#hard core medical intervention
penny00dreadful · 1 year
Somebody To Love - Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 AO3
*Professor Farnsworth voice* Good news everyone! It is finished! There'll be one more part after this, I didn't need as many parts/chapters as I originally thought becasue I figured why can't I just have a high word count here? 😅 I should be able to have the final part out soon once I've completed the edits. 🥳🖤
Some tw's for this part: addict thoughts, talks of dieting, addiction recovery.
The delicacy with which Dustin and Max were handling him made Eddie feel like he’d been thrown into an alternate reality. They had the kid gloves on, treating him with so much care, like he was a temperamental ornament ready to shatter at any moment and honestly, he kind of appreciated it. 
People often took one look at him and just assumed he was a tough as nails metalhead drug addict that would spit at them sooner than look at them and like… sometimes they weren’t that far off. 
But he was still human with an infuriatingly soft core and that core was feeling very bruised right now.
He didn’t know exactly what they knew of everything, they were obviously much closer to Steve than they were to him, but he wasn’t really sure how close.
Still, it was nice that they weren’t automatically treating him like dirt for breaking Steve’s heart and then clumsily attempting to sellotape it back together with promises of proving it to him. Maybe that was Steve’s doing. Or maybe they were just more emotionally intelligent than he’d given them credit for.
Chrissy, however, had no such compunctions.
She waltzed into his house at ass o’clock in the morning and shoved a to-go coffee into his hands, knowing well he hadn’t slept a wink, she had been the one up with him on the phone for half the night after all.
“C’mon, Twinkie!” She slapped his ass hard. Way harder than was necessary, in his opinion. “Now’s not a time for moping, now’s a time for action!”
Eddie scowled at her and took a sip before coughing it up and shooting coffee straight out of his nose.
“Jesus fuck!” He gulped back air, barely able to get the words out through the scratching at his throat. “How many espresso shots are in this?!”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.” Chrissy dismissed with a wave of her hand.
He had barely managed to get his breath back, standing in the middle of his house in just his ratty old Dragon Ball Z boxers with coffee dripping down his chest when his front door was thrown open with a bang and more people descended on him.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?”
The Corroded Coffin boys strolled through his house, immediately descending on his kitchen and raiding his cabinets for whatever food Steve constantly kept his house stocked with.
“We heard you finally got your head out of your ass.” Jeff replied, through a mouthful of Honeycombs.
“Hey! Those are mine- Wait. You knew?”
“Dude, everyone knew.” Grant had commandeered his chocolate Yoo-Hoo, cracking the lid off easily.
Eddie felt his stomach drop. “Everyone?”
“Everyone.” Gareth emphasised, knowing exactly whose wrath Eddie was now fearing.
“Shit. Does he know? What happened yesterday?”
Chrissy nodded. “I called him. He’s in the air.”
“You fucking traitor!” He shouted, pointing his finger at her. “He’s going to kill me!”
She just waved her hand at him. “Go get dressed. We’ve got work to do.”
Eddie mumbled and grumbled but did as he was told, knocking back the rest of the poisonous coffee she had provided him. When he arrived back downstairs it was like walking into the middle of an intervention, even though he had started the process himself.
He was going to get off the drugs, he was going to stop drinking. He was no longer going to be sleeping around, obviously, but he was also going to go to a private medical clinic for a number of tests. Just to make sure he hadn’t picked anything up in between previous testing. He was going to keep smoking, because god-damn it he needed something.
The rest of that day was spent with Dustin, Chrissy and the Corroded Coffin boys scraping through every square inch of his house, searching for his various stashes of drugs and alcohol while Max watched him like a hawk.
Chrissy pulled away some pills taped to the bottom of a decorative pot that sat on top of one of his upper cabinets and Eddie was pretty sure he’d never seen that pot in his life before. Never even looked at it, let alone hid shit using it. It was the ugliest fucking pot he’d ever seen, why was it in his house? Honestly he’d forgotten half the places they pulled a handle of vodka or a baggie of powder out of. 
He wasn’t an addict, he didn’t consider himself an addict but he just used them more as an aid to get him through the day. He wasn’t an addict. 
He used them because he wanted to, not because he needed to.
Except now that he was faced with the reality that there’d be none of it left in the house, and he’d be monitored very closely by all of them so he couldn’t break and go out and get a fix… it had his anxiety skyrocketing through the roof and he almost asked them to stop multiple times. 
But each time he did, he remembered the defeat and heartbreak on Steve’s face and he… he just had to keep pushing forward. 
As they went from room to room, Max seemed to have some kind of sixth sense. Sitting there in her tailored business suit, red hair in a high pony, leaning over towards him with her elbows on her knees. Whenever he knew where something was stashed and the guys skimmed over it or missed it, she called out to them, telling them to look again without taking her eyes off him.
“How the hell are you doing that?” He asked.
“I had a troubled upbringing.” Max replied with a flat tone of voice.
They’d been at it for hours by the time he called for a fucking breather. All of this was exhausting. The stress was eating at his stomach. Eddie was in his back garden, trying to chill the fuck out with a cigarette when he heard the door open behind him.
“Boy.” The voice that came from behind him was heavy and stern, like Eddie’s own personal Kratos had descended and Eddie froze like a rabbit caught in a trap.
He turned slowly, hoping that someone else, anyone else was around to help take the pressure off but they all seemed to have scattered, the cowards.
“Wayne!” He tried to inject as much joy and lightness into his voice as he got to his feet but the man just continued to stare down at him with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed, towering over him like a monument of parental disappointment.
Quick as a flash Wayne’s hand shot out and slapped him over the back of the head, not too hard, but hard enough to let Eddie know he wasn’t happy, as if that had ever been in doubt. “What did you do to that young man?”
“You can’t hit me! I’m in recovery!”
Wayne slapped him again.
“I’m fixing it!”
“You better be. I like that Steve kid. He’s good for you.”
Eddie slumped, dropping his cigarette butt on the ground and trudging over to his uncle, pressing his forehead into his collarbone. “I know.”
Wayne nodded and pulled him in close for a hug.
“I’m fixing it.” Eddie said again, quieter this time. 
“Good.” Wayne rubbed his hand up and down Eddie back before pulling away. “We’ll get this sorted.” He placed his hands on either side of Eddie’s face and gave him a light squeeze. “Now pick up that butt, I didn’t teach you to litter.”
For all his whining and grumbling and absolute terror of the man, it was a big help having Wayne around. Of course it was, how could it not be. Though he’d never doubted Wayne for a second, facing up to the consequences of his actions had never been something Eddie was particularly eager to do.
Case in point, involving Chrissy was maybe a mistake. 
Because she was, like, sporty and shit. And she kept dragging him out of bed in the early hours of the morning once the worst of everything was out of his system. 
She’d force him into the gym room that came with the house and Eddie was pretty sure he’d never set foot in it before. But all the stuff there had clear signs of being used regularly and it was with a strange mix of sadness and glee that he figured Steve had probably been the one using it all along.
“Why am I here?”
“To get some endorphins into you without using drugs.”
Soulmate his fucking ass. 
Chrissy was no less than a drill sergeant and no amount of whining and bitching would stop her from making him do stretches and get on the treadmill and god he fucking hated it. Any one who enjoyed exercising was now solidly listed under ‘psychopath’ in his brain. 
Chrissy had even convinced Max to get her husband, some kind of sports health something or other, to put together a meal plan for him that had him eating shit like broccoli and apples and brown fucking rice.
Eddie did not throw a temper tantrum by day five of that diet, about a week and a half into this whole ‘getting his shit together so he could prove to Steve he was a competent human’ thing. Definitely not, even though his muscles ached and he wanted to stuff an entire Dunkin worth of Donuts into his mouth and get stupidly ridiculously high.
“Fuck off and leave me alone, Chrissy.” He snapped one morning from underneath his bedsheets. He was fucking tired, he was fucking sore and last he checked sugar wasn’t one of the addictions he was supposed to be giving up so why the fuck wasn’t he allowed to have any?
Chrissy crossed her arms. “No.”
“What’s even the point of this anyway? How the hell is the fucking broccoli and the fucking treadmill proving to Steve that I’m gonna stick around?”
“Because you’re improving yourself, taking care of yourself. Staying away from the drugs and alcohol and sex orgies and showing him you’re trying.” She sighed, softening her voice. “Didn’t you tell him you’d try every day for him?”
“Whatever.” Eddie grumbled, pulling the covers up over his head. “It’s a bed day. I’m staying in bed. Don’t try to drag me out, I will bite you.”
He could hear Chrissy leave and he knew the attitude was unnecessary, she was his rock in all of this, but he just wasn’t in the fucking mood to do anything apart from wallow.
He had dozed back off to sleep until he was awoken by someone coming up the stairs. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a tall handsome man with fantastic shoulders standing in his doorway with a box of fucking donuts in his hand.
What kind of sugar-craving wet dream was this?
The guy lifted his hand with a pleasant smile. “Hey-”
“Sorry, man. I’m off the market.” Eddie slurred in some kind of delirious half-asleep haze before his brain finally caught up with him and he realised that’s probably not what was happening right now.
The guy burst out in a short laugh. “Yeah, me too. I’m Max’s husband, Lucas.”
Eddie’s entire face went scarlet. “Oh fuck, don’t tell her I said that. She’ll cut my balls off.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He said with an easy smile as he held the box out and shook it slightly. “I brought these for you.”
Lucas handed the donuts to him and even though Eddie should be wary of the quite literal candy from a stranger (although, was candy really the correct term?), the allure of fried sugar was too much.
“Aren’t you supposed to be having me eat healthy?” Eddie asked, practically diving face first into the box and stuffing as much as he could into his mouth at once. “Minoththuppothsbeowmaheawthmfifthnssjurmy?” 
Lucas blinked at him and Eddie forced himself to swallow the large lump of fried dough, but not without sucking on his fingers first. “Am I not supposed to be on a health and fitness journey? Or whatever you,” he wiggled his fingers at him, “active types call it.”
"Don’t get me wrong, you still need to eat right and exercise but the meal plans I write up are usually for athletes at the top of their game. So the fact that sugar and some fats never made it in just never occurred to me. And no offence to you dude, but you are no athlete.” He smiled and tapped the box. “Everything in moderation, right?”
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Things began to even out after that. The boys started to travel between Eddie’s house and their own homes, checking in on him less and less the better he got. Finally getting to spend some well deserved time with their families rather than babysitting their problematic frontman. 
Wayne still stuck around. Eddie’s literal rock in everything he’d ever done in his life ever and Chrissy was no longer riding him so hard about getting the endorphins pumping. 
Honestly video games could do the same thing for him but she refused to accept that.
When Steve walked back through his front door some two weeks after he’d left for a second time, he took Eddie by surprise all over again, manifesting behind him like some kind of ghost and scaring the ever loving shit out of him.
But he didn’t throw himself at Steve this time. 
He didn’t have that right anymore. 
The ball was in Steve’s court and he would be the one that would decide just how fast they moved from now on.
