picavecalyx · 2 years
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  migraine forming so imma pass out <3       i will leave y’all with some sketchies. the bagatellas.......i.e., never let this child near her ancestor please-
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evilendures · 1 year
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What he’s hearing is that he has a free pass to kidnap children
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tumblestonesa · 1 year
@hardjinnger said: Vasil: Came from THAT WOMAN? Ungrateful.
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"standing family policy is to never speak your name."
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rivalrejected · 1 year
" Rumor has it you're trying so hard to find a way to become stronger...yet everywhere you turn, you never seem to find it. "
Vasil hummed then shrugged, hand gently curling around the ribbon-like arms of her aegislash.
" it's a shame, isn't it? people leading you in one direction, then calling you to the next because you've gone 'too far', or 'aren't going in the right direction'. it's a pain, isn't it? "
( @hardjinnger :) )
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It's enough to shake him to his core. He wasn't sure exactly what was up with this woman, but it was as if she'd seen straight through to the heart of him.
"They don't understand what the cost is of losing. They're all so used to winning and being the best that they don't have any idea what it's like. They don't get that sometimes we need to change to overcome ourselves.
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volot · 2 years
@hardjinnger​ replied to this post :
you go bestie (says while sharpening her aegislash)
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thank you for the support, bestie! [said while armed to the teeth with pokemon that could beat aegislash’s Ass]
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amorfiducia · 2 years
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@hardjinnger​  asked: " Mind telling me more? Pardon I've never met a professor before...not one so knowledgeable. "
He smiled for the stranger, eyes lighting up as she asked to know more.
Augustine could talk for hours on end about his research, he could dazzle with any number of Pokémon facts and the latest discoveries in his field. Educating the public was one of the best parts of the job, as far as he considered it . . . but he also had to admit, most were at least vaguely acquainted with himself already. And if not him, then one of the other region’s professors.
It’d become increasingly rare to find one that was not. And so, he did his best to contain his excitement, and appear somewhat professional in this moment.
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“What would you like to know more about?”
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shepherd-tothestars · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
" Where... "
The woman's voice was low, gaze curious more than anything her eyes slowly peeled open. Yet the air felt...off, wrong, stable. Different from what she was used to. Not to mention, this hardly appeared to be Kalos, no...Her gaze wandered around before settling on the most peculiar of individuals. Recollection herself, Vasil hummed then wandered towards them, slightly disoriented.
" My...Dear friend, I would greatly appreciate your assistance! "
( guess who's in Alola. :) @hardjinnger​ at Dulse )
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Hm? It was odd to be approached out of the blue. Most humans avoided him or simply stared out of curiosity. This one was different, strange, there was an aura to her unlike any other human he had met here in Alola.
“Assistance in what way? Please clarify.” He was clueless with most human issues, so he was unsure if he would be much helpful if the problem was too complex. Dulse could always deny her in the end, he often did so with anyone else, if it wasted too much precious time. He was a researcher, not a charlatan.
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schattenfanger · 2 years
" ...You've seem to have taken quite a hit to the head, mon garçon. "
The rather(very) tall woman kneeled down besides Michael, checking him over and then looking at him, staring yet in her peripherals she stared at that...device along his arm. Interesting. Besides the priest, hovered an equally large--and shiny--aegislash. Staring less at the two, and more at the area around. The air itself felt...unstable, chaotic.
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He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, but the sudden (?) appearance of the woman caught him by surprise. Michael wasn’t entirely sure where he’d ended up, but there was other things to worry about at the moment. Like who this woman was and what she wanted. Then he could deal with finding his way home.
“Sure feels like it.”
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picavecalyx · 2 years
Vasil: my name's vasil
Me: oh that's a fun name okay
Vasil: :)
Vasil, looking at the camera: they don't realize.
