#hardcase it no longer allowed to navigate
bibannana · 2 years
Hardcase *very confident*: We won't get lost, I have a great sense of direction.
Jesse *remembering the time Hardcase got lost on the Resolute*: You do not.
Echo *head tilt*: How bad can he be?
Jesse *shakes his head*: Bad.
Fives *smiling*: Let him go. I want to see where we end up.
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meridiansdominoes · 4 years
For the prompt challenge - any of Domino (but especially Fives) somehow finding out how Order 66 went down in canon? Alternatively, if you don't feel like writing angst - Rex being a bastard little brother to Cody and being overheard by one of his men.
ohohohoho. When have you ever known me to not be in the mood for angst, please! This is more of an esprit de corps type thing than a dominoes thing, but oh well. Also, it’s kind of a really long ramble, not my greatest drabble by far, but I’m blaming that on the plane.
 Fives is dead.
If anything, it means that he gets to see Droidbait, Cutup, and Hevy again, which is far more than he’d ever hoped for. Tup and Hardcase, too. And Ninety-nine.
But Echo is not dead.
Fives watches as Echo navigates life with prosthetic limbs and a role with the Bad Batch. He does his job well, as he always does, even though some small part of Fives sometimes wishes that Echo wasn’t so good at surviving, so that he could join them and all of his batchmates could be together again but—but—but no, he’s grateful that Echo is alive. He can’t afford to be selfish, not with something like that. Echo deserves every moment of life he can get, especially considering everything the Techno-union stole from him.
Commander Fox is also not dead.
Fives doesn’t know how he feels about that.
If he’s being honest, he’s trying not to think about it too much. Fives is little more than a ghost now. Most of the time he follows Rex around and laughs unheard at Jesse’s half-hearted jokes. Jesse’s an ARC trooper now, but he’s tired. They all are. Everyone wants the war to end. Fives wants it to end, too.
When it actually does end, Fives regrets that thought.
Fives had been right. He’d known that he was right, and he watches in muted horror with the rest of his ghostly brothers as the living clones are stripped of everything but life itself. Fives had been right, and he’d failed to stop it. The living become tools under a Sith’s hand, devoid of emotion, devoid of agency. Jesse goes down with his ship, doesn’t even attempt to escape, consumed by the incessant demands of the chip to hunt down Commander Tano. Rex lives, somehow. Fives isn’t surprised.
The knowledge that he could have stopped it all is crippling. Fives doesn’t know if he can die again as a ghost, but he thinks he comes close. He doesn’t want to exist anymore, doesn’t want to see what he had failed to prevent. It’s so much easier to close his eyes and block everything out and mourn—for himself, for his brothers, for anything, everything. His chest aches constantly, like he’s been shot all over again, like he’s burning up inside, like he’s drowning and choking and incapable of drawing breath. The guilt tears him apart. He’s helpless to do anything but watch as the Jedi are destroyed and his brothers are turned into mindless pawns.
Droidbait, Cutup, and Hevy don’t leave his side. Droidbait curls himself next to Fives and mourns with him while Cutup keeps a grounding touch on Fives’ shoulders and Hevy stands watch, silent and grim. They stay like that for a long time.
It’s Jesse who snaps him out of it, in the end, once he finally finds them in the crowds of dead men. He marches his way up to Hevy and shoves him aside. Hevy doesn’t put up a fight, allowing Jesse passage. He knows how close Fives and Jesse had been in life—he’d watched it, after all.
Fives doesn’t look up when Jesse approaches, but he does go tense when Jesse reaches out to run his hand down Fives’ back. Jesse doesn’t say, “It’s not your fault,” or “It’s gonna be okay”. Fives is grateful for that. He wouldn’t have believed them anyway. What Jesse does say instead is just enough to ensure that Fives decides to keep existing.
“Fives. Echo is still alive.”
 It doesn’t take away the guilt. It doesn’t make things right, doesn’t change the fact that Fives should have tried harder, should have run faster, should have done something more, should have told someone else. But it is enough to tear Fives out of the spiral of helpless, howling agony that he’s descended into since Order 66 was issued.
Echo is alive. Echo is still fighting somewhere, and even though Echo can’t see or hear them, Fives could never leave one of his batchmates alone like that.
Echo is alive, and that’s enough for Fives to keep fighting. Just a little longer. 