He noticed the difference in Eddie almost immediately because of course he did. Telling him off hand that he looked good, healthy. That he hadn’t looked like that since their second studio album blew up, which caused Eddie to blush furiously and hide his face behind his hair like a fucking schoolgirl and not someone who had appeared in fucking ‘Playgirl’, which he had.
Usually in his down time he would have been spending it hanging out with Steve and his weird little found family. And with Wayne, flying in between LA and Indiana and getting to remember what it felt like to just be a normal person again. 
But it had also been the time Eddie would let loose and go hard into everything could. The kinds of things he couldn’t manage when on tour. 
Days long sex parties, kink clubs, high quality drug dens, week long getaways to someone’s private island or luxury yacht that probably collectively took ten years off his life every time he went.
But they were a thing of the past now.
Eddie found he was kind of enjoying the slower summer getting clean afforded him. He’d started to enjoy the things he used to love so much, but lost over time. 
Reading, losing himself in a writing haze, feeling the frantic passion of ideas and creativity overtaking him, and all with a clear head this time. 
Days spent in his basement studio no longer fueled by cocaine and other stimulants, now only fueled by caffeine. 
Before, he’d be able to go a couple of days awake in his writing haze but caffeine was no substitute for coke. 
As a result of that, being under the influence of only caffeine, sugar and nicotine he usually ended up crashing on the couch down there before he even realised he was falling asleep. Sometimes he’d wake up with handwritten pages stuck to his cheek or forehead, sometimes he’d wake up with the mother of all back aches and stiff fingers. But sometimes he’d wake up with a blanket thrown over him, the ghost of a hand in his hair and a strawberry frappuccino waiting for him on the coffee table.
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The downside of being lucid and sober was that Eddie was now painfully aware of his shithead behaviour over the last number of years and it constantly threatened to push him back into a spiral again. 
He was actually mentally present for the first time in he didn’t know how long for a meeting with the label executives to discuss a timeline for the next album and tour. He had no idea just how much Steve had been doing for him, especially when it came to this. 
Making decisions on his behalf that always benefited him far more than anything he’d have been able to negotiate himself, making excuses for why he was so out of it all the time that everyone could see through. But the execs always let it go because Corroded Coffin were one of the labels biggest bands, on of their biggest money earners and continued to be, no matter how fucked up Eddie was.
And it wasn't just meetings with execs he now had to deal with. The people refused to get the god-damn memo. The invites to all the debauched shit he usually took part in just kept coming and people actually started getting defensive whenever he refused.
No matter what he told them. 
He told them he didn’t want to go. He was healing. He was off the shit that would be shared around like pass the parcel. They were down right offended to hear it. Like Eddie was somehow telling them all he was better than them by holding up a mirror towards their own actions which… maybe, yeah actually.
The only invite he had accepted was a charity fundraiser for queer homeless youth. But only with a firm stance that he would not be going to any kind of after party, so don’t even bother asking.
But it would be fine. 
There’d be alcohol and probably some drugs and probably some people trying to get into his pants there but Chrissy and Steve would also be there, all but chained to his side. Gareth, Jeff and Grant would be taking up the mantle of schmoozing so it would be fine.
Plus, he was close to hitting his ninety days so he was definitely stronger than he had been at the start, right?
Either way, the alcohol, the drugs, the horny people… it would be the kind of shit that would be unavoidable in his line of work. So he’d have to get used to temptation being thrown in his face regardless and this would be a nice entry level experiment.
“You sure you want to do this?” Steve asked him, with an arm around his shoulder. 
The return to normal touch had been gradual, happening over the last few months and it was doing wonderful things for his nerves right now. The three of them were sitting in the back of the big fancy car, stalling.
Steve flashed him a cheeky grin. “We can leave and head to the McDonalds drive-thru right now if you want.”
Eddie smiled and stopped twisting his rings around his fingers. This was an overly fancy event, probably requiring white gloves as part of the dress code but Eddie wasn’t going to start worrying about expectations like that now. 
They knew who they’d invited. 
“I’m fine. It’s fine.” He tipped his head over until he was leaning against Steve’s shoulder and laced his fingers with Chrissy’s gloved hand. “Let’s just get this over with. Maybe we can leave before I turn back into a pumpkin, though?”
Steve smiled. “Sure thing.” He pressed a quick kiss to the top of Eddie’s head and smoothly exited the car. 
It was definitely not the most intimate thing they’d ever done together in their decade long friendship but definitely the most intimate thing that they’d done in the last three months and Eddie’s stomach exploded with butterflies.
“Cinderella doesn’t turn back into a pumpkin at midnight.” Chrissy said, shaking out her large pale pink dress as she stepped out of the car after Eddie. “Are you calling yourself the carriage?”
“Yeah.” He offered her his elbow. “I have plenty of carriage.”
“Twinkie,” she shook her head, “you have no carriage. It’s a tiny little fuzzy peach butt.”
“Excuse you, it’s a pumpkin!”
She rolled her eyes and gave his ass a little pinch out of view of anyone. “It is not.”
“It’s really not, Eds.” Steve put in with a not so subtle up-and-down look.
“This is a betrayal of the highest order,” he pointed at them, “and the both of you are terrible people.”
Overall, things went pretty well. 
He didn’t really have to talk to anyone, the Corroded Coffin boys as previously discussed between them, were dealing with the majority of boring ass rich people conversation and Steve had enough experience from his upbringing with his parents to deflect the most persistent of wannabe schmoozers. Eddie had been sticking only to mocktails (his favourite would always be a Shirley Temple but they had some strawberry thing which was essentially just strawberry limeade but it was fucking delicious so who gave a fuck) and some really nice non-alcoholic champagne that honestly tasted better than the regular champagne without the tang of alcohol in it.
Steve had to lead someone away, almost with a hand at their elbow when they just kept pushing for conversation. Chrissy was in a gentle discussion with a new young artist who looked like she was about to vibrate out of her skin from fear. And Eddie felt a shadow descend into the chair next to him.
He turned, still trying to suck the last dregs of his Shirley Temple out of the bottom of his glass.
The guy who sat down looked vaguely familiar, in that kind of memory signal way. His subconscious definitely knew they’d crossed paths before but that could mean anything. Maybe he’d collaborated with him in the past? Maybe he was an old supplier? Maybe he’d slept with him, who knew?
“Hi!” The guy said with a smile and dark bedroom eyes.
Well, okay.
He slid a drink towards him, cold and beading with condensation and the most beautiful amber colour.
Eddie swallowed, unable to take his eyes off of it. He picked up the edge of the white tablecloth, using it to push the drink away. He didn’t even want to risk touching it.
“I’m clean.” Eddie pretty firmly kept the now empty Shirley Temple glass up, still sucking the straw around the bottom, trying to keep a barrier between them because no thank you. Not tonight. Not ever, anymore, if life worked out the way he wanted.
The guy nodded and smiled again, a little condescending, as though Eddie’s attempt to stay sober was cute. “I've been watching you. Trying to find an opportunity to say hi.” He scoffed lightly with a raised eyebrow. An attempt at an inside joke only one of them was in on. “Your bodyguard’s got a pretty tight grip on you though. Glad he finally gave you a chance to breathe.”
“Steve’s not my bodyguard.”
Even though he could be. Has definitely had to act like it before. More than once. 
God, Eddie was a shit.
“No? He’s certainly acting like it. Won’t let anyone near you. Seems a little possessive if you ask me.” The guy scooted a little further forward and started brushing his leg up and down Eddie’s calf and Eddie retracted almost immediately.
“That’s going to be a solid no from me. I’m off the market for the foreseeable future.”
The guy couldn’t hide his surprise quickly enough. “Seriously? Someone get in your head about it?” The corner of his mouth tilted up in a smug grin. “Couldn’t stop thinking of a particular night? I couldn’t stop thinking of it either. I heard you stopped making the rounds after.”
Eddie could do nothing but blink at the absolute balls on this guy. But apparently this was a one sided conversation because the guy was still talking.
“I was hoping you’d call me again.” He attempted to nudge Eddie’s knee with his hand but Eddie pulled back again with a hard glare. The guy scoffed again. “Unless, of course, your phone privileges have been taken away by the help.” He laughed at his own pathetic, mean excuse for a joke. “I think we could be quite good together, Eddie.”
“I don’t fucking think so.”
The guy pushed out his bottom lip and batted his big eyelashes at him, like Eddie’s rejection was performative, like he was playing hard to get. “Awh. That’s too bad. You marked me up so good last time.”
It was only then that it finally clicked for him. “You’re the guy from the ‘Sucker’ video.”
The guy's bravado faltered, clearly not expecting to be forgotten so easily.
“Obviously.” He bit out.
He was the last guy Eddie had slept with before everything had happened.
Steve had shown him out and left on his vacation almost immediately after.
He’d been so upset.
“What the fuck did you say to him?” Eddie hissed, finally setting his glass down.
The guy blinked with a curl at his lip. “Who?”
“Oh, him?” The guy laughed, short and sharp and mean. “Not my fault if he wasn’t ready to hear some harsh truths.” He shrugged. “I didn’t tell him anything he didn’t deserve to hear. Practically did you a favour, by the way.” The guy rolled his eyes. “Just had to get it in his head that he didn’t have a shot, shooting above his pay grade and if he couldn’t handle it he should take a long walk off a short pier. Even if you did let him weasel his way back in-”
There was something shoved hard into Eddie’s chest and he only had a second to register what was happening before he had to catch Chrissy around the waist and pull her back to stop her clawing this guy's eyes out. 
The purse she’d pushed at him fell to the floor as Eddie was jerked forward, using his all of his weak as shit strength to keep a firm grip on Chrissy who was always so strong with her hidden jock prowess.
“Jesus Christ, put a leash on her, would you?” The guy had fired himself backwards, nearly toppling himself out of his seat.
“You motherf-! Edward, let me go!” Chrissy was swiping at the guy with one arm while the other dug into Eddie’s arm, trying to loosen his grip. 
Before he could consider whether the spectacle of Chrissy Cunningham in her pink meringue dress absolutely wrecking this guys shit would be worth the entertainment enough to let her free, a wall of bodies planted themselves firmly in her way.
“I think it’s time we head out, don’t you?” Jeff asked leaning back, trying to avoid Chrissy’s hands.
“Yeah,” Eddie huffed. Jesus this girl was strong. “Yeah, maybe!”
The four of them were able to manhandle Chrissy, who was still spitting and cursing, shooing her out of the front door. Eddie glanced back and saw Steve leaning down towards the guy with the sharpest smile he’d ever seen, muttering into his ear ‘He doesn’t even remember your name’ before turning and following the five of them out.
There was silence between the six of them outside, save for the sound of Chrissy’s heavy breathing, as they waited for the car to come around.
They all bundled themselves inside and once the door slammed shut Eddie exploded.
“Okay, what the hell?” 
The boys were looking at him with wary expressions, Chrissy was wide eyed and a little flushed and Steve just cocked an eyebrow, well used to Eddie’s tantrums after so long. But that wasn’t what this was.
