#happy birthday teddy bear
thunder-point · 2 months
Vampire Peem AU
@watchingblsnowandforever you have inspired me back just now, because vampire peem??? Vampire Peem. You're given me THOUGHTS.
VampirE PEEM.
Just. Imagine. Imagine what people think. He's a heartthrob. He's unapproachable. He's legit, unironically glowing. Skin golden despite all those vampire stereotypes, eyes pitch black that only have that reddish glint when he's truly vexed or truly hungry. Vampires aren't that common, not like other fantastical 'creatures', so every vampire in those faculties is made aware of each other, and a majority of students are aware of them. People try not to get on a vampire's bad side. Vampires are unmistakably one of the scariest. Their fangs are actually crazy sharp and long and scary. Their reflexes and speed and strength are no joke.
So imagine Phum's surprise when he gets on a vampire's nerves without even intending. He's just a brat by nature sometimes, he likes to talk back to people he doesn't know. So when this pretty boy came in he just gave a little bit of lip, and then Peem bares his fangs in a terrifying manner and instead of getting horrified by the fact that he's verbally goading a vampire, Phum smirks and goes on.
He's kicked in the nuts hard enough to fall dizzy on the floor. And insanely, he wants more.
So he gets to goad Peem some more, ridiculously unafraid of him, and then realizes that people are actually very wrong about vampires. Wrong to be cautious about them. Wrong to side-step with such ignorance.
Because Peem's anger can be cutting, sure. But Peem is adorable. He wears bucket hats on the hottest days because the sun gives him headaches, cutely tugging the bucket hat as if he could shrink under it completely (which he kind of can, but we'll get to that.) And he nibbles on things because his fangs ache when they aren't used for more than three days. And he has a cute lisp when he's excited. And he bites his lower lip by accident more times than anyone can count.
Peem loves snuggles, loves to press against Phum just to hear his blood flowing underneath his skin. He grumbles about the stale taste of blood bags and clicks his tongue or smacks his lips with a disarming wrinkle of his nose when he buys a flavor he doesn't vibe with. He makes this face 🥺 when Phum gives him a wrist to suck from without a world, or when he tilts his head to bare his neck to him. He flashes his fangs at people when he's annoyed, yes, but most of all he hides behind Phum's shoulder when he doesn't like someone, giving them a red-glow glare.
The first time Peem transformed into a bat around him, Phum almost fainted from cuteness aggression. Because he now has a teeny tiny bat snuggled against his neck around the house, or squeaking in faux offense when Phum coos and rubs his small head. Bat Peem loves to nap on Phum's chest in the evenings when Phum watches TV, or on the head of Phum's plushie. He also begrudgery allows Phum to cocoon him in a fluffy blanket and take him around the house like he's a goddamn baby, just because Phum giggles the most when he does it.
Conclusion. Peem is the most adorable creature on earth, and maybe people should continue to be afraid of him, because that means Phum gets him all to himself.
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ayatxt · 10 months
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happy birthday em !! ilysmmm
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 26 november 2023 1:03am ࿐ྂ
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subearnatural · 1 month
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Happy bearthday Misha!! Thanks for being a kind and caring friend to bears.
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beanbagbuddies4life · 11 months
Count the Bear
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Born November 8, 2003
When the Halloween fun ends I like to gather with my friends Into a pile we'll put our sweets So we can count up all our treats !
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lilysayurii · 2 months
i have a headcanon that when sasuke joins orochimaru and begins training with the sword he DEFINITELY would be the kind of thirteen-year-old that carries his sword everywhere because he's Cool like that.
kabuto teases him saying that he even sleeps with it, cuddling it like a teddy bear. he does NOT. he sleeps with it in his hand, like a MAN ready for battle. the thing is that he's kind of an idiot just like naruto and he keeps it unsheathed just in case there are enemies approaching. he stops doing that the time he wakes up with a gash on his arm that leaves a scar. if anybody asks he tells them he fought a tiger
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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9x01 | A New Beginning
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lee-sanghyeok · 10 months
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bluefurpinknose · 1 month
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happy birthday pooh!
