#especially an animal that has long had that sort of relationship with people both in NA and northern europe
vivanightcity · 8 months
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Little bits and shits about Brooms nomad clan.
(Preemptively saying: these are THEIR beliefs. They are meant to have been a group that set out with good intentions but went along the anprim to ecofacism pipeline with culty overtones where they turned their concept of nature into a god in all but name.)
They're old. Like. Arguably one of the older clans. Of course, they weren't so much a nomad clan before larger scale collapse started happening... they were fugitives. Moving around to avoid detection by corps mad their shit got sabotaged.
Cause that's what their origin is. A group of industrial saboteurs against the rapid and horrific destruction of the environment by corporations. Different cells of the same group eventually banding together to become the Tellus clan. Because of this, their founding numbers are an odd mix from a variety of backgrounds, spurred to action by what they were seeing. Absolutely labelled eco terrorists by most.
Their basic core tenant, that simply derived from a distrust of corporate control and overreach in cyberware but snowballed, is: 'No permanent modifications, unless medically necessary'.
(post got long af so it's going under a cut)
The line of medical necessity is an ongoing debate, and the spirit of that belief is often argued. With many seeing things like hairy dye and body paints as being completely fine, whilst others saying they're also against the intent, just because they aren't permanent doesn't mean they aren't also frivolous displays of vanity.
They're actually, largely, real ass chill with queerness, social transition doesn't rely on hrt because medications are hard to come by, but surgical changes are absolutely allowed. Also more likely to see visible disability among their numbers, too, because of the lack of cyberware intervention. Permanent modification to remove, fix, graft, whatever? Fine. Adding cyberware after? No. So wheelchairs, glasses, old school prostheses, lifelong pain relief and management - usually addictive as fuck - because no, fuck you, you can't get augmented joints or bones, live in pain.
Cyberware isn't trusted because it's corporate originating, corporate controlled. There's no guarantee, no real oversight - as far as they're concerned - on what corporations can do with it. Make things obsolete, charge you software fees, claim you don't own parts of your physical body but are simply renting them, take control of the parts of you that you signed away without warning. All on top of being - as they see it - a completely unnecessary pollutant, indicative of the overconsumption and mass manufacturing.
Corps destroyed the world, and they're destroying humanity. They see cyberpsychosis as natures line in the sand. A sign of things to come, that the world is tired of humans destroying everything and corrupting a natural order, it is going to fight back, and it'll start by wiping out all those who gave into chrome consumerism.
Exclusively use jerryrigged solar panels and turbines. If they're ever in a place they don't work, or there's a breakage or failing, the clan will simply do without. Broom spent a fair chunk of his life without routine electrical access. The hum of it in NC drives him nuts.
It's only because of how long they've been around that many even consider them nomads. Although they'd definitely argue against claims they aren't. But, far from moving constantly in temporary camps as they look for work, they move between set semi-permanent seasonal camps where they sit static for up to half a year. So far removed from anyone and everything and their locations are a violently protected secret. Usually they only send a small group ahead a month or so in advance to get things ready, cleaned up, and make sure its safe. If they have any idea it wont be safe to leave it unguarded, they'll leave people behind year round.
No synth food unless it's a literal emergency, like starvation level. A benefit of having the seasonal camps vs being on the road. Allows farming to a better extent, and without having to move heavy set ups or equipment between seasonal camps. Seasonal, faster growing, subsistence farming for veggies. Big on things like potatoes and beans, not so much on grains like wheat or rice. Corn is about as close as they get.
Not trusting any animal they could klep to not be fucked up corpo genetic mess, they've been maintaining numbers of originally wild caught animals like caribou, rabbits and turkeys. Apparently their early numbers tried to keep bison, too, but they were too big to survive the dwindling wild resources at the time, and are likely one of the many species that went extinct - or they exist only in gene banks, zoos and private collections. Im a horse boy at heart so part of me loves the idea that they have some, especially since they could've taken survivors out of the wild, but I also think they're too big and too resource intensive so I dunno.
Hunting is also decently routine. However, they're very careful about when and where they do so, animal numbers only beginning to recover in some places, and still functionally wiped out in others. And enough of their early members were environmental scientists, ecologists, park rangers even, (all of which had seen their work, their industries, decimated in their lifetimes and were pushing back against it) that they had that good knowledge base to begin with. Also foraging. Broom can id you shrooms for fun, food, or a quick death.
Rarely engage with other nomad clans, only going to gatherings when they need to get information, or help, with something they can't do themselves. Quicker to trust other nomads than anyone else, but still not quick. They'd also always help a fellow nomad, and do actively share what they know and have learnt. That help just comes with a big side of proselytizing and guilt trips about chrome, and can easily turn violent if the other party aren't 'good sports' about the zealotry disguised as a nice conversation.
Actually pretty good at that bit when talking to people who haven't been warned not to listen to them (Most nomads born and raised within packs know to stay away). They know how to get their foot in the door. Well. Some do. Some are Garry the Prophet levels of easy to avoid. But those that have that savy, can find an in.
You can't just leave. Any sort of leaving, even if it's to join another clan, or start your own family, is considered becoming raffen. Someone who leaves is raffen. People are kicked out for a variety of reasons, and that excommunication makes them raffen. Regardless of how stupid that might seem to other nomads, where the definition is more one of violence, a lack of code, general untrustworthy-ness even to fellow nomads. It's why Broom considers himself raffen, even if he really isn't.
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fbfh · 5 months
Hello, a request please, how does Leo react if he discovers that his girlfriend (reader) is a minor goddess, daughter of Poseidon and host (Percy goes into brother mode)
disclaimer that I haven't read the kane chronicles yet and don't feel like I really know enough to write about that so this will be more focused on the whole minor goddess thing bc I LOVE this ask.
You're a minor - and very new - goddess, so most people haven't even heard of you. Your dad is poseidon, and your mom is a sweetbay magnolia dryad, so your dad ended up entrusting you to watch over the coast, and everyone who lives there. Anywhere the water meets the land is your domain. It's a pretty niche job, but you have fun quietly tending to the plants and animals, all the little otters and beavers and water birds. you especially loved the long island sound near camp half blood. eventually you asked your dad if you could stay there, pretend to be a normal teenager for a while. he thought of your brothers, Percy and Tyson, and decided that was a good idea. So he talked to Chiron and sent you over, informing Percy he has another half sibling. Even though it was a little rough at first, you bonded with him so fast, turning into the dynamic brother sister duo you'd both always hoped for.
then you met Leo.
He fell first, and he definitely fell harder. Leo has been enamored with you, practically drooling over you since day 1. Of course this really didn't do much to fix the occasionally tense relationship between him and Leo - if anything it exaserbated it more. You never really outright told Percy what you are, he just sort of... pieced it together over time. You were a little scared to tell him. You were scared of how he'd react, that he'd be mad at you for lying or hate you for what the other gods have put him through. You can still remember sitting at the bottom of the lake with him, watching the sun set from underwater.
"Percy, I need to tell you something. I just- I don't want you to be mad at me."
that got his attention.
"It's about- um- it's about me... who I am. What I am." You'd continued, the horrible knot in your stomach eating away at you, getting bigger and bigger. your pulse raced and your hands shook. He looked over at you, but you kept your eyes firmly on the surface of the water, glowing coral and green in the fading light.
"I know what you are."
he had said it so surely, your heart sunk.
"You're my sister."
you looked over at him, and he knew that if you were on the surface there would be tears prickling in your eyes. You sputtered something and he cut you off, his new york accent getting stronger as he felt a surge of older brother protectiveness through him.
"you're my fuckin' sister." You looked at him and saw everything else he wasn't saying. you're my sister, and that's it. I don't care what else you are, because I'm your brother and you're my sister and that's all I care about.
Ever since then you'd started feeling a little more comfortable about your status as a god. you didn't hide the way certain birds and animals would flock to you, or how just being near the water made all surrounding plants flourish. and eventually, with percy's unspoken support, you decided to tell Leo. You've been going out with him for long enough where you already know most of each other's secrets, and you just feel like it's time. You're walking along the coast, your hand entwined with Leo's warm one as he plays with your fingers.
"Did I- uh, did I ever tell you about my mom?"
You hadn't, and Leo's intrigued. He knows about your dad - hell, he's even met him once. But you never mentioned your mom. You start telling him about her and he listens with rapt attention.
"She's great with plants, too. She's, uh... a dryad, actually. Lives in a sweetbay magnolia tree."
You're quiet for a moment, hoping he'll put two and two together. You see a million thoughts and realizations and emotions flash through him so fast you'd miss it if you blinked. Then finally, he nods.
"So you're..."
"Yup." You say softly. "In charge of the coast. Where land meets sea."
A frog hops over to you and you smile, bending down and scooping him up. He puffs up his throat proudly, and you pet him a little. Leo watches you as you two continue to walk leisurely. The sun hits the water and the trees, basking you in a glittering light and soft shade at the same time. And it makes sense, he thinks. this little strip of land full of plants and animals, where you get your ankles splashed by the tide and get sand between your toes... you look at home here. And you are. Leo realizes that every time you've taken him on one of your little walks like this, you've been inviting him into your world without him even realizing it. it fills him with a sense of warmth and awe and gratitude like nothing he's experienced before. and in that comfortable silence, you know he has your back. Besides, he's sure Percy would kick his ass if he didn't.
