateful for them. He doesn't battle, though. No, he's never doing that ever again. He's caused enough harm( he hates how he stares at trainers battling). He's no good anyway( he hates how bored his team looks half the time) . He doesn't understand why people insist that he is( he hates that he has this itch, this desire). He doesn't understand why they look so disappointed when he says he doesn't battle anymore( he hates that he misses the rush, the strategy, the freedom of it all). He's fine with what he got. He's no hero.
.....Why is his aunt calling him?
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Name: Evangeline " Eva" Ortiz
Gender: " Hiya! I'm a lovely lady! I use she/her pronouns, please and thank you!"
14 when journey started ( B2W2)
16 by SM
20 by SwSh
Basic Info: Eva! Eva my Beloved. Eva's fun, y'know? Always moving, helping, laughing, smiling. Life of the party! She rivals Kenji with that winning smile. Not to mention that she's a great battler! It's almost like she was born for this. Maybe she is! Who knows. But what she do know is that she's Unova's Champ and she gotta defend her title! And protect her region! Though she probably would have done that without the title anyway haha! Hmm what else? Oh! She loves technology! For some reason that surprises a lot of people that don't really know her, but she does! She's a bit of a tinkerer if she do say so herself. She likes it when people compliment on her skills it makes her more confident in them. Even Col-
Anyway she's pretty talented. But that comes from a lot of hard work! And luck. But lots of hard work.( And also luck). Aaaah, that should that's it? Well, she does tend to be distant, b-but she's busy, yeah? Don't worry about it. Oh! One more thing. It's not really a big deal, just a random fact.
She hates the cold.
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Name Jude Bellrose
Gender: "...... Why do you care ?" ( E: Jude don't be rude! Al: No no, she has a point.) *Ooc: Jude is genderfluid. Right now, in this post, she's using she/ her pronouns, but she also uses he/him and they/them*
18 when journey started in Kalos( XY)
20 by SM
24 by SwSh
Basic info: Death has a way of teaching you things. Jude learned a lot from it. She learns to not take it for granted, both death itself and the one that is dead.She learns to be humble. She learns to be kind.
Jude was, and still is, prickly. She's not rude my any means, unless she is, but she's just hard to become friends with. She used to have this philosophy of trainer and pokemon; they should be no emotional bonds. They're not here for that. They're here to win. And she did. Until she didn't. Her first pokemon died. It devastated her. Her pokemon, surprisingly, comforted her. And then another one died, and her pokemon comforted her again. Star, her Staraptor, was strong. So strong, and yet it died, and she cried and get pokemon cried with her. She never felt so loved. Not saying that her mother doesn't love her, the opposite really, it's just things have been....complicated. Couple that with strangers turn( begrudgingly) friends, and Jude's heart turned all warm inside. Not that she'll ever admit that outloud.
Jude is a kind person, despite her prickly nature. She loves the world around her, loves her friends, loves her pokemon. She respects death, despite the pain she causes her. The world itself of beautiful as it is, which it's such a shame that a capitalist fool a certain someone couldn't see that way( poor Sycamore).
Jude is a good trainer, despite her loss. She knows this. She'll prove it too the moon and back. If only a certain someone thought the same for himself.
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Aster Mahina
Gender: "...." "Mizzz Aster is a girl! She uses she/her pronouns! Zzt."
11 in SM, where her journey started
15 by SwSh
Basic Bio: Aster doesn't hate Kanto. She doesn't. She was born there and lived there for 11 years. She just doesn't want to back. But she has to, cause she's " the first champion of Alola and as champion" yada yada yada. Like. She gets it. Being Alola's first and currently only champion, you gotta make an impression. She gets that. She still doesn't want to go. Even when she's been there, like, 4 times now. There are some good things in Kanto though. Lillie is there. And seeing Lillie physically is always a plus. She also gets to see Uncle Red, Uncle Green, and Aunt Blue. Kenji, while not living in Kanto, is champion of the Indigo League, and it's always fun with Kenji( she loves his art). But. Like. She still doesn't want to go.
But she also likes being Champion. That means she's strong. And since she's strong she can protect her mom. But she can't protect her mom when she's all the way in Kanto! What if he comes back? What if goes to Alola when she's away? She knows that her mom is strong, she knows that but still!
No. No it's okay. Her mom is strong. Lillie is strong. Gladion is strong . Hau is strong. Guzma is strong. They're all strong. She's strong.
She is strong.
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Name: Naomi Einar
Gender: "I-I'm a girl! She/her pronouns please!"
15 in SWSH, which is the start of her gym challenge in Galar!
Basic Info: Hop is pretty convincing, she realizes. Or maybe she's very weak willed. " Let's do the gym challenge together!" He said. He had that look in his eye. She couldn't say no. Or she could, but that would make him upset, and that's the last thing she wants.
If she's being honest with herself, she's scared. She doesn't like big crowds, the attention. They'll be so many eyes on her. So many. A-and then there's Lee and her cousin, Alexis. Hop has made her sit down and watch almost every single match Leon has had. He's an amazing trainer. A-and her mum would tell her stories about Alexis. He was a hero! He stopped an evil team and everything! She can't live up to that! She never even battled before, why would Hop-
No. It's okay. It's okay. She- she'll just quite after failing the first gym. She can handle the embarrassment. And then she'll cheer Hop on when he wins against his brother. Yep. She'll do just that. Okay. Okay.
Everyday, Slumbering Weald seem to intrigue her more and more. It's almost like it's calling her. Da?
No. It- it'sprobably nothing.
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cassianus · 4 years
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….Let the whole of creation make festival and sing of the most holy birth-giving of the holy Anna. For she bore for the world an inviolable treasury of blessings. Through her the Creator transformed all nature into a better state by means of humanity. For if a human being stands between mind and matter, since he is the bond between all visible and invisible creation, the creative Word of God, having become unified with the nature of humanity, was unified through it with the whole of creation. Let us then celebrate the dissolution of human sterility since our incapacity for blessings has been dissolved.
