#hellsbells answers
essektheylyss · 5 months
Wait, so sorry for the random question but I'm buried in work and on my pomodoro break-
Is today CR's episode a HellsBells one or a Might Nine one? I can't open twitch or twitter right now ;---; thank you and sorry for asking like that out of the blue
Hello! I will be honest, this ask sent me into a spiral trying to figure out if you fell out of an alternative dimension where there are still Mighty Nein episodes aside from random one-shots. (What is happening in Rexxentrum, please, someone explain, I need to know. Is there Cobalt Soul documentation I can read or—)
Anyway, to actually answer your question, tonight's episode was half Crownkeepers and half Bells Hells! They just went to break so it'll be switching back to the Hells shortly, though there's only about an hour after the break, so that section is pretty short. I hope this is helpful, and best of luck with your work!
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
Bruce Wayne is the only other person Mace taught the Vaapad too
Bruce Wayne then taught it to each of his Padawans. His many, many endless Padwans that keep popping up out of no where.
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cullen-collective · 4 years
do it. write it. do it
Say. Less. 
There’s never anyone actually interesting in these chats. 
There’s me, who actually wants to discuss music, the way it feels, the lyrics’ poetic meanings, the way the drums crash like they’re my own heartbeat. And then there’s guys who might want to discuss that, but are probably here for the other occupants of the forum: girls obsessed with band members. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against them, and I fully understand geeking out over Pete Wentz (although I’ve always been more of a Stump girl) or Gerard Way or even Chester Bennington. I just keep having to switch to new forums when it’s clear that no one else wants to talk about the music, but instead have guys who claim to look like Adam Lazarra scam the email addresses and photos off those girls. 
Which brings me here, to another new forum chat, scrolling through older posts about who drums harder: Travis Barker or Mike Kinsella, as the chat scrolls by on the right side of the screen. I was mindlessly scrolling, mentally agreeing or disparaging the opinions of other posters, too scared to comment. This site was pretty neat, and the account I’d had to create to post comments and chat had spaces for a list of my favorites, which I’d happily included. It also had a little bio, which I’d filled in with my name and age, as well as one of my favorite lyrics.
I kept one eye on the chat as it went, keeping up with the current discussion of how best to cut your bangs. I typed up a quick note that the best way to cut your bangs was to see a local hairdresser so you didn’t end up with Buffy season three bangs instead of the side-sweep you wanted. 
Emo-ward: But is it really, truly in the spirit of punk rock if you don’t cut them yourself?
HellsBells: I think to be a real punk, you’d probably need to like different bands. To be alt, you can visit a salon or resign yourself to botched hair. 
Emo-ward: Seems like the majority is going to choose the second option.
HellsBells: Well, sometimes we must suffer for the cause. 
Emo-Ward wants to send you a private message. Accept. Decline. 
I was stunned. No one ever requested me. My cursor hovered over “Accept”, my finger twitching. My mother, as scattered as she was, had always warned me about being too open online. What if this was like, a forty-five year old man who preyed on kids in chat rooms? What if it was a serial killer? What if it was someone from school trying to humiliate me? What if it was a kid from school who wanted to humiliate me and also did a little serial killing on the side? 
Okay, I was being ridiculous. I knew nothing about this person. Hell, I hadn’t even looked at their profile. So I right-clicked the name in the chat and opened another window to his profile. Like mine, the profile had no picture, and instead had a graphic. It was Gerard Way but his hair had been edited to be bright green. I snorted, remembering my own, which was Britney Spears edited with a scene girl haircut that this chick in my Western Civ class had emailed to me as a joke after seeing the Ataris CD in my portable player. The name listed was Edward, the age as 16, and he had a lyric on his profile too. 
“Watching from the floor.”
I recognized it, small as it was. It was from “Dear Maria, Count Me In”. I was a little surprised. Great song choice. 
It seemed he wasn’t too sketchy. 
