happymagicbee · 1 year
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twilightofficial · 3 years
👄 What's your first language?
🐾 What's your favorite animal?
🍎 Favorite fruit?
🥐 Favorite foreign food?
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dtftomholland · 5 years
Can you please do Naama for the name playlist? Good luck on finals!
Numbers by The Cab
Awake by Artist vs Poet
Ashley by Green Day
Madness by Sleeping With Sirens
Angels by The xx
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underoosstark · 5 years
Happy Valentine's day!!! 💕😻🐸
going through my inbox party!!
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cleastrnge · 5 years
Top 5 places you want to visit 🌍✈🛸
5. London
4. Venice
3. Riviera Maya, México
2. New zealand (Hobbiton!)
1. Norway
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sunshinesteviee · 6 years
Can I please be added to the taglist of Every Step Of the Way? Thank you 🧡
yes, of course!!
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
A Little Too Much (T.H)
Requested: could you do a th one with a little too much by shawn mendes?
A/N: This was in my inbox for so long but i finally got inspo for it. i hope you like it. interact w this fic to stay on the taglist and dont forget to let me know if youre on it and change your url
Warnings: none
Word count: 1k
Shoulders back, chin up, walk straight. Something you had to remind yourself of a little too often. Fake it until you make it. You’d gotten really good at faking your own confidence. Every audition you walked into, there was a smile plastered to your face when you walked in, and again when you walked out, no matter how horribly you thought you did.
Every social situation was the same thing. Smile, laugh, nod, fake your confidence. Only to go home and crash. Change into some sweats, and curl up with whatever movie seemed most interesting at the time being.
You hadn’t gotten any callbacks recently. Out of 15 auditions, you’d gotten three separate callbacks. Two of them were for the same role, but then nothing after that. It was getting increasingly harder to walk into the next audition, and then the one after that. Each time walking out with even less confidence than you walked in with. It was getting harder to fake
You’d met Tom at an audition for How I Live Now. You were both sitting the waiting room, reading through lines when he had offered to go through it together.
More names were called in, none of who were either of you two. Eventually, it was just you and Tom in the room, scripts discarded on your laps, the two of you talking until he was called in. And you were left alone with your script. The words you’d memorized playing through your head in different cadences, trying to figure out what sounded best.
Tom came out fifteen minutes later he was beaming. He mouthed a quick ‘good luck’ to you as your name was called.
You didn’t get that role. But that didn’t really matter at the time. You were young. Still had a long time to get roles.
You did, for a while. You had a couple roles, enough to fill up your time. But now it’s been 20 months with nothing. Not even background characters. You couldn’t help but feel that you were failing.
And Tom? You couldn’t be happier for him. He was Spider-Man. He got his dream role. In fact, he was in New York filming for it right now. He’d text you every day with updates about what happened, how his day went, whatever stunt he did that day and you were absolutely thrilled for him. He’s worked so hard for it.
Tom had gotten home two weeks ago, and of course, he wants to see his best friend. You didn’t really want to see him though, scared that his success would be a reminder of the hours you’d spent hyperfocused on a script, practicing and perfecting, only to be told that you’re not fit for the role, or you don’t have the right look, or you don’t embody the character enough. Nevertheless, you missed him.
Three knocks on your door pulled your attention up from your script. You hadn’t really been reading it, rather than staring at it while lost in your own thoughts. You had no motivation to memorize more lines only to be shut down for what feels like the thousandth time.
“Hey” Tom was smiling wide when you opened the door, you didn’t have time to respond before his arms were wrapped around you. Your arms wrapped around his shoulder. “I missed you”
“I missed you too, Tommy” You had thought that your voice sounded happy, but Tom immediately pulled back, he kept his arms wrapped around you but looked at you with confusion and worry.
“What’s wrong?”
“What? Nothing”
“No, Y/N don’t say that. I know you. Something's bothering you” He rubbed small circles into your skin with his thumbs.
“It’s just” you sighed, “Been rough. That’s all”
“How? Talk to me, please.” He pulled you gently to the couch, sitting down so you were facing each other, knees bumping slightly, but that was the least of your worries.
