#harmonic octave archetype
kelemengabi · 6 months
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hoshuha · 10 months
Creation Process
Structure, Tempo and Time signature:
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The tempo and Time signature for both tracks are 80bpm, 4:4, which is suitable for the genre- many songs from Neo soul artists I follow such as Nao Yoshioka and Toshiki Soejima write songs with similar tempos: Toshiki Soejima- Life: 79bpm (Soejima, 2021), Nao Yoshioka Got me: 81bpm ((Yoshioka, 2020). A slower tempo makes the song feel smooth and allows chords/embellishments to breathe within the mix. It also helps to ease the ear into the many modulations that occur.
The track has 48 bars and is structured as displayed in the picture above.
Key Signature, Rhythmic and melodic ideas:
Throughout the track, I switch between D major/minor, G minor and E altered scales. Additionally, as evidenced by the outro, there are sections where I incorporate multiple passing chords which create an ambiguous ascending/descending motion. The outro starts with a Gm9 chord (rooted on the A string), then descends gradually after using various dominant 9 and minor 9 chords, resolving with E major 7/B - this created a walking bass movement which is common in Neo Soul and Jazz and ultimately assisted in resolving the tension. The altered dominant chords allow me to play notes from the altered scale which add more tension than those from mixolydian (if using a regular dominant chord).
Personally, I enjoy the constant modulations within the track as they help to alter the course of the melody- adding unpredictability and interest to the song. Switching between parallel keys (D major to D minor) puts an emphasis on the intervallic movement of the 3rd, 6th and 7th- changing from a natural to a flat in this context is very effective and pleasing to the ear.
Harmonic ideas:
I have used a variety of extended major/minor and dominant chords (7ths,9ths)- most of which utilize Drop 2 and Drop 3 voicings- again, a very common voicing used by Neo soul artists such as Melanie Faye and Kazuki Isogai. The large span of intervals and octaves contained within these chords allow for the absence of a bass guitar, due to the thumb playing the bass notes. This is certainly a technique I have acquired from listening to the aforementioned artists. Moreover, adding percussive elements via slapping the strings with my thumb and palm is another example of their influence in my playing. Pull offs, Hammer ons, vibrato, legato and finger/hybrid picking are more examples of techniques I use in this track. Legato and vibrato help to make my melody lines emulate a vocal line, giving it some personality.
Technical/production techniques:
Firstly, I have double tracked the keyboard for the intro, panning left 100% and right 100%, adding a fader as they enter the mix. This technique creates a large, stereo-like effect- combined with a stretched chord voicing, this creates warmth and the sense of fullness. I set the volume of the keys to -4.5db so that they would allow the guitar to cut through them. In the EQ, I have increased the bass and air frequencies (this is where the warmth derives from) and slightly decreased the mids as this is where the guitar will enter. Compression has been applied, using a slow attack time and fast release, thus creating a natural sound.
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I used the clean amp tone from Neural DSP- ‘Archetype: Plini’ for all sections of the track asides from the chorus, using reverb (space knob turned to almost maximum), compression and EQ- settings are seen below. After playing the track without EQ, I felt as if the bass, due to the nature of the chord voicings, was slightly overbearing, therefore I decided to lower the 65-125k frequencies. Furthermore, I wanted to make the tone sound distant so I also lowered the 4k-8k frequencies- making the track sound darker. However, after adding reverb, this created a very classic Neo soul tone.
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The rhythm section for the chorus adds an extra compressor and EQ VST to help increase the volume of the fingerpicking; without extra compression, the bass tones were too overwhelming, drowning out the higher notes. The compressor settings consist of a low ratio, slow attack, but fast release time, medium Knee and a subtle boost to the makeup gain- these settings made the compression feel natural, whilst still controlling any spiky transients. A separate EQ was introduced to eliminate a fuzzing sound around the 3-5k frequencies (4.1k) (High shelf).
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For the lead section of the chorus, I have used a clean amp from Neural DSP- ‘Archetype: Tim Henson’ with a boost, compressor, chorus and reverb pedal, alongside some EQ. These effects help to separate the lead from the rhythm as the sound is boosted and has more sustain. A separate EQ is used again to eliminate fuzzing sounds around the 4-5k frequencies (4.4k) (High shelf).
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Alternative Edit:
For the alternative edit (aka Live) I am playing the same track, however omitting a chord from the chorus and embellishments from verse 1 of the original song. Furthermore, no keyboard or lead section is present and some chords are not arpeggiated in the same way. In verse 1, I have added a walking bass line of chromatic notes before playing the Gm7/Bb. Additionally, the pre chorus and outro have been extended to 12 and 16 bars respectively making this version 52 bars in total. The outro differs slightly by incorporating an ascending run after the descending run- I do this by adding extra dominant and minor 9 chords, before resolving to a Bb Major 7/F. The tremolo arm is also used in this version to give extra vibrato to chords. Overall, the alternative edit has less lead playing and embellishments, but more space between chords, thus conveying an even calmer vibe than the original track.
In terms of production techniques, the live version is more limited as I’m only playing one track of the guitar, no extra fills or instruments. I am using the ‘acoustic clean’ preset on the ‘STL Tonality: Andy James’ plugin, alongside a compressor, EQ and a new reverb pedal (‘lopass’ filter set to maximum). Personally, I feel as if this reverb pedal is even more spacious than the one used in the original track; it has more sustain. The compressor has a slightly faster attack time (7.2ms), but a much longer release time (100ms) resulting in a very natural sound, allowing considerably more dynamic range than the original track- I feel that this is more appropriate for a live environment. The EQ cuts out all frequencies over 2.6k (high shelf), removing all upper mids and preventing the guitars from having too much bite.