I went back to the original page, steeled my nerves and hit “Accept.” 
Emo-ward: Do you really have time in your veins? 
My tongue pressed to the inside of my cheek. If this really was a sixteen-year-old boy, I was in trouble. He had just referenced the lyric in my bio, (from “Understanding In A Car Crash”: “It starts and stops and starts and stops again.”) and made it a joke. I had to one-up him. 
HellsBells: Yes. I am also a pen.
Emo-ward: Where are you from, girl with time in her veins who is somehow also a pen?
I smiled at my screen. I couldn’t help it. He was kind of funny. 
HellsBells: Forgive me, sir, if I’m not very specific. I’m from the Southwest. You?
Emo-ward: Well, miss, I will follow suit. I’m from the Northwest. 
There was something about the way he wrote that made me want to trust him. Maybe it was that we had similar chat styles. Although… My mother had always said I talked like I was sixty. What if he was sixty?! Edward is an old man's name. 
HellsBells: You kind of talk like an old guy, you know that, right?
Emo-ward: That’s because I’m 104. 
HellsBells: Wow. You use the internet pretty well for a senior citizen.
Emo-ward: They had us take a class. So, what’s your favorite album right now?
I smiled. Funny, and hopefully not an old guy. 
HellsBells: Will you stop talking to me if I say Take This to Your Grave?
Emo-ward: Only if you stop talking to me for saying mine is Meteora. 
HellsBells: Only if you tell me your favorite song off the album is Numb. That’s where I draw the line. 
Emo-ward: While that song isn’t my favorite, it’s pretty good. Anyway, the actual favorite is Somewhere I Belong. 
I thought about that for a minute. I liked that song, but I hadn’t listened to it a lot. I’d have to give it another go. I had Meteora around here somewhere. I found the album in my bookshelf, put it in my portable player, and put the headphones on. I skipped to the right track, and let it play while I answered. 
HellsBells: Not that you asked, but mine is Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes.
Emo-ward: Aggressive. I like it. 
I burst out laughing. Out loud. In my house. On a school night. At eleven. 
“Bella?” my mom called from across the hall. “Are you on the computer?” 
Shit. “Uh… no?”
I heard Mom start giggling. “Go to bed, kid!” 
“Okay!” I grimaced at the screen. No way I was ever going to hear from this guy again. But… I had to try, right? He was funny, and he had great taste in music. 
HellsBells: Well, grandpa, if you can get the orderlies at the nursing home to let you use the computer on Friday, I’ll be here. Until then, I’m not an adult and have to deal with things like school nights. 
Emo-ward: I’m sorry about that. I never sleep, so my school nights are exactly like regular nights. I’ll be here. 
I shook my head at that, holding in a giant smile. You know what, fuck it, I let the smile loose. It wasn’t like he could see me. And I let “Somewhere I Belong” play on repeat until I fell asleep. 
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monarchy-monae · 6 years
IVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR AN HOUR AND I DELETED IT SO IM SUPER PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW. But anyway, I’m a PRO at this because I’ve been doing it in amino. Also please tell me if I missed any questions
I got tagged by this sassy lassy @lve4lfe
Here are the rules! You answer the questions and tag people who you would love to get to know better!
Nicknames: I go by Barnie in amino, you can call me Monarcy or HellsBells (but I’m called that in real life so...)
Gender: I’m a woman
Zodiac sign: Aquarius!!!! Me and my sister share the same sign like our parents share it with Capricorn
Height: About 5’3/4
Sexuality: Asexual but in one of the many divisions of it
MBTI: I got this INFJ-T which means Advoacte
Average amount of sleep: Depends sometimes I’ll sleep for nine hours or sometimes not at all
Dogs or cats?: Kitties!!!
Number of Blankies: I dont know what this means, I had a blanket when I was kid and I just have a bigger version of it now so one
Where are you from?: Minnesota or as my friend put it CanadaV.2.0!