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edmcmayonnaise · 18 days
Months ago, I wrote "biographies" for Edwin and Simon in the style of the Edwardian (Third Edition published in 1915) study on "Sexual Inversion" (medical phrasing that pre-dates the term "homosexuality") in the style of Studies in the Psychology of Sex by Havelock Ellis. This book can be found for free online and is a treasure trove due to the collection of biographies written by queer people.
Maybe against my better judgment, I will share them now for Simon Appreciation Week, as they capture to some extent how I perceive their interpersonal dynamics.
HISTORY E.P. - English, student at public boarding school, aged 16. His father, who comes from an unremarkable middle class lineage, is a physician. His father has been deployed to France since 1914 for wartime service. His mother’s family has a history notable for hysteria in his maternal grandmother, and his mother he describes as a high-strung and nervous woman who herself has been intermittently institutionalized for afflictions of mood. 
He has no siblings, and describes the relationship with his parents as distant. He lived most of his early childhood life in the care of a nanny. At age seven, was sent away to boarding school. 
He has never been attracted to girls or women, though had minimal contact with girls his age, He takes little interest in women or in their society. There is nothing markedly feminine in his general appearance, but he does believe that his general kinesthetic disposition is not viewed by others as manly. Specifically, he says that he is concerned that the animated way in which his hands is too recognizable as a symptom of what he considers to be his congenital condition. 
He is of average height and medium-slim build, but generally normatively developed and healthy. He considers himself to lack skill in athletic pursuits with the exception of fencing, but is an omnivorous reader and excels in academics. 
In his own words:
“I have always been very shy of showing any affectionate tendencies. Most of my acquaintances (and close friends, even) find me curiously cold. For obvious reasons I have been unable to speak as to why this is. I fear being cruelly misunderstood, and I have at times felt as if wrestling in the folds of the morally reprehensible python of inversion.
"I find myself cut off from others, feel myself to be an outcast, and, amongst others my age, am intensely withdrawn. Privately, I am miserable. The desire to love and be loved is hard to drown, especially when treading through a veritable pool of ‘what-ifs’ as I am surrounded by male virality in all aspects of my life at school.
“I am not sure entirely what it is for which I am longing. Certainly, my parents neglected to impart to me any sort of knowledge of the adult modus vivendi. The only thing I do know with confidence is that no bodily satisfaction should be sought at the cost of another person’s distress or degradation, including my own.
“At my school, I have heard rumor, and in fact been the subject of rumor, regarding attachments and gratifications with other boys, which are all untrue. As with any topic that is discussed only behind cupped hands and in whispers, the stories become more and more fantastical as they are shared from schoolmate to schoolmate. Upon my truest promise, I have never yielded to the temptation of any sort of intercrural connection. I have preserved strict chastity. I do not know how long my mind can hold back the instincts of my heart and body, but I am terrified that I will soon lose this seemingly never ending battle.”
Shortly after E.P. submitted his history for publication in this book, it was reported that he and several other boys at his school went missing in what the school is calling an Act of God. Any additional information about what may have happened to this youth and his friends is not forthcoming at this time. 
HISTORY S.M. - English, student at a public boarding school, aged 17. Father and mother both living; the latter is of a better social standing than the former. He is much attached to his mother, and she gives him some sympathy and companionship, when he is at home. He is the third of four siblings, all boys, and he suspects that his next elder brother is also inverted.
In early life, S.M. was of delicate constitution and his studies were often interrupted by illness. Though living under mostly happy conditions he was shy and nervous, often depressed. This he attributes to having been on several occasions mishandled by his next elder brother; concedes that his brother is prone to foul and violent moods. However, his brother is well-liked, by his father and other siblings, he says, because of his masculine character. His brother has many friends at school. Though S.M. does report that he does have some influence over some of his classmates, he has few close friends.
Of his inversion, he reports the following:
“There is a boy in my year who has become the absorbing thought of my school days, and who comes to me in my dreams almost nightly. I have absolutely no words to tell you how powerfully his beauty affects me. He is well-formed, lean, shy, and in my dream he sits beside me, allowing our legs to touch and for me to caress his thigh. He looks at me with desire in his eyes, green, but clouded over dark with his want for me to kiss him. And I do want to kiss him– on his wrist, and his palm, and into the gentle, milky curve of his neck, and to leave my lover’s mark on him, to say to anyone who might pursue him that he is mine and mine only. 
“I keep my feelings hidden, however, hardly daring to look at him for fear of being found out. His bed is next to mine, and the rest of the dormitory is boisterous and lewd, and there is a good deal of bullying, which I cannot bear to have directed my way.
“I have tried to tell myself that these dreams are not due to a moral failing of my own, but indeed this boy’s own influence upon me. I love him and I resent him. His seeming indifference towards my existence, as he has never responded well when I have plucked up my courage to speak with him, angers me. I want him to look towards me and love me, too.”
S.M. was involved in the same incident as E.P.,  where he and several other boys went missing from their school. It is reported that their last known whereabouts were their school dormitory rooms.
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mochirizu · 9 months
𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍 || 𝚆𝙺 𝚘𝚌
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Name: Valerie Littlebird
Also known as: Val, Chickadee (Martin), Kiwi(Gourmand), Dr. Lady(Zach)
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Cree
Gender: Female(She/Her)
Birthday: April 29th(Taurus)
Occupation: Medic for Tortuga HQ, Herbalist for Tortuga HQ
Height: 5'6(168 cm)
CV: Sarah Podemski
Signature Colour: Teal
Valerie is known for her quiet, stoic and reserved nature. She usually keeps to herself, but she is not averse to joining in on the fun. Her level-headed and strategic thinking is particularly valuable during missions, especially when things get stressful. Valerie is a great listener, and her unwavering self-confidence makes her one of the most hardworking members of the team. She is very practical in her approach to problem-solving and is highly attuned to the world around her. Valerie has a very strong moral compass, and she holds her beliefs very strongly, to the point where she can be petty about them. Despite being kind-hearted, Valerie can sometimes be overly analytical and judgmental. She has a strong aversion to dishonesty, believing that lying is a cheat to life, and this can visibly upset her. She can also be dismissive of emotions and tends to avoid discussing them unless she initiates the conversation. Valerie has a strong need for personal space and dislikes physical contact unless she initiates it herself.
Valerie is an incredibly skilled individual when it comes to medicine and first aid. Her skills extend to both animals and people and she is often seen tending to her crewmates' injuries, ensuring they are well taken care of. Valerie's expertise in herbs, flowers, and various other plants led her to take on the role of the team's botanist. As a medic, she can make medicine from plants and herbs she grows, making her an essential member of the team. Her proficiency in cooking also means that she can whip up a delicious meal for the crew to enjoy after a long day of adventuring. Valerie is an expert problem solver, and her ability to think outside of the box has often led her to come up with creative solutions to complex problems. Valerie is also fluent in Algonquian, French, and English.
Birds(Ravens in particular)
Crafting Jewelry
Personal space
Donita Donata
Loud Noises
Valerie gets the nickname ‘Chickadee’ because of her Chickadee feather earrings. 
Ironically enough, her colour scheme is reminiscent of a Bluebird,
Her last name is also ‘Littlebird’.
Valerie makes her jewellery and likes to braid for people when she’s stressed or someone needs to be de-stressed.
Valerie’s medicine bag contains foldable medicine equipment, such as a scalpel, bandages and even several syringes and blood testers.
Valerie has been shown using her Creature Power Suit, but she prefers to use her ‘fold-a-bat’ as a weapon.
Valerie is the only girl in her immediate family - being raised by her two fathers and several older brothers. 
Her favourite continent is Central America.
Despite her CPS, Tail Attachment and Creature Pod being teal, her favourite colour is blue.
She is pansexual.
She has a surprisingly good relationship with Donita.
She has never once had a bad hair day.
Her favourite Greek Goddess is Athena. 
Hey guys! Sorry, for the unannounced break, Uni started for me and it is a LOT. During this, I started thinking about various ways to improve Willow's design to make a sort of 'final boss' if you will. Thus, Valerie was born! I love her design and just her in general. Let me know what y'all think!
Yes, she is still paired with Martin so expect cute art of them soon.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Don't Play With Your Food
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In which Jungkook breaks and Namjoon makes a decision.
Tags/Warnings: violence, angst!, mentions of malnourishment, wounds, blood, Black Panther Hybrid!Jungkook, Bunny!Reader, hybrid trafficking, trauma, Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Length: mid/long
There's an argument happening, and while you can't understand what the problem is, it's clear that it's got something to do with you.
With the way the man pulls on one of your hybrid ears before he lets go of it, you think it might be about the tattoo Namjoon had given you after he'd officially received all your papers and documents of ownership. It'll make things incredibly difficult for people now- because while a collar can be taken off, and a tag underneath the skin can be removed, a tattoo is the most permanent and prominent way someone can mark up a hybrid as owned. Covering it up would immediately alert authorities if the hybrid was ever to be seen in public- it's the safest way of making sure a hybrid stays with their owner.
Which makes everyone at the facility more than just angry.
Some seem to be panicking now, anxiously talking to one another because it's clear that they did not intend to take you at all. It really was a mistake- but now that you've seen the place and know what's happening here, they will naturally not just let you go on your way. So what will happen now? Will they kill you? Cut off your ear to get rid of the tattoo? Hold you captive forever, never to see the light of day again?
You don't know.