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nimsajlove · 4 years
Moments (I/VI)
Just a quick idea, because I love to imagine Ahsoka interacting with the clones as her brothers. So have a small piece with little moments between them, will maybe do a second part with the dominos.
Brothers-AU  Ao3
Part II
With a very bad feeling in her stomach, she crept through the corridors, where was she actually going? She knew that she didn't want to burden her master with something like that... The silence pressed on her ears and she didn't knew what to do about it. Finally she found herself in front of the clones' quarters and hesitated for a while, should she just check to see if a bunk was free? Or would she intrude too much into that little bit of privacy the men still had? She knew, that she was very intrusive from time to time and shied away from the door, turned around and wanted to continue on her way. 
She didn't get far, she hadn't even reached the next corner when she was stopped. "Weren't you in your quarters already?" She turned and saw Rex walking down the hall. He had a datapad in hand, there was still work to be done at that time. His gaze was searching hers and a grin formed on her lips, as if it were programmed into her. “I wanted to stretch my legs again. After all the walking, it's strange to sit still.", she replied easily and as he stepped past her she trotted beside him. There was silence for a few seconds, then she heard him turn off the datapad and she saw in the corner of her eye, how he looked down at her. "I thought, the Jedi wouldn't have any problems with that.", he teased and she puffed up her cheeks, even if he was right. It wasn't sitting still that was causing her problems after such a day. 
Had she had the choice, she would have just lay in a corner for hours and slept, she was so tired! No, the crux of the matter was different.
The way to the captain's quarters was calm, quietly he maintained a gentle conversation and the feeling of cotton in her ears evaporated. It was so nice to hear something. Because the cruiser's quiet hum was always there, but too quiet in the quarters to be counted as a noise. Maybe she should take a nap in the hangar?
"Good night.", Ahsoka mumbled when they reached the quarters. She waited for an answer and just wanted to make her way to the sleeping place that had just occurred to her. But a hand on her shoulder turned her to the open door and pushed her inside. "Come on, otherwise you'll just wander around again.", Rex mumbled in amusement and the door closed behind them, she just stood in the middle of the room. It was small and crowded, like all the quarters. There was a small work space and a bunk, that was it. Not unlike her own... "You normally have no problem claiming everything for yourself.", the clone grinned openly as he sat down at his desk and the datapad glowed gently again.
After a few seconds she moved again and sat down silently on the bunk, knees drawn to her body, and watched him with her big eyes. "I don't want to be an intruder.", she mumbled and a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, so his instincts hadn't deceived him. He knew that look from tired eyes from the shinys and other, younger, clones. "It's just so...", she started and lost words a little. "Quiet?", he finished and looked up, she nodded and slumped her shoulders against the wall. 
It was strange when Ahsoka woke up. Blinking, she opened her eyes and looked around, she was curled up in a bunk that could have been hers. However, a pile of work was on the desk and the cup was not hers, it smelled slightly of coffee. Then she had to smile when she remembered. It had been the best night since starting her padawan training. Illuminated by a datapad and filled with the captain's soft tapping and crackling. She resolved to show her gratitude and perhaps tease him less for the next few days. 
Rex got up and left, she knew he still had enough work to do and she didn't really need someone to sit and watch her. Still, she was kind of relieved, when Jesse took his seat and placed his tray next to hers. She remembered the battle and frowned. "How is your shoulder?", she asked softly and pushed her food back and forth on the plate, somehow she couldn't really get an appetite. The man next to her smirked and nudged her lightly in the side. “Everything is still in place. Come on, what's that long face for?”, he asked and she shrugged her shoulders. She didn't really knew what was going on herself. Somehow she couldn't get rid of a few thoughts since the battle. 
"Is it because Hardcase won the bet?" She puffed up her cheeks and looked at her tray, yes the missing dessert depressed her a little and she would have loved to get it back. But lost was lost. "My dessert on not being able to jump onto the captain's shoulders without falling to the ground.", Jesse grinned and gave her a look, her eyebrows raised skeptically. "He'll come back through the canteen in..." The man glanced at the clock. "Twelve minutes." Ahsoka didn't doubt the statement, Jesse knew the captain's habits really well! But… 
"Oh what, you want to back off?", he grinned and elicited a deep growl from the girl. His grin widened, one corner of his mouth rose a little higher than the other and he could see exactly how Ahsoka's arms tensed. Now he had her at the point, where all he had to do was place a small word correctly to infuriate her. "Hey Kix, maybe you also want to bet on-" He broke off as the padawan swung herself in his direction and tried to grab him. Laughing, he dodged and fled the canteen, the togruta laughing and growling behind him. He knew full well, that after that he would have a few more bruises. But he also knew that she was laughing. 
