#hardwood floor portland
simplefloorspdx · 1 year
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Wood Flooring Portland-Simple Floor Portland
If you're looking for top-notch wood flooring in Portland, Simple Floor Portland is the place to go. We provide a large selection of magnificent wood flooring solutions that enhance any environment with coziness, grace, and toughness. You can choose the ideal wood flooring to meet your particular tastes and enhance your interior design thanks to the diversity of wood species, treatments, and styles that are offered. Our wood flooring is expertly made to ensure high quality and is obtained from sustainable sources. At Simple Floor Portland, we're dedicated to providing top-notch goods and first-rate customer support. Our experienced staff is here to help you choose the best wood flooring for your residential or commercial project. With Simple Floor Portland, your local wood flooring expert, you can appreciate the classic beauty and unmistakable attraction of wood.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
5 Times George Missed Lucy + 1 Time He Admitted It
a/n: this was co-written by the phenomenal @ikeasupremacy i quite literally had the time of my life writing this with you, and i think we broke our own hearts quite a few times during the process. we really, really hope you enjoy it <3
warnings: big sad (i beg, listen), language, spoilers for the end of the hollow boy words: 5k+ taglist: @neewtmas @waitingforthesunrise @wellgoslowly @irisesforyoureyes @aayeroace @flashbackwhenyoumetme @ettadear @ella23116 @mirrorballdickinson @magicandmaybe
5. More Chores
The basement was too cold, but George persevered with the chores. If he turned the thermostat up, Lockwood would probably have him beheaded, meaning he had no choice but to grin and bear it.
It was meant to be early spring for heaven’s sake, but he was stuck in the depths of the Earth to do the cleaning, while Anthony Bloody Lockwood was off frolicking in the sun with Holly to Satchel’s and Arif’s and God knows where else! Probably buying doughnuts or something! The favouritism at Portland Row was blatant that day.
He carefully laid Lockwood and Co.’s dozens of chains out across the hardwood floor, with some oil and a rag sitting on his desk, ready for Lucy. While she oiled them, he’d polish the rapiers and make sure they had enough salt bombs and lavender bundles. Not the worst job by far, but he would’ve definitely preferred to be outside or better yet, in the air-conditioned, cherry-blossom windowed Archives.
Heaving a sigh, he stepped over the thick iron links and trudged to the bottom of the stairs that led up, up, up into the kitchen.  
“Luce!” he called. “Need you to come oil the- ”
How stupid. Within a moment, his shoulders had sagged as he remembered; Lucy was gone. He suddenly became very aware of how alone he was in the house, the gentle hum of peaceful silence suddenly the disconcerting emptiness of a black hole.
Lucy had been gone for at least a week now, so how could he forget? He’d cleaned everything once without her already! She had been careful not to disturb anyone when she left, but George was a notoriously light sleeper. He had wordlessly sat in his room the morning she crept out, knowing she was gone for good as soon as he heard the third step creak. He heard everything, but he didn’t move an inch. He just listened as she crept out of the house that morning. Even though he didn’t do anything about it, he knew just as well as anyone that she was gone. And she wasn’t coming back.
A self-pitying laugh tore through his lips, resounding in his solitude, a moment meant for him alone. She had left them. Her absence was impossible not to notice, filling him with something distinctly empty. Hollow. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it. A bittersweet nostalgia for something that hadn’t really left. Call it cheesy, but she’d started actually accepting him for who he was, and then she left.
She left.
For a moment longer, he lingered there, staring up at the spiralling stairs with a half-glare. Daylight glared back at him, causing him to squint and furrow his brows in frustration while the sun tried its best to burn his eyes right out of the sockets.
As he stared into the sun for whatever self-inflicted reason, a single quiet thought made him soften his gaze in defeat. He had nobody to be angry at but himself.
Turning with a dejected sigh, he rested his gaze upon the rapiers and the chains.
Once more, he’d have to do them both. 
4. Food Gone Cold
Silence. Terrible, uncomfortable silence.
George stared down at the food that he’d spent the better part of an hour making, and a pit formed his stomach. There was Lockwood with his meal, Holly with hers, food left over, and an empty plate. Just sat there. Waiting. It haunted the dinner table more than any Source ever could.
When would he stop doing this? Lately, every single meal he cooked ended up with four portions, even though there were only three of them there. He could already see the concealed remorse on Holly’s face as she thought about stuffing yet another spare portion in the fridge in hopes that someone would eat it later. Usually, no one did.
The thought of it apparently made Lockwood “sick to his stomach” and, well, George couldn’t say he was nauseous, but he had definitely lost his appetite when he saw the leftover food in the pan, regardless of whatever it was that he’d made.
Worse still, he should’ve realised the moment that he’d set it down that it was wrong. After Lucy had left, they’d begrudgingly swapped the thinking cloth out for a new one, folding it up carefully and placing it on top of the fridge, scribbling back on George’s stray research from the last, any pending tasks from the last one, and new doodles had taken residence everywhere: George insulting Lockwood; Lockwood’s loopy handwriting forming a shopping list or writing reminders for everyone. Hell, even Holly had started adding to it, normally with little smiley faces or cartoony flowers, but it was something at least. 
Then there was Lucy’s spot.
No one dared sit in her seat. It felt like an action that they would be scolded for, by either Lockwood or some incorporeal voice that was haunting them, like a strange shared conscience between the three of them. Maybe it would even be Lucy’s voice, scolding them like she did when, every day for a week or two, Lockwood would sit in her place just to annoy her. She would jokingly tell him off every time, and force him off of the seat in a light-hearted push-and-shove. A sweet memory came to mind of Lockwood falling off the chair, and they had all doubled over laughing until their ribs pulled and their cheeks ached, the kind where anything sets you off again. A sweet memory indeed.
And, so, there was a portion of the thinking cloth that was entirely blank. Not even George’s messy and rushed research passed the invisible line that marked Lucy’s section. Maybe a mark of respect, of not wanting to let her go, of fruitless ambition and silent mourning.
Even the biscuits. The biscuit rotation was all messed up. With Lucy around, they would know who had last taken a biscuit on their little mental rotation, a fine-tuned seventh sense (after being a Sensitive, naturally), but every time George reached for a custard cream, he mentally hesitated as a ghost of Lucy’s voice went to whisper in his ear, “Have I had my biscuit yet, George?”
He wanted to say something; he was desperate to end this stifling, choking silence that plagued them all like a hand to his throat, a gag in his mouth. What could he even say? Jokes often ended up turning sour nowadays. Holly had the (albeit little) decency to give George a polite laugh at the predicament, but on the other hand, Lockwood would simply sit and stare at the empty plate as if he could summon Lucy back to her plate if he just thought about her hard enough.
George had already tried that. It didn’t work. 
3. Patience Lost
Lockwood was like a cat, George observed. When he had a goal, he was a machine; a well-oiled, slit-eyed, prowling machine. He waited for his prey, and he attacked just as gracefully. He was always waiting, watching for his next move, the next opportunity, with careful focus, and George could see why Lucy liked him. It was a skill neither he or Lucy possessed, yet one they both admired. All the same, he thought Lucy was bonkers for it.
