#happy republic day wishes images
Happy Republic Day 2023 Messages, SMS, WhatsApp Status
With great passion, excitement, and a lot of love, every Indian celebrates Republic Day, a national holiday. Happy Republic Day 2023 Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages, SMS, WhatsApp Status to your loved ones.
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Oooh you know I have to jump in here to book my travel package
How about Tech with fluff and pining on Alderaan and/or Bespin. And could I pretty please sprinkle in some hand holding??
Thank you for booking with Soaring's Tours. We're now ready to board your flight. Please mind the gap between the transport and the platform. We wish you a pleasant journey!
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Token of Affection
They say actions speak louder than words. When you unexpectedly join Tech in the cockpit, your presence unravels the intricate emotions he's been struggling to convey.
Pairing: Tech x f!reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: fluff, sweetness, pining, idiots in love, comfort.
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The lights of hyperspace streaked through the cockpit, the hum of the Marauder’s engines a familiar white noise. Opting to take the first watch hadn’t been an issue - if anything, Tech appreciated the time alone to decompress after the mission. That, and it gave him the time to tinker.
Hunched over Gonky, who was happy to be used as a makeshift workbench, Tech twirled the soldering iron between his fingers before making a few more adjustments to his latest creation. No matter how many times he thought he’d finished it, he always found something to tweak. Objectively, he knew it was because he was nervous about delaying the inevitable, but it was difficult to move past those feelings.
It had to be perfect. You deserved nothing less.
Setting down the soldering iron, he leaned back in the pilot’s seat, critical eyes roving over his handiwork. It hadn’t been difficult to find a piece of doonium – the entire ship was made of it, after all - but he’d decided to contrast it with duraplast from his spare set of armour. A sliver off one of his pauldrons wouldn’t impede the functionality, but it did add a more personal touch.
With a sigh, his thoughts turned to you, as they so often did these days.
Tech couldn’t shake the feeling of longing, lifting a hand to adjust his goggles, wishing he could just express what he felt. But the words never seemed to come out right, and he feared pushing you away with his clumsy attempts at affection. So, instead, he’d poured his emotions into this delicate little bracelet, hoping it would somehow convey the depth of his feelings.
But he couldn’t deny how many of them you brought out in him - your laughter so often echoed through his ship, your presence lightening even the heaviest of missions. There was a warmth in your smile that lingered in his thoughts, a comfort he longed for in the vast emptiness of space. He was created for war, his whole life dedicated to it – and while he was proud to fight alongside his brothers for the Republic, he couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting more from life.
Reaching out, he scooped up the bracelet, the metal cool against his skin. It was a simple design, but every curve and line held a piece of his heart, a silent plea for understanding. Would you see beyond the surface and understand the depth of his affection? Or would it just be another trinket?
The soft hum of the ship’s engines filled the silence, and Tech allowed himself a moment of vulnerability, eyes closing as his longing for you washed over him like a tidal wave. He wished he could find the courage to tell you how much you meant to him, how your presence filled a void he didn’t even realise existed until you came into his life. His brothers knew about his feelings; nothing ever got past them. And he appreciated their assistance – pairing you up for missions, steering you in his direction whenever you had a question – but it would likely go nowhere unless he took the leap himself.
In the heart of the ship, you rolled over in your bunk. Sleep was evading you, adrenaline still coursing through your body. You couldn’t shake the image of Tech from your thoughts, his focused demeanour on the last mission. There was something about how he immersed himself in everything he was doing, a passion that drew you to him. You couldn’t deny the flutter of anticipation whenever you were paired with him, the way his presence seemed to calm the chaos around you.
There were moments when his gaze lingered a little longer than necessary, when his touch ignited a spark of something more profound. Yet, like two stars destined to orbit each other but never collide, the timing never seemed quite right.
Leaning over the edge of your bunk, your gaze lingered on the closed cockpit doors – a courtesy whoever was on watch abided by so as not to disturb those resting. The urge to get up and see him gnawed at you, a persistent whisper in the back of your mind. What if this was when everything fell into place? When the unspoken words between you found their voice?
But doubt crept in, its tendrils weaving through your thoughts like cavenna vines. What if Tech didn’t feel the same way? What if your feelings were nothing more than wishful thinking born out of the intensity of your shared experiences? The fear of rejection loomed large, casting a shadow over the fragile hope that fluttered in your chest.
With a heavy sigh, you rolled onto your back, staring up at the ceiling of your bunk. The seconds stretched into minutes as you battled with yourself.
“Kriff it.” You finally reached a decision, pushing off your standard-issue blanket and swinging your legs over the edge of the bunk. Determinedly, you made your way to the cockpit, your footsteps echoing softly. As you approached, you could hear the faint sounds of activity from within – the occasional clink of metal and machinery’s low hum. Pausing at the threshold, you took a moment to compose yourself, steadying the erratic beat of your heart.
Pushing open the door, you entered the cockpit, the streaks of hyperspace casting a cool glow over the familiar surroundings. Your gaze fell upon Tech, who sat in the pilot’s seat, engrossed in his work, his brow furrowed in concentration.
For a moment, you simply stood there, content to watch him work, curious about what he was tinkering with this time. Then, gathering your courage, you cleared your throat, announcing your presence.