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agape-philo-sophia · 3 years
➝ Deocculting 911, Occult Numerology & Gematria, SpiritualWarfare. ⏰
The spiritual supporting pillars of the world’s societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11…symbolically, allegorically, ritualistically and literally. It was quite a sinister “stroke of genius” and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people’s systems and they just can’t handle it. It’s overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand... Tell A Big Enough Lie …and you’ll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it’s beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It’s amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight. The Twin Pillars Archetype, The effect of occult (hidden) symbolism on the human psyche is a nicely kept secret. Even though psychologists such as Carl Jung have written extensively on this and it’s clearly pointed out by the esoteric community. People just do not realize they are daily the subject of the sophisticated manipulation of these terribly powerful symbols. Like scientific breakthroughs are garnered by the military, these elite psychopaths have to weaponize everything, instead of using it for the betterment of humanity and our world. “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws” – Confucius There’s much more to this subject. And it wasn’t just Freemasons involved in all this, but they’re a major arm that encapsulates a belief system much of the Illuminati share. Members of this dark cabal are almost always associated with some sort of secret society or practice like Freemasonry or witchcraft, often under a religious cover like the Vatican, Mormonism or Evangelical groups. Rothschild Zionists use both the religious cover and the financial “institution” to disguise and justify their perfidy. At the occult level the 9/11 event was a ritual, empowered, as is often the case, by performing human sacrifice. War is another such ritual, usually instigated and financed by this same dark cabal loosely labelled the Illuminati. I can’t begin to cover the extent of the symbology and esoteric meaning injected into the 9/11 charade, but I hope this opens up a few things for you to look into further. These same tactics are used constantly on an unwary public at many levels. The lie is exposed, the spell is broken and the illusion loses its power over you. But the secret weapon of 9/11 was this: it was riding high on the amplified occult, symbolic preparation of not just decades, seeing the “twin towers” as a symbol of world commerce and the “triumph of the human spirit”, but seeing “twin pillars of society” throughout architecture and logos and literature for millenia, both conscious and subconscious, being destroyed before their eyes, over and over and over. In Revelation 9:11, and please note the time code as well as the number code of 911, Abbadon is described as the Destroyer, the Angel of the Abyss, the King of Plague of Locusts, resembling horses with crowned human faces, women’s hair, lion’s teeth, wings, iron breastplates, and a tail with a scorpion’s stinger, that torments for five months anyone who does not have the Seal of God on his forehead. It is clear that this is a Demon, Fallen God or Black Star, that is directly connected to powering up the Armageddon Software through the Yahweh Matrix. The Black Star Abbadon in the center of the Milky Way is what holds together the 666 Beast Configuration, along with the Yahweh Matrix that creates the Inorganic Four, the Yod-Hay-Vod-Hay system. This system feeds off of living creatures and sends the life force back to the black hole entities. As we have been discussing the shift that has been occurring with the Planetary Staff, the Planetary Staff of earth was tilted in order to align it to the Black Star Abbadon in the center of the Milky Way. This artificial axial tilt in the planet is shifting its alignment now. This shift has activated doomsday prophets wired into the Yahweh matrix that believe the current events are the sign of the alien God’s narrative, that the rapture is coming or that we are entering into the global Armageddon-Megiddo showdown, when we transition out of the final stages of the Piscean Alchemical Law. The current theme during the Paliadorian Activations is the clearing of the Yahweh Matrix and its blood covenant bindings out of the Human 12 Tribes genetic records, with the transmissions and support of the Blue Feathers of Aquaferion. As a result of dismantling this blood covenant network, those who are controlled by the Yahweh system will be agitated and activated to play out these mind controlled biblical dramas. Because the original 5D Ascension plan was not achievable becasue of the False Ascension Matrix and the damage caused through the False Navel and False White Webbing, it required our evolution through the time fields in the Harmonic Universes in the Universal Time Matrix to be drastically sped up. Those serving the Law of One, are moving through extreme amounts of the future timelines, observing its collapse, in order to arrive at the Gateway Octave where the Organic and eternal light is overriding the Artificial Machinery and replicated alien coding. False Timelines and False Software to Mind Control humanity was used to deter humans from their organic and natural ascension evolution. This is why this planet is called, “prison planet”. Meanwhile the negatives desperately cling on to the artificial timeline programs to influence humans through fear to manifest into their enslaved future selves as Negative Form. (Some examples: Nostradamus Prophecy, Armageddon Software, Pestilence Programming, 911 Military Industrial Complex Revolution, any terrorist and cataclysmic inorganic event generated by the Negative Aliens. None of these manipulated programs are sourced as “natural events”. ) Because the planet is ready to drop and collapse timelines from the previous 3D cycle where the planet is playing out the result of the Luciferian Rebellion from Atlantean time cycle, there is a struggle to dominate upcoming events that would influence these future timelines to be solely in Negative Alien or the NAA control. These groups have infighting, and the two primary groups have infected their headquartered control mechanism in two major stargates and power vortexes on the planet. Black Sun Program have headquartered themselves in the 10th Stargate or Iran Gate of the Golden Eagle Grid and lodged their technologies in Iraq/Iran to gain dominance over the power spots in Giza, Egypt. Most of them are Reptile Insectoid Collectives from out of the Phantom Matrix spaces in the parallel systems, which formed alliances with the Fallen Angelic Annunaki Groups to take control over the earth, which are referred to as the NAA. This is why they chose that area of the planet to dominate, it was easier to invade from the genetic key level. The Sons of Belial, the Nibiruian-Annunaki reptilians of the New World Order crews that engineered the 911 Timeline Agendas, have headquartered themselves in the 11th Stargate area in the United Kingdom, this is also known as Stonehenge. These are the creators of the teeth chomping technology of the Nephilim Reversal Grid (NRG). Comprising primarily of Fallen Elohim genetic lines, this reversal network was a rebellion to the hybridization attempts of Lyran-Elohim races, who were responsible in commissioning Nephilim races for genetic hybridization healing. The failure of that program, the banishment of Nephilim (The Giants) and killing of that race, resulted in Wars, and subsequently, the NRG was placed in the UK to reverse all hybridized genetics, especially any genetic material (like the Krystal DNA Silicate Matrix) that was designed to “unify” or “marry” genetics. The unification of polarity within genetics may evolve to Unity Field consciousness which is a part of achieving the Christos consciousness. There is a consciousness war to stop Krystal Star consciousness from potentially evolving and embodying in human beings on this earth. It also is clear that all matters of Blood Sacrifice, whether human, animal or of any living thing, are made to the conjuring of elemental forces that directly connect into this collective Satanic force of the Baphomet field in the underworld realms. Satanists, witches, Santeria, voodoo, violent religion or other related rituals involving drugs or killing, one is allowing their body to be possessed by lower spirits and are being controlled, addicted or feeding into the spreading of this Satanic force field. It is like an viral infection. The act of feeding this force through ritual offering and Blood Sacrifice is purposed to produce Satanic humans running the earth and to keep enslaved the female Christos-Sophia from reclaiming her body parts and creations in the earth. This is enslavement of the Mother principle. Satanism effectively is the worship of earthly forces through patriarchal domination and their False Father earthly conjured gods for selfish material gain. The world of forces can be ritualized through offerings, Blood Sacrifice SRA and its intentions made manifest through superimposing forces or binding others energies without their consent or free will in physical matter. Apparently, it is believed when the luciferian ritualist opens the portal of Daath, the heart complex and physical heart chambers are filled with life force, which supposedly grows a soul from those sacrificed and harvested, on behalf of those who are soul-less. For those of us aware that the Sons of Belial are behind the New World Order and the 911 Timelines, it becomes clearer that humanity was held captive at a global scale, to witness the sophisticated orchestration of an Adam Belial Luciferian ritual that destroyed the Twin Towers and killed many innocent people for the purpose of Blood Sacrifice for the soul-less. The Belial Program described is one faction of the NAA attempting to force the planet to serve the multiple invading species agenda, through imposing artificially replicated time fields, inverting the system and generating a false reality based upon masterful lies, deceptions and illusions. The NAA effectively declared an edict of war against the Christos Founders, and all of the Maji Grail King lines, Indigos, as well as the earth population on September 12, 2000. Exactly one year later they staged an Adam Belial ritual in order to institute a public ceremony announcing their New World Order plan with the culmination of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers and Blood Sacrifice of those killed at the World Trade Center, was intended to be the line drawn in the sand to show the NAA were proceeding with their full domination and slavery agenda of humanity and earth. This event brought forward what became known as the 911 Timelines, the institution of the false reality timelines in order take the planet into AI Assimilation Timeline which is the Fallen AI Timeline Loops that the NAA fully control from within the Phantom Matrix. The day of the attack: 11 The Date of the Attack, September 11 or 9/11 = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 911 is emergency number = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11 After September 11th we have 111 remaining for the end of the year. 119 is the Area Code for Iran & Iraq 1 + 1+ 9 = 11 The first plane to hit one of the buildings was Flight 11 The State of New York was the 11th State to join the Union New York City = 11 letters Afghanistan = 11 letters The Pentagon = 11 letters Flight 11 had 92 passengers, 9 + 2 = 11 Flight 77 had 65 passengers, 6 + 5 = 11 Twin Towers look like an 11 Twin Towers had 110 floors George H.W. Bush’s famous New World Order speech to congress was on 9/11/1990. Exactly 11 years before the attacks. In that speech, Bush encodes another 9-11. “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective, a New World Order” → 5. “An era in which the nations of the world: east and west, north and south…” → 4. 5+4=9. “100 generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while 1000 wars waged across the span of human endeavor” →100+1000 = 1100 → 11 Through gematria we see the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11, actually encodes two 11s. A=1, so AA-11 = 11-11. This also hearkens to the spiritual organization founded by Aleister Crowley known as A∴A∴ The North Tower (WTC1) was impacted at 8:46:40 and collapsed at 10:28:22. An interval of ~101 minutes. The South Tower (WTC2) was impacted at 9:03:00 and collapsed at 9:59:00. An interval of 56 minutes, 5+6=11. (Yes, those times times are exactly at the minute marks. 9:03:00 is the impact time given in the 9/11 Commission Report. However, NIST established this time as 9:02:59… Shucks, only one second off.) September 11th was the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4=11 Thus, there were 111 days left in the year. September 11th in the Gregorian calendar is New Year’s Day in the Coptic calendar, the calendar originating in Egypt, traditionally the source of all the Hermetic traditions. Quran (9:11) - "For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace". (Note the verse number!)