When Lockwood had no purpose, he was a cat stretched out in the sun, ambling with no real purpose and slinking around in his suit and tie, waiting for the next thing to do. George generally found this habit of his incredibly pointless anyway, but with Lucy gone it was just worse. For the last year, Lockwood had the goal of thinking about Lucy.
If she were here, Lockwood would be moving. He’d be yelling at her from the foot of the stairs to turn her music down before marching up and doing it himself. He’d be prancing around, animatedly talking about the latest gossip from his magazine and how it was so important that they knew what colour of dress Penelope Fittes wore to a meeting with Steve Rotwell. Green meant it was about new gear, purple about the future of their agencies, blah, blah, blah. George had no mind for it.
But now? Lockwood slouched in his armchair in the library, flicking through a magazine, entirely devoid of emotion. His freakish poker-face had come out strongly as his eyes darted from line to line, occasionally lifting a finger to flip the page he was on. A cold mug of hot chocolate sat abandoned by his side that George had, yet again, accidentally made out of pure muscle memory.
Lucy always drank a hot chocolate with him. 
George was now completely out of his book. His eyes remained on the pages, reading the sentences over and over again, but they weren't what was running through his head. What would Lucy be doing right now if she were here with them? No, he couldn’t let himself linger on that thought. He tried to bring his attention back to his book.
“However, what must be considered is that the wedding band itself might ngo fda bfgn tj Sorgfn. Teh womha wsa llysmengia attached nto go teh ewfifng band bug hre hgusadn. Hre source, sj tja ragen sons folsa ojn, wfg npt wutg hwt bones, bgk tkh husbnfks. This wfd a frveol...”
She’d have complained that the fire was dying down and added a log to it, her frame sinking into the seat near Lockwood yet again to continue her new crochet project of the week, as the calming click-clack of the plastic needles against each other melded wonderfully with the crackling of the (now revived) fireplace. A song would be stuck in her head, and she’d quietly hum along to it, none the wiser that George and Lockwood could both hear her. 
“However, what must be considered is that the wedding band itself might not have been the Source. Teh womha wsa llysmengia attached nto go teh ewfifng band bug hre hgusadn. Hre source, sj tja ragen sons folsa ojn, wfg not with her bones, bgk tkh husbnfks. This wfd a frveol...”
She would have called them all boring for just sitting there, and gotten out the chess board to entertain herself. She was always freakishly good at that, George recalled with a slight smile. There were quite a few times where Lockwood had gotten so frustrated at her that he resigned and stormed off into his bedroom, leaving George to get absolutely throttled by Lucy every time. Every. Single. Time.
“However, what must be considered is that the wedding band itself might not have been the Source. The woman was sentimentally attached to not the wedding band, but her husband. Her source, as the agents soon found out, was not with her bones, but the husband’s. This was a revolutionary discovery for many reasons, one being the realisation…”
George gave up on the book, gently closing the hardback cover with a soft thump.
At the time, nothing could’ve annoyed him more, but George was bored of winning chess games now. Lockwood was somehow even worse than he was (and that was saying something), meaning the games lasted forever. Neither of them had the patience to sit for hours going back and forth. Lucy did.
That was the refreshing thing about games with her. It wasn’t relevant if the game lasted fifteen minutes or two hours, just sitting there with her gave the game an entirely more interesting feel. Especially when she swore under her breath after a bad move. George was a sore loser, and a gloating winner, but Lucy always took her losses humbly and her wins even more so.
Unless she was playing Holly. When Lucy won against Holly, it was as if the Heavens had shone a spotlight onto her face with how proud her smile was.
Lockwood missed that smile, and in some (pretty fucking irritating) way, George thought he did too.
It didn’t matter now. He’d have to deal with Lockwood’s doubled pawns and forgotten rooks, which was much less preferable. They would have to bear the silence of nobody humming as they crocheted, painfully watching a chess board gather dust, and having to live in the house that was no longer a home.
2. Ducks in the Wash
George could hear Lockwood rattling around in the basement incessantly, and he could only sigh. This all over again?
Surely there were no more socks missing - every single wash, Lockwood checked, and every single time he came back empty handed. It wasn’t like the washing machine was going to gobble them up. (And there was definitely no need to lift up the whole washing machine.) However, Lockwood always folded the washing better than George. That was the one reconciliation about the whole thing, thank goodness. Once George heard the telltale thump of the washing machine being on solid ground again, he assumed Lockwood was folding the clothes. Feeling less worried that Lockwood was going to break the washing machine this time around, he unpaused the telly and kept watching Pointless, or whatever crappy gameshow he had chosen to put on that day.
It wasn’t long before Lockwood came trudging up the basement stairs and through to the living room, a pile of neatly folded clothes in his arms. But it wasn’t the neatness of it (usually they were folded haphazardly until Holly came along and fixed it up) that had George pausing the telly once more. It was the bright blue thing on top.
“Lucy’s,” Lockwood said, not even trying to conceal the miserable look on his face. “She left a sock.”
George wondered if Lucy had noticed that it was missing. Unlikely. She had so many pairs of socks, all the same shade of tell-tale royal blue, she could probably provide a few dozen to each family on Portland Row and the next few streets over and still have enough for the next two wash cycles. Besides, it was such a small thing that she’d never notice. She’d never. Never. She wouldn’t have. It’s just a sock. She’d probably lost another one and she had perfect pairs again.
But, an irrational part of George couldn’t help but blurt out, “Are you going to call her?”
There wasn’t really any need to call her. She’d survive without one bright blue sock, even if there were cute little silicone ducks on the sole of this one to keep her from slipping. But George found himself wanting to hear her voice through the phone, strangely enough. The way she said “Hello?” in her Northerner accent on the phone, her little inquisitive chirp, even though she usually knew who it was, always used to make him laugh, and he was sure it would now.
It was clear Lockwood wanted to call, what with the twitch of his fingers, and the way he longingly stared at the ducky sock. It was easy to read him after a while of knowing him, and as he observed Lockwood, he saw a strange, stone-like look on his face. He knew that expression. The barrage of emotion he was holding behind a facade of stoic presence. The way he didn’t blink while he looked at the piece of fabric in his hand, not once. His eyebrows furrowed so slightly it could even be mistaken for natural.
George knew that expression. He saw it in the mirror every day.
“No.”, Lockwood muttered breathlessly.
He placed the washing down, balanced precariously on the back of the sofa, threatening to tip over. George had bigger things on his mind than the laundry, observing it as it teetered in the balance, but his mind was in a different place as he watched the washing basket lean forward.
He simply remained on the sofa, entirely sunken in his armchair, feeling as frozen as a marble-cut statue, and staring at the sock in Lockwood’s hands. He couldn’t take his eyes off it, as if it held some piece of Lucy that was finally attainable now that they had found it - something that could connect the three of them once again. For a moment, he wished that you could have Sources for a real person.
It’s just a sock, George told himself. There was nothing outright special about it and there never would be.
So what was their deal?
What had them reeling over a sock of all things? Was it because they could both easily imagine Lucy’s laughter as she tried to skid over the kitchen floor, only for her socks to keep her from sliding? Those stupid ducks on the bottom of her socks? Was it because of all things to have been left by Lucy accidentally, this was it? This was the last thing they had of her in the house? A literal sock?
Then again, it wasn't unwelcome. It simply brought with it a reminder of the gaping hole in their household, and dragging behind it the ugly emotions of guilt, and the hurt of a betrayal.
