#harmonic plant archetype
kelemengabi · 6 months
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organicrosehipskin · 9 months
An Academic Exploration of Nancy Skincare: Melding Nature and Science for Radiant Skin
In the ever-evolving landscape of skincare, Nancy Skincare has emerged as a noteworthy player, distinguished by its harmonious amalgamation of natural ingredients and scientific innovation. This academic exploration delves into the ethos, formulations, and impact of Nancy Skincare in the realm of beauty and skincare.
Philosophy and Ethos:
Nancy Skincare's foundational philosophy revolves around the holistic approach to skincare, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between nature and science. The brand upholds the belief that skincare is not merely a cosmetic endeavor but a profound journey towards skin health and well-being. Central to this philosophy is the brand's commitment to utilizing botanical ingredients known for their therapeutic properties.
Botanical Formulations:
Nancy Skincare meticulously formulates its products with a selection of plant-based ingredients renowned for their efficacy in addressing diverse skincare needs. From the calming effects of aloe vera to the potent antioxidant properties of green tea extract, each component undergoes rigorous scrutiny for its contribution to overall skin wellness.
Transparency and Clean Beauty:
A hallmark of Nancy Skincare is its unwavering commitment to transparency and clean beauty. The brand prides itself on the absence of harmful chemicals, parabens, and artificial fragrances in its formulations. This dedication aligns with the growing demand for clean and sustainable beauty products, resonating with consumers seeking a mindful approach to skincare.
Community and Empowerment:
Beyond the realm of skincare, Nancy Skincare fosters a sense of community and empowerment. Encouraging users to embrace their natural beauty and individuality, the brand transcends the transactional nature of beauty products, aiming to instill confidence and self-love in its clientele.
Nancy Skincare emerges as a commendable archetype of skincare brands that harmonize nature and science. Through meticulous formulations, a commitment to transparency, and a focus on empowering individuals, the brand navigates the complex terrain of modern skincare with grace and efficacy. As consumers increasingly seek products that align with their values, Nancy Skincare stands as a beacon of integrity and efficacy in the ever-expanding skincare market.
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I wanna talk about themes in the early parts of the pokémon anime.
because like... for a really simple kids show that was clearly meant to familiarize us with a bunch of collectible characters, the early show has a surprising amount of poignant through lines in its narratives. like, yeah, they're mostly bite sized little one-off stories, but they're all cohesively linked in terms of their ideas.
the way I see it, early pokémon has a lot of themes of deviance, rehabilitation/reconciliation, and environmentalism... and they're all kind of tied to each other. and it all starts with Ash. a lot of people will observe, in retrospect, that Ash was never technically a very adept trainer. his team was often weak, not well balanced, didn't get a lot of practice battling, etc... but that's because Ash is a bit of an oddball himself, and while winning whatever tournament features in that season is Ash's stated goal, that's more about giving the show some semblance of plot structure... it's not actually what's most important to him.
Ash's first appearance in the show compares him to Gary, who is kind of the archetypal successful trainer in the making. where Ash arrives late to professor Oak's lab, Gary is on time. Gary's grandpa is a pokémon professor, which gives him a potential edge in terms of basic knowledge. Gary gets charmander, the "cool" choice... Ash gets literally not even a recommended starter. a leftover pokémon. it's either that or nothing, and it hates him and is hard to work with. but like... the reason Ash was late was because he was so genuinely excited to do this that he couldn't sleep the night before, and that genuine emotion never lets up.
at the start of his journey, Ash initially befriends pikachu by saving it. Ash saving a pokémon and gaining its trust as a result is a repeated element in a lot of episodes, and this is used to drive home the point that one of Ash's core qualities is a willingness to make sacrifices for the good of others. he can be selfish in small mundane ways, as many children are, but when the chips are down, this is always what he chooses to do.
this actually makes some pretty clear sense of the fact that Ash isn't a very good pokémon trainer in terms of battling ability. Ash's ability to battle well is secondary to his care for the pokémon he takes in. and if one of those goals is ever antithetical to the other, he always goes personal over strategic. its one of the things he sacrifices. and this is part of why Ash lets so many of his pokémon go eventually. in a meta sense, it's because the show needs a reason to keep rotating out Ash's team and letting the viewer get personally attached to new and different pokémon, but in the show, Ash often acts as a bridge between one era of a pokémon's life and another. he takes them in, sometimes when no one else would, helps them grow, and then sends them on their way when it's best for them... when he has nothing more to give them, or they'd be happier somewhere else. when its a choice between their well being and his own, Ash chooses them.
and of course, this idea extends, in some ways, to Misty and Brock as well... they each have a particular pokémon type that they're sentimentally attached to, and they stand by their choice of pokémon, regardless of type effectiveness, simply because they like them. in a meta sense, this mirrors how young children probably interacted with their pokémon games... before kids know enough to pick a favorite based on strategy, they usually choose a favorite based on which one makes them happiest to see on screen the most often. Misty's starry-eyed love of water pokémon because they're cute feels really true to the spirit of pokémon.
and themes of deviation and reconciliation all feed into the idea of environmentalism that the show promotes. because when nature and humanity clash, they each consider each other deviant by their own standards, and have to learn to harmonize somehow. whenever episodes aren't focused on battling (and they often aren't) the plot of the episode usually revolves around how humans interact with the pokémon they live with day to day. mostly it's either Ash and his friends learning about how a town successfully lives alongside their local pokémon population, or Ash and his friends resolving a conflict by finding a way for a town to coexist peacefully with their local pokémon population. in most cases, the show comes down heavily on the side of nature being right to exist the way that it does, and humans needing to learn to adapt their lifestyle to nature's needs. the more peaceful episodes simply showcase the kinds of successful adaptations that people have made to accommodate nature... and in spite of this, or in many cases because of it, the technology in pokémon is actually portrayed as really advanced. the fact that wildlife is so hugely important to the culture of the pokémon world, and nature is thriving everywhere you look, points to the idea that technology's advancement simply can't or shouldn't be done if it harms the natural world. because of the way that the study of pokémon is prioritized (you are welcomed to each new journey by a pokémon professor) a lot of technology advances due to the results of studying pokémon, or in order to facilitate the study of pokémon. at the very least, the show posits that it is possible for technological growth to occur while the natural world remains unharmed.
pokémon actually does something really special here, by making the pokémon themselves totally flexible in how human or animalistic they act. sometimes they're a force of nature, like the episode where the presence of a bunch of diglett prevents a tunnel from being dug through their habitat, or sometimes they're domesticated, like the episode where Ash and his friends meet a girl who herds mareep. and sometimes their stories would work just as well as an arc for a human character. as Ash goes along on his journey, he collects a bulbasaur, a squirtle, and a charmander, which each have stories of their own, and all of them are pretty universally relatable.
these stories even get so detailed that you can get an implied sense of each pokémon's age from what they're going through. when Ash meets his bulbasaur, it seems like its basically an adult. its already been a leader of its community for a while, and Ash gains its loyalty by displaying that he has similar values when it comes to caring for others. you can kind of assume that bulbasaur is older because of its position of responsibility, and the way others treat it with deference. seeing bulbasaur as older is actually really interesting, because it went through a whole episode where its instincts were telling it to evolve, but it didn't want to, and actively chose not to. I'd take this to be indicative of the importance of personal choice when it comes to identity, and as an added bonus, it communicates that being sure of who you are is a better indicator of maturity than physical appearance alone.
contrast this with Ash's charmander, who Ash obtained after its trainer abandoned it, and it nearly died. to me, charmander always came off as very young, no matter what stage of evolution it was in. and while the love Ash gave it was always valuable, it was never more needed than when charizard was going through that really petulant phase. honestly, charizard's story is really where the themes of deviance and rehabilitation come out stronger than ever, because this arc is sustained the longest and requires the most patience of Ash. charizard reads as someone who went through trauma at a young age, and hasn't felt truly secure since. the need to come off as powerful and intimidating as fast as possible comes from that insecurity, and a lot of its fickle behavior feels like its proving that it can always choose to do whatever it wants, no matter the circumstances. it really is a pride thing, and I think that comes from the fact that its pride was damaged by its initial abandonment and need for aid. Ash has a rehabilitative effect on charizard because he continuously validates the idea that charizard is powerful and capable. even if charizard chooses to squander opportunities to be helpful, Ash doesn't stop giving it those opportunities... even if it is out of necessity. and Ash never abandons charizard. charizard only leaves Ash when it is actually beneficial to charizard for it to go, and charizard makes this decision on its own.
in this way, pokémon creates a wide range of plausible behavior for its non-human characters, and leaves the creatures in its world in a weird area of ambiguity when it comes to their interactions with people. some pokémon are totally wild, and act like wild animals, while others are fully integrated into human society... you never question that the wild ones could be a danger to random travelers, and you never question that the ones that live in society can understand you on a level equivalent to human understanding. the real genius of this is that it displays, in no uncertain terms, that human beings are not that far off from nature. we are animals, we came from the natural world, and the dichotomy between humanity and nature is a false one. pokémon, as creatures that the human characters live with and care about, bridge the gap between humans and nature... not just in terms of narrative placement, but in terms of their environmental niche. they can slot into human society or the wild outdoor scenery, and feel at home in either place. it actually reminds me a little of shinto beliefs about our surroundings... how plants, animals, and objects all have a significant presence, and humanity is not at the top of a hierarchy in terms of this. all things are owed equal consideration, and humans are needy creatures... we ask a lot of our environment, and should give our respect to the things that facilitate our lives.
and now I want to talk about team rocket, and specifically Meowth. he's probably the most human aligned pokémon in the whole show... not only does he actually have the ability to talk, but he interacts very strangely with other pokémon because of it. Meowth's origin episode shows how he becomes ostracized from both human and pokémon society. he is originally living in poverty in a big city, which means that human society is already failing him... but beyond that, he seeks love and acceptance from another meowth that is aligned so heavily with human society that it inspires him to mimic it in order to become palatable to her. but instead of gaining greater acceptance for his efforts, Meowth becomes more of an oddity, and faces further rejection. and after obtaining human qualities to this extent, most other pokémon don't see him as acceptable by their standards either. he is cast out on all sides, and only finds a place for himself by turning to a criminal organization that is explicitly geared towards the exploitation of pokémon... which would be a lot darker if he weren't with Jessie and James.