“Him? Him? I slept with him? He’s not even cute, why the hell didn’t anyone stop me?!” He pointed at each of them in turn, not even bothering to skip out Steve, the fucker would only tease him about it later.
The car started moving and Eddie took a second to send a silent apology to the very nice chauffeur, Marlon, who really shouldn’t have to be dealing with their nonsense.
“Twinkie,” Chrissy huffed, ripping her white opera gloves off, “the amount of times I have tried to slap the dick out of your hand and get you to listen to me-”
Eddie squealed, high and outraged. But he couldn’t even stay mad because Steve was doubled over cackling like a witch on her broomstick and the boys were poking fun at him while literally poking him in the sides and all he could do was slump down in his seat and pout at them with crossed arms.
They did end up going through the McDonalds drive-thru after all.
So... y'all wanna see Eddie's Playgirl cover? 👀 (minors dni)
That magnificent artwork was done by the supremely talented @sporelium and I am in fucking awe of him, like holy shit. I saw it when it was originally posted and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Thank you so much for letting me reference it here. 😘🖤
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 AO3
@lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring, @child-of-cthulhu, @sweetwaterangel, @anaibis, @katytheinspiredworkaholic, @littlewildflowerkitten, @hallucinatedjosten, @estrellami-1, @gregre369, @stxrcrossed186, @novelnovella, @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme, @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere, @thesuninyaface, @messrs-weasley
128 notes · View notes
vivanightcity · 8 months
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Little bits and shits about Brooms nomad clan.
(Preemptively saying: these are THEIR beliefs. They are meant to have been a group that set out with good intentions but went along the anprim to ecofacism pipeline with culty overtones where they turned their concept of nature into a god in all but name.)
They're old. Like. Arguably one of the older clans. Of course, they weren't so much a nomad clan before larger scale collapse started happening... they were fugitives. Moving around to avoid detection by corps mad their shit got sabotaged.
Cause that's what their origin is. A group of industrial saboteurs against the rapid and horrific destruction of the environment by corporations. Different cells of the same group eventually banding together to become the Tellus clan. Because of this, their founding numbers are an odd mix from a variety of backgrounds, spurred to action by what they were seeing. Absolutely labelled eco terrorists by most.
Their basic core tenant, that simply derived from a distrust of corporate control and overreach in cyberware but snowballed, is: 'No permanent modifications, unless medically necessary'.
(post got long af so it's going under a cut)
The line of medical necessity is an ongoing debate, and the spirit of that belief is often argued. With many seeing things like hairy dye and body paints as being completely fine, whilst others saying they're also against the intent, just because they aren't permanent doesn't mean they aren't also frivolous displays of vanity.
They're actually, largely, real ass chill with queerness, social transition doesn't rely on hrt because medications are hard to come by, but surgical changes are absolutely allowed. Also more likely to see visible disability among their numbers, too, because of the lack of cyberware intervention. Permanent modification to remove, fix, graft, whatever? Fine. Adding cyberware after? No. So wheelchairs, glasses, old school prostheses, lifelong pain relief and management - usually addictive as fuck - because no, fuck you, you can't get augmented joints or bones, live in pain.
Cyberware isn't trusted because it's corporate originating, corporate controlled. There's no guarantee, no real oversight - as far as they're concerned - on what corporations can do with it. Make things obsolete, charge you software fees, claim you don't own parts of your physical body but are simply renting them, take control of the parts of you that you signed away without warning. All on top of being - as they see it - a completely unnecessary pollutant, indicative of the overconsumption and mass manufacturing.
Corps destroyed the world, and they're destroying humanity. They see cyberpsychosis as natures line in the sand. A sign of things to come, that the world is tired of humans destroying everything and corrupting a natural order, it is going to fight back, and it'll start by wiping out all those who gave into chrome consumerism.
Exclusively use jerryrigged solar panels and turbines. If they're ever in a place they don't work, or there's a breakage or failing, the clan will simply do without. Broom spent a fair chunk of his life without routine electrical access. The hum of it in NC drives him nuts.
It's only because of how long they've been around that many even consider them nomads. Although they'd definitely argue against claims they aren't. But, far from moving constantly in temporary camps as they look for work, they move between set semi-permanent seasonal camps where they sit static for up to half a year. So far removed from anyone and everything and their locations are a violently protected secret. Usually they only send a small group ahead a month or so in advance to get things ready, cleaned up, and make sure its safe. If they have any idea it wont be safe to leave it unguarded, they'll leave people behind year round.
No synth food unless it's a literal emergency, like starvation level. A benefit of having the seasonal camps vs being on the road. Allows farming to a better extent, and without having to move heavy set ups or equipment between seasonal camps. Seasonal, faster growing, subsistence farming for veggies. Big on things like potatoes and beans, not so much on grains like wheat or rice. Corn is about as close as they get.
Not trusting any animal they could klep to not be fucked up corpo genetic mess, they've been maintaining numbers of originally wild caught animals like caribou, rabbits and turkeys. Apparently their early numbers tried to keep bison, too, but they were too big to survive the dwindling wild resources at the time, and are likely one of the many species that went extinct - or they exist only in gene banks, zoos and private collections. Im a horse boy at heart so part of me loves the idea that they have some, especially since they could've taken survivors out of the wild, but I also think they're too big and too resource intensive so I dunno.
Hunting is also decently routine. However, they're very careful about when and where they do so, animal numbers only beginning to recover in some places, and still functionally wiped out in others. And enough of their early members were environmental scientists, ecologists, park rangers even, (all of which had seen their work, their industries, decimated in their lifetimes and were pushing back against it) that they had that good knowledge base to begin with. Also foraging. Broom can id you shrooms for fun, food, or a quick death.
Rarely engage with other nomad clans, only going to gatherings when they need to get information, or help, with something they can't do themselves. Quicker to trust other nomads than anyone else, but still not quick. They'd also always help a fellow nomad, and do actively share what they know and have learnt. That help just comes with a big side of proselytizing and guilt trips about chrome, and can easily turn violent if the other party aren't 'good sports' about the zealotry disguised as a nice conversation.
Actually pretty good at that bit when talking to people who haven't been warned not to listen to them (Most nomads born and raised within packs know to stay away). They know how to get their foot in the door. Well. Some do. Some are Garry the Prophet levels of easy to avoid. But those that have that savy, can find an in.
You can't just leave. Any sort of leaving, even if it's to join another clan, or start your own family, is considered becoming raffen. Someone who leaves is raffen. People are kicked out for a variety of reasons, and that excommunication makes them raffen. Regardless of how stupid that might seem to other nomads, where the definition is more one of violence, a lack of code, general untrustworthy-ness even to fellow nomads. It's why Broom considers himself raffen, even if he really isn't.
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bayisdying · 2 years
Lucky Penny - Chapter Eleven
A/N: DID YALL ORDER SOME MORE ANGST WITH YOUR ANGST. y'all can blame Dragon, Cupcake, and Spicy for this one being as angsty as it is. Not really but it's fun to blame others. Lol.
Rooster broke out into a run with Eric hot on his heels, following the sound of Coyote's panicked yelling.
As they got closer, Rooster took in the horrific scene. Coyote had Lucky's limp body in his arms begging the girl to stay with him, to stay awake, to just hang on a little longer.
"Coyote! It's me, it's Rooster." Bradley shouted to make himself known.
Coyote's face turned to face him and Rooster saw the haunted look in his friend's eyes.
"She's so cold Roo, and her pulse is weak."
Eric fell to his knees in the snow and starting digging through his medic bag to get to work.
"I'm going to start an IV and get some fluids in her, it will help with the dehydration and get her core temperature up." Eric explained as he took the bag of saline in his hands and began to rub it in between his hands. "Bradshaw radio our location to the others and get the heli here now."
Coyote watched as Eric slid the needle into Lucky's cold skin to start the IV. Eric handed him the bag of fluids to hold. "Keep this elevated and squeeze lightly to get it in her veins faster. How are you feeling?"
"I'm good man, just help her."
Bradley returned from radioing in, and Eric used him to get supplies out. He was mesmerized by the way the other man was making this look easy. He didn't want to look at the way Lucky's body was still blue, bruised, and limp. He refused to acknowledge that this lifeless body was the spunky, little pilot that called him Chicken to get on his nerves. Or that it was the same woman who kicked his ass at pool no matter how hard he tried. This wasn't her. This was someone else.
"Here there are heated blankets in that inside compartment. Get one on his shoulders and we will wrap her in one too. It's not much but once we are on the helicopter our team will have a headstart on both of them."
Rooster did as he was told, and took the bag of fluids from Coyote's grasp. As he put an arm around his friend.
"She's going to be okay, she's made it this far because of you."
They heard the hurried footsteps of the other teams. Two of the other medics jumped in to help Eric with Lucky. The other pulled Coyote away from her body to start working on him.
"Oh my fucking God." Hangman muttered when he saw the two of them.
"This looks bad." Bob agreed.
"She's tanking, what's the ETA on heli?"
"Two minutes out."
"She might not have two minutes."
Once Payback and Phoenix had convinced Fanboy to lay down and rest, they entered the communications room and sat down to get updates on the rescue. The flurry of voices and motions almost soothed them until they heard one of the medics come through the comms.
"Heli to base. Take off complete, heading back. Patient one; late 20s male, dehydrated, mild hypothermia, mild frostbite on extremities, bruising and lacs consistent with ejection from jet. Vital signs good considering, core temp warming. Patient two; late 20s female, mild concussion, LOC witnessed, mild dehydration, severe hypothermia, moderate frostbite on extremities, bruising and lacs consistent with ejection from jet. Vital signs tanking, no real improvement with core temp despite intervention."
"Come on Lucky." Payback whispered before heading out to grab his buddy and head to the infirmary on ship.
Phoenix stayed frozen in place, forcing herself to bear witness to what could be her friends last moments. She doesn't even notice the tear that makes its way down her cheek.
"What's our ETA to the ship?" Bob asked from the copilot seat, there was no longer enough space in the back for all of them.
"With the head winds we are roughly 20 minutes to landing pad."
Rooster and Hangman could only watch as the medics moved around the cramped space.
"Why isn't she fighting?"
Rooster looked over at Hangman.
"This is Baylie Steele THE Lucky, the girl who finds pennies wherever she goes. The girl who could probably go to a clover field in Ireland and find the only four leaved one. The girl who probably still believes in unicorns and shit. Why the hell isn't that luck kicking in Bradshaw? Why is she laying here just fucking dying on us without a fight?"
Rooster watched as the usually suave man ranted and raved like a man possessed. He didn't have any words, except ones he's said since he was four years old.
"Talk to me Dad."
When Baylie was six, she attended her first funeral. It had been a distant relative on her mother's side that she barely known. She sat in the second row, in her cute black dress, lace socks, and scoffed black Mary Jane shoes. When her mother took her up to the casket with her, she had asked her Mom why the lady looked like she was just sleeping.
"Well honey that's what Aunt Phyllis is doing right now, she's sleeping for a really long time." Delilah explained.
Later in life, when William was on his death bed he would reiterate that lesson.
"I'm not going to be in pain anymore lucky girl, I'm just falling asleep."