Dream trip: AUSTRALIA
When I made this account: About 4-5 years ago
Why I made this account: I wanted to read a webcomic that was only on here so I made it to read it but then now I have it as my main social media
Followers: Last time I checked it was 437! Thank you to the 10 people who like and reblog my stuff and thank you to the rest who are porn bots!
I’m gonna tag people who I consider mutuals, mostly because I see you guys like and reblog my stuff very often!
@leewadeeleewada @cjadewyton @monteswisha @istoleyourboredom @shameless-robot-fucker @midnightmusicalsandcats
You guys don’t have to do this if you don’t want to your not obligated to do so. But I really appreciate all of you!
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survivorsuriname · 6 years
Immunity #9
Come on in guys!
Jake voted out at tribal council.
Today you are playing Six Clicks to Survivor!
For this challenge, you will click through Wikipedia, trying to make your way back to the Survivor page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivor_%28U.S._TV_series%29)
You’ll go onto each of the wikipedia pages below and click your way through, attempting to end up back at the Survivor page. The goal is to get to the Survivor page with the fewest amount of clicks. You must send the link to every page you click on in your host chat. You can keep a list (on Word, Google Docs, Notepad, whatever) and then send the full list once you’ve completed the challenge. They must be clickable links that the hosts can follow to check your list.
For example, if my page was HellsBelles, my list would look like this: PAGE 1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HellsBelles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_metal_music https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slipknot_(band) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Des_Moines,_Iowa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_from_Des_Moines,_Iowa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinema_of_the_United_States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_film_studio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBS_Corporation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivor_(U.S._TV_series)
This challenge is due tomorrow 10EST tomorrow, July 13th.
Tribal will still be at 9EST on July 14th unless stated otherwise.
You must complete all six pages in order to complete the challenge. For every page not completed, a twenty click penality will be added to your total number. The person with the fewest amount of clicks will win immunity.
Worth playing for?
Here are the six pages:
How many clicks are there in total?
Survivors ready? GO!
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
re: Across the Stars, does Donna get to bitch out Qui Gon?
Oh yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.
There is going to be a big bitch out with the Council and then with Qui-Gon and it is going to be great.
And I am pretty sure I will continue Across the Stars in Qui-Gon’s story but I still need to sit down and plot the story before I do anything with it.
But there will be a bitching. And it will be great.
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
DVD commentary meme! Maybe the Body Swap ficlet from Leftovers (chapter 5)? ^_^
God that little ficlet.
I cannot remember who prompted me with Body Swap Au but someone did when I was doing prompts and I couldn’t help but write it.
The first little Drabble response was small, quick and about as cracky as you could get with a could hundred words. I wrote the mini first chapter I think it was a few days afterwards because it was definitely an idea that I enjoyed.
While the Drabble part may have been humour and fun, the first chapter was a little more serious, I wanted to write something a little more realistic (as one can get when writing Star Wars) and I wanted to briefly touch on how Obi-Wan and the other Jedi feel and work.
If I had actually gone through with the fic, I would had gone onto more detail about how the Jedi way of life has changed since the war began, how the politics of the senate affect the Jedi, how Palps is a dick and is controlling certain aspects of the order and also how the Jedi physically feel constantly being in battles and war. (In the first paragraph I briefly have Obi-Wan mention that his chair was no longer comfy and that it may be because he was still bruised up, for example. )
If I had the time and patience I would love to sit down and write a 50k+ fic about the body swap and make it both as funny and as serious as I could get it.
Because there is just so much you could do with a body swap au!
How does everyone feel being in someone else’s body? What are the ramifications? Anakin’s relationship with Padme would be found out. How would a Jedi react to being a clone? Could they stand not being force sensitive? What about how they would be treated?
How does everyone else react to this? If it is The Team and Ahsoka and Rex who are swapped, how do they deal with the political fall out? Would there be a political fall out? What and how would Palpatine react to the news?