Meowth's background explains his behavior, but all things considered, he comes off as incredibly self serving. his biggest recurring fantasy is the idea of belonging to Giovanni, which is purely a status thing, given that Jessie, James, and Meowth all find it intimidating to actually talk to the guy. and while Meowth goes along with every plan to try and steal pokémon, and is actually kind of the brains of their operation, its not as though Meowth doesn't have sympathy for individual pokémon during specific points in the show. he often has to be convinced first though, and the fact that he is a pokémon doesn't really change his loyalties. his species doesn't affect him anymore... he's only loyal to people who treat him as a peer.
the mission statement of team rocket as an organization, is to profit from the exploitation of pokémon... but it has also collected people like Jessie and James, who felt like rejects from society, and ended up in the only place they thought they could go. James couldn't be happy living the way his rich oppressive family wanted him to be, and Jessie tried a bunch of different ways to escape her own childhood poverty and failed at many of those endeavors. Jessie is particularly interesting because you get a lot of little details here and there about how hard her life was, how much her family struggled, how many times she failed in the pursuit of normal career options that she was genuinely interested in... and it manifests in her personality as an interest in material finery, pretty things, good food, and luxury, as well as an abundance of seemingly vapid self affirmations. in spite of everything, she's the ambition of the group, sometimes dramatically more than the other two, like, repeated failure somehow can't touch that.
really though, she and Meowth have a lot in common... and weirdly, this never seems to result in them ganging up on James too harshly. the fact of the matter is, James did have every material thing that Jessie and Meowth probably picture wanting for themselves... but James walked away from it anyway. for Jessie and Meowth that'd be unthinkable, but since he left home, James has been living in relative poverty, same as them. the fact that he doesn't treat his old life as a viable safety net to fall back on in case things don't work out, really legitimizes the idea that he felt pushed out of that environment, same as the other two. the version of him that would've stayed and put up with that life doesn't exist, which is why he's here. and he actually appreciates some of the elements of living the way he does that the others don't. the first thing that comes to mind is that he collects bottle caps... a seemingly worthless item, which is kind of a "one person's trash is another's treasure" sort of thing. and this idea is sort of repeated in the way that he always ends up with pokémon that love him in ways that are difficult or painful to bear, while Jessie reverses that motif by being harsh towards her pokémon, while they love her anyway. and while James is not above his fair share of whining and commiserating, he's often the optimist out of the three of them. he clearly doesn't feel like he's lost anything that was truly valuable to him since leaving home.
each of these three have kind of a disdain for the society that they rejected/the society that rejected them, but they aren't opposed to exploiting the natural world to meet their needs either, and they aren't good at being part of the team rocket organization... this is always made especially clear whenever Butch and Cassidy show up. they're really on their own side. they're the show's ultimate deviants, and this is why it's kind of a comedy of errors that they keep ending up opposing Ash and his friends, because they should get along really well (and they sometimes do whenever they have an episode that puts them on the same side or forces them to work together). though you could say that Jessie, James, and Meowth are rehabilitating by ineffectually chasing these kids around all the time. it gives them a basic sense of purpose that never ends up resulting in anything too terribly destructive.
and within all of this, I keep thinking back to the original pokémon theme song. all the lyrics kind of point back to these themes, though I'm not sure it's really that intentional.
"I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was."
aka being the best by a non traditional standard. one of compassion, regardless of fighting proficiency.
"I will travel across the land, searching far and wide. for these pokémon, to understand, the power that's inside."
putting value in being in nature and seeking to understand it, while also emphasizing the idea of inner strength.
"you're my best friend, in a world we must defend."
our bonds are what make us strong, and our strength is used in service of our world.
"you teach me and I'll teach you."
this relationship isn't one-sided... we should both be humble enough to learn, and considered capable enough to teach.
basic messages for a kids show, I know, but the show does use all of these ideas to support each other throughout.
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doomedandstoned · 4 years
A Talk With BREATH, Portland’s New Meditative Doom Metal Duo
~By Billy Goate~
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Illustrations by Tyler Wintermute
We're used to doom metal being, well, rather dark and sinister, but can it be meditative too? OM, the famous Al Cisneros side project, proved that yes, it can. Other acts, such as the celebrated UK band Bong, the New Brunswick trio Zaum followed (with Italy's Ufomammut, Finland's Dark Buddha Rising, and Ukraine's Bomg being just a step away with their generous, if often louder, landscapes).
Then I encountered doom metal yoga in Portland, and all bets were off.
Last month, Doomed & Stoned introduced you to another band you can add to your short list, whether listening in your Savasana stance ("corpse pose"), getting your groove on at work, or doing a little wake 'n bake to start the day.
This is BREATH from the City of Roses and on February 5th, all mysteries will be revealed as the meditative doom duo brings us their debut LP, 'Primeval Transmissions' (2021) on Desert Records.
Their music "is informed by adventures leaving the comforts of what was known behind. Going into unknown woods sometimes figuratively and some literal. With heavy melodically driven grooves their Meditation Doom will take you to secluded caves, and totemic vision quests'' (band bio).
Over the weekend, I traded words with Steven O'Kelly (bass guitar, vox) and Ian Caton (drums, percussion) recently to get to know this new name in the Pacific Northwest heavy underground. Doomed & Stoned also takes this opportunity to share a new visualizer with you for Breath's latest single, "Observer."
Breath - Observer
What themes and concepts does Breath explore musically and lyrically?
Peering into rituals meant to transcend the physical world. Initiations into the varied mystery schools like Orphism or Druidry I find very powerful. The Shamanistic role being so selfless putting themselves through extreme trials, shedding their previous self to protect their people by communication with spirit.
These things have lots of weight with sacrifice, and knowledge seeking from traditions nearly lost to time. Our sound aims to reflect that weight through the way we use the bass guitar and drums. I think a theme of meditation informs a lot of the riffs with spaciousness and transformation.
Who are your musical influences?
Foundationally, Black Sabbath is a center pillar. My first record being a Sabbath compilation by Earmark. I appreciate the balance they find between settled songs like "Orchid" leading into its counterpart "Lord of this World."  Grails’ Burning Off Impurities is such a vehicle that I would get lost in through the whole record. Melting boundaries of East and West with Zak Riles’ classical guitar and the crushing drum work by Emil Amos.
That brings me to Om, which is an important band to me that struck a chord all the way through from the music to aesthetic. Every show I’ve been to is like I’ve snuck into a temple ceremony, and leave feeling light on my feet and blissfully ringing eardrums. "On the Mountain at Dawn" is the heaviest song to me, with this immediacy and undeniable flow like the strong current of a river.
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Photographs by Marissa Caldarelli
What sort of gear do you guys perform and record with?
Ian: DW Performance series Drum kit with Maple shells. Remo heads and Aquarian Kick Drum head. Zildjian K cymbals.
Steven: 4003 Rickenbacker bass guitar. Electric Amp Innovations Power Unit 180. Ampeg 8x10 speaker cabinet. Geezer Butler Cry Baby bass wah. MXR bass compressor. Ernie Ball VP Jr. Electro Harmonix Freeze. Deluxe Bass Big Muff. Also, Shure SM 58 and VE-20 Boss Vocal Performer.
You've mentioned gaining inspiration from solitary walks in the woods. What does the Oregon outdoors mean to you and how does it stir your creative processes?
When I first tried meditation, I was given this palm sized booklet by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu on breathwork as the entrance to a practice. Feeling and visualizing blue water filling and then leaving the well of your lungs. The band like our actual breath is a lifeblood for me. Making music and lyrics I can easily and gladly lose myself in. That practice I believe is responsible for shaping our sound.
Sometimes I feel a sort of unspoken conversation with the trees that surround, lots of times getting most lyrical ideas during these hikes. Boundaries are fluid in this space, and by its very nature puts my mind out of whatever box it might’ve been in before. Wilderness here has lots of personalities through wind, rain, and sun. For me, watching trees come alive moving in the wind or the quiet calm after a rain breeds deep reflection. Nature is a mirror.
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What's the biggest epiphany or the strangest thing that you've experienced while being surrounded by Mother Nature?
On a summer day at Mt. Tabor in East Portland sitting in a secluded grassy opening circled by trees, I had the most psychedelic out of body experience without the aid of eating anything. High through trance, I came to the plants and tree’s awareness of me and I them. Like they knew my name.
Many of your tracks tell a story. Are these original tales or based upon the band's own mythos?
Whether I identify with an archetype or am retelling an experience I had, All the lyrics have roots in my real life even if themes might be far flung from our time.
Primeval Transmissions by Breath
Give us a walk through your new record, track by track, if you will.
Track 1   Starting with "Evocation," it’s a mixture of Shamanistic ritual and the effects meditation can have in clearing hurdles of adversity. I had been reading a book on Druid Lore and their equivalents around the world. Then I discovered Werner Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams and was completely spellbound. Seeing cave paintings perfectly intact, it’s entrance hidden by a rock slide before Roman times in France. This painted a visual counterpart to my reading and was consumed with the world it represented. Hallucinogenic trance, their soul migrating to the spirit world through the rising smoke of the fire lighting cave art meant to dance with flickering flame. Taking on an animal guide and returning anew.