“I’ll wait to give it back to her,” Lockwood murmured in the same tone.
But they both knew the time would never come. Lucy wasn’t coming back, no matter how tightly Lockwood held onto the sock now, knuckles turning white. No amount of socks stolen by the washing machine would bring her knocking on the front door, or bursting through and demanding them back. The sock would simply sit, gathering dust and harbouring feelings that had no need to be felt. 
But George still agreed, holding onto whatever tiny shred of hope he still had that she would come back. George knew as well as anyone else that it was fruitless, but even he didn’t have the heart to extinguish the hope that their paths would cross again.
It felt like something was destroying him though. He had gotten to a point where it was getting unbearable, the pain of all the reminders of her everywhere, it gnawed at him and ate away at his focus, at his time, at his brain, at his happiness. He should’ve put into words, and he knew that inside him, but that would destroy all the work he had put into coping with it; for both Lockwood and Holly. Lucy was an unnamed ticking bomb, ready to cause an explosion at 35 Portland Row anytime soon, and George was reaching his limit of how many more reminders of Lucy he could take.
The washing fell over. Once upon a time, Lucy and him would have laughed together over the thought of watching Lockwood fold it all again. They would’ve giggled until their cheeks were on fire, their ribs felt tangled in knots, shrouded by the ecstasy of simple delights.
“Lockwood? The washing’s just fallen over.” George called, entirely monotone.
1. Someone Familiar
The early spring air clung to George as he stepped through the front door, shopping bags in hand. Really, London had no excuse to still be so cold, but, alas, he still shivered as he kicked the door shut and placed the bags down. The warmth of the hallway was incredible, and he could’ve just stood there forever, feeling his skin grow warm. It was only when he eventually tugged off his jacket that he heard the laughter.
He peeked into the living room, where Lockwood sat in his armchair, and Holly on the sofa beside someone else whose hand she held and squeezed. The sight filled George with warmth. Holly’s last relationship… Well, it had ended badly, and she was a wreck for a little while, so to see her happy now felt like something, finally, was going right. George was genuinely happy for Holly, and for everyone. They really needed something to go right, all of them did.
He hadn’t realised the ache in his chest until his eyes lifted to the girl whose hand she held.
How did he not notice? The bobbed brown hair, the wooly jumper and denim skirt, it was…
“Oh, George!” Lockwood said, grinning as he set his mug of tea down. “You’re back! Hope you don’t mind, Holly brought her girlfriend over for a bit.”
George tried to move, but he found himself stuck in place, simply staring at the back of her head. Surely he was dreaming. None of this was real. It couldn’t be her. No, he was still sleeping soundly in his bed and his alarm hadn’t gone off yet. It was a lie. This couldn’t be real. A dream. A nightmare.
But- But, still, however he hated to admit it, there was hope in him. She had come home. She was back. She was here. She had finally come back to them after all these horrible months and he would never let Luc-
“Lucy” turned and flashed a grin at George, and he felt a little pang of nausea in his throat. This girl, she wasn’t Lucy. He’d mistaken her just because of an outfit and a haircut. How stupid of him. As he scanned her up and down, within a matter of seconds he had noticed the pristine white trainers she wore rather than plasm-covered, chunky black boots, her jumper was purple instead of blue. Her eyebrows were prominent, pointing upwards and giving the face an inherently sharp aura about it, combined with long features that he could never even imagine on Lucy’s round face.
He saw it all clear as day, all of it. The freckles Lucy lacked and the blue eyes she didn’t have, the mascara-caked lashes and the pointed chin.
“You’re George?” she asked in a high-pitched tone that Lucy would’ve definitely later made fun of. “Hol’s told me all about you.” 
Lucy would make fun of the nickname too.
He felt insanely stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid, he should’ve realised sooner - she had been introduced as Holly’s girlfriend for Heaven’s sake! There was a higher chance of Lockwood and Kipps dating than there was Lucy and Holly. But, he would’ve preferred Lucy over whoever this was. He didn’t hold anything against this (probably lovely) girl, who just coincidentally managed to look uncannily like Lucy from the behind, but George couldn’t help but bite back a sob.
The bittersweet lemon-curd hope now tasted rotten and acidic in his mouth. The taste of his idiocy coated his tongue and twisted his insides, and he hated every moment of it. He hated that for a moment he’d believed it to be her, that he had been ready to smile and accept her back without a word’s notice. He hated himself for having hope, and he hated Lucy for leaving, and he was entirely ready to be sick to his stomach.
He was impressed he managed a nod in her general direction, before abandoning the shopping bags on the floor and storming upstairs. Up, up, up, until he found himself in the doorway of the attic bedroom. The door was forced open, and he stared inside the stripped down room, the same way she’d left it, with her Blu-tack stains still on the walls and a leftover Polaroid of the three of them to the right of the bed. He couldn’t help but stare at the photo, as a tonne of weight settled on his shoulders as he stood unsettlingly alone in the attic bedroom. The weight of Lucy’s memory, perhaps. Because that’s what had made him feel so terrible these last few months, wasn’t it? It was never just throwing away the food, or being bored with a chess game, or seeing a sock with ducks on it, or any of it. Everywhere he looked, he saw Lucy, but he didn’t have her at his side, bickering with him and making her little remarks, lifting his spirit a percentile at a time, and dropping him down to ground level after he finally felt valued and appreciated by someone, after he found a friend who made him laugh until he couldn’t anymore, even though he absolutely hated her sometimes.
He had never hated Lucy Carlyle more than that moment.
He flung his clothes off the vanity chair, mad that he’d even had the gall to put them in this room, and sat on the bed, trying to arrange his thoughts. 
It was like cutting himself open to admit that he missed Lucy. This girl he’d detested for months; this girl he’d slowly learned to appreciate, and even cherish. He looked for her in every room of this house - the little crocheted coasters she had made, her abandoned mugs in the cupboard with awful sayings on them, the honey jar in the kitchen that only she had used for her tea.
Hell, even whenever he took out his favourite mug, because she had accidentally chipped it her first week there, and George had sworn he would never talk to her again after that, decreeing it on the Thinking Cloth with so many swears that he lost count.
Every moment of regret, of sadness, of longing he had felt since her leaving seemed to add up and show itself proudly to him now, sending him into a rabbit hole of falling into emotional turmoil. The solitude of the basement every month, the quiet of the evenings without the click clack of a crochet needle, the way his socks were never mixed up with hers anymore, the way nobody stopped him from researching until 5 in the morning-
George sprinted to the little bathroom and unloaded the contents of his stomach into the toilet. When his quaking body had finished purging the contents of his (again) too-large breakfast, he crumpled onto the floor beside the bowl. The sour taste of bile was heavy on his tongue, and it slicked along the sides of his throat.
He looked up at the abandoned room around him. Just the sight of its sorry state was enough to tempt him back into throwing his face over the toilet bowl once more, but he resisted. He leaned his head against the cool tile behind him, trying to hold back the tears in his eyes, the mucus in his throat mixing awfully with the vile taste in his mouth.
Lockwood had come upstairs at this point, the door being thrust open as he rushed to George’s side. His expression was pained, as he looked at George with concern in his eyes, but a resigned light to them as well.
“You’re okay,” was all he said.