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bropocalypse · 6 years
Bropocalypse: tries to watch a video about music theory
Bropocalypse: It's easy for me to make assumptions because I'm totally an outside to the world of music(aside from the fact that I listen to it) but I'm starting to worry that all this arcane terminology(or jargon) is taught not because it's useful to composing music but because that's the language you're expected to speak in that world. In medieval times you could not be called a priest if you didn't understand Latin.
Bropocalypse: And not even as a conscious barrier to entry but just as a matter of convention
Bropocalypse: But here I am listening to some guy on youtube with a crappy microphone explain major scales, minor scales, melodic scales, harmonic scales, et cetera, when all they are are just specific collections of the same 12 notes in an octave
Bropocalypse: Yes, there are twelve things in a thing labeled "eight." Four of them are different even though apparently they're equally as important(I THINK??)
Bropocalypse: Thank god visual arts(as far as I know) don't have specific terminology for length and shape of a line or I would never have picked up a pencil to begin with.
Bropocalypse: I've got half a mind to throw the whole business out the window and just pluck at random notes until I stumble upon something that I think sounds nice, but then I just might be locking myself out of whatever knowledge these sound-warlocks could be hiding under dusty cloths in their secret libraries.
Bropocalypse: God help me but I am too stubborn, curious, and pissed off to not try.
Bropocalypse: At least if I go into it with the assumption that it's all pointless then I won't come out the other side disappointed and enraged.
Bropocalypse: YEah okay. As soon as the guy tells me that an E-double-sharp is totally different from a D even though they are literally the same sonic resonance, I'm done. You can't say it's a different thing just because you treat it different.
Bropocalypse: I think this shit is why the archetypical child of modern fiction hates their piano lessons.
Bropocalypse: It sorta makes me think of how every possible combinations of moves in chess has a name, and the game of chess primarily consists of memorizing past games and making gambles based on this history.
Bropocalypse: But even more arcane than that.
Bropocalypse: What's worst of all is that the chromatic scale (12 notes) that the octaves(eight notes plus four) are based on? The notes are distributed evenly in their division. Which means there's no technical difference between a "perfect" note (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) and the flats/sharps.
Bropocalypse: So all this really is bullshit.
Bropocalypse: And it seems like I'm not alone- if I google "chromatic keyboard" there are a few people asking why the spacing of the keys on a piano keyboard aren't uniform. If they WERE uniform, musicians would only have to learn two scales instead of twelve. What's more, the fingering to play the same type of chord would be identical no matter what note you're playing.
Bropocalypse: I suspect somebody in medieval times pulled this shit out of their ass and everyone just went with it since then.
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skyovereuropeldkde · 7 years
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What is the Schumann Resonance? 
All living organisms interact and interconnect with electromagnetic waves, and all of the earth’s inhabitants, have the memory of the original earth based DNA, which is resonant to the low frequency waves, known as the Schumann Resonances, in the earth’s atmosphere. The Schumann Resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, which is similar to say that these pulses are the heartbeat rhythms of the planet. For this reason, most people are extremely open to conduct these waves of Electromagnetic Signaling through their personal Bio-Neurology that is being stimulated by these ranges of extremely low frequencies, such as 7.83 Hz, what became known as the measurement of the fundamental range of these waves on the earth. This range of low frequency is commonly produced in the human brain, when relaxed in alpha or theta states. Extremely low frequency or Radio Waves that are artificially or naturally generated can phase with these same frequencies in the human body, having an array of impacts on human Electromagnetic and DNA Signals which further effect brain waves and the state of Consciousness. 
For the first time in recorded history, the Schumann Resonance has reached frequencies of 36+ and is heading for maximum spike levels approaching 50 Hz. This is a big deal and yet there is no publicly provided information on how this spike is impacting the earth’s geomagnetic field and how this radically effects the human body.
Three years ago in 2014, when the Schumann Resonance frequency had risen to ~ 15-24 Hz levels, the second and third harmonics above its usual 7.83 Hz frequency, it was considered as a strange anomaly that was occurring to the earth. The earth’s frequency is speeding up and this greatly impacts all of the functions of the human brain, as well as impacting the heart beat and breathing rhythm. As the Schumann frequency is accelerating quickly through these consecutive magnetic spike events, this acceleration contributes to time and spatial disorientation, as many of us feel like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening much more quickly.
The Core Magnetic Field is Shifting. This is changing the atmospheric layer of the planet’s magnetic field, as well as the magnetic tone resonance that emanates from the inner core of our planet. Science understands this core resonance tone as the Schumann Resonances. Both of these levels of the planet’s magnetic structure are tied to how the frequency code instruction set is relayed into every level of our holographic blueprint and collective consciousness. This instruction set is the base code of how our hologram is written similarly as to how a computer programmer writes html code to create an internet page or program. This means the core architecture of our planet, the core foundation of the principles of matter as it manifests is being altered and changed during this phase of evolution.
Because of how the magnetic field works with our brain’s Neural Net, we will see that those human beings working with only the ego personality program, those that are stationed in their identity as a 3D being, those groups are going to have a more difficult time right now adapting in the changing spike in frequencies. We are all getting prompted to move into higher intelligent forms if we so choose to co-create in these forces of transformation during the Ascension Cycle. The identity programs, such as collective archetypes used for Mind Control, are starting to be removed, short out, or change. These archetypes are being changed in the way they were being pulsed into the planetary magnetic field. This is going to create schisms and incongruence in terms of when someone is speaking to you purely from their personality program, or the Negative Ego. People stuck in the lower mind and pain body will lose coherence in linear thinking and generate more impulsive and erratic behaviors stemming from their uncleared unconscious mind as it merges with the larger system of the collective unconsciousness in the earth body. 
As these magnetic structures on planet are becoming more choppy, from the gaps created between the fission/fusion particle rate changing, this creates gaps in the ego/personality program function. The ego will have more difficulty articulating and communicating in linear concepts that appear rational and logical with common sense and coherence. What appears to be rational and logical behavior for a person will be adaptive to the perception of the desires of their personality program. The personality will lose coherency and break down. Therefore, this profile of person will have more radical issues pressuring them with the necessity to adapt to the changes required ahead. 
Magnetic Point of Divergence
The lower the quality of overall energy, the more unstable and disconnected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become. The higher the quality of overall energy, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become. The planetary collective energy field has many, many layers of intersection links which are building more access points into diagonal lines moving throughout interdimensional fields. These links make it possible to directly intersect into many different reality timelines, traveling in the past, present and future. This is called transdimensional time travel. The accumulative effect of gradually increasing frequency and changing instruction sets in many of the transdimensional time and space fields has reached a point of divergence. The culmination of reaching this point of divergence within trans-time and space is forcing the shift of the overall planetary energy field parameters. That pressure of force being applied in the planetary energy field is resulting in accumulative intensity and extreme polarity amplification. When the extreme polarity of combined forces that exist together within a collective energy field reaches its apex, a split occurs. This is called the point of divergence within the fixed point in the field, in the range of possibilities in which a Bifurcation of Time transpires.
