#bad ending: sqh never gets up again
ineffabells · 1 month
hey, you know what's a fun thought?
what if one day, pre-ascension, Mobei-Jun was beating up Shang Qinghua as usual, but this time when he threw him, SQH hit his head on a jutting out piece of rock or wall in just the right place
and instead of crawling onto his knees and doing his over-the-top wailing and begging for mercy routine that MBJ had come to expect, SQH just lay still.
and a dark pool of blood, impossibly big and horrifyingly still pouring, spread from skull, on the floor aroud him, soaking through his sunny, ink-stained an-ding robes,
as Mobei watched, a cold horror settling over him. and SQH didn't get up.
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remi-harbinger · 2 months
AU where SY is super late gen z/early gen alpha instead of a millennial and SQH is a shut in millennial so they don't get each other's references.
SY is TIRED of playing the skibidi toilet fanum tax song on the guqin and hoping some other transmigrator would show up. He thought SQH would be another transmigrator but when he hinted at kai cenat and Donghua Jinlong glycine the other guy just told him gently that he may be feeling unwell adn should rest. He was mortified and is never going to show up within a 10 mile radius of SQH ever again, even if he burns down Cang Qiong.
SQH is Confused. The Villain just walked up to him and said in the coldest tone ever "Shang-shixiong. What are your thoughts on the recent Kai Cenat action regarding Donghua Jinlong Glycine factory?" SQH brushes it off in the end as some random bad/weird ideas he scribbled down when planning PIDW.
They only realise each other's true identities a year later when SQH overhears SY mumbling to himself about how LBH is just a small bun
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ghostclowning · 1 year
another day of zhushen agenda BUT it's ZZL being unreasonably hot when SQQ least expects him to. Like when he's talking to SQQ politely and calmly, then some demon tries to approach them and he gives them such a death glare that the poor thing perishes immediately regardless of its intentions. Then he turns back to SQQ and he's now absolutely normal. But SQQ isn't normal at all. He's never been hornier in his life. Gentle ZZL is cool but /srs ZZL???maybe even mad ZZL?? Fuck yes. Although perhaps he's feeling so safe thinking about such things only bc he knows for sure his husband won't ever intentionally hurt him. He really wants to hear ZZL call him a "bad boy" now though, whew.
And SQQ also likes to randomly touch ZZL muscles(if it doesn't distract him, of course...but sometimes even if it distracts him. After all, so far he never objected). Pure amazement. He wonders if ZZL could beat LQG if they had no swords(of course he wouldn't let these two fight, this sure would end up traumatic for both...but just for the sake of mental experiment? It's never wrong to imagine hot men in blood-). And he also thinks how he can do whatever with ZZL only bc ZZL chooses to allow him. Like "I braid his hair but he could easily braid my limbs! Sheesh!" But ZZL is just ready to tolerate any shit he does, even when he goes drinking with SQH(it never ends well)(ZZL gives him the /srs stare afterwards which SQQ a little bit enjoys ... secretly....).
[The truth is, he probably considers literally anything still better than standing lines for lewd fanfics]
Sometimes SQQ purposely tries to tease ZZL, but it often leads to an outcome he didn't expect, even if at first things go smoothly...He once tried to make his snake husband a little jealous, joke-flirting with soemone, but ZZL was just keeping silent, although he clearly was upset. Once they were left alone, he said he thought what he and master Shen had was just between them. SQQ was just heartbroken cuz his boy seemed so sad about it<3 He tries to reassure ZZL he was just fucking around but then ZZL pins him to the wall, grabs both his hands, immobilizing him with ease, his glance calm as ever but unusually stern.
"Master Shen has spoken enough today. But I see that I don't satisfy master Shen enough."
"Not at all, Xizhi-lang..."
"I have a name."
"...Ah? Sorry, Zhuzhi-lang...You really satisfy me! I was just being silly..."
"No need to pretend now. I understand," Zhuzhi-lang leans in and shuts him up with a kiss. Oh no. Practice shows that his 'understanding' of things is often different from normal... "If so, I'm afraid I have to fix my mistakes."
His firm tone makes SQQ feel things. God damn it, maybe he actually doesn't mind whatever is going to happen now. Although it wouldn't be so sweet if ZZL gave him a dose of blood parasites to control him. Yeah that would be less hot.
"I will make love to you all night. For every sound that you make, I will keep going."
SQQ had no idea how vocal he was in bed until now, and he cursed this trait of his now, because he also had no idea how long demons can go on. ZZL only let him go when he started literally begging for mercy. This really was enjoyable until SQQ got completely exhausted, and when he realized ZZL still stops when he asks properly, he thought that he certainly will do this again... sometime. When he's able to walk again, probably. Maybe.
SQQ also grew used to the snakes, even the demonic ones. When ZZL is not home, he talks to them instead. Keeps a little bowl of water for them even. Unexpectedly, him befriending the snakes actually helped to get them out of his bed... When ZZL saw how friendly he got with them, he gave him a strange look, but he hasn't found a single snake in his bed or in his clothes since. They still were everywhere else around the house, but, apparently, have learned that some things are not to be touched. They still touch master Shen himself though, but they, apparently, also were taught not to do so if master Shen minds...and this man once said he can't do anything about his snakes, huh?
And also SQQ collected a piece of snake skin ZZL shed. When ZZL found out, he was a little...repulsed. "Why would one collect something that came off their body? You don't collect fallen off hair..."
"But it's not hair! It's a piece of snake skin. It looked cool."
"...Should I start collecting master Shen's dead skin..."
"...uhm, alright, alright, you have a point. Please don't-"
"If master Shen likes such things, I could-"
"Please don't"
SQQ had no doubt ZZL could make all the snakes shed right in their house, and he clearly didn't need that. Did SQQ get rid of that one piece of snake skin though? Absolutely not.
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goamu-blog · 8 months
The most hated ship in the svsss fandom is that between Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe, otherwise known as BingJiu or B9. BingJiu is my most favorite ship and the one that makes sense to me, my otp. And I will tell why. I ship SJ with LBH (and its unusual for me to only ship two characters with each other and no one else, guess thats how strongly I feel about them) because to me, they are best suited for each other.
First off, don't think SJ ever actually hated LBH or wanted him dead. It was always described as envy. We know SJ has deep self-hatred and carried his resentment for all his pain throughout his life and that SJ and LBH had similar backgrounds. But LBH had a mother and was at a good age to start cultivating. LBH had a similar past as SJ, but he had an opportunity to get everything SJ wanted. While SJ opportunity was wasted.
LBH reminded SJ of his past and his wasted opportunity. LBH was like looking into a mirror to SJ, and with SJ self hatred and resentment, he lashed out on LBH. It wasn't LBH that SJ hated but the reminder of his past and wasted potential. Don't think SJ really blamed LBH for how things turned out for SJ.
SJ is self-aware of how he treated LBH. He never deny, justify it or make excuses. He owns up to his actions and accepts the consequences. SJ knows that it's his fault things turned out the way that it did. Even the death of YQY is an extension of his(SJ) actions.
LBH turned out the way he did because of SJ, and SJ knows it and accepts the consequences. So I don't think SJ blamed LBH for everything that happened. It haunts me that SQH said the story was basicly reverted back to his original draft, with SJ and LBH getting a happy ending together.
Its so tragic because SJ just wanted to matter to one person and have them be by his side, and LBH was so ready to be that person, but by the time they met it was too late. SJ was too bitter and resentful, and LBH wasn't in a position to prove to SJ that he could be that person.
LBH would do whatever it takes to genuinely be with SJ, LBH wants a genuine relationship with SJ. And giving the chance, they could work out. Because again, SJ is self-aware to know that he is at fault for how things turned out, and he is likely exhausted and would want everything to stop.
SJ would be very suspicious at first, but given time and proper development, they could have a chance at happiness together. They are in a wrong place, wrong time, right person situation. If SJ was less resentful and let LBH in, they could have filled each other's voids like no one else.
If SJ and LBH were given a proper chance for healing, understanding, and reconciliation, they could have a wonderful relationship. Doubt SJ/LBH liked how theirs lives turned out, so if there is a chance to change it, they would take it.
Why I think they would be best suited for each other out of anyone else. They would have an understanding because of their similar past. They know how it feels to be unwanted and alone. Their innate personalities are inherently compatible and are the best match for each other.
Their morality are similar. LBH would be fine with all of SJ sides, both the good and the more conniving sides, and SJ would be fine with LBH darker sides. Having similar morality, they could understand and accept each other wholly, and not just tolerate but disapprove of same of their personality traits.
Their loyalty is also similar, in that when they think a person is worth their loyalty, they will go through great lengths for them. They also remember every good and bad deed done to them and repay it.
In a relationship, they could be frank and honest with each other if one of them reaches out. They can be playful with SJ sarcasm and LBH not backing down from a challenge. SJ would also not back down from LBH and match him. SJ needs someone who would never let him go and constantly show him that he is wanted and cared for, LBH is perfect for that.
SJ would also need a challenging person to match him and stand up to him. LBH needs someone who can match his devotion and be frank and honest with him, SJ is perfect for that.
They would have a very reciprocating and well-balanced relationship. Feels like if they work on and get comfortable in a relationship with each other, they would be able to honestly (sometimes brutally honest) and openly talk. Because neither of them are one to hold back opinions/feelings. They could have a very fun, passionate, devoted, and reciprocating relationship together.
They would both take initiative in that relationship. They can work and be serious when needed and be fine with more devious actions. They can also be casual, playful, and challenge each other together.
Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe just need to be given a proper chance to heal, reconcile, and understand each other. It would be very difficult and requires a lot of effort from them both, but that makes BingJiu so compelling. That despite everything, if they have a chance, they could overcome their past, have a better life, and find happiness with each other.
If BingJiu is given the chance they could have a beautiful relationship.
And if you want to read a fic that encapsulates what I talked about, read
How to Train Your Shen Qingqiu by tenmei_kj on ao3
It feels like a continuation of the books and the closest thing to closure for Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe. It gives them everything they deserve.
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Kinktober 2021: Breeding (18+)]
MoShang | Scum Villain Self-Saving system 08-10-2021
Day 8: [Breeding] / B̷o̷d̷y̷ ̷M̷o̷d̷i̷f̷i̷c̷a̷t̷i̷o̷n̷ / S̷e̷n̷s̷o̷r̷y̷ ̷D̷e̷p̷r̷i̷v̷a̷t̷i̷o̷n̷
Shang Qinghua stumbles on a wife plot who temporarily changes his body to make him able to have children. They end up taking good advantage of that curse.
Shang Qinghua had lost count of how many times he had gone to his cucumber bro for some help with the plot he forgot about himself. The man was truly a walking encyclopaedia. It was often not too bad, but then there were days like today, when he was feeling hot all over and his lower region was feeling really strange. He had somewhat guessed it would be a wife plot:
anything to make the wife fuck with Luo Binghe was a wife plot. But of course, now they were stuck with those because the novel story had totally changed.
"I was following my king on a hunt when I saw those nice flowers, So I got closer, wondering if I could remember what they were, I assumed it was safe since I didn’t remember a flower looking like that being poisonous, but then when I tried touching it, I pricked myself on a spike I didn’t see” sqh had been explaining, laying down on a cushion as sqq drank some tea. “I didn’t feel anything at the moment, but then yesterday I started feeling weird all over the place and didn’t want to worry my King about it since he already has so much work to do”.
Sqq wanted to sigh at some of the detail not being useful. “I cannot really help if I do not know what that flower looks like” he points out.
“The petal was similar to those of a lily, but there was easily more than a dozen of them, there were a dark blue with blue-white-ish dotes going up the middle of the petals.
The stamens were rather long and pale and the thingy on top was kinda shaped like a heart now that I thinks of it”.