Startled by your sudden appearance, Tech’s hands jerked, nearly dropping the delicate bracelet he’d meticulously adjusted. Quickly, he attempted to conceal it beneath a pile of tools, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to regain his composure. “Oh, uh, hello.” He stammered, his voice betraying his surprise as he swivelled in his seat to face you. His goggles slipped slightly, revealing wide eyes as he attempted to mask his flustered state with a forced smile
“Hey.” You replied, trying to ignore the flutter of nerves in your stomach at the sight of him. Something was endearing about his awkwardness, making your heart skip a beat. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
Tech’s fingers fumbled for a moment before he pushed his goggles back up, his mind racing as he attempted to divert your attention away from the hidden bracelet. “No, it is fine.” He assured, his tone a touch too casual as he gestured vaguely towards the cockpit controls. “I am merely working on a few adjustments. You know how it is.”
You nodded, though the tension in the air was palpable, a silent question hanging between you both. Something felt different tonight, a shift in the atmosphere that left you both teetering on the edge of uncertainty. “Mind if I join you?” You asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
Tech hesitated, his gaze flickering between you and the concealed bracelet, before finally nodding. “Of course.” He answered, his voice quieter than usual as he shifted in his seat. He wasn’t used to being nervous, and it greatly unsettled him.
Pleased that you could stay, you sank into the co-pilot’s seat, opting for a safe conversation topic. “What have you been working on?” You gestured to the scattered tools atop Gonky.
Tech relaxed marginally at the change of subject, a flicker of relief crossing his features. “Just some routine maintenance.” He explained. “Nothing too exciting.”
Despite his attempt at nonchalance, you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to his sudden apprehension than met the eye.
Suddenly, Gonky released a series of beeps and shifted from foot to foot. Tech quickly glanced at the droid, trying to decipher its behaviour. Gonky wasn’t prone to random malfunctions; it had to be something else. With a sinking feeling in his stomach, Tech realised the meddlesome droid was intentionally disrupting his tools.
“What’s wrong, Gonk?” You asked, brows furrowing in concern at his unusual behaviour.
Tech scrambled for an explanation. “He is experiencing a minor glitch, nothing to worry about.” He covered; his voice strained as he attempted to keep his composure.
As Gonky wobbled, the tools stacked upon him slipped, and Tech’s attempt to conceal the bracelet was foiled. The delicate piece of jewellery glistened in the bright lights of hyperspace.
You couldn’t help but notice the gleam of metal amidst the chaos. Your curiosity piqued, you leaned in for a closer look, using one hand to push aside an errant tool, your breath catching in your throat as you realised what it was: a bracelet, intricately crafted with a mix of materials, its design striking yet delicate. Gonky settled, and your mind raced with questions, uncertainty gnawing at you as you glanced from the bracelet to Tech, who appeared uncomfortably flustered under your scrutiny.
Tech’s attempt to conceal the bracelet only fuelled your intrigue further, and a million thoughts raced through your mind. Who could it be for? Was there someone else he cared for? The idea of Tech being romantically interested in someone else sent a pang of jealousy through you, though you tried to suppress it.
Trying to maintain an air of casual indifference, you forced a smile, though your heart felt heavy with the weight of uncertainty. “That’s a beautiful bracelet.” You remarked, your voice carefully neutral. “Who’s the lucky recipient?”
Tech’s gaze darted nervously between you and the bracelet, his discomfort palpable. “Oh, uh, it is just a... project.” He stammered, his words faltering as he struggled to come up with a convincing explanation. “Nothing...nothing important.”
“Well, whoever receives this ‘project’ is very lucky.” You stated, not believing for one moment that it was merely something he was creating to pass the time, but you wouldn’t pry.
Silence lingered for a moment, the air uncomfortable, before Tech let out a small sigh. There was no point trying to hide it anymore, no point in lying to you. Picking up the bracelet, Tech took advantage of your outstretched arm, carefully fastening his creation around your wrist. “My research indicated that giving tokens of affection to those you care greatly about is important.” He explained, double-checking the fastening, head tilted downward so he wouldn’t have to witness your reaction. “I do not have much, but I hope this is satisfactory.”
Your heart skipped a beat as Tech fastened the bracelet around your wrist, his words sinking in like a warm embrace. The weight of his gesture left you speechless, a rush of emotion flooding through you as you stared down at the intricate design encircling your wrist. It was more than just a token; it was a silent declaration of his feelings laid bare for you to see.
Touched by his vulnerability, you gently lifted his chin so he could meet your gaze. “Tech.” You began, your voice soft but steady. “This means more to me than you could ever know.”
Tech’s eyes softened, a flicker of relief crossing his features as he allowed himself to bask in the warmth of your acceptance. With a shy smile, he held your gaze, his voice barely above a whisper. “I care for you more deeply than I ever thought possible.” He admitted, his words laced with sincerity. “And I hope, perhaps, that you feel the same way.”
Your heart swelled with affection, the weight of his confession lifting the lingering doubts that had plagued your mind. Leaning in, you pressed a tender kiss against his cheek. “I do.” You whispered, voice low and soft. “I care for you more than words can say.”
As your lips brushed against his cheek, a rush of warmth flooded Tech, dispelling the lingering shadows of doubt clouding his mind. He could scarcely believe that you felt the same way, that his clumsy attempt at expressing his affection had been met with such genuine reciprocation. It was a moment he had longed for.
With a soft exhale, Tech’s shy smile turned more confident and he reached out, his hand finding yours as if drawn by an invisible thread, fingers intertwining in a gesture that spoke volumes.
There, in the quiet solitude of the cockpit, amidst the endless expanse of hyperspace, something beautiful bloomed.