There is also so much one could do with how the force works and the science behind a body swap and I am going to stop myself right now because I have too many WIPs and I am not doing this.
Nope. Nope. No. I am not writing this. No matter how fun it looks I am not doing this.
Thank you friend! I think I may have rambled a bit but that was fun!
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
does anyone else want to go to the planet where Loki's a big damn hero or is that just me?
I do!
I also want him to be the Loki from Thor: Rangork because that was the best Loki hands down.
I want him to save the day and be the hero of the day and then trip over his own cape. I want him and Thor to be siblings and for them to be happy.
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
I wish you'd write a fic where - one of Count Dooku's Sith Magic experiments goes hilariously awry and he accidentally summons Loki to the Star Wars universe. All the crack, please.
Oh god yes.
Imagine post Avengers Loki who is sulking in his cage, slightly regretting his life choices because his mum is now pissed at him and he failed terribly, suddenly in the SW universe.
I mean, technically Star Wars could be a thing in the marvel universe but I am going to put it as a multiverse thing.
So, Dooku fucks up. And he fucks up bad.
Loki, is less than pleased when he is suddenly summoned out of his cage by an old man with a superiority complex bigger than Thor’s used to be before he was tasered by a Earthling.
Dooku has no idea what is happening. He tried to summon a Sith being that would bring chaos to his enemies and instead he gets a very pissed off young looking man with powers Dooku has never even heard of.
And you can bet your ass that Loki escapes and runs into Obi-Wan and Anakin and somehow goes on a journey of redemption and in a comical chain of events, Loki exposes Palpatine for the Sith he is and also destroys the chips in the clones heads by accidentally setting off an electrical surge.
Thor eventually finds Loki long after the war has ended. He is on Naboo in a nice beach side home with several clones, enjoying life and reading lovely books.
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
for the OC ask - 15 for Master Frank and 19 for Padawan Fern?
If Master Frank could go back in time he would go back to sometime before TPM, mostly to try and convince Dooku to stay with the Order and to stop the creations of the Clones, even though he is extremely fond of his men.
And for the musical with Fern? I have no idea tbh. Knowing Fern she would probably blast out ‘To be a Man’ as loudly as she could for no reason other than she can.
Thanks for the ask friend!
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
For the ask game, all the even ones my friend!
2.least favorite fic you wrote this yearUrgh, least favourite? My Hetalia fic, In a Cage. I had been writing it for over three years and it just caused so much anxiety and I gave it the most shit, general ending that did nothing because I couldn’t stand to write it anymore.
4.total number of words you wrote this yearI can’t check how much I have written on my phone, but I know it is well over 80k, which is wow.
6.least popular fic this yearMy mini vampire au’s I did earlier in the year for the Buffy anniversary haven’t had the best reception but I mainly wrote those for myself so I don’t mind.
8.shortest completed fic you wrote this yearDo prompts from tumblr count as fics? Because if so then it is just under 1k I think?
10.shortest wip of the yearOff the top of my head I think it is Welcome to Gotham. That has 2 chapters and about 2k?
12.favorite character to write about this yearVader. It has to be Vader. God, it was so much fun and so interesting to write When Dark Burns as much as Light. Trying to understand how 20+ years of pain and ptsd would affect a person and trying to make my own turn on how the force is was just a blast. I really need to update that fic.
14. A fic you didn’t expect to writeOkay, hands down I honestly did not expect to write Across the Stars at all. It was just a little au idea that I made while half asleep and rebloged from myself months later when I was rebloging old posts and then the next thing I know my activity was filled with reblogs and likes and I gained nearly 20 new followers and yeah, people really liked the idea of young Obi-Wan meeting the Doctor and Donna and I had ideas already half made and just went ‘fuck it’ and wrote it. I did not expect that nearly 12 months later I would have nearly 600 kudos and 400 and something comments.