But why has the Virgin Mother been born from a sterile woman? For that which alone is new under the sun, the culmination of miracles, the way had to be prepared by means of miracles, and what was greater had to advance slowly from what was more humble. And I have another more exalted and divine reason. Nature has been defeated by grace and stands trembling, no longer ready to take the lead. Therefore when the God-bearing Virgin was about to be born from Anna, nature did not dare to anticipate the offshoot of grace; instead it remained without fruit until grace sprouted its fruit. For it was necessary for her to be the first-born, she who would bear the “Firstborn of all creation” in whom “all things subsist” (Col 1.15,17).
O blessed couple, Joachim and Anna, all nature is indebted to you! For through you it has offered a gift to the Creator which is more excellent than all [other] gifts: a holy mother who alone is worthy of the Creator. O most all-blessed loins of Joachim, from which a wholly unblemished seed was sent forth! O renowned womb of Anna, in which slowly, with additions from her, an all-holy infant grew, and once it had taken shape, was born! O belly that contained within itself a living heaven, vaster than the immensity of [all] the heavens!….
Today he, who once in ancient times established the firmament out of water and raised it up to the heights, has prepared heaven on earth out of earthly nature. And truly, this [heaven] is much more divine and miraculous than that [firmament]. For the One who at that time prepared the sun, arose from this [earthly nature] as a Sun of righteousness (Mal 4.2)….
O, by how many marvels and by what alliances has this little daughter become a workshop! Offspring of sterility, virginity that bears a child, a mixture of both divinity and humanity, of suffering and impassibility, of life and death, as if [for him] the inferior had been vanquished by the greater in all things! And all these things, O Master, are for the sake of my salvation! You so loved me that you brought about this [salvation], not by means of angels, nor by any creature, but, just as in the first creation, you worked with your own hand [my] regeneration. And so I dance and boast and rejoice; I return again to the source of the miracles and, filled with the stream of happiness, I again pluck the harp of the Spirit and sing a divine hymn of the nativity….
Let the celebrated tabernacle which Moses constructed in a desert with all manner of very precious materials, and the [tabernacle] of the patriarch Abraham before that, give way to the living and rational tabernacle of God. For she was the receptacle not just of the activity of God, but essentially of the hypostasis of the Son of God. Let a tabernacle that was entirely covered with gold recognize that it cannot compare with her, along with a golden jar which contained manna, a lampstand, a table, and all the other objects from long ago. For they have been honored as her types, as shadows of a true archetype….
O holy couple, Joachim and Anna, accept from me this birthday oration! O daughter of Joachim and Anna and lady, accept an oration from one who is a sinful servant but who is on fire with love and reverence, and who has clung to you alone as hope of joy, supporter of life, mediator towards your Son, and firm pledge of salvation! May you disperse the burden of my sins and the cloud that overshadows my mind and dissolve my material insensibility! And may you put a stop to my temptations, govern my life in holiness, and lead me by the hand to the blessed state above! May you grant peace to the world and perfect joy and eternal salvation to all the orthodox inhabitants of this city through the prayers of your parents and of the whole body of the Church! Let it be, let it be! “Hail, favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (Luke 1.28,42), Jesus Christ, the Son of God. To him be glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit to the infinity of the ages of ages. Amen.
St. John of Damascus
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bumptybumptybump · 4 years
It was the year before Papa grabbed his gun. He hadn't lost his job yet, so things were looking okay. Not really okay, no, not okay in a way a lot of people define okay. But for Donny, things were alright.
Today things was more than alright. Cause you see, today it was Donny's birthday and Mama was going to bake him a cake. He hadn't ever had a cake for his own birthday before, nosiree. The Elbert kids only got cake on special birthdays, and well, it was finally Donny's turn. 
He stood on his tiptoes, though he was more than tall enough to see over the countertop. Mostly he was excited. Mama wasn't only making him a cake, but she was letting him help! She dumped a cup of flour into a col-in-der, as she called it, and guided Donny to grip it.
"Alright, Donny, you give it a good shake now."
Donny was pretty good at listening, and very eager to do well, so when Mama said shake, he SHOOK, flour flying all over the place. He heard Mama taking the Lord's name in vain and he knew he was in a world of trouble. Instantly he set the col-in-der down and began to apologise profusely,
"I'm sorry Mama, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry—"
He expected a spanking but none came. Instead Mama laughed patted his cheek.
"It's okay. How about I help you, alright?"
"Alright, Mama," came the soft reply. He let Mama place her hands over his and the shook the flour together as she sang a silly little song.
"You take the flour and shake, careful when you bake, follows Mama's hand and you'll have a better cake!" And boy did he laugh and laugh, singing along with Mama as she showed him how to stir the flour into the batter. Mama didn't sing often, nosiree, but she had the prettiest voice he ever did hear. She must be real happy to be singing with him. He wondered if it were because it was his birthday, or because Mama was going to have a little girl. She hadn't told him yet, but Donny knew these things.
They sat at the table as the cake baked. It was nice to be alone with Mama. Daddy was at work and wouldn't be home for a good while. His siblings were all at school. Donny didn't go to school, though he would like to. Mama said he weren't ready for it. He didn't know if that was the truth, but he trusted Mama. Besides, he got to stay and help her at home, or go lookin for things, and he reckoned that was a pretty sweet life. Yessiree it sure was.
"Mama?" He looked up from his book, leg swinging under the table. She looked up from hers,
"Yes, Donny baby?"
He smiled real wide at her for a moment, too overcome with a swelling in his heart and his fingertips to say what he wanted to say. He felt like he might cry. She looked concerned, so he swallowed the feeling and softly said,
"I just love you, Mama. That's all."
She smiled and reached over the table, ruffling his curls.
"I love you too, baby. I love you too."
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light in the dark
in this Valentine's Day Ikensen story you my readers will find Kennyo angst and sweet fluffy goodness. please like and share this and my other stories you may like which you can find here and as always thank you for stopping by and reading  <3
Kennyo sat in his room in quiet contemplation there was nothing more he could do. The Munk found himself nothing more than an over glorified prisoner of the Oda forces.