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I love the jedi but enjoy the sith, mostly vader,new republic sith and old republic sith, do yoi have a lost of your favorite star wars villains.
In order, Dooku, Thrawn, Palpatine, Vader, OT-era Tarkin, Maul - and TCW!Hondo right after Dooku if that counts.
Pretty vanilla lmao. I like the Son as a concept but he's really not hardcore enough to really embody what he's supposed to represent. (There's not enough of the slimy slithering madness and viciousness that makes the Sith do stuff like sacrifice Jedi on altars and do blood magic rituals, among other things.) He's too tame for something supposedly worse than the Sith, though he'd be horrifying if he'd been more Dark-Side-y.
So, Dooku, because he's a disaster and a mirror to Anakin's garbage and because there's a lot of genuinely interesting things about a character who was among the wisest and noblest and who knows what the darkness is and willing embraces it anyway. he's Star Wars' Saruman and I love Saruman. It certainly helped that he was played by Sir Christopher Lee. The man was just that good.
Thrawn, because of the smooth, calm demeanor - much like Dooku's. That scene where he slowly explains what a kalikori is without revealing right away who is Hera, toying with us with his incredible score in the background, gave me shivers the first 4-5 times I watched it. I love sophisticated and collected villains. Brutish villains feel too simplistic and not nearly as frightening. I also love Star Wars aliens.
Palpatine because he's a delight to hate. He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever - he's just absolute selfishness embodied and that makes if very fun. Also love the 'frail' old man whose power is in his insidiousness. I love how maniacally happy about his plans he always is and I love to think of how completely bored he must have been during the Empire days, before Luke showed up and gave him something to plot about. Sure I wish the Zillo beast could have flattened him to a Sheev pancake - or that Dooku would have just punted him into the sun before Naboo, but hey, at least he got thrown down a reactor and exploded twice and was never ever heard of again, right?
Vader because he's a powerhouse and that's always impressive. James Earl Jones' voice was always magnificent as well and there's something so expressive about faceless characters.
OT Tarkin because- smooth, calm and collected old villain. I really have a type ah ah. There's something so maddening about that complete confidence that they're right, that end-justify-the-means mentality they confuse for wisdom, that dismissive way they see the hot blooded righteous heroes as so beneath them...
Maul mostly for the times he goes completely crazy and either turns into a spider or a Temple-dwelling Sith cockroach and runs around painting Kenobi on the walls with his blood. I love his arc with Obi-Wan, I love what it says about the light and the Dark, the Jedi and the Sith, and the Florrum and Twin Suns duels are my favorite ever.
Finally, Hondo... Well, is Hondo. Much smarter, much more ruthless, and much saner than people give him credit for - just spectacularly greedy and ballsy. I wouldn't call him a villain so much as the true example of what a 'morally gray' character is. It's not good guys in impossible situations like Mace, it's not complex villains like Dooku, it's not the image people have of a tortured prince of darkness that deep down feels really sad about all the murder he's doing and it's not the selfless hero who angsts about quickly killing a monster that one time - it's Hondo.
I'm generally pretty indifferent to Ventress, Jango, Boba, bounty hunters like Cad Bane, the Hutts, villains of an episode, or more minor villains and/or reformed antagonists like Bo-Katan, Kallus, etc - as characters anyway. I might like them when they're onscreen or like their place in the story but they don't do much for me individually beyond that.
And a special mention goes to Miraj Scintel - the Zygerrian Queen and only Star Wars villain I truly and deeply loathe. I hate seeing her onscreen, I hate hearing her talk, I hate watching her move, I hate her aspirations, I just detest her. Everything about her is infuriating.
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where do you play your games on?
i don't have many personal belongings, i am wageless and expatriated, reliant on the generosity of another, loosing silicon and paper traces, transmitter imprints. a daemonic attachment to the sensuous, the assail of intuition with drudgery and consumerism, the hoarder's false icons, make me feel like the unfolded haplotic and unstipulated sincerity/reality put to a long art or lifework (bildung, too fraught a term?) is capsized and stung to sea, seven of pentacles reversed. everyday i wish i had the courage to crush my electronics with a sledgehammer. solitary gaming is not as open in creative capacity or spiral staircase entry nailings to a self remade time, such that i would channel energy toward console acquisition, i take pride in loyally resigning myself to my snes and pewter. i have a fondness for archaic adventure games, druidic mysteries and visual novels for laughing matters, relished through a windows 98 install on my partner's IBM personal computer 300GL, or by the phosphor ghost blots of a senior partner. it even smells gamey to shuffle through secondhand floppy disc galleries in total dark, waiting for the occasional weird raster hatched erotica to perk up on screen, at which we cheer grotesquely, snarling at the scroll of a mutating relationship to sexuality and the pleasure of seeing from its shining chest. a few years ago i wanted to extract the audio files from the disc image for the apple II GS version of dream zone, but that never came to fruition. our latest tiny task was to burn LSD dream emulator onto a CDR to run on a scrap playstation, its function frontally for a shop display but tacitly for the elevation of the tinker's enterprise, inspired by a recent hangout/accompanied guy time, prowling through his friend's save after questioning him on the unmistakable jewel case tucked atop a shelf to which he confessed its artifice. a chain of CRTs flashed the signal in unison, tied by a wire baton. i tried to yank him over but he was too determined to beat solitaire for old time's sake. magnetized, looping his appearance, the grey man strung a sightline to my rehearsals of fragmentation, arterial gown trains unbunching at the happy town tunnel, a pulse caught under steel. the day after my birthday, riding the tryptaminic ease out, parting the beaux arts sculpting the energy transmuted and consolidated in everything, we passed back and forth a cigarette of damiana, mullein, mugwort and skullcap as the sidewalk furrowed in droves of feet around us, alterior forms aflit, reduced to fluid evaporating to city air and poison fume curvature, the cut and concourse of skirt and skins, egrets nimble under raincloud parasols, porcelain scales tiptoeing. suddenly we saw heaven, must have been choked with the hilarity. a republic of gamers sign suspended, golden, guarding over an otherwise unmarked and rather diffident black door. we pressed our palms in the shape of prayer and bowed madly, finally there was our patriotic salvation, our asylum from the warmongering of the senses. a spatial special fit for the homophone from which ojigi reached reverence in the stitch between motion and the telepathic speech act. gratitude flies me, makes me weightless over the magnitude, the rock split on the activity to which i am lent, weighed with how much is lost, an impossible proportion when your blood, importance is barred and equanimity toward enmity, the nobility in withholding, whittles its sentinel smoke to an ineffective hell. the cow toils, having total access and acclimation to the sensuous and knowing its bounds against the hope for knowledge.