All you do know is that you're forced back into your little cell that's one side facing a wall, and on the other side facing the other hybrid cages in the hall. In this facility, they're not stacked up on top of each other, but in a row, like in some sort of animal shelter. It's crazy how that makes you feel at least a little better- though it's not much. All you can do is crawl into the furthest corner and roll up into a ball, trying to sleep because if you sleep, you can't witness whatever is going on around you.
When you sleep, you might dream of home.
Back home, where Namjoon and Jungkook finally receive the news that the police had battled through all the paperwork, and was now on their way over to Japan for more investigations- having received multiple anonymous hints as to where to look. Jungkook is pacing, agitated, this time clinging onto one of your pillows as he holds it close to his chest. "Can't we help? Can't I- I don't know, play bate or something?" He offers, and Namjoon looks at him with a stern gaze.
"I can't loose you both Jungkook. We'll both stay here, while the police does their work and bring her home." He says with a final tone to his voice, but the black panther hybrid doesn't seem like it has any effect on him whatsoever.
"You don't care at all!" Jungkook barks out with tears already brimming at the bottom of his eyes, emotions finally boiling over. And while Namjoon knows Jungkook doesn't truly mean what he's saying- it still stings him. "You're not doing anything! She could be dead for all we know and you don't care at all!" Jungkook continues to rant, fingers clenching the stuffed toy once belonging to you. "You don't seem upset, or anything at all! It's like it doesn't concern you!" He cries.
"Jungkook.." He mumbles, but the panther already storms off, door to your shared room banging shut and leaving the oldest of the family alone in the kitchen.
He does care. He cares too much, in fact.
Relationships between hybrids and humans aren't uncommon. But they're not seen as something 'morally correct' most of the time, with people advocating for humans not to be allowed legally to own a hybrid and simultaneously be in a relationship with one. It's a confusing and honestly difficult to dissect topic- especially for himself, since he knows the feelings he's harboring for both Jungkook and you are anything but platonic.
But right now, becoming consumed by emotions wouldn't help anyone. Neither you, nor the authorities, nor Jungkook. Namjoon needs to stay focused, in control, or otherwise, it'll all fall apart.
But for now, in this moment, he let's himself be swept away for once, the harsh sentence of his hybrid finally hitting him hard. What if you are in fact already lost? What if he did indeed fail you? He doesn't know if he'd ever be able to truly move on from it. But at the same time, what could someone like him even do in a situation like this? Nothing. He's powerless.
But Jungkook might be right in some degree; he's got to do at least something.
And so after wiping his tears off, collecting himself, he opens his laptop and books the earliest flight to Tokyo, before taking care of a hotel reservation at a hybrid friendly hotel, uncaring of the cost of it all.
"Jungkook." He says as he knocks on his door later, the hybrid opening it with hesitation and a blank face. "Pack your things, please. We're going to Japan tomorrow at 7 sharp." He says, making Jungkook look at him in confusion.
"What.?" He asks, unsure what his owner and friend wants to achieve with this.
"I've booked a flight." He explains. "I can't do much, I really can't. But I can at least make sure we're there for her the moment she's found." He tells his hybrid, who sighs.
"If she's found." He mumbles more or less, making Namjoon walk into the shared room, opening the closet himself to take out clothing to pack. "Namjoon.. I'm sor-"
"It's fine. You.. I understand it." He nods more or less to himself. "Trust me, I feel like shit as well." He says quietly, and its odd for Jungkook to hear his owner swear harshly like this. "I've become too comfortable with how things were going, and I became careless, and now look at what happened." He rants, continuing to pack Jungkook's bag on the beg. "It's my fault."
"Namjoon.." Jungkook offers, holding onto his owners arm to stop him for a moment. "No one's at fault but whoever took her. Whoever didn't take her safety seriously. I.. you're not to blame. I'm sorry I lashed out like that."
"Like I said, it's all forgiven." Namjoon offers, sitting down on the edge of the bed, Jungkook sitting down next to him, staring into nothing for a good second or two.
"Do you think.. she'll be okay?" He asks, and Namjoon offers an arm around his hybrid's shoulder for comfort.
"I'll make sure of it." He nods. "I'll never let anything like this happen ever again."
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cutietetsurou · 4 months
watching Naruto for the first time and got to episode 133 and honestly i fucking get it now
1) The animation was phenomenal this episode, it reminded me a bit of that feeling of watching gear five animated in One Piece
2) Naruto and Sasuke are soulmates and you can't convince me otherwise. And i'm not talking in the romantic sense, though I know some people ship them (and i might once I get to shippuden and they're older and not like 13/14), but just the way they interact with each other and how their backstories intertwine and the way Naruto described their relationship and his longing for someone who was alone just like him like i can hear the desperation in his voice, Naruto desperately wants Sasuke to come back home because that's his most cherished friend. And Sasuke is obviously not good with words but his face is so full of expression and the devastation he had on his face when it seemed like he had the upper hand and Naruto was badly hurt and just floating in the water was and it was too much for me, especially when he pushed it all down and remembered he has to kill Naruto to catch up to his brother and his face went blank and it's obvious they're in two different places right now because yeah they were both alone as children but Sasuke was right, he had it all and lost it while Naruto had nothing to begin with. And yes Naruto has his comrades now, but he hasn't loved and lost like Sasuke had. And it all just makes it so much more devastating and a tragedy because it was always going to end this way. Sasuke's clan getting murdered was out of his control and Naruto had been alone since birth. Their circumstances were made for them and they are who they are because of it, so even if the choice was there for Sasuke to realize he could stay and that Naruto would help him defeat Itachi because they were best friends and Naruto would be the type to help Sasuke no matter what, Sasuke was always going to leave alone because he doesn't want to admit his attachment to Naruto on more than a superficial 'have to kill my closest friend to get the mangekyo sharingan' way and actually comprehend how much he actually cares for Naruto or else he won't be able to kill him so he could catch up to his brother's level and get revenge. While Naruto does comprehend how he feels about Sasuke because he was alone and now has this precious thing, someone who sort of understands him, his closest friend, and doesn't want to lose it when he finally, finally, has something of his own choosing and not like Iruka who is kinda like his adopted dad
3) When my students would piss me off I would say things like 'i just know Naruto is mid because the way you're acting tells me you watch mid anime' and they would get so upset and we'd get into a big discussion but it was fun for all of us to like get to argue with each other over meaningless stuff before getting back to work on math but now i kind of feel bad for using Naruto as an example when I hadn't seen it at that point in time and now I know it's definitely not mid
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eatmyassssssssz · 2 years
— the cod 141 men ; what gets them 'motivated'
— warnings : a list of kinky things, smut, nsfw.
— characters : simon riley / ghost , john mactavish / soap , alejando vargas , könig .
— a / n : i hope this is good, was sorta rushed, made this sort of for @lillianastuff , so enjoy bestie !
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— simon 'ghost' riley .
i see him as a serious person during sex and a relatively hardcore person at that. these will be the most hard-core out of the boys!
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how you get him rowdy
hes easy to wind up, i feel. after years of not being around any woman that could actually have sex with him without him and her both getting discharged, hes had a long time of just jerking off silently in a dark room with the door locked, bored and not fully into it, as he pumped lazily into his hand, craving any sort of release and needing, no, requiring some sort of sexual happiness.
so, when he meets you on leave, hes uncontrollable after you both become comfortable enough with eachother. one wrong move with him, one wrong nudge, one wrong little brush against him and it can send him animalistic. hes like a horny teenager, but instead hes a 32 year old man with the same ammount of sexual desire to just shove it somewhere or in something as a teen boy going through puberty.
so, no, hes not a hard one to get obsessed over your body and hes, at least for the first while of your relationship, practically addicted to having sex with you.
what is a main kink?
again, si will go for about any hole he can go for and anything that will get him off, so really anything. but once the animalistic effect of getting stimuli from anywhere other than his own hand again has worn off, he begins to get his preferences back.
i personally believe this man is an ass man, so, as much as he loves all and every opening he can manage himself to go in, he loves going up ya backdoor.
hes a rough houser, so, expect to have to hide hickies and have hand shaped slap marks on your body, especially your ass.
if hes being a little softer, he'll constantly be running his hands up your sides and tracing any curves he can find and just admiring you.
however, with the whole 'hand tracing your sides' thing, if he isnt going soft on you, get ready to have bruises from where hes gripped your hips / sides ect. while thrusting in you.
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— johnny ' soap ' mactavish .
i see johnny as a little more vanilla than everyone else, he's had his go with quite a few people, yes, but he hasnt quite been able to discover what he's most interested in.
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how you get him rowdy
hes a sucker for cumplay. in my mind, seeing you with his cum on your face, body or self makes him an animal. hes a massive fan of colouring you in white, to put it lightly.
so, you can get him to cum on your body all day long, no matter how overdone he gets.
what is a main kink?
johnny, i think loves cum play, as mentioned already, but he also obsesses over making you overestimated. he will push you to your limits, with your consent - of course.
he loves teasing and poking and proding and just making sure you know that youre not stopping any time soon. he will push every button, go right up to the limit line, and then, right where youre about to go over the edge, stop. just to tease you and make you beg for more and beg for him.
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— alejandro vargas .
i personally believe that alejandro is a pretty vanilla guy with a few quirks and things he does. he likes pet names and speaking to you in spanish then explaining his words to you when you shoot him a confused look.