Matter Polarity in Attraction Reversal
At the point of divergence moving forward in time, as the extreme poles of frequency are then split apart, they are further continually repelled from the strong force generated from the simultaneous amplification of each side of the existing polarities. This is a reversal of the current comprehension in 3D particle matter polarity structure, in which opposites attract and likes repel. The way to describe this is as a quantum event transpiring in the anti-particle energy fields where the polarity attraction at a certain frequency threshold reverses. The previous merging of opposing polarities of vibrational force is reduced as there is a bifurcation and thus curvature made within the space time continuum. This bifurcation means the fundamental lowest frequency will spiral into a continual descending pattern which greatly amplifies the increasing low frequency in density, increased energetic compaction. Conversely, the higher frequency threshold will break away from the extreme polarity of the lower base frequency and roll upwards into the next higher dimensional frequency octave, of increased energetic expansion and weightlessness. This is similar to expressing that the pressure of vibrational force exerted upon the higher frequency from the lowest frequency, that creates an average fundamental frequency while co-existing in a group energy field, will cease to exist in the same way as it has in the past.
Research of Schumann
There is the urgent need for further research into the Schumann Resonance effect to help educate people on how the Sun and the magnetic field radically impact human bodies and human behavior. Although the Schumann Resonance could easily be confirmed by measurements at the time of its discovery, it is no longer so obvious due to our atmosphere being filled with manmade radiation noise and artificial signals at different frequencies. The artificial signals almost drown out the natural signals,  signals that have been on the earth through aeons of evolution. These natural signals act like a natural tuning fork, not just for the biological oscillators of the brain and heart, but for all processes of life.
With the advent of wireless technology, in particular microwaves pulsed at frequencies close to Schumann Resonances as in mobile telephony, another problem is emerging. Humans are creating an environment that is literally out of tune with nature itself. And it is at this point that there is an urgent need for us to understand how everything alive responds to the most subtle changes in magnetic and electromagnetic fields surrounding us. For instance, we need to examine the possible interaction between magnetite crystals within cells and the many manmade and artificial magnetic fields in the environment.
There is a great need for independent research into the bio-compatibility between natural and artificial signals. By linking together the potential importance of Schumann Resonance and the dangers posed by manmade pulsed frequencies, it will become apparent that unless we find a way to use bio-compatible signals to power new technology, we may expose all life to dangers previously not encountered. We may have to pay a high price for this shortsightedness. Serious attention must now be paid to the possible biological role of standing waves in the atmosphere, so that we do not overlook the importance of oscillations in nature that may be central to consciousness and life itself. Source: The late Dr. Neil Cherry, a fierce opponent of the frequencies used in mobile telephony, has also focused on the importance of Schumann Resonance in his publications ‘Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human health effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Activity’ (2002), and ‘Human intelligence: The brain, an electromagnetic system synchronized by the Schumann Resonance signal’ (2003). By Lisa Renee April 18, 2017
Staying Relaxed is Important Now
• Learn the  12D Shield,  ES Core Triad  practices and make the consistent dedication to clear fear and pain in one’s body. Thank you for visit my Blog ☢ ☠ ☢ 💉Skygazer 💨💨 ✈✈
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Libra – April 10/11, 2017
By Simone M Matthews Monday, April 10th, 2017  Relationships are the flavour of this weeks Libra Full Moon on the 10/11 April.   
You may have already felt quite an intense polarity building – one that is calling us to take a leap out of our heads and move deep into our Hearts.
The pull of opposing forces is so strong, you may find yourself oscillating between happiness & apathy, wealth & poverty, lust & comfort at the drop of a hat.   You may at times feel deliciously sexy & running hot through your trantric desires…. and then suddenly feel the cool embrace to retreat within, akin to the Hermit in the Tarot.
Please keep reading down the page where I share with you the following:
General Meaning of the Energy of Full Moons Energy of our April 10/11, Full Moon Energy of other Aspects – Uranus, Jupiter, Spica, Arcturus, Retro Plants & Galactic Centre/Saturn that are contribute to this months Full Moon energy. Once again we have a very powerful month ahead…. sharing with you how to make the most of these truly transformational celestial events ☆
The mid-point of our 29 day lunar cycle is marked by the Full Moon.  During a Full Moon, the Moon is sitting opposite the Sun and is fully illuminated as it reflects the light of the Sun.
The Moon & the Sun emanate frequencies and these energy waves influence the tides, and all life forms on Earth, including human behaviour & consciousness.  In addition, during a Full Moon, both the Moon & Sun are opposing each other on opposite sides of the zodiac… which can make for a challenging or intense aspect of energy but also a very potent potential as the Lunar & Solar (yin & yang) are in natural harmonic balance.
The SUN represents our ‘outer-world’, our identify, our personality, our ego.  It represents how we ‘shine our light’ out into the world, the present moment, our yang or masculine archetype expression.  The Sun offers us strength, courage and illuminated insight of the Soul.
The MOON represents our ‘inner world’, our hidden emotions, desires, our shadow-self, fears/worries and our dreams.  It represents our feelings, our unconscious beliefs, the past and our yin or feminine goddess archetype.  The Moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence.
ENERGY: Full Moon – April 10/11
Full Moon in LIBRA & Sun in ARIES (21.330 Libra – 21.330 Aries)
Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression Libra (Air) – Romantic, indecisive, harmony, social, helpful Aries (Fire) – Leader, impatient, risk taker, action-oriented, outgoing
Monday, 10 April 2017 – 11:08 pm PDT (USA/Canada) Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 2:08 am EDT (USA/Canada) Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 7:08 am BST Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 6:08 am UTC Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 4:08 pm AEST (Australia) Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 6:08 pm NZST (New Zealand) View times in your City/Country>
During the LIBRA Full Moon, the moon is reflecting the light of the SUN in ARIES.
This is a full moon to acknowledge the world around you is but a reflection of you.
This full moon highlights that underneath the physical facade, we are all the same… and united in our commonality we can change the world for the better.
It is our amazing diversity (Aries) that creates the whole in balance and harmony (Libra) – so lets all join together in a Heart-Space this full moon and have gratitude for the amazing array of life on this planet and honour the unity of all creation.
This full moon is the first of three powerful full moons as follows:
1. Christ Full Moon – April 10/11, 2017   (Sun in Aries) Honour of the Christ within all of us / within all of Creation
2. Wesak Full Moon* – May 10/11, 2017  (Sun in Taurus) Buddha’s birthday, honouring the God within all of us / within all of Creation.
3. Goodwill / World Invocation Day Full Moon  – June 9, 2017 (Sun in Gemini) Honouring of spiritual unity in humanity.
Wesak (or Vesak) is the first full Moon in Taurus – the time when the veil is thinnest between the higher dimensional planes (6th Dimension Pleiades, 7th Dimension Sirius & 8th Dimension Galactic Core) and the Earthly plane (1st Dimension Crystalline Earth’s Heart).
On Wesak, we commemorate the birth, enlightenment and the passing of Buddha – all of which took place during the Sun in Taurus Full Moon.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the spiritual ruler of Earth. Venus represents the Divine Feminine – the Mother Mary (May is the Month of Mary).   During the Wesak Full Moon it is said that a divine Pentagram of Venusian Light opens a portal to Shambhala (the number 11 in numerology) through our Hearts.
We are called on the Wesak Full Moon to SURRENDER (number 5 in numerology – the Pentagram) and simply receive the LIGHT (11 in numerology), the ENERGY (11 in numerology) & HEALING (11 in numerology).
We then emerge from the Wesak Full Moon in an awakened state of WISDOM (11 in numerology) & ENLIGHTENMENT (11 in numerology) = 11:11
ENERGY: Other Full Moon Aspects
We have so many other prominent astrological aspects this week, that our April 2017 Full Moon is feel quite intense.
As I mentioned at the top of the page, you maybe feeling the pull of opposing forces in a strong way, having you oscillate between happiness & apathy, wealth & poverty, lust & comfort at the drop of a hat.   You may at times feel deliciously sexy & running hot through your trantric desires…. and then suddenly feel the cool embrace to retreat within, akin to the Hermit in the Tarot.