“It’s been so long since I’ve gotten a role, Tommy” You start, and already you feel yourself choking up. He’s your best friend, you can tell him, so you push through. “I’ve gone to so many auditions and gotten nothing. And seeing you living your dream as Spider-Man… Don’t get me wrong I’m so proud of you and I love seeing you happy but I can’t help but feel…”
“Jealous?” He finishes for you, you nod hesitantly and the tears start. “Hey, hey” He pulls you into a tight hug and you bury your head in his shoulder as he shushes you calmly. You feel him rocking you slightly as he rubs your back. “It’s okay. Y/N it’s okay, you’re okay. Sometimes it all gets a little too much, I know. It happens to me too, we’re all the same. But I’m a hundred percent sure that you’ll be okay. Maybe those roles just weren’t for you, maybe they would’ve gotten in the way of a big one that’s meant for you. It’s just a dry spell. ‘S all. Perfectly normal” His voice was comforting.
“When did you get so wise?” He laughs above you, it’s lighthearted and makes you laugh too.
“Since I met Robert Downey Junior. Why don’t I help you prepare for your next audition, yeah?” You nodded.
For the next hour or so he helped you memorize your lines and deliver them before you were sidetracked with your own conversation and his stories on set. When he left, you thought it was far too early for him to do so, but he’d been at yours for six hours; the time had flown by.
And he was right.
The dry spell was over.
And she knew that she would be okay
So she didn't let it get in her way
Sometimes it all gets a little too much
tom taglist (add yourself from my bio!)
@summernykole @hjosterfield @thequeensardine @mellifluous-tom @osterfieldholland01 @happymagicbee @artemisiaarm @butithasntkilledyouyet @headsup-itsmostlypeter @bitchymathematician @melsbooktrash @ixchel-9275 @tommyhollandaisesauce @spideyyypeter @starlightfound @honeyyhuggs @nedthegay @empressdreams @penisparkerquill @ohyouremymedicine @awkwardfangirl2014
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rogersfalsettos · 5 years
well, i was drunk yesterday so here is my review of 2018 (while watching queen in budapest). it’s been a wild ride and i graduated college and found out i’m bi and that i can actually be myself?? it’s been a weird ass year and borhap/queen made me feel like i’m special and i also met a shit ton of people who i love. special thanks to:
@i-got-no-rhythm thank you dear for all the conversations, you are the best hairdresser in the world and i love your snaps and i love you in general and we have to go to arcades together
@maritreadsalot my fellow dutchie and we were made to thirst together and i love it how we always YELL AT EACHOTHER BC THERE IS A NEW FIC OR A NEW PIC AND i love you xoxo
@queen-official WELL FIRST i love you bc we’re twins and i love you and i love how we can have sin sunday everyday of the week and not even be ashamed about it
@roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg WE LOVE CHEESE and roger and i just remembered rogerland and i still think it’s a good concept and i love you for that
@happymagicbee we share our absolute love for taron egerton and ben hardy and roger and actually all of the dudes and i love talking to you and i love you
also i have my dear friends who i don’t talk to that often or for a short period or who i love to see on my dash and always make me happy and I LOVE YOU ALL AND i want to cry in a corner about how perfect y’all are.
@hysterical-qween || @roger-taylor-stole-my-heart || @killer-killer-queen || @marvellouslynerdy || @thebomb-diggity || @deacytits || @curlyclogs || @supersonicqueerace || @lion-wasczyk || @iminlovewithmycarisabop || @inlovewithhiscar || @killerqueenisthebest || @brianmight || @queenie-aus || @freddies-yellow-jacket
sorry if i forgot to tag you but i’m a bit hungover and watching hungarian rhapsody so i’m quite distracted by how i’m wearing the same shirt as roger and I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FOR KEEPING UP WITH THE SHITPOSTING AND THIRST AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT 20BITEEN
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happymagicbee · 1 year
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underoosstark · 6 years
At the end of this November, I'm going to the California All-State orchestra!! I got the music mailed to me a couple days ago and I'm gonna faaail lmao but it's still going to be super fun!!
[send me a word, and I'll say a fact about myself based on the word!]
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Mal En Point (part ix)
Koh!Harrison x Angel!Reader
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A/N: Hello! it’s here! idk why my parts are so short recently but uhhh idk.
Warnings: talk of death, angst, 
Word count: 922
“Shes dead, your majesty”
“What do you mean she’s dead?” Harrison’s voiced was somewhere between fear, confusion, and worry, on the verge of cracking but he didn’t care. His wife was dead.
“The hounds. They attacked her” 
“Why?” It felt like tunnel vision. Nothing existed or mattered outside of what this guard was telling him.
“We’re not sure, your majesty. We couldn’t hold them back. I’m very sorry” The guard, Amaros, spoke slowly, his breath finally regulated.
“Sorry doesn’t bring her back, now does it?” Harrison stormed off, Harry following in close tow.
“Uh your highness don’t you think-” Harry started.