“Did it have a lot of leaf at the bottom which hides most of the spikes?” sqq asked, only for sqh to nod. His fellow transmigrator sighed heavily, “You fell into a wife plot again, you created that flower for wife #539 who was unable to get pregnant and so she tried using that flower to be able to have a child” sqq mentioned.
“But I should be safe right?” sqh asked, not remembering that. 
“You wrote that it was so great that even man could get pregnant when under its effect, which by the way last easily for a week”.
And this is how he now was in his room (which had been a while since the last time, he kind of unofficially moved into Mobei-jun room), robes loose around him as he was trying to relieve himself from the heat.
What should he do now? He couldn't exactly hide from his King for /minimum/of a week. He didn't want to look like some of these demons that had done it on purpose in the past to try and lure mbj and somewhat trap him with a child (and he knew it could happen because he wrote a couple of plots like this!).
Plus he never heard anything that could tell him mbj was actually interested in having children. Sure he would most likely need an heir one day, but as of now mbj never showed any interest.
Sqh was truly unsure of what he should do now, other than try and relieve himself from the heat and arousal that came with his situation. Plus he could discover just how exactly this curse was affecting him as it did create physical changes he didn't notice before.
His king should be busy all day so he should be able to figure something out before he came back to their shared room to see he was not there.
But as he was thinking this he was surprised by the sound of a portal opening next to his bed, mbj stepping out. Sqh took a moment to react properly, pulling the blanket around him to hide his near-nudity and in just what kind of state he truly was.
“M-my King! What brings you here? I thought you would be busy all day” he called out, blushing even more than he already was before.
“a servant told me you looked unwell” he answered as he walked closer to the bed, clearly sniffing at the air. “and told me you smell strangely very sweet".
Sqh wasn't sure what to think of that. Had he added such a thing? For demons to be able to smell when another was ready to conceive? He then saw his pupils dilate, as if mbj had finally understood, looking a bit shocked, suddenly grabbing the blanket. He wasn't quick enough to pull it back, instead feeling himself being pulled closer to mbj.
He didn't really resist at the hands pulling his legs apart, the demon confirming for himself as sqh was hiding in his hand.
His slightly altered anatomy was now on full display for mbj who looked very interested. “this servant is sorry for the inconvenient” sqh managed to say, nearly letting out a squeak as he felt his finger tease against his already wet pussy.
“I-I am sorry for the inconvenience I will try to find a way to deal with this!” sqh quickly said, unsure if mbj would think this was troublesome to deal with.
“Sect Leader Shen said it would easily take at least a week to die down and I do not want to be a burden for my King so I decided to come here t-”.
The peak lord’s rambling was cut off by passionate lips meeting his, feeling himself being pushed down into the mattress, mbj climbing over him as robes were being undone. It took a moment to realise mbj was actually making a move /while he just learned/ he could get pregnant.
“Wait wait, my King, right now might not be the right time” he tried to say. Wondering where this sudden burst of arousal in his husband came from. Was it contagious?
The kissing and sucking on his neck stopped as the demon looked back at him. “Is sqh against the idea of having a child?” mbj asked, studying his reaction greatly.
To this sqh wasn’t sure what to say. He had obviously never expected to be asked, especially not since neither of them was supposed to be able to bear a child. Sqh never thought about having any in his life, but he wasn’t against the idea.
“W-well no” he started, looking a bit to the side, “I simply thought my King was not interested in having any since he never talked about it before and ignore anyone who inquired about your plan to have an heir” he explained.
“I didn’t want children with anyone else than sqh” mbj replied, making the man blush at that declaration. He had not expected the reason to be because mbj wanted this kid to be theirs, not from someone else. It had probably been ruled out since neither of them was supposed to be able to do that.
A hand was gently rubbing his tights before he was pulled closer to, mbj settling between his legs, cock already hard and now resting against him. He moved his hips a bit, causing something sqh to feel rather new things.
“But if sqh is against bearing our child I will understand, “ mbj said.
Maybe it was because of the effect of the flower, but the way he was talking about /their/ child made something in him warm. He wasn't against that, it was actually reassuring in a way, mbj wouldn't need to find someone else for an heir.
“Yes I want to!” he says. Sure, it’s scary to think that he’ll have a growing being in him and is also unsure what will happen once he gives birth (if nothing goes badly...).
Sqh was waiting for mbj to get to it immediately but instead felt fingers entering where he had already been fingering himself. He may have never led with a lady before, but he was pretty sure that he would be alright, yet there wasn’t really much to convince mbj of that. Maybe telling him he needed it usually was the reason.
But the moment mbj deemed him ready enough there was probably nothing to stop him. He was fucking into his husband, still making sure he seemed alright, but never really stopping since it seemed all right.
Sqh was rather surprised by the rather different feeling of that pussy, moaning even more when mbj decided to see what teasing his cock would do.
After one round sqh was already a bit tired, especially since he had been pleasuring himself for a while before. Yet mbj was not done, large hands still on his hips, cock never leaving its warm embrace as he went back to being hard.
Sure, he was now used to Demon apparently having endless stamina in bed, but it was probably some of the first time that mbj could get back at it so quickly. Maybe the effect of the flower was wearing off on his husband too.
Sqh felt like they would pass the whole evening and night at it, mbj clearly set on breeding him until he was sure he would get pregnant. Good thing mbj had energy for two people since at some point sqh became tired and unable to do much himself.
It had started with him laying on his back, like this he could get all the kisses he wanted, then he tried riding his husband to not have him do all the work, enjoying the way mbj would look at him bounce up and down to milk him.
Then he ended up being flipped over so he was laying face down and ass up for better access, mbj more than happy to keep fucking into him like this. They had one important mission and he would take it seriously.
It was fun and all riding and having sex with his King with this new pussy, but he was but a mere human, nothing that could compare to mbj stamina. At some point he was happy to simply let mbj fuck his semen into him, his brain already feeling mushy from all the pleasure and orgasm he just had. He was pretty sure he had never been fuck this much before.
He ended up so full he was pretty sure no more could fit into him, even feeling some of the cum dripping out of him when mbj finally came out of him, laying down beside him and hugging him close.  “My King is doing a great job” sqh laughed slightly, feeling exhausted.
He felt mbj humming against the top of his head. “We need to do more to make sure it works”. 
Sqh was already exhausted at the idea but smiled softly at that. He wouldn’t mind being exhausted now if it meant having a child with mbj.
(well this was like really 30% smut isdjvudb guess I can only write p0rn with plot)
Original - AO3
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vodkassassin · 2 years
Hi! I really like death of the author for how it makes sqh like Kassandra the Oracle who was never believed, and the scene in til the fields where cucumber meets airplane; they both see how each other has grown and stayed the same. I have others probably I'll send an ask later - Wren
Aw, it’s Wren! Thank you I love getting asks from you ❤️❤️
Till the Fields - a cucumberplane Hades and Persephone AU
Apollo leans away from his sister’s nudge — they’re never really nudges, more like full blown punches, and they hurt. It’s best to avoid them if possible. Artemis may be a hunter but with other people she can never judge her own strength quite right.
“Apollo! Seriously, pay attention!”
He ducks under a head thwack and narrows his eyes at her. “What am I paying attention to?”
His sister presses her lips together and peers back at him, eyes squinting hard.
“Hades is here!”
Apollo blinks, and then raises a brow.
“I mean, I sure hope he is? It is a solstice meeting where all the gods must make an appearance. He’s usually attending those, seeing as how he’s a god.”
“Ugh.” Artemis slaps a hand to her own face in exasperation, and then winces. See, she just can’t judge it.
“Moron, did you forget?”
“What am I remembering, now?”
“Umm.” Artemis glances around at their many relatives and relatives affiliate gods that surround them in the grand temple room of Olympus, looking incredibly suspicious as she does so.
Sensing something juicy, Apollo leans in toward her and whispers. “What are we hiding?”
Artemis glowers at him, hissing. “Our. Cousin. You idiot, did you forget?”
“What? We have a lot of cousins, Art, you’ll have to be more specifi—” Apollo’s eyes go wide. “Oh! Ohhhh. Right. Right. Our cou— them! Ahem. Yes.”
Artemis stares at him. Her jaw works in a furious way, no words coming out, and Apollo shrinks away and lowers his head.
“Ahem… Yes. That.”
“You’re horrible.” She says, looking stunned in a very false way.
She’s his sister, she knows him. Worse, she’s very much like him!
The twins have been keeping their knowledge on the whereabouts of the missing godling, their cousin Kore, a secret for several months now, and each and every day has been a new kind of torture.
Because the twins of the heavenly bodies of the sky are not good at keeping secrets. No, in fact, they’re terrible at it.
It’s a wonder — no, a miracle — that they’ve been able to keep their promise thus far.
But, today —
Artemis perks up, and she quickly and furiously ‘nudges’ Apollo again in the ribs, and this time the hit makes it’s mark. Apollo doubles over, spluttering, in pain, and his sister’s hand smacks repeatedly at his back like she’s trying to help him catch his breath.
“Stop, stop,” he gasps, coughing.” Art, stooop—”
“Look!” Artemis whisper-yells, slapping his back again and again. “Look, look, look!”
Apollo struggles to raise his head under the onslaught of attacks, but he manages to look up just in time to see their lord uncle make his actual entrance into the hall.
With a pretty little thing on his arm, a crown of shadows on their head that contrasts beautifully against their bronze-gleaming hair.
Apollo’s jaw drops.
“Damn.” He says.
Artemis’ slaps have ceasefired, so he leans back in toward his sister and hisses. “Is that—?”
“That’s them!” Artemis hisses back, excitedly. “Apollo, that’s..! Ho, ho~! You know what this means, twin of mine?”
Apollo stares at the duo, whose entrance has garnered the attention of the entire temple. The reactions seems torn, many eyes staring in appreciation of what a pretty picture this couple makes, and many more in shock and surprise, because —
Because Hades has always been a perfectly polite person, even to his own siblings who have publicly done quite enough to put them on the god of the dead’s bad side. But Hades had never disparaged them for anything. Alongside that, though, is the fact that Hades had never opened himself up to his family, either — or to anyone. He’s kind and polite and just a nice guy, but in the end he can turn around and walk away and you’ll be left wondering if you’d even spoken much to him at all.
Hades, in the end, is a solitary existence.
Except for today.
Today, Hades walks in, a content smile on his face that for once looks more than the polite mask it has always been, and holding onto his arm is their cousin, Kore, who the twins had helped run away to the Underworld earlier that year in a desperate bid for independence that they personally hadn’t really thought would achieve anything but maybe another war.
“What?” He asks, despite knowing the answer.
Artemis’ smile looks conniving. “Seems our dear cousin got a bit more than just independence when they journeyed down under. If you know what I mean.”
“Oh, I do.” Apollo says, eyebrows raised high. “Certainly looks like a happy ending after all.”
“War doesn’t seem off the table yet, though, brother dear.” His sister says slowly, and Apollo turns his head to follow her gaze.
When he sees a furious goddess of the harvest, red faced and eyes gleaming with promise of pain and paypack, stomping her way across the temple room to the couple currently under everyone’s attention, Apollo cringes.
Oh, this solstice council will be interesting indeed.
Read Till the Fields here
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cometchasr · 1 year
this is from u/nugssssssssssssssss on reddit:
to start with tnp, there is nothing in it that points to or would end up as abuse or manipulation. it was all friendly banter and petty disputes over small things that would amount to nothing. aka 90% of apprentice fights. all except one thing at the beginning where squilp blackmails bramble into letting her go with him on the starclan given journey. this isn't stormfur to feathertail where they're inseparable siblings, but one bratty apprentice that follows around a young warrior that has lots of mental trauma from his bastard father being gutted right in front of him to him growing up in a clan that he had to work twice as hard to get respect in.