Maybe that's why Lucky felt so tired, why she didn't want to wake up. Maybe she wanted to sleep forever too.
When the helicopter finally landed and they rushed Coyote and Lucky to the infirmary they were greeted by the rest of the Daggers. And later they would all agree that as long as they lived, they would never be able to forget the sound that came out of Fanboy's mouth when he saw Lucky's body.
A/N: I was going to make this chapter end sorta-kinda happily. Then I said fuck it and went full evil on it....maybe chapter 12? Who knows 🤷‍♀️
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topscoree · 1 month
Topscoree NEET Coaching Centre: Innovative Teaching Methods and Their Impact
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In the highly competitive landscape of medical entrance exams, particularly NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test), students require more than just conventional teaching methods to excel. At Topscoree NEET Coaching Centre, we understand that success in NEET is not just about hard work, it's about smart work. Our commitment to innovative teaching methods sets us apart and ensures that our students are not only prepared for the exam but are also equipped with the skills to succeed in their medical careers.
NEET Coaching Centre in Coimbatore
The Need for Innovation in NEET Coaching
Traditional teaching methods, while foundational, often fall short of addressing the diverse learning needs of students. The NEET exam demands a deep understanding of complex concepts, quick problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to apply knowledge in a highly pressured environment. To meet these challenges, Topscoree NEET Coaching Centre has developed innovative teaching methods that cater to individual learning styles, enhance retention, and build the confidence required to tackle the exam.
Flipped Classroom Model
One of the core innovations at Topscoree is the place of the flipped classroom model. Unlike traditional teaching, where concepts are introduced in class and practised at home, the flipped classroom approach allows students to explore new topics at their own pace through pre-recorded video lectures. Class time is then dedicated to deepening their understanding through interactive discussions, problem-solving sessions, and hands-on activities. This approach not only promotes active learning but also ensures that classroom time is used efficiently for clarifying doubts and reinforcing concepts.
NEET Coaching in Coimbatore
Adaptive Learning Platforms
Recognizing that every student has unique strengths and weaknesses, Topscoree utilizes adaptive learning platforms that customize study plans based on individual performance. Identifying areas where they excel and need additional support. By providing personalized feedback and tailored study materials, our adaptive learning approach ensures that students focus on the topics that matter most, optimizing their preparation for NEET.
Interactive and Collaborative Learning
Collaboration is key to mastering the NEET syllabus, and Topscoree has integrated interactive learning sessions into our curriculum to foster teamwork and peer-to-peer learning. Group discussions, peer reviews, and collaborative problem-solving exercises are regular features of our program. These activities develop critical thinking and analytical skills while encouraging students to learn from one another, cultivating a dynamic and supportive learning environment.
NEET Coaching Centre in Coimbatore
Use of AI and Data Analytics
Topscoree is at the forefront of leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics to enhance the learning experience. Our AI-driven tools analyze students' test performances, predict outcomes, and provide insights into their readiness for the NEET exam. By identifying patterns in students' performance we can offer targeted interventions, ensuring that each student receives the guidance they need to improve and succeed.
Continuous Assessment and Feedback
Regular assessments are integral to NEET preparation, and at Topscoree, we have redefined tests conducted. Our continuous assessment model goes beyond periodic testing; it involves ongoing evaluations through quizzes, mock tests, and surprise assessments. This approach keeps students on their toes, reduces exam anxiety and ensures they apply what they learn. Immediate feedback is provided, allowing students to identify and address their weaknesses.
The Impact of Innovative Teaching Methods
The results of our innovative teaching methods speak for themselves. Students at Topscoree NEET Coaching Centre consistently outperform their peers, not only in mock tests but also in the actual NEET exam. Our approach has led to higher retention and improved problem-solving skills and confidence. Most importantly, our methods have cultivated a love for learning, transforming student's approach to their studies and setting them on a path to lifelong success in medicine.
NEET Coaching in Coimbatore
At Topscoree NEET Coaching Centre, innovation is not just a buzzword—it is the cornerstone of our teaching philosophy. By integrating cutting-edge teaching methods with a deep understanding of the NEET exam requirements, we ensure that our students are not only well-prepared but also future-ready. The impact of these innovations is evident in the success stories of our students, who excel in NEET and beyond. Join Topscoree and experience the difference that innovative teaching can make in your NEET preparation journey.
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nurseeden · 3 months
The Essential Classes You Need to Ace for Your Nursing Degree
**Title: The Essential Classes You Need to Ace for Your Nursing Degree**
**Introduction:** Earning a nursing degree is a challenging yet rewarding journey ⁣that requires dedication and hard work. As you embark on ⁣this ​path towards becoming a healthcare professional,‌ there‍ are several essential classes that you must excel in to succeed in your nursing degree program. In this article,⁤ we will discuss the key ⁢courses that you ⁢need to⁣ focus​ on to ⁣ace​ your nursing‌ degree and become a competent⁤ and skilled nurse.
**The Core Classes:**
1. **Anatomy and Physiology:** ⁣Understanding the structure and function of the human ⁤body ‌is crucial for ‍nurses. This class will⁤ teach you about the different systems in the body, their interactions, and how they relate to overall health. Pay close attention to this class as it forms the foundation for many other nursing��� courses.
2. **Medical-Surgical Nursing:** This⁢ class covers⁤ a wide range ⁣of medical conditions and surgical interventions. You will learn how to ‌care for patients with acute and chronic illnesses, as‌ well as how to​ manage‍ post-operative care. Mastering this class‍ is⁢ essential for⁢ developing critical thinking and clinical ‌skills.
3.⁤ **Pharmacology:** ⁣A strong understanding of medications is vital for nurses to ensure safe and effective patient‍ care. In ⁤this class, ‍you will learn about different drug classifications, dosages, interactions,‍ and⁤ side effects. Pay​ attention to drug calculations and dosages as accuracy is paramount in nursing practice.
4.⁣ **Psychiatric Nursing:** Mental health is an important aspect of nursing care. This class‍ will teach you how to assess,​ intervene, and support⁤ patients with psychiatric ⁢disorders. Developing empathy, communication skills, and⁤ therapeutic techniques are key components of this class.
5.⁢ **Maternal and​ Child⁤ Health:** This class focuses on‍ caring for women during pregnancy,​ childbirth, and ​the postpartum period, as well as⁢ newborns and children. You will learn ​about prenatal care, labor and delivery, pediatric growth, and development. ​Understanding maternal and ​child health is ⁢essential for ⁣nurses working⁢ in obstetrics and pediatrics.
**Benefits and Practical Tips:**
– **Specialized Knowledge:** Mastering ⁤these core classes will provide you with the specialized knowledge and skills needed ‍to excel in your nursing career. – **Clinical Experience:** Take ⁤advantage of ‌clinical rotations and​ hands-on practice ​to⁢ apply theory to real-life situations. – **Study Groups:** Form study groups with classmates to review materials, ask questions, and prepare for exams together. – **Time ⁤Management:** Prioritize⁤ your studies, assignments,‌ and clinical experiences to⁣ stay on ‍track and manage your workload effectively.
**Conclusion:** Successfully⁢ completing the essential classes for your nursing degree is a significant milestone that will set you on the path to becoming a competent ⁣and⁢ compassionate nurse. ‌By excelling in these core courses, you will build a ​strong foundation of​ knowledge ‍and skills​ that ‍will prepare you for‌ the challenges⁤ and rewards of a⁤ career⁤ in‌ nursing. Remember to stay focused, dedicated, and ‍passionate ⁢about your learning ‌journey as you work ​towards achieving your ⁣nursing degree. Good luck!
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garyh2628 · 7 months
We have made you more integral to the Global Economy
We are a Globally Commercially Driven Enterprise. 
New Opportunities for Investors, Consumers and Households
We are the world’s most Valuable Consumer Healthcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer and Household Development Asset and Mega force.
Investors, Brands, and Stakeholders can contact us here: [email protected] or [email protected]
Modern Selfcare - Complementary and Integrative Health, Consumer Health and Development, Consumer Products, Nutrition, Agriculture, Food, Wellness, and Wellness Infrastructures, Value-Based and Integrated Care, Food is Medicine, Medically Tailored Meal Programmes, and Human Services upstream and downstream interventions, just to mention a few.
Modern Selfcare – From treating symptoms to addressing the underlying causes and from treating disease to preventing it, is a hard-to-stop global stampede, and as a result, The global Structure Diamond international and Advocacy including the Global Structure Network Limited www.theglobalstructurenetwork.com, social and economic impact is being felt across the world. This global paradigm shift enabled by us has made you the greatest beneficiaries because not only will it defeat the strategies that profit from Consumers and Households Modern Selfcare vulnerabilities, but this paradigm shift will also make embedding your Modern Selfcare ambitions for Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture at the core of all social and economic strategy.
You are the Core Beneficiaries – We are defining the Future.
There are a trillion reasons—well, trillions of dollars—why we are pushing and reaching out to Corporations, People, and Organisations all over the world who we believe share our Modern Selfcare Culture, Values and have the right Assets to enhance our Modern Selfcare Strategy, our Modern Selfcare Asset, and our Value Proposition. Finding the right Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture partner is about so much more than just financial investment or expertise; it’s about alignment, trust, and a long-term relationship. This global paradigm shift is such good news for you that I need to really control my excitement in order to focus. Previously, despite knowing that the prevalence of Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture vulnerabilities at the Consumer and Household levels and the associated cost, usually in the trillions of dollars for the most part, is linked to the absence of Modern Selfcare, there has been low investment in this space.
In simple terms, there hasn’t been any Modern Selfcare Asset with the associated Thesis to derisk any investment in this space. Today, the world has the Modern Selfcare Consumer Health Asset, The Global Structure Network Limited www.theglobalstructurenetwork.com, powered by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, Efficacy, and our Modern Selfcare Value Proposition. This is enabling Investment in the global Modern Selfcare economies that will address the structural and systemic barriers that prevent you from entering into Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture. Critically better Health is connected to economic prosperity. We are directing investment towards your Modern Selfcare ambitions for Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture.
We are reshaping Portfolios to Benefit you.
We have done tremendous work, made tremendous gains for your Modern Selfcare ambitions. This is a whole new landscape, a whole new industry. The opportunities for you and me are limitless. Our work has jettisoned your reputation and Modern Selfcare reputation as the weak link in the global social and economic scheme. We are building bridges to new opportunities.
Our Advocacy powered by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience and Efficacy has opened the way for the creation of a wide range of new healthcare tools.
When CEOs, Investors, Policymakers, Brands, and Stakeholders want to dial you and your Modern Selfcare ambition, they dial The Global Structure Network Limited www.theglobalstructurenetwork.com, including The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy.
Why it Matters.
We are making a big global Modern Selfcare push for this next cycle of The Global Structure Network Limited www.theglobalstructurenetwork.com, including The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy, which will ensure your ambition to be in control of your Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture and your Destiny continue to feature in every layer of society.