"Ouch!" She hissed and pulled her arm back with a jerk, pressed it protectively against her chest and stared at Kix with furrowed eyebrows. He sighed deeply and tiredly, before reaching out to her again. "If you could just hold still for a second, it wouldn't hurt either.", he grumbled and grabbed her wrists with surprising strength. Growling, the girl gave in and allowed him to stretch out her arm again and further clean the fine line on the inside. If she was honest, she no longer knew what actually hurt her.
There was silence for a few seconds, then Ahsoka heard footsteps in the hallway and bowed her head, listening. "That sounds like Hardcase and Hevy.", she grinned and prayed, that Kix would be distracted enough by it that she could get away. But to her disappointment, his grip on her wrist only tightened and she gave in, but still had to grin when the other two clones came in. Hevy had a fine cut over his eyebrow, if she'd guess she'd say Hardcase had hit him with his elbow. "At some point I'll lock this damn training hall.", Kix muttered without turning around and wiped the Togruta's arm again before taping the wound. She looked at him more closely, he looked a little tired. Maybe they should really turn down a bit?
His fingers ran one last time over her arm and he released her from his grip, she jumped from the stretcher and grinned at Kix, trying to drive away the exhausted expression on his face. "Thank you Kix, really.", she mumbled and he actually smiled, the lines on his forehead smoothing out a bit. Still, she knew that he would take his further frustration out on Hevy and Hardcase. "Anytime, vod'ika.", he said, patting her head. Maybe she was a little too old for that, but somehow it was nice... 
She left the medistation full of energy. "And don't tear it open again!", the medic called after her. 
Ahsoka felt so tired. Again and again she clenched her fingers into fists to stay focused, the march was far from over. But after almost a week in this labyrinth of trees and rocks, the budding jedi's reserves were slowly used up. She stumbled next to Skywalker and Rex and carefully put one foot in front of the other, she felt her master's gaze at her again and again and did not want to give the impression of being weak. When she stumbled again and hastily grabbed the Jedi's forearm, however, it was Rex who spoke up. 
"General, maybe a short break would be appropriate?", he suggested and Ahsoka rubbed her forearms, she shivered slightly from tiredness and exhaustion. Her master's regrets crept over to her in the force. “We can't rest yet. We have to get to the meeting point without wasting any more time than we already have lost.", he sighed and Ahsoka wasn't sure how far she could walk anymore, but agreed with him. "Sorry, Snips.", he muttered to her, but she gave him a bright smile with bared fangs. "Don't worry master, I'll be fine." 
After another hour she was already a few steps behind the front row and after another 30 minutes she clutched the arm that Jesse had discreetly offered her. She felt many looks in her back and cursed inwardly, she had to be strong and look reliable, always! But she couldn't prevent herself from stumbling slightly and still clinging to Jesse, who was navigating her through the forest. After another big stumble, there was a snort behind her and she and Jesse spun around. "If it's not going fast enough for you, then carry her.", he growled, whereupon Ahsoka growled at him. "I can walk myself!", she hissed and turned back around.
Suddenly two large hands grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up until she was sitting on Hardcase's shoulders and propping herself on his helmet. "What's this supposed to be?", she asked, a grin tugging at the corner of her mouth as the clone laughed below. "It's no use if your feet are sore. Besides, it was Jesses idea, wasn’t it?", he laughed and continued his march. For a moment Ahsoka thought about jumping down again, but finally sitting felt too good! She sagged a little and propped her arms on his helmet. 
The meeting point was not far away, Hardcase was already looking forward to being able to sleep for a few minutes. He walked next to Jesse, who carried his weapon so that he could put his hands around the togruta's lower legs. The girl fell asleep in less than an hour and he felt better, if he could somehow hold her so she wouldn't fall off him. "Almost there guys, just a little longer.", the general called from the front and he and Jesse caught up to the front row. "Sir, shall I...?" He waved one hand at Ashoka, who was still sleeping peacefully on his shoulders. Not that it bothered him, but maybe she'd rather enter the camp on her own two feet? General Skywalker looked at her briefly, then shook his head. "Let her sleep.", he smiled and Hardcase wanted to nod, but then quickly remembered that someone was propped up on his helmet. The rest of the way he hummed contentedly, his fingers gently pounding the beat on the girl's legs and for a second, everything was okay.