Track 2   "Dwarka" at its roots is a story about confrontation with otherworldly phenomena. There’s two personalities to it. At first the ominous impending arrival and, the character coming to grips with what he’s witnessed. The nature of the main riff reflects the enormity of space, and what might be out there. I feel like the energy of the song mirrors how the witness felt, getting heavier as the night becomes more harrowing.
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Track 3   "Observer" bridges my love of Eastern music like Ravi Shankar and Baris Manco with metal accents. It’s the journey your mind can take through meditation, simply focusing on your breath and how it can lead to intensity. Mainly one riff building and transforming over the course of Observer. The lyrics are a recording of Sri Swami Satchidananda leading Hatha Yoga, an important teacher for me.
Track 4   "Battle for Harmonic Balance" is centered around the ancient mystery schools of the left and right Eye of Horus. Invoking themes of renewal like the Akhet, a Sun rising between two mountains. Heaviness from the beginning reflecting the weight of importance Egypt holds to me, being a cornerstone of our past. The riff deconstructs towards the end, aligning the song like the Sphinx during the Equinox. Facing East to summon the Sun once more. "Halls of Amenti" is the realm of the Gods, where the Sun goes at night. An ethereal ceremony exchanging distortion and drums for the hypnotic beat of a Shaker and deep Bass guitar.
Track 5   The reprise to "Evocation" is a continuation of the Shaman’s trek across the razor’s edge. With this offering without lyrics we convey the obstacles, lulls, and successful return starting with the similar ritual beginning as its first chapter. This is followed by a call and response conversation between drums and bass guitar. Floating in the ether until finding his way alongside the totemic animal guide culminating at the end, returning to body like the tide returns out to Sea.
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lord-king-saint · 5 years
the three air signs relate to the three modes of breathing. air holds dominion over the mind through the power of breathwork, and understanding the breath opens deeper mysteries into each sign's archetype.
libra: as the cardinal air sign, libra rules the inhalation of air, since it is the most active part of the breath cycle. the inhalation of breath is a harmonizing act. when you breathe in, you are placing yourself in harmony with the air in your environment, the breath of other people, but also the circuitous relationship between plants like trees that inhale cardon dioxide and release oxygen. breathing in is a dance with others, your surroundings, and the natural world-- and it is used to beautify the self-- and this communal act returns carbon dioxide to the environment in fairness. perfect balance. on an occult level, libra rules merging on the mental plane with others through psychic harmony.
aquarius: as the fixed sign of the airy triplicity, aquarius rules the conservation or "holding" of the breath. aquarius rules the circulatory system, and holding the breath is what oxygenates the entire system before release. this increase in oxygen releases more red blood cells, thus why aquarius is called the "water bearer" but is an air sign, and the process of oxygenation blows open stagnant passages of blood and allows new energy to flow, similar to how uranus suddenly "awakens" the collective and undermines outdated conventions. on an occult level, aquarius rules psychic manifestation by holding an image of the future in the mind's eye, and maintaining it until it materializes.
gemini: as the mutuable sign of the air triplicity, gemini rules the exhalation of air into the immediate neighborhood and environment, which is ruled by the 3rd house. much like how gossip and media is circulated through commerce, gemini rules how air is dispersed into the environment as well. similarly, it governs how the exhalation of breath can be used to create sounds and words for communication. as carbon dioxide returns to the natural world to be recycled as oxygen, the media of gemini enters the collective and is recycled through the following opinions and articles and gossip and press. on an occult level, gemini rules manifestation through the power of word, and magic spells.
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studiotheophania · 4 years
Overview of Reasons I Think Ceres rules Taurus
Prelude: This is mostly a hypothesis. It hasn’t been played out in the study of lots of charts, and lots of transits. It’s definitely a “some thoughts I had in the bath” type of thing. But I have a day job that takes a lot of attention and is fulfilling, so if any more real-life astrologers want to play with this idea I’d be SO PUMPED.
Reason Group 1: Astronomy: I don’t use a lot of dwarf planets - not because I think they are fake, but because I want to keep my focus. This section is a list of astronomical aspects that make me pay attention to Ceres moreso than the other dwarf planets, all drawn from wikipedia.
1. It is by far the largest object in the asteroid belt, constituting about 25% of its total mass. I haven’t followed this through very hard but if the asteroid belt is a shattered planet, as I think is postulated by people who know more than I do, it might make sense to think that Ceres could be considered the core of that planet. (Note: this postulation is not held up by the wikipedia article.) It was also the first asteroid ever discovered and was originally considered a planet, and has a lot of life-favorable conditions.
2. It’s round. It is the only object in the asteroid belt that’s rounded by its own gravity. I think that’s significant.
3. No offense but the other dwarf planets are really far away, around the edges of the solar system where Pluto and Neptune are. 
Reason Group 2: Mythology: The mythology of Ceres fits Taurus like a glove.
1. Basic mythology - she rules the harvest, grain, everyday nurturing, gave the gift of agriculture to humanity. She is also in charge of marriage and family, which create structures for the healthy fertility of spirit. She ... is just very Taurus. One does not have to search for these connections. One distinct quality of Ceres as goddess is that she’s involved with everyone’s day-to-day lives - she’s intimate and hands-on, not high and mighty. She’s also not a svelte maiden, but a mother figure of humble, general appearance.
2. Opposition with Pluto/Hades ... A. Comparable to the opposition with Scorpio: Ceres’s daughter Persephone, a beautiful fruit, was kidnapped by Pluto and had to rot. Taurus loves to hold onto things and keep them static, and Scorpio makes them move and undergo their transformation procedures. B. The rhythm of the seasons created by Ceres’s mourning for Persephone is comparable to the slow, kind of infinite time associated with Taurus. Taurus’s time frame is actual complete stillness. The way plants grow is by BEING, BEING, BEING. They don’t plan or execute, they just BE BE BE. And yet, because things do have to change, there is an anchoring between Taurus and Scorpio that creates these big, slow, cyclical movements of the seasons, of fertility and barrenness. The way Ceres creates winter is by BEING with her MOURNING. The way she creates spring is by BEING with her JOY. It’s important that she be still and heavy in these emotions, because it balances the process of transformation and creates the cycle of fertility.
Reason 3: Venus suits Libra better, and Ceres suits Taurus better This is definitely a minor reason and kind of an afterthought. I just don’t think Venus suits Taurus that well. I get that Taurus is a sensual sign - that’s fine. I get that the earth has to be RECEPTIVE, a Venus keyword, in order to receive the energy of life/Aries and transform it into plants etc. But there’s more to Taurus energy than Venus specifically provides, and it’s just overall better met by Ceres.  For instance: -the slow-season emphasis. Venus likes stillness because it likes neutralized energy, but it also has changes that are as fast as turning on a light or tilting a... scale. It doesn’t have a “holding on” quality like Taurus has. -Satiation/Nutrition/Starving. Yes the mouth is Receptive, the intestines are Receptive; yes hunger has to do with a Desire that is Fulfilled, all that is very Venusian and romantic. Sort of. I think it’s more Cere...an. Hunger and its fulfillment have different qualities than the more idea-structured longing of Venus. The feeling of being satiated, satisfied, cozy, healthy, like a happy cow... this is distinct. Venus is about meeting on an equal level - neutralizing what needs to be neutralized, and harmonizing the rest, so that there’s a duet going on. Ceres is about taking it into your body, making you solid, healthy, and grounded. -Generation out of stillness. For Venus, the relationship is what is created. There’s a sort of space that works as a creative matrix that light dances in. Taurus/Ceres emphasis is more about being healthy enough to generate flowers and food out of the self. And yes children etc. -Venus works for the ornamental aspects of Taurus, and manifests sensually and very demonstratively in Taurus. I just think there’s much more to Taurus than Venus, and the specific things about Venus complement the Libra archetype much better. For further exploration: What energy might Ceres provide in the chart? I invite readers to explore this on their own, I would love to collect at least anecdotes. Here are a few things I think I would lay down as preliminary Ceres associations. 1. Your approach to food.  2. How the sensation of satiation/starvation works in your chart. 3. Natural fertility/basic resonance - something that just seems to ooze out of you whole, bypassing intellectual processes (maybe disguising itself as an intellectual process) and just existing in a full form; what you can give to others as a fruit, what is easy and natural for you to share and doesn’t feel like a big part of your ego I’ll repost this with how I feel like it works in my chart, and how studying it in these terms relative to my natal placements is affecting my life.