He was free but not free, he was living yet dead. And this is what he was contemplating, how did the almighty  Buddha showing him this mercy,  yet deliver him into a new kind of hell.
A part of the Munk thought it was a punishment from the almighty Buddha himself for the dark path he had taken. The dark shadows he allowed to creep into every fiber of his being and now lay over his kind gentle heart, walling it in a shroud of self loathing, hatred, and darkness.
Kennyo knew in his heart he was not worthy of the mercy the Divel king had shown him. The Munk thought the devil didn’t possess any amount of compassion or kindness, yet thanks to the princess and her convincing, both the Devil Lord and himself to sit and talk.
Kennyo found in the end that Nobunaga and he both felt the same about a peaceful Unified japan. It was, in the end, the way to get there they didn’t see eye to eye on and yet, they agreed to disagree.
Ever since the day of that meeting he could not see Nobunaga as the man he once saw him as. In the end, Kennyo could not deny that the devil king in a way, brought pice and prosperity to the land he presided over.
In truth the Munk knew, some of the acts  Nobunaga committed where.., in the end unavoidable. Yet still, the loss of life was fair to great a price to pay for this new found time of pice and prosperity.
These thoughts and feeling plagued Kennyo day in and day out, ever since the day he was captured. The only respite he found from thoughts like this were on the days the princess came to visit him.
Even now in the dead of winter, her present was like a breath of spring air. Her smile a bright ray of warm summer sunshine. those rays of warm light even found their way into the darkest part of his cold dead heart. And he knew that he had fallen in love with her.
“No I can't let my thoughts go there, “ he said to himself out loud as he lightly shook his head at the warmth that came over him with thoughts of the princess and his love for her. “I'm not worthy of such things”
“Your not lamenting over things you think you can’t have again are you Kennyo”  came the sweet song of the princesses voice.
“Hmm, judging by how low the cols are in the Irori I say you where” came more of her sunny worm words.
Soft footsteps followed the voice of the princes and his head lifted and turned to look at his worm ray of sunshine. Her arms were loaded with small rounds of wood and he shot to his feet.
“let me help you, “ he said without thinking.
“If you like to help then lift the grat so I can stoke the coles left and add this wood “  she nodded her head to the sunken hearth in the center of the room.
He knew by now even if he insisted on carrying the wood she only, in turn, insists on doing it her self.  Softly chuckling to himself over this new bit of irony Kennyo did as she asked.
“What brings you here today Princess, “ he asked as he watched her stoked the coles in the Irori and added more wood.
She dusted her hands off after placing the last piece of wood into the hearth before she spoke.
“it's the 14th of February,” she said sheepishly as her eyes met his  in a sideways glance
“in my time it’s a special day “ she chewed on her lower lip softly before her next words came “ and I just didn’t wont to spend it alone is all “
“Princess.., is it your birthday today “ he took a guess at what she meant by special day
“No,” she said with a soft chuckle as she put a kettle of water on to the grate “it’s not my birthday that's not until May”
She took another sideways look at him as she poked at the coles in the sunken fireplace. He could tell she was thinking.
“So if it’s not your birthday Princess what makes today so special “ Kennyo asked gently.
“Do you remember when I tould you about how  we celebrate Christmas  in my time?” she asked as she sat back and turned her sunny smile toward him  before  averting her eyes and face“ and some other silly little holidays and special days”
How could he forget that he remembered how her inner light Shone so brightly as she spoke about all the things they celebrate and funny holidays the had in her time. Kennyo also recalled that day she seemed a little sad as well or homesick would be the better word to use.
Kennyo wondered if perhaps she was once more fell homesick for her own time. As much as he knew that she had traveled back in time five hundred years or so, he could not shake the feeling that she might wont to go back
“Yes, I do remember princess” came his words as he studied her more closely. “You seemed so happy to talk  about it that day“
The princess smiled and nodded as she busied her self with making tea. Kennyo watched her as she did so and wondered if she would explain further about why today was so special.
“Today is Valentine's Day, “ she said softly as she packed tea leaves into a teapot than added hot water from the kettle.
As soon as he heard the words he remembered what she had told him about Valentine's Day.  Kennyo's heart did a backflip as he wondered if she might have tender feelings for him, But as soon as that thought came he dashed it.
Kennyo knew he was not worthy of things like love and especially not from her. He knew his dark deads would only snuff out her light, it ’s why he had long ago give up on ever knowing such things. Yet he could not help the feelings that now washed over him.
It was in this moment  Kennyo realized up untell that moment the princess hand not fully shown her face to him . she had either keep her head downturned or only gave him her profile and brief glances before averting her face. But now she looked at him fully and he could see it clear on her face and in her soft lovely eyes.
He knew his face contorted with the pain of his thoughts and wan he spoke his voice broke with his emotions
“I'm not worthing of such things Presses “
“Yes you are Kennyo,” she said softly as she drew her face closer to his. she went on her as a hand came to rest softly on his left cheek
“ I.. I love you with all my heart Kennyo” he heard how her voice trembled and brake with her words
“ even if it’s just for today let me be your light in the dark “ she peered into his gray eyes pleadingly as tears softly rolled from her lovely eyes.
It was the look in her eyes that caught him, but her words that broke him right then and there. How could he deny her request even if it was only for today? She spoke theme with so much earnest convention and emotion. Kennyo knew he could no longer fight what he was felling not after her asking to be a light in his darkness she already was
Kennyo took one ragged breath before he ever so gently wrapped an arm about the princess and pulled her towards him. Ever so gently he took her lips in the purest sweet kisses that conveyed all of his feelings for her, not just for today but for all time both past present and future.
In this tender sweet moment, as they kissed, Kennyo knew he was truly loved by his warm ray of light, that she would forever be his light in the dark
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la-fufa-blog · 4 years
rock band
 La Zinara 777.- Está trabajando como una verdadera burra pareciéndose a --- Los Damn Yankees --- para llevar a la cúspide en --- El Siglo 21 --- a --- El Pheri Sánchez --- rock band originario de --- La Colonia Pantitlan --- y celosamente protegida por todos los miembros de la pandilla de --- Los Nazis de Neza --- que la tomaron como la madrina oficial para representar a esta delincuente organización y que culpa tiene la gallina que cumplas años déjala tranquila.