16.fic(s) you completed this yearMy damned Hetalia fic, In a Cage.Many little vampire au’s for Star Wars My mini Batman prompt ficlet called Family.
18.current number of wipsEhhhh about 9? Though a couple of those are mostly abandoned and probably won’t be updated.
20.number of comments you haven’t readTwo or three? I think. I haven’t replied to them as of yet because effort. I did read the email notifications so I know what they say but I haven’t answered them.
22.events you participated in this yearNone. I keep meaning to do so but I forget to really do it.
24.favorite fic you read this yearI have to chose one??! God, that is really mean. I refuse to answer this one.
26.number of favorites/bookmarks you made this yearAbout 20? I think off the top of my head.
28.longest fic you read this yearDoes anyone know how long @deadcatwithaflamethrowerFics are? Like does anyone have a number? Deadcat has the longest fics.
30.favorite fandom to read fic from this yearBatman and Star Wars. Both universes are great to play in.
Thank you Pop! These were fun as!
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
Thor finally finds Loki and shows up with the Avengers in tow and they're all mind-blown that Loki is a (tolerated) hero here and Tony's all 'We need to go to the crummy galaxy where I'm a hero!' and Steve, who's caught up on his pop culture, says 'that's literally where we just came from' and Tony is Shocked and Delighted. The Clones still won't let their Most Crazy Bastard General go though. He's their's now.
The Clones adore their crazy General and will fight everyone to keep him.
Anakin is in love with Tony’s suit. He is already making plans to make something like it and Tony is in love with R2.
There are many arguments between everyone. Yes, they all recognise that Loki is a war criminal from another universe, but at the same time Loki saved so many people in the war and even though he is a dick no one wants to let him go.
It takes several weeks of negotiation but finally everyone agrees that Loki can stay but will do three years of mercy missions for his crimes in the other universe.
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
For the made up title: Best Dad ever (even for a mom.)
Batman gets hit with a gender changing spell and honestly, nothing really changes that much.
He is still the quiet, brooding person he/she has always been. Sure, Bruce is a couple inches shorter now and his/her hair is now down to his/her shoulders. And there are breast to deal with. But really, Bruce Wayne has not changed at all.
He is still very much dadbat and is determined not only to fix this but to continue looking after his many, many kids.
And since he is grounded from patrol (having breasts and now being shorter and having a completely different body means he can’t go out and fight. Plus his/her suit won’t fit at the moment) Bruce is determined to spend time with his kids.
With Dick they watch terrible space soap operas and Dick helps Bruce train with his new body (Dick is a great teacher and is really patient while Bruce spends half and hour cursing out his breasts)
With Jason, Bruce spends several hours helping Jason plan for a mission to take down a drug ring supplying date rape drugs to clubs and school kids. They bicker and fight as they normally do when the clash against each other’s ideology and the such but since Bruce is no longer able to loom or raise his voice as loud as before, the fighting does not end in the normal violence that it can.
With Tim, Bruce helps Tim with the WE work that needs to be done. Tim crashes half way through and Bruce covers him with a blanket and lets him sleep. All the work is done by the time Tim is awake and Bruce has managed to pass out on the desk himself. Tim covers Bruce with the blanket before leaving to go to his own bed.
With Cass, Bruce takes her to the ballet and out to dinner. No one knows who they are and they both enjoy the quiet night out together without worrying about the media or having to play a role.
With Damian, Bruce is a little unsure on what to do. Damian is very much uncomfortable with the idea that his father is now a woman and does not know how to process it at all. So Bruce does little things to get him both used to and comfortable with him/her. Bruce leaves tea on Damian’s desk, just the way e likes it. Bruce leaves first aid kits in Damian’s locker in the cave to remind him to patch himself up. Bruce leaves treats for Damian’s pets. Eventually, Damian does feel sort of comfortable with his father and after a long night on patrol, falls asleep on his/her side.