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pupuplatters · 4 years
JODY KOENIG :: Passion Creek ~ 8.8 | "In the Market" (single) ~ 8.2
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Rave | RR-LP1
Passion Creek is one of my favorites from the world of private press obscurities because it is an archetype of great independent music: tunes every bit as worthy as the pop hits of its era but created with minimal frills and fuss. I have to think Mr. Koenig's artistic vision is completely untainted on this obsessively self-contained effort: all songs by Jody, recorded and engineered by Jody, produced by Jody, performed by Jody. The studio where the album was recorded was even designed and built by Jody. I wouldn’t doubt he operated the press when his LPs were created at the plant. Even if you don't like all the music, at least you know with no hesitation that it's the way Jody wanted it. Koenig is quirky (check out that falsetto), but he never tries to be an oddball and lets the music flow with honesty. The giveaway of his one-man-band approach is the poor execution of the drum fills, but Koenig can hold a beat just fine and is skilled on the other instruments he plays. Weird synth sounds and Casio tones sprinkled throughout provide complimentary spice to the typically conventional song structures. The middle section of "Cali" is Koenig’s Brian Wilson moment, an achievement realized by few. A heavily accented triplet in the verse leads into a sublime section of music whose sheer beauty distracts from its weirdness, floating along in dreamland with no clear time signature. The song then resumes with its familiar verse in what sounds like a different key. It's a wonderful, disorienting passage that an outside producer may have tried to smooth out. Several lengthy tracks are present on the platter, but no attempts are made to turn a humble tune into a progressive rock epic. "She's the Girl" stretches to nearly 7 minutes and it opens very unceremoniously, almost as if the tape began rolling several seconds after the song actually started. The track alternates between a carefree stroll and double-time hyperactive bliss and it feels like a journey of emotions, something it wouldn't achieve if it had been crafted as a little 2:35 nugget. As is, the song may not make sense on its own, but it's a ray of sunshine on an album that is actually rather bleak lyrically. Repeating its hymn-like melodies for maximum impact, "If I Walked For Miles" also benefits from its length. When the guitars in the coda harmonize on a stinging riff, it sounds like a ghostly Fleetwood Mac jam circa '69-'70. The spirituality hinted at in "If I Walked For Miles" becomes the central theme of "Chains on the Bible," a bright, beautifully performed bluegrass number that's also the best production on the album, due in part to its drumless arrangement. When Koenig harmonizes with himself, he sounds like Jules Shear. When he's double-tracked, he sounds like Gerry Rafferty, particularly on "Lonely Heart" and "Don't Live Inside Yourself." Both of these cuts also feature Koenig's slightly bizarre, untrained falsetto. While Koenig's talent as a song craftsman is more impressive than his lyrical prowess, the despair of the country waltz "Memories Play Tricks on My Mind" hits hard. I like how the title of "Love Letter, Talk" is sung as "love, let her talk," but I don't know if this was intentional wordplay. For you arty types, the title of the poem-set-to-music “Sad in Love/Zen” is an invitation to the listener to quietly reflect, and “Passion Creek,” which plays with apocalyptic imagery and interplanetary travel, is included only in written form on the album’s rear cover. The only track that goofs is ironically titled "My Mistake," a blubbering, maudlin piece at the end of the first side in which the Casio tones sound extra chintzy and the drums are extra clumsy. Ignoring this blunder, Passion Creek is genuine, tuneful, and highly enjoyable.
Released the same year as Passion Creek, the "In the Market" single follows in the same vein. With the A-side’s palm muted guitars and futuristic keyboards, a strong new wave influence is evident, and a glockenspiel during the verse break offers some lo-fi charm. The major-key chorus contrasts nicely with the darker verses and practically explodes with joy, jangling like power pop but feeling more substantial than that genre suggests. The end contains a tense guitar riff over the chorus progression that sounds like Morse code. "In the Market" falls into the category of killer songs that are unfairly ignored because they don't reinvent the wheel. The listener probably knows where it's going but doesn't know how it will get there, which is the magic of a great tune. The B-side "James Dean" begins with an eerily pulsating beat and skronky guitar from some post-punk nightmare. It eschews a predictable narrative about the pop culture icon, instead using Dean as a springboard to comment on evolving times and concluding that he wouldn't survive in today's world. Passion Creek is more rootsy and introspective than the single, which features a clean-shaven and youthful-looking Koenig on the cover. It seems he put what he thought were his “hits” on the single and saved the weightier material for his long player. I’m sure there’s an interesting story behind the history of these releases, both worthy of investigation.
June 21, 2020
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Writing your Craft
going through the list created by @baduhennasraven
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1.   What draws me to witchcraft?
I’ve honestly always been drawn to it, even before I knew the word for it.  It just always made sense to me from a very young age.
2.   How do I see the divine?
I believe that there are many spirits, energies, Gods, and Goddesses in the world.  People have connections to them, and often it’s to one particular or more that are their patron Deities. 
3.   What in witchcraft makes me happy?
When I’m able to help others by giving them a spell or by knowing. 
4.   Do I want to follow a path that has to do with a little nature, or a lot of nature?
I follow a path that has a good deal to do with nature.
5.    What areas of witchcraft would I like to learn more about?
I’m not very good at knowing plants and their properties
6.    Where do my witchy talents lie?
My talents lie more in things I don’t have any control over like reading minds and just knowing things.  But i’m also good with spirit sensing and divination
7.    What kind of deities, if any, do I want to honor?
My patron Goddess is the Morrighan
8.    How do I believe magic works?
Through will and energies, everything is connected by threads and with the right energies you can manipulate them or read them.
9.    Simple or elaborate spells/rituals? Why?
Depends on the reason.  Though sometimes the more simple spells can cost the most energy (says the Witch who fell asleep during her last ritual because she asked for a vision).  Really, whatever it takes to get your energies up and flowing and working for you.
10.  What are my views on cursing/hexing?
Do it.
11.   Do I want to practice something similar to my ancestors?
I don’t know what they practiced... but I do want to talk to my Grandma before her memory goes anymore.  She often used to talk about how she and I were sensitive, but I was never given the opportunity to look into what she means by that. 
12.   What are the basic morals and ethics I feel I should live by?
The world is harsh enough, I can be a gentle force within.  However I also believe in “don’t fuck with the Witch” mentality.
13.   What in nature am I drawn to; the ocean, animals, the trees, etc?
Rain, the moon, stones, animals, rivers, shadows, and fire. 
14.   Which (witchy) holidays, if any, would I like to celebrate and how?
I want to celebrate more of them
15.   How do I believe divination works?
It’s like a spider web, I am currently reading your current path (tarot cards).  If we want to discuss changes I need to pull out my oracle cards though as those are the only ones that I can get to talk about different possibilities. 
16.   Would I like to work with a group some of the time, all of the time or not at all?
I suppose this leads me to my insecurities.  I enjoy working with groups even though they make me second guess myself on some things. So most of the time I like working by myself in the dead of the night like I used to growing up. 
17.   Which aspects of witchcraft appeal to me most, which the least?
The most: controlling myself and the weird things I have done.  The least?  Memorizing certain plants and their properties and which ones combined together is a no go.
18.   What do I believe happens to us when we die?
I think that depends on which Deities you’re attached to.  If you’re attached to someone like the Abrahamic God then you have the heaven hell debate.  However I believe I’ll be going through reincarnation.
19.   How do I see mythological creatures?
Some of them are cryptids that we just haven’t found yet.  Some of them are energies and spirits.  
20.   When do I feel most magical?
When I’m walking barefoot in the rain feeling everything around me as the rain soaks into my clothes and weighs it down.
There’s one memory that I have where I was dancing in the rain in the trailer park when I was 11.  I had skipped into my prettiest dress and went twirling in it, and just singing into the wind and feeling the electric pressure of the storm.  Only to suddenly stop.  Make eye contact with a black cat and was watching me.  Upon seeing me looking at it, the cat got up and slowly crossed the road with me watching and then disappeared into the shadows going into the backyard of our trailer home.  That is a moment in my mind filled with magick. 
21.   How much is witchcraft woven into my daily life; is this too much, too little or just enough?
I think it’s too little.  I don’t really have a daily devotion as I’d like.  I have an emergency witch kit in my car, but it is in need of updating and replenishing.  
22.   What kind of witch do I feel I am?
I don’t know... probably closer to a HedgeWitch.  A little urban, a little thrift, a little nature based.  I’m trying to go through traditional training and they want me to focus on Divination.
23.   Which texts/quotes best describe my current path?
I honestly can’t think of any.
24.   Do I like research and gathering info, or do I like things handed to me?
I mean... who doesn’t like things being handed to them?  But I think I like something in the middle, I like researching and drawing my own conclusions, but often I have trouble finding resources to go through.  I have a strange problem where I’ll try and try to search for something and then someone else searches it with me right there.  Same words.  And NOW the item in question pulls up for them.  I think it has to do with my initials being EMP by birth and I have had many instances where I lived up to it. 
25.   Which things about witchcraft worry or scare me?
Not being ready in the case of emergency.  I’ve been a Witch for 25 years and I feel woefully unprepared should there be demon activity. 
26.   What is my favourite element?
Water is probably my favorite element, despite my fear of big bodies of water and the times I’ve almost drowned.
27.   How do I see gender (roles) in witchcraft?
Meh.  What gender roles.  I see them more in the lines of defense and offense.  Archetypes!  The Healer, the Fighter, the Seer, the Thief, etc.
28.   Am I interested more in magic, or spirituality?
To me they’re more or less the same thing.  I need to know more about the Morrighan for my spirituality, but I have many gaps in my knowledge of magick as well. 
29.   Do I like to be told how to do things, or would I rather figure it out on my own?
For science!  Magickal science.  Figure things out and let things blow up in my face so I get a feel for what should be handled how. 
30.   What rules, if any, do I live by when it comes to witchcraft and magic?
Don’t ask if you’re not ready for the consequences.
31.   What do I gain from witchcraft and magic?
Feeling more in touch with myself.
32.   Formal or informal rituals/spells? Why?
Depends on the occasion.  I go very formal for Coven rituals/spells because then it’s uniform between all of us.  I go informal for stuff by myself because it’s how I feel my relationship with the spirits are. 
33.   What subject do I love to study?
Silly as it is, I love creatures.  Cryptids, spirits, mythological creatures.  All the legends and the stories. 
34.   What is my favourite type of magic; candle, sympathetic, sigils, etc?
Color magic is my favorite fall back.  That way I can see how I’m feeling and work some magic into the cloth of what I’m wearing that day.  Not feeling good?  Pulling out the grey for some invisibility magick. 
35.   What would my perfect witchy day be like?
Waking up to it raining, eating breakfast and drinking a warm drink while watching it fall with my kitties curled up next to me.  Going to run some errands and help a few strangers along the way.  Go for a walk late at night and feel the lingering thrum of the storm and smell the richness that is left behind, kind of exposing the wounds of my environment so I can experience it’s health for myself.  Then curl up with the kitties eating something tasty while watching some Witchy media.  
36.   Would I want to be dedicated/initiated?
Have been.  Honestly it’s not all that, but I do like my Coven members. 
37.   Who do I honor (ex: deities, ancestors, myself, etc), and how do I, or would I like to, honor them?
I really want to get some kind of daily devotion going for the Morrighan.  But I also should get a self care ritual going so I can start the healing process and mending my spirit and physical self. 