Sharing with you the energy of the major planetary aspects of our April Full Moon to help you embrace the highest outcome.  You may also like to refer to the image right (click on image to enlarge).
URANUS opposition MOON & conjunct SUN
With Uranus, simply ‘expect the unexpected’.  Uranus is like a wildcard of the pack, unpredictable, original and out of the box thinking.  Uranus can spark revolutions as it has its gaze on more humanitarian, freedom loving and unconventional pursuits.
During this Full Moon, Uranus (24.170 Aries) is conjunct the Sun (21.330 Aries) and hence in opposition to the Moon (21.330 Libra) – creating a very emotionally charged Full Moon.
You may feel stuck in a situation/relationship in your life and have a compelling desire to break free or escape from the turmoil.  Try not to create too much drama for yourself (in other words don’t let your head get too carried away with your story) or make any impulsive decisions during this Full Moon aspect.  It would be more wise to allow the Sun in Aries show you a ‘higher’ vision of what is possible and surrender to these insights from a place of Love, Compassion & Grace.
JUPITER (retrograde) conjunct MOON & opposition Sun / Uranus
Jupiter (abundance, luck & expansion) is currently expressing itself through Libra (harmony, justice, truth, partnership, social, diplomacy) until Oct 2017 AND currently moving in a retrograde transit through Libra until June 10, 2017. 
During this Full Moon, retrograde Jupiter  (17.490 Libra) is conjunct the Moon (21.330 Libra) and hence in opposition to the Sun  (21.330 Aries) conjuncting Uranus (24.170 Aries).
With Jupiter conjuncting the Full Moon, a little honesty is being called into play.  Time to take a REALLY big look at yourself and own the ‘source’ of problems in your relationships.   Our April Full Moon is in Libra  (ruled by Venus) and Venus Retrograde is conjunct Chiron this Full Moon… meaning some of your deepest woundings in relationships maybe coming to the surface – rich & ripe for deep inner-healing.   Let the healing begin and find solace in your heart as Venus turns direct again on April 14/15, 2017.
GRAND CROSS – Jupiter/Moon, Uranus Saturn, Vesta & Pluto/Juno
A highly charged GRAND CROSS (or Golden Square) is taking the energy to a higher octave again this April Full Moon – with  JUPITER/MOON in opposition to SUN/URANUS and squaring both VESTA (24.130 Cancer) and  JUNO (16.120 Capricorn)  which is conjuncting PLUTO (19.230 Capricorn).
VESTA is an asteroid/minor planet and rules Virgo.  Energetically VESTA is the Priestess, the Goddess that flames the embers of your deepest passions, urges you to play out your tantric desires and guides you into being deliciously ripe, rich & abundant.   VESTA in Cancer is deeply emotional & drawing upon karmic bonds with family/past lives.
JUNO is an asteroid and energetically it is very similar to VENUS – though JUNO leans toward committment (whereas Venus tends to be more about initial attraction & desire).  JUNO in Capricorn is practical, pragmatic and ready to do what it takes to make things work.
PLUTO is the planet of transformation and induces us to look into the deep recesses of our subconscious and transform that which doesn’t serve.  Of course we all have free will & choice… but Pluto has a unique way of pushing your buttons and ‘making you’ transform or else !  Pluto can be pretty intense, but it can also make things happen !  Pluto is about death & birth, destruction & reformation, and endings & beginnings.
So, as I am sure you can gather from reading everything above, you may be feeling pulled in many directions of the Heart/Mind during this GRAND CROSS Full Moon. 
You may feel frustrated in the story of your relationships or feel a deep sadness/loss over what your head says is missing… what you can see ‘others’ have and a deep desire/wish that you had that too !
Pluto will be calling you deep into the recesses of your shadow to discover where this story of lack/unlucky in love/poverty/jealousy/limitation is coming from and JUNO won’t let you ease up until the full story has been uncovered.  And URANUS & JUPITER will be meddling in this process with a tug-of-war battle… taking you deep into your karmic / ancestral / familial traits.
This is a POWERFUL Full Moon to re-write and become very clear about what the energy of the Goddess / Priestess / Seductress / Tantric-ess means to you.  AND – and this is the IMPORTANT PART – then be willing to step into the HEART of what you feel with exhuberant joy… particularly as VENUS moves direct on the 14/15 April.  
The choices you make NOW will ripple through ALL of your relationships over the comings months (up until our September eclipses).   You have the opportunity to transmute deep ancestral karmic threads and move into a whole new sphere of beingness in the relationship with self.
On a greater planetary scale, I see the polarity of relationships taking centre stage in the lead up to the eclipse season over August/Sept.  We will be faced with the security/safety of staying small, doing what our community leaders, government heads, corporate powers say is the ‘right thing to do’… OR choosing to own our power and follow what our HEART knows is TRUTH & the path of living authentically.
Inevitably, this can lead to destruction, a battle (both inside and out) and a war of sides.   As you follow your HEART choose to do so from a place of LOVE, COMPASSION & KINDNESS… which will help transmute the trauma and keep you grounded in the face of fear.
Add to the mix of our Full Moon / Jupiter conjunction, we also have two Fixed Stars SPICA & ARCTURUS conjuncting the Moon.
Here is a great picture of the Moon, Jupiter & Spica on April 10/11.
SPICA is the brightest Fixed Star in the Virgo Constellation and exudes energy similar to Mars & Venus.   She seeks to move, express, create and express sexuality.  Spica charges are kundalini energy to attract wealth, sexual partners & success… and on a higher octave the channelling of mystical wisdom.
ARCTURUS is a Fixed Star in the Bootes Constellation and exudes energy similar to Mars & Jupiter.  He seeks prosperity, public recognition, fame, fortune & mastery.
Both these Fixed Stars are conjuncting our 21.330 Libra Full Moon – SPICA (24.050 Libra) & ARCTURUS (24.290 Libra).
Once again they are amplifying the ‘relationship’ theme of the GRAND CROSS.. gifting us insight to where we may prostitute ourselves or sells ourselves out in order to been ‘seen’ as successful, attractive or having achieved.  They will inspire us to take a higher path, a path that serves something greater than ourselves and becomes the sources of these qualities in others.
And to make this FULL MOON & her associated aspects even more interesting this month, we have 4 planets in Retrograde  (appearance of moving backwards) – VENUS, MERCURY, JUPITER & SATURN.
When a planet is Retrograde it’s energy becomes more inward.  During this inward phase, we have the opportunity to review or reflect our ‘inner-self’ as it relates to the past.  The past maybe this life, or could even relate to previous incarnation of the Soul. Whilst a retrograde planet can have a bad rap of creating chaos within our lives, in actual fact these ‘challenges’ produce wonderful opportunities for growth.   As the pot is ‘stirred up’ and what is unconscious comes to the surface… it represents a wonderful opportunity for healing, shifting old energy and being greater degrees of joy and self-love.
VENUS: represents the Divine Feminine  archetype, the embodiment of love, beauty, sensuality, passion & desire.  Venus is often experienced as the great attractor – both how we attract things into our lives and our attractions to things in our lives. By things I am referring to relationships, resources, possessions, & money.   When VENUS transits retrograde, you may find that the world takes on a different hue.  What you previously experienced as beautiful, seductive and tantalisingly sexy, now tends to be seen through different eyes.  This is not bad, but rather a primal urge to move deeply into the recessess of the Goddess and uncover a more transcendent LOVE & beauty than you have ever experienced before.   Venus Retrograde makes way for the for the flourishing of a deeply primal ancient feminine energy that is enduring and deeply transformative.
MERCURY: rules all communications such as computers, phones, travel, electronics and all business/personal communications & documentations.  When mercury moves retrograde and into the darker recesses of our psyche, this may herald a time of misunderstandings, mis-communications, computers & electronics crashing and plans going haywire !
Rather than perceive Mercury Retrograde as a negative time, I prefer to work with the energy as a wonderful ‘inward’ time to recalibrate my visions and move forward in conscious action when Mercury moves direct.   It is also a fabulous time to tie up all those lose ends, old projects and things that you just never got around to finishing.