PoT is second and the only thing here is the end. sunrise pg 307 "Why?" "I had to! She's my sister!" "And you couldn't trust me?" The words echoed. "And you couldn't trust me, don't you think I would have helped you, if you told me the truth? But it's too late now." he was rightfully pissed off here, as a lie that big and important to a family/relationship is.
OotS just has a few parts, that are all just Brambles walking away from squilf when she tries to do anything with him, or him treating her as if the only past she had with him was the journey, as he was still recovering from being betrayed like that. The Last Hope pg 328 where he chooses her a deputy proves he has forgiven her, though he will forever be hurt by it. "Squirrelflight." "Really?" "There is no cat I trust more."
In sqh i admit he's no angel, as with squilf. but most of the parts are understandable from his pov, and the readers. She brings up kits a couple times after he said no because running a clan is hard enough, and he doesn't want kits clouding his decisions as that would heavily sway them, and he wants best for the clan. Squilf also multiple times undermines him, when a deputy is supposed to still be under their leader, and not in charge of everything. He loves squilf but sometimes even questions that, which is unnecessary as he should know he loves her very much, and vice versa. some points from this are pg 382 "Why am I here? Am I going to die?" Bramblestar's scent still lingered on her tongue. "I want to go back!"
This shows that she still loves him and (obviously) she wants to go back to him and the rest of Thunderclan. pg 383 "I don't care what happens. I need to go back and make things right with my clan, and Bramblestar. My kits are there."
pg 385 "Tell Dandelionkit and Juniperkit that I'll be back, and when Bramblestar comes we'll be a family." pg 391 "Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry for anything. I was so worried. I love you so much. We should have never let things get so bad. I'll never let it happen again." and on the final page, 416, "I'm glad we're not arguing anymore."
"So am I. I don't know what I would've done if you'd died. I don't think I could've gone on without you."
"Of course you could have. Your clan needs you. I know you would never let them down."
"I'm only strong because of you. Promise me we'll never argue like that again. That we'll always talk things out before they get too bad."
"You have to trust me, you must always know that you and Thunderclan are the most important things to me. I would never let you down." (Rick Astley fades in from the background)
"I know, and I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Ever since you were an apprentice you've challenged me. And it's always made me stronger. You've helped me see things in a different way."
they made up, all is well. presumably in the few moons separating sqh and TBC their relationship became even better to when they first were mates. don't feel like i need to mention this but there's no way in hell i'm counting impostor as brambles, primarily because… well... it isn't
You know the very thing I hate about this community is how much it chucks around the word abusive. As someone who is close to a lot of people who have been through/are going through abusive relationships. It's pretty sickening that it's now used as a buzzword/weapon against ships they don't like. Now it feels like it means "these couples disagreed at some point and argued. Therefore abusive." Which is dangerous. Squirrel and Bramble are just that. A couple who have gone through a... lot of rough patches. But to call Brambleclaw abusive is fucking insane. Brambleclaw doesn't isolate Squirrel from her friends. He doesn't hit her. He respects her boundaries Just because they argue doesn't make him abusive. And I'll be honest, after all Bramble has gone through. (Basfard father, intimacy issues, most of the cats he was close to turned on him, or died, his kits didn't turn out to be his, one of them died, the kits that WERE his half of them died.) I think he has a bit of a right to be like. "Uhh, no I'm not having more kits." And honestly if the roles were shifted, squirrelflight being asked by Brambleclaw to have kits. They still would've called Bramble abusive for trying to pressure her into it. Like holy shit this community sometimes.
Millie yelled at blossomfall one time for doing something stupid and risking her life? Why that's abuse and makes her a terrible mother of course! Squilfpaw blackmails bramble? Why that's perfectly fine! Probably Bramble’s fault!
‘People who claim “squirrelflight’s hope didn’t happen” or “it’s not abuse”, are just finding excuses.’
First off yes I’d like to believe SqH didn’t happen though I know it did. I’m not “just finding excuses” by believing that it isn’t abuse. I legitimately believe that it isn’t abuse at all.
‘It’s clear as day he uses mental abuse in this super edition. Bringing up the kits argument time and time again just to make her upset when things aren’t going his way, claiming she doesn’t love him just to make sure she follows him to show she does love him, claiming she has to follow his every step if she wants to be a good mate/deputy and basically can’t have any opinion of her own.’
He brings up the kits part when she brings it up, and once or twice more. It isn’t anything big. She brings it up twice, in the heat of arguments at that. He is genuinely thinking in these times that she may not love him, although we all know and even deep inside he knows that isn’t trie. It’s a lot of weight in his shoulders being leader, and a deputy that denies every order outright may worsen it. He never says anything about “claiming she has to follow his every step if she wants to be a good mate/deputy” although a deputy is not above a leader, so the deputy does have to follow the leader still. Sure it’s sometimes better to go against the leaders words in dire or important situations, but squilf does it at basically every right and left. He obviously allows her to have an opinion.
‘Dismissing her feelings time and time again, etc. This, this is clearly abuse. You don’t have to had this happen to you to notice that. If the victim feels like she could die and her hesband wouldn’t care, than you must know there’s something wrong right? Like how many times didn’t Squirrel think that if she died, Bramble would just forget about her and take a new mate? This is not a healthy relationship at this point.’
He never dismisses her feelings, just doesn’t fully take them into account. He has to still have at least a portion of the populations support with things, or else it would be another Rowanstar. I have been through abuse my whole life, from emotional, mental, and even sexual abuse for a short period. I have been through it all and nothing of the sort comes up here. Once again like Bramble earlier, if she died, he would care. He even stated that he wouldn’t know if he would be able to go on being leader without her. He would never forget her and never take a new mate. I don’t know where on earth you got that from. Sure it’s not a perfect relationship in SqH, anyone can see that, but it’s definitely a realistic one. It is one of if not the most relatable and realistic relationships in the series.
There are many things that people don’t take into account like actuality, logic, (brambles) emotions, stress, etc.
Sure there are abusive tendencies on both sides but tendencies don’t always mean that they’re going to be/are ~~~. Example: Not every kid that hurts animals and likes fires are going to be a serial killer. It’s a very slim chance still, and many grow through what they do and regret it later on. At the end of SqH they made up, and as much as we know have had no problems since, well, between the two of them. cough Ashfur Possession cough
0 notes
tossawary · 3 years
wait can we hear more about da ge mbj au I'm very interested
MBJ getting abandoned as a child makes me enjoy imagining him being soft for babies, especially demon babies. Which made me want to see SQH put into a situation with a lost demon child and MBJ getting to see that. 
Which ended in 3,000 words of canon divergence fic.
The situation was bad. 
 Airplane’s fellow An Ding disciples were dead. 
 There was a young demon lord unconscious in front of him, probably dying, and Airplane couldn’t bring himself to bring down the rock in his hand. 
 His hand was shaking. He couldn’t make it stop. 
 This System really didn’t give a fuck about the author’s wishes, huh? Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky had been shoved into one of the worst character roles in Proud Immortal Demon Way and left to take the long way around to the plot. Now he was being told that his favorite character was expendable? Irrelevant? Talk about insult to injury! Nothing was sacred here, was it? 
 Airplane put down the rock. 
 Then he picked up the rock again. 
 He looked at it. 
 Then he hurled the rock away and put his head in his hands instead. 
 He came to a decision - a shitty decision for a shitty situation - and got to work saving his future murderer’s life. At least he would know some of what to expect if he kept the storyline mostly the same! Besides, his life wasn’t good enough to be that concerned about it! Maybe the System would put him into a decent role next time! 
 Maybe it was empathy at seeing someone being fucked over by the System! 
 Airplane did his best to slow down Mobei-Jun’s bleeding and loaded the man into the cart. He also did his best to ignore all the dead bodies around them. Gross. 
 That should have been that! He should have then been on his way to continue making a really bad decision in a really bad situation. But as Airplane moved to leave the scene of a massacre behind him, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He startled, snapping around, prepared to defend himself physically or verbally! 
 Instead, he saw a baby. 
 Ah, well, not a baby baby! But a child somewhere between the ages of three and four years old! A chubby one too! The chubby child was crouched halfway behind a tree, looking at Airplane with wide eyes, little hands clawing anxiously into the grass. It was impossible to miss their little pointed ears and the blue mark in the middle of their forehead. How could anyone miss that kind of family resemblance? 
 The demon child froze upon being noticed. 
 Airplane looked between the demon child and the young demon lord in the card, but the similarities only got stronger the longer he looked! 
 Holy shit! 
 But he didn’t remember Mobei-Jun having a child! He remembered Mobei-Jun having siblings, sure, but he was pretty sure that... he’d alluded to Mobei-Jun’s uncle doing away with most of them. Did that mean that this child was supposed to… die? 
 This situation had gotten even worse. 
 Leaving a child here to die was… pretty bad. Airplane had done some not very good things to make it in this world and in his sect without losing any sleep over it at all, but the idea of leaving this child to die made Airplane want to be sick! At least, as soon as he realized that if Mobei-Jun had been protecting this demon child and woke up to find this demon child missing, then Airplane would be really, truly, totally fucked no matter how tightly he hugged the man’s thighs! 
 It looked like the demon child had to come too. 
 How the fuck did a person go about catching a demon child?! 
 “Is… this your gege?” Airplane tried carefully. “Is this your gege here?” 
 The demon child didn’t respond. 
 Airplane gestured at Mobei-Jun repeatedly, unsure how to get the message across. “Is this your gege?” he said, louder. “Baba? ...No? Not Baba? Da-Ge? Are you his didi?” 
 That got a blink. 
 “Didi?” Airplane repeated, desperately. “Come here, Didi.” 
 Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky hadn’t handled children since his last life. He’d been one of the younger siblings in Shang Qinghua’s family, so he hadn’t been involved in any of the child-rearing before leaving. But Airplane’s experience wasn’t very good! Some forced babysitting of his father’s do-over children and his mother’s stepchildren’s children didn’t make him an expert! And this was a demon baby! 
 “Didi, your gege needs you,” Airplane wheedled. “Come here! Come on!” 
 Slowly, the demon child began to crawl over towards the cart. 
 “Your gege is hurt and needs help,” Airplane said, in most most soothing and also urgent voice. It was a weird balance! “Come on! Come along! Didi, your gege needs help. He’s hurt. Come here, please, that’s it! That’s right! Good job! You’re doing such a good job coming up here for your gege! We need to get your gege somewhere safe!” 
 The demon child made it to the cart, trying to stay on the far side of it and away from Airplane. Airplane tried not to make himself look too threatening. He also tried not to contemplate his apparent natural talent for kidnapping children, which probably wasn’t something to make a person feel proud. 
 “Didi, can I pick you up? Didi, can I lift you up next to your gege?” 
 Reluctantly, the demon child lifted his chubby arms and let Airplane slowly approach him. Airplane carefully put his hands under their armpits and then hefted them into the cart beside Mobei-Jun. The demon child nearly kicked him in the gut, struggling to get to the unconscious and injured ice demon! 
 “Ah, be careful of the injury-!” Airplane said, trying to move the child back. “OW!” 
 The demon child bit him. 
 Airplane yanked his poor hand back. “You little fucker! Ah, fine! Curl up in your gege’s blood and see if I care,” he muttered. “Let’s just get out of here already.” 
 The demon child curled up against Mobei-Jun’s side and Shang Qinghua got back into the driver’s seat of the cart. Trying to channel his spiritual energy for healing purposes while focusing on driving was hard. Even if he could have managed it properly, he still would have been stuck with an aching hand as it healed, which didn’t make him feel very charitable towards the demons in the back seat. 
 Ungrateful! The both of them! 
 When they finally got to a decent hiding place, unloading Mobei-Jun was nothing less than a pain in the ass. Airplane was forced to negotiate with a two-foot tyrant with needle-sharp teeth who didn’t want to move and didn’t want Airplane to touch his gege. Airplane was forced to wheedle like never before. 