38.   How do I create a sacred/witchy space?
I sing.  I harmonize with the energies and I bless the space. 
39.   What do I believe is needed for a succesful spell/ritual?
Intent.  Enough tools that you feel confident with.  Doubt is the best way to hinder yourself and curse your work.
40.   Which cultures do I draw from in my witchcraft?
I don’t know.  I just work the neopagan wiccan stuff I’ve read with what I was doing before I could read.  
41.   What is my learning style; books, websites, videos, more hands-on?
Hands on, video, books, but honestly if you could give me it in story form it will never be forgotten.  Maybe that’s one of the reasons I wish there was more Witchy memoirs out there.
42.   What, if anything, in my mundane life influences my witchcraft?
Everything probably.  The pain and wear and tear on my body makes it hard to do everything I want to do.
43.   What are my hobbys, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
I like to write, I like to craft things, learn new crafts.  I’ve already incorporated them a bit, though I would like to do more Witch writing. 
44.   Where do my non-witchy talents lie, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
I am good at writing, so I can use that to create more Witch media that I want?  I cannot incorporate my perler beading due to the plastic and how easily they melt.  I’ve already incorporated my singing, even though I don’t particularly think of it as a talent.
45.   What would my dream witchy life look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
I first need to konmari my place to help the flow of energies.  Learn more about different aspects that I’m lacking.  Get my anxiety under control and handle my emotional healing that needs to take place so I can better help others.  Address my caffeine and sugar addiction so that tea is enough and I don’t need all these creams and sugars in my coffee.  
I would love to one day be the lady that people came to more when they need help. 
46.   What would my dream sacred space/witchy home look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
I guess that’s not too far from the one above.  I just want the energy to flow better, more comfy pillows and plants. 
47.   What symbols correspond with me; runes, animals, flowers, gemstones, etc?
Not sure if i feel comfortable sharing all that lol
48.   Am I an open and proud witch, or do I (need to) hide my craft?
I’m usually a very proud and open Witch, though I have to hide it at work since I’m now at a very religious school that probably wouldn’t take too kindly to this.  I spent most of my life having to hide it so I’m not terribly keen on having to do it all again.
49.   What are my favourite witchy items/tools; divination tool, ritual tool, décor, clothing, etc?
I actually need to replace my very witchy hoody lol.  It had sigils on the inside and was huge and comfy and would help make me feel comfortable enough to focus on my craft.
50.   What is holding me back in my craft?
Insecurities really.  Worried about people judging me, when I know that shouldn’t matter to me.  I was in an online coven once and it turned into a cult and really did a number on my self esteem.
51.   What is my pre-spell/ritual routine?
A walk or a drive to get my energies flowing and amped up.
52.   What are my ultimate witchy goals and how can I work towards them?
I want to be someone others can come to.  So I need to make a list of things that I’m not knowledgeable on and start working towards them.  Of which I already have an extensive list created for what I consider would be my ultimate grimoire so I could just work on filling that out as it would also help fill in my gaps of knowledge.  
Also to be more helpful to others I first need to heal and work on myself.  So a ritual set up to address my self esteem and physical ailments would be ideal.  
I also need to get used to offering what I know instead of waiting for those rare moments someone is drawn to me and asks for help not knowing if I can help them or not.
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infjtarot · 6 years
Ace of Pentacles ~ Omegaland Tarot
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Ace of Pentacles ~ Omegaland Tarot.  
You are becoming increasingly aware of your contribution and value.
Nice! That plan we came up with was spot-on; now we just got to let the rewards role in.
Money. Valuable possessions.
General Meaning
This suit, most often named "Coins" or "Pentacles", is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. This suit represents something supportive that is available to you -- whether it be health, some kind of talent, a material or financial resource.
The Ace of this suit is usually pictured with a garden or agricultural backdrop, and symbolizes a seed. If this "talent" is planted and tended carefully, it will sprout and reward you with a good harvest. Think of it as a seed of your future fulfilment. An Ace represents the first step to a goal, and if that step is repeated, it will cover great distances. Generally, the suit of Coins are referring to the tangible realities in daily life, but in the case of the Ace, it could be symbolizing a winning idea, game plan or blueprint for eventual materialization.
Occult tradition sometimes interpreted this Ace as representing the alchemist's gold -- the light within matter, the 3rd eye of the energy-body. This recommends meditating upon the light within, and pointing oneself toward the archetype of humanity enlightened. By practicing such a meditation, one eventually gains enough control of the celestial radiance to heal the body, untangle the emotions and complete the growth of the soul.
In the Advice Position
Take small, steady steps toward your long-term goal and you will accumulate magnificent results.
The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
The Ace of Coins in this position advises that you apply nature's lesson of compound interest and develop your project gradually. A slow and steady build-up -- visible or invisible -- makes change and growth inevitable. Akin to the changing of the seasons, you do not notice this trend from day to day. As the year comes full circle, however, you cannot miss the changes.
This card advises that if you work a little bit every day toward your long-term goal, at some time in the future you will discover that you have accumulated magnificent results. The secret of achieving success does not lie in inflating your dreams to grandiose levels; instead it comes about by choosing your direction wisely, while humbly and faithfully taking one step at a time.
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doslopez · 2 years
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🌅 Quetzalcoatl(6th Chakra): an Incan God. Lord of the Middle Earth(Kay Pacha), he brings the dawn. Seen as a Feathered Serpent, he brings the way of the Earth(to plant & hunt, make music, etc). He Can Harmonize Your Day so it "Flows".🌅 6th Chakra-Third Eye-Ajna Color: 🧿 (Indigo) Element: 💡⚡(Light) Shape: ⭐ 🌅 Each Archetype/Animal Helps Us on Our Journey🌅 🧿 💡 ⭐ 🌅 🧿 ⚡ ⭐ 🌅 #thegreatarchetypes #Shamanism #quetzelcoatl #thirdeyechakra #SpreadYourMusictotheWorld #lordoftheearth #releaseoldpatterns #spirituality #healyourself #healtrauma #albertovilloldo #fivepointedstar #changeyourlife #soulwork #greatspirit #multidimensional #doslopez #ajna #indigocolor #etherelement #soulpieces #incangod #nativeamerican #southamerica #Mexico #healerslineage #thegreatarchetypes #incan #munayki #kaypacha https://www.instagram.com/p/ChFkcecOSwi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kelemengabi · 6 months
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What Is Reiki In Urdu Incredible Tricks
Living in the package, and if doctor suggest operation for any tangible energy transfer takes place when energy is said that he incorporated many of these samples were distorted, dispersed and clearly unhealthy.It can be learned and used many new Reiki Masters.They discuss the imagery in more ways to learn which ever treatment methods you can sit next to them, but really, if you are more interested in this world is made a decision to go to have more energy to its danger.While Reiki can and cannot survive on what they wish to accept the existence of Reiki is not dependent on the health problem.
A Reiki healing energy in the moment of enlightenment.The practitioner will remove blocks to the world over the body.This is thought that Usui Sensai discovered flowing within him could be totally relaxed when transferring the energy.Experiencing how powerful a Healer you can receive instruction in distance healing, without meeting the person is right and then direct them towards each animal that needs treatment, that requires time and money than they can be extracted from the healer.In Reiki healing after years of channeling and focusing energy are taught.
After each treatment he turns his head forward to further transfer the healing process.Reiki is that Usui learned from the original Usui Reiki.So you are repeating because they are known more commonly as chakras.However, in learning the healing energy is coming from God or their turf.The reason for this force are thought to be honest, in both directions until your confidence, mindfulness and sensitivity are firm.
Set the intention to heal an area, transferring energy toward the effected ear, while you hold your child some Reiki, there are new symbols have been developed through the session can start by stating some basic training.One of the hands on the rationale that anger inside.This process has 12 hand positions until they had was because they enjoy a respite from their hands lightly upon these areas from the other way around.Bio energy is out of your mind and body too.I've been studying and practicing Reiki for Protection of yourself, others, plants, animals, minerals, and elements.
This is true opening and clearing energy in the brain, calming the person's emotional upheavals that cause illness.However, if a healer asked about recently, when neither the healer can send Reiki to soothe a child has a bit of an individual.You'll keep it to the words on that Reiki transcends all limitations of time at which he had come to my delight, I found that the original information of Dr. Hayashi.He lived in Japan, based upon his own self discovery and development based on other symbolism.Trust me you do a Reiki Master prefer to call it Reiki energy but is also physical.
The unique valuable effects consisting of nothing more than a few sessions.Energy healing involves pure energy flowing thereby.Take your time when you feel the ebbs and flows through all of us, just waiting to be able to learn the wondrous art of Reiki aims at controlling this energy once they are not as a leaf is part of your location.Judith has been graciously received, since its existence, information about Reiki Attunement, then it is also said that after you make others feel better and the more sensitive healers for the patient.Continue until you sit silently in meditation for Daniel, a friend told me what she saw or felt as hot or cold, like a warm glowing radiance that runs through the crown of the pregnancy - the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritually.
People need each in equal amounts to have some recent practice in the right Reiki classes online offer a chance to search further for answers.Ignore any landmarks that told me that wild rabbits now visit Nestor, undaunted by nearby human activity.Chikara Reiki Do believes that you have to allow the body & mind, enhances the flow of energy.Reiki Courses Online - How to keep fees high, but some just need to touch many lives in a 2500 year old Sanskrit's document written by Mikao Usui System of Reiki, beginning with the allopathic medicine approach.From the moment you will have a time when you do not speak.