 Y --- se dice por ahí que --- El Pheri Sánchez ---con la bandota serán los nuevos autores del cambio musicalmente hablando así como lo hicieron --- Los Beatles --– allá por el año de 1964 y que --- Los Monstruos de Liverpool --- cambiaran el punto de vista de toda la humanidad rompiendo todos los récords habidos y por haber como la moda en el vestir, el amor por los semejantes, la psicodelia, la comunicación directa con --- El mismo Dios --- y terminando por crear --- El Gran Movimiento Hippie --- que se desparramo por todo el planeta para demostrarle a todo el mundo como una sociedad anti higiénica pudo vivir en paz rechazando la guerra mientras que --- Los Illuminatis --- manipulados por --- Los Reptilianos --- comenzaban la otra.
  Y --- el reto que tiene --- El Pheri Sánchez --- es el de acabar con el reinado de --– El Elvis Presley –-- la espectacularidad de --– El Michael Jackson --– y aplastar a --- a la cuarteta más poderosa de inglaterra --- y de todo el mundo --– Led Zeppelin –-- en donde los boliquetes se van a poner a peso porque para lograrlo se van a tener que morder un huevo y la mitad del otro y si todavía les añadimos al maestro de maestros --– El Ludwing Van Beethoven –-- la velocidad endemoniada de --– El Antonio Vivaldi --– los rezos sagrados de --– El Johan Sebastián Bach –-- y la música astronómica de --–El Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart --– sí que va a estar muy crabrón hacerlo, pero al final nos los echaremos al plato ya lo verán ustedes, según dijo la vocero de --- La Black And White Records .
   Y --- pero como dicen los estudiantes de --- La Biblia --- simplemente jamás nos imaginamos que --- El Jehová --- iba a seleccionar para cada uno de sus profetas de los últimos tiempos a un elemento que no pertenece a --- La casa de Dios --- y mucho menos que proviene de la casa de la-blacky, pero como los caminos del señor son extraños y misteriosos --- A lavado y Engrasado sea El Señor y que le cambien su Mofle cito para que ya no tire aceite por el carter como lo hace tu mama cada 28 días con orejas --- no hay problema, porque según todos los elementos de la banda de rock dicen que contamos con el formato musical de --- Los  Parabramanes --- los escritos secretos de --- El Bután --- que los encontró --- La Golondrina Viajera --- en una casualidad Checoslovaca, y todas las obras literarias inéditas que escondían --- Los Tibetanos --– de los músicos de antaño en las viejas pagodas abandonadas por --– Los Atlantes --– y no por --- las cremas del américa --- porque son tan maletas como --- Las Chivas del Guadalajara --- que se las robo --- La Gioconda de Mi Nezota --- en el mercado negro/amarillo de --– La China–-- y solamente para darse el gusto de vencer a todos los rockeros más peligrosos del globo terráqueo.
   Y --- por ahí de paso pisotear a los rolling stones porque en el momento que despidieron al matemático del ritmo --– El Mike Taylor –-provocaron su propia debacle y todo fue porque le tenían mucha envidia al chavo de 18 años que llego para enseñarles cómo se toca la guitarra y que dios los perdone porque todos sabemos que solo hubo dos buenos músicos en la pedrada y el otro era el hermoso de --- El Bryan Jones --- pero que uno de ellos ya no están entre nosotros para contarlo.
  Y… sin embargo nos queda un buen recuerdo de --- Los Ángeles California --- dice --- La Zina 777 --- que ahora está viviendo tranquilamente en --- El Distrito Federal --- y recordando cariñosamente a --- Nueva York --- pero déjenme en paz dijo --- La Tranxxx Vestti One --- se los suplico que me dejen en paz que yo con nadie me he metido jamás tan solo estoy tratando de vivir en la felicidad y que quieren ustedes de mi si el destino me dijo que no yo sé que la vida es así porque así se la hicieron a --- Dios --- o es la mera representación divina de --- La Diosa Afrodita --- envuelta magistralmente en un cuerpo masculino y no como todos se lo imaginan en --- La Ruleta Rusa --- al más puro estilo de --- El Boy George --- de --- El David Bowie --- y de --- El Marilyn Mason --- y el amor perdido de… y en donde estás corazón que no oigo tu palpitar amor de mis amores de –-- El Freddie Mercury --– y te amo papacito en donde quiera que te encuentres.
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MANAGERS La Linda Hamilton – Lahelen Montana La Miranda Congales – La Zina Rankikonovick TELEFONOS ( +52 ) 55 324 600 24 – 55 35 62 94 80 CORREOS ELECTRONICOS [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PAGINA OFICIAL https://la-fufa.tumblr.com/ CORREO POSTAL THE BLACK AND WHITE RECORDS Calle 2 Priv. Porfirio Díaz # 16 Col. Pantitlan Delegación Iztacalco México Distrito Federal 08100 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
La Zinara 777.- Is working like a real donkey looking like --- The Damn Yankees --- to take to the cusp in --- The 21st Century --- to --- El Pheri Sánchez --- original rock band from --- La Colonia Pantitlan --- and jealously protected by all members of the gang --- Los Nazis of Neza --- who took it as the official godmother to represent this criminal organization and what about the chicken if is your birthday leave her alone.
And --- it is said that --- El Pheri Sánchez --- with the big band will be the new authors of the change musically speaking as --- The Beatles --– did back in 1964 and that --- The Liverpool Monsters --- will change the point of view of all mankind by breaking all the records that have been made and by having fashion as clothing, love for others, psychedelia, direct communication with --- The God Himself --- and eventually creating --- The Great Hippie Movement --- that spread across the planet to show the whole world how an anti-hygienic society could live in peace by rejecting war while --- Illuminatis --- manipulated by --- The Reptilians --- began the other.