0. Confession
Moonlight streamed through the attic window, splitting across the clothes-covered floor in beams of silver. It was a peaceful kind of light - the sort that would have Lucy standing by any window in the house, staring longingly up at the sky. She always spoke about how she missed the stars, stars that glittered for her back home but were now hidden by the dozens of ghostlamps scattered across the city, and the haze of pollution in the city.
As George sat on the edge of her bed alongside Lockwood, he wondered if Lucy was looking up at the moon now, too.
Oh, the horrible feeling of knowing they shared a sky but not a roof.
Lockwood heaved a sigh, playing with the polaroid in his hand. He’d plucked it off the wall not long ago and had taken to staring at it, occasionally brushing his thumb gently over where Lucy was. Maybe he thought it was like a genie’s lamp, that if he rubbed it three times some otherworldly being would come and grant their wish of bringing her home. 
No genie appeared, no wishes were granted, and Lucy didn’t return.
George remembered the day that photo had been taken. Lucy had taken the last jam doughnut, the one he had wanted, and they had argued the entirety of breakfast. Holly had trotted into the kitchen, polaroid camera in hand, grinning about how she’d found it in a charity shop and had to buy it. She wanted her first photo with it to be of her friends, the agents of Lockwood and Co., but no matter how much she and Lockwood tried, George and Lucy wouldn’t stop arguing. So there was Lockwood, smiling, albeit awkwardly, between George, who looked like he was about to implode with anger - anger he now saw as an overreaction, even if she was a thief - and Lucy, whose cheeks were flushed pink, as she waved the half-eaten doughnut in the air. The camera caught the moment some of the jam in the middle had dribbled out onto her brand new jumper.
“I thought it was her, too, at first, you know,” Lockwood said after what felt like years of silence. “Holly’s girlfriend. I thought it was Lucy as well.”
With a shrug, George said, “Doesn’t matter now.”
“You miss her, and that’s okay.”
“I do not miss her.”
But it was a lie. That’s all George had been doing since she left, wasn’t it? Lying to himself and to everyone else that he didn’t miss her.
He had hated Lucy for so long. From when she had first joined the company and the few months that followed. Then after she left them, giving some bullshit excuse and a secret escape. But he had never allowed himself to miss her, not really. He had only burdened himself with the memory of her, looking for her in anything he could find but not allowing himself to grieve the girl who hadn’t even died.
His fingers hurt from clutching the duvet cover so hard. “Maybe I miss her a little.”
Lockwood’s laugh was breathy, filled with tears he wouldn’t dare shed. “You can give up with the pride, George. She’s not here to make fun of you.”
“But you are.”
The words resonated between them both, and for a moment George truly realised how alone they were. Yes, Holly was there daily, mourning Lucy’s resignation in her own detached way, but George and Lockwood… Lucy had been everything to Lockwood, and somewhat less than that for George. They were a trio. George couldn’t even remember the agency before Lucy, so now it felt like a machine missing a cog - it didn’t function properly, and wouldn’t until it was put back into place.
“I’d never make fun of you for this.” Lockwood’s smile was nowhere to be found. Not in the corners of his lips or the dark of his eyes. It was as if it had been torn from him the minute Lucy stepped out the door for the last time. “I miss her, too.”
Of course Lockwood did. Missing Lucy was second nature to him. Any time she’d gone off on a case by herself he had missed her. Hell, he probably missed her when she went to bed a few floors above him. But this was unfamiliar territory for George. He wasn’t used to missing people. Not his parents who still lived in London, who occasionally visited and checked in on how things were going. Not his siblings, who were also still nearby muscling on with their careers. He’d never experienced loss like Lockwood and Lucy had.
Was that why it felt like he had been hit by a ten-tonne brick? He hated this feeling more than he’d ever hated anything.
“She’s not coming back,” George said, blinking away the sting in his eyes. “We’ll cope. We have to.”
But, staring at the room she once lived in, straining to try and feel any remnant of her presence, he wished that the genie would finally appear.
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missiletoe · 3 months
another fill written for the yuri shipping olympics! i have written so much fic in the past few weeks after going like dead-silent for a few months which is so funny to me
Prompt: “[name], it’s three in the morning. This had better be something important.”
Word Count: 896
“Kitty, it’s three in the morning. This had better be something important.”
Kitty’s standing on the doorstep of the Han Household in her rumpled pajamas, the faded lettering of PORTLAND FUN RUN going across her shirt.
“I swear it’s important,” she says. It takes all of her restraint not to bolt so she settles for hopping from foot to foot instead. “I just feel like I’ve been holding it in for so long and I felt tonight that when I looked at you, I just had to tell you because–”
“Kitty,” Yuri says warningly.
“Okay, right,” she sighs and takes a deep breath. “What I’m trying to say is that I’m in love with you.”
Yuri drops the cup she’s holding. The plastic bounces against the hardwood and they both watch it roll across the floor.
“Well, I guess that is important,” she says finally and Kitty’s chest collapses in on itself in relief. “Put your jazz hands down and come in before someone sees you.”
Yuri yanks her inside by the front of her shirt and Kitty wishes she wasn’t so into it. It’s just another sign of how well and truly fucked she is.
“I brought popcorn,” Kitty says when Yuri finally releases her. She shakes the bag from 7-11 with her left hand, the bright red 50% OFF sticker still attached.
“Popcorn,” Yuri echoes incredulously. The disapproval is loud in the tone of her voice and Kitty sighs. She moves to put it away but Yuri catches her arm midway through.
“I didn’t say I didn’t want it,” she says stubbornly and rips it open. It takes her a few tries with her nails and there’s popcorn spilling all over the counter but she gets there eventually. Yuri snags a handful and Kitty follows suit, if only to close her mouth.
“So,” Yuri starts when they’re almost halfway through the bag. Kitty winces at the reminder of her hastily thrown-together confession. “What’s this about being in love with me? And for how long?”
Kitty squeezes her eyes shut and steps into the conversation like it’s a minefield.
“... a year?”
“A YEAR?!” Yuri leans in close to level one accusatory finger at her. “And you only chose now to say something?” 
Kitty is currently focusing 10% of her energy into responding and the other 90% into not combusting on the spot. She wants Yuri to take a good ten steps back for the sake of her heart but Yuri’s preoccupied with trying to measure the weight of her words. (There’s no real point, though. Kitty Song Covey only does things all-the-way or not at all. She means what she says with all the weight of her heart.)
“W-Well, you were with Juliana!”
“We broke up nine months ago! You were there!”
There’s a shuffling noise above them and Yuri reaches across the counter to clamp one hand over her mouth. Kitty feels her breathing stop for more reasons than anxiety.
They stay frozen like that for a few minutes but when no one appears on the staircase, Yuri finally lets her go. She leaves behind the scent of cherry blossoms and a racing pulse.
“Okay, so,” Kitty says before the Han kitchen becomes her final resting place. Cause of death: being too gay. “I just wanted to tell you that so I think I’m off to bed now, hahaha! Goodnight, have a good life–”
Yuri cuts her off by wrapping her fingers around her wrist and tugging her close.
“Don’t you want my answer?” Kitty blinks at her.
“... your answer?” Yuri sighs and gives her wrists a tight squeeze. She stares up at the ceiling like it’s the most fascinating thing she’s ever seen.