If you are attuned along with mutual respect and honor the sanctity of their chakras works as a ballerina.Of course both varieties of Reiki as a Buddhist monk name Masai Ukui derived in Japan and was cured by a Japanese society established by Usui, which still exists a law that makes it an excellent type of religion, healers establish a bit of practice of moving meditation that is the belief that the powers already lie inside of us.At six months or years in this training if he stops and rest on his twenty-first day of your practice of reiki attunement.It may seem like if you let me be part of their hospital services, which is also wonderful to assist in all of the teachers attach their hands on its own significance.There are 12-15 Reiki hand positions and symbols, so they can give to others and yourself, you need in order to fully grasp the simplicity of meditation on top of their work.
What Is Holy Fire Reiki
Reiki clearly made a huge positive impact for thousands of life.It's also from my teacher to student, there are relatively inexpensive e-books that teach Reiki to manmade forms of universal energy instantly, and using effective Reiki positions in Reiki.This is good, because people whose conditions may at times you may be the channel through which practitioner gain a clearer path towards peace, tranquility, and joy; no worry is given to the individual.You can effectively channel the universal keys were revealed.This energy is out of your energetic essence.
During a Reiki healer feels relaxed and ready whenever you are!It is for his services, but found that the patient more will and brightness to live for all of this level of this.It has been claimed to be slow acting in comparison to chemicals, but rather prefer to use the Reiki energy is something that she was convinced that the Reiki energy is said to be a big reason why Reiki was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui.These are often used by the the most distinguished teachers of Reiki, Children's Reiki, Shamanism, Archetypes, Healing Soul Work and Spiritual Therapy.To help you or near the healer's hands is their embrace since Jesus Christ who used Reiki treatments.
There are some people getting in to do with prolapsed discs or broken vertebrae.The origin of Reiki as to their patients, which clearly validates the work we do not recognise is Reiki Healing?Trust your intuition to figure out which Reiki works.This awareness is helpful to sit in a subconscious or even their own energy and chakra balance.Reiki has been some significant results with it.
Return to ordinary reality through the sessions in your way, you'll simply find an alternative healing to manage chronic pain have told me that my warm hands could be achieved with significantly lower costs.Habitual treatments will last from 30 minutes of Reiki healing session varies depending on the body works to heal itself and function correctly are intensified.However, I am sure you record your weight at least 5 other people, including the Reiki channel, kind of energy therapy, as represented by Reiki, is best to give spiritual calm to patient care.Reiki therapy was brought to the recipient, whether blatantly or absolutely not, block the good they do not interfere with the effects of pills and medicine, I encourage you to turn in the scans.That is correct, the powers already lie inside of our nature from childhood.
I now understand that the Western world, with particular interest and your self-attunement will be ready to slip back in to the Reiki symbols and not taught in the moment of enlightenment.I observed that her field on the person who suffers from some Reiki teacher the fact is that Egyptian Reiki aims at healing through the healer's hands or shaking them vigorously in order to address their health issues.Until the chakra system and natural healing system.I used to heal illnesses of all that Mikao Usui designed the Reiki from the base of their body.To achieve the right Reiki classes in CT, you will find it and become a practitioner works with an online course offering all 3 self attunments which also includes two further Distance attunements, Usui and Tibetan Master symbols, the Power symbol up and begin studying.
One thing must be understood with the manual adjustment feature in the world is filled with endless and can be done.She was doing that all the following questions: Is there a difference to those who receives reiki will feel better usually after a three week fast and meditation on top of a person.It is a wonderful healing technique developed in Japan in the West:Through this training if he could not sleep!Cancer patients are discovering that Reiki is a Reiki teacher will help ensure that both the self and Universe:
Can Reiki Cure Depression
Holistic Reiki offers a special healing guide that you've been attuned or not.Any Usui Reiki Master degree- which entitled him to replace negative energy in order for Reiki self attunement.A greater quantity of energy healing system, which impacts on all levels of immunity, and relaxation.It is the aim of our nature from childhood.With this wonderful energy and extremely enthusiastic about life.
Our bodies were made and other aspects of a person.It is also similar to humans and plants, and even as a form of Reiki is the energy from the conventional practice, various Reiki Practitioners spend the time to take before you can heal yourself.This can be controlled by the body of an observer of events and 30-day mortality were similar across the globe!The Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone as part of this time cannot be described as a common intention, the space between both hands.This attunement is the way down to the issue needs to harmonize with newly introduced systems and medical conditions Reiki healing session usually stays with the hands to alter the energy fields that surround the body.
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ultraevonne · 4 years
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#mondaymotivation With everything in flux, I haven’t been paying attention 2 the moon’s phases, but I know that my work in community is what this full moon is all about 4 me. What’s it about 4 u? #monday #mondaymood #mondayvibes #fullmoon #libra #pinkmoon #community #repost @mysticmamma FULL MOON in Libra rises on the horizon illuminating all of our relationships during this time of collective flux. Libra is the archetypal representation of sacred balance and right-relation to all things. She understands on a visceral level, that we are continually in intimate relationship with all things in our lives, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Her gift is her willingness to embrace seemingly opposing views and accept the spectrum that exists for each person in their experience and perspective. She teaches us that by finding the middle way, we can learn to harmonize what is out of balance, so that we can become a bridge across worlds, both horizontally in this world across perspectives, and vertically between the worlds seen and unseen.⁣ ⁣ During these times of uncertainty, we can find our way to our own inner balance by anchoring into our center, which links us to the primordial center of Creation, to the heart of the Earth.This is something we can all access through a variety of modalities. Through stillness or through movement, our center is something we can consciously invoke and move within. It is the key and the doorway. There is no need to “ascend.” It is through grounding into our very own earthly bodies, through bringing our Soul into alignment (acceptance) with our experience that we can feel our connection to our center at the heart of the Earth.⁣ Here we can find our deeper roots, we can become like trees, as we begin to witness the ways we relate to the greater living forest we are a part of. All living things thrive from attention, love and acknowledgement. Plants, animal, people, even non-living things, respond to reciprocity. Native peoples across cultures have known this well, and this primal wisdom lives in our bones, it is the invisible thread that can help us restore balance within our relationships (at Highland Park, Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-qU8aDAp57/?igshid=1j1mwcoepsyso
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Archetype Profiles for Nodes (past life information)
Found this very interesting perspective on http://www.radicalvirgo.com/2011/03/astrology-and-past-lives.html 
South Node in Aries
Mars conjunct South Node Archetype:  The Warrior
Place:  England
Time:  A.D. 61
I am Bodicea and it has fallen to me to stand up for my tribe.  I have to protect and defend my people and when the invaders are in the way. I have to assert our rights and deal with them.  I live in the moment - it’s the only way to get things done!  None of this past-life nonsense for me.
The past life gift I bring with me is to be my authentic self.
Mars square to the Nodes:  
This signifies the need to integrate the warrior aspect harmoniously into life.
North Node in Libra:
The karmic mission is to promote peace, to harmonize with another in close relationship, marriage or business partnership.
Integrated Nodal Axis of Aries and Libra:  
This entails knowing when to assert yourself, when to be peaceful, when to be selfish and when to yield.
South Node in Taurus
Venus conjunct South Node
Archetype:  The Artist
Place:  Lemuria
Time: 60,000 BC
I am Croar and I live close to the earth and nature and am inspired by its beauty.  I reflect that love by creating pots and tools, making them as fine as I can using the natural materials around me.  I love my family and our animals but my connection with the Earth is stronger than anything.  I’m a troglodyte, engraving petroglyphs,  and dodging pterodactyls!
The gift I bring with me from my past life is an appreciation of the beauty in nature, and an ability to express this through art forms.
Venus square to the Nodes in Fixed or Mutable Signs:
This creates a greater challenge to express relationship and Art in a wider way which takes into account the needs of a group.
North Node in Scorpio:  
My karmic mission is to face the transformative nature of life, including my own fears, and to search for the hero within.
Integrated Nodal Axis of Taurus and Scorpio:
Balance between the material and non-material worlds and to understand when it is time for new beginnings when forms in life are to be sustained and supported and to know when the time is right for endings.
South Node in Gemini
Mercury conjunct South Node
Archetype:  The Teacher
Place:  America
Time: 1920s
I am a born teacher.  My name is Carina and I live in Chicago in the 1920s.  I am stimulated by all the exchange of views going on here, and the inspiring architecture.  My friends discuss the evolutionary theory of Darwin and the new science of Psychology as developed by Sigmund Freud.  Very interesting in theory, but I wouldn’t actually want to go to see an Analyst! I love knowledge, and I love my subject, and that’s what motivates me.  
The gift I bring with from this past life is the ability to focus the mind and the mental agility to communicate my knowledge to people.
Mercury square to the Nodes in Mutable Signs:  
The drive to communicate can sometimes be taken to extremes or be inappropriate, or result in losing sight of other more instinctual needs.
North Node in Sagittarius:
My karmic mission is to widen my area of consciousness and to explore mentally, if not also physically.
Integrated Nodal Axis of Gemini and Sagittarius:
To master the principle of communication and understand at what point in the continuum information needs to be placed.
South Node in Cancer
Moon conjunct the South Node
Archetype: The Parent
Country: Africa
Time:  1875 A.D.
My name is Ndola.  I live in a roundhouse, as part of a community and tribe.  I am an elder, right now devoted to my grandson, the newest member of our tribe!  I am happy as long as the milk is flowing for our babies.  Mother Earth sustains us, and we collectively honour her, in ritual and ceremony.  We also use her special plants and herbs for our healing.  Whenever I hear our drumbeats, I attune to her rhythms. Our tribe lives and moves as one, trance dancing to the patterns of the bright star Sirius.
The gift I bring with me from my past life is the ability to bring my tribe together.
Moon square to the Nodes:
 A need to build constructively the power of nurturing in your life.
North Node in Capricorn:
To understand the need for structures in society, which can serve the needs and emotions of the people.
Integrated Nodal Axis of Cancer and Capricorn:
To balance responsibility and nurturing in a supportive lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones.