“Go away, Harry. Do something useful”
“I would argue that comforting you after your wife’s untimely death is useful” Harrison stopped in his tracks, turning to Harry.
“Quite frankly, I don’t care what you think” Harrison spat the words, “Go do something else, I’m sure there are a billion things that should be done” He turned around and headed further down the hall, taking the stairs at the end all the way down.
Harry wasn’t sure whether he truly meant what he’d said. They’d grown up as best friends and he knew the sudden change in tone between them was awkward for Harrison. It was for him too, but he was taught to treat a King as a King, and Harrison being King doesn’t change that.
He’d be damned if he ended up like his brother.
Tom was jealous of Harrison. Only Tom and Harrison didn’t know it, but there’s no doubt that that’s what it was. Tom had always wanted power, always dreamt of being King as a child, though that would never happen. It wasn’t his bloodline. Frederick and Dom had thought that the two of them growing up together would make things easier as King and right hand. It had for them.
Oh, how they couldn’t be more wrong.
They got along when they were young, yes. Couldn’t have been better friends. The pair might as well have been attached at the hip, they were so close. But after Harrison was coronated, things changed. Harrison had tried to keep them the same, the same close relationship that they had always had, but after so long of trying to maintain it, with no help from Tom, he stopped trying. He gave up on the friendship. Tom was jealous -no, envious- of Harrison.
Tom was envious, bitter, upset, everything he hadn’t been before. As Harry walked by Toms room, he thought he heard quiet sobs through the heavy doors. He should’ve knocked, but decided against it, he’d never seen his brother so dishevelled. Tears ran down Tom’s cheeks. To say Hary was shocked in an understatement. Demons don’t cry.
“I’m back” Harrison spoke as he took a seat on the ground in front of you. You groaned internally, this was going to be a conversation, You weren’t sure you had the energy for it but replied anyway. Your father had raised you to be respectful, not that hat helped much while you were down here. Nor did it help with the guilt that came with trying to be banished
“I see that” You cringed slightly at the way your voice sounded; raw, broken, and tired. All of which you felt you were as well. Harrison remained silent for a moment, he started at his hands as he fiddled with his fingers.
“My wife is dead” He didn’t look up. You took a moment longer to look at him, try and get a sense of what he was feeling. It took more energy than you would have liked.
“And yet you don’t grieve”
That made him look up at you. His brows were furrowed, a frown on his lips, but still conveyed nothing but confusion. “That’s not true” Something about his tone made him sound childlike, “She was my wife, I loved her. And some hounds just decide to rip her apart? They’re supposed to protect the King. I don’t think killing his wife is exactly a good way to do that”
“You’re upset, but not grieving. Not the same way others would for their dead love” You weren’t sure where you pulled this energy from, but you knew you shouldn’t be exerting it like you are.
Harrison paused for a moment longer, contemplating. “Explain, angel”
So you did. You explained how for most, a dead wife would be the end of everything for them. To lose someone they care so deeply about. It may be slightly different from angels and humans but that most creatures react the same way. How someone else may have isolated themselves, but the first thing he did was come talk to you about it.
The sudden burst of energy was running out as you were talking. You found yourself fading in and out of consciousness. You stopped in the middle of sentences to pause and regain some energy to finish what you were saying. After around the third time, Harrison spoke before you could carry on.
“Angel, do you want to die?” Harrison questioned. It seemed innocent enough, posed the same way someone would ask what was for dinner.
You shook your head, no. “I’ve come to accept it” Truthfully you didn’t want to die, but it was bound to happen. Even angels don’t live forever. You leaned your head against the wall and closed your eyes. You vaguely remember Harrison standing up and shouting at the guards before you slipped out once more.
“I don’t care what you have to do, just save her”
@tonystark-mcu @hollandroos @bi-writes @lovelyh0lland @wazzupmrstark @thirsty-hoes-central @deleteidentity @buckystolemyheart @awesomeaugustina @agirlwithpointlessideas @youngandfleeting @writing-in-winter
@summernykole​ @hjosterfield​ @imagines-andshizz​ @thequeensardine​ @mellifluous-tom​ @osterfieldholland01​ @happymagicbee​ @artemisiaarm​ @sincerelymlg​ @butithasntkilledyouyet​ @headsup-itsmostlypeter​ @bitchymathematician​ @starlightfound​ @spideyyypeter​ @ixchel-9275​ @honeyyhuggs​ @nedthegay​ @empressdreams​ @ohyouremymedicine​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @isabellyduh​
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rogersfalsettos · 5 years
add ten songs that you feel describe who you are right now, whether it be lyrics or overall feel of the song.