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/dji-osmo-mobile-3-review/
DJI Osmo Mobile 3 Review
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DJI is popularly known as a maker of drones and handheld stabilisers for cameras. Even though it has recently branched out into the action camera space with the Osmo Action, its core strengths remain in manufacturing high-quality gimbals for smartphones and cameras. Its most recent introduction has been the Osmo Mobile 3, which is its third-generation handheld stabiliser for smartphones. This 3-axis gimbal makes for a great tool for content creators, especially if your phone doesn’t have the best electronic or optical stabilisation.
The Osmo Mobile 3 gets some neat upgrades over its predecessor. It’s now foldable for better portability; has better ergonomics; and boasts of new shortcuts and gestures. We’ve been using the DJI Osmo Mobile 3 for about a week now, and here’s what we think of it.
DJI Osmo Mobile 3 design and features
The Osmo Mobile 3 is available in India as a standalone device for Rs. 8,999 or as a ‘Combo’ priced at Rs. 10,999, which includes a hard carrying case and an Osmo Grip tripod. The latter doesn’t add any height to the gimbal but it does have collapsable feet, so it can be used as an extended grip when closed or as a regular tripod. The Osmo Mobile 3 weighs just 405g, making it quite light. The handgrip and most parts of the gimbal itself are made of plastic, but the quality is very good. There’s ample rubber cladding on the handgrip for extra support for sweaty palms.
The arm of the gimbal can now be folded, making it easier to carry. You can even keep a phone mounted on it when it’s folded, which is convenient. The 3-axis stabilisation lets you perform tilt, roll, and pan actions when shooting. The front of the handgrip is where you’ll find the main buttons. These include a multi-direction joystick and buttons for recording and switching between shooting modes (‘M’). There’s a zoom slider on the left and a USB Type-C port on the right for charging.
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The DJI Osmo Mobile 3 has ergonomically placed buttons on the handgrip
The Osmo Mobile 3 also has a full-sized USB Type-A port on the handgrip, in case you need to charge your phone while shooting. Last, we have an ergonomically placed trigger button at the back of the handgrip, which can be used to reset the phone’s position, and depending on the number of taps, it can also be used to activate ‘Sports Mode,’ lock the tilt axis, and switch between your phone’s rear and front cameras.
The Osmo Mobile 3 has a standard tripod mount at the bottom so you can mount it on any tripod for timelapse shots, or use the bundled one if you buy the ‘Combo’ pack. In the box, you’ll find a basic quick start guide, a USB Type-C cable, a wrist strap, and a soft storage pouch. We received the combo pack for review, which also includes the case and tripod. The hardshell case is of good quality and is stiff enough to provide good protection. We just wish it was big enough to accommodate the tripod in it too.
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The DJI Osmo Mobile 3 Combo bundle includes a carrying case and the Osmo Grip
DJI Osmo Mobile 3 performance
Before powering this device on, you’ll have to unfold it which is easily done thanks to the spring-loaded arm. The arms of the gimbal also lock in place when its folded, thanks to carefully placed grooves and latches, so it doesn’t accidentally unfold. Before you can pop your phone into the clamp begin using it, the gimbal needs to be ‘activated’. This involves downloading and signing in to the DJI Mimo app, which is available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Once you go through the setup process, which also checks and downloads any available firmware update for the gimbal, you’re ready to use the Osmo Mobile 3.
The gimbal will automatically try and centre the phone you have installed but you can also manually adjust its position by holding the tilt motor. You can calibrate the phone’s position and angle through an option within the Mimo app too. The Osmo Mobile 3 is compatible with most of today’s popular phones but not all features are available for all phones. For instance, slow-motion video and 60fps video in the Mimo app is currently only available on iPhones. Shooting at 4K is still not available on some Android phones such as the Realme X2 Pro (Review), but it is available on others like the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (Review). However, even if your phone is not on the list, you’ll still be able to use all the basic features of the app. Hopefully, we should see better support in future versions of it.