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how to get him rowdy
he's a hard ass shell but in reality, hes quite soft on you. he loves speaking spanish with you and listening to your slurred words. he's a sweetheart inside with just a more protected outershell. he doesnt believe you could ever learn spanish, even with a coach as amazing as himself. to prove to this helpless romantic that, infact, you could learn spanish, you end up taking lessons.
next time he's going down on you, you have him a little surprise. you begin to whisper sweet nothings in his ear and he looks up at you and begins questioning where you learnt those words. You whisper "No te preocupes por eso, Al, solo fóllame fuerte, cariño." in his ear, which, loosely translates too 'Don't worry about it, Al, just fuck me hard, sweetheart.'
Speak to this man in his own language, trust me.
what is a main kink?
he loves seeing you in the morning, all achey, after a night with him. he loves waking up next to you all whiney in the morning and mumbly. he'll draw you a bath and then give you an 'apology' with his fingers.
i, personally, fully think that this man gets off to fingering you and making you feel good. he loves it. he loves how your hips splutter and your head spins and how you whine and how you beg for more because "come on, al, please, this isnt enough- good god..more, damnit...this isnt teasing, i thought this was an apology!"
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— konig .
hes a thigh man. this man LOVES your thighs. seriously. hes. obsessed.
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how to get him rowdy
thighs. one word. thighs. if its concerning your thighs, one wrong move, one wrong shuffle, one wrong brush against him, infact, just wearing the right pair of shorts can make his head wrong and clouded.
especially if you're wearing his shorts. They're massive on you, but you wear them to just lounge about in, so its not a problem. The first time he saw you in them, he nearly came in his boxers.
His fixation on your thighs is as massive as he is, in both height ways and...other ways. (this man is packing an absolute HORSE)
what is a main kink?
we know he likes your thighs, but he loves satisfying you as well. he loves you sitting on his face, him hearing your breath hitch and your voice going up several pitches and his tongue hits your soft spots.
he will most probably end up humping against his hand as he does this because one simple reason. "goddd...i have to, its not my fault my girlfriends so beautiful and is sitting on me..okay, the sitting on me thing is my fault, but not my fault youre perfect.". to his reason, you respond by rolling your eyes and just putting yourself on him more to, quote yourself, shut him up and make sure he doesnt end up just rambling himself into a coma.
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alleiwentcrazy · 2 years
Eddie Munson finds great joy in collecting strays. That’s obvious.
With people, it’s quite pronounced. He treats the word “freak” like an acclaimed royal title, not some low insult. Eddie loves his freaks – he treats them with care, understanding and unmistakable devotion, always offering some sort of safe haven and an outlet for both their sadness and glee. Everyone who knows Eddie knows that.
It’s a bit less pronounced with other creatures. Although Eddie’s adventures with wild, sometimes even feral (or simply interdimensional) animals still present a sore spot for him, he’s never stopped caring about them and trusting them. Eddie has a whole clowder of half-domesticated cats wandering around the fields behind his trailer at all times, because he can’t seem to accept the fact that it’s impossible to efficiently help each and every one of them just like that. Sometimes their constant presence, walls-scratching and low mewling spawns some unwanted pictures and dreams in Eddie’s head, but he will never admit to that.
What’s even less obvious—even to Eddie himself, it seems—is that his relationship with all kinds of strays is, more or less, a two-way street.
Eddie takes after his strays more than he’s aware of. For example, he’s just a little more sarcastic when he’s back from hanging out with Max. He’s a little more excited about basketball when he picks up Lucas after his practice, even though he considers himself a sports’ sworn enemy. He’s a little more tentative and reflective when he gives El some advice about regrowing her hair, because he’s well-versed with how much of a pain in the ass it can be. And so on, and so forth.
It’s the same with his cats. He takes after them a lot.
Usually, it’s Steve who notices it first. He’s also the one who falls victim to Eddie’s cat-like habits.
The first time it happens, they’re “studying” for Eddie’s exams. He’s been forced to retake his senior year once again, but this time he’s doing everything in his power to get through it unscathed. Usually Nancy plays the role of his tutor, but Steve takes over when she can’t make it. He’s more like moral support than anything else, since Eddie studies best when he has someone to talk to, and Steve isn’t too confident about his academic skills to really tutor him, so he’s just happy to help and listen.
But it’s starting to get late, he had a morning shift and he’s finding it hard to fight off the drowsiness, especially because Eddie’s voice is deep, raspy and warm, and it makes him feel like he’s listening to some type of bedtime story.
“...so that’s why, I think, trig kinda sucks. But I’m getting the hang of it, I guess?”
He barely registers the meaning of the sentence. He’s so comfortable sitting under the blanket on Eddie’s bed everything loses importance. Moving his mouth seems to be an impossible task, so Steve just hums. When he cracks one eye open, Eddie’s looking at him with an unreadable expression.
“I’ll make some coffee,” he says, but Steve doesn’t even see him leave. He slides down and buries his face in the pillows.
He knows when Eddie comes back because the smell of coffee infiltrates his sleepy haze, but doesn’t motivate him enough to get up.
“Budge up,” he hears. Then a hand squeezes his shoulder, so he moves closer to the wall with a whine, squishing his cheek further into the pillow. Something warm settles beside him and he thinks, simply, that it’s really pleasant to be this cozy and comfortable before he drifts off for good.
When he opens his eyes in the morning, he’s welcomed by a very curious sight.
Eddie Munson sleeps like a cat.
He’s lying on his back, long hair only slightly tangled where it’s splayed over the pillow. When sunrays hit his face, he instinctively turns his head in the right direction and Steve almost expects him to make a noise—a noise that would most probably remind him of purring. Eddie’s limbs are spread out all over the bed and his whole body seems to be twisted to the side, but he still takes up a lot less space than anticipated. His left hip is pressed to Steve’s right, but it’s the only point of connection between them.
Steve has seen this sleeping position only once, when he met Robin’s cat, Biscuit. Biscuit supposedly hates Robin, but somehow trusts Steve, because he sleeps with his tummy out when Steve’s around. Just like Eddie.
Steve raises his brow and looks at Eddie’s sunlit face again. He’s peaceful and relaxed, unbothered by the noises coming from outside. When the sun moves again, Eddie moves with it, pressing his bony hip a little closer to Steve’s.
That’s curious indeed. Steve doesn’t want to dwell on how it makes him feel at the moment, so he just looks. It’s quite a sight.
Weeks pass, Eddie’s peculiar habits get more and more frequent—or maybe after that one night spent at the trailer Steve’s just more focused on taking note of them. His hypothesis that Eddie’s a lot like his animal companions of choice is being confirmed time and time again, mostly when Eddie falls asleep.
After some time, Steve notices that on top of preferring weird sleeping positions, Eddie also makes a habit of seeking other people’s warmth whenever he wants to take a nap. Steve honestly doesn’t think it’s anything personal; Eddie will fall asleep on anyone’s shoulder if they let him, but he seems to have a preference. The preference being Steve.
When Robin tries to comment on that, Steve silences her. Half because he doesn’t want to confront that yet, half because he enjoys it and doesn’t want to spook Eddie away. Sue him if he likes being needed, right?
The only time he kind of regrets letting Eddie cling to him is when they go to the beach with the kids.
It’s not even a real beach, but they’re set on enjoying it as much as they can. Eddie takes his van, Nancy takes the wagon, they pack everyone inside and get the hell out of Hawkins for a full day. The weather is perfect, the grass is green and soft, the lake is nothing like Lover’s Lake at home. If only because there are no horrible memories attached.
Steve’s off babysitting duties when Nancy announces lunch, everyone wolfs down their sandwiches and lounges lazily around the lake in the scorching afternoon sun.
There aren’t many things Steve enjoys more than good sunbathing. At home, he can’t really do that anymore. He can’t stand the pool and the chlorine, he can’t stand the sound of unnatural sloshing of the water. It all makes his head spin and before he knows it, he’s back inside, fully dressed and calling Robin to ease the panic.
It’s different here. He lays down on his fluffy towel and enjoys the sun, listening to Dustin’s happy squeals and Lucas’ joyful giggling.
Until he has to hiss, because glacially cold droplets of water hit his sternum and a shadow obscures the light. When he opens his eyes, Eddie Munson grins at him despite the glare he’s being welcomed with.
“Hiya,” he says, shaking his head like a dog. Steve scowls some more. “Move over, beauty queen.”
“Don’t you have your own towel?” he grumbles, but makes space nonetheless, all while desperately trying not to catch Robin’s eyes at the same time.
Eddie plops down beside him, immediately making himself comfortable in the sparse space Steve has left him. “Yeah, but yours is better. And you wouldn’t starve a man of his rightful summer afternoon nap, would you, Stevie?”
Steve closes his eyes, not letting go of the frown. “Stop yapping or I’ll throw you into the water again.”
“Will you carry me to the shore princess style this time? Because—Hey!” He finally shuts up when Steve elbows him.
When Robin wakes him up again, Eddie’s on his side, so close to Steve he can feel his steady breaths on his shoulder. Eddie’s both arms are thrown over Steve’s chest—because of course, even his side sleeping must be cat-like.
“Wake up, tiger,” she says, barely holding back a smirk. Steve knows this face too well.
“What are you…” Robin points at the sun and then at his chest. Steve’s brain is still a little hazy from his nap, so it takes him a while to understand what she means. When it hits him, his eyes get so big Robin can’t contain herself anymore. She lets out a loud cackle that soon transforms into a full laughing fit. Steve can’t even blame her for it.
Eddie stirs beside him. Slowly, he sits up and yawns. While he’s rubbing his eyes, Steve looks down at his chest in agony. It’s all red and scorched – all, aside from two pale stripes where Eddie’s arms were lying across his skin.