thank you for tagging me @marvellouslynerdy xoxo
this is gonna be a sad list today but who cares it's good music
non mi avete fatto niente - ermal meta and fabrizio moro
surrender - roger taylor
eleanor rigby - the beatles
mad world - gary jules
streets of london - cat stevens
it's a hard life - queen
jealousy - queen
liability - lorde
the great pretender - freddie mercury
9 crimes - damien rice
yas i love these songs so much
also tagging @maritreadsalot @white-queen-as-it-began @happymagicbee @hysterical-qween xoxox
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happymagicbee · 1 year
Give it up for the best father in Kildare County 👏👏
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Mike Carrera and big John can suck it
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happymagicbee · 1 year
***Obx s3 spoilers***
This is just my opinion
1. Why did we get only 10 minutes with them on the island?? I think after s2 finale all I could think about was what they were doing on the island and I just wanted to see a bit more of that
2. I liked that Kiara acknowledged that screaming murderer at Ward was the DUMBEST fucking think to do
3. Rafe and Kiara working together was fun. Kiara pushing Rafe and stealing his boat to save everyone was everything I wanted and more! Also people ship them now???
4. The group dynamics was off the minute they got back to the obx. I miss their little conversations in between reminding us they are still awkward teenagers
5. This might be controversial but I liked jiara. I think being stranded on the island changed things for all of the Pogues but especially them. jj was happy and not in his usual fight or flight mode he had to be in to survive in Kildare. Yeah living on a deserted island is hard but at least no one is beating you and making you feel worthless. And I think that for Kiara saving jj and almost losing him gave her a opportunity to explore her feelings after the whole Pope fiasco.
6. Pope and Cleo were the cutest freaking thing! I just wish they weren't so separated from the group all the time.
7. I don't like John b's father, I think him and Ward are not that different.
8. Also big John isolating John b from his friends and making him lie to them "for their safty" was a very shitty thing to do.
9. I liked the little detail of big John getting shot in the same place Sarah was shot.
10. Wards little Christian awakening was a bit weird but I think it's more of a me thing than a show thing
11. Topper helping to steal the "cross" was hilarious
12. I liked Topper burning down the chateau after being manipulated by Sarah (again). I don't think he should have done that or that it was justified in any way but he did kinda showed his true colors
13. Did kie's parents see big John, Ward and Luke and think what horrible thing can we do that they haven't done yet? They kinda tried with the phone and the money but not really... what I thought could be nice is if she forgave them in the time jump (they were in the crowd cheering at the end) but she would get emancipated
14. The little shove/hug between Sarah and jj was everything to me. I love this friendship and I wish we got to see more of that
15. And just more of all the platonic relationships in the group
16. I definitely think we needed more group scenes. Their chemistry is what made this show so fun and compelling.
17. I liked that Sarah addressed the weirdness everyone felt after getting off the island
18. The time jump was annoying but I get it, they didn't know of there would be a fourth season bc Netflix is known to have canceled shows that seemingly are loved by viewers (I'm still bitter about The Society but that's for another time) so just in case they did get canceled we get (kinda lame) closure.
19. Why did that old dude come to them with the blackbeard thing?
20. Again I'm gonna say I loved jiara and how they handled it because they knew it will have consequences on their friendship and it's something they are not willing to give up on it easily. Kie taking a leap of faith and jj recoilling bc he's afraid to lose it was very touching
21. When presented with the opportunity both John b and pope went for it but jj who is seen as the most reckless one actually took a step back.
22. I liked that Sarah made the choice to be with them, she had all the reasons to stay with Topper but she didn't. I didn't like how cliché they made it but I liked the choice aspect.
23. The scene where jj and John b fighting on the grass and shoupe just standing there chef's kiss
I'm sure I'll have more but I'm off to re-binge it all again
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happymagicbee · 1 year
I started watching obx two weeks before season 3 came out and I was immediately obsessed, the action and high pace adventurers were magnetic but the thing that got me hooked the most was the group dynamics, their friendship and genuine love for each other. We saw them not just run from the cops and chase treasures, we saw them chill, we saw them drink and smoke and just having fun together. Season 3 lacked those moments, they had them but barely and in most of them John b wasn't even there...
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed watching and will definitely rewatch it all. I just missed the group vibes
They did have some great villains tho
I haven't obsessed like this in a long long time
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happymagicbee · 11 months
In honor of jiara week
Jiara + text posts
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