 “Your gege is hurt, but I can help him,” Airplane insisted soothingly. “See that place? It’s safe in there! Don’t you want your gege to be somewhere nice and safe, where no one can see him and I can heal him? Look at that hiding spot! It’s a good hiding spot. We all need to go into the hiding spot now. We’re all going into the hiding spot. Come on, Didi, help me get your gege into the nice, safe hiding spot. Come on now. Be good.” 
 The demon child bared his teeth as Airplane helped him down from the cart, but thankfully didn’t bite again. The demon child then hugged Airplane’s shins very unhelpfully as Airplane hefted Mobei-Jun into his arms. 
 Airplane was forced to shuffle. 
 He never thought he’d be so grateful for all the carrying that An Ding Peak forced its disciples to do! Sometimes, carrying things around was all Airplane did all day long and now it was paying off! Airplane wasn’t as strong as some of his peers, sure, but he still managed to carry a giant ice demon into the “hiding spot” with a little ice demon attached to his leg. He counted himself grateful there was only one Mobei-Jun to deliver inside, because he couldn’t have handled more. 
 Once inside, the demon child curled up against Mobei-Jun’s side again. Airplane took the opportunity to look after the cart’s beast of burden and unload the supplies from the cart, searching desperately for the medical supplies their mission had been allotted. When he finally found the medicine, returning triumphantly, the demon child was ungratefully unenthusiastic about Airplane’s careful approach. 
 “Ah, Didi, don’t growl at me! See, look! Look! It’s medicine! Medicine for your gege to stop the bleeding and... make sure his organs go back on the inside. Eugh. Ah, anyway, I’m helping. It’s okay because I’m helping. See, look, I’m helping. It’s okay.” 
 Airplane managed to get pretty far before the demon child couldn’t take it anymore and tried to bite him again. Airplane shrieked, but managed to wrestle the demon child off him, and ended up grabbing some of the food supplies as a desperate distraction. 
 “Bite this! Bite this! Didi, look, it’s food! Food for Didi!” 
 The demon child growled, but putting the food directly in front of his face caught his attention. The demon child’s eyes narrowed in on the food in a super predatory way that was unseen in human babies. Airplane gladly made the sacrifice. He threw the food to the demon child, who scrambled to catch it, gave it a sniff, and then started to hesitantly nibble on it before taking bigger bites. 
 “See? Don’t bite your Shang-Gege and he’ll give you food instead,” Airplane muttered, quickly turning his attention to the bigger demon. “You stay there and chew that and let me help your gege. I’m helping. I’m helping. I’m helping. Shang-Gege is helping Didi’s gege. Everything is good. Everything is okay. There’s no need for biting.” 
 Airplane didn’t really know how much the demon child understood of what he was saying. The demon child looked more than old enough to understand basic speech. He at least understood “stay”, Airplane decided, by sitting off to the side and anxiously chewing through dried food supplies while Airplane worked rearranging Mobei-Jun’s guts and then bandaging up the blood mess. 
 Maybe it helped to see that Airplane had no intention of eating the unconscious and vulnerable Mobei-Jun or something. He was pretty sure that was a demon thing. 
 He couldn’t bring himself to think about what he was doing! 
 If he thought about his actions here, he was going to throw up or something! 
 So long as he kept his hands moving here, he didn’t have to think about anything. He was just an An Ding Peak disciples hard at work betraying the sect. Yeah. 
 Eventually, Mobei-Jun was in as good a shape as Airplane could get him. The demon child - Didi, Airplane decided to call him - was curled up into a ball beside where Mobei-Jun was lying. Didi looked like he was forcing himself to stay alert. 
 “It’s all okay now,” Airplane said. “See? I helped. Shang-Gege helped your gege. Your Gege needs to sleep to get better and now you can sleep beside him.” 
 Airplane washed himself as best he could and tried to wash Didi a little, but the demon child was resistant and snapped at him. Airplane, expecting this now, successfully dodged the snap and wiped at Didi’s face. Trying to be nice was too much work! Airplane’s clean-up job ended up being pretty shitty. There was no doing anything about Mobei-Jun’s blood staining Didi’s clothes around the knee and elbow. 
 “Ah, fine, curl up in blood again, you little brat,” Airplane sighed. 
 Didi curled up against Mobei-Jun’s side again and, apparently, immediately fell asleep. 
 Airplane secured their hiding place as best he could, took stock of their pitiful amount of resources, and tried not to panic about what the fuck he was was going to do now. He was exhausted. Saving two ungrateful demons was hard work. He had no idea what was going to happen next. He was pretty sure he had just made the worst mistake of his life, but it was a little late to change things now. 
 Airplane found a good patch of floor to watch over the demons and let himself collapse. He was too tired to think anymore. There were too many things to think about. 
 He hoped that Mobei-Jun didn’t die. Demons were hardy and demon lords were even hardier, but the real world that had been made out of his shitty web-novel was really unpredictable sometimes. For all Airplane knew, Mobei-Jun was going to develop an infection and a fever. Maybe Mobei-Jun would die anyway and Airplane was going to be stuck with a bitey demon brat who hated him. 
 Airplane yawned. Keeping his eyes open was becoming really hard. Fuck. 
 Watching Didi’s back go up and down with his unconscious breaths was pretty mesmerizing. It was really tempting to sneak over there and pinch one of those chubby, chubby cheeks. Or those cute demon ears. But the demon child looked almost as tired as Airplane felt and probably bit in his sleep. 
 Airplane really didn’t want to think about what would have happened if he’d just taken off with Mobei-Jun, not knowing the demon child had been hiding nearby. That might have been the worst possible situation. Didi was dirty and exhausted now, sure, but he looked like one of those babies who should have been spoiled and happy all the time, and not mercilessly abandoned to the human world.  
 Airplane woke up with a hand around his throat, squeezing. 
 There was a dark shadow above him and an even darker feeling in the air. The hand at his throat felt freezing cold. The air was burning with hateful demonic energy that felt like acid on his skin. Airplane struggled, but it was all immoveable. 
 “Where is he?” the shadow snarled. 
 Airplane choked. 
 His shadowy attacker belatedly seemed to realize that Airplane couldn’t talk when he was being choked to death! The squeezing let up enough for Airplane to breathe again. His lungs felt like they were burning hot and cold! His throat felt crushed and ruined. 
 “What did you do with him?” the attacker demanded. 
 “The child! Where is the child?!” 
 Airplane realized here that he was looking into the face of his future murderer. It was hard to make out in the darkness when he was being choked! 
 Mobei-Jun looked wild. His eyes looked like lightning. 
 “The ch-child… ch- chi- is-” 
 Mobei-Jun snarled again with impatience. 
 Even though it definitely wasn’t Airplane’s fault he couldn’t talk coherently! 
 “H-here,” Airplane choked out. 
 Mobei-Jun’s grip tightened, but then the man froze. His head snapped to the side. 
 Airplane followed the demon lord’s gaze. 
 Through the darkness, if Airplane squinted, he could see a small figure crouched by the supplies. Didi was frozen, watching them, chubby cheeks stuffed with stolen food. 
 Oh, there weren’t words for what Airplane wanted to say to the brat! Sneaking around like this in the middle of the night! Nearly getting Airplane strangled for no reason! 
 Mobei-Jun released Airplane immediately and flew across the room to the demon child, who threw up his arms immediately. Mobei-Jun took his younger brother into his arms and then collapsed heavily to the floor. By the sound of it, he crushed some of their precious food supplies as he fell! But the man was too busy wrapping his arms around the demon child to care about things like that, letting Didi sob into his chest, glaring at Airplane over the demon child’s head. 
 Airplane kept his distance! He knew better than to get anywhere near that! 
 The silence was very heavy. 
 He was certain that Mobei-Jun had reopened his wounds, if they had managed to close at all! As time trickled by them, he could see red seeping down the man’s side. 
 “...There are more bandages,” Airplane said finally, hoarsely. 
 Mobei-Jun’s scowl deepened, his lip curling. 
 “Ah… if- if you want them.” 
 What an asshole! 
 Airplane stayed put and didn’t make any sudden moves. 
 His throat felt like shit, so he tried to heal it with his spiritual energy. It was hard to focus with the demon lord glaring at him like that, on the other side of the room, but he didn’t really have anything better to do. There were only so many names he could silently call this ungrateful young demon who’d attacked the bro who’d saved his life! 
 At least Mobei-Jun hadn’t bitten him too. 
 Time trickled by and by. Eventually, Mobei-Jun’s eyelids began to droop close. The man’s injury appeared to be pulling him back under, whether he liked it or not. 
 After Mobei-Jun’s eyes had closed without opening for a long time, Airplane finally risked moving again. Mobei-Jun didn’t wake up, but Didi’s eyes fixed on Airplane, which made Airplane fear being bitten as he carefully came closer. 
 “Ahhh, see? Your gege is fine. I’m just… just going to put him back to bed, alright? You- don’t get up… just stay there and don’t bite me. We’re putting gege back to bed.” 
 Airplane dragged Mobei-Jun back to where the man had been before, with Didi staying put on his elder brother’s chest. Airplane was sure that this couldn’t be good for the demon lord’s wounds! But clearly Mobei-Jun didn’t give a shit about his own health! 
 “Didi, can you get off gege’s chest? Keep hugging him, just slide off, please? Gege is hurt, remember? Gege is hurt and we need to help him. See, he’s bleeding. Please let your Shang-Gege help again and don’t bite me. Everyone is fine. Everyone is happy. Everyone is getting along just fine and helping and healing. There’s no need to bite your Shang-Gege who is only helping, okay?” 
 Didi was more cooperative this time, sliding off Mobei-Jun chest to hug his less-injured side, while Airplane poked at the demon lord’s bleeding. The injuries looked… a lot better than Airplane would have expected them to. This healing rate was nothing short of astounding. Was this the power of an OP demon lord? How unfair! 
 Airplane did his best fixing the man up again. 
 He should have just let the man rot! 
 Mobei-Jun had just tried to kill him again! He would totally deserve it! 
 But there was a demon child carefully watching and Airplane didn’t want to end up with custody if his future murderer died here after all. What would he do with a demon child? Take them back to the sect?! His master would love that, he’s sure! 
 “Ah, looks like he’s getting lots better,” Airplane told Didi hoarsely, rubbing at his poor throat. “You’re doing a good job looking after him. Good job helping your gege. Keep helping his sleep, okay? Stay right there and don’t go sneaking off again, okay? Please don’t go sneaking off again, your Shang-Gege won’t be able to take it.” 
 Didi just blinked at him. 
 “Good job,” Airplane said. “Good job. Shang-Gege is… going to make sure that everything is okay outside. You stay here and protect your gege. Good job.” 
 That said, Airplane crept backwards, got up, and went outside. 
 Once outside, he promptly fell to his knees and curled in on himself. 
 “Holy fucking shit,” he said. 
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delicioussshame · 3 years
A while ago, it was Kinktober, and I got a day with bloodplay and humiliation as prompts, and in my attempts to do something not too overdone, I ended up with an AU where SQQ subbed for everyone who fed him blood. The thing is, even as I was writing it, I had no idea how that ended up happening, and many, many months later, I made up a backstory. It’s a bad backstory, because it’s super McGuffiny, but it’s there if you want it.
My starting idea is that since PIDW was supposed to be porny trash, we’re going to use porny trash plot devices. Here, the blood works by slowing creating a desire to obey the owner of the blood in whoever drank it. You know, to make them more malleable and shit. Because this was PIDW, that desire did manifest itself via sexual attraction. Also, for plot reasons, there’s no blood removal here.
LBH knew about that when he fed SQQ his blood, but hey, it was a feature, not a bug. Plus, it wasn’t the most thought-out decision he’d ever taken.
I suspect that for demons like TLJ and ZZL, it wan’t something they gave much thought to? Why would they care if someone ended up really wanting to submit to them? It creates no obligation on their part. Plus, you know, it was kind of spur of the moment for them.