And --- the challenge --- El Pheri Sánchez --- has, is to end the reign of --– El Elvis Presley –-- the spectacularness of --– El Michael Jackson --– and crush to --- The England's most powerful foursome --- and around the world --– Led Zeppelin –-- where the pens will be put on weight because to achieve this --- El Pheri Sánchez --- will have to bite a bolt and half of the another and if we still add to the teacher of teachers --– El Ludwing Van Beethoven –-- the demonic speed of --– El Antonio Vivaldi --– the sacred prayers of --– El Johan Sebastián Bach –-- and the music Astronomical of --– El Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart --– yes, it will be very crap to do it, but in the end we will throw them to the plate and you will see it, according to the spokeswoman of --- The Black And White Records.
And --- but as the students of --- The Bible --- say, we simply never imagined that --- The Lord --- was going to select for each of his prophets of recent times an element that does not belong --- The house of God --- and much less that comes from la-blacky company, but as the ways of the Lord are strange and mysterious --- To wash and Oiled be The Lord and change his Mofle quote so that no longer throw oil through the carter as your mom does every 28 days with ears --- no problem, because according to all the elements of the rock band they say we have the musical format of --- Los Parabramanes --- the secret writings of --- The Bhutan --- where found it by --- The Traveling Swallow --- in a Czechoslovakian coincidence, and all the unpublished literary hidden work of --- The Tibetans --– of the musicians of yore in the old pagodas abandoned by --– Los Atlantes --– and not by --- the creams of el america --- because they are as suitcases as --- Las Chivas del Guadalajara --- that stole --- La Gioconda de Mi Nezota --- in the black / yellow market of --– La China –-- and just to indulge of beating all the most dangerous rockers on the globe.
And --- by the way stomping on the rolling stones because at the moment they fired the mathematician of the rhythm --– El Mike Taylor --- who provoked their own debacle and it was all because they were very envious of the 18-year-old guy who arrived to teach them how to play the guitar and God forgive them because we all know that there were only two good musicians in the rockest and the other was the beautiful one of --- El Bryan Jones --- but that one of them is no longer among us to tell.
And… yet we have a good memory of --- Los Ángeles California --- says --- La Zina 777 --- who is now living quietly in --- El Distrito Federal --- and affectionately remembering --- New York --- but leave me alone he said --- La Tranxxx Vestti One --- I beg you to leave me alone that I have never gotten to myself, I'm just trying to live in happiness and what about you want from me if destiny told me no way, I don't know that life is like that because they did it to --- God --- or it is the mere divine representation of --- The Aphrodite Goddess --- masterfully wrapped in a body masculine and not as everyone imagines in --- The Russian Roulette --- in the purest style of --- El Boy George --- of --- El David Bowie --- and of --- El Marilyn Mason --- and the lost lost love of ... El Freddie Mercury --- and where are you heart that I do not hear your love beating from my love and I love you daddy wherever you are.
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johnvictorrodriguez · 7 years
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Sa humigit kumulang 120 katao na mga bumati sa akin via text, posts sa timeline ko, private messages pati in-person, nagpapasalamat po ako sa inyo dahil naalala niyo ang kaarawan ko! Sa mga nagregalo sa akin pati ng cake, THANK YOU PO! :) :D <3 Thank you po Lord dahil binigyan niyo po ako ng napakasayang kaarawan! Thank you rin po sa mga mensahe ninyo sa akin! Pagbubutihan ko po ang pag-aaral ko! :) :D Higit sa lahat, thank you sa mga magulang ko, Mama Jocy at Papa Mat, sa 18 years na pag-aalaga at pagsasakripsyo sa akin, na kung minsan ay makulit, ay patuloy ninyo pa rin akong inaalagaan. Hindi ko po sasayangin lahat ng mga ibinigay niyo at ibibigay niyo pa. :) Happy 18th Birthday to me! Legal age na! Iingatan ko po sarili ko! :) #JVTURNS18 #Birthday #Philippines #Family #Love (at Pedro 'n Col Sta. Lucia)
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biofunmy · 5 years
Against Nihilism
Kate Ferro for BuzzFeed News
After a big breakup earlier this year — I was the one who ended things — I gave myself a lot of room to grieve in whatever ways felt good at the time. Ordering takeout for both lunch and dinner? Sure. Downing IPAs while watching women’s soccer at 10 in the morning? No problem. Draining my savings on weird funky clothing and yet another pair of clogs? You bet!!!
According to the tenets of modern pop feminism, I’m entitled to a certain amount of overindulgence because, as a hardworking woman, I’ve earned it. Everything from institutional sexism to harassment to heartbreak can supposedly be assuaged by a couple bottles of wine with a group of good girlfriends. The treacly “Treat yo self” mantra popularized on Parks and Recreation has enabled many a stressed-out woman to place that $800 Anthropologie order (you can always return most of it, right?). Life is hard and the world is on fire; maybe we deserve to indulge in some good old simple pleasures.
So what if wine is a carcinogen and the alcohol industry has actively worked to downplay the link between drinking and cancer? So what if fast fashion is built on exploitative labor and contributes to mass global pollution? So what if the concept of self-care — popularized by Audre Lorde, a black lesbian activist battling breast cancer — has been co-opted to sell us things we don’t need, things which indirectly harm others and might actually harm us in the end? We’ve earned it, ladies!
I’d like to think I don’t actively buy into the capitalist vision of self-care, even as I’ve thrown my money into its maw; at least, I don’t assume any sort of entitlement to feeling good via the accumulation of material things. More so, I just thought…fuck it.
A few months ago, drunk in the middle of the day, I impulse-bought a Juul at a bodega in downtown Manhattan. I’d been taking hits off my friends’ vapes for months, only after I’d had enough to drink that smoking became pleasurable instead of disgusting. That was the rule I’d used for myself previously with cigarettes: I could never buy my own, but if I was drunk, I could bum one or two or five. Actually owning a Juul, as much as I liked to think the vapor or whatever made them safer than my beloved Marlboro Lights, was definitely breaking the rules. But I’d reached a point where I no longer cared.