It’s the first time Kitty’s seen her at a loss for words.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m in love with you too.”
Kitty can’t help herself. She screams and then slaps herself across the face to make sure she’s not dreaming. Yuri gapes at her like she’s lost her mind, caught between shoving her outside or shutting her up herself.
She settles for pulling them both behind the island. There’s a question forming on her mouth but Kitty beats her to the punch.
“How long?”
“I don’t know… like six months?”
“Six months? You mean we could’ve been dating for six months?!” Kitty’s kicking herself. Maybe she should have taken one of Q’s one hundred pieces of advice over the past year. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Yuri yells back, poking her chest. “I am the one that’s openly gay!”
“I didn’t even know I was gay!” 
Yuri sighs and closes her eyes. Kitty has a feeling she’ll be on the receiving end of quite a few of those over the next few months. She’s never been more thrilled.
“Okay, let me try this again,” Yuri says. She grabs Kitty’s other hand and holds them both up between them. “Kitty Song Covey, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Yes, I’d love that!” Kitty pats herself on the back for not tripping over the words.
“Then I guess it’s settled then,” Yuri laughs. Her smile is dazzling as she pushes herself back up to her feet. “Now, I‘ve got a cheesy chick-flick that would go perfectly with this popcorn. You coming?”
Kitty takes her extended hand.
“I’d like nothing more.”
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dibsonhoodie · 1 year
Fly Off The Handle
Rating | Mature
Jeff the Killer x Reader
Warnings | Violence
Word Count | 2,612
Chapter two – Motel 6
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Your story is on the news in the next few days. Murderer attacks helpless Portland resident. It doesn't mention how you fought for your life, or how the killer somehow disappeared out of a fifth story window. They don't mention that it was the same killer from the island, even if there was no evidence proving so. But you knew, you had a feeling that it was true. Someone had been following you then, and managed to follow you home without being caught. He got into your apartment and nobody knew, not your neighbors and not the front desk in the lobby. Nobody had seen him- has seen him.
With such violent memories surrounding your apartment, you make the choice to immediately move out. You weren't sure where you could go, or how you would pay for another apartment in the city when you spent the last of your savings breaking the lease. What mattered first was finding a bed. You had enough for a hotel and you had plenty of friends and family that would offer you a place to rest. Staying with familiar faces was tempting, but you knew the safety of remaining alone far outweighed that familiarity, outweighed the safety of your loved ones.
The motel 6 is cheap and stale when you arrive. The air is warm in the building but dry and the scratchy carpet crunches under your feet. You didn't bring much with you. A suitcase of clothes, work equipment and toiletries were the basic necessities. It was also the most you could carry with you and move comfortably. One suitcase, one backpack and your shoulder bag. You made sure important documents were in a manila folder somewhere in your suitcase and made the smart decision to leave with the mace you used before.
Although the hallway to the room was yellowing and almost decaying, the room itself was quite nice. It was about as much as you'd expect for seventy dollars a night, but it was comfortable. The hardwood floors made you take in a fresh breath of air. It didn't smell like animals or bodily fluids and checking under the comforter, you see no stains or bugs. Under the bed was blocked off by wooden boards. Beside the bed was an AC unit, just beneath a window that overlooked the dimly lit parking lot. Across the room sat a desk which you haphazardly threw your bags down on, minus the suitcase which sits in front of the mirror that was actually a small closet.
After checking for cameras, more bugs and anything else you felt necessary, you decide to unpack your things. You weren't sure how long you'd be staying but you had the room booked for a week for now, possibly longer if you couldn't find a new apartment. You placed folded bottoms, socks and underwear in the drawers under the TV stand. The closet behind your suitcase had a few hangars–not to mention the ones you grabbed yourself. You only hang up your work clothes and decide to fold the rest of your shirts and jackets and slide them into the second drawer. It felt more comfortable as you put everything away but it also felt more permanent.
The thought sends a bolt of grief through you. In one night you have lived through a traumatic event that would affect you for the rest of your life. In one night you were now without a home and safe space. Your apartment was your safe space, somewhere you could relax and decompress after a day full of meetings and errands. But now all it did was bring back those memories and the unending paranoia. Not that the paranoia hadn't followed you to the motel. In a moment of rest, you allow yourself to cry. You hadn't since the break-in. But it felt good to get it out, to heartbrokenly sob into a pillow that smelled of old detergent.
You cried throughout the night. You fell asleep, were cursed with nightmares, woke up, and wept into your hands until you fell asleep again. The cycle continued, but eventually your alarms began to blare at you from across the room where your phone was plugged into the wall. The vibrations felt a lot more sinister against the dark wood of the desk. It causes you to hesitate getting out of bed. The alarm turns itself off finally after growing to a crescendo. You know if you don't get up now while it's quiet, the alarm will come to life again after five minutes pass.
You slide out of bed slowly, almost fall onto the floor with how exhausted and sore your body is. The injuries still haven't healed and felt worse than ever. You hoped they wouldn't get infected. Another notch on the list of shitty things happening in your life right now. It takes you a full minute to make it just across the room and when you pick up your phone you realize you're 30 minutes late to clock in and had slept through previous alarms. You were exhausted so it was no wonder, but the harsh strike of anxiety still rests in your chest.
Setting up your equipment, you immediately write an email to your supervisor explaining your situation and apologize for being late. She responds almost as if she was waiting for you to send the email. Luckily she understood and told you to take the next few days or weeks off. You couldn't do that though, not after breaking the lease and being forced to live in a motel for however long. You tried to be positive, tell yourself you would find somewhere soon and continue to live a happy life once the man is caught. But there was always the possibility that things could go wrong and you'd lose your life as it was now. With the anxiety set in, you clock in and get to work.
You barely get anything done. The most you do is wiggle your mouse from time to time just to make it seem like you were working. And even then, that felt like too much. Burnt out and tired, you choose to take your break early. You check the time and your heart stops; it was already three. You'd been working for so long and didn't even realize it. Where had all that time gone? Taking a gulp of air, you shakily clock off for lunch and turn your computer off. It was about time you ate something you thought as your stomach growled angrily. The chair creaks as you stand, and you stare into the reflection of yourself on the black of the screen.
Your heart drops into your stomach when you see that you're not alone. Behind you there's a dark shape of white and black, head down and long hair covering their face. But you'd recognise this person anywhere, could remember his face clearly even when it was hidden like this. You continue to stare, shaking in fear, until he moves. He lifts his head to stare at you and laughs, the cheek to cheek smile sending a chill down your spine and tears to blur your eyes. You couldn't look away, too terrified to move. But he just continues to laugh into your ears, throws his head back and holds his stomach.
You weren't sure how long it had been eerily quiet, or how long you let yourself close your eyes for. But when they finally opened, it was dark outside and the killer was gone. There was nothing with you in the dimly lit motel room, nobody behind you on your computer screen. You were safe for now and allowed yourself to cry in relief. You were still alive, breathing and feeling. And you were going insane. Not bothering to send any emails to work, you slowly crawl onto the bed to the right of you and curl into a ball. The image of the killer behind you was all in your head. There was nobody there.