We tested the Osmo Mobile 3 with a variety of phones such as the Redmi Note 8 (Review), Realme X2 Pro Master Edition, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, and Apple iPhone 11 Pro. The holder for the phone is also cleverly designed, so it doesn’t come in contact with any of its buttons, thereby allowing you to centre it properly. We noticed that all the phones we tried got quite warm after extended use of the Mimo app, and it did tend to drain their batteries quickly. When you’re not shooting, it’s best to turn the screen off or put the gimbal in standby mode to conserve power on both devices.
The Osmo Mobile 3 lets you capture professional-looking stabilised videos without much effort. This is especially useful on phones that don’t have electronic stabilisation or don’t do a good job of it. The Redmi Note 8, for instance, shoots decent quality 4K videos in the day but without stabilisation. The Osmo Mobile 3 fixes this, making an otherwise unusable video clip look like it’s been shot on a much more expensive phone.
We even tried capturing a video while zoomed in, which exaggerates shakiness from even tiny movements. Even while walking, the gimbal made a world of a��difference. If you have a high-end phone with optical stabilisation, shooting in low light is still challenging. Having a stabiliser for such situations makes a noticeable difference to the final output. 
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The DJI Mimo app offers good features for shooting and controlling the Osmo Mobile 3
Besides standard photos and videos, the Mimo app also offers other shooting modes and features too. It lets you capture professional-looking motion timelapse videos, where you can set the path the gimbal will follow for the duration of the timelapse. Hyperlapse videos are also possible, and the end results looked very good to us, even with a budget phone such as the Redmi Note 8.
‘Story Mode’ lets you create short stories easily. All you have to do it pick a template and follow the guide to capture short clips, which are then automatically stitched together with transitions, on-screen text, and music. You also have the option to share these clips immediately on social platforms.
For panoramas, you can select a 180-degree shot or a wider one, which captures a lot more angles. However, with the latter, the end result didn’t always look good and we noticed some inconsistencies in the stitching at times. Also, the Osmo Mobile 3’s gimbal still has a limit to how far it can rotate, so you can’t take 360 degree photos or panoramas on this one.
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A 3×3 panorama stitched together by the DJI Mimo app, using the Redmi Note 8
The Osmo Mobile 3 also features ActiveTrack 3.0, which is available through the Mimo app. You can select the object you want to follow through the viewfinder, and the gimbal will automatically track it to ensure it’s always in the centre of the frame. It worked very well with people, but not so much with fast-moving objects. There’s a Sport Mode which can be engaged when you double-press and hold the trigger button. This enables active tracking on the object in the centre of the frame and increases the speed of the motors, so the gimbal can pan and tilt more rapidly. ActiveTrack 3.0 can also be enabled by showing a palm or ‘V’ sign gesture to the camera, but this needs to be enabled in the app’s settings.
Other gestures include a double-tap on the Mode button flip the phone horizontally or vertically; and a triple-tap on the trigger button to switch between the front and rear cameras. You can also opt to enable ‘Quick Menu,’ which lets you use the joystick to navigate through all the shooting modes, so you never have to reach for your phone’s screen.
DJI claims a battery life of up to 15 hours. With actual usage, we found the battery life to be closer to 10 hours, which is still not bad. We think this should be more than enough runtime for whatever you’ll be filming at a stretch. The Osmo Mobile 3 can be used while it’s charging so you could technically use it for a lot longer. Charging it fully took us about two and a half hours when it was connected to a 10W adapter.
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The DJI Osmo Mobile 3 works with pretty much any phone, but some features in the Mimo app are only available on some models
The DJI Osmo 3 is an incredibly fun gadget and a must-have accessory for any serious content creator. Even for casual users, it’s a very handy accessory to have when you’re on a holiday or if you simply love making home videos. The best part is that it’s easy to use, and it can make videos shot even with a budget smartphone look more professional. We love how compact it gets when folded up; the subject tracking feature works well on people; and the Mimo app offers useful shooting modes. We hope that DJI updates the app to support more resolutions and framerates on a wider selection of Android phones.
The starting price of Rs. 8,999 is very good considering the performance and features that this device offers. We‘d recommend putting in a bit more money and getting the ‘Combo’ bundle, as the hardcase is a must-have if you travel a lot and the tripod is very handy for timelapse shots.
Price: Rs. 8,999 (Base model) ; Rs. 10,999 (Combo model)
Comfortable and portable
Very good stabilisation
Easy to use
Useful companion app
Decent battery life
Object tracking could be better
0 notes
hellsbellssinclub · 8 years
oooo! Obi Wan and Dogma, #4 - “We’re designed to be disposable.”