So in this AU, TLJ, ZZL and LBH kind of made up toward the end of the story, so TLJ and ZZL hangs around. They’re not exactly good friends, but they can all stand each other, and it’s not like TLJ has places to go.
So SQQ and LBH are together, they get married, things are going fine, until they don’t? SQQ having read the book, he would know about this particular side effect, but SQQ being SQQ, he would be in total denial that anything like that could happen to him. I’m thinking that since he’s with LBH all the time anyway, it doesn’t affect him as much? He wants LBH, they have sex, he’s fine. No escalation needed here.
That’s not what happens with the other two though. At first, SQQ doesn’t realise why he’s randomly losing focus, why he’s so distracted, why he keeps looking for TLJ and ZZL unconsciously, but it starts becoming obvious enough that something is wrong that LBH starts getting worried, but I think that at this point, LBH would also be in denial.
So the one that figures it out first is TLJ, who is like... oops. He goes to LBH, being all like, sorry about that, but what can I do about it? LBH obviously takes it about as well as LBH would, telling his father to take his snake pet and GTFO as soon as possible. Which they do, because why not.
Sadly, it doesn’t really help SQQ, who, by now, has caught on and is feeling very guilty for being this distracted by people who aren’t his husband. So he’s trying to hide from LBH how out of it he is, and how much he’s been craving other people’s not so gentle touch.
It takes him a little while, but as some point LBH can’t stand to see SQQ suffer like that, so he leaves to find TLJ and is like fine, okay, I have no choice so go take care of my husband, but if you don’t treat him like he’s the most precious and delicate pretty little thing in this whole fucking universe I will fucking end you, that’ll take care of it, and that goes for ZZL too, so better be fucking careful.
TLJ nods and shuts the fuck up because he knows careful handling is going to be the last thing SQQ will want. He return to the palace with what, let’s be honest, has to be a pretty eager ZZL, and *insert what your imagination wants here*.
It helps a whole lot, SQQ finally feels like he can think again, and the instant change soothes some of LBH’s reservation.
TLJ and ZZL stick around because that’s the easiest way of handling that issue, encounters as necessary, and with time needing three heavenly demons in his bed just becomes another aspect of SQQ’s weird transmigrator life.
LBH never becomes a fan, but he gets used to it.
He never ever finds out the truth about SQH because if he did, SQH would be so, so dead.
(It’s too bad, because there probably exists a way to remove the blood that only SQH knows about, but since SQQ is never going to tell him about that aspect of his life, he’ll never be free from it.)
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shijiujun · 4 years
“you know you’re singing to your headphones out loud, right” au for moshang plz sqh singing modern songs that mbj doesn't know and being hella confused 🥺
Featuring karaoke-loving Shang Qinghua who gets a bit too drunk at a Cang Qiong mountain gathering, and he goes all out. 
Or when Mobei Jun wonders why Shang Qinghua is singing about another man called Liang Shan Bo.
Sometimes, he thinks about his old life before he ever had the misfortune of landing in a world of his own creation, with an annoying gaming AI system of sorts hounding his every move (in the beginning) or turning up at the most inopportune times just when he thinks it’s finally gone and left him alone (more recently). 
Shang Qinghua remembers not having many friends when he was still Shang Qinghua, when ‘向天打飞机 Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky’ was still merely his writing Weibo account moniker and when he had millions of people looking up to him for his crucial contributions in writing this amazing story about his son Luo Binghe and the way he overcame all odds to become a success with a harem of gorgeous women at his feet (damn you, Peerless Cucumber bro!).
Back in those days, he lived off cup noodles and instant coffee. If he didn’t have to leave the house, Shang Qinghua would simply curl up in front of his laptop, either writing for his novel or watching shows (clears his throat) - actual shows! Chinese period dramas were his favourite, where a skilled and intelligent consort in the harem would outwit all the other women to be with her one true love, the Emperor, who falls irrevocably in love with her.
And when he got bored, he switched from the laptop to his television to engage in his second most favourite hobby - Chinese karaoke. Going out to a karaoke bar would require some level of socializing, and also a few friends so he gets more bang out of his buck from what he pays for the room, but at home? 
With advanced technology and a tiny ass microphone in either shining gold or silver, Shang Qinghua’s home entertainment system was his very own personal karaoke room, His tiny mic even had that echo-y effect on.
Shang Qinghua has a thing for classic Chinese songs - ‘The New Butterfly Dream’, ‘Liang Shan Bo and Juliet’, The Moon Represents My Heart‘ - and contemporary karaoke must-haves, like Wang Fei. For an embarrassing few days, the Chinese version of Baby Shark was a veritable earworm as well.
After transmigrating into his own story set in ancient times, where he lives without technology, Shang Qinghua would be lying if he said he didn’t miss the Internet. Laptops would be incredibly handy, and so would switches for lights, definitely indoor plumbing for toilets, and induction stoves. Phones too, that would be nice, rather than having to ‘send word’ with letters. 
Of course, there is no karaoke bar or machine for him.
Not all is bad though. At least he transmigrated to Shang Qinghua in this world as a baby, so it’s not as if he was surviving on Internet and technology one day and left to do everything manually the next day since someone was always taking care of him. Peerless Cucumber bro, of course, wasn’t as lucky, but the man has definitely taken to this world (and his son!!) like a fish to water.
And as for himself, Shang Qinghua does not need to envy Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe either, because somehow, he has gotten the man of his dreams too, even if said man was a little cruel and rude to him in the beginning.
He has the love of his life (coughs coughs) and they’re stuck in this world for the rest of his life. What more is there to want? Not to mention how his cup of instant noodles betrayed him at the last moment, resulting in his death! It is slightly safer, ironically, to be in this world instead.
All is good except... well...
Shen Qingqiu marvels at the sight before him, torn between wanting to step in to stop Shang Qinghua, or watch this farce unfold. 
He sometimes forgets where he, or where Shang Qinghua, who has been in this world longer than he, came from. They don’t always talk about the past when they meet, and aside from the occasional meetups, Shen Yuan is a part of him that doesn’t surface, not when he is with Luo Binghe. 
Shang Qinghua, on the other hand, grew up here, and aside from referring to Shen Qingqiu by his Weibo account name, he seems otherwise well-adjusted, no hint of modern online writer Shang Qinghua in sight. It doesn’t feel as if he misses their original world either.
This evening, however, memories of modern times slap him in the face, quite literally.
“Shizun!” Luo Binghe calls, frantic, tugging him back into his embrace out of Shang Qinghua’s way. Once Shen Qingqiu is safe in his arms, his eyes narrow at the bumbling, drunk idiot causing a scene in the dinner hall, “Shang Qinghua...”
Shang Qinghua stops where he is, and then before any one can stop him, he picks up a pair of chopsticks, brings it to his mouth, and begins bellowing his way through-
-Jay Chou’s Hair Like Snow.
“Shizun, are you alright?” Luo Binghe fusses, his hands coming up to cup Shen Qingqiu’s face when his Shizun doesn’t so much as respond to him. “Were you hurt? Did he hurt you? How’re you feeling? We’ll go back home now-”
“What is he singing?” Qi Qingqi frowns in disgust.
They all wince when Shang Qinghua attempts to hit a high note, but fails miserably.
Fuck me, Shen Qingqiu thinks, his eyes impossibly wide, who knew Airplane bro was such a karaoke fanatic?
“... maybe he is possessed by a malevolent spirit? Or perhaps this is an unidentified curse?” asks Ming Fan. 
“Or is this some new form of cultivation?” asks Ning Yingying, curious.
Yue Qingyuan, seated at the front of the dining hall, cannot help but be concerned for him as well. “Shall we call Mu-shidi to take a look at him-”
They’ve gathered for their annual meeting - a condition that Yue Qingyuan has set in place a few years ago after Luo Binghe ‘stole’ (married!) him away from Cang Qiong Peak - and although Shang Qinghua said he didn’t mind that Mobei Jun was unable to accompany him today, he spent most of the dinner drinking alcohol while in a melancholic state instead.
Who knew that Shang Qinghua was a singing drunk?!
Hence their current predicament.
At the Sect Master’s words, Shang Qinghua suddenly turns around and looks at Shen Qingqiu. HIccuping twice, he then beams, “Cucumber-”
Shen Qingqiu has never moved that fast in his life. Within a fraction of a second, he has his hand pressed over Shang Qinghua’s mouth, holding onto him from the back.
“Cucumber?” everyone choruses in confusion.
“I believe your Shang-shishu has had a little too much to drink,” Shen Qingqiu clears his throat, nodding at everyone else. “We should... send him back to Mobei. Isn’t that right, Binghe?”
His disciple, his husband, still has on an affronted, murderous look for how Shang Qinghua almost brained Shen Qingqiu with his flailing arms in his drunken fit. The moment Shen Qingqiu asks, however, his expression morphs into something so soft and full of love that everyone who sees it chokes.
“Of course,” Luo Binghe smiles, devotion apparent in his eyes. “Anything Shizun wants.”
The words that are tumbling out of Shang Qinghua’s mouth are entirely incomprehensible, and so are the tunes he’s humming into his ear.
Mobei Jun thought he had gotten used to Shang Qinghua’s eccentric mannerisms, and also thought he knew everything about his husband, so many years later. Shang Qinghua is mumbling Chinese alright, but none of the characters put together make any sense.
Who is Liang Shan Bo? And who the hell is Juliet?!
His mood taking a turn for the worse, Mobei Jun hoists Shang Qinghua up further on his back.
After getting so drunk, the idiot had the gall to demand for a piggy-back from the throne room to their bedroom. Mobei Jun has never once suffered such indignity in his years of living. A bridal carry? Of course, anytime. A piggy-back? As if he was some beast to be tamed? 
Well this definitely has to be a first.
While he was stewing in his thoughts, Shang Qinghua switches from that song to another one, and a stream of ‘du du du lu du lu’ emerges from his lips... AND something about... a sha yu? What the hell is that?!
Shang Qinghua lazily lifts his right hand as they approach their room, balls it into a fist and puts it to his mouth, as if he’s holding something, and whatever monstrosity Shang Qinghua is singing, his voice gets even louder.
Mobei Jun tosses Shang Qinghua off his back unceremoniously and onto the soft bed. Interrupted, Shang Qinghua blinks, his vision blurry, and is about to catch his breath and start singing again when his husband climbs in after him. Trapping Shang Qinghua with his entire weight, Mobei Jun seals his lips with a kiss.
“... My king...” Shang Qinghua murmurs in a daze, when Mobei Jun pulls back a few minutes later, his breaths coming out as short, harsh pants. “My king...”
“That’s right,” he says with a glower. “I’m your Da Wang, your husband.”
Mobei Jun doesn’t know who Liang Shan Bo is, but he’s going to make sure no other man’s name ever leaves Shang Qinghua’s lips again when they’re together.
And when his husband finally sobers up, he’s going to have a lot to answer for.
Songs Mentioned (YouTube Links in Comments):
The New Butterfly Dream 新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 - A Chinese classic, sung by Huang An but done beautifully by legendary god of singing Fei Yu Qing and singing partner for the song A Yun Ga
Liang Shan Bo and Juliet 梁山伯与朱丽叶 - A Taiwanese contemporary classic of sorts by Genie Zhuo, most Chinese millennials would definitely have sang this at a karaoke once in their lives - Song is inspired by Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai, the Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet to some extent - They both die in the end and become butterflies, so they’re also called the Butterfly Lovers.
The Moon Represents My Heart 月亮代表我的心 - ANOTHER CLASSIC CLASSIC!!!
Baby Shark (Chi. Ver) - ˆThe baby shark hype did move to China, and it’s pretty hilarious LMAO and in Chinese, shark is 鲨鱼 (sha yu) but I’m assuming that in this world, there isn’t a shark kind of animal of sorts? So Mobei Jun and everyone else except SQQ wouldn’t know what a shark is or looks like?!