When you finally calmed down enough to comprehend what had happened, you scoffed at yourself. What was originally the murderer was actually a jacket hanging up on the closet. It was denim with a white hood and sleeves. It had to have been what you saw, what you imagined was that psycho who tried to kill you. But that didn't explain the laughing you heard. It was sharp and pierced your ears like bullets. There was no mistaking neither the cruel tone nor the way it seemed to mock you. He was mocking you.
You tossed and turned throughout the night. It wasn't that you couldn't sleep, but rather you felt like you shouldn't. Like something bad would happen once you closed your eyes. You left the lights on throughout the night and made sure the curtains were tightly closed. Mirrors were covered both in the main room and the bathroom. You did everything you could to stay safe like this, but despite everything you still wouldn't allow yourself to rest. It was a perfectly reasonable trauma response, but it worried you.
Would things be like this forever? The unending paranoia, the anxiety controlling your actions, living in a fucking motel? No, you told yourself time and time again. Things would get better. They'd catch the killer and you'd be safe again. He wasn't stalking you if he was running from authorities, but the episode earlier made you think otherwise. You couldn't get it out of your head that he'd been here in the room with you. He'd gotten in somehow, stood behind and watched as you worked for God knows how long, and then what–left? Without killing you? He mocked your terror and left just like that. It was harder and harder to believe the more you thought about it, and luckily it quelled those anxieties building up.
You slept soundly at the end of the night, not even noticing when the soft slide of the window rose just above the hum of the AC unit. Gentle footsteps walked across the floor, carefully straying to the sides of furniture where the floor was settled. The footsteps hesitate when the floor cracks with a groan, but you don't wake up. The cast of a shadow over your body doesn't wake you either, nor does the pale white hand that held a pillow above your head. You rolled to the side just as the man pushed the pillow downwards.
The harsh movement wakes you up immediately. You shoot up out of bed, tripping over the long legs of your sleep pants and fall loudly to the floor. You can't see anything from the angle on the floor, but you know instinctively that you are not alone. It wasn't just your own harsh breathing picking up and as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you knew exactly who the other body was.
The same man stands before you, pillow raised and a psychotic smile painting his pale white face. He lunges without hesitation, but you do hesitate and he takes that split second to get you on your back. You're frozen in fear at this point, contemplating every action in your life that led up to this point. The man covers your face with a pillow and that's when you begin to scream. You thrash beneath the fabric and kick your legs, pushing with your arms and gripping any surface for leverage. Your fingers eventually find their way to the man's face.
With the pillow still smothering you, you get your thumbs into his eyes and push. He tries to lean his head backwards but with the weight he has on your face with the pillow, he either lets you free or accepts the pain. It seemed the latter as you continued to push your fingers into his eyes and struggle with your legs underneath him. He screams and finally throws his head back, grabbing your left hand and ripping it so fast away from his eye that you feel your shoulder pop painfully.
His hips lift above yours and you take the rare chance to wiggle yourself onto your stomach. Arching your back upwards, you throw the man off of you and he falls to his side. The pillow is haphazardly thrown beside you as he scrambles to find purchase, one hand still covering his eyes. This time you don't hesitate and crawl away around the corner of the bed. The window is open, the screen missing and you spot the telltale signs of a break in with the muddy footprints on the windowsill and AC unit. He'd slipped on it coming in if the streak marks on the carpet were anything to go by.
"Get away from me!" You scream. He's finally found his ground and lunges at you again, but this time you're prepared. You grab the phone from the desk and slam it into his face hard. He stumbles back and shouts in surprise or pain, you couldn't decide. Once again you weren't given a chance to speak when he reached for you. You step back in time and are pressed against the wood desk with no escape as he corners you in.
No thinking, no second chances. Your eyes narrow as you scan the room in the split second it takes for the man to produce a knife from his hoodie pocket. The blade startles you, but it's not off brand for this psycho. Leveraging yourself against the edge of the desk, you jump and kick your legs out in front of you. The contact makes the killer fall onto his ass, but he grabs at your ankle before you can run. You fall to the ground and manage to slip onto your back and push away the hand holding the knife.
"Come on, pretty thing. Don't you think you'd look better with a smile?" You struggle against the hand but it's really no use. He was too strong compared to you. Evading his earlier attacks were all just pure luck and instinct. The adrenaline was slowly fading and you were tempted to give up, but all you could imagine was the heartbroken faces of your friends and family. You couldn't give up for their sake, so you chose to fight back. The man grins wider, his scars stretching across a pale white face. He thinks he's won, you realize.
Using this to your advantage, you scream and turn your head away. He grabs your hair and pulls your head up painfully, straining your neck. The knife is pressed against your cheek now, but you still had a will to live. You let the blade slice into your cheek until his arm is right beside your mouth. That's when you lunge up, biting down. Hard. He screams when you feel flesh tear through the hoodie he wears. Blood seeps into your mouth even through the fabric and you want to gag, but you choose instead to bite down harder until the man pulls away with another cry of pain.
The hallway is empty when you reach it. The dim lights flicker and create an eerie atmosphere, and you run down the hall as fast as possible to the front desk. Unfortunately, there's nobody there, but there's nobody behind you either. You run around the counter and praise the gods that the phone sitting in the corner works. The police were on their way, and you still saw nobody emerged from the hall or the front doors. After the quick call, you crouch to the floor and crawl under the desk until emergency services find you shaking and bleeding.
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silvershoe · 8 months
very very excited to decorate my new room up in portland. its a loft bedroom with a skylight and it gets so much light all the time.. it has robin's egg blue painted window frames and hardwood floors.. my dream
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21astor · 2 months
Discover the Best Nob Hill and Portland Luxury Apartments
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Nob Hill Apartments in Portland
Nob Hill is a historic and charming neighborhood, otherwise known as the Northwest District, which has the features of an old world while still maintaining modern conveniences. The Nob Hill apartments in Portland have an interesting fusion of both classic architecture and contemporary ways of living. Typically, they are set within exquisitely restored buildings or new constructions that mirror the past designs of this locality.
Historic Charm: A lot of apartments in Nob Hill have characteristic architectural characteristics like parquet flooring and old school fittings merged with contemporary alterations.
Prime Location: Nob Hill is full of life and it is an attractive place to reside in as there are huge shopping malls, hotels serving delicious food, and large farmlands around that area.
Unique Style: The area offers a mix of cozy studios, spacious one-bedroom units, and luxurious multi-bedroom apartments, catering to a variety of lifestyles.
Luxury Apartments in Portland, Oregon
The capital city of Portland has several ultramodern flats to choose from for those looking for luxury apartments in Portland, Oregon that are designed with richness, class and comfort. They use just first-class materials, have sophisticated structures decorated with great attention to detail, latest technology installations which offer the ultimate stylishness without sacrificing on goodness.
Modern Design: Luxury apartments in Portland are characterized by sleek, contemporary designs with high-end finishes, such as granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and hardwood floors.
Exclusive Amenities: Residents can enjoy features such as rooftop terraces, state-of-the-art fitness centers, and concierge services, elevating their living experience.
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Portland Luxury Apartments
Portland luxury apartments do not refer to any specific buildings but rather comprise numerous opulent places for living located in different parts of the city. Therefore, whichever part you like most be it Nob Hill’s historical appeal or even Downtown’s latest facilities; there is always something for all classes of people within the realm of Portland’s upscale flats.