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flutopia · 1 month
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coolrpblog · 3 months
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IT'S HIS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shiinayumi · 1 year
An imagine for my sweet precious Gyomei's birthday~ (just a simple Fluff! Set in the Kimetsu Gakuen/Academy verse, for this imagine Gyomei can see simply because he seems to really see in the Academy version?) Also may come off more as headcanons your girl hasn't written shit in years 😂😂 not edited or proof read, also I'm so tired pls go easy on me💀
It's your beloved Gyomei's birthday and you have a fun day planned for him! Thankfully his birthday fell during summer break so you had ALL DAY to spoil him. His apartment sadly doesn't allow for cats, so he often spends the night at your apartment because yours is pet friendly and you happen to have some cats that Mei just can't get enough of and they just ADORE being so spoiled by the man. You woke up early to see both of your cats curled up on your fiancées chest softly purring, as you headed to the kitchen to make him a cute breakfast. Cat shaped toast, with sunny side up eggs for eyes with bacon cut into thin strips for whiskers. You made him a few of them since being that large and muscular had food needs that you were frankly jealous of. Cute cat mashmallow in dark steong tea instead of coffee for him, looking like it clinged to the edge of the cuo smiling.
Gyomei walks out of the room groggy but smiling, holding the two cats slightly wiggling to be let go to for their own breakfast already prepared.
"Hello my beautiful~" he says gently voice still sleepy giving you a kiss by the temple, only to look at you a little silly when you giggle.
"Did you forget?"
Oh no. Was it something important with the house you're having built together? Is your family here early? Or on time and he forgot? Seeing his poor mind swirl you wrap arms around him as best you can and motion for him to bend down a little for you, you whisper.
"Happy birthday my love~!" You get out through soft laughs and returning the kiss on his head.
He freezes for a moment, holding you close, eyes zoning out a little.
"Oh! So it is. Thank you my sweet." Smiling softly, giving you another soft kiss on your head as his brain winds back down.
You guide him to the kitchen where his breakfast of cat themed goodies awaits, his face immediately lighting up, tears pricking his eyes and falling down in happiness. You sat with him eating your breakfast together, chatting and telling him to dress cozy for the next event today.
After breakfast, you both hopped around the morning, meeting friends receiving gifts and birthday wishes for Gyomei. You talked about maybe having a small party for him later once the house was complete since it's hard to fit everyone into an apartment, and having all the attention on him makes him shy as is let alone in public at a bar or restaurant. So for today, just a relaxing series of events planned by yours truly. You had plenty of gifts for him at home for later, but you just couldn't help getting him some cute little things he would spy, tears of appreciation every time, after trepidation and phrases of "you don't have too" and "you don't need to spend the money on me", too late love the cat phone charm and cat themed student grade stamps are purchased and put into his hands.
While walking around your (insert family member) called wishing Gyomei a happy birthday and that they will see him soon and have gifts for him as well. You both found a decent area of land to build a nice size house to accommodate Gyomei's size and for the potential for a family be it pets and or kids. You asked for an extra space for your family member to live with you and Gyomeinwas actually pleased, being an orphan he didn't have much in the way of family other than the other kids and monks that ran the orphanage, so he was family starved one could say. You were his whole world, though, and if it was just the two of you, well he has a whole world to himself.
Once lunch came around, you took him to your next surprise for him, a reservation at a super popular cat café! They were so popular with citizens and tourists you had to get tickets weeks in advance to get in. It was thanks to Mitsuri actually for love of food and also cats she helped you in the lottery to get the tickets. You made sure Gyomei knew about her hard work and also picked out a cute souvenir for her as thanks. Gyomei had tears on his face as he was covered in cats. If you didn't force him to eat the cute café treats, he would have missed lunch, between the oh so cute actual cats, and the almost too cute to eat food served.
Once you got ready to leave the man was so covered in hair he almost looked like a cat himself. Thankfully the staff insisted on helping remove all of it before leaving. You're pretty sure many of the people there, workers and patrons alike, were enamored in one way or another with your fiancée, such a giant fearsome looking man absolutely in tears and smiling over cuteness overload from such small fuzzy animals. You couldn't blame them, you also where enamored with Gyomei.
You gently held onto Gyomei's pinky qith yours as you took him to the next surprise and perhaps the biggest. He looked utterly confused going into the back of a building, clean and sterile looking, with all kinds of noises. Once walking in he seen so many animals, realizing it was a shelter. Leaning down he whispers in confusion,
"My love, you're not adopting another pet are you? We should be careful to not spook any new ones so close to being able to move."