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floaroanemoia · 2 years
“Well, you’ve come a long way, that’s for sure.“ - @hardjinnger
Meme || Accepting @hardjinnger
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     What a strange encounter this has been. With the light of dawn streaming down upon Jubilife Village, a table between medium and stranger, while Sarana had come to the establishment to sell yet another round of teas to a certain guild, she had not expected sitting down with another, sharing but a fraction of it. Steam billows from the spout of a teapot ornate and faded, forming the vaguest of curtains between the individuals as they speak. Voices hushed, so as to not wake those still asleep within their homes, the clinking of cups upon saucers serving as a division between sentences and the next round of thoughts. Truly, it is a quaint setting, and a relaxing one at that. The sort to lower walls; a gentle urge to let the blonde speak a little of where she came from, and why she is here. With no names attached to her origins, but a description relative to the village and the icelands in lieu of it all, it is no surprise that not a single spark of familiarity flashes in the stranger’s gaze.
      Yet, somehow, she still manages to usher a response that evokes the raising of the medium’s brow.
     It is a low hum that muffles between red lips as porcelain is brought away from them, equal parts thoughtful and amused. 
          “I suppose you are correct. Perhaps the sheer distance of the journey has been lost upon me, after setting out on it so many times.”
      A long way. It is a mild description of what the woman has undertaken, and perhaps both parties acknowledge such a thing to a degree where it need not be said. However, Sarana speaks not a single lie-- between journeys of her own interest, and escorting those from this same village to the Alabaster Icelands, why she truly has forgotten how long and treacherous the trip happens to be. Just how many people have died doing something similar, be it in groups or on their lonesome. A smile, vague but warm, blossoms onto pale features, and deep down, she cannot help but wonder-- has this stranger undertaken something of similar feat? What whims of the Fates, what wave in the flow of time, has she been subject to, to bring her here, before the medium?
          “Would you fancy another cup? I believe this brew has but another dwelling in its depths.”
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evilendures · 1 year
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He’s just glad Vasil’s not asking where he got the kid from.
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tumblestonesa · 1 year
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how his family came from that woman he'll never understand
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rivalrejected · 1 year
" Pasio, was it? What an intriguing place this is. " | @hardjinnger​
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He doesn’t respond immediately - there have been a lot of new arrivals lately to the island. Whether it was Hoopa bringing them or being invited was hard to tell, but something about this woman made Paulo lean toward the former. Looking around showed he was one of the longest competing people around, which made it his problem.
That and the fact she was talking to him.
“Pasio, yeah. Completely man-made island for the sake of the competition and probably Lear’s ego. Did you come for the PML?”
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volot · 2 years
›    ❝   " Ruins are quite fun to wander through...especially when you're looking for something. " ( @hardjinnger )   ┇  unprompted.
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he isn’t alone.
he has known this, he thinks, for at least a few minutes now. it is seldom that anyone but him ever crawls through the bones of ancient architecture just as he does now, always searching, digging deeper and deeper and deeper, clawing his way until the dirt has rested neatly beneath his nails, until his hands have become ruddy and rent. each time, the tips of his fingers always dance along the border of the truth he hungers for, unable to fully fish it free, drag it out from the root of the world. the pangs and the pain double over in-between his heart and his stomach, desperate to fill the swirling void within, plaster along the gaping welts.
it is almost peaceful, until it isn’t. shadows flicker across the aged columns, far different from his own, toeing along the light the single torch’s flame has cast. no, there is someone here with him. a fact that leaves an unsteady hum deep-set within him, sparking in his blood. the muscles in his shoulders tense, then loosen, then start all over again. 