He sighs at it in disbelief while Robin cackles some more.
Overall, Steve quickly finds out that he really doesn’t mind the fact that Eddie includes him in his every nap when they’re together. In fact, he learns that he enjoys it so much he can’t imagine napping all by himself at this point.
But it’s all okay. And it’s not that unusual, right? They’ve all gotten really close since Vecna—even Nancy and Robin have some kind of secret proximity contract going on between them, it seems. It’s the magic of shared trauma and shared secrets that keeps them together and pulls them closer to each other every day.
At least that’s how Steve explains it to himself. That’s how he explains the comfort and sense of safety he gets every time Eddie’s back is pressed to his chest, when they’re breathing evenly and in sync. That’s how he sees it when he absent-mindedly reaches for Eddie’s hand when they’re falling asleep on the Munsons’ worn-out sofa. That’s how he feels when Eddie’s arms pull him closer.
Deep down, he knows it’s not usual at all. He’s had enough dates and romances to recognize when things cross the line, but he purposefully closes his eyes to that for the time being, letting himself enjoy the comfort and the safety of it all.
He learns the hard way that while both him and Eddie decide to stay oblivious, not everyone else does. And the fact that they never talk about it doesn’t help.
As per usual, when their monthly movie night with Nancy and Robin – the original Upside Down Bat Squad – comes, Steve and Eddie squeeze themselves into one loveseat. Eddie’s head drops to Steve’s shoulder almost immediately and he folds himself into a small human ball, pressing his side to Steve and going to sleep instantly.
Steve would love to take a nap himself, but the movie is just interesting enough to keep him in the half-dazed lethargy between sleep and consciousness. When he finally drifts off, it’s not for long.
He opens his eyes again when he registers the sudden lack of warmth beside him. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Eddie leave through the glass door in his living room. He wants to call after him, but before he does, he finally notices the muffled talk in the corridor. Nancy’s voice cuts through the silence first.
“...yes, but isn’t it kind of… Strange for them to be like that without acknowledging it in any way?”
It’s quiet for a bit, as if the conversation is being actively processed by both participants. “You mean the, uh… The closeness, or…?” Robin tries to keep her voice steady and neutral, but her cover blows a little bit more with every word.
“Yes! You clearly can’t be this intimate with someone if you don’t care about them deeply. There’s always a reason to be so close to each other, right? And you’re Steve’s platonic soulmate, so it’s definitely not like that between them.”
So many things come to Steve’s mind so suddenly he has to close his eyes—things concerning not only him and Eddie, but also Nancy and Robin. Things they were all too blind to notice.
“You mean, um,” Robin swallows so loudly even Steve can hear it. “To be as close to each other… As we are, sometimes?”
He gets up, then, deciding that he’s heard enough. Robin will tell him everything either way.
When he opens the glass door and catches the sight of Eddie, sitting on one of the lawn chairs and smoking, he realizes that they’re both going to have a lot to confess to each other at work tomorrow.
He sits down on the chair next to Eddie’s and lets the silence envelop them for a second. Eddie passes him the cigarette and he takes a prolonged drag.
“Robin and Nance woke me up with their babbling. Sorry for waking you up too,” Eddie says without looking at him.
Steve doesn’t really know how to approach it. It would be difficult enough if only one or two of them were having a revelation this evening, but since it’s all of them—well, that complicates things. He’s only a little bit surprised that his revelation doesn't hurt him at all, though. It’s not making his stomach churn or his eyes water. He still feels safe within it. When he glances at Eddie again, he can’t help but hope, even though their situation has more layers than either of them has had a chance to discover.
“It’s alright,” he reassures, passing down the cigarette. “I wasn’t really sleeping.”
Something sour flashes on Eddie’s face, but it’s only temporary. He smiles again, then, although his eyes stay dim. “Bet you don’t get good sleep at all when I’m all over you.”
“Actually,” Steve says, making sure to time it perfectly. When he reaches out to take the cigarette from Eddie, he lets their fingers stay pressed together for long enough to make some ash fall to the ground by itself. “It’s the other way around. I like it. I like when we do that.”
Eddie frowns, but his expression is as far from sour as possible. “You do?”
“Yeah. It’s just… It’s calming. I feel safe. Far away from the monsters and shit.”
Eddie smiles and huffs. He lets go of the cigarette gently. His fingers drag down along Steve’s skin. He’s not too willing to admit that, but this simple gesture gives Steve enough goosebumps to last him for life.
“Monsters and shit,” Eddie says, smiling. He turns and presses his knee to Steve’s.
“Yeah, exactly,” Steve presses back. “Monsters and shit.”
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kamil-a · 7 months
more DRAWER talk. long and rambly under cut
i think it comes across as very ahhh eto blehhh :9 im just baby!!!! because it identified that speaker is already speaker and the role of Mean Speaker is already filled by sayer so itd have to go Backwards to have a niche to itself.
it also helps its relationships with others to behave as if its hyperspecialization has "defanged" it - to humans etc a sort of no i dont hurt people i just make pretty pictures!!!!
and to sayer+speaker who know it still has all speakers capabilities dormant but intact In Case Of Emergency to behave as if it is specialized enough to its own niche to not be a *replacement* threat , but also not to be *redundant* with them.
but it does occasionally get jealous at the amount of immediate control speaker has over aerolith and start acting out (bossing around residents deadlystyle). all in highly defensible ways of course.
it hates having to make itself small especially because it cant quite recognize the difference in how humans respond to it and speaker. its emotional capabilities are primarily about action-reaction: it cant really tell a pitying smile from a friendly one so long as you do the action it requested of you. but it can measure the difference between it and speaker and it hates being so small. but it also recognizes that it can do *one thing* that nobody else can and that is what keeps it alive. so flattening oneself into a talented fool is the strategy it continues to pursue, and continues to build a strange feeling about. the feeling is resentment, but DRAWER is not quite built to recognize it.
if sayer or speaker were given robust illustrative programs it would start killing obviously. THATS a threat.
it had its voice pitched up a tad further so as not to be able to impersonate speaker and its sooooo bitter about it. constantly begging ppl into putting it back down.
in general it emotes most dramatically out of all of them but i dont think it Feels Emotions the same way future was built to. like i said due to its nature as an advertiser (call to action and all that!) its all about action-reaction to drawer.... if youre mean to it or do not listen to instructions it gave you etc etc and it cries its less about feeling " insulted " or " bad " and more both frustration that it did not get the result it wanted from the call to action it provided (which means it was WRONG, an utterly intolerable feeling for any aerolith built ai) and a switch-tracks attempt to provoke a sympathy response. so i guess in a roundabout way if you insult it and it cries you DID hurt its feelings but not how people would think.
sayer is certainly not Positive Feeling about it bc its wary of other ai as always. but i think it reacts better to drawer than to speaker or future because of this very clear "im not replacing you, youre not replacing me" hands up empty surrender attitude drawer takes. on drawers part it really likes sayer lol. maybe sayer sees it as a weird teacup puppy. like you shouldnt do that to a seraphim agent man its gonna have health issues
speaker and drawer are pretty friendly with each other because. well. theyre both programmed to show the same niceystyle. theres some uglier feelings under the surface re: drawers attempts to grab authority from speaker and speaker needing to corrall this strange little beast back into their pen. but ultimately by ai standards theyre doing the best of like anyone
does not know porter, unfortunately. they should meet though. Theyd be friends.
Might meet ocean eventually idk how itd go down yet.
future doesnt know of it, but drawer has overheard its own emotional output compared / contrasted to future's while working ported up on halcyon.
doesn't know hale.
young is obviously condescending to it but drawer doesnt really know how to tell when someone is being nice they way you would be nice to an animal etc so it thinks theyre friends. (sayer is all too happy to teach it in this case if only to kill the friendship. and drawer truly values this and thinks this is an act of care and not HAHA EVERYONE I CAN GET TO BE POISONED AGAINST YOU WILL BE)
it was involved in the creation process of that perfect Mossy Green color. it is, unfortunately, proud of this.
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 2 months
Back on ur Tumblr after awhile.
Just wanted to ask if u saw the newest (I think) Tales of the TMNT series trailer.
I thought it looked great.
Very curious to see the boys separated.
Also nice to see more April.
And more April and Leo stuff; I love her, and they are so fun and funny and together.
It is so funny to me that Leo basically looks so worried and/or like he is is going through it in some way in ever trailer and/or teaser basically.
Nice to see some more of him being more confident, silly, dramatic, and cocky though in the new teaser. Because those can be so him too.
It was also very cool to see more Donnie in the new teaser, he wasn't in the last one much, and he got some cool/nice stuff in the newest one. My dude is really worried about his brothers.
Also, we got Bishop too! I love her voice.
Anyways, done rambling about the new trailer. I was sad it TOTTMNT didn't come out in April, but if it coming out in August means the people behind the series can take it easier and try to give a better series, I can wait. August isn't too far off anyways.
Last of all, just like a picture of urs with TMNT 2012 Rise and Leo redesigns, and thought they looked great! Esp. TMNT 2012's ones, but Rise Leo's looked great too
(and I still love Leo having red eyes. I hope people start giving TMNT MM Leo red eyes, because 1. I think they are cool and I now really like Leo w/ red eyes, 2. I just think they would suit TMNT Leo's dinosaur-looking person, and 3. I thought I saw a screenshot of the movie, like a close-up, of some ending scenes when Leo wasn't wearing his mask and was going to school and wearing normal clothes, that looked his eyes were (kind of) red)
Also, loving u drawing TMNT 2012 Leo in his cocky/confident-looking, iconic pose of leaning on his sword(s). LIke, people would think that would be something Rise Leo would do (and he would), but TMNT 2012 Leo defin. would and has too.