Dogma bared his teeth as another stupid person left his cell. Idiots. All of them.
It had been three weeks to the day since he killed Krell and still no one was sure on what to do with him. 
He had heard from one of his Vods that work in the Senate that the 501st and 212th were to be sent back out at the end of the week. Apparently, having someone who you were supposed to trust betray you and make you kill your brothers only grants you a three week leave.
Stupid fucking Senate. Stupid fucking Jedi.
Fuck all of them. They are the ones who should be fighting their own damned war! Not Dogma and his brothers!
For the love of everything he is a child by Republic standards. His body may be big but he knows that his and his brothers brains are not technically all together finished cooking! They have been forcing them to leave without proper training and to let themselves be killed.
He was a fool. A stupid and young fool. He wanted everything to be good and neat and simple like the rules they had been ordered to follow since they had been taken from their birth tanks and he had nearly killed his brothers for it.
At least they forgave him. And visited him.
Well, they did visit him until he was told he was no longer allowed to see anyone other than his reps. Which sucked.
The only upside to being locked away in this cell was the fact that he got three squire meals a day. You don’t get that out in the field. You get two if you are lucky. 
Dogma leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes. He wished that he had been more like his brothers. He wished he could have seen that there was something wrong with Krell. 
Perhaps then his brothers would be alive. Perhaps Hardcase would still be here. Perhaps they would not have killed their brothers because Krell was a fucking dick.
He let himself fall into an uneasy sleep, knowing full well that sometime soon he was to be executed and disposed of.
It was a suprise when he heard the explosion. Dogma honestly first thought he was in a dream until an arm pulled him up from his place on the ground and to his feet.
The man who was before him was short and wore a Mandalorian mask on his face. The mask was worn and battered and Dogma could not tell who this person was. It could not be a Vod. Too short and wrong body shape. The Commander? No, she would not be able to pull this off, not with the way she looks.
“Come with me. I can get you somewhere safe.” The man’s voice was muffled and he spoke in the abbreviated Mand’o that all Vods learnt.
Who was this man.
Swallowing hard, Dogma looked around at the explosided mess around him and knew that even if he did stay and say that he had nothing to do with this, he would still be executed.
So baring his teeth, Dogma followed.
It took them hours to get to a reasonable spaceport and for Dogma to get something other than his blacks to wear. The street clothes he had been given were warm and strange, compared to blacks he was used to. His so called hero lead him to a small ship with no marking and what looked to be plenty of defences.
“This is where I leave you.” The man said after he had shown Dogma all the controls and where he could find the staggering amount of foods and survival things. He stared at the other as the man took off his mask, revealing someone he did not expect.
Dogma took a step back and held his arms up; ready to fight. But the Jedi just gave a small, sad smile.
“Anakin and I worked together with some of out contacts to get you all of this.” He gestured to the ship and to where the food was stocked. “We tried everything for you to be spared. Called in nearly all of out favours, used more money then what should have been necessary and went to so many meetings and they still voted to execute you.” The Jedi hung his head and looked at his mask. 
“This is our gift to you Dogma. A chance of a new life.”
Dogma slowly moved his hands down and stared at the man before him. He was alive because they felt guilty. That was the only reason why. They couldn’t save him so they are giving him this chance to live.
“What about my brothers?” He asked, voice soft and rough.
Kenobi licked his lips and rubbed his chin. “There is a group of at least ten of your brothers going to meet you at the a spaceport locked into the navigational system. We asked, discretely, who wanted to leave and who wanted to stay.. There was many troubling words passed. Most of your brothers said that even if they left it still wouldn’t matter; they said that they were made to be disposable.”
The Jedi took a low shuddering breath and Dogma was not sure if the look on the other man’s face was anger or grief.
“Which isn’t true. You are all bright stars whom we love. And we are so, so sorry that this happened Dogma. To you and your brothers. So please. Be safe. Take this ship and all that is in it and stay safe. Make a new life for yourself and your brothers.” There were tears in Kenobi’s eyes. “And know that Anakin and I love each and every one of you. And one day we will all be reunited in the Force.”
And with that the Jedi but on his mask once more and was gone, leaving Dogma alone with a ship and the determination to make something from the wreck of his life.
He would see his Vods again. Both in life and in the Force.
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