this is all too internet, i need naivist abandon, smarter than any lionized sprezzatura for it is not false, unspoiled by any social simulacral mediation of the network and its orgiastic, explosive exchange of desire pumping its endlessly denied and yet compulsively prioritized platelets into a vile differencing creature suspended in a vat. apathetic to the body, sterile for its oversight, spying on cellular caresses, dalliances swallowing over the lines of separation, sporelike. i want a reality innocent for its inheritance of every ill of the inwit flayed across arrangements of matter and time, the well of history, memory drawn out and in. so that i may be the ὀπαῖον ῥέπον, lantern hole, heaven entry, night heavy, lowered as a sleepy maid's fragile eyelashes on silver moonpan'd summer, the scale dipping and the counter weight forcing a flounce, folding desolation and dissonant intension to rest. i refuse to allow the unrelenting bloodloss of the worldly profane to stain me, but i can hope to be its small medic.
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greyias · 2 years
For the WIP ask game: What is raised by Jace about? 👀
Ah, yes! This is one of the Theron Childhood AUs, which was one of those "5 Things" type stories that explores different roads Theron's life might have taken if he or someone else had made a different decision at the important junctures in his life. Just what it says on the tin, it would be an exploration of what might happen if Satele had decided to tell Jace about Theron, and let him raise him.
It's not a particularly happy AU, as in canon, Jace has a lot of survivor's guilt and PTSD, and a wicked mean temper. I mean, just look what happened between him and Theron during the time skip. I feel like despite his best intentions, there would be a lot of friction between him and a young Theron. The main thrust of the story would be exploring how Jace's darker tendencies tend to push his son away, combined with the incredibly self-indulgent thought of "what would happen if the son of Satele and Jace happened to be around the Jedi Temple when during the Sacking of Coruscant?"
It doesn't really have much written on it at all, aside from a little prologue intro that probably won't find its way into the fic. So I might as well indulge a little and share that here 😉 But under a cut, to save all your dashes.
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“What if something happens to me?” Satele wondered. “What happens if one day you add my name to your list? Silently she added: Or your child’s? Jace’s expression was grim. “I’d rain destruction down the Empire,” he said quietly. “I’d destroy their cities and burn their worlds.” -- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation, by Drew Karpyshyn
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“And you’re sure you don’t want to tell the father?” Ngani Zho asked as he paced.
For nine months she had contemplated that answer, gone back and forth — and now that this moment had finally arrived, Satele hesitated. So sure she had been about what would have been best, but as she watched her Master rock her infant son to her chest, she was struck by an image of Jace Malcom’s tall form, cradling their son, speaking to him softly. There was much darkness in Jace, she had seen that first hand. The thought of that darkness tainting the innocent little light she had carried within her had been the cause of her unease.  But there was more to Jace than his dark impulses — there was a soft tenderness too that he didn’t often allow himself to indulge in.
“Satele?” Ngani prompted. “Are you not sure?”
It had all been much more clear when it had been an abstract, an idea. “I wish I were. His father… has darkness in him.”
“None of us are all one thing,” her Master gently reminded her. “We are all capable of change — redemption and forgiveness is one of the tenets of our Order.”
“Of course, Master,” she bowed her head. “My main concern is for my son. I only want what is best for him.”
“There are many paths for this little one to take.”
“If he is strong with the Force, he will need to be trained. And if he knows, his father will want to be in his life.”
“I believe we can make something work if it comes to that — but the choice on how to proceed is yours. I cannot make it for you.”
She tried to look inward, reach out to the Force for guidance, but the unending swirl of emotions clouded her perception, and the only voice she could truly hear was her own. And as she watched Ngani rock the newborn, the more her certainty from before evaporated.
Not a week later, Jace was holding his son. He stared down at the infant in open wonder, as if he had never seen anything quite like the little life he now held in his arms. He finally looked up, and the wave of emotion that hit her through the Force was almost too much to bear and she had to move away.
“Satele, I—”
“You will take care of him?”
“Of course, I will, he’s my son.”
His voice darkened with the ferocity of the statement, and it was difficult for Satele to tell if it was rooted in possessiveness, or more tied to paternal instinct. That instinct was one she was quite familiar with herself, and she had to actively fight the strong pull their son already had on her. It was the next statement that caught her off guard, although she should have expected it.
"You could come with us.”