Of course if things do start to go ‘pear-shaped’, well that just means it is a time to do something else, or to do the job differently… see it as a time to learn a new skill, think laterally and solve problems from a higher level of consciousness.
JUPITER: rules expansion, freedom, wisdom, travel, foreign affairs, abundance and good luck.  It is a social and jolly planet, working with the collective as it spends about 1 year in every sign of the zodiac.
When Jupiter is retro, this energy is reflected inward and we are guided to reevaluate our spiritual beliefs, our societal ethics and our philosophical approach to life.  It is a time of truth-seeking and finding the deeper meaning in all aspects of life. Travel plans can be delayed or cancelled during Jupiter retro.  This is a time to slow down and give focus to your personal belief systems and understandings of success and abundance.  This is also not the best time to take big risks, or spend up big.. but rather do your research, ponder and follow your inner-guidance when Jupiter moves direct.
SATURN: is referred to as the planet of karma, discipline or the dispenser of justice.  It is a factual planet that induces us to face our personal reality, and is thorough, unrelenting and breaks down our control issues.  I like to view Saturn as a wise old sage.
When Saturn is retro, it is not a time to take short-cuts, but an opportunity to take things slowly and do it correctly the first time around.. or you may find you will be revisiting the project over and over again.  It is a time to understand your limitations or limitations of those around you and practice patience.   Authority maybe also be an issue at this time, and you may feel like ‘fighting the system’ be it in your family, place of work or the greater sphere of community or government.  When Saturn is retrograde there also tends to be a lack of boundaries.. so be mindful of saying YES to everything and then feeling overwhelmed and a loss of power.
Take the opportunity during Saturn retro to do some deep soul searching, assess what needs to change and prepare for this change once Saturn moves direct.  It is a time to assess our failures, learn from our mistakes and emerge from the introspection with wisdom and understanding.
The Galactic Centre is the central black/white hole of our Milky Way Galaxy – or as I refer to in Crystal Light Healing, the 8th Dimensional Portal of the Cosmic Gateway (Cosmic Heart), that is a mirror reflection of the 1st Dimensional Portal of the Earth Gateway (Earths Heart).
The Galactic Centre is a powerful transmitter of energy waves known as ‘Waves of Love’.  Since 1987, the vibrational frequency of these Waves of LOVE have been increasing in intensity and will continue to do so as we move toward 2040, the Golden Age. These Waves of Love are facilitating a shift in consciousness; an evolutionary leap for humanity into a new Earth; an awakening of humanity from the dream and into a multi-dimensional reality.
Coming into 2017, the Galactic Centre was/is:
Conjunct our Sun on the 18 December 2016, drawing us to step into our Greater Evolutionary Purpose. Then on our February 2017 Lunar Eclipse  the Galactic Centre (GC) played a major role in the Stellar Pentagram Now for the next 6 months (Feb to June 2017) planet Saturn will be conjuncting Galactic Centre at 27.05 Sagittarius. Saturn is the bringer of wisdom, our deep exploration of our karmic-ancestral beliefs & imprintings and the awakening to wisdom of the Soul.   When Saturn conjuncts the Galactic Centre… we are bringing an end to the old stories of our lives, our world, our human experience and simply setting ourselves FREE.  We close the chapter on our lives of having to follow rules that constrain our wildly passionate Hearts and step into an awakened story of divine beauty and Sacred Wealth of Soul.
As Saturn conjuncts our Galactic Centre over the following months in the lead up to our August 2017 eclipses, those who are prepared to embrace change with WHOLEHEART, who are prepared to step into the unknown (as scary and as vulnerable as that may make them feel)… will catalyse a tsunami of LOVE WAVES set to transform the world stage.. unlike anything we have seen/experienced in our lifetime.
You may wish to join me for my The Soul of Wealth – Soul Session Webinar this month – where I support you every step of the way to BE this Tsunami of LOVE WAVES ♡
OmAhOm © Simone M. Matthews www.UniversalLifeTools.com
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 1   Categories : Blog, Monthly Energy Reports Tags : April 2017 Juno, April 2017 Sun in Aries, April 2017 Vesta, Fixed Star Arcturus, Fixed Star Spica, Full Moon April 2017 Retrogrades, Full Moon Astrology April 2017, Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, Full Moon energy April 2017, Full Moon Libra, Full Moon opposition Uranus, Grand Cross April 2017, Grand T Cross Jupiter Uranus Pluto Categories Blog Weekly Inspirational Films Spiritual / Metaphysical Simone's Musings Interviews & Media Essence of Angels Enlightened YOU EarthlyBliss DNA Awakening Crystal Light Healings Community Events Astrology / Cosmology Monthly Energy Reports Archives Archives  Latest Posts  New Moon + Venus Retro - March 27-28, 2017 March 27th, 2017 Sharing with you the energy of our March New Moon in Aries + the influence of Venus Retrograde t...  Equinox + International Happiness Day March 19th, 2017 Today - 20 March 2017 - we come together for International Happiness Day PLUS our March Autumn/S...  Full Moon in Virgo - March 12/13, 2017 March 9th, 2017 Our Virgo Full Moon on the 12/13 March is amplified this month with Chiron & Pallas Athena o...  Venus Retrograde in Aries - March-April 2017 March 3rd, 2017 On March 4/5, 2017, our planet Venus - The Goddess - moves retrograde in Aries for the next 6 we... Tags 000 year 13 26 2013 energy shift Asteroid 2012 DA14 C/2011 L4 C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) C/2012 S1 Cardinal Grand Cross chinese new year 2013 conscious evolution crystal courses crystal essences crystal healing crystal healing courses crystal healing workshops crystal healing workshops sydney crystal light healing crystals crystal workshops Cygnus X-3 Divine Feminine essence of angels healing lemuria Maya prophecies Merkabah metatrons cube numerology Oort cloud Orphiuchus sacred ancient wisdom Simone M. Matthews simone matthews Spirited travellers Spirited Travellers Events Spiritual Events super moon Sydney Crystal Light Healing Courses The Divine Femine Universal Life Tools USA Essence of Angels WAVE X WAVE X September 2015 year of the Snake 
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vishers · 5 years
Harmonic Experience: Tonal Harmony from Its Natural Origins to Its Modern Expression (1997) by W. A. Mathieu: A Pre-read
What is Harmonic Experience about, as a whole?
Mathieu provides a systematic course of study for those who want to tune in to the effects that general harmony has in us through becoming acutely aware of the effects that resonance has on us.
What is being said in detail, and how?
Harmonic Experience
Tonal Harmony from Its Natural Origins to Its Modern Expression
Mathieu has developed an approach to self-training in harmony that focuses on the listener's response to combinations of tones. He takes as his starting point the phenomenon that comes closest to being a universal part of human experience: Our attraction to music that is in tune. That quality of being in tune is called resonance, and just as tones in correct relationships resonate together, so do we, as listeners and performances, resonate along with them. Mathieu shows us how, by singing and playing various combinations of notes in tune, we can learn to observe our changing responses and begin to develop an understanding of music's power based on what happens in our bodies and minds.
Harmonic Experience begins with the fundamental building blocks of music—single tones, sung over a drone—and shows you how to examine in minute detail your own responses to pure resonance. As you gain a conscious appreciation of these responses, a map of music's inner geography starts to emerge. Once those responses are mapped, the same process of attentive listening and introspection is applied to the impure tunings of equal temperament, which we are able to accept as more or less reasonable facsimiles of the genuine article. The next step, then, is to examine how to the ambiguities of equal temperament make possible a harmonic language of exquisite subtlety and beauty.
Such a regimen of careful listening reveals to us not only how music works but also how it works in us. The one prerequisite, beyond the ability to read music, is a willingness to do the practices. Reading the book will put the ideas into your head; singing, playing, and listening will put knowledge in your heart.