Hair Like Snow 发如雪 - By Jay Chou, another classic that all Chinese millennials would have sang in a karaoke bar 
Wang Fei 王妃 - Jam Hsiao’s version is known best, and it’s pretty epic, not that anyone can reach any of the high notes in the chorus, but does that stop us from trying?!! Hell no!!!
Notes: My first Moshang?!! That didn’t really have a lot of Moshang time?! But thanks anon, hope this sort of works?!
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eldritch-elrics · 3 years
svsss: binghe callout party + the system’s punishment
so much happened in these chapters oh my god. i can’t believe i’m on chap 74 of 81
tldr: sqq needs to stop procrastinating on his sexuality crisis, also yay for cqms protecting its own but oh no for binghe discovering the truth about his parents, also COOL system penalty. oh and fake internet drama my beloved
zzl my poor, poor boy. i hate that he killed gongyi xiao but :((( he’s trying so hard to be nice to sqq!!! sqq’s making it so hard for him!
it’s also really interesting how fixated on repaying debts/revenges he is. i know it’s demon culture being different from human culture but i am going hmm… neurodivergence momence….
tlj, completely unprompted, once again: huh, so sqq likes threesomes does he? very interesting…
sqq saying he trusts binghe <3
seems like sqq believes binghe will change. i also believe in him! though seeing what lbh’s been like, we’ll see how fast that change happens lol.
sqq also says later that most of the tension between him and lbh has been a misunderstanding, which… yeah that’s fair enough. but sqq is very much at fault for a lot of that misunderstanding! because he is (or used to be, at least) shit at communication! at least he’s been taking responsibility
always astounded by how much effort liu qingge goes through to rescue sqq, whether that’s just his body or his actual person. sqq is really just drowning in men who want to do things for him
sqh confessing everything and babbling at lqg <3 and oh my god he fought mobei-jun?
binghe: only two rooms thanks :3 i don’t have money for more :3
liu qingge: i’ll fucking kill you
i really do want to see the scene of lbh and lqg trying to share a room. i was hoping maybe they would do some enemies-to-friends bro bonding but it seems like it’s too early for that… grudges like that can’t be fixed in one night...
we’re almost at chapter 70 and sqq still thinks he’s straight.
funny that the system says it needs to save resources? that feels like a bad excuse. there’s never been a problem like that before… and doesn’t it make sense for the system to just have infinite resources? i’m very interested in this statement. maybe it’s just bluffing to make itself seem less powerful than it is / delay sqq’s gratification
the fact that it’s not giving him any new coolness points is probably a good thing, since he spends all of them a couple chapters later. maybe sqq will gain back all those he lost in a rush at the end of the month
binghe serving him breakfast waaaa
as far as i recall, binghe’s the only one who’s been able to make the system give sqq prompts with multiple-choice answers. protagonist power! one more piece of evidence for the idea that lbh’s subconscious is what influences the system most
lqg kicking doors down is so normal that sqq doesn’t react
poor zzl for the dozenth time: gets used as a seat cushion :(
this entire next part is just Hurting Binghe Hours
this scene felt super mdzs. it’s like… stirring up a giant crowd against someone, with the intention of ruining their reputation? reminiscent of jinlan city too of course but that theme of reputation is so central to mdzs that it made me think. also the whole thing about lbh being a bastard/otherwise outside the cultivation world norm... hmm.....
“tianlang-jun is not my father. i don’t need a father.”
fucks me up…
lqg and yqy: *knocks ten angry cultivators away from sqq* oops my hand slipped
lbh ran away… bingqiu separated once more :(
ohhhhh my god the system penalty. i had totally forgot about the whole “sending him back to his original world” thing but i’m so glad it got brought up again. all the peak lords must be worried sick haha... hopefully he’ll wake up in his bed in qing jing peak or something later and it’ll all be ok
meeting og!lbh… god i got chills. that part was so good
i can’t help but notice he lost his right arm and left leg….. just like edward elric……
that’s such a good system punishment tbh like.. it’s not sending him back to HIS original world, but it’s sort of like sending him to sqq’s original world, for just a few minutes…
yay meng mo saved him!
not surprised at how bad shen jiu’s situation was. i will have to read more about it later!!
i’m so close to the end holy shit. i expect we’ll get some more bingqiu development soon but it’s so funny that sqq hasn’t even realized he’s not straight, let alone that he likes lbh! i guess this novel is really their getting-together story more than anything (we’ve got the extras for established relationship stuff) but i feel like there’s still so much left to resolve!
speaking of extras… there’s an extra chapter plopped right in the middle here? thanks mxtx lol
ok my take is: reading fake internet drama is so FUCKING funny
i do not know anything about chinese webnovel internet culture but this scene still rings so true to me… people on web forums just be like that huh
airplane is so excited about all the arguing sjkdhsjd
the fact that peerless cucumber is labeled an expert.
peerless cucumber up in here with his fantastic takes like “the monsters are so much more interesting than the endless wives” and “the only good bit is binghe’s arc”
the person who comments “cucumber bro wrote so many words just to hate on it, must be true love”
the person who comments “hey guys wanna read my bingqiu slash”
the handful of comments that are like “the romance between binghe and the women is terrible but the relationships he has with the male characters are emotional and moving” just go to solidify my “airplane is gay and knows jack shit about women” theory
again, araki jojo vibes
what a way to die, airplane
and he was thinking of sqq too! just like sqq was thinking about him when he died :) it’s fate!
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disownedbytiime · 3 years
Bing/Jiu thoughts (with added Bing/Qiu)
We know how it went when LBG came to the non-pidw world, and I believe that when he left he realized he was missing so much. One of the differences between Bing-ge and Bing-mei is that Bing-mei is more anxious and scared, the betrayal he felt was different than the betrayal Bing-ge felt, which is why Xin Mo was able to control him and not Bing-ge, but this anxiety comes from the love SQQ poured into him; he felt loved and then betrayed, while Bing-ge never felt truly loved. Sure, he had thousands of wives, but isn’t it obvious he’s just trying to fill a hole in his heart?
So what I’m saying, is that after Bing-ge saw what he could’ve had, he probably became more unstable and now he can only imagine how everything could’ve been if he had a nicer Shizun. Or what if he had brought that other SQQ to his side?? Would this hole in his heart be filled?
So! Leaving Bing-ge aside, let’s focus on SJ. Wouldn’t it be nice if he were to come back and reappear at Bing-mei’s world?? Just like BG came, why can’t he see this different world?
Bing-ge realizes he wants a Shizun of his own, and with whatever magic plant or blood or whatever he manages to bring SJ back (limbs attached and everything.) SJ is definitely surprised and scared, he doesn’t understand why he was brought back (possibly to get killed again, he thinks), he doesn’t trust Bing-ge at all, and why would he? But he’s weak from having been revived recently, so he can’t fight him, he can only be at his mercy. And Bing-ge is confused. He looks at him and sees all the damage they both gave each other, but he wants to try? If he can make his Shizun into a better one, like the one he missed, then maybe things could be good again. He doesn’t want to treat him better though, no, he wants to force his Shizun to treat him like the other one, but it’s not easy when SJ resists so much.
So, during this time where they’re both untrusting and confused, still hating each other, SJ arrives to the other world because Xin Mo opens a portal thanks to Bing-ge’s new instability. Also let’s say that because SJ is still weak he can’t come back quickly, he has to stay in that world for a while.
It’s such a shock for him, to see a world so similar to his own but, at the same time, completely alien. And it’s not just because the SQQ of this world is married to that horrid beast, which is an issue of his own. He can’t believe how different everything is. YQY is alive. “He” didn’t kill LQG. The peak lords are all alive and have a family-like relation. MF and NYY are healthy and are still his lovely disciples. “His” reputation is mostly intact, but he married LBH. Was that the variable? Them falling in love is what made this world completely dissimilar?
On the other hand, this world SQQ –SY– would be livid. He’d be scared at first, the original goods, the scum villain, came back. And sure, he understands him better than when he was only a reader, but still, he’s the man who tortured LBH to the point of transforming him into Bing-ge. So, once he understands what happened, oh how he’d chastise him! Why are you like this?! Why did you have to hurt him so bad?! SJ would chastise him back though. How could you fall in love with such a beast?
But Bing-mei? I don’t think he’d be able to hate him. He doesn’t know what exactly happened over there, he only knows that because his Shizun wasn’t around, the “he” from that other world became a playboy tyrant. This may be a different SQQ, but he’s still Shizun, he can’t treat him badly. SY would tell him not to trust him, but he can’t really explain how he knows so much. If Bing-mei ever finds out the truth –that this Shizun treated “him” so badly that made him become “that” and that that world’s LBH ended up assassinating him in the most horrible way– I don’t think he’d be able to hate SJ anyway. Instead, he’d hate Bing-ge even more. So what if SQQ hurt him? How could he do something like that to him? So, he’d make sure this other Shizun would be comfortable. He can’t change what happened over there, but he can show him that, in this world, he doesn’t hate him and would never hurt him.
Of course, SJ would be even more untrusting. The LBH from his world revived him and cured his wounds, and this one is cooking and caring for him. What is wrong with them?
But time passes, and he can’t help but start to feel comfortable. Even though he’s in the demon realm, he’s not in danger (other than from SY’s glares) and there’s a roof over his head and warm food on his table. He also has access to a library and music instruments, so he’s not bored either. Still he doesn’t understand, he thinks this just means he’ll fall worse later.
SY would hate it so much. He’s the one who disgraced LBH in pidw, how can Bing-Mei treat him so well? His food is meant to be only for him, why is he cooking for that other person too? He’s not jealous of course, but he simply can’t stand that he’s there. Why do they have to watch him? He knows he can’t just throw him away (he has his face and he can’t let him roam around, tarnishing his reputation), but why do they have to keep him there? He tries to leave him with SQH (he’s his ‘father’ after all, isn’t him?) but Bing-mei insists that it’s safer if he stays with them. SY can definitely see that SJ is having fun though.
But then, they decided to let him go to Cang Qiong mountain instead of SY. SY can rest and SJ can go see how his old sect is doing, and somehow SY decides that maybe having him around isn’t that bad, he can now spend more free time with his husband (not like he’d ever admit out loud.)
(Around this time Bing-mei decides to feed SJ his blood –he’s surprised Bing-ge didn’t do it already– but he lets the other man know it’s just so he can track where he is, he won’t do anything bad to him. SJ wasn’t even aware this was a thing until it’s too late, but since Bing-mei really doesn’t do anything bad, he simply accepts it.)
SJ goes together with SQH, who gets somehow blamed and roped into helping him in case someone gets suspicious. And they do, especially Qi-ge. They ask him why he’s there alone, did he fight with LBH? He’s never separated from him. And SJ, who still can’t accept that “he” is meant to be together with him, tells them off. (So they all think he definitely had a fight with him), but little by little they realize he’s… different. He seems like he forgot some things, he is wary around them, he kind of resembles his old self? But when they ask neither him nor SQH confirm it, so they can only wonder silently. SJ is somewhat happy that in this world he still has disciples like MF or NYY, but he can’t help but want to know what really happened. How did this world’s SQQ fell for LBH and viseversa.
(As an added, SQH is amazed to see the original villain. He didn’t know before about Bing/qiu meeting BG, so when he finds out, he’s overjoyed that his original sons exists anyway. He’s quite interested in hearing SJ’s story from his own mouth (to see if it’s the same as his own work) and I feel like SJ would be, at first, weirded out but later he’d like the attention and thus, a nice friendship between the two would start –much to SQQ’s chagrin–)
The first thing SJ does is finding ‘Resentment of Chunshan’ –which definitely do not help the case nor ease his worries– he knew LBH was a beast, but for him to act so shameless towards his own Shizun ??? He wants to kill him again and even feels bad for this world’s SQQ; until SQH explains that the author took some artistic liberties and that in real life things didn’t happen that way. Here either SQH tells him what happened or they go with Meng Mo for help (he’d be interested in why there are two SQQs so he’d help him in exchange for info, which he doesn’t get since SJ isn’t even sure why this happened.)