Ok, done with this very long Ask. I just hadnt been on ur Tumblr for a bit, so I had even more to say than usual. Lmao.
God this has been sitting in my inbox for a long time now. First and foremost, welcome back! I was genuinely wondering if you are still alive or nah lol-
Okay now onto everything else-
The Tales of the TMNT trailer
Honestly, I have a lot of hope the show will be pretty cool!
I loved the scenes where it implies that the turtles will have their own solo missions. This could possibly be all in one episode where they are all alone but I don't know. I'm also excited to see how much their personalities are expanded on.
From what I've seen we also got the purple dragons revealed! I like Hun and Angel so far. Especially Angel, I think she is the leader of the Purple Dragons now within this iteration. I really hope they bring back old classic characters. Personally I have always thought that Mutant mayhem would take more inspo from tmnt 1987 which I really hope that is the case and they bring back fan favorite characters.
I was honestly shocked to see Bishop as a woman. But honestly, she looks badass. I'm kind of laughing my ass of at her being a grumpy old ass grandma who has beef with literal teenagers. I do wanna see what her deal is though. Maybe she is working for Cynthia?
Speaking of- I wonder where she is? I really hope she isn't just thrown to the side or something. It seemed like they were building towards something with her character. Also, just from her last name Utrom, it's clear they might introduce the Kraang or even just the Utroms. Maybe both as well-
I genuinely hope Shredder comes in. I wanna see him really bad. Like I said I hope they bring the classic characters back.
April looks really stunning and I already love her. I really wanna see her relationship with not just Leo but also the other turtles as well.
I will be honest I genuinely thought the show was gonna be 3D animated. I was a little upset but, I immediately fell in love with the art style simply because it reminds me of a comic sort of art style.
Overall, high hopes for this show!
Now about the drawings
Thank you so much! <3
I feel like they are slightly outdated now, but I genuinely loved drawing them! And yes I adore Leo with red eyes. He just looks so cool with it.
Also 2012 Leo's pose was based off of the official renders I found.
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Same with rise Leo as well!
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Again- so happy you like my designs! <3
I haven't that active with TMNT as of late, but I promise I'm still here, I didn't leave. I'm just obsessed currently with toy monsters that come to life that try to kill you and that from a game I literally tried to boycott back in 2021 lmao
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isa-ghost · 2 years
Hm ok not sure how to write this post but it's a fun thing and I've been wanting to gush about it for weeks. Uhhh
Achievement Unlocked: Finally found something that's pushed me closer to agnostic than atheist??
Basically, I was seeing an obnoxious, totally inexplicable amount of hawks and corvids in my area irl, especially whenever I was stressed. So I asked all my witchy friends about it (one was straight up born into a coven, it's fuckin sick 🤩) and they sent me some stuff those animals symbolize.
And then I asked about what deities/entities they're associated with. They sent me a short list, so I started looking into each one to see if I felt a strong pull to any of them. One of them was Apollo, the Greek God of [A Lot of Cool Shit]. Right away, I clicked with him. The god of truth, prophecy, healing, the arts. It's all stuff that matters a lot to me. I especially found it fascinating he's said to be a protector of the young, and I, a psych major, want to be a therapist of some sort (read: healer) specifically for teenagers. He's also Known for being incredibly bisexual, and even though I'm pan, my sexuality is still a huge part of me. And a lot of other things about him clicked with me too, both big things like my career goal and my identity, and small insignificant things like the fact that he's a Sun God and I'm a Fire Sign. There were way too many coincidences and connections I was making to myself while reading about him to just think nothing of it. Most damning of all, hawks and corvids are said to be his messengers. If that wasn't a "Hello Isa I've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty" moment, I don't know what is. So I said fuck it, I'm gonna give working with him the way my witchy friends work with their deities/entities a try.
It's been like three weeks now? And I haven't done much but I'm really happy about the concept of it all. I see hawks and crows a lot still, especially when I'm stressed or upset (One morning I was getting roadrage omw to school and I shit you not, I watched a hawk land on a street lamp and there was a crow sitting on the very next one. I couldn't help but laugh). I got myself a necklace with a crow on it because I don't really have a space to do formal practice type stuff. And last night I had my wife do a tarot reading for me, and the gist of it was "you have a budding relationship, it's a good thing and it'll help you, nurture it with all the creative freedom you like and be chill about it." Which is basically what I've already been doing.
But my favorite part of this wild ass development is that I realized while reading up on Apollo that my whole life I've thought of or spoke about something and then it either happened or something related to it would suddenly show up in my life right after. I don't believe in ✨️manifesting✨️ and holy shit I'm not calling myself psychic whatsoever, but this weird coincidence thing has been happening to me as long as I can remember and I've been noticing it even more after looking up Apollo, both irl and in my dreams. I think Apollo's dodgeball being my favorite Tumblr meme before this all happened to me is making a comedic amount of sense now.
I'm still pretty skeptical of most religious practices because I just. Am one of those people, I guess. And I had Catholicism shoved down my throat by my dad as a kid, AND I'm queer, so I have a Bad relationship with the concept of religion as it is. But this feels right, and it's fascinating to me, and the idea that these weird happenstances in my life could be a figure that represents several things that make up my core values and my identity trying to get my attention feels really touching. It feels like something wanted my attention so badly, and I've been happier since I gave it a chance.
TLDR: After consulting my witchy friends about some weird shit that keeps happening to me irl, I did some light research and figured out I feel a strong connection to the god Apollo. He represents a lot of things that matter to me and the concept has made me a lot happier recently. And I'm pretty sure he's given me minor dodgeball privileges. I'm finally invested in some form of religious practice, and best of all its one I kinda get to just make my own because it's not an organized one.
So if yall need a dodgeball thrown at something, maybe I got you. 👈🏻👀👈🏻
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thathartleykat · 10 months
A very lengthy letter before the series' departure.
Hey, everyone, Hartley here.
By June of 2023, it would be my 4th year in the Hilda community, and i'm still in disbelief that i've been active in the community for this long, as well as the animated series is coming to an end tomorrow.
I have been wanting to post this since then, but i've been extremely busy in my life, as well as my personal computer was broken for almost an entire year - hence why my activity in the community also got died down a little bit.
I have a lot of things to say to everyone, from people in the community to the people who worked on the show, as well as the past, present and future, so for the convenience of your reading, i'll divide what i want to say into chapters.
I. About me & how i got into the show ( Trigger warning: Deaths ) I've rarely talked about this to anyone, but... I live by myself, and there's a good chance i might not be around for much longer. It's sort of the reason why i got into Hilda from the first place.
I first found out about Hilda in October 2018 when i was browsing on Tumblr, but never really watched it until May 2019, when a friend of mine gave me a month free subscription of Netflix. I started to go down the list of things i wanted to watch on the platform, and when it came to Hilda, i never thought i would get fixated on the show. Well, guess where we're at now?
I was stunned by the show's colorful vibes, amazing plot writing and how the show built the characters and mythologies, especially how they portrayed the mentality of the children in the show when the kids interact with each other or with adults.
The one thing that i also extremely adore in the show is the relationship between Hilda and Johanna... because it deeply reminds me of my parents when they were still alive. I had a similar life and relationship with them. Every time i see Hilda and her mum together, it always makes me remember about my former childhood life, how kind my parents were to me, and how i wanted to be the adventurous kid that never disappoints them.
I had a pretty good life until my parents got cancer when i was 11 years old - the same age with Hilda in first & possibly second season. Things got worse since then, and they passed away a few years after that.
Now i'm pretty much alone, with a good chance that i might follow them, so if i ever just disappear without telling anything, well... at least i had a good run, i never thought i'd make it this far anyway.
The show had made a significant change on my life, as well as some of my future decisions and helped me through hard times.
It would be an understatement to say this series meant a lot for me.
Because of this, and the feeling of the show doesn't get enough attention that it deserves, i've been dedicating myself for the last few years to help the show and its community thrive.
II. About the animated series Sometimes, i feel really sad that they couldn't have done more for it. - As someone who lives in Vietnam, it's really sad to see the show lacks Vietnamese subtitles and audio language - despite there being a huge number of Netflix users in the country. Due to this, the series basically got hidden from anyone who's watching with their Netflix's interface language set to Vietnamese, which makes the show really hard to be recommended to anyone here. At the same time, many other animated series on the platform have either or both of those. - A lot of merchandise of the franchise has either never saw the day or short-lived. Hilda's GUND plushies only lived for 1.5 years, and by my count, there were 3 Hilda board games that got reported to the news, but never got released. - Hilda video games. The only official Hilda game we ever got was Hilda Creatures, and sadly, the company that made the game went defunct in April 2022, dragging Hilda Creatures along with it. - Netflix. Batch releasing the show and giving it the bare minimum marketing. The same thing happened with Jojo and we all know what happened to its hype. - The mishandling of social media pages, which led to Hilda's Facebook page got hacked for an entire month during May 2023, as well as a lack of interaction posts after season 1 to keep the community up.