— pp. xi-xii
HARMONIC EXPERIENCE DESCRIBES THE FULL RANGE of harmony, from its fundamental gestures to its most complex expressions, by means of the unifying principle of resonance. By harmony I mean not simply chord progressions but the relationship of notes in a piece both to the keynote and to each other. By resonance I mean those specially reinforcing combinations of tones that in their mutual resounding—their perfect in-tune-ness—evaporates the boundary between music and musician.
It is generally believed that there are two related but distinct and opposed systems of harmony: an ancient one based on a system of resonances, or "pure" tunings, called just intonation, and a modern one based on the equal division of an octave, but with "impure" tuning, called twelve-tone equal temperament. This book redefines the modern as an evolutionary transformation of the ancient and is allied with a comprehensive revival of ancient values that is already, at the turn of the twenty-first century, well under way.
— p. 2
How This Book Is Organized
The text is divided into four parts.
Part 1 shows how the simplest frequency rations—perfect fifths and major thirds—are felt as resonances, and how these two resonances combine to organize the system of just intonation. It goes on to describe how a lattice of perfect fifths and major thirds generates most of the world's musical modes, and asks you, the reader, to be an accomplice in eliciting these modes by singing them. It maintains that bodily understanding is crucial for authentic intellectual mapping, and guides you step by step in comprehending the harmonic relationships implicit in the melodies you sing.
Part 2 shows how the lattice of just intonation serves as the template for our modern system of twelve-tone equal temperament. In the beginning keyboard practices, the twelve tones of equal temperament stand unambiguously for the twelve least-complex tones of the just lattice. The text goes on to demonstrate how, under certain conditions, the twelve tones of the equal-tempered keyboard can stand for more than thirty tones in just intonation.
Part3 examines in detail the musical responses that allow only twelve tones to stand for more than twelve. First, it shows how a single equal-tempered tone can be made to evoke either of two distinct just tones separated by a very small difference in pitch, called a comma. It then enumerates the behaviors of the various types of commas as they are perceived in equal temperament, thus accounting for all tonal harmony—modal, diatonic, and modulatory—that is available in the modern tuning system.
Part 4 presents a compendium of keyboard practices designed to place the language of tonal harmony simultaneously in the ears, in the intellect, and under the hands. These include diatonic and cadential formulas, tonal modulations, modal modulations, cyclic sequences, and symmetrical harmony. Various notations are offered, the better to visualize the harmonies. Analyses of pieces from the fourteenth to the twentieth centuries show how a resonance-based theory can enrich our understanding of a variety of musics.
There are many books that this book is not: it is not a book about counterpoint, or figured bass, or melodic or rhythmic structure, or compositional development, although all of those subjects come into play. It is a harmony book that is meant to reconcile and go beyond, but not supplant, traditional texts.
—pp. 2-3
I approach harmonic theory as an empirical art rather than an aesthetic science. I am lead forward by subjective experience, ephemeral feelings of longing and aversion. Learning to hone and keen these, and to trust them, is my work. I can talk numbers and examine the responses of populations, but that will not tell me, finally, what I want to know. What I want to know is my own ear, because it is the only true path to yours.
Never sacrifice your hearing for a name or a number; there is no music in that direction. True, I will say, "Such-and-such sounds like so-and-so," and I will describe numbers as having qualities; that is because words and numbers can point the way. But it takes authentic experience—the inside feeling of rightness—to validate concepts. You are the replete knower, and the method of your knowing is the self.
It is not enough to listen passively to pure harmonies, or learn to recognize them, or to combine them on an instrument. One has to connect them with one's feelings by placing them in the body. Sung harmony is embodied intelligence.
In Harmonic Experience, great emphasis is placed on singing over a drone. I want this to sound inviting and not the least bit forbidding, because everyone—no exceptions—is capable of singing perfectly in tune over a drone. The object is not to become a great singer, or a performer of any kind, necessarily. The object is to begin at the source, and then carry the source resonances with you as you go along.
—pp. 3-4
Publication Date
Notable Chapters and Statements
When you hear a perfect fifth in tune, it is pleasing enough. But when you sing it in tune, it glows, and you glow along with it. Sing a perfect fifth over a drone as in example 4.5. Sing the syllable pa, with the vowel wide open, and with the steadiness of the sun at midday. Drop your jaw, relaxing its hinge muscles; relax the back of your tongue as well. (Might as well straighten your spine while you're at it.)
—p. 26
The Territory
Our work so far has been confined to twelve specifically tuned tones sounded against a drone, and we have tried to articulate, in various ways, the harmonic experiences that result. We have described the hearts of triple and pentamorous nature and traced how our responses are the architects of a coherent system of modes. To locate the coordinates of our responses, we have made a map for the eye and explored its many roads, using the vocabulary of map reading: north, south, east, and west. To maximize the connection to real music in real time we have employed musical notation and observed the appearance of sharps (one so far) and flats (four). For the sake of certainty, we have quantified our experiences with numbers, pinning down the tones by means of their ratios like so many chloroformed butterflies. To further describe an ordered spectrum of responses we have used such archetypical symbols as sun and moon, or such archetypical characters as mothers and cowboys, and an array of sensual metaphors like bright and easy and velvety. Finally, we have hinted at the notion that harmony is some kind of inner real estate, a landscape through which, perhaps like oxen, perhaps like mermaids, or even like falcons, we draw and navigate and fly our music.
As you spend time improvising dronal music, I hope that your curiosity about this last subject will emerge. What is harmonic territory the territory of? Is it the territory of the inner ear? Or the mind, or the brain? Or the heart, or the psyche? Or somehow all of these? The answer is, of course, that even if it proves impossible to describe, it is nevertheless your territory and is eminently possible to explore. A true musician knows the inner ground.
Singing is the royal road to this inner land. Once inside, you become the mapmaker. You name the canyons and ranges, the hidden valleys, the underground rivers, the unnameable. The most amazing thing is that your map seems to be more or less identical to mine. That's why music connects individuals, communities, cultures, maybe someday a global population: We are more the same than different. And yet, vive la différence. Without it, music, like evolution, would be long gone.
In any case, sing, sing, sing. Let the lattice be your guide until, like a good guide, it becomes invisible against the scenery.
—pp. 93-94
0 notes
luminouswoman · 6 years
Twin Souls ~ Evolution 3D to 5D Earth ~ New Civilization of Human Relationships
Over recent years the term Twin Flame or Twin Soul is becoming more commonly known as more people are going through their own personal awakening/Ascension journey which has been activated by another person who they share a very deep soul connection.  This point sends them on a quest to find out what this is? And why it feels so different to anything else they have ever experienced before so they start to look online and find the information about Twin Flames and there is a sense of relief, context for what they are experiencing and that they aren't completely insane. There are others out there going through similar experiences, this is great because it sets a sense of ‘normalizing' what to most people who don't understand this type of connection and think they have just ‘lost their mind' and living in a ‘fantasy world'… Well, that fantasy world is the 5D connection or Higher Self connection that you hold with that other person.
This is where it can become challenging and confusing because there is so much information out there which people share based on their own experience and perception and that sense of ‘normalising' then become distorted as human beings we are very conditioned to put things into boxes and say "well it fits into this so it must be this way." I too have been guilty of this from time to time on my own path.  It's really a process of going through and using pieces of information that helps and so that we can adjust to our own sense of knowing and trusting our own journey. The most beautiful part is connecting with others (Soul Family) walking this journey and sharing experiences to help us understand our own journey better because we all hold pieces of this massive puzzle.
What I have learned through my own journey and through working with clients walking this path, that it's certainly not a ‘one size fits all' type of journey and you certainly can't place it into boxes. The further along your journey and look back you start to see with more and more clarity looking back connecting the dots from your own life path and also the further your consciousness expands you see it from the bigger perspective too.