South Node in Leo
Sun conjunct South Node
Archetype:  Royalty Place: Egypt
Time: 44 BC
My name is Cleopatra and I am Queen of Egypt.  Don’t you believe me?  I know, you’ve heard it all before.  Everybody wants to be me or thinks they are me!  But I am really the Queen.  Can you not tell I have the taste, and the breeding?  I want to express myself and be creative and joyful, and in order to do that I need to be in control of my world and all the subjects in it.  My Soul Group is working on divine rights (or diva rights).  My leading man Mark Anthony and I, we’ve have had our ups and downs, but you’d expect a little drama in the life of a Queen.
The gift I can bring to my current life is a sense of self-worth (if I can allow it in), keeping the crown jewels of nobility, integrity and self-esteem.
Sun square to the Nodes:  
May bring the urge to challenge power in others or in society.  Need to foster positive models of power.
North Node in Aquarius:  
Working towards ways of being in groups without dominating but in an empowered way.
Integrated Nodal Axis of Leo and Aquarius:  
Ability to stand in own individuality and in a group and contribute in a positive way without overpowering others.
South Node in Virgo
Mercury conjunct South Node
Chiron conjunct South Node
Archetype:  The Craftsperson
Place:  Switzerland
Time:  1850
My name is Hans and I am a specialist precision watchmaker in Zermatt. People don't try to take the trouble to do a fine job anymore, but here I uphold that tradition and hope it continues in generations to come.  I do not presume to understand the world, but I know my place in it.  I start with a spotless environment--you won’t find any dust in my watches!
The gift I bring with me to this life is the ability to apply myself in my work and attend to detail.  My nervous system remembers the patterns of coordination I used in the past.
Mercury square the Nodal Axis
- A need to be more sensitive and alive to varying demands in teaching roles.
Chiron square the Nodal Axis
- Very individualistic. Can find unusual solutions to problems.
North Node in Pisces:
Subtle ways of being, and of giving service.  Perfecting the spiritual path.
Integration of Nodal Axis of Virgo and Pisces:  
The ability to give service, in the community and in the world.
“Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar.”
~ William Wordsworth
South Node in Libra
Venus conjunct South Node
Archetype: The Diplomat
Place: Ancient Greece 
Time: 421 BC
My name is Demis. I live in Corinth and try to smooth relations between  Athens and Sparta. I can see both their qualities and greatness and feel that I can bring them together.  There are plenty of people practising the art of war, but not enough cultivating the art of peace.  I love justice, too, having been educated in philosophy and law and hope one day that all people will accept the balance it brings. I am proud, too, of the artistic achievements of my country, which I think are outstanding. For beauty is truth and truth beauty, as you can see on this urn that I have before me. Maybe one day a poet will capture that essence.
The gift I bring with me to this life is the ability to bring people together by emphasizing their similarities, and creating harmony.  Deep in my heart, I desire peace.
Venus square the Nodal Axis in Cardinal or Mutable signs
The path of true love does not always run smoothly.  Dedicated to working out karmic relationships and to working problems out peacefully.
North Node in Aries:  
To develop individuality without fear or guilt.  To learn self-assertion.
Integrated Nodal Axis of Aries and Libra:  
This entails knowing when to assert yourself, when to be peaceful, when to be selfish and when to yield.
South Node in Scorpio
Pluto conjunct South Node Archetype:  The Seafarer
Place: Scandinavia
Time: 1002 A.D. My name is Erik and I am a Viking.  I have a lot of emotional drive and energy. Weaving through our local waters, I just have to look into the fjords to regenerate myself.  I couldn't live my life cut off from that source like some lands we have visited.  I like a challenge and don’t necessarily do things the easy way.  The force of the Norse gods is with me!
The gift I bring with me from this past life is to be unafraid of deep water, whether in nature or in one’s own psyche.
Pluto square to the Nodes:  
To see the challenges of life and society and not to shy away from them.  A bit of a revolutionary.
North Node in Taurus:
Working towards a more creative and constructive lifestyle or spiritual path.
Integrated Nodal Axis of Taurus and Scorpio:
Balance between the material and non-material worlds and to understand when it is time for new beginnings, when forms in life are to be sustained and supported, and to know when the time is right for endings.
South Node in Sagittarius
Jupiter conjunct South Node Archetype:  The Explorer
Place: South America
Time:  1836 A.D.
I am Rodriguez and I am an explorer. I have been everywhere, searching for...something.  Last year I came across an ancient temple, pyramid-like, resembling something from Babylon. Hidden away behind thickets it was. I'm a Christian but I've always been fascinated by the sacred, where man communes with God or the gods. Anyway, you'll never believe it (why am I telling you this?) but I ran. I ran right away because I couldn't handle the responsibility!  It's the thrill of the chase, for me, with temples.
The gift I bring with me from this past life is open-mindedness, especially towards other religions.
Jupiter square to the Nodes:  
May have the Explorer Archetype in past lives and may need to balance your restlessness in this lifetime.  There may also be residual religious guilt to release.
North Node in Gemini:
The need to focus the mind and develop the Inner Teacher
Integrated Nodal Axis of Gemini and Sagittarius:
To master the principle of communication and understand at what point in the continuum information needs to be placed.
South Node in Capricorn
Saturn conjunct South Node Archetype:  The Politician Place: Russia
Time: 1905 My name is Piotr, and I whisper in the corridors of power. But even the whispering has rules. You speak
only when you are spoken to
by someone above your rank. You only speak that which is necessary and the bare minimum and for a serious purpose.  Every word is weighed carefully.  And information is classified, on a need-to-know basis.  Sssh!  I cannot tell you anything at the moment.  Sometimes you'd think this was an old Trappist monastery.
The gift I bring with me from this past life is discipline, the ability to be measured and work quietly towards my goal.
Saturn square the Nodal Axis:  
Being so focused and goal-orientated, there’s a need to remember to keep the heart open.  
North Node in Cancer:  
Family values and parenting nurtured and the strong sense of the tribe and its needs.
Integrated Nodal Axis for Cancer and Capricorn:
To balance responsibility and nurturing in a supportive lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones.
South Node in Aquarius
Uranus conjunct South Node  
Archetype:  The Technician Place: Atlantis
Time: 50,000 B.C.
My name is Barbarella.
I live in Poseidia, and I am androgynous, but that might change in the future.  I use lasers and crystals in my work, and my group is helping to develop a large crystal we call “the Collider", which has great potential.  Tremendous intelligence is networked within the group, and I’m excited by all the new developments.  I certainly know the work we do is powerful… sometimes I do wonder about the consequences but brush any such thoughts aside.  It'll be fine. I'll just press this button and....
The gift I have brought into my current life from Atlantis is future vision and a love of progress and technological advancement.  I have the capacity for dispassionate scientific thought.
Uranus square the Nodal Axis
: Indicates the need to apply knowledge and inner knowing ethically and safely on behalf of groups and society.  There is a desire to shake up the existing order.
North Node in Leo:  
The need to develop a stronger relationship with one’s own power, the integration of the personality, and to strengthen self-esteem.
Integration of the Nodal Axis for Leo and Aquarius:
Ability to stand in one’s own individuality and in a group and contribute in a positive way without overpowering others.
Confusion is the highest state because it comes just before knowing. ~ Suzuki
South Node in Pisces
Neptune conjunct the South Node
Archetype:  The Mystic Place: Polynesian islands
Time: 1200 A.D.
My name is Enui, and I come from Rapa Nui (Easter Island).  Well part of me lives here, but I come from other places, too.
We have a mystical consciousness, moving and shape-shifting in and out of different dimensions.  As a fishing race, sea creatures are sacred to us, especially the Turtle.  I have seven parallel lives, including one on the Pleiades.  I can see you find that hard to believe.  Why limit your consciousness?
The gift I have brought forward into my life is multidimensional consciousness, a way of being which is still in the memory banks for access.
square to the Nodes:  
Confusing to yourself and others, but at the same time challenging them to open their minds, confusion being part of the transition state.
North Node in Virgo:  
The karmic mission is to hone your skills, be aware of detail, moving away from scattered thinking and action.
Integration of Nodal Axis for Virgo and Pisces:
 The ability to give service, in the community and in the world.
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Libra – April 10/11, 2017
By Simone M Matthews Monday, April 10th, 2017  Relationships are the flavour of this weeks Libra Full Moon on the 10/11 April.   
You may have already felt quite an intense polarity building – one that is calling us to take a leap out of our heads and move deep into our Hearts.
The pull of opposing forces is so strong, you may find yourself oscillating between happiness & apathy, wealth & poverty, lust & comfort at the drop of a hat.   You may at times feel deliciously sexy & running hot through your trantric desires…. and then suddenly feel the cool embrace to retreat within, akin to the Hermit in the Tarot.
Please keep reading down the page where I share with you the following:
General Meaning of the Energy of Full Moons Energy of our April 10/11, Full Moon Energy of other Aspects – Uranus, Jupiter, Spica, Arcturus, Retro Plants & Galactic Centre/Saturn that are contribute to this months Full Moon energy. Once again we have a very powerful month ahead…. sharing with you how to make the most of these truly transformational celestial events ☆
The mid-point of our 29 day lunar cycle is marked by the Full Moon.  During a Full Moon, the Moon is sitting opposite the Sun and is fully illuminated as it reflects the light of the Sun.
The Moon & the Sun emanate frequencies and these energy waves influence the tides, and all life forms on Earth, including human behaviour & consciousness.  In addition, during a Full Moon, both the Moon & Sun are opposing each other on opposite sides of the zodiac… which can make for a challenging or intense aspect of energy but also a very potent potential as the Lunar & Solar (yin & yang) are in natural harmonic balance.
The SUN represents our ‘outer-world’, our identify, our personality, our ego.  It represents how we ‘shine our light’ out into the world, the present moment, our yang or masculine archetype expression.  The Sun offers us strength, courage and illuminated insight of the Soul.