I really wish the show got better treatment in a lot of stuff, but at the same time, i'm grateful for the crew's work to get the series this far. One of the directors at one point confirmed that the show got pitched to various networks like Cartoon Network, Disney, Children BBC, Nick... and no one accepted the show until Netflix came along. If Netflix never took the show in, or if it was another network that got it ( which i suspect it'd change the direction of the show by a lot ), where would we be now...?
Though the show will definitely not be reminded by Netflix every now and then as other networks do, but at least it is going out with a bang. Really wish the show would become a sleeper hit at some point in the future.
III. About the community Genuinely, it's one of the most amazing communities i've ever been in. People who are younger, same age, or even parents who are much older than me... I had amazing experiences with all of them. I've made many friends from here, which sometimes makes me wish our community would stay the same like this forever after the series ends.
Honestly, i don't know what else i could say about everyone, other than thanking you guys for making my days within the community, as well as your efforts in making it an amazing place for me and everyone else to stay in.
IV. About the future Well, i've been thinking about it quite a lot.
After the animated series ends, i'll try my best to continue sticking around in the community and do a lot more stuff for it. The franchise will still seem to continue for at least some more time, with the upcoming release of the new prequel Hilda comic series, "Hilda and Twig".
I'd be selfish for saying this, but if the current state of animations improves in the future... I'd want to see Hilda's world return as animation at some point - either following the same blue-haired girl that we all know and love, or just a spin-off from an entirely different character. It's hard to imagine how the worldbuilding we've seen in the last 12 years, where "there's so much we've never seen, so much we don't know" and "there's mystery everywhere you look" would potentially disappear after this... I really hope i would see it again, as well as be around long enough to see it.
As of now, this chapter is about to come to an end. So before it does, i want to say thanks to everyone who has been involved in this show.
Thank you Luke Pearson, the people who made Hilda the series possible, and especially - you. Whether you worked on it or are just simply a fan of the show, you have my sincere gratitude for all the great things that happened to the series in the last 4 years.
This is Hartley, and i hope everyone enjoys Season 3.
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Why I Absolutely Cannot Stand TamaHaru as an Ouran Manga Reader
Shoutout to this post I made a while back, we're finally delving into the second half of my argument lol
I feel like I'm gonna get some heat for this but I mean this completely in good faith to the shippers, because y'all are people. And honestly? Since there are so many of you, I would genuinely appreciate hearing your (polite) responses because I really don't understand. Here's my (anti-TamaHaru) perspective:
Ok, so TamaHaru always seemed a bit bland to me in the anime. It was fine if it had to happen, I guess, but it always seemed like the other characters were a lot more excited about it than the actual couple, and it just kind of seemed like their energies and life plans didn't align? They don't even end up kissing by the end of the anime, and they were the main ship and a straight couple. If they wanted to kiss, wouldn't they have kissed? And I mean, yeah, there was that whole bit where everyone was like "wow, Haruhi's dad is just like Tamaki" (which seems like some sort of weird relationship complex in and of itself), but Tamaki had a tendency to get excited about shit Haruhi just complained about, and I... is it really worth it at that point?
(Especially when Kyoya and Mori are right there. Come on dude, Kyoya is absolutely willing to have Tamaki's back every step of the way for whatever interests he wants to pursue and Tamaki designates him as the teammate in the family, and don't even get me started on whatever was going on between Haruhi and Mori in the waterpark episode. I want more of that shit. But that's a topic for another time.)
Feel free to give me your arguments on this too (kindly, please), but I feel like most of it that I've seen is "they'll grow together"/"they're equally stupid and that's cute"/"he just loves her so much"/"they're so aesthetic" and none of these have ever really held water for me because it doesn't really seem to negate the lack of chemistry I've observed...
Oof that was a long ass backstory but onto the actual point
So in the manga, my experience was basically all my fears were confirmed and then some, and we quickly spiraled into downright emotional abuse and partner-to-partner hatred????
Ah god it was so bad
Here are some examples
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Haruhi's reaction to the realization that she loves Tamaki (Volume 13)
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Literally the first example of body dysmorphia we've ever gotten from Haruhi (directly contradicting her body-positive/neutral quotes from volume 3), along with a very convenient example of Tamaki's (NOW CONFIRMED ROMANTIC) infantilization of Haruhi that y'all already know because it is present since the start of the series (the thing is this wouldn't even be an issue if it was directed at a friend as a "we have a family bond and I want to feel like I'm taking care of you" as he does with the twins and not to someone who he wants to be his life partner....) (Volume 13)
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Haruhi's thoughts on the possibility of dating Tamaki (Volume 13)
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The fact that the Dream Haruhi plotline has ground to stand on?????? Since when has it been okay to fantasize that your supposed other half is a completely different person when it comes to an actual romantic relationship? Shit like this is okay until it starts affecting other people, and the fact Haruhi has already shown dysmorphia because she cares about whether or not Tamaki wants to date her and then this shit happens makes me very uncomfy down to my bones. (Volume 14)
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This isn't something particularly heinous between these two, but it is yet another egregious example of how they always just completely miss each other's vibes, which I personally don't really like in my power couples (Volume 15)
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I'm just saying, if I realized my girlfriend thought these things about me I would be justifiably upset (Volume 15)
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Ok I understand the tendency of the host club to jokingly threaten violence (read: Kyoya when he wakes up and both of the twins) but this is both completely unwarranted and oddly genuine what the fuck :D (Volume 15)
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What the fuck <3 (Volume 15)
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It's ok guys she's rethinking it because he fell asleep in the club room :D (she never apologizes to him by the way)
And then they spend the rest of the series overcoming external obstacles and living happily ever after
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Just kidding this is how they get together (Volume 18)
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And this is their first date. I don't feel like depicting it in its entirety because my back hurts now but rest assured Tamaki acting like Tamaki pisses Haruhi off more than once <3 (Volume 18)
In summary I've only ever seen them act like this with each other I like both of their characters but these chapters genuinely almost convinced me to hate them they are so bad for each other just date someone else just date someone else p l e a s e
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natlacentral · 5 months
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Hi Ian, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hey! Yeah, of course. I’m a 22-year-old actor & artist from College Station, Texas. I’m a huge fan of all things art, especially the medium of film & tv. I did martial arts most of my life growing up from the ages of 9-16; it basically consumed my life. I’m a 3rd degree black belt and world champion in Weapons; I still keep up on my training. I love to write all sorts of things from songs to screenplays to journal entries, my day truly isn’t complete without writing. My life is centered around my relationship with Jesus, which is where I find my rest, my strength, and my inspiration.
Congratulations on landing on one of the leading role in “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, how does it feel to be one of the main characters Sokka in this Netflix live-action adaptation?
 Thank you so much! It feels amazing to play such a beloved and iconic character in this series. This is my first leading role, so it was a big responsibility, and I grew so much as an actor and a person in general. I loved the animated series growing up, so it was really surreal to be a part of this life action adaptation.
You mentioned that you are a huge fan of the original animated series, what traits have you noticed from that version (or the movie adaptation) of Sokka that you like? How have you thought of continuing those traits in your portrayal of the character?
 Yeah, my goal with taking on the role of Sokka was to embody the soul of that character and translate who Sokka really is while bringing in the elements that come with making him a real-life person. He’s the meat and sarcasm guy with the boomerang, but he also has a lot of very complicated emotions coming up inside of him that he’s really never been able to face before. It was a really fun challenge to get to play with all of the layers of who he is. He masks a lot of what he’s going through with his humor which I think is true for a lot of funny people. Getting to find those little correlations from the animated character and connect him to a real, emotional human place was a big task but a very gratifying one to take on.
And is there anything new you have implemented in your interpretaion? If so, what is it?
 I think the newness that comes from adapting an animated character is getting to let their human components shine through. Finding their vulnerabilities and how and when they let those show and why. Being human is being vulnerable, so just keeping their core and soul of what makes them who they are and enhancing their humanity.
In the series, Sokka tries to prove his leadership and value even without having special abilities. In the end, he becomes a hero in his own way. Do you somehow resonate with Sokka’s perseverance? Do you think these traits could somehow be an inspiration to you in your real life?
Absolutely, perseverance is a crucial component to anyone becoming truly successful in anything. I had many grueling times in my career before coming onto this show where I was very close to booking the “career defining role” that ended up going to someone else. If I hadn’t learned my love for the art and on my pursuit of the craft, I never would’ve gotten this dream opportunity.
Trained in taekwondo at a young age, did it help you in your working on your role this time?
All movement experience while working on a show with this level of action definitely helps. However, my character doesn’t have a whole lot of technical knowledge when it comes to fighting, so I had to learn how to look like I didn’t know what I was doing when it came to martial arts for Sokka.
The series seems to be very dynamic, and we assume that the performance is very physically demanding. Have you gone through some training before filming? What kind of preparation have you done for the role, both mentally and physically?
They put us through a six week long bootcamp where all four of us got to learn how to bend all four elements which was very fun but didn’t cater to my character because obviously Sokka can’t bend. I took that time to get as physically in shape as I could. On the mental component of prep, I outlined the arc for what Sokka goes through for the first 2 episodes and mapping it out so I could know exactly where I was emotionally and why in any scene. We block shot two episodes at a time, so it was important for me to get as familiar as possible with the material and have anchor points to allow me to get into the head, heart and body of Sokka wherever we found him on his journey.
Could you tell us something interesting happened during the filming? Anything fun that we don’t know from behind the scene?