After finding out the whole truth SJ is sort of speechless. It seems like at the beginning everything was the same until suddenly SQQ started treating LBH better out of nowhere, and that simple action was what changed everything. Really? Only by showing some compassion it made the world so different? He realizes it was all SQQ. He doesn’t fail when helping LQG, he doesn’t go to sleep at the burdel, his relationship with YQY is pleasant. And so he realizes, he is the problem. And also the answer.
It truly shakes his world, but what can he do? He’s not SY, even if he tried, there’s no way he could’ve done the same, right? There’s simply no way he could fall for someone like LBH for starters, even if the beast had fallen for him first.
Still, he can’t help but want to see more into their relationship. SY still pushed Bing-mei into the endless abyss (just like he did), but it didn’t feel the same. Bing-mei still brought a lot of problems for SY, he preyed on him, he imprisoned him, but how come SY still died for LBH? What was his problem? Dying for an unfilial disciple. (It’s here where he sees the real power of the demonic blood). But the more he remembers what he saw in the dreamscape and compares it to the couple that live with him, he starts to understand. He doesn’t like it, he can’t feel like this world’s SQQ made a mistake, but seeing that his life wasn’t any better he realizes that maybe this is how things were supposed to be.
Then why does his world exist? Just to be proof that the worst could happen? Is his world simply a bad example? He decides that it’s no use to ponder about this. Even if things were meant to be like in this world, there’s no way he can change the past, nor does he wants to, he thinks. He can only accept his reality, enjoy this ephemeral opportunity he was given and maybe think how things could’ve been. If he has to be honest, this isn’t such a bad life.
Then at some point, months in maybe, when he’s already accepted his life there, Bing-ge finds a way to return to this world. Unknown to everybody, he freaked out when he saw with his own eyes how his Shizun was pulled into a different world. He spent months trying to find a way to get him back, only to find him in the same world he had visited some time before, the word that caused his instability, his need for a Shizun of his own and what brought him to get him back.
As soon as Bing-mei sees him he goes for the kill. Not only he played with SY last time, but he also hurt SJ so much. He can’t forgive him, so they fight again, and once again they are properly matched. SJ is in awe at their fight, and the fact they’re fighting over him, but once he sees how worried and terrified SY is when he sees Bing-ge attack Bing-mei, he finally understand completely. Whatever happened in the past it’s forgiven and forgotten, SY and Bing-mei are fated and in love, and he… he feels jealous. He’s not new to this feeling. He definitely understands it well, that’s what he originally felt towards Bing-ge. But where did that brought him? So he makes a choice.
He knows the match won’t stop until one dies or leaves, so he takes the decision to go back with Bing-ge. Both LBHs are surprised (while SY is silently overjoyed) by such choice. And this is kind of self indulgent, but before he leaves, I want SJ to kiss Bing-mei. He goes to say goodbye and just presses his lips over his. It’s so sudden that Bing-mei doesn’t have time to react, but SJ doesn’t want him to because he knows he’s not the one he wants. He just wanted to feel once how it was to be so close to the man who treated him so well. And then, he leaves. He and Bing-ge simply vanish.
After the initial shock, Bing-mei would be slightly sad. Was he not enough for SJ? How come he had to go back to the man who once killed him? Sure, he didn’t love him like he loves SY, but he cared for him, so it’s painful to have him leave. SY on the other hand is both grateful that the scum villain finally left, but also angry that he kissed his husband. It’s his husband, why did he have to do that? But once he sees Bing-mei sad, he can’t help but feel tender. He tells him that he doesn’t need to worry, even if Bing-ge is powerful, SJ is no longer weak and he probably can defend himself, I mean, is him right? Does LBH thinks so poor of this teacher? (SY knows SJ has no opportunity against Bing-ge but he can’t tell him that.) Bing-Mei feels better, but he feels even better when he finally realizes that SY had been jealous all this time. And so, he soon puts SJ in the back of his mind (but not totally forgotten!) to enjoy this new development of his husband.
Back to Bing/Jiu. When Bing-ge found out SJ was in that world he was surprised, but when he saw SJ kissing Bing-Mei he got mad, even if he accepted to go back with him, how come that other LBH got to have both Shizun for himself? Not only he’s sleeping with one, but he also stole SJ? He hadn’t even touched him yet, less alone kiss him. What right did he have? And he lets SJ know. He asks him if he enjoyed it? Screwing around with a taken man. Did that loser even learn already how to fuck? SJ is not having it though. Because of what he saw in the dreamscape he knows that Bing-ge had been there already, he saw him fool around with SY and knew the reason why he was brought back. So he fights back. Does you harem not satisfy you anymore? He was so jealous of the couple over there that had to bring him back and hope they could be the same. It’s obvious they won’t though, and this is something they both know well.
But what else is there then? SJ is already recovered and could try to fight his way out and leave; but he doesn’t. He demands Bing-ge to bring him dinner and goes to the place he was allowed to sleep. Of course Bing-ge can’t believe his audacity, but when he finds out that he’s got demonic blood inside him –and that SJ is well aware of its abilities– but still chooses to stay, he takes a step back. They’re unsure what to do, but maybe it wouldn’t be bad to cook for him once? He definitely can do it better than that loser over there. (Before this he hadn’t cook for him, he had some of the girls do it instead.)
And so, they continue a weird dynamic for several days: Bing-ge cooks for him and SJ doesn’t leave. Until one day when BG brings him dinner, and just before he leaves, SJ asks him to stay for a minute. And then, SJ he kisses him. He doesn’t know exactly why. He doesn’t like this Bing-ge, other than his physique and cooking abilities, there’s nothing good about him; but it’s a thought he’s had for a while, so he goes ahead. Bing-ge is as surprised as Bing-mei was back then, but that doesn’t stay like that for long because moments later he’s slamming him into the table, kissing him deeply and already fumbling with their clothes to get rid of them. SJ complains about his roughness and about the wasted food, but he doesn’t stop him.
And so, just like that their relationship becomes physical. Neither of them is in love, they don’t yearn or pin for the other, but it’s enough to fill the hole in their hearts for now.
And they both become bolder. Bing-ge conditions SJ that if he’s good and behaves, he’ll maybe be able to bring back some of the peak lords, but he has to stay with him or he’ll kill them again. SJ doesn’t mind if he does or doesn’t (though he does yearn a bit for YQY). Bing-ge also starts seeing his harem less and less, until he spends almost all his time with SJ. SJ complains that he’s too clingy and can’t have time alone, but he’s secretly overjoyed. He even goes and flaunts it in the harem’s faces. And though he wants them to leave them alone (he’s now okay with being with the beast, but having to share him with thousand of women is… not his thing), he also remembers how good NYY was over there, how LMY was a respected cultivator, how all these girls were not useless, so he pushes them into leaving and doing something for themselves. What a bunch of trophy wives! Over there the girls actually had a spine! They fought and had their own ambitions. You, though? You can only follow a beast. He definitely sees the irony in his words, but this is a life he decided for himself, so it’s okay.
And then it’s only them. Are they in love just like the Bing/qiu from that other world? Of course not, that’s impossible. Can everything be deleted and can they change? Most likely not, but they can pretend it’s forgiven and forgotten. And are they happy? Who knows. They feel their hearts filling those holes, but it’s most likely out of necessity and not actually something they wanted. But, so what? It’s enough for them. They finally have something to hold to, so they’ll take it.
(Btw! They definitely use the demonic blood when they have sex! Bing-ge is experienced and he’ll use all his knowledge and SJ won’t be able to reject him.)
Also, side note that would kind of make another huge post, but at some point they find a way to go back to that world and have a foursome with Bing/qiu. How? 🤷🏻‍♀️ who cares, it just happens.
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For the ships prompt 001 1) shen qingqui/luo binghe 2) mo beijun/shang qinghua 3) liu Mingyan/sha hualing 4) liu Qingge/shen qingqui
uh, i’ll try to keep this short. 
1) Shen Qingqiu/Luo Binghe 
-when I started shipping it if I did: the deep dream extra aka best extra, all other extras are cursed -my thoughts: there’s things in the canon that makes me frustrated about them but that’s what fanfic is for.   -What makes me happy about them: LBH cooking for SQQ, SQQ’s kindness toward LBH -What makes me sad about them: their canon sexytiems-things done in fanfic that annoys me: i haven’t rly looked but i guess noncon -things I look for in fanfic: i haven’t rly looked but LBH learning to be considerate and less manipulative -Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no footage found -My happily ever after for them: they figure out ways for the sex to be good for both parties and LBH stops acting pitiful/crying to get what he wants because he knows it’ll affect SQQ, they need to negotiate better -who is the big spoon/little spoon: LBH likes being the little spoon -what is their favorite non-sexual activity: eating meals together 
2) Mo Beijun/Shang Qinghua 
-when I started shipping it if I did: airplane extras!-my thoughts: like for the above, power imbalances worry me, because there is canon force and harm, but as usual in writing I’d rather have them navigate toward fluffier waters  -What makes me happy about them: mutual loyalty -What makes me sad about them: their canon sexytiems, again -things done in fanfic that annoys me: i haven’t rly looked but i guess 100% suave, never awkward MBJ. they’re both awkward.-things I look for in fanfic: i haven’t rly looked, though like above i would prioritize fluff and sexual exploration for the better   -Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no footage found -My happily ever after for them: they figure out good sex and SQH gets a bit stronger -who is the big spoon/little spoon: SQH is the little spoon -what is their favorite non-sexual activity: holding hands 
3)Liu Mingyan/Sha Hualing
-when I started shipping it if I did: they are demon lady and righteous sect lady opposites, pair immediately -my thoughts: rivalry-romance, triangulation of desire (LBH as the conduit), and I want SHL to be the one who falls in love first and gets angry and upset at herself when she realizes it -What makes me happy about them: their backgrounds, what a setup  -What makes me sad about them: “harold, they’re lesbians!” isn’t canon things done in fanfic that annoys me: i haven’t rly looked but i guess unsubverted tropes. LMY must be purehearted and SHL must be a vile demoness. nah, challenge that shit.  -things I look for in fanfic: i haven’t rly looked, but as above, i’d want SHL to do something or express a trait expected of a “good girl” while LMY does something like a “bad girl”.   -Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: LMY with Ning Yingying, SHL with Huan Hua Place Mistress, they would whip and claw at each other, but...like it. >_>   -My happily ever after for them: Fpreg where LMY gets SHL pregnant but refuses to believe it until the cultivation equivalent of a “paternity” test lol, and there’s angst due to the distrust but they eventually make up and raise the baby together. -who is the big spoon/little spoon: big spoon LMY -what is their favorite non-sexual activity: sparring, at least until it does get that way 
4)Liu Qingge/Shen Qingqiu
-when I started shipping it if I did: SQQ saved his life-my thoughts: LQG rly doesn’t know romance because his brain consists of fight, tragic -What makes me happy about them: LQG sword uber-ing SQQ around and returning his fan -What makes me sad about them: neither of them can really realize or express an attraction to the other -things done in fanfic that annoys me: i haven’t rly looked but i guess LQG being mean to LBH and getting away with it, SQQ wouldn’t allow that even if in a romantic relationship with LQG.  -things I look for in fanfic: i haven’t rly looked but i guess LQG not recognizing his feelings and freaking out when he does.  -Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: SQQ/LBH, LQG and Yang Yixuan to parallel -My happily ever after for them: maintaining close bonds with each other and the other peak lords -who is the big spoon/little spoon: LQG likes being the little spoon, SQQ has his back! -what is their favorite non-sexual activity: pwning students when teaching them swordplay  
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Kinktober 2021: Deepthroating (18+)]
BingQiu + MoShang | Scum Villain Self-Saving System 28-10-2021
Day 28: H̷u̷m̷a̷n̷ ̷F̷o̷u̷r̷n̷i̷t̷u̷r̷e̷ / S̷c̷a̷t̷ / [Deepthroating & Facesitting]
Mobei-jun and Luo Binghe always want to prove how good they are to their respective husband. This time is all about making them feel good.