You grab his face gently and kiss his nose,
"Not exactly adopting so don't worry, but..well just come look."
You greet one of the staff and give then your name, recognition and smile gracing their gentle features,
"Excellent right on time! Thank you so much for doing this, it can be so hard to find people for this!" She says as she leads you as you hold Gyomei's hand, to what looks like a baby incubator and it really sort of is. You let go of his hand and move closer as the worker opens the door,
"Gyomei's please close your eyes and hold out your hands."
The poor man looks so confused, what could you be handing him from an incubator looking device in a pet shelter of all places especially if not getting a pet? But he, ever patient and trusting you, he does as asked, and is rewarded with hearing feet shuffling, small little noises, and you're sweet gentle shushes you save for your pets or admittedly him when he was so sick once before. And than he feels the brushing of your fingers as you out something small so small and fuzzy in his hands, well it fit in one hand really, wiggling around when he heard you say he could look.
He opens his eyes, and oh by any gods or maybe even Buddha, there is a teeny tiny thing in his hands. So small, eyes sealed shut wiggling around to crawl his massive hand.
"I got asked to foster some neonate kittens, well newborn baby kittens, while their momma receives some attention. She was on the streets, but someone caught her and all the babies and brought them in, but they needed someone to care for the babies until the mom is better."
You explain but you see Gyomei just absolutely stare at the already tiny, looks even more tiny in his hand, newborn kitten, not even sure he heard you as tears stream down his face. The worker almost looks concerned for the man's well-being before you assure her he's just a very sensitive empathetic man (which earns him praise from the worker with you and those onlooking).
After a moment, once you give Gyomei a chair to sit on, with the kitten absorbing the warmth from his hands, he finally speaks,
"These will be at home?" Reffering to your apartment, seemingly forgetting he had his own. Fun fact he didn't really forget his apartment perse, just that wherever you are is where home is. And as it stands, the kittens have to stay with you, and since you're home well, yea, they'll be at home.
You take the other four kittens, and walk over placing them all on his hand. All five fit one hand, but he holds both out for safety and so they can move.
"Yes Gyomei, these little fuzzy beans will be at home. Our cats at home are pretty well behaved with babies, so it should be fine." You say smiling, just watching him absolutely ENRAPTURED by tiny kittens. One of whom was trying to suckle his fingertip. His cheeks puffed into his smile over cute things he can't handle, as you and the worker giggle.
After getting back home, you have Gyomei sit in the living room to make his dinner as a surprise, his favorite, takikomi gohan. You managed to find dried matsutake to add to the rice for cooking, since it wasn't quiet in season yet but really wanted to treat Gyomei. He does so much for everyone around him, and often holds himself back from what he wants to be a good role model and help others, you want him to feel the same love in return. You may have heard from Uzui's wives, that the students where planning a nice surprise for him when school started again in a few days. Those kids may seem a little goofy at times but all of his students at least respected him enough to not do anything bad. And you came by the school enough that the students knew that where maybe they could sneak things aways with Gyomei due to his forgiving nature, that could NOT with you and not when it involved your soon to be husband.
Speaking of, you peaked up from fileting the fish to see Gyomei still just watching over the kittens. He loves cats but has never really seen newborns, at least not in person. His gentle smile as he pet the two adult cats who were so far behaving with the babies warmed your heart. Gyomei was honestly meant to be a dad, and no one could convince you otherwise. Aside from how he is with kids and always has been with them, to how invested he is in doing the best for the kittens it was just obvious. He immediately wanted to know how to care for them, and absolutely took notes on how you explained to take notes on their feeding weights, how to measure their formula and make it and test the temperature, and how to help them go to the bathroom and brush them with a toothbrush to feel like their mothers tongue. None of it did he shy away from, and one of your cats also decided to take notes with him.
He sniffed the air as the rice cooked noticing the familiar smell of mushrooms and other vegetables cooking with the rice. He finally turned around,
"Takikomi? For dinner?" He said absolutely smiling.
"It's your favorite isn't it? So of course for your birthday!" You say smiling flipping the fish.
He comes to you and wraps his arms around your waist, a dangerous game to play while you cook, normally territorial in the kitchen while cooking. And he pushes further, placing his head on yours. Tonight, you let him and smile and sink back a little into his arms, while warning him of possible fish splatter on his arms. He has a full laugh,
"Have you seen the scars on me? A little splatter won't hurt me" he says in a rare cheeky moment. Well, at least a cheeky moment he intended anyway!