It takes a few weeks to change back into male and while everyone is glad, they also were happy to have those little moments with Bruce.
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
Bruce and Selina since you wants prompts please write this one “ You’re cute when you’re angry. ”
Bruce glared at the lovely and stylishly dressed woman before him. The night was finally done and once again, Brucie Wayne has taken home the mysterious and beautiful Miss Kyle.
It was the third time this month alone that he had been forced to ‘take’ Selina home to keep her from stealing from the charity guests. While the Cat was very low on the scale of dangerous rogues, she has made herself a pain in his side lately.
He wasn’t sure if this was an attempt to gain his attention or if she was angry at him again. Honestly, neither idea was appealing.
“You know, your kinda cute when your angry.” She laughed at him, her manicured nails stroking over his chest, just over the scars he had received last week from her.
“And you seem to be going to a lot of effort to gain my attention.” He frowned at her.
She laughed, her head throwing back in amusement and he will never admit it out loud but her laugh was always beautiful to him. “Of course.” She smirked. “You are such a busy man, a girl can get lonely.”
Bruce rolled his eyes. “Can you please not try and steal from people at my parties?” He sighed.
Selina just smirked. “Now, where is the fun in that?”
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
do they have phone games in the Star Wars universe, you figure? like, does Anakin open up Space Neko Atsume whenever he's stressed and check on his kitties? does Obi Wan play Candy Crush during council meetings while pretending to take notes? do the Clones play Words With Friends?
can you imagine how that would be? 
Senators playing on their phones rather than paying attention to the bills? Younglings playing the eqivilant of pokemon in the room of a thousand fountains. Ahsoka playing angry birds with the troopers.
Man, everyone would be distracted whenever they had down time.
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hellsbellssinclub · 7 years
I read a story, still unfinished and I can't remember the name because I suck, but for reasons, Anakin was to be trained by Plo Koon and I did a little mental math and it would be quite possible that in that kind of au situation, Anakin would be with Master Koon when he found Ahsoka. Then I squeed because omg cute!
Omg that would be amazing.
Hands down, I have always thought that while Obi-Wan did a good job of raising and training Anakin, he should not have done so.
I mean, the whole situation with Anakin is literally ‘dad just died in front of older brother and now older brother must look after kid brother who they just found out about last week.’
It was amazing that Obi-Wan was able to even raise Anakin at all. I mean, how much grief, pain and anger do you think he went through? Not only did he just loose his dad/friend/teacher, but he is more or less forced to raise Anakin (a kid who just got out of slavery and woah there are so many issues there) because of Qui-Gons dying wish.
Anakin being trained by Plo would have been amazing. Plo is kind and gentle but very firm when it comes to instructing others. Whenever he was on screen with Ahsoka and Anakin he was helpful and directed them with respect.
Too few other Jedi did so when dealing with Anakin face to face. Kit Fisto was one. For a few scenes Mace did. Mundi was amazing.
I think that being raised by plo would have given Anakin a new perspective of the Jedi. I think he would have had a better understanding of the Order and how it works. Because don’t forget that Obi-Wan was only a new Knight when he took Anakin on. Obi-Wan would not have had a broader view of the Order yet.
Plo on the other hand was a member of the council. He would be able to show Anakin the inner workings of the temple and explain to him WHY the Jedi were not allowed to go out and take down slavery or do many other things.
I don’t think plo would allow Anakin to be alone as much with Palpatine as Obi-Wan did. Plo would have the power to say 'sorry, but my padawan and i have business elsewhere’ unlike Obi-Wan who was a new Knight with a young padawan.
I think that having that extra power to back him up would offer a world of protection for Anakin, something that he would have needed. Because after all, how many kids are willing to tease or bully a padawan to a council member right?
Meeting Ahsoka early would be so amazing. They would hit right off I think. Anakin would love seeing her and just hanging out with her. They would be friends easily.
Okay I am stopping before I start writing another au.
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