We are seeing a monumental shift towards a Modern Selfcare era, with my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, Efficacy and our Modern Selfcare Thesis at the Heart of it, and as a result, you are at the heart of it. Investors, Brands, and Stakeholders can contact us here: [email protected] or [email protected]
We are witnessing a new era of diversification with an increased focus on Resilience, with clear benefits for you in your Modern Selfcare ambitions for Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture, Ownership of Yourself and Destiny as well as benefits for the growth of our Modern Selfcare Economy – The Global Structure Network Limited, including Global Structure Diamond International.
The world has responded to our Modern Selfcare Value Proposition, both National, International, Multinational Institutions, and Corporations when they answered yes to what they are willing to pay more for. A Global Consumer and Household Landscape that Values and Prioritise Modern Selfcare: Health, Development, and Triumphant Living as a Culture—From treating symptoms to addressing the underlying causes and from treating disease to preventing it.
It's always important for me to write to you, just to keep you in the loop about what we are doing to get your Modern Selfcare Resources live and ready for you to use:
A fully functioning Modern Selfcare Platform
Your Modern Selfcare Branded Products, Services, and Capital marketplace.
A fully functioning global Modern Selfcare campus where you will have the opportunity to mingle with our Modern Selfcare policymakers, researchers, the Multinational Institution that we are an extension of, our CEOs, The Flounder’s Gallery, and a lot more for bringing the Modern Selfcare trends to life.
New Opportunities for Investors - I am looking forward to hearing from Investors, Brands, and CEOs from all Sectors
There are a lot of Investment Opportunities here to unpack https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/f/modern-selfcare-is-soaring-what%E2%80%99s-driving-the-growth, I look forward to Investors, Stakeholders, and Corporations joining me in our Big Global Commercial Push. Let's work together as we unpack the Modern Selfcare Achievements and Initiatives in towns and cities all over the world https://www.gsdiandadvocacy.co.uk/you-have-been-strapped-into-this-roller-coaster-with-us. Investors, Stakeholders and Brands can contact us here: [email protected] or [email protected]
We have been the indispensable Modern Selfcare Asset, a Mega force, shaping, supporting, and defending Modern Selfcare policies, the rebuilding of the Consumer and Household Infrastructure and the scaling of the Modern Selfcare economy as a whole.
Your Centre for Modern Selfcare Commercial Excellence and Your Modern Selfcare Root of Trust,
Centre for Modern Selfcare including Human Services Commercial Excellence – Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Cultural Transformation, and Quality Enhancement - (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair)   
Associated Sites:
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searchngo200 · 7 months
NGO Working For Child Development: Empowering The Marginalised Through Education
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By offering a comprehensive education and developing future leaders, Search NGO gives impoverished students a sense of empowerment. For the most neglected and marginalized groups in society, the Search NGO is a remarkable project that offers hope. Since its founding, the trust has been improving the lives of children from India's poorest households. This NGO working for child development has been offering its pupils not just academic instruction but also holistic development and constant support, all of which are based on the firm conviction that education is the key to ending the cycle of poverty. 
Uplifting the marginalized through education
The belief that high-quality education is an effective means of helping the underprivileged is at the core of the ideology of Search NGO. The school holds the belief that all children, irrespective of their circumstances, should have access to a first-rate education that fosters character, values, and life skills in addition to imparting information. The school works really hard to provide a thorough education that goes beyond what is found in textbooks.
The comprehensive approach of Search NGO starts early; children as young as three or four are admitted into preschool classes. Through early intervention, the children are guaranteed a solid foundation on which to build their future education. 
Search NGO now serves approximately 300 students, attending to their medical and residential needs in addition to their educational needs. From the age of 4 to 23, this complete care spans an amazing 17 to 19 years, an intensive period of intervention designed to end the cycle of poverty within a single generation.
Long-term vision education
The way that Search NGO differs from many non-profit educational organizations is in how it approaches fundamental literacy in a different way. Rather, the school has embraced a long-term plan that takes into account a student's whole academic experience. In addition to emphasizing personal growth, the curriculum adheres to the strict guidelines of the Indian School Certificate and Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, guaranteeing academic success. This method fosters the students' personal development while giving them skills that are pertinent to the changing needs of the workplace. 
The success stories of Search NGO alumni provide witness to the effect of the organization's efforts. The NGO's dedication to changing lives extends beyond only teaching kids; as a consequence, graduates have gone on to secure jobs in esteemed businesses. These achievements serve as proof of the potential that, given the correct circumstances and chances, any child, regardless of socioeconomic background, possesses.
Creating a nurturing community 
A loving home and a supportive community are also aspects of this NGO working for child development mission beyond schooling. It is acknowledged by the organization that a large number of these kids are from low-income homes or marginalized areas. Consequently, it becomes critical to establish a safe and encouraging learning environment. Along with education, the students acquire leadership abilities, empathy, and life skills that prepare them to create change in their communities.
Instilling a vision in its pupils is just as important to this NGO working for child development transformational potential as the knowledge it provides. It produces future leaders and global citizens who are motivated by integrity, compassion, and focus; the institution does more than merely turn out graduates. Not only can these young people improve their own lives, but they can also positively impact the lives of others around them.
Breaking socio-economic barriers 
The influence of Search NGO extends much beyond the individual pupils it helps. It questions the biases and conventions of society that have traditionally prevented some children from receiving an excellent education. By granting equal opportunities to children regardless of their financial status, Search NGO is breaking down barriers and highlighting the potential that lies within the disadvantaged segments of society.
One outstanding illustration of how education may spur societal transformation is the idea of this NGO to provide a place of opportunity and calm has grown into a life-changing force that has impacted hundreds of kids and their families. Search NGO is transforming a future where every child's potential may be realized, regardless of their birth circumstances, by committing to comprehensive education and so breaking the bonds of poverty. It is evidence of the ability of education to forge connections and usher in a more just and equal society when it is imbued with empathy and vision. Donating to Search NGO can help educate the underprivileged in India.
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Don't Let Tooth Decay Steal Your Smile: A Guide to Prevention and Treatment
Our teeth are marvels of function and beauty, allowing us to chew, speak, and flash radiant smiles. Yet, tooth decay, a seemingly minor issue, can wreak havoc on oral health and overall well-being. But fear not! This blog equips you with the knowledge to prevent and tackle tooth decay, empowering you to protect your pearly whites.
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Understanding the Battleground: The Causes of Tooth Decay
The culprit behind tooth decay is a sticky film called plaque, harbouring bacteria that thrive on sugary and starchy foods. These bacteria produce acids that erode tooth enamel, the hard outer layer protecting your teeth. If left unchecked, this erosion creates cavities – the dreaded holes we associate with decay.
Beyond Sugar: Other Culprits to Watch Out For
While sugar is the arch-enemy, other factors contribute to decay:
Poor oral hygiene: Brushing twice daily and flossing once a day effectively removes plaque and food debris. Skipping these routines allows bacteria to flourish.
Dry mouth: Saliva naturally washes away food particles and neutralises acids. Conditions like medications or certain diseases can reduce saliva flow, increasing decay risk.
Acidic foods and drinks: Frequent exposure to acidic beverages like soda or citrus fruits can weaken enamel, making it more susceptible to decay.
Genetics: Some individuals are more prone to tooth decay due to inherited factors.
Prevention is Key: Building a Fortress Against Decay
The good news? Tooth decay is largely preventable! Here's your action plan:
Brush for two minutes twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Remember your tongue, where bacteria also hide.
Floss daily to reach between teeth where brushing can't.
Limit sugary and starchy foods and drinks. Opt for water and healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables.
Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings. Your dentist can detect early signs of decay and provide professional cleaning.
Consider fluoride treatments or sealants for extra protection, especially if you're at high risk.
Facing the Battle: Treatment Options for Tooth Decay
If decay develops, early intervention is crucial. Depending on the severity, your dentist might recommend:
Fillings: These resin or metal restorations replace decayed tooth material, restoring function and aesthetics.
Root canals: For deep decay reaching the tooth's core, a root canal removes infected pulp and preserves the tooth.
Extractions: A damaged tooth might need removal to prevent further complications in severe cases.
Remember, early detection and treatment are key! Regular dental checkups are vital for catching and addressing decay before it progresses.
Beyond the Teeth: The Impact of Oral Health
Maintaining good oral health goes beyond a beautiful smile. Untreated tooth decay can lead to pain, infection, and even systemic health issues like heart disease. You invest in your overall well-being by prioritising oral hygiene and preventive measures.
Empowering Your Smile: Take Control of Your Oral Health
Tooth decay, while common, is controllable. By understanding the causes, practising preventive measures, and seeking timely treatment, you can shield your teeth and maintain a healthy, confident smile. Remember, knowledge is power, and in this case, the power to keep your smile overwhelming for years to come. For more information, visit the dental clinic Newcastle.
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webscarlet · 8 months
Harnessing Energy for Wellness: A Deep Dive into Reenew Energy Wellness Center's Revolutionary Energy Enhancement System.
Harnessing Energy for Wellness: A Deep Dive into Reenew Energy Wellness Center's Revolutionary Energy Enhancement System.
Welcome to ReeNew Energy Wellness Center, your vacation spot for comprehensive well-being solutions. In a global environment characterized by pressure and fatigue, ReeNew recognizes the pivotal function of electricity in maintaining ordinary fitness. Our modern Energy Enhancement System is designed to cater to individual needs, imparting a holistic solution for raising strength degrees and fostering a balanced and vibrant life. Let's delve into the core ideas and transformative effect of ReeNew's innovative method of well being.
Understanding Energy Enhancement:
Energy enhancement at ReeNew is a customized journey that acknowledges the intricate connection among thoughts, frame, and spirit. Our holistic philosophy views strength as a dynamic force that, when optimized, contributes to physical energy, mental readability, and emotional equilibrium. By know-how and harmonizing the numerous power structures in the body, ReeNew's Energy Enhancement System seeks to empower individuals to release their full capability and reap a country of holistic well-being.
The Science Behind ReeNew's System:
ReeNew's Energy Enhancement System is grounded in clinical concepts that bridge the space between traditional wisdom and modern-day understanding. Biofeedback mechanisms, for example, allow the gadget to assess and reply to the particular strength styles of every character. This customized method allows for targeted interventions, making sure that the power enhancement process is customized to the unique wishes of the consumer. Moreover, ReNews commitment to ongoing studies guarantees that the machine evolves with the state-of-the-art medical improvements, preserving its role at the vanguard of holistic well being practices.
Key Components of ReeNew's Energy Enhancement System:
Our device is a curated combo of present day technologies and time-examined practices. Bioenergetic mapping provides a visible illustration of a character's electricity glide, aiding in the identity of regions that could require attention. Additionally, the incorporation of mindfulness strategies and dietary steerage complements the technological elements, creating a holistic and integrative technique. Each factor is seamlessly included to form a comprehensive machine that addresses the multifaceted nature of electricity enhancement.