You giggle, working around your fiancée being goofy in a rare show, as he refuses to let you go and just shuffles behind you, arms still around your waist, as you move around the kitchen trying to finish dinner. You can't be mad, though, and just keep laughing every time you have to move. He is helpful, though grabbing things his massive frame blocks from your access. As you attempt to put the dishes of food together, Gyomei happily sniffing over everything by your ear, he tells you to stop trying to lift the dishes.
"Gyomei I'm trying to take them to the table by the TV! I want to do dinner with a movie." You say between peals of laughter as everything you try to grab something, he grabs it and puts it down, before finally just picking you up and depositing you on the couch, leaving to grab your meals, but not before hitting a ticklish spot to prevent you from trying to get up. Your cats look at you as if you've lost it finally.
"Gyomei it's your birthday let me get the food while you get cozy!" You fake pout, resulting in him poking your cheek gently while he sets the food down.
"You've already done so much for me today, I can at least bring the food. Besides, you want the day to be about me and what I would want, and what if I want to spoil you back?"
"You can spoil me another day!"
"I could, but what if I don't want to wait?"
Between soft laughs all you can say is that he's goofy and sweet, but that you adore that about him. Gyomei hid this side a lot, largley out of shyness, and getting to see him goofy though always sincere and knowing he means what he says, hits you in the heart like it always has.
You settle close to him and grab a blanket to out on your laps as you sit on the floor, backs to the couch, legs and blanket under the table as you get ready to eat. You pull up a movie, an older animated one, jittery with excitement to show it to Gyomei.
"Cats don't dance?"
You smile as he reads the title.
"Yea its a little older but it's cute and I thought you'd like it!" You say so excited to show him the movie. You where so happy to find one with subtitles! Originally in English and while Gyomei can understand and use English just fine you felt subtitles would be a little more comfortable.
You sit together laughing and eating and watching his reaction to the movie, of course so many tears from him and so much joy. At the end, finally putting the dishes away after washing them, taking care of the kittens next feeding, together of course, you made Gyomei a bath to relax. Once you both took turns (sadly your bath was barely able to hold Gyomei let alone the both of you to even just relax, something the new house would fix~) you drag your feet towards the bedroom before Gyomei just picks you up again to carry you to bed, though placing you more gently than how he plopped you onto the couch earlier. He caresses your face before a cat walks between you two, both now laughing petting the fuzzy attention demander. Over purrs you hear Gyomei thank you.
"Thank you my beloved, today was wonderful. I'm so happy I get to be with such an attentive and caring person. I love all of the cat themed activities today. Though I must ask why so much cat?"
You giggle and than swat away a cat butt in your face,
"Because you try so hard to be subtle and adult in how you present yourself, I wanted you to just have fun and fully enjoy what you love. Because I love you~."
Gyomei hums, as he smiles and puts the cat om the ground which was rare. He turns off the lights, sliding in close to you snuggling close,
"I love you too, more than I could ever hope to express. Though maybe I can try."
You both giggle through smiles as you kiss, the rest that happens only will you, Gyomei, and maybe the cats will know~.
たんじょうび おめでとう 悲鳴嶼 行冥 さま💖💖💖 愛している
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gordopickett · 6 months
🎉 Happy Birthday, Gordo Stevens! 🎉
My sweet chubby astronaut teddy bear boy turns 88 today, and I hope he eats his weight in cake! 👨‍🚀🎂🧸
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My birthday is tomorrow, can you wish me a happy birthday? I'll make sure you have a case if you do. (:
Happy anniversary of existing another cycle of this floating rock being tossed around the sun (or the other way around whichever way that thing works) since having exited your mother's uterus and becoming part of the currently 8 billion homo sapiens, which are ever reproducing and multiplying until all limited resources on this planet have been wasted and all inevitably crashes and burns.
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beanbagbuddies4life · 11 months
Baron Van Pyre
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Born October 20, 2006
Unlike most vampires, I don't bite And I can go out in sunlight And stakes never give me a scare In fact, I'll have mine medium rare !
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starsrosesglitters · 1 year
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captainbobbin · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to my beloved @xemboobs!
 🤍🌙💙 Have a great day bestie, ily and I hope you know how incredible you are :)
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