#happy ending: mbj runs sqh to cang qiong and sqh is okay and this is the catalyst for him realising that you should not beat up your humans
ineffabells · 4 months
hey, you know what's a fun thought?
what if one day, pre-ascension, Mobei-Jun was beating up Shang Qinghua as usual, but this time when he threw him, SQH hit his head on a jutting out piece of rock or wall in just the right place
and instead of crawling onto his knees and doing his over-the-top wailing and begging for mercy routine that MBJ had come to expect, SQH just lay still.
and a dark pool of blood, impossibly big and horrifyingly still pouring, spread from skull, on the floor aroud him, soaking through his sunny, ink-stained an-ding robes,
as Mobei watched, a cold horror settling over him. and SQH didn't get up.
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wei-suibian · 6 years
Time travel aus
I’m, like, so weak for time travel fix-it fics!? For any fandom!? Like, Scum Villan, for example.
Like, imagine SQQ, as he’s living happily with LBH, and they go investigate something in the demon realm and he accidentally steps into an array and-BAM, he’s gone and the last thing he saw was his husband’s terrfied face.
Then he wakes up, and he’s in his bed in the bamboo house at qing jing peak and he’s like, ‘Did LBH bring me here to recuperate?’ So he’s like calling for his husband, and the door opens but it’s MF and ‘Why the heck does he look so young? Last i saw him he was married and with kids?’ and the disciple is terrified at his pale scared face and goes to call YQY while SQQ is having a mental breakdown.
Then in his head just echoes the sound of the google voice he’s hated so much and it just quickly repeats what he heard the first time he transmigrated and SSQ just, loses it.
“System, don’t try to f*uck with me, i dealt with you once, i can do it again.I know you know we went back in time, so quietly enter standby/sleep mode and don’t bother me, or else.” And the system just, weeps and quietly obeys, and sqq continues to panic and begins crying but then-
Then he has a rebelation and is like- ‘Wait a second, if i’m back in time, does this mean....all the misunderstandings, the pain BingHe had to go through...all the times i was an asshole to him.....i can change that?’
And then he’s giddy and excited and just, begins switching between indecisive (because changing the past may change their future and no matter what he usually says he loves his husband) and determined to give his love the best life he can.
He decides to do the latter, fate be damned.
So he chats with YGY and MQF, assures them that he’s okay, and orders MF to call all the disicples and then he goes out and bullshits his way through an explanation of why they had been torturing Binghe like this, making himself look innocent. Like:
‘I was testing you, to see if you had good, righteous hearts that would choose the right path. I know you respect your elders and that you were scared to contradict me in fear of being kicked out, it happens in every sect. But instead of helping your shidi in secret, you kept hurting him to please me, besides NYY here, all of you failed this test that this master set up.’ And the disciples are like , we f*ucked up, then SQQ tells them that if they dslike LBH, it’s okay to ingore him, but hurting a fellow disciple is forbidden.
Of course the same applies to befriending him, if they are insincere, don’t bother. In the end, only NYY goes, and the others are told to cultivate and reflect on their actions. Then SQQ asks where LBH is and he goes to the wood shed and thinks of a way to bullshit through this but-
But he sees him, bruised and hurt and looking at him with admiration and respect and he’s like- inner-screaming because he looks so tender and sweet, so young, such a white lotus!! And he fangirls inside his mind for a while before explaining to him the same fake story he told the others, but sayng that it was also to test his will and his stenght and his endurance and perseverance, and that he passed with flying colors.
Then he apologizes and bows his head and LBH nearly has an aneurysm!? Because Shizun is showing him respect what the hell? And he gets all flustered and then SQQ treats his wound and LBG is ????????????.
Afterwards SQQ goes to look for SQH and tells him what happened and they both inwardly scream and SQQ is so happy for not having OOC restrictions.
Cue both of them f*ucking everything up as they try to fix the painful parts of the story, taking any and every shojo cliche they know and trying to make them a reality, for the suffering of everyone in cang qiong mountain and the demon realm.
 In the city with the first boss, SQQ obliterates butterfly and saves LBH and NYY, gaining their trust and respect. He tries to act cool, he succeeds.
At the fight with Sha Hualing, SQQ loudly reveals a lot of embarrasing secrets he knew of her, personal stuff that make her blush and she runs away screaming. He avoids being poisoned and making LBH feel guilty, then praises him for his battle prowress. SQH and SQQ high-give after.
With the abyss thing, SQH sticks to MBJ like glue, leaving the demon confused and half-angry half-curious, while SQQ tells LBH that they’ll go together to the abyss and train. LBH refuses, saying he will go alone and grow strong enough to protect him, then he will come back. SQQ doesn’t want to, and tells him to stay away from Xin Mo. LBH agrees, turns back, and before going, he runs and smacks a sweet kiss on SQQ face, then jumps down. SQQ smiles like a dork for the rest of the day.
Then LBH comes back, and he’s the sexy mf SQQ remembered and he nearly loses it. They try to solve the case and SQQ goes to ‘hunt snakes’, to wich LBH answers with a tilt of his head and an big ? SQQ does catch the snake, makes Zhuzhi Lang confess his crimes, and clears his name.
Everthing continues to alter like this as SQQ tries to fill every plot point with fluff and happiness, even going as far as to help SQH capture his love, because he finally admitted that yes, MBJ is hot, and yes, i want him to be my bf.
That’s all for today, going to rest. I love time travel fix-it fics okay? I will read all of them if i can! (Bless any of you who write them, you’re doing the lords work).
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