curiosity has begun to bubble, a low ripple in the waters of his thoughts. ( it is very strange, and so very interesting, that whoever this was joined without a sound. )
but it is easier to play oblivious. keep to his task of translating runes to himself, his leatherback journal clutched with determined conviction between his slender hands, brows knit in steady concentration, while he listens to the world turn on. the weight and age of time leaves the site hollow” if something, or someone were to approach too suddenly, too forcefully, he is sure he would hear it with his hackles so raised, pokemon at the ready. ( god will not allow harm to come to its chosen. he is sure of this. breathes it like an oath. )
in the end, only a voice rings out, and his startle is a minor fissure at worst. he gauges it -- tests the sound on his tongue, tastes the accent he cannot quite place ( it is so very foreign, and yet not; has he heard it somewhere before? perhaps from a settler whom he cannot name. the pronunciation is thick and heavy, syrupy off the mouth, yet almost elegant and refined, easy to swallow ) with his own pressed against the backs of his teeth, flat against his molars. the blunted tip of a nail scrapes against the rough surface, but when he turns to look over his shoulder, his smile is nothing if not amicable. bright and boisterous, edging on a little bashful.
like he’s a young boy again, found doing something he shouldn’t. caught in the act, red-handed, seen for all he is. ( she isn’t seeing anything more than the mask he wears, paper-thin yet reinforced. he rolls a feeling he cannot place between his teeth. had she considered intruding upon a site like this fun? does she know anything of the history here, the tales that have been burned into the ground, the marring stains left from centuries ago? what was she looking for here, in the ruins of the world? )
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“indeed, they are!” comes the cheer in voice, bordering on a chuckle. quickly, his journal is shut: tucked away within the deep pockets of his uniform, while his hands raise to loosely run along the straps of his backpack. thumb-first. now, with the scuff of his boot, he turns more fully towards the stranger who has greeted him so. surprise comes first, more fully, when he must crane his neck to look up for once -- a trait he has only encountered with captain zisu -- that leaves his mind wandering. celestica myth speaks of those from the heaven’s heights nigh-breaching it; so he must wonder, wonder, wonder, and his grip on the straps a little tighter than before. is it the flame that makes his eye appear molten, or is it the tempted curiosity that threatens to bleed out? 
“they hold so much that we don’t know, after all. mystery, just waiting to be found... secrets hidden within plain sight, only appearing for those who truly look... so, i have to wonder...” his voice is quiet for a moment, a scant whisper that betrays nothing, but he tips his head curiously to one side, that smile of his dazzling, never falling away, a fake glint hiding faker silver. “are you searching for something, stranger?” 
you certainly sound like you’re following a smoke trail, is the sentiment carried by the curl of his smile, but one he doesn’t dare speak.
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sevenlightd · 2 years
@picavecalyx​ // @hardjinnger​    //     ↣ ↣ spirit color meme !! ↢ ↢
☆             👀 ( also for vasil because :') )
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        goodness  !  the  way  that  her  spirit licks  into  their  air  from  her  body,  hypnotic  in  the  way  it  curls  up,  winds  around  itself  until  it  eventually  expands  so  far  that  it  dissipates  --  it  is  familiar  in  a  way  .  ‘tis  a  cyclical  motion, dissipating  in  the  same  moment that  another  wisp  of  her  spirit  rises  up  .  it’s  not  quite  a  smoke  ...  or  at  the  very  least  not  smoke  born  of  a  fire  ...  it  is  not  unlike the  rising  plumes  born  of  a  stick  of  incense,  &. that  it  manifests  in  a  smooth  thulian  hue  only  further  brings  that  thought  to  mind,  to  draw  in  and  put  mind  at  ease  --  certainly  the  it  is  easy  enough,  simply  looking  at  it  .  there  is  something  unique  that  hides  within  the  airiness  of  her  spirit,  ‘tis  like  some  manner  of  sharp  golden  dust  that  sparkles  unnaturally  despite  the  sun  above  incapable  of  catching  its  light  .  isn’t  that  unique  ?  ...  isn’t  that  odd  .
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shepherd-tothestars · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
" Hm...Did you need help?~ " ( @hardjinnger​ modern )
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“No.” A simple and short answer. She had been taking readings of energy levels in different areas of Kalos. A mission sent by Phyco, for she was trusted to handle any situation safely without endangering herself with the abundant energy they need to tip toe around. And so it was when such a mysterious woman with such a mysterious energy signature approached her. Soliera wasn’t about to indulge anything to shady characters.
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