Neither Shang Qinghua nor Shen Yuan would be able to tell how exactly they ended up in this situation. It was all supposed to be a nice dinner at Luo Binghe place. Something rather ordinary really.
So how did they both end up naked on the large couch, both their husbands kneeling on the ground between their spread legs.
It probably had all started when they had both started to argue about who could please the other better with food, then went on like this with other banal everyday things.
Sy was rather amused as this was pretty normal with lbh, while sqh was happy to see mbj getting this heated up over such little things.
Then came the idea of not pleasing their husband well in bed and neither could accept being worse than the other, they needed to show it.
And now they were naked on the couch, embarrassingly moaning under the attention. Sy did try to hold in his voice, feeling a bit self-conscious about his own moan while sqh didn't want to be the only one feeling the silence with moan.
But this was apparently no good as both men went harder, taking moans as wins. 
Sy had fingers tangled up in lbh dark locks, watching as the man was taking him all the way into his throat. He couldn't help a moan when he felt him contract it, humming and sending vibrations into his dick. Truly lbh had learned a lot from the first time they ever did anything together, at least he had a husband who was keen on making him feel good too.
Sqh was in no better state, gripping for dear life on the back cushion of the couch as he was kneeling with his ass out, mbj eating him out while stroking and teasing his cock just the way he knew would make him feel good.
It was all about pleasuring their husbands, even if they were painfully hard from hearing them moan like this for them, they wouldn’t stop until one of them came first.
Sqh ended up taking a look towards sy as the man was trying to quiet his moan with his hand again, slipping a bit towards him as he lost his balance a bit.
He would have never thought he’d find his friend this sexy and cute did he always look like this when he was getting pleasured? It sure was a nice sight.
Before he could really register what he was doing, sqh was kissing sy, pulling him even more towards him to the point where he was now laying more on the couch. It was pretty nice, once the surprise had left sy, he realised his friend was not a bad kisser, on the contrary. They really enjoyed kissing each other like this when their husband seemed to focus only on one thing.
“a-yuan” lbh whined when he realised that his husband was now kissing with his best friend and pretty eagerly at that. It still didn’t stop them, sqh seemingly going even more at it.
Mbj wanted to be displeased too, but he knew sy was not out there to get his husband. Plus, sqh was clearly enjoying it and something in mbj also wanted to make sure his husband would always get what he needed.
So, instead, lbh went back to deepthroating sy, enjoying the feeling of his tight contracting under his hands, the way his body was starting to tremble in the way he knew meant sy was getting closer to the edge.
And so he decided to continue, taking him effortlessly deep into his throat. 
Sy louder moan when he finally came was eaten by sqh who never left his mouth, only stopping his make-out session when it was all getting too much and he needed air too.
hey were laying on the couch, nearly atop each other, panting and slowly catching their breath.
This sure had been rather new to them, but they wouldn’t be against trying again in the future. Sometimes it was fun having the support and comfort of someone going through the same thing as you do.
“We are not done,” lbh said as he pulled sy a bit closer to his, cheek laying on his still a bit shaky tight, “We have to see who can make his husband cum the most” he smirks. To this mbj nodded, smiling a bit too.
Maybe they could be a bit jealous of them kissing so freely like this, maybe they could continue to show they were better and not the ones kissing their husband.
(I feel like I put the trope a bit more on the side, I got carried away by my sudden interest in cumplane. Still was fun to write, it would look good in a fanart tho, wish I could draw right now)
Original - AO3
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Heathers AU (w.i.p)]
BingQiu | Scum Villain Self-Saving System Modern AU 14-08-2021
[#bingqiu Heathers inspired AU, rebirth/thrown in another timeline]  (cw: murder, potential description of violence/murder (shouldn’t be graphic)) 
What if sqq ends up dying at some point in pidw? Maybe he dies of old age after something went wrong with his cultivation. Maybe he dies in a battle to save lbh. Maybe he was killed on a night hunt. He simply dies. 
And lbh cannot deal with losing his shizun /again/.
Yet, no amount of intimidating sqh will bring him information about how he can bring back sqq (he /knows/ the man had something in it the first time). Yet sqh genuinely seems to not know what to do and even himself looks a bit frightened at the news of his friend dying after so long here. 
Then later on, to everyone's surprise (especially sqh), lbh is the one to die. Following his shizun in hope of finding him again.
[booting: luo binghe rebirth...] 
At first, lbh was born with no memory of his past life, even less knowing about sqq. Then slowly, this young lbh starts to have these dreams.
Dreams of someone he feels love for, dreams of what he feels like should be past events he never had, dreams that have a constant line and aren’t random. He sometimes wakes up crying, a name on the tips of his tongue. He starts believing this might be part of his past life and this person is his soulmate. 
But how could he find this person again? Especially when he and his dad keep moving from place to place due to his father’s job. But then one day, as they just got to this new town, he doesn’t even bother to remember the name of (He will be there for only a couple of months what’s the point?) he finally sees hope.
As he is pushed to go get groceries, someone passes him, making him stop in his track to look back again. 
“Come on bro! I know my last chapters weren’t/that/ bad, you’re just being petty because I said your opinion was trash last time!!”
“I’m not being petty; I’m telling you it there’s no logic in suddenly having these two characters madly in love when you made them barely interact and have no chemistry together in the past ten chapters! You’re doing it only because readers have started to ship them and pushed them into you” 
This was him! This was the man from his dream!
Sure, he looked a bit younger and different from what he usually saw, but he was certain this was the man. He was about to follow them, not wanting to let him go. He /couldn’t/ have him disappear again!!
Then he heard the other talkative teen mention school and lbh realised quickly that he might actually see him again then! Surely, they would go to the same school, this town was rather small, there was no way there were two schools.
He went back home that day feeling more joy than he ever did, for once unable to wait to go to a new school. 
He would bring his love to him; he knew it would work.
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tossawary · 3 years
omg the concept of (canon-esque? i.e. in a complete depressive state) sqh agreeing to come out of hiding to attend sqq/lbh's wedding, knowing 1000% that mbj WILL be there and WILL immediately discover sqh faked his own death, just because sqq asked him to? oof. but for a man so dedicated to avoiding his own untimely demise... how does he play it? does he pretend he has amnesia? does he go in disguise?
Okay, so the setup I was picturing for this (the Real Angsty Version) is that SQH finds out that SQQ is another transmigrator just before he fakes his death. SQQ also finds out that SQH is a transmigrator, but then SQH dies! What the hell! Leaving Shen Qingqiu to be like, “I have NO idea who that other transmigrator was or what they might have changed. Also, I’m not coping well with coming face to face with my fate: getting killed off horribly in service to the plot!” 
Only, SQH secretly gets in contact with SQQ and arranges a secret meeting, in which they discover each other’s past identities (or past usernames, at least). Shen Qingqiu is pissed off that Shang Qinghua is the author of this shitty story and confronts SQH as though this mess is his responsibility to fix. 
But Shang Qinghua laughs in Shen Qingqiu’s face (in the fashion of the asshole we know SQH can be). Like, firstly, if Shen Qingqiu claims that Shang Qinghua is alive and was in service to demons, he’s probably going to look like he’s having the next step in his ongoing breakdown. There’s no proof! Good luck convincing all those overly concerned Peak Lords of your sanity, bro! 
Secondly, Shang Qinghua already wasted his last life on this stupid fucking story he never wanted to write, so he’s not wasting his new one on this stupid fucking story either. Fuck the story! Fuck the original outline too! He’s been held hostage by the System for decades and now that he’s fulfilled his only major plot requirement, he’s done with this shit! Done with Proud Immortal Demon Way! He wants to LIVE. And he wants to live for himself for once in his fucking life! 
So, like, there’s serious conflict between SQH and SQQ. Years of living false lives boil to the surface. But, when it comes down to it, neither of them have anyone else who understands what it’s like. They’re not friends, but SQH feels bad for SQQ, especially after SQQ finally has a real breakdown over feeling like an immature young adult pretending to be someone he’s not, forced to hurt an innocent person he’s genuinely come to care about. SQH is much older than SQQ and he’s like, “Ahhh, fine, I kind of had some plan for my retirement, but I guess I can be this guy’s transmigration mentor for a bit.” 
So they do the whole Sun and Moon Dew Flower Seed thing again, only it works out better because a retired SQH doesn’t have anything better to do than garden all day. They bitch and vent at each other over random bullshit. And eventually SQH gets sick of SQQ worrying over Luo Binghe’s return. 
SQH is like, “Bro, sure, you’re probably going to die. But you have a backup body and a new life waiting for you. Your role is the story is going to end soon. You’ve already changed shit. Say whatever the fuck you want to say to him and then peace out of the plot without a heart weighed down by guilt. Unlike the shit I wrote, you don’t have to draw this mess out into as many extra chapters as possible, so just cut through the bullshit and tell him you fucked up. Mentor characters always die just before or just after big reveals anyway.” 
(Since the SVSSS System is apparently there to make something close to Airplane’s original outline happen, you could go a non-canonical direction and have it remove all secrecy restrictions once Shang Qinghua says he no longer gives a shit about the story or the plot, if you wanted to do a full Identity Reveal. Then SQH and SQQ could have a very funny moment in which they realize SQH had greater control over the System than he realized.) 
So, yeah, Luo Binghe returns, Shen Qingqiu says everything he feels he needs to say right away, and things hit a fix-it AU path from there. If Tianlang-Jun and Zhuzhi-Lang are up to their usual mischief, then Shang Qinghua probably comes back to help deal with that. Everything is resolved! 
And then Moshang angst! SOOOOO much Moshang angst! 
In the Romcom Wedding from Hell Crack AU version of this fic, I was kind of picturing that Shang Qinghua never reveals himself to be alive during the conflict, but Shen Qingqiu really wants him at his scary demon wedding for support! So Shen Qingqiu is trying to persuade SQH to come out of hiding and be his best man, when Mobei-Jun somehow stumbles onto the conversation, probably in the company of Luo Binghe. 
And Shen Qingqiu is immediately like, “Mobei-Jun, you will not murder my friend.” And Luo Binghe is like, “What Shizun says goes.” 
And so I was picturing, in this Romcom-esque Crack AU version of this fic, Shang Qinghua trying (and failing) to politely explain to an incensed Mobei-Jun that he faked his death because he was afraid of being killed for no reason someday. Which turns into Mobei-Jun being shocked and confused and angry, because that is not what was happening! Which turns into Shang Qinghua just outright yelling at him that it WAS what was happening and berating him for all his carelessly cruelty over the years. Big blow-out fight. 
While Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe stand in the corner as chaperones (to prevent any murder from taking place), shamelessly watching this utter disaster unfold with incredulous fascination. Like, “Wow! That could have been us! We’re so glad that we managed to communicate with each other like adults and avoid this kind of pointless bullshit that could have been resolved at any time with one direct conversation. Good thing we’re better than that.” 
SQH then gets involved in the wedding because the cat’s out of the bag anyway, now that MBJ knows. It’s a very big wedding with lots of organization to be done (Luo Binghe is a total Groomzilla and Shen Qingqiu gets Extremely Stressed about everything being perfect because LBH deserves it and also he will not humiliate himself in front of all the VIPs of the Demon Realm), so Moshang keep running into each other and eventually manage to work it out. 
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