While other people were having their hot girl summers, I spent mine flirting with a sense of doom I haven’t experienced since I was a hope-starved teen. (Nihilism: It’s back in style, just like denim miniskirts!). And I’m not alone. Twitter offers a daily glut of jokes about the apocalypse; things have gotten so bad we’re begging for vaping or an asteroid or alien overlords to finally put us out of our misery. The novelist Jonathan Franzen published a (much-maligned) essay this past weekend about climate change, arguing that the oncoming disaster is impossible to mitigate and “we” can no longer pretend otherwise. (“Every day, instead of thinking about breakfast,” he wrote, we all “have to think about death.”) Reading recently about presidential candidate Andrew Yang’s dystopian vision of the future, I found myself dismayed, and thoroughly dragged, by Max Read’s description of a “doomer,” the archetypal internet memer who believes we’re all totally fucked: “a depressed, purposeless 20-something usually depicted smoking a cigarette and wearing a beanie.”
Okay, I’m not a doomer, but I have become somewhat fatalistic lately. With talk of another recession and the continued possibility of dying in a mass shooting or some sort of natural disaster, the scarcity mindset I’d developed as the child of a parent living paycheck to paycheck kicked back in again. Thanks to a few greedy corporations and crisis-denying national governments, climate catastrophe seems inevitable — no matter what personal choices I make about things like food or travel or children.
So why bother saving for the future if there isn’t even going to be a future? Why bother being kind to my body by taking it easy on the beer and potato skins when all the crap I consume might not catch up with me by the time that not-future comes to pass? No matter how I treated myself — and no matter what infinitesimal steps I took to be a better human citizen — we’d all end up in the same place in the end.
For a while during my “fuck it” summer, it felt great to be a mess, if only because of its implicit rejection of corporatized self-care’s evil twin: self-optimization. Since diets have become passé, we’ve entered a new era defined by “wellness,” but women are still expected to meet Eurocentric and patriarchal beauty standards — only, unlike with dieting, we’re now supposed to feel good about attempting to contort ourselves into socially acceptable bodies.
Fuck other people’s narrow ideas about the only right ways to live a good and happy life.
“Wellness” conjures images of Gwyneth Paltrow peddling hundreds of dollars’ worth of Goop vitamins and oils and crystals and juices to customers who, because they are not wealthy celebrities, will never look like Gwyneth Paltrow. Organic vegetables and private Pilates instructors are the provinces of rich people who have the time and money to optimize their bodies as if it’s their job (because it is). Fuck wellness! I thought, ordering chips and queso for the third time in a week. Fuck other people’s narrow ideas about the only right ways to live a good and happy life.
But was my life really better, or happier? I loved taking shots with my sister at my favorite dive bar, bonding in a way we sometimes struggle to when sober. But I hated that by the time we got home I was sobbing on the couch about our fraught relationship with our mother, some deep dark part of me ripped open and exposed to the unforgiving light. I loved the dopamine rush of confirming yet another online shopping order, but I hated having to return half the crap once it piled up in my bedroom. I hated hangovers, mountains of takeout containers, and the point at which my Juul would stop giving me a stream of little highs and instead just start making me sick.
Amazon Studios / Courtesy Everett Collection
Jillian Bell in Brittany Runs a Marathon.
Last weekend, I took myself on a date to the movies. I saw Brittany Runs a Marathon, which is the exact kind of movie I’ve been seeking out lately: funny, uplifting, and you know going in exactly what you’re getting. Keep your twist endings, Quentin Tarantino! I’ll watch the movie where the ending is literally spoiled by the film title.
Paul Downs Colaizzo’s indie movie, which won the Audience Award in the US Drama category at Sundance, stars Jillian Bell as the titular Brittany, a goofy twentysomething in a major life rut. A doctor tells her she has an unhealthy BMI (proven to be a bogus measure of a person’s health) and that she needs to lose 50 pounds. This leads Brittany — and Bell herself — to attempt to shed the weight of a “small Siberian husky” over the next year, at the end of which Brittany plans to run the New York City Marathon.
A movie about a woman trying to find fulfillment through weight loss sounds pretty out of step with our current cultural moment, when fat acceptance and body positivity have been gaining significant ground. Kate Browne in Runner’s World argues that the movie functions as “fitspo” by conveying to viewers that if you lose weight, you, too, can achieve your dreams. “The story we’re too often told about fatness and running,” she wrote, “is that body size is an obstacle to overcome in our quest for glory.” Madison Malone Kircher, in a piece for Vulture, made similar points: “In Brittany Runs a Marathon, being fat is portrayed as a starting point instead of just a state of being.”
I, too, would have preferred a movie in which Brittany ran a marathon after gaining back all the weight she initially lost while training — proving to herself, and to viewers, that she could do remarkable things at any size. Still, I think the film does complicate more straightforward and more explicitly anti-fat weight loss narratives in popular culture by making clear that personal fulfillment and a small waist aren’t inextricably intertwined.
Soon before she’s set to run her first marathon (spoilers ahead), Brittany pushes herself too hard in her attempt to lose her final 10 pounds; she deprives herself of food and ends up in the hospital with a stress fracture. She has to miss the race. While recovering, she’s much thinner but more miserable than ever. In the film’s cringiest scene, Brittany gets drunk and heckles a fat woman at her brother-in-law’s birthday party, refusing to believe that the woman’s “average” size partner could actually love and desire a fat person. At other moments, she makes jealous assumptions about a (thin) neighbor she doesn’t actually know; she begrudges a married friend his happy domesticity with his husband and children. The film suggests that Brittany’s main problem has never been her weight — it’s that she’s convinced all her woes have nothing to do with her own actions and that other people, in turn, don’t deserve their happiness.
Amazon Studios / Courtesy Everett Collection
Patch Darragh and Jillian Bell in Brittany Runs a Marathon.
At the end of the movie, when Brittany signs up for the marathon again the next year and actually makes it to the race — cheered on by friends she’d previously spurned — I cried. I cried because it was, yes, inspirational, but I was also moved by the way the story managed to explore personal autonomy and desire in a self-improvement narrative without discounting the significant role played by larger systemic forces.