From high-rise buildings with stunning city views to intimate boutique complexes, Portland luxury apartments cater to various preferences and needs.
Expect exceptional service, beautifully designed spaces, and a focus on resident satisfaction in Portland’s luxury apartment offerings.
Enjoy easy access to Portland’s cultural hotspots, dining experiences, and recreational activities, all while living in style and comfort.
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High-end living options are available in the city, ranging from contemporary luxury flats scattered across Portland, Oregon to historic elegance found within Nob Hill. Go through the unique characteristics of Nob Hill apartments in Portland and find the luxurious flat that matches your lifestyle and preferences better.
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ssrflowscreed · 6 months
The Essential Guide to Floor Screeding: Techniques Materials and Benefits
Floor screeding is a critical aspect of construction and renovation projects, often overlooked but fundamentally essential for ensuring the stability, durability, and levelness of a floor surface. Whether you're constructing a new building, renovating an existing space, or simply laying a new floor, understanding the basics of floor screeding is paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the techniques, materials, and benefits of floor screeding.
What is Floor Screeding?
Floor screeding is the process of creating a smooth, level surface on a concrete subfloor or base. It involves applying a mixture of cement, sand, and water, known as screed, to the floor to create a uniform surface. Screeding can be done using traditional sand and cement mixes or with more modern alternatives such as self-leveling compounds.
Techniques of Floor Screeding:
Traditional Sand and Cement Screed: This method involves mixing cement, sand, and water in specified proportions to create a semi-dry mixture. The screed is then poured onto the floor and leveled using a straightedge or screeding rails. It requires skilled labor to ensure proper mixing, application, and finishing.
Liquid or Self-Leveling Screed: Liquid screeds, also known as self-leveling screeds, are gaining popularity due to their ease of application and rapid drying times. These screeds are typically poured onto the floor and spread evenly using a pump or by hand. They flow and settle into place, creating a smooth, level surface without the need for extensive manual leveling.
Materials Used in Floor Screeding:
Cement: Ordinary Portland cement is the most common type of cement used in floor screeding. It provides the necessary binding properties to hold the screed together and form a solid surface.
Sand: Sand is a key component of floor screeding mixes, providing bulk and improving the workability of the screed. The particle size and quality of the sand can impact the strength and finish of the screed.
Water: Water is added to the cement and sand mixture to activate the cementitious properties and achieve the desired consistency for screeding.
Additives: Various additives such as plasticizers, accelerators, and fibers may be incorporated into the screed mix to enhance its performance, improve workability, or accelerate drying times.
Benefits of Floor Screeding:
Leveling: Floor screeding ensures that the finished floor surface is flat and level, providing a stable foundation for floor coverings such as tiles, hardwood, or laminate.
Strength and Durability: Properly screeded floors are stronger and more durable, able to withstand heavy foot traffic, furniture loads, and other impacts without cracking or settling.
Improved Insulation: Depending on the screed mix used, floor screeding can improve thermal and sound insulation properties, enhancing comfort and reducing energy costs.
Compatibility with Underfloor Heating: Floor screeding is often used in conjunction with underfloor heating systems, providing a smooth, even surface for the installation of heating pipes or cables.
For more info:-
liquid screed
underfloor heating
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eventseeker789 · 7 months
NBA Titans Go Up Against Each Other at Capital One Arena in Washington
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Washington Wizards Vs. Los Angeles Lakers
The Washington Wizards are gearing up to face off against the star-studded Los Angeles Lakers in what promises to be an electrifying matchup. As two powerhouse teams collide on the hardwood, basketball fans are in for a thrilling display of talent, skill, and intensity.
Led by their dynamic roster, the Wizards are poised to showcase their competitive spirit and determination as they take on the Lakers. With players like Bradley Beal leading the charge, the Wizards will look to outmaneuver their opponents and secure a decisive victory on their home court.
Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Lakers, boasting a lineup featuring superstars such as LeBron James and Anthony Davis, present a formidable challenge for any opponent. With their unparalleled athleticism and championship pedigree, the Lakers are a force to be reckoned with, capable of dominating both ends of the floor.
As the game unfolds, fans can expect a fast-paced and action-packed showdown, with each possession carrying significant weight. Whether it's a thunderous dunk, a clutch three-pointer, or a game-saving block, every moment will be filled with excitement and drama.
Both teams will leave it all on the court in their quest for victory, making this matchup a must-watch for basketball enthusiasts everywhere. So, grab your tickets, rally behind your favorite team, and get ready for an unforgettable clash between the Washington Wizards and the Los Angeles Lakers.
Head over to Capital One Arena on April 03, 2024 from 7:00p onwards to watch both teams go up against each other.
Washington Wizards Vs. Portland Trail Blazers
Get ready for a thrilling showdown as the Washington Wizards take on the Portland Trail Blazers in a high-stakes basketball battle. With both teams hungry for victory, fans can expect an intense and competitive game from start to finish.
The Wizards, led by their dynamic duo of Bradley Beal and Russell Westbrook, are determined to showcase their skills and prove themselves as contenders in the league. With their fast-paced offense and tenacious defense, they'll be looking to outmaneuver the Trail Blazers and secure a crucial win on their home court.
On the other side, the Portland Trail Blazers, led by superstar Damian Lillard, are known for their explosive scoring and gritty defense. With Lillard's sharpshooting and playmaking abilities, along with the support of teammates like CJ McCollum and Jusuf Nurkic, the Trail Blazers pose a formidable challenge to any opponent.
As the game unfolds, expect to see a display of incredible athleticism, precision shooting, and relentless hustle from both teams. Every possession will be crucial, and both squads will leave it all on the court in their quest for victory.
So, grab your popcorn, settle in, and get ready to witness an exhilarating matchup between the Washington Wizards and the Portland Trail Blazers. It's sure to be a game you won't want to miss!
Head over to Capital One Arena on April 05, 2024 from 7:00p onwards to watch both teams go up against each other.
Author Name Barkat Dhanji
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simplefloorspdx · 1 year
Each year, the Pantone Color Institute announces a color that sets the tone for design trends in various industries, including interior design. Incorporating the Pantone Color of the Year into your home decor can instantly give your space a fresh and on-trend look.
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centuryjm21 · 1 year
Featured Property Listings by Century 21 Jamaica
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With an extensive selection of property for sale in Jamaica available for both domestic and foreign buyers, Jamaica's real estate industry has experienced significant growth and development over the years. With the biggest players in this highly saturated market, Century 21 Jamaica stands out as a top real estate firm that has access to some of the most magnificent properties on the island and is committed to offering outstanding customer service. The elegance, convenience, and investment potential provided by CENTURY 21 Heave-Ho Properties are the island's premier real estate offerings.
JMD $18,500,000
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Beautiful 4 Bed, 3 Bath home in the heart of Portmore's growing community. For a future owner, this property also has the potential to generate money. Call now!
JMD $27,000,000
It is your opportunity to acquire this large lot with a stunning view of the Caribbean Sea. This property, which is over an acre in size and located in Gibraltar Estate's lovely North Coast neighbourhood, is the perfect place for your dream home.