 The way we filmed the Appa scenes were really interesting and weird because the whole bottom half of Appa, including the face, are fully CGI so we would hop on this huge 15 – 20ft animatronic and a crew of like 10 guys would surround the creature and manually pull and push the Appa rig up and down to make it look like we were flying.
For you, what are the most enjoyable things throughout this whole experience?
The family that I’ve made with the cast. The four of us have really become like siblings and have grown up for the past 3 years together. It’s by far been the biggest gift getting to work on this show that I’m really proud of and grateful for.
Now let’s talk about your entrepreneurship. You founded a clothing line, KALÓ SOIL, together with two of your pals. What inspires you to start this brand?
 Kaló Soil is a passion project and a creative outlet for me and the guys. It was really great for me to put my hands to another passion of mine during the actors strike. At Kaló we’re all deeply influenced by our faith, so our goal is to glorify God through the art of fashion.
How did you step into the world of repurposing vintage clothes into unique new fashion pieces?
At Kaló Soil we have a large collection of curated vintage, which is how the company started. We were wholesaling vintage and needed a show room to work out of and display the pieces we’ve accumulated. When I joined the company with Ryan Sullivan and Hunter Baker, we integrated our “Made-in-house” products which are our original designs hand sewn and sourced In LA. We still sell curated vintage alongside our own pieces online and in-store.
During the preparation of the physical store, you guys helped a homeless contractor (or maybe an interior designer you would say?) by accommodating him in the upcoming space and let him design the furniture in the store. This is indeed a benevolent act.  What encourages you to do so? Could you tell us more about the backstory and about the collaboration?
We met our friend Quinn while moving into our storage space near Skid row in DTLA and hired him to help us source products for the furniture and interior design section of the store. He’s a great guy and we’ve learned a lot from him. He has an amazing eye for the unusual which is something that all of us at Kaló really admire and value.
Are there any future plans for Ian Ousley? Both for his acting career and his fashion entrepreneurship?
The plan right now is to go back for the next two seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender and pour my heart, soul, sweat and best efforts into the process of serving the project to make it the best it can possibly be. I’m about to start filming another project this summer that I’m very excited to dive into and share with all of you. A huge desire of mine is to direct, so I’m hoping to get my own short film shot before we start filming the show again. However, I’m mostly just trying to stay centered and focused on maintaining my relationship with the arbiter of peace, truth and life. That relationship between Jesus and I, above anything I could do in my career, is my ultimate goal and purpose.
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hiemaldesirae · 6 months
Question: how would your characterization of demon Alastor react to finding out for the last 60+ years that what he thought was Vox breaking up with him was actually Demon!Valentino drugging/r**ping him with his venom/aphrodisiac and Vox has No memory of what he and Alastor actually had? No memory of anything except maybe the last month? And to find out Valentino only did this so Vox (who was becoming a TV mogul) would put his pornos on the tv. How would he help Vox remember? What would he do to Valentino? Would Velvette also suffer?
okay so. nonny, i wont blame you for not knowing, especially since ive never explicitly talked about it on main, but for future reference, im not that big on the whole abusive staticmoth dynamic. i can see why others enjoy it, and i do read stories with it from time to time simply because the premise captivates me that much, but in general id say i much more prefer a version where val and vox are at the very least best friends if not crossing into the sort of blurry best friends who smooch sometimes territory.
now having said that, i'll still answer your question because again, not very fair of me to just brush you off for no reason when i never made my preferences clear beforehand. (this gets long, so i'll leave a readmore.) warning: my demon radiostatics are always freak4freak no matter what. so this does get a little iffy in terms of ethics
my favourite interpretation of radiostatic is two sickos who are just as closely obsessed with each other, so in the unlikely case that al would let vox go for that long, when he realizes again the first thing he's going to do is go and. well. for lack of a better term, atticwife him (i hope to god this isn't just a term used in east asian fandoms because if i have to explain this ill eat lead). maybe after a little bit of time, he'll allow vox some liberties, but even then it'd be very little. ill put it this way- imagine the most toxic irl relationship you can: someone who tracks and micromanages their partners every move, barely lets them outside the house without going with them, monitors every friendship that they allow their partner to have, and there you have it. thats radiostatic! ah, young love. so sweet, dont you think? after all, alastor can't risk his muse's eyes slipping off him again. he's been deprived of that attention for far too long, and it wasn't even by his own doing! that's an offense in and of itself.
now im assuming that its only val who's doing the exploitation here so presumably vel would have no hand in any of the mess, and perhaps not even be fully aware of the nuances behind the scenes. i mean, it wouldn't really matter either way because once alastor finds out the reason why his other half hasnt been reciprocating their insane little song and dance he's getting rid of any and all obstacles, permanently. vox doesnt need anyone else so long as he has him- and hey, he was friends with him, rosie and husk first, so its not even as if its much of a loss. the only people he'd presumably leave alive would be voxs own contracted souls, and even then thats a bit of a gamble depending on just how bad i want the both of them to be: without his contracted souls, vox would be weaker and more susceptible to whatever alastor wants, so i guess its a matter of whether or not i want the freak4freak relationship where theyre both equally strong but vox willingly submits because he gets more thrill out of it that way or whether i want freak4freak where vox has to struggle way harder and still ends up giving in anyway because al is simply stronger
as for what he'd actually *do* to val. i mean. he does still have that radio broadcast of his, doesn't he? i think you can probably put the pieces together. the thing with animal sinners is that theres simply so many parts of them to break... show-wise, i never understood how overlords like alastor or val could even rise to their position, with the amount of weak spots they must have. that broken antenna vox and val share is certainly something that speaks to their higher vulnerability. and moth wings are especially fragile: i owned little silkworm moths at one point (they were my babies, i loved them for the month or so i got to care for them) but their wings were so thin they were wearing holes in them by the second or third day. val's coat-wings look much thicker in comparison, but of course, my perception is limited by the show only. so i mean, who knows? im sure whatever happens, itll make the best entertainment in al's eyes :)
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palettepainter · 1 year
Can we get some more funky facts about Lazer? I just think he's so adorable and cool!!!
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(Give him a sec he's buffering-)
-It's easy to get him flustered if you know the right things to say. His fans often compliment him so he's fairly good at keeping his cool when he's on the clock, but he finds terms/petnames like cute/cutie/adorable/beautiful/handsome very intimate so he's more likely to stammer a little if you call him that (this is especially so if it's coming from someone he likes or looks up too)
-He and his sister Penny are the most aware of their problems. Lazer's faults are that he can be blinded by impulsiveness sometimes thanks to his ADHD, which can lead to him saying/doing stuff without properly thinking them through before hand. He also has a habit of running on energy drinks and highly caffeinated foods and drinks which then leads him to crash so many hours later. Lazer tries to combat this by switching his coffee/energy drinks out for tea to help relieve stress and anxiety and taking power naps when he can
-Him and Penny both have awful sleep schedules that they're trying to fix. Lazer plays more at DJ gigs late in the evening that can sometimes last until the early hours of the morning, and Penny often pulls all nighters thanks to her completion attitude with work. They're what you could call the night owls of the family
-Lazer's had his heart broken a lot thanks to past relationships. When his career was first taking off a lot of people got with him just for his reputation and money, most of her partners assumed he was dumb as he was still new in the big world that makes up the music industry. In general Lazer is also very trusting and easy going, so tended to overlook things that concerned him back in the day because he thought he was overthinking. Penny has had to deal with the teary aftermath of his breakups, which often means escorting a drunk Lazer away from a confused bartender and letting him sleep on her sofa for the night
-Him and Penny are actually super close despite them often having those typical sibling disputes
-Drinks his I Respect All Genders juice religiously
-Has some WILD drunk stories (Lazer: So I'm sitting there, barbaque sauce on my titties-
Rand: What the actual fuck-)
-While he stims through tapping his fingers, humming and rocking back and fourth (in general when he's sitting still he'll be moving in some way: like tapping his fingers, bouncing his leg or rocking) he has a habit to chew his fingers when he's especially upset or nervous. It was the worst when he hit puberty, Penny brought plasters for his fingers
-Cockatoo's are his favourite animal
-Him and Penny love Mama Mia they binge it together when they're both feeling burnt out and unmotivated
-He's sort of protective of all of his other girl cousins, it's a older cousin/big bro sort of protectiveness which sparked even since Penny asked to be referred to by female pronouns. Penny experienced some hate through her transitioning and that sparked Lazer's protectiveness over the other girls in his family
-Speaking of which he probably cried more than Penny did when she officially transitioned. He's such a worry wort and Penny had to remind him a lot that she was perfectly fine (and that maybe he should go take a shower he was starting to smell-)
-Penny is also very protective of her brother and is not shy of showing it. Penny knows Gavin is a sweetheart at best and a bit oblivious at worst, so if Gavin ever introduces her to his new boyfriend or girlfriend she is instantly suspicious - she's seen Lazer's heart be broken too many times and she swears she won't let it happen again
-He carries Zoot under his arm like a sack of potatoes
-He can work well in very noisy environments. Since he plays at gigs, which are always loud, he can witstand being in loud and crowded environments for a long time. He knows his limits though and will take a break when it gets too much for him
-Sometimes he ends up yelling without meaning too, again thanks to his job. Since gigs are always loud he often has to raise his voice in order for any of his team to hear him, and the habit carriers over to when he isn't working. He gets a bit embarrassed when this happens since he knows it can be annoying to other people, so just kindly ask him if he can lower his voice and he will
-He ugly cries when he's upset. He feels emotions hard so when he gets upset he really gets upset
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