“I have already seen where that path leads,” she said quietly, “and the Republic needs me.”
“I need you.”
She turned away then, feeling the pull towards them — towards a path she dare not tread. “Theron needs you more.”
“That’s his name. Unless… you can change it if you want.”
“No, that’s a good name. Theron,” he said it again, as if testing it out. “Theron Malcom.”
It didn’t fit him, at least not in the same way Shan had. The way it had for all previous generations. But it was better this way. She just had to keep telling herself that.
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darexirepublic · 1 year
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Today on Republic News Update:
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-Pirate crews convicted, sentenced to rehabilitation center; The crews of the pirate vessels captured several weeks ago by a joint Darexi-@pactargent task force have been found guilty by a judge following a six-day trial. The individuals - tried in groups related to their ship crews, at their request - were found guilty of offenses including piracy, theft and improper registering of ship permits.
In all, 43 of the convicted were sentenced to 3 to 6 months in Laxtara's Central Rehabilitation Lodge, while an additional 20 were sentenced to 6 months to 1 year in the same. @elepharchy judicial minds - present at the Lodge - will ensure that the convicted have a full and robust chance at rehabilitation and reform, with excellent treatment afforded to them during their stay.
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-Formal embassy established for @union-replicants colony; Following the historic agreement with the Union regarding their settlement of worlds in our space fit for their habitation, the Ministry of Galactic Affairs has announced the formal establishment of an embassy, hosted on board the space station in orbit of the unnamed colony.
"This embassy will help the Union and the Republic coordinate trade and diplomatic relations between our peoples, especially owing to the historic nature of this colony!" said the newly minted Ambassador Wolox.
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-Artifacts found on previously-barren planet; A routine sensor sweep of the barren world Polridus III, located on the outermost edge of Republic space revealed several well-preserved cairns located in a remote mountain region. A joint Darexi and @phlaalu team have decended to the surface with proper environment suits to investigate the artifacts - in a careful and respectful manner. So far, the scientists have indicated the cairns can be dated to well over 17,000 years old! The Ministry of Science has announced that any allied nation wishing to send a scientist or a scientist team will be welcome with open arms.
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-Weather: Clear skies; in addition, Republic News Update is happy to share this latest image of the Drift Whale "Bella" - still happy and healthy in the western seas! Her two offspring - named "Dottie" and "Eddy" - are also in the area, but they're a bit camera-shy.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
‘Slavery was an atrocity,’ Prince Charles says as Barbados becomes a republic | The Independent
Prince Charles has acknowledged the “appalling atrocity of slavery”, describing it as something “which forever stains our history”, during the ceremony marking Barbados’ historic transition to a republic.
Prince Charles summed up the period when the UK was one of the leading players in the transatlantic slave trade as the “darkest days of our past”, but looking to the future said the “creation of this republic offers a new beginning”.
The prince will be head of state of many nations in the Caribbean when he becomes king and his words will resonate across the region.
Barbados’ ties with the British monarchy going back centuries were severed just after the clock struck midnight on Tuesday morning when the nation’s first president, Dame Sandra Mason, was sworn into office, replacing the Queen as head of state during a televised open-air ceremony in the capital Bridgetown.
In a message to the president and the people of Barbados, the Queen sent the new republic her “warmest good wishes for your happiness, peace and prosperity in the future” and praised the nation which has a “special place” in her heart for “its vibrant culture, its sporting prowess, and its natural beauty”.
The 95-year-old had been Barbados’ head of state since it became independent in 1966, and expressed happiness that the country will remain a part of the Commonwealth.
Prime minister Boris Johnson said the UK and Barbados will remain “steadfast friends and allies” with “a partnership built to last”.
The heir to the throne watched the symbolic moment as the Queen’s standard was lowered for the last time and the presidential flag raised in its place at midnight local time on 30 November, the 55th anniversary of independence from Britain.
‘From the darkest days of our past, and the appalling atrocity of slavery, which forever stains our history, the people of this island forged their path with extraordinary fortitude’
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Charles told guests including Barbados’ prime minister Mia Mottley and pop star Rihanna, who was named an ambassador for her home country Barbados in 2018, that: “The creation of this Republic offers a new beginning, but it also marks a point on a continuum, a milestone on the long road you have not only travelled, but which you have built.
“From the darkest days of our past, and the appalling atrocity of slavery, which forever stains our history, the people of this island forged their path with extraordinary fortitude.
“Emancipation, self-government and independence were your way-points. Freedom, justice and self-determination have been your guides.
“Your long journey has brought you to this moment, not as your destination, but as a vantage point from which to survey a new horizon.”
His words echoed a speech he gave during a tour of west Africa in 2018 when, after visiting a site in Ghana where Africans were forced into a brutal and murderous regime of enslaved labour, he described the slave trade as an “indelible stain” on the world.
There have been planned protests in the run-up to the ceremony with activists in Barbados demanding an apology and reparations from the monarchy and UK government for slavery; in addition to this, campaigners have questioned Prince Charles’ involvement in tonight’s inauguration.
Previous monarchs supported or made money from the transportation and selling of people for profit during the 17th and 18th centuries.
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The Queen and new President of Barbados Dame Sandra Mason
(Getty Images)
Referring to the protests and disgruntlement aimed at the British monarchy, British High commissioner to Barbados Scott Furssedonn-Wood told The Independent: “This is obviously an independent country, a vibrant democracy of open society, freedom of the press and freedom of speech – so it’s good that there’s a lively debate and it’s right that people are able to express their opinions.