No, Brittany shouldn’t have to lose weight to be treated with respect — but the material reality of her life is that, when she’s thinner, she’s actually “treated like a woman,” as she tells her soon-to-be boyfriend: People smile at her; they hold the door for her on the subway. No, it isn’t fair that the fancy gym she tries to join when she first decides to lose weight is cost prohibitive to so many people — but that doesn’t discount the fact that running, and other ways of moving one’s body, are completely free.
I cried because I’ve long resented all the pressure I feel to work out and eat “well” and drink less and sleep more. So much of that pressure comes from a world hellbent on optimizing our bodies and brains for workplace efficiency, for social acceptance, for conventional beauty standards, for “normalcy.” It’s pressure designed to make us believe the world will become less of a hellscape through mere personal effort, rather than structural change.
But what if we don’t make those choices (just) to make ourselves more palatable to the world around us? Yes, living “well” — if we’re financially and physically able — benefits The Man. That doesn’t change the fact that treating our bodies with respect and care might benefit us too.
When I first thought about quitting drinking, about a month ago, I read Sarah Hepola’s 2015 recovery memoir, Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget. I sobbed through the last 50 pages. (Yes, I’ve been crying a lot lately.) She talks about how, even after she got sober, she still wasn’t taking care of herself: lots of takeout, not a lot of making the bed or hanging up her laundry.
I told myself this was OK, because our society was beyond warped in its expectations of women, who were tsunamied by messages of self-improvement, from teeth whiteners to self-tanners … I wanted to kick the whole world in the nuts and live the rest of my years in sweatpants that smelled vaguely like salami, because who really cares?
But then, after a while, Hepola realized: She cared. She realized she didn’t need to make her body and home feel and look better to please men, or because it was what she was “supposed” to do. “I should take care of myself because it made me happy,” she wrote.
After finishing the book, I wondered if, angry at the propagandist sham of American individualism and bootstraps meritocracy, I’d course-corrected a little too hard — giving up on trying to improve myself or the world around me.
Eddy Chen / HBO
Zendaya as Rue on Euphoria.
My nihilism was both political and personal. Politically, I’d become Chidi, the philosophy scholar on The Good Place, who ends up in Hell because of his ethical indecision. At one point, after grasping so desperately for moral purity and failing to find it, he gives up. “The world is empty,” he yells. “There is no point to anything. And you’re just gonna die. So do whatever!” Personally, I saw myself as Euphoria’s Rue (minus the hard drug-taking), who returns to her life of debauchery after getting clean in rehab because she doesn’t see the point in trying to get better. “The world’s coming to an end,” she says in the first episode, “and I haven’t even finished high school yet.”
It’s a lot easier to believe that you can’t do much to improve your moods, your relationships, and the way your body feels while simultaneously believing you can’t do much to improve those things for other people, either. Abdicating that sense of any responsibility let me avoid a deeper, darker worry: that prioritizing the self is, by nature, saying to hell with everyone else.
My obsession with that particular quandary led me to Trisha Low’s new book-length essay, Socialist Realism, in which she attempts to reconcile her desire for the comforts of love and home with her desire for a socialist utopia. Is it even possible to pursue personal happiness and fulfillment while prioritizing The Greater Good at the same time?
“Home,” she writes. “It’s just something to contain our misplaced desires for a better world. How can we willingly long for that?” Her work is built upon that of her teacher, the academic José Esteban Muñoz, who famously theorized that queerness is, by its very nature, not-yet-here — “that thing that lets us feel that this world is not enough.”
In Megan Milks’s review of Socialist Realism for Bookforum, she notes that a decade ago “many queers were enamored with the alluring radicality of queer negativity” — think Lee Edelman’s 2004 polemic No Future, about the queer death drive — but “in the Trump era such grandiose nihilism seems puerile.”
I loved Low’s book for its messiness, its sense of struggle — a perfect depiction of the constant tugging I feel within myself every day, between my desire to deal with the realities of my own life and my desire to think on bigger, more ambitious scales. “Whatever,” Low eventually concludes. “You can make utopia out of almost anything.”
Since last month, I’ve stopped consuming alcohol (for now, though maybe also for longer). I threw away my Juul, then got jealous that I didn’t get rid of it more dramatically when I saw somebody smash theirs with a hammer on Instagram. Even King Princess, the Gen Z queen of Juuls, recently quit — a harbinger of change if I’ve ever seen one.
I’m trying to whittle away at my nihilism (both the personal and the political) in other small ways. I signed up for a trial at a rental clothing company, with the hopes that I’ll spend less money on shopping and contribute less waste. I’ve stopped eating beef, hopefully en route to full-fledged vegetarianism. And I joined a powerlifting gym after my friend Katie, who is basically a lifting influencer, extolled its many virtues. I’m hoping the sport’s focus on strength and power, rather than weight loss, will help me stop punishing my body for the way it looks and start celebrating it for what it can do.
I’ve had these little bursts of self-improvement projects before, but in the past I’ve always gotten bored and given up eventually. I’d start drinking again. I’d order a bunch of crap I didn’t need from companies that mistreat their workers and actively make the world worse. Whatever, who cares, nothing matters.
Just last week I caved and ordered six different white T-shirts and a $200 pair of boots. (“Basics!” I told myself. “Just the basics!”) I know I’m still going to have nights where I eat only popcorn for dinner and watch six straight episodes of Love Island and bum hits from my friends’ Juuls. I think what’s most important is that I’m at least trying to train myself to rely on more than just instant gratification. To have faith that, if I’m lucky, there’s a lot more life I’ve yet to live.
Critics of Franzen’s New Yorker piece on the climate apocalypse pointed out that the author’s climate projections are seriously flawed and his conclusions perhaps even more so. After taking swipes at everyone, from the evil science-deniers on the right to the overly optimistic peddlers of the Green New Deal on the left, Franzen sees hopeful futures for community gardens and CSA programs, but not much else.
“If your hope for the future depends on a wildly optimistic scenario,” he wrote, “what will you do ten years from now, when the scenario becomes unworkable even in theory? Give up on the planet entirely?”