I am the type of person who likes to see and get a sense of the bigger picture and how it all interlinks, and how that information can benefit everyone; so the purpose of writing this article is to try to describe how I view the bigger perspective of the twin journey through my own experience and what I have learnt through openly viewing the many clients I have worked with to get the birds eye view.
I am incredibly grateful that I wasn't sharing information prior to this point because if I had; I realize how outdated and distorted my own information would have been, while I was going through various stages of my own awakening. And with saying that, know that this is the ‘tip of the iceberg' to how it will continue to evolve.  Things continue to expand daily and one day this article too will be outdated. But until then I feel excited to share what I have learned so far from the bigger perspective. Once again keep in mind while reading these words that we all have our own inner truth and I always encourage people to trust what is true for them. Allow your own inner compass to guide you. If it resonates amazing and I am so pleased that I could have been of service, if it doesn't great too, trust your own instincts.
So with saying all that let's begin!
As Earth is going through this process of evolution from 3D into 5D this affects the relationships that we have and why so many people are connecting with Twins at this time.
3D paradigm relationships are based on more physical perspective, we seek a partner based on things like compatibility on likes, dislikes, physical attraction, occupation, social status, it's a very logical process of "well he makes a decent living and can provide a good life." or "we have so much in common" or "it just works and we are comfortable." The standard archetype as we have known boy meets girl fall in love, we work hard in our 9-5 job, we build a life, have 2.5 kids and live in a house with a white picket fence. Obviously, this is just the stereotype but I think you get my point.
5D Society is very different everything works more in harmony from an energetic perspective. Therefore relationships are compatible based on an energy or frequency match and a heart level connection. It's the total opposite of anything logical, it's energetic, it's magnetic and when in balance and harmonized it's nothing short of magical.
So what we are witnessing now on a global level as part of this planetary shift is that people who were very happy in the most compatible 3D relationship are feeling their soul's calling for something greater, the relationships which were built from a 3D construct are seemingly falling apart, intimacy is non-existent, the connection that once was strong is no longer there, and through this process feeling a sense of detachment, as though two people are occupying a house like roommates or almost complete strangers. Then one or both parties start to question, seek and truly ask themselves "is this what life is meant to be?" (one common scenario of million possibilities.)
Now keep in mind there is also the scenario that two people can move through this transition together and transform their relationship from 3D to 5D connection, as I have seen this too, yet it does require time apart in some cases and lots of solo time in inner contemplation and soul seeking.  ~ I think that's a whole other topic and article.
I am just going to focus on the ending of the 3D relationship and finding the 5D connection for now.
What happens is the process of moving out of one relationship and calling in a compatible match 5D relationship a Twin Soul connection. This encounter is very much a fated connection as it's already assigned before birth. This connection is intense, irrational, emotional and has nothing logical about it. And all by the grand design.
In more cases than not, from what I have seen these connection are compatible from an energy perspective in the same way it was on other ancient civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis which were a civilization on a higher dimensional existence. And for people who identify as starseeds aka connection to living on and having incarnations on other planets. This too is part of that 5D society and energy connection.
So let's have a look at how civilizations work and function from a 5D perspective. Everything is about energy, frequency, balance, harmony, working together with the community in ways that serve everyone. Relationships are formed from a energy compatibility where they can use that combined energy to be in service and work from a soul perspective to enhance their communities and the civilization as a whole. Keep this in mind because this is a very important aspect when it comes to Twin Soul connection. It's purposeful from a Soul and Energy perspective to work together in harmony on a shared soul mission that could only be possible working in unison. Also, other pairs will join together and the amplification of multiple twin pairs creates an even more powerful energy to use that co-creative consciousness to create a large soul mission.
So what we are in the process of right now on planet Earth is we individually and collectively are moving from the 3D paradigm of relationships into 5D civilisation and this had been possible by a massive number of these twin pairs, starseeds & lightworkers who have chosen to incarnate into Earth during this time and play their role in this planetary shift, first in consciousness and then follows the energy match to create a dimensional shift. This is very much part of an inevitable evolutionary cycle which occurs every 26,000 years give or take a few. However, we are very privileged and at the same time very important part of the process.
As more and more energy comes into the planet and the earth is swiftly vibration higher and higher this is affecting these twin connections through their own individual ascension process so that they can match earth frequency and also act as conductors of energy to anchor and spread these higher frequencies of light across the globe. As this process amplifies to its tipping point it creates a grid or web of light which interacts with Earth's electromagnetic field.
So imagine if you will the idea of the intense love you have which can generate sometimes spontaneously from your heart centre as you think about your twin soul (if you have made that connection) or if not the great love you have thinking about something you love deeply and how that energy completely encompasses your heart, mind and energy body…. It's so powerful and can impact people for thousands of miles. That feeling creates a pulse-like energy and impacts the collective consciousness.
So think about over the past years many people going through the twin soul dance of separation and back together, in love, in hate, the ups and downs the highs and lows…. All at the same time what is that doing to the collective energy field? It's going through its own purging and higher energy balancing each time raising the frequency on this planet through each part of the process…. Higher and Higher we Go….. It's like an expanding and contracting ongoing cycle until it pushes through the higher octave and balances out. Similar to a woman giving birth our Earth is birthing herself and a whole new reality in the process.
So now imagine if every twin pair on the planet spontaneously went into that crazy love bubble experience at the same time around the planet, image what that could do to impact the energy field around the earth! That impact would be paramount to this process and the potential to activate the entire collective field to a higher state of unconditional love for each other and raise the whole frequency of earth in an instant. Talk about the "Event!" That would be the biggest event this galaxy has ever seen!
As it's pretty clear we are moving swiftly towards this incredible tipping point, this perspective is of course just one aspect of how twin pairs are contributing towards this planetary shift. It has been my insight for many years that twin pairs haven't able to come into a physical union or if they are already in physical union complete energy harmonization yet because of the energy on Earth isn't fully ready to hold space for these powerhouse couples to stand in full harmonized energy embodiment. That everything we have been working towards in preparation was the training wheels so that we could go through our own awakening and empowerment journey, learning more about who we are on a soul level and what we are here to do. So that we could build up to this point and go through this transition of 3D energy embodiment to 5D energy embodiment and at the most perfect moment of that galactic pulse of energy it will activate as all to the levels which were unattainable before.
As this energy on the planet raise whether it's an instant tipping point or a more incremental step by step, one thing for sure is that these very high energies which have been hitting the planet since March are only increasing and it's only a matter of time where this planet will be the perfect energy environment for 5D Harmonised relationships and more excitingly the high-frequency children who are coming through to create a whole New Earth & Civilisation.
The main part of my work is understanding and experiencing how planetary Ascension is transforming the way the new generation of children are coming into the world and the evolution of 3D conception and pregnancy is transforming into 5D ways which are more based through the twin dynamic and highly energetic and spiritual process. I will be sharing much more about this very exciting topic but until if this is a topic that interests you then you can read some of my older blogs here: https://birthinganewworld.wordpress.com/ As always sending so much cosmic love to you all Alisha Braché xxx💖🌈⭐ www.cosmicg8way.com
Artwork: Alisha Braché
Links to my main services below:
Energy Alignment Sessions: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/servic…/energy-alignment-session
DNA Light Activation ~ Soul Purpose Sessions: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/…/dna-lightbody-activations-ses…
Ascension Coaching Sessions: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/…/ascension-coaching-holistic-c…
Twin Soul ~ Divine Partnership - Energy Alignment Sessions: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/…/twin-flame-energy-alignment-s…
or connect with me directly at [email protected]
About me: Alisha Braché ~ Intuitive Empath, Energy Healer, Ascension Coach & Divine Partnership Guide, Writer and Entrepreneur of spiritually based and Fair Trade Products. Visit Cosmic Gateway for Insightful articles, and energy updates and Holistic Services: http://www.cosmicg8way.com/
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