“It’s important, as the country makes its transition, that people talk about the things that matter to them, the things that they may be excited about but also the things that they may be angry and have concerns about.
“That’s how democracies work so people should be free to express those opinions, it’s a sign of a healthy debate.”
On the topic of reparations, however, and calls for the prince to apologise for the monarchy’s role in slavery, the commissioner was less explicit.
“The strength of feeling will be clear from the prince’s speech; it’s a feeling he’s expressed before and will continue to do. As an individual the prince for a very long time has been committed to inclusion, to fair societies, to opportunities for all in the UK and other places he’s been.
“This is not just him coming out with a phrase, this is something that he believes very passionately in himself – that you’ve got to acknowledge injustices where you see it but you’ve got to find practical ways of responding to the here and now and building a better future. He’s playing his part in that.
“It’s absolutely right that we express that deep sorry for that appalling atrocity of slavery and the unbelievable suffering that was caused; I can see that this still creates a very powerful sense of injustice here in the Caribbean and other parts of the world as well,” he said.
“We’ve got to acknowledge that and ensure people don’t forget what happened, that each generation of young people understand that aspect of the past so we ensure that modern slavery in all its forms can never happen again.
“The past was, in many ways, a very dark period and must never be repeated.”
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bestmessage · 3 months
Ghana Republic Day 2024 Messages and Wishes
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Happy Ghana Republic Day 2024 Messages, Wishes Images. Find best Republic day Ghana quotes, whatsapp status and greetings online from Bestmessage.org.
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utsavatime · 7 months
World Civil Defense Day Wishes, Quotes & Messages Images
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World Civil Defense Day Wishes: Protecting Our World, One Community at a Times World Civil Defence Day: observed annually on 1st March. It serves as a worldwide reminder of the importance of civil protection and emergency preparedness. It's a day to honor the efforts of civil defence organizations, volunteers, and communities worldwide, who work tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of ever people or individuals and communities in times of crisis. The civil defence plays a crucial roles in different crisis i.e. from natural disasters like earthquakes & floods to man-made emergencies such as industrial accidents or conflicts, civil. With theri efforts they always save life of the people globally. On this day of World Civil Defence Day: we recognize the dedication and bravery of those, who serve on the frontlines of disaster response and we salute their commitment to safeguarding lives and livelihoods. It is the day that reminds us of the collective responsibility we share in building resilient communities and supporting each other in times of need. On World Civil Defence Day i.e. 1 March : here we are sharing with you some of the latest & new World Civil Defense Day Wishes, Greeting & Messages Images as well as some trendy taglines and quotes that you can use your status on different platform.  World Civil Defense Day Greeting & Wishes in English:-
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World Civil Defense Day Wishes in English -  :lol: Life is precious, be careful about your safety. - :lol: On this special occasion of World Civil Defense Day, I hope that you will try to make as many people as possible aware about the issue of civil defense. - :lol: Human religion is to protect one's own life as well as the lives of other citizens. - :lol: “Salute to the brave warriors who save us without risking their lives during natural disasters." - :lol: I hope that on World Civil Defense Day, your family and your loved ones will be more aware about civil defense. - :lol: Do not be afraid of natural disasters but find a way to avoid them. You Can Read About:- World Civil Defence Day Short Essay World Civil Defense Day Quotes /Tagline for Status  -  8-) "Honoring Resilience: Happy World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Celebrating Preparedness: Best Wishes on World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Strength in Unity: Wishing You a Safe World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Guardians of Safety: Happy World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Safeguarding Our Future: Warm Wishes on World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Building Resilient Communities: Happy World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Thank You for Your Service: Happy World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Together for Safety: Best Wishes on World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Heroes Among Us: Celebrating World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Protecting Our World, One Community at a Time: Happy World Civil Defence Day!"  You Can Read About:- World Civil Defence Day Facts World Civil Defense Day Shayari & Wishes in  Hindi:-
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World Civil Defense Day -  :lol: "जीवन अनमोल है, अपनी सुरक्षा का ध्यान रखें।" -  :lol: "विश्व नागरिक सुरक्षा दिवस के इस विशेष अवसर पर, मुझे आशा है कि आप नागरिक सुरक्षा के मुद्दे के बारे में अधिक से अधिक लोगों को जागरूक करने का प्रयास करेंगे।" -  :lol: "अपने जीवन के साथ-साथ अन्य नागरिकों के जीवन की रक्षा करना ही मानव धर्म है।" -  :lol: “उन बहादुर योद्धाओं को सलाम जो प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के दौरान अपनी जान जोखिम में डाले बिना हमारी रक्षा करते हैं।" -  :lol: "मुझे उम्मीद है कि विश्व नागरिक सुरक्षा दिवस पर आपका परिवार और आपके प्रियजन नागरिक सुरक्षा के बारे में अधिक जागरूक होंगे।" -  :lol: "प्राकृतिक आपदाओं से डरें नहीं बल्कि उनसे बचने का रास्ता खोजें।" So on the World Civil Defense Day pick anyone of the wishes & greeting card from here above & must share with your best friends as well as family member and give them best wishes of the day. You Can Read About:-  Republic Day India | 26 January Read the full article
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sharmablog123 · 8 months
Wishes, sayings, and pictures to send to loved ones on this 75th Republic Day of 2024: Happy Republic day
Happy 75th Republic Day! Wishes, Sayings, and Pictures for Loved Ones:
Short and sweet:
May the tricolor always fly high, symbolizing the strength and pride of our nation. Happy Republic Day!