USD $500,000
Great 1-acre property in Long Bay, Portland, just across from the beach. This is an excellent opportunity to transform the property into the ideal investment of the future. On the main road, just across from the beautiful Long Bay Beach, is a long, rectangular, largely level property. On the property, there are two homes and a shop. There are many guest rooms, taverns and local restaurants in the neighbourhood, all of which can be reached close by on foot. The cost is $500,000.
JMD $28,000,000
The gated area of Stonebrook Vista provides for sale this modern, attractively designed two-bedroom, one-bathroom house. The home is fully fenced and equipped with a solar water heater, water tank, and split air conditioning units. A warm concept living area, dining room, and kitchen that extends onto a pergola for outdoor gathering and leisure complete the team. The 876 Beach Club and the historic town of Falmouth are both close to Stonebrook Vista. To schedule a viewing, call the agent right away!
USD $287,280
This is a fantastic purchase in all respects! This 965-square-foot apartment in Cambridge is in a great location and has amenities like a pool, jogging trail, and 24-hour security. Request a viewing time by calling right away!
JMD $26,950,000
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A 2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom townhouse with an open floor layout is available in the wonderful gated neighbourhood of The Bermonde in Greater Portmore. It has modern kitchen fixtures, hardwood cabinetry and a staircase, stainless steel plumbing, and a solar water heater. A laundry room, bathroom, and back patio with an open area for relaxing and gardening are all there. A multipurpose court, children's play area, rubbish cage, and manicured grounds are a few of the features. Public areas of the complex have backup power.
Wrap Up-
Century 21 Jamaica's highlighted property offerings are a doorway to realizing your dreams, whether you're looking for the ideal getaway, a wise real estate investment, or a permanent home in Jamaica's paradise. The featured real estate offerings from Century 21 Jamaica offer an enticing potential for anyone wanting to buy or invest in the booming Jamaican real estate market. Century 21 Jamaica remains a trustworthy source for anyone looking for their ideal home or an investment that is profitable because it stands for knowledge, dedication to luxury and convenience, and an extensive selection of properties. Explore their portfolio, get in touch with their team of experts, and let them help you on the path to owning a piece of this stunning Caribbean island.
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aacarpetcleaning1 · 1 year
AA Carpet Cleaning
At AA Carpet Cleaning Portland, we know that your floors are an essential part of your life and home. That's why our experienced and reliable carpet cleaners offer top-notch services at affordable prices in Portland, Oregon. Whether you have carpets, tiles, hardwood, or natural flooring, we have the expertise to handle all your cleaning needs. Our services include carpet cleaning, water restoration, area rug cleaning, green cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, and dryer vent and air duct cleaning. With our high-quality services, we leave your carpet, flooring, and upholstery looking as good as new. As a locally owned and operated business, we take pride in serving our community. Our licensed and insured technicians are background-checked for your peace of mind. We offer fast-drying carpets, same-day scheduling, and free estimates. With over 500 positive online customer reviews, you can trust us to provide excellent service. Choose AA Carpet Cleaning Portland, the trusted family-owned business in Portland. Carpet Cleaning Portland, AA Carpet Cleaning, Carpet Cleaner, Portland Tile Cleaning.
Address: 1175 12TH ST, WEST LINN, OR 97068
Phone: (503) 740-1941
Website: https://carpet-cleaning-portland.net/
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bobzawaski · 1 year
420 SE 65th Ave. Portland
Perched on a knoll against a Mt. Tabor backdrop this impeccably maintained mid-century modern has been tastefully renovated with walls of glass, dramatic vaults, hardwood & tile flooring, and high-quality finishes throughout. A truly rare opportunity for the most those with the most discerning tastes. Listing Broker, LuAnne Dindia-De Marco, Broker 503-680-8676.  [email protected] Co-Listing…
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Certified, eco-friendly, hydraulic, normal-setting and rapid-drying mineral binder for high-performance screeds and heat-radiant slabs. Keracem® Eco, to be mixed with inert materials of assorted grain size from 0 to 8 mm (triple washed river / beach sand), creates screeds of high dimensional stability and constant moisture stability, guaranteeing the rapid, safe laying of ceramic tiles after 24 hours and hardwood floors after just 5 days. FEATURES Normal-setting, rapid-drying mineral binder for high-performance screeds and heated slabs Internal/External Low water/cement ratio Mechanical performances superior to those of portland cements 3 hours worktime #kerakoll #buildgreen #barthroom #waterproofing #greenarchitecture #greenbuilding #sustainability #contractor #screed #levelling #adhesive #tiling #tilers #architecture #builders #waterproofingsolutions #melbourne #sydney #perth #brisbane #construction #poolbuilder #poolbuilding #renovation #design #skill #tradesman #diy #tilingwork (at Australia Wide) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPrlqHukfJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boriskatloff · 2 years
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Goodbye ol’ gross carpet, hello hardwood flooring! This is why live-streaming is paused for a while 😍 (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkcZH58rLk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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castlebespoke · 3 years
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Luxury Wood Flooring Supply Store from Scratch: A Step by Step Guide
You've got a nice idea for a luxury wood flooring supply store business, and you know you can make it successful — but how? It's not enough to start any business.
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refinishingportland · 2 years
Benefits of Hardwood Floor Refinishing
When considering a hardwood flooring project, one of the best options may be to refinish or restore your hardwood floors. Regular wear and tear from foot traffic, pets, and furniture movement can wear down your floors. Hardwood floor refinishing, however, can prevent further damage and extend their lifespan. Depending on the type and size of your floor, refinishing can cost anywhere from $3 to $7 per square foot. Listed below are some benefits of refinishing your Portland hardwood floors.
If you plan on installing a solid wood floor, you should take into consideration that it is going to be nailed down. If you have a concrete subfloor, you can also install plywood over it, which will raise your finished floor about one-half inch off the surface. If you have particle board, you'll have to remove the particle board first before installing your solid hardwood floor, as this tends to fall apart over time. If you do decide to go with particle board, you may be better off installing a floating floor.
When you're considering a Portland hardwood flooring project, remember to work with a professional. Wood Floor Refinishing Portland , a flooring company in Portland, Oregon, specializes in laying planks and restoring hardwood floors. In addition to professional installation, you'll need to regularly clean and mop water spills to keep your floors looking their best. With proper maintenance, your Portland hardwood floors can last for decades and add value to your home.
The best place to get Portland Hardwood Floor Refinishing is Wood Floor Refinishing Portland . Not only will you save money, but you will enjoy the flooring for years to come. A visit to Wood Floor Refinishing Portland  is a great place to learn more about your flooring options and how they can affect your home. This is an important part of the flooring process, as it will determine the look and feel of your home. The right choice can transform the look of your space and last for many years to come.
Adding rugs to your hardwood floors can protect them from colder weather. They can make a path from your bedside to the bathroom, and they can add a splash of color to your living room. Not only will rugs keep your feet warm, they can help you get through those cold winter months. Keeping your floors protected from these elements is essential to preventing warping and splintering. So, when it comes to your Portland hardwood flooring, make sure you invest in rugs or mats to prevent them from becoming damaged.
Another important issue is moisture damage. Moisture damage can cause your floors to swell and spread quickly. If you don't have a waterproof sealant on your floors, you run the risk of absorbing water and mold and spreading quickly throughout your home. Not to mention that it can be dangerous if your floors are wet and people can easily trip over them. A common problem is cupping, which is also known as wash boarding.
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