Benefits of ReeNew's Energy Enhancement System:
Clients who have embraced ReeNew's Energy Enhancement System document a huge range of blessings that expand past the physical realm. Improved intellectual readability permits individuals to navigate each day's challenges with heightened awareness and cognitive characteristics. Increased bodily energy translates right into an extra lively and energized lifestyle. Emotional balance becomes conceivable because the gadget addresses the interconnectedness of emotions and strength. Testimonials from happy clients underscore the transformative effect, presenting actual-international examples of ways ReeNew's technique has definitely motivated lives.
Addressing Common Misconceptions:
In the arena of health, myths and misconceptions can prevent people from exploring revolutionary processes. ReeNew Energy Wellness Center is devoted to dispelling common myths surrounding power enhancement. By providing accurate information and addressing worries head-on, ReeNew goals to empower individuals to make informed choices about their well being adventure. Clear communique and transparency are essential to ensuring that capability clients feel confident and snug as they embark on the path to stronger strength and nicely-being.
How ReeNew Stands Out within the Wellness Industry:
ReeNew distinguishes itself with the aid of hard conventional norms within the wellness industry. While traditional practices are often aware of singular factors of nice-being, ReeNew's Energy Enhancement System takes a holistic and incorporated technique. By combining superior eras with historic information, ReeNew stands at the leading edge of wellness innovation. The commitment to excellence and a ahead-wondering mindset function ReeNew as a trailblazer in redefining the standards of holistic proper-being.
The Role of Technology in Wellness:
ReeNew's incorporation of advanced generation is a key component within the fulfillment in their Energy Enhancement System. Biofeedback devices, wearable generation, and statistics analytics contribute to the precision and personalization of this system. By leveraging era, ReeNew guarantees that customers obtain tailored insights into their strength patterns, permitting them to make knowledgeable picks for best well-being. This marriage of ancient awareness with cutting-edge innovation exemplifies ReNews commitment to staying at the forefront of the well-being generation.
Commitment to Sustainability:
Wellness ought to now not come on the cost of environmental well-being. ReeNew Energy Wellness Center is devoted to green practices that align with the principles of sustainability. From energy-green centers to conscious choices in sourcing materials, ReeNew guarantees that the pursuit of well-being does not compromise the fitness of the planet. This dedication displays a holistic expertise of wellness that extends beyond individual health to embody the proper-being of the broader environment.
Accessible Wellness: ReeNew's Inclusivity Approach:
ReeNew's commitment to well-being extends to making sure accessibility for all. Recognizing that various demographics may also have precise well being wishes, ReeNew adopts an inclusive approach. This inclusivity is going past physical accessibility to encompass cultural sensitivity and personalized support, breaking down obstacles to health and making strength enhancement to be had to a wide range of individuals.
Behind the Scenes: ReeNew's Team of Experts:
The achievement of ReeNew's Energy Enhancement System is attributed to the expertise and determination of its team of specialists. From skilled practitioners in strength remedy to specialists in technology and nutrition, each member performs a vital function in handing over a holistic and effective well-being. The collaborative effort of this expert group ensures that ReeNew stays a relied on destination for those in search of transformative health solutions.
Future Developments and Continuous Improvement:
ReNews commitment to excellence extends to the imaginative and prescient for destiny. Ongoing research and improvement initiatives make sure that ReNews Energy Enhancement System evolves with the present day improvements in well being. The foresight to embody new technology and methodologies reflects ReeNew's determination to stay ahead of the curve, providing customers with today's solutions for their well-being journey.
Community Engagement: ReeNew's Impact Beyond Individuals:
Wellness isn't always confined to man or woman transformation; it extends to the broader network. ReeNew's involvement in community wellness applications underscores the center's dedication to making an advantageous effect on its customers. By actively contributing to the proper well-being of society, ReeNew exemplifies a holistic method to well-being that acknowledges the interconnectedness of people and communities.
In concluding our exploration of ReeNew Energy Wellness Center's Energy Enhancement System, the message is apparent: most useful well-being isn't only an aim; it is a journey. ReeNew's modern method, grounded in technology, generation, and a commitment to sustainability, gives a transformative revel in for those in search of to harness energy for holistic proper-being. As you bear in mind your direction to stronger well being, take the step toward an extra energized and enjoyable existence. Explore the possibilities with ReeNew—agenda a loose discovery session via calling us at 801-three hundred-9992 and embark on your journey to harness electricity for wellness nowadays. Your nicely-being awaits.
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healthcareruhi · 9 months
Vascular Guidewires Market Analysis, Share, Growth rate and Market Forecasts to 2030
The Global Vascular Guidewires Market was valued at US$ 981 Mn in 2022, estimated to reach US$ 1,791 Mn by 2030, with a CAGR of 7.69% from 2023-2030. A guidewire is a flexible wire that, in some circumstances, may also be a spring. It aids surgeons in the introduction and accurate positioning of a medical device, notably a prosthesis, within a patient's body. During an interventional procedure, the use of guidewires is crucial since they help a doctor and direct a medical instrument through the patient's anatomy. 
A guidewire completes the role of a guide towards the insertion of larger devices, such as a catheter, into the patient's body. The material majorly used in making guidewire is core steel with a covering applied over the core steel. The coating may be of hydrophilic or hydrophobic polymer. The vascular guidewires are used for the numerous surgical procedures such as angioplasty stents, angioplasty balloons, endovascular aneurysm repair stent grafts, hemodynamic flow alteration devices, and others.
Market Segmentation The scope of the Global Vascular Guidewires Market covers segmentation based on Application, Coating Type, End User, and Region. Based on Application, the market is segmented into Coronary Guidewires, Peripheral Guidewires, Urology Guidewires, and Neurovascular Guidewires. Based on Coating Type, the market is divided into Coated and Non-Coated. Based on End Users, the market is classified into Hospitals and Ambulatory Surgical Centers. Request A Free Sample@
Regional Analysis The Global Vascular Guidewires Market is segmented into 5 main regions, namely North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America.
Key Players Abbott Laboratories, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Becton, Dickinson and Company (C.R. Bard), Biotronik SE & Co. KG, Boston Scientific Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., Cook Medical Inc., Olympus Corporation, and Terumo Corporation.
Key Questions Addressed by the Report • What are the Key Opportunities in Global Bonsai Market?   • What will be the growth rate from 2023 to 2030?   • Which segment/region will have the highest growth?   • What are the factors that will impact/drive the Market?   • What is the competitive Landscape in the Industry?
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drheidikling · 11 months
Shedding Light on Depression Understanding the Path to Healing and Recovery
Depression is a deeply pervasive condition, its shadowy grip extending far beyond the mere feeling of sadness. It is a complex web of emotional, physical, and cognitive disturbances that can engulf individuals in a relentless sense of hopelessness. The path to healing and recovery from depression can seem insurmountable, but with the right understanding and support, it is indeed possible to shed light on this profound darkness.
Depression, in its complexity, resembles a labyrinth, where various factors are intricately linked and intertwined. Its roots penetrate deep into biological aspects, including genetic predispositions and imbalances in neurochemicals, which significantly contribute to its manifestation. Furthermore, life events, whether they are traumatic experiences or persistent stress, can serve as catalysts, triggering or exacerbating depressive episodes. However, the impact of depression extends far beyond its biological origins or external triggers. It often infiltrates the very essence of one's identity, skewing personal perceptions and depreciating self-worth. This distortion can make the road to recovery appear as an elusive mirage, further compounding the struggle. As a therapist, Heidi Kling understands this complexity and works closely with her clients, guiding them through the labyrinth of depression towards the path of recovery, and ultimately, self-rediscovery.
One of the most critical aspects of recovery is acknowledging the profound impact depression can have on an individual's life. It's not merely a passing phase but a complex, debilitating condition that can manifest in various ways. Some experience a loss of interest in activities they once found enjoyable, while others grapple with persistent feelings of guilt and worthlessness. Sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, and cognitive impairments can further intensify the struggle, creating a cycle that's hard to break without proper intervention.
Depression, in all its convoluted and burdensome complexity, can be likened to navigating a labyrinth. The factors contributing to its onset are multifaceted and intricately interwoven. A substantial portion of its roots can be traced back to biological underpinnings, such as hereditary factors and irregularities in neurochemicals, which play a pivotal role in its inception. In addition, various life events encompassing traumatic experiences or relentless stress often act as accelerants, precipitating or intensifying the episodes of depression. Nevertheless, the influence of depression is not contained solely within biological factors or external stressors. It has a remarkably insidious way of permeating the core of an individual's identity, transforming personal perceptions and eroding self-esteem. This distortion of self-perception can cause the journey towards recovery to appear as an elusive, unattainable ideal, further compounding the challenges faced by those affected. Therapist Heidi Kling recognizes this intricate web of complications and devotes herself to work in tandem with her clients. She guides them through the labyrinthine intricacies of depression, leading them towards a path of recovery and, ultimately, self-re-discovery.
Under the proficient guidance of therapist Heidi Kling, the labyrinthine complexities of depression can be navigated with a renewed sense of hope and direction. Through her 25 years of experience, Dr. Heidi Kling has cultivated a unique understanding of the intricate interplay of factors that contribute to depression. Her therapeutic approach extends beyond traditional methods, building upon cognitive-behavioral techniques to challenge negative thought patterns, and instilling a more balanced perspective in her clients. Furthermore, she recognizes the potential benefits of medication in certain cases and advocates for its use when prescribed and monitored by a healthcare professional. At the heart of her practice, however, is a deep-seated belief in the power of empathy and understanding. Dr. Heidi Kling professional approach, combined with her innate ability to foster a supportive environment, empowers her clients to unravel the tangled emotions and cognitive distortions that accompany depression, setting them on a path towards healing and self-discovery. In the realm of mental health, Heidi Kling stands as a beacon of hope and solace against the backdrop of profound challenges.
Beyond professional assistance, establishing a robust support system can be instrumental in the recovery process. Friends and family members who can offer unconditional support and understanding can provide a vital anchor during tumultuous times. Moreover, engaging in activities that foster a sense of purpose and accomplishment, such as hobbies, exercise, or volunteer work, can help rekindle a sense of joy and fulfillment, gradually chipping away at the suffocating blanket of despondency.
It's imperative to acknowledge that the road to recovery isn't a linear progression. Setbacks and relapses are common and can be disheartening. However, viewing these obstacles as integral parts of the journey rather than signs of failure can foster resilience and perseverance. Patience and self-compassion are essential virtues to cultivate, as the healing process often requires time, dedication, and unwavering determination.
Furthermore, the integration of holistic practices can complement traditional treatment methods. Mindfulness and meditation techniques can aid in cultivating a sense of self-awareness and inner peace, allowing individuals to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment. Nutrition and exercise, often overlooked in the context of mental health, play a crucial role in promoting overall well-being, bolstering the body's resilience against the detrimental effects of depression.