75 years of freedom, countless stories of unity. Wishing you a Happy Republic Day filled with love and joy!
Let's honor the sacrifices, cherish the present, and strive for a brighter future. Happy Republic Day!
On this special day, my heart overflows with gratitude for our freedom and the values enshrined in our Constitution. Happy Republic Day!
May the spirit of unity and brotherhood always guide us as a nation. Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous Republic Day!
Remembering the countless sacrifices that paved the way for our freedom. Let's continue to uphold their legacy with pride. Happy Republic Day!
Sending warm wishes to you and your family on this Republic Day. May your day be filled with joy and the spirit of celebration!
Grateful to have you by my side as we celebrate this remarkable milestone in our nation's history. Happy Republic Day!
Let's raise a toast to the land we call home and the values we hold dear. Happy Republic Day, my dear [Name]!
"Freedom is not license, it is opportunity." - Jawaharlal Nehru
"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest citizens." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Democracy is not simply a form of government. It is an attitude of mind, a state of the soul." - Aneurin Bevan
"In a free society, where opinions are uncensored, debate is inevitable." - B.R. Ambedkar
"The only tyrant I accept in this world is my conscience." - Mahatma Gandhi
The Indian flag waving proudly against a clear blue sky
Children holding the flag with faces full of joy
Monuments of national importance like the Red Fort or India Gate
Traditional artwork depicting scenes from India's history
Collage of diverse Indian faces representing unity in diversity
Photographs of nature in India showcasing its beauty and resilience
Upload a picture of yourself or your loved ones celebrating Republic Day
Create a custom picture with text and images representing your feelings about the occasion
Bonus tips:
Add a personal touch to your message by mentioning a specific memory or tradition you share with your loved ones related to Republic Day.
Use relevant hashtags like #HappyRepublicDay #75YearsFreeIndia #JaiHind in your social media posts.
Consider creating a short video message to share your wishes and express your patriotism.
Remember, the most important thing is to send a message that comes from the heart and expresses your love for your country and your loved ones.
I hope this helps you celebrate Republic Day!
For more Information visit us:
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Happy Republic Day 2023 Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages, SMS, WhatsApp Status
India is going to celebrate 73d Republic Day. The Republic Day is celebrated  on 26 January 2023. This republic day send Happy Republic Day 2023 Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages, SMS, WhatsApp Status to your loved ones.
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dailyquotes90 · 8 months
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Hello Friends welcome to my website. Today I bring here Happy Republic Day | 26th January 2024 Republic Day | 75 th Republic Day |Republic Day 2024 | Wishes, Quotes  & Images. India's Republic Day is a national holiday, marked by great enthusiasm and patriotism. It commemorates the historic moment in 1950 when the Constitution of India was formally adopted, replacing. The Government of India Act (1935) and declaring India as a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.
The main event takes place in the capital city, New Delhi, where a grand parade showcases the country's cultural diversity, military strength, and technological advancements. The President of India hoists the national flag at the iconic Red Fort, and the ceremony is attended by thousands of people. The parade features vibrant displays by the three wings of the military, along with various cultural performances, floats, and tableaus from different states and union territories.
India's commitment to democratic principles and values is reflected in the Republic Day. It is an occasion for citizens to express their patriotism and reflect on the progress and unity of the nation. Schools, colleges, and government offices across the country organize flag-hoisting ceremonies, patriotic songs, and cultural programs to mark the significance of this historic day. read more.....
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roopvibess · 8 months
Radiant Republic Day Wishes 2024: Celebrating the Spirit of Unity and Progress
As the dawn of January 26th approaches, a vibrant wave of patriotism sweeps across India, heralding the celebration of Republic Day. This auspicious occasion marks the day when the Constitution of India came into effect in 1950, transforming the nation into a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic. In the spirit of camaraderie and unity, people come together to exchange heartwarming Republic Day wishes, reflecting on the progress made and envisioning a brighter future for the country.
Wishing Joy and Prosperity:
Republic day quotes carry a special resonance, considering the challenges and triumphs that have shaped the nation. In the spirit of unity, citizens extend warm greetings to one another, embracing the diversity that defines the cultural tapestry of India. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the serene corners of every state, the air is filled with a sense of joy and optimism, encapsulated in thoughtful wishes that transcend geographical boundaries.
A Tapestry of Cultural Unity:
Republic Day serves as a poignant reminder of India's rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions. The wishes exchanged during this time reflect a celebration of this diversity, emphasizing the strength that comes from unity. Whether conveyed through traditional greetings or modern digital platforms, Happy Republic Day Images encapsulate the collective hope for a harmonious and prosperous future.
Digital Expressions of Patriotism:
In the contemporary era, the exchange of Happy Republic Day Wishes has transcended physical boundaries. Social media platforms, messaging apps, and virtual gatherings become the conduits for spreading patriotic fervor. Animated graphics, vibrant images, and heartfelt messages flood the digital landscape, creating a virtual mosaic of national pride. The online sphere becomes a canvas for expressing love for the motherland and sharing aspirations for a progressive India.75th Republic Day Images
Educational Reflection:
Republic Day is also a time for educational reflection, with schools and institutions organizing events that foster a deeper understanding of the significance of the day. Students, teachers, and parents engage in discussions about democracy, constitutional values, and the responsibilities of citizenship. Republic Day wishes in educational settings often emphasize the importance of nurturing a sense of civic duty and active participation in the nation's growth.