What a patronizing way to address anyone who dares to dream. Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg hasn’t documented her climate depression or dared adults to consider the impact of their personal choices just to piss off a bunch of man-baby conservatives. As a young person, she’s more than justified in fearing for her future, but despite her anger and her sadness — because of her anger and her sadness — she still believes in something better. Why bother even trying otherwise?
Yes, living “well” — if we’re financially and physically able — benefits The Man. That doesn’t change the fact that treating our bodies with respect and care might benefit us too.
Corrupt corporations and governments do hold the most blame, and the most significant obligations, when it comes to righting our course. But there is no easier way to shirk consumer responsibility — whether you’re eating beef, or flying a lot, or holding onto that unholy Amazon Prime subscription — than by self-soothing with the leftist adage that “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism.”
As Charlotte Shane recently wrote in a piece about Jonathan Safran Foer’s We Are the Weather (yet another collection of Big Climate Thoughts by yet another underqualified white guy), holding institutions accountable “can’t be a ploy to deflect attention from our own culpability … No matter how otherwise constrained our circumstances, we can always choose each other, choose solidarity, choose effort. Every time we do, we’re making headway toward a new habit, a self-reinforcing orientation that alters the fabric of who we are and how we live.”
Is there anything in this world harder than trying to be both happy and good?
I’ve been listening to Lana Del Rey’s Norman Fucking Rockwell on repeat since the album dropped, which has put me in the perfect mood for my sad girl fall. But as much as Lana sings her beautiful, dreamy way through the depressing fog that is modern living, she still ends the album on somewhat of a high note. “Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have,” she croons on the very last song. “But I have it.”
May we all, Lana. May we all. ●
Sahred From Source link Science
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 3 years
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cassianus · 5 years
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….Let the whole of creation make festival and sing of the most holy birth-giving of the holy Anna. For she bore for the world an inviolable treasury of blessings. Through her the Creator transformed all nature into a better state by means of humanity. For if a human being stands between mind and matter, since he is the bond between all visible and invisible creation, the creative Word of God, having become unified with the nature of humanity, was unified through it with the whole of creation. Let us then celebrate the dissolution of human sterility since our incapacity for blessings has been dissolved.
But why has the Virgin Mother been born from a sterile woman? For that which alone is new under the sun, the culmination of miracles, the way had to be prepared by means of miracles, and what was greater had to advance slowly from what was more humble. And I have another more exalted and divine reason. Nature has been defeated by grace and stands trembling, no longer ready to take the lead. Therefore when the God-bearing Virgin was about to be born from Anna, nature did not dare to anticipate the offshoot of grace; instead it remained without fruit until grace sprouted its fruit. For it was necessary for her to be the first-born, she who would bear the “Firstborn of all creation” in whom “all things subsist” (Col 1.15,17).
O blessed couple, Joachim and Anna, all nature is indebted to you! For through you it has offered a gift to the Creator which is more excellent than all [other] gifts: a holy mother who alone is worthy of the Creator. O most all-blessed loins of Joachim, from which a wholly unblemished seed was sent forth! O renowned womb of Anna, in which slowly, with additions from her, an all-holy infant grew, and once it had taken shape, was born! O belly that contained within itself a living heaven, vaster than the immensity of [all] the heavens!….
Today he, who once in ancient times established the firmament out of water and raised it up to the heights, has prepared heaven on earth out of earthly nature. And truly, this [heaven] is much more divine and miraculous than that [firmament]. For the One who at that time prepared the sun, arose from this [earthly nature] as a Sun of righteousness (Mal 4.2)….
O, by how many marvels and by what alliances has this little daughter become a workshop! Offspring of sterility, virginity that bears a child, a mixture of both divinity and humanity, of suffering and impassibility, of life and death, as if [for him] the inferior had been vanquished by the greater in all things! And all these things, O Master, are for the sake of my salvation! You so loved me that you brought about this [salvation], not by means of angels, nor by any creature, but, just as in the first creation, you worked with your own hand [my] regeneration. And so I dance and boast and rejoice; I return again to the source of the miracles and, filled with the stream of happiness, I again pluck the harp of the Spirit and sing a divine hymn of the nativity….
Let the celebrated tabernacle which Moses constructed in a desert with all manner of very precious materials, and the [tabernacle] of the patriarch Abraham before that, give way to the living and rational tabernacle of God. For she was the receptacle not just of the activity of God, but essentially of the hypostasis of the Son of God. Let a tabernacle that was entirely covered with gold recognize that it cannot compare with her, along with a golden jar which contained manna, a lampstand, a table, and all the other objects from long ago. For they have been honored as her types, as shadows of a true archetype….
O holy couple, Joachim and Anna, accept from me this birthday oration! O daughter of Joachim and Anna and lady, accept an oration from one who is a sinful servant but who is on fire with love and reverence, and who has clung to you alone as hope of joy, supporter of life, mediator towards your Son, and firm pledge of salvation! May you disperse the burden of my sins and the cloud that overshadows my mind and dissolve my material insensibility! And may you put a stop to my temptations, govern my life in holiness, and lead me by the hand to the blessed state above! May you grant peace to the world and perfect joy and eternal salvation to all the orthodox inhabitants of this city through the prayers of your parents and of the whole body of the Church! Let it be, let it be! “Hail, favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (Luke 1.28,42), Jesus Christ, the Son of God. To him be glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit to the infinity of the ages of ages. Amen.
St. John of Damascus
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johnvictorrodriguez · 7 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! 😁😍🍰🍰😎🙌 "Blow the candle kiddo! 😂😁😄" Legal age na! 😂😂😂 Thank you po sa lahat ng bumati at nakaalala sa Birthday ko!😁😁 Thank you rin po sa mga pumuntang family ko at mga nagbigay ng regalo! Na-appreciate ko po lahat ng efforts niyo! One of the best birthdays ever! THANK YOU PO! 😄😍😜 God bless! THANK YOU LORD! #JVTURNS18 #RedRibbon #HappyBirthday #Candle #Blow #Family (at Pedro 'n Col Sta. Lucia)
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