As we draw our exploration to a close, it is crucial to reinforce the importance of understanding the multilayered complexities of depression, and the profound role that professionals like therapist Heidi Kling play in this domain. Dr. Kling's proficiency, honed over 25 years of dedicated service, enables her to navigate the labyrinthine intricacies of depression with a refined acumen, helping individuals regain control over their lives. She exemplifies the immense power of empathy, understanding, and professional guidance in the realm of mental health, which are often the guiding light in an otherwise obscure journey towards recovery. Working in the delicate interplay of environmental, biological, and personal factors, therapist Heidi Kling employs a holistic approach, fostering a secure atmosphere for her clients to dissect their tangled emotions and cognitive distortions. By intertwining cognitive-behavioral techniques and the judicious use of medication, she empowers her clients to challenge their negative thought patterns, paving the way for a more balanced perspective on life.
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skomedia · 1 year
Revolutionizing Addiction Treatment: Sko Media Harnesses the Power of Cannabis and the Human Endocannabinoid System
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Donate now for a sponsorship spot on the Gifted & cUrsED podcast.  In recent years, scientific research has shed light on the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis in treating various medical conditions, including chronic pain, epilepsy, and mental health disorders. One emerging area of study is the role of cannabis and the human endocannabinoid system in assisting individuals battling addiction, particularly hard-core drug addiction. Sko Media, a pioneering organization, is at the forefront of this research, aiming to unlock the potential of this natural plant to help cure those deeply entrenched in substance abuse. In this article, we will explore how Sko Media is leading the way in proving that cannabis and the human endocannabinoid system can be instrumental in the recovery of hard-core drug addicts. https://www.facebook.com/joeskotheone/ Understanding the Endocannabinoid System The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex network of receptors and molecules found within the human body. Its primary role is to maintain homeostasis, ensuring overall balance and well-being. The ECS is involved in various physiological processes, including mood regulation, pain perception, and immune response. https://www.youtube.com/@SKOMedia-501c3 Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System Cannabis contains numerous chemicals known as cannabinoids, with the two most well-known being delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These cannabinoids interact with the ECS receptors, namely CB1 and CB2, found in both the central nervous system and the peripheral tissues. Check out Joe Sko Media’s Website Sko Media’s Approach Sko Media recognizes the potential of cannabis to stimulate the endocannabinoid system, normalizing the imbalances caused by substance abuse and addiction. By leveraging the unique properties of cannabis, the organization seeks to develop treatment protocols that specifically target the underlying issues faced by hard-core drug addicts. 1. Addressing Withdrawal Symptoms One of the challenges faced by addicts attempting to quit is the severe withdrawal symptoms that often accompany the process. Sko Media’s research demonstrates that certain cannabinoids, such as CBD, can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, and nausea. By providing relief during this challenging period, cannabis can increase the likelihood of a successful recovery. 2. Managing Cravings and Relapse Prevention Cravings and the risk of relapse are significant hurdles faced by individuals throughout their recovery journey. Cannabis has shown potential in reducing cravings by modulating the ECS and reducing hyperactivity within the brain’s reward system. Sko Media aims to harness this potential, creating targeted cannabinoid-based therapies that can effectively curb cravings and prevent relapse. 3. Addressing Underlying Mental Health Disorders Substance abuse often co-occurs with underlying mental health disorders. Sko Media recognizes the need to address these dual diagnoses simultaneously. Cannabis, with its potential to modulate mood and anxiety disorders, offers a promising avenue for providing comprehensive treatment options. Sko Media’s research focuses on understanding how specific cannabinoids can effectively treat these co-occurring disorders, ultimately aiding long-term recovery. The groundbreaking research being conducted by Sko Media marks a new chapter in addiction treatment. By exploring the therapeutic potential of cannabis and the human endocannabinoid system, this organization shows promise in helping hard-core drug addicts recover and reclaim their lives. While more research is needed to fully understand the intricacies of these therapeutic interventions, Sko Media’s dedication to this field holds tremendous potential for shaping the future of addiction treatment. As we continue on this path, we must remain open-minded to explore all potential avenues that can bring healing and relief to those suffering from addiction. Originally posted here https://sqm-club.com/revolutionizing-addiction-treatment-sko-media-harnesses-the-power-of-cannabis-and-the-human-endocannabinoid-system/ Read the full article
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renatedagmarmilada · 2 years
bullying experts
They put my trunk on a satelite naked, unasked which looped, picked up everywhere illegally by strong receivers, monitored day and night sex these radical lechers’ hobby horse with pay no holds barred.
To cover they made a porn film. The boss and bossess’s actions, supplanting my head and sent that into the world’s receivers sounds crazy done by an insane corrupt rogue lab but totally true.
Doctor Meyer, Mnakovitz with Fielding and  Simon Beaumond wrote into the file
she and mother are sensitive, why? it means they put pressure on our organs by laser, been done for a long time now, but little known especially to remedials.. if we go to the doctor for pain killers they lab researcher / remember they have put us on this for life and tied the knots so tight we can’t get out of it / says more women moaners .. and puts on the machine more agony and believe me they are encouraged, not allowed, to put as much pressure on as possible at that lab to cover what Doctor Meyer, and the rest did at the beginning and to hundreds of other people.. who would all sue them if it came out..
another one, They were riding my son endlessly at every job he took. Now he refuses to work as the hassle, for all that he would rise happy to go to work, was so great he can’t take anymore.. so they call him a malingerer!
She won’t take part, whereever I go, they ‘play’ nasty games with their toys, even at teacher’s meetings and lessons I am teaching, even interrupting my t.v. programmes and music, which they have been doing since 1984 constantly..it is a game with them, they get massive funding and have nothing to do with it…. They appear to particularly enjoy destroying anything good in society, one destroyed lessons saying she had always run wild at school, what would I do about it..that is the least of the things they do. They are the scum of the earth yet play with highly intelligent teachers nasty games of scoring and other evil, putting all Pakistanis to a high niveau, not because of experience and usefulness, which they havn’t as yet got..but because they are easier to manipulate than white people, english or europeans! They ask no questions about ethics or moral worth, nor do their ‘girls’ who just obey orders.
rather like the Churches now we have benefits offices, have absolutely no job left..such is human research, our doctors and medical research sorts everything out, they are – and I quote them – merely ‘the States murderers.’
The Ministries have been asked to wipe out records and help in destroying us… seriously and they have done it….
how often has this been done is being asked now
picked up by Embassies everywhere picked up by banks everywhere picked up by Reuter everywhere picked up by hospitals everywhere picked up by military everywhere picked up by t.v. stations everywhere the screen open to even the cleaners Guy’s is staying quiet.
five a.m. microsound came over ‘This an emergency for me and St Barths Human Research lab in London all my merry, mean men and nasty, mean laddesses call ourselves doctors and health workers. Hommerton hospital as well.
We faced seven years at least sent down for intervention into private citizens lives putting the whole family into a technological prison then destroying lives, fabric, physical and real Ministries helped constantly.
But asked one, you didn’t have to kill them dead destroy them totally, rob them of everything Kids born here, useful citizens, loyal, caring and clever hard working to the core they’d done nothing you had asked them here!
If you want to know now we’re robbing them blind of their little left she sold the family home for no other reason except that I can and the Ministries help us cheat and lie to them as I sit changing her accounts.
Nothing will be left but our lies from this rumble what we rob and take out of their bank accounts the lab staff, Stani’s too, keeps in their own pockets so they’ll never sprag on us or be a danger to the lab Mass bullying a great British passtime.
We even got a bank clerk at Bavarian Hypo Bank reducing numbers to repeating the scared Deutsche Bank, trying to find safety from robbery by england’s banks evil people are not followed by their evil deeds We just said she was sponsored.
If it were reversed they’d treat us with respect we know, instead now they are left with bitterness deep hatred felt against us and resentment for eternity, we try every possible trick on them we pick their bones clean.
Annan Kofi was lied to so we could continue the yanks and the E.U. were lied to even the Royals were lied to and how the government and Lords were lied to everyone was lied to, everywhere was lied to to break every law there is.
oh and stop the ambulance thefts from her mother we robbed the money the old man left the widow she’s poor as a Church mouse and even gives that away she’s ninety now and they don’t even complain it’s no fun anymore really.
It’s called putting on the pressure british style the poor devils can’t even hope to escape we globalised them with our nasty cruel programme offering exchange and business to all countries prepared to use and rob them.
two lone elderly women with no support using high technology which can’t be picked up helpless as new born babes as we keep battering keeps our workers and students amused we call them our sacrifice.
The lawyer Vanessa Saxon says there’s nothing not a thing she can do. English law she says doesn’t exist as such, like American for instance where you are told what is wrong and right interview in the law-kitchen!!
No way of dealing with Ministry criminals or government lab cheats and liars permitted with every technology to hand there is Plenty of English have had some stick too only Muslims and Pakis favoured.
Oddly, we had come here for a higher democracy! Parents not aware enough of British history had heard only the whispers of greatness Long periods, a truth too damning be heard Questions implicate many of power.
A knife in the back is the most painful worse than anything from our past dictators especially with their technological rapes and torture An island filled with criminals!
with fancy  names and no laws.
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Mr. S.
When people ask me about memorable patients, I think what they intend with that question is for me to tell a story about patients that have left a positive impact on me. The ones that have driven me a certain way—changed me to be better. I think they are thinking of successful, happy, positive stories. 
 If I am being honest, when I think of memorable patients, I think difficult. They have changed me to be better,  but the memorable patients are the ones that were difficult to diagnosis, the ones that were a challenge to convince, the ones that never trust anyone, the ones that will refuse to follow your instructions or advice and were the ones that I usually didn’t have an easy time with.  Most of the time, when I was in the midst of treating them, I was dreading it. One such patient, a memorable patient, fell in the category of difficult to diagnosis. I was on the wards. He was a 65-year-old gentleman. He had presented overnight to the ED for flank pain that radiated to the groin. He had a past medical history of colon resection and now was experiencing ascites, or fluid in the belly. He was lying in bed when I first saw him, Mr. S. 
Mr. S was blunt. He didn’t mind telling you about all his issues and that included issues he had with the doctors who were treating him. We started his work-up with many of the standard tests, including a complete blood count with differential. That allowed us to look at his blood cells, and it would distinguish for us the number of each cell in his blood. His results showed severe low red blood cells—so severe that he was at the level that required a blood transfusion. His platelets were also extremely low. These are the cells that allow the healing of damaged tissue and are important when there is active bleeding because they form clots that stop the bleed. He also had a remarkably high white blood cell count. These cells are important for infection fighting. At this point in his work-up we needed to find the source of his dangerously low red blood cells and platelets, and reason for abnormally high white blood cells. 
There were no sites of active bleeding when we did a CT—no source for losing so much blood.  There was no real signs of infection, and his testing for common viruses that may be the source of a high white blood cell count, came back negative. The only remarkable aspect was enlarged lymph nodes that were seen throughout his body: neck, chest, vertebral column.  It is what we call “diffuse lymphadenopathy.” And it is common in lymphoma or cancer. 