Hope for the Future:
As the nation commemorates Republic Day in 2024, the wishes exchanged echo a collective hope for a future marked by progress, inclusivity, and prosperity. Citizens express gratitude for the strides made since the inception of the Republic and look forward to building a society that cherishes its diversity while working towards common goals. The wishes reflect not only a celebration of the present but also a commitment to shaping a better tomorrow.
Happy Republic Day Wishes 2024 carry a profound significance, symbolizing the enduring spirit of unity, diversity, and progress. As the nation comes together to celebrate this momentous occasion, let the heartfelt wishes exchanged serve as a reminder of the collective responsibility to uphold the principles laid out in the Constitution. May the radiance of Republic Day inspire every Indian to contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of the nation. Jai Hind!
Source Url:-https://sites.google.com/view/roopvibescom56/home
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maryrichard251023 · 8 months
Republic Day 26 January Poster Maker App - Find Best Republic Day Poster Maker Online
Wishing Happy Republic Day to ALL!!
Design free brochures, posters, banners, social media graphics, and videos for the 26th of January in only a few minutes. Select from a variety of attractive templates to impress your viewers.
We update our app every day with Festivals, Trending, new templates, Business Posts, Promotional Templates, Daily Posts (Like, Motivational, Leader Quotes, Business Ethics, Good Morning, Good evening, Good Night, Suvichar, Sports Devotional, Rest in Peace, and Wishes Posts, among others).
How to use Republic Day Poster Maker App:
1. Signup with your Mobile Number
2. Add details like Company Logo, Name, Mobile Number, and Website & Address
3. Select Category to make Poster
4. Choose Festival Frame or Video
5. Layout includes features like Add/Alter Text Color & Stylish Font
6. Save or Download Final Post in Gallery or at your file
7. Share your Happy Republic Day Poster & Video with Music.
We include all Indian celebrations, national and international days, Jayanti, Anniversary, Punyatithi, celebrity birthdays, and all religious holiday celebrations, special people and important days, political leaders' post-incident posts, popular posts, famous personality birthday posts, and more.
Republic Day Poster festival post is one of the most effective brand advancement apps, so only apps are going to be here to create your corporate identity all over the globe with just a click. You just need to register your number,Company Logo, Name, Mobile Number, and Website & Address, Select Category to make Poster, Choose Festival Frame or Video, Share your Happy Republic Day Poster & Video with Music Excellent!! And you are at the correct location.
26 January Photo Editor is a helpful app that allows you to personalise the images you upload. Save those memorable memories on January 26th with the Republic Day Photo Frames. In this application, we have included Republic Day frames for your creativity.
Try our greatest Republic Day Photo Frame 2024, also known as the 26 January Republic Day Poster Maker, for completely free, and make beautiful your photographs with the most stunning 26 January photo theme. You can now share your emotions for the country India.
By Making26 January Poster Maker Let us cheer as we embrace the freedom of living independently in our nation in a pleasant, valuable, and respectful way by honouring our National Heroes, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Subhas Chandra Bose, Mangal Pandey, Chandra Shekhar Azad and who granted us freedom after enduring pain and losing their own lives for us.
India celebrates Republic Day on January 26th every year to remember the day the Indian Constitution became effect in 1950. Flag-raising events and parade by militarised soldiers and students are staged throughout the country in celebration of this major milestone. The biggest and best of these parades is conducted on Kartavya Path in New Delhi. On this day in history, Indians get together will be held to remember the sacrifices that were made by those who fought for freedom and renew their commitment to a unified growing, multicultural India.
Our Krantikari constitutes a reminder of the efforts made by our freedom warriors, as well as the duty we have to defend the values of democracy for which they struggled. As we celebrate this day, we focus on our country's achievement and the difficulties that exist beyond.
Republic Day Festival Post Maker is a very easy and simple poster maker app that help individuals, entrepreneurs, and business in conniving Festival Poster, Ads Banners, Digital Post, Daily Post, Marketing Post, Festival Graphic Design, Business Branding Post, Business Marketing Content, Festival Images, Festive Card, Digital post, Social Media marketing Post, Festival Design, Digital Card, Festival Photo Frame, Ads Banner, New Service Introduction, Political Election Publicity, Greeting, graphics, and more.
Our goal is to provide excellent graphic design posters & Banners that are easy and convenient to use. No poster-designing abilities are necessary. Our app's major feature is free post creating, as well as automatic posting to social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 
You can rapidly build a festival banner by picking a templates design, colour scheme, background, Themes, layouts, text, and more. Festival Poster Maker app & Poster frames is free to use; simply download it from the Play Store, sign in, and start using it. A unique and faultless promotional poster is a wonderful way to disseminate news, create enthusiasm, and reach audience members to events. Use our post creator app to quickly make a festival poster.
Download this app today and celebrate Republic Day (January 26) with an HD quality photo poster.
Happy Republic Day to all Indians. Proud to be Indian...Jai Hind!
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republicdaycards · 2 years
I wish you a very 26 January Happy Republic Day 2023. January 26 is Republic Day. We celebrate this day every year. In 1950, India became a sovereign democratic republic, and it had its constitution.
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bestmessage · 1 year
Ghana Republic Day Messages and Quotes
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Celebrate this day by wishing everyone with Ghana Republic Day Quotes & Sayings. Share with everyone status, wishes and images on Ghana Republic Day. We bring to you the newest collection of Happy Ghana Republic Day Messages, whatsapp status, greetings and Ghana Independence Day Wishes to share with everyone on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.
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