We consulted surgery for an excisional biopsy—a procedure Mr. S was not too excited about. At this point we were draining fluid from his belly every two days because the fluid was reaccumulating that quickly and causing so much pressure that he was having difficulty breathing. He had been sore at those various sites that we had drained him from, and he would make sure I knew it every time I saw him. He would loudly grumble and grunt whenever I examined his belly, even in spots that were far from the drainage site. He would roll his eyes, when I would mention that we would need to drain his belly again. It was hard for me to see him every day and tell him that we still didn’t have a diagnosis despite the fact that we were picking and prodding him like an experimental animal. We were collecting his blood, sending his belly fluid for analysis and coming back with zero answers. Now I was suggesting another invasive procedure--the biopsy. When I thought that it was probably not going to get any worse of a situation in terms of excessive testing, we got word from surgery that they didn’t want to do an excisional biopsy due to the patient’s unstable platelets, and that we would need to consult interventional radiology to do a core biopsy instead. Core biopsies are not the most helpful in a situation like possible lymphoma. But surgery was refusing to touch Mr. S, and we needed answers, so we went ahead with the core biopsy. The frustration with Mr. S was only building. Each day that we had no diagnosis and only more procedures and tests to gain consent for, the amount of distress I felt was building too. 
It was difficult—difficult to face him. But there is one thing that I realized as I visited him. He was building his trust and confidence in me despite the fact that I had not given him one solid answer to why he was sick. I was building a relationship when I would see him and ask him how he was doing, and what I could do to make him more comfortable. One day it was to plug in his cellphone to charge because he could not reach the wall socket across the room being hooked up to several IVs. Another time, it was providing ice chips because he was NPO or “nothing by mouth” for his CT scan and was so thirsty waiting to go down for his scan (one of my least favorite things to do is place that NPO order).  
One day I tracked down the nutrition delivery to get him lime Jell-o instead of vanilla pudding. I think those circumstances allowed me to get past his frustration, and even though when I finished my time on the wards he was still in the hospital—still without a diagnosis, and status post two core biopsies that were negative—he was willing to not grumble when I examined him on our last day together. Mr. S was a difficult patient, but I didn’t want him to change. He changed me for the better being exactly who he was: memorable.
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cbdhempstein · 2 years
CBD Oil for Autism
It seems every convenience store these days has an endcap or closet filled with CBD products up for sale. The substantial spreading of such products is partly an indicator of just recently loosened laws concerning marijuana’s usage in some states. As well as it’s partially regarding Americans’ boosted readiness to attempt alternative therapies for certain chronic or hard to handle problems.
One of the conditions that CBD oil has actually been suggested as possibly handy for is autism, now called autism spectrum problem or ASD. But can CBD really make a distinction with such an intricate problem as ASD, and also is it safe?
What Is Autism?
Autism range problem is a complex developing disability. It usually appears within the very first 3 years of life and also involves disabilities in social communication. People with autism have problem connecting with others socially and also being aware of other individuals’s sensations. Individuals with ASD may not be as fast or able to observe as well as respond to ot hers’ nonverbal interaction, as well as some may misunderstand verbal communications. Individuals with autism likewise occasionally show uncommon eating or sleeping habits or tend towards self-harming tasks, such as banging their heads.
Not everybody with ASD exhibits the exact same range or intensity of symptoms, thus the category of autism as a range of conditions with a wide variety of presentations. Some people with ASD need a lot of aid to perform tasks of everyday living, while others need very little assistance.
Given that autism was included in the Analysis and also Analytical Handbook of Mental Disorders in 1980, rates of diagnosis have increased. The Centers for Illness Control as well as Avoidance reports that today, 1 in 54 kids has been identified with ASD. Cases take place throughout all racial, ethnic as well as socioeconomic groups.
How Is Autism Dealt with?
Early treatment can make a large distinction in exactly how well an individual with ASD will have the ability to look after themselves later in life. Annette Nunez, a certified psychotherapist and founder and also supervisor of Breakthrough Interventions, LLC, based in Denver, has actually collaborated with children with ASD and also other related conditions for over 22 years. She states there are a number of healing interventions “that have shown to be efficient.”
A lot of them make use of innovative ways of getting to the autistic youngster with instructional or psychotherapeutic means.
Dr. Harrison Weed, an internal medication specialist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Facility in Columbus, states that curricula designed for autistic youngsters are particularly important. The core functions of successful educational programs for individuals with autism consist of:
A high personnel to student proportion.
Private programs for each and every youngster.
Educators with special proficiency in collaborating with youngsters with autism.
At least 25 hours weekly of solutions.
An adaptable curriculum that “emphasizes interest, imitation, interaction, play, social interaction, law and also self-advocacy,” Weed claims. Those educational program needs to be flexible based upon how the child is advancing.
Household participation.
Security as well as predictability to the routine.
In addition to educational programs and emotional support, some children have additionally benefited from adhering to an unique diet plan, Nunes claims. Specifically, diet regimens that are free of gluten, a type of protein located in cereal grains, as well as diet regimens that remove casein, a journal protein, have been handy for some individuals with autism.
Sometimes, medicinal intervention might be required. Weed claims that for some kids with autism, medication might be suggested if there’s an accompanying psychiatric or neurodevelopmental problem that can be treated with such. It might also come into play if “behavioral symptoms disrupt learning, socialization, wellness, safety and security, quality of life or general functions.”
Weed notes that medication decisions require to be made on “a case-by-case basis,” as well as are generally scheduled for scenarios where other treatments have actually been worn down. Only two drugs — risperidone as well as aripiprazole — have actually been authorized by the FDA for usage in youngsters with autism. Fluoxetine (Prozac) is likewise sometimes utilized and also “has actually had variable benefit for managing repeated actions in youngsters with autism,” he claims.
What Is CBD Oil?
Name of CBD supplements from the Love Hemp CBD brand?
CBD or cannabidiol oil is “an extract of the plant Marijuana sativa,” Weed claims. “Marijuana sativa can have a high web content of the psychedelic chemical THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), in which situation it’s referred to as marijuana.”
When the plant contains low concentrations of THC, it’s described as hemp. “Removes that contain mostly CBD as well as only extremely percentages of THC are described as CBD oil,” he explains. THC is the chemical that creates the euphoria or “high” associated with cannabis. CBD items have really reduced levels of this chemical as well as thus are much less reliant induce those feelings. The 2018 Ranch Costs specified that items consisting of marijuana or cannabis-derived substances must have no greater than 0.3% THC.
CBD has medical properties, Weed explains. “It’s readily available as a prescription medicine called Epidiolex in the united state” That drug is the only FDA-approved clinical use CBD and it’s used to “control some particular sorts of youth seizures,” such as those that occur in Dravet Disorder and also Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.
“ There are no other FDA-approved indications for CBD due to the fact that there’s no trustworthy clinical proof sustaining any type of various other medicinal use CBD,” Weed states, however CBD items are commonly readily available without a prescription.
CBD oil has actually come to be prominent over the last a number of years as a means of reducing signs associated with a variety of problems. “CBD can be sedating and is generally used to deal with sleeplessness and also stress and anxiety,” Weed claims. But these insurance claims are supported by very restricted science. “It’s a fad due to current state-level decriminalization of marijuana/hemp products and also the net availability of item,” Weed explains. Additionally, because it’s deemed a “natural” compound, many people connect that with it being harmless, which might not hold true.
“ For persistent, difficult-to-live-with conditions that have no great therapies, there is constantly a yearning for some remedy or therapy,” Weed states, so some people are counting on CBD oil to aid.
Can CBD Oil Be Used to Treat Autism?
With regard to autism particularly, Weed notes that “autism spectrum condition is a complicated illness/disability. As a result, examination as well as therapy are complicated. It does not offer itself to straightforward solutions. Households handling it are typically determined and as a result willing to attempt unproven, also dangerous therapies.”
CBD oil can appear attractive to some parents who are fighting with their youngster’s medical diagnosis. “There are lots of reviews online in which people with autism or their parents discuss the advantages of CBD oil,” Nunez states. “They discuss exactly how it calms them, makes them much less distressed and also can stop seizures.”
There have actually been a couple of studies finished in Israel that showed some advantage of CBD, but they really did not have a control team to compare the results to. In a similar way, anecdotal awareness of a positive impact are uncontrolled. In both instances, the positive results observed could be the result of something aside from the CBD itself.
“ It’s difficult to understand if the changes they saw in those researches relate to the CBD usage or if they would have taken place anyhow. There’s an all-natural tendency in autism for behaviors to boost with age,” says Dr. Katharine E. Zuckerman, associate teacher of pediatric medicines at Oregon Wellness & Scientific Research University in Portland as well as a participant of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Kid with Disabilities.
Furthermore, “often, when you give kids a therapy or a drug, there’s a rather solid sugar pill impact, specifically when all end results are parent-reported,” she explains.
All that said, Zuckerman adds, “I don’t intend to give you the impact that it’s not effective since it’s quite possible that it is. It’s just that we don’t know. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatric medicines doesn’t recommend it — due to the fact that we have no reason to advise it, in itself.”
Some of these inquiries could be cleared with some big, controlled clinical trials. But there’s another problem when it comes to CBD: validity.
Marijuana is still identified as a Set up 1 medicine at the government level. The United State Medication Enforcement Administration categorizes drugs, with Arrange 1 being one of the most restricted course. Medications in this course have “no presently accepted clinical use as well as a high possibility for misuse,” according to the agency. Other Arrange 1 medications are heroin, LSD and ecstasy. Though some states have liberalized laws bordering marijuana, hemp and CBD products, there might still be legal ramifications to examining or making use of these products.
That makes protecting the funding for research study — which commonly comes from government funds — far more challenging. “It’s an actually large issue,” Zukerman states. “Most research study right into autism is government moneyed with the National Institutes of Wellness, and also as lengthy as cannabis is an Arrange 1 medicine, that creates a massive obstacle for researchers to do massive researches on this.”
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However there is some really hope that even more conclusive research study can be honest. “Lately, the Center for Medicinal Marijuana Research, based out of UC San Diego, provided financing to carry out a research study which checks out the impacts of CBD on signs of serious autism,” Nunez states.
Should You Attempt It?
So, with all that stated, is it worth it to attempt making use of CBD oil to handle your child’s autism? Zuckerman says you need to consult with your youngster’s doctor. “Speak to your doctor about it. We wish to know what you’re trying. We won’t anger at you if you intend to try something a little out of the box. Yet we intend to make sure that whatever you’re using is secure.”
She includes that “CBD is a drug. It’s a medicine. It has pharmacological residential properties. We need to take into consideration that in the context of whatever else the kid is taking,” and your physician can advise you on whether it’s safe to attempt adding CBD. “It is very important for moms and dads to think about CBD as a medication. It may have benefits, and also it has dangers, also. The trouble is that now we don’t know whether the dangers outweigh the advantages.”
Negative effects that have actually been connected with CBD items consist of:
Sedation as well as tiredness.
Nausea or vomiting.
Dry mouth.
Negative interactions with other medications.
Nunez prompts parents of children with ASD who are thinking about using a different treatment like CBD “to inform themselves concerning CBD items as well as recognize the difference in between CBD oils and also CBD with THC.”
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charlesreeza · 2 years
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A trephine used to perform one of the oldest medical procedures in human history.  The caption on the illustration points out that the operation was performed without anesthesia.
Musée Le Secq des Tournelles, Rouen
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