The MOON represents our ‘inner world’, our hidden emotions, desires, our shadow-self, fears/worries and our dreams.  It represents our feelings, our unconscious beliefs, the past and our yin or feminine goddess archetype.  The Moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence.
ENERGY: Full Moon – April 10/11
Full Moon in LIBRA & Sun in ARIES (21.330 Libra – 21.330 Aries)
Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression Libra (Air) – Romantic, indecisive, harmony, social, helpful Aries (Fire) – Leader, impatient, risk taker, action-oriented, outgoing
Monday, 10 April 2017 – 11:08 pm PDT (USA/Canada) Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 2:08 am EDT (USA/Canada) Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 7:08 am BST Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 6:08 am UTC Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 4:08 pm AEST (Australia) Tuesday, 11 April 2017 – 6:08 pm NZST (New Zealand) View times in your City/Country>
During the LIBRA Full Moon, the moon is reflecting the light of the SUN in ARIES.
This is a full moon to acknowledge the world around you is but a reflection of you.
This full moon highlights that underneath the physical facade, we are all the same… and united in our commonality we can change the world for the better.
It is our amazing diversity (Aries) that creates the whole in balance and harmony (Libra) – so lets all join together in a Heart-Space this full moon and have gratitude for the amazing array of life on this planet and honour the unity of all creation.
This full moon is the first of three powerful full moons as follows:
1. Christ Full Moon – April 10/11, 2017   (Sun in Aries) Honour of the Christ within all of us / within all of Creation
2. Wesak Full Moon* – May 10/11, 2017  (Sun in Taurus) Buddha’s birthday, honouring the God within all of us / within all of Creation.
3. Goodwill / World Invocation Day Full Moon  – June 9, 2017 (Sun in Gemini) Honouring of spiritual unity in humanity.
Wesak (or Vesak) is the first full Moon in Taurus – the time when the veil is thinnest between the higher dimensional planes (6th Dimension Pleiades, 7th Dimension Sirius & 8th Dimension Galactic Core) and the Earthly plane (1st Dimension Crystalline Earth’s Heart).
On Wesak, we commemorate the birth, enlightenment and the passing of Buddha – all of which took place during the Sun in Taurus Full Moon.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the spiritual ruler of Earth. Venus represents the Divine Feminine – the Mother Mary (May is the Month of Mary).   During the Wesak Full Moon it is said that a divine Pentagram of Venusian Light opens a portal to Shambhala (the number 11 in numerology) through our Hearts.
We are called on the Wesak Full Moon to SURRENDER (number 5 in numerology – the Pentagram) and simply receive the LIGHT (11 in numerology), the ENERGY (11 in numerology) & HEALING (11 in numerology).
We then emerge from the Wesak Full Moon in an awakened state of WISDOM (11 in numerology) & ENLIGHTENMENT (11 in numerology) = 11:11
ENERGY: Other Full Moon Aspects
We have so many other prominent astrological aspects this week, that our April 2017 Full Moon is feel quite intense.
As I mentioned at the top of the page, you maybe feeling the pull of opposing forces in a strong way, having you oscillate between happiness & apathy, wealth & poverty, lust & comfort at the drop of a hat.   You may at times feel deliciously sexy & running hot through your trantric desires…. and then suddenly feel the cool embrace to retreat within, akin to the Hermit in the Tarot.
Sharing with you the energy of the major planetary aspects of our April Full Moon to help you embrace the highest outcome.  You may also like to refer to the image right (click on image to enlarge).
URANUS opposition MOON & conjunct SUN
With Uranus, simply ‘expect the unexpected’.  Uranus is like a wildcard of the pack, unpredictable, original and out of the box thinking.  Uranus can spark revolutions as it has its gaze on more humanitarian, freedom loving and unconventional pursuits.
During this Full Moon, Uranus (24.170 Aries) is conjunct the Sun (21.330 Aries) and hence in opposition to the Moon (21.330 Libra) – creating a very emotionally charged Full Moon.
You may feel stuck in a situation/relationship in your life and have a compelling desire to break free or escape from the turmoil.  Try not to create too much drama for yourself (in other words don’t let your head get too carried away with your story) or make any impulsive decisions during this Full Moon aspect.  It would be more wise to allow the Sun in Aries show you a ‘higher’ vision of what is possible and surrender to these insights from a place of Love, Compassion & Grace.
JUPITER (retrograde) conjunct MOON & opposition Sun / Uranus
Jupiter (abundance, luck & expansion) is currently expressing itself through Libra (harmony, justice, truth, partnership, social, diplomacy) until Oct 2017 AND currently moving in a retrograde transit through Libra until June 10, 2017. 
During this Full Moon, retrograde Jupiter  (17.490 Libra) is conjunct the Moon (21.330 Libra) and hence in opposition to the Sun  (21.330 Aries) conjuncting Uranus (24.170 Aries).
With Jupiter conjuncting the Full Moon, a little honesty is being called into play.  Time to take a REALLY big look at yourself and own the ‘source’ of problems in your relationships.   Our April Full Moon is in Libra  (ruled by Venus) and Venus Retrograde is conjunct Chiron this Full Moon… meaning some of your deepest woundings in relationships maybe coming to the surface – rich & ripe for deep inner-healing.   Let the healing begin and find solace in your heart as Venus turns direct again on April 14/15, 2017.
GRAND CROSS – Jupiter/Moon, Uranus Saturn, Vesta & Pluto/Juno
A highly charged GRAND CROSS (or Golden Square) is taking the energy to a higher octave again this April Full Moon – with  JUPITER/MOON in opposition to SUN/URANUS and squaring both VESTA (24.130 Cancer) and  JUNO (16.120 Capricorn)  which is conjuncting PLUTO (19.230 Capricorn).
VESTA is an asteroid/minor planet and rules Virgo.  Energetically VESTA is the Priestess, the Goddess that flames the embers of your deepest passions, urges you to play out your tantric desires and guides you into being deliciously ripe, rich & abundant.   VESTA in Cancer is deeply emotional & drawing upon karmic bonds with family/past lives.
JUNO is an asteroid and energetically it is very similar to VENUS – though JUNO leans toward committment (whereas Venus tends to be more about initial attraction & desire).  JUNO in Capricorn is practical, pragmatic and ready to do what it takes to make things work.
PLUTO is the planet of transformation and induces us to look into the deep recesses of our subconscious and transform that which doesn’t serve.  Of course we all have free will & choice… but Pluto has a unique way of pushing your buttons and ‘making you’ transform or else !  Pluto can be pretty intense, but it can also make things happen !  Pluto is about death & birth, destruction & reformation, and endings & beginnings.
So, as I am sure you can gather from reading everything above, you may be feeling pulled in many directions of the Heart/Mind during this GRAND CROSS Full Moon. 
You may feel frustrated in the story of your relationships or feel a deep sadness/loss over what your head says is missing… what you can see ‘others’ have and a deep desire/wish that you had that too !
Pluto will be calling you deep into the recesses of your shadow to discover where this story of lack/unlucky in love/poverty/jealousy/limitation is coming from and JUNO won’t let you ease up until the full story has been uncovered.  And URANUS & JUPITER will be meddling in this process with a tug-of-war battle… taking you deep into your karmic / ancestral / familial traits.
This is a POWERFUL Full Moon to re-write and become very clear about what the energy of the Goddess / Priestess / Seductress / Tantric-ess means to you.  AND – and this is the IMPORTANT PART – then be willing to step into the HEART of what you feel with exhuberant joy… particularly as VENUS moves direct on the 14/15 April.  
The choices you make NOW will ripple through ALL of your relationships over the comings months (up until our September eclipses).   You have the opportunity to transmute deep ancestral karmic threads and move into a whole new sphere of beingness in the relationship with self.
On a greater planetary scale, I see the polarity of relationships taking centre stage in the lead up to the eclipse season over August/Sept.  We will be faced with the security/safety of staying small, doing what our community leaders, government heads, corporate powers say is the ‘right thing to do’… OR choosing to own our power and follow what our HEART knows is TRUTH & the path of living authentically.
Inevitably, this can lead to destruction, a battle (both inside and out) and a war of sides.   As you follow your HEART choose to do so from a place of LOVE, COMPASSION & KINDNESS… which will help transmute the trauma and keep you grounded in the face of fear.
Add to the mix of our Full Moon / Jupiter conjunction, we also have two Fixed Stars SPICA & ARCTURUS conjuncting the Moon.
Here is a great picture of the Moon, Jupiter & Spica on April 10/11.
SPICA is the brightest Fixed Star in the Virgo Constellation and exudes energy similar to Mars & Venus.   She seeks to move, express, create and express sexuality.  Spica charges are kundalini energy to attract wealth, sexual partners & success… and on a higher octave the channelling of mystical wisdom.
ARCTURUS is a Fixed Star in the Bootes Constellation and exudes energy similar to Mars & Jupiter.  He seeks prosperity, public recognition, fame, fortune & mastery.
Both these Fixed Stars are conjuncting our 21.330 Libra Full Moon – SPICA (24.050 Libra) & ARCTURUS (24.290 Libra).
Once again they are amplifying the ‘relationship’ theme of the GRAND CROSS.. gifting us insight to where we may prostitute ourselves or sells ourselves out in order to been ‘seen’ as successful, attractive or having achieved.  They will inspire us to take a higher path, a path that serves something greater than ourselves and becomes the sources of these qualities in others.
And to make this FULL MOON & her associated aspects even more interesting this month, we have 4 planets in Retrograde  (appearance of moving backwards) – VENUS, MERCURY, JUPITER & SATURN.
When a planet is Retrograde it’s energy becomes more inward.  During this inward phase, we have the opportunity to review or reflect our ‘inner-self’ as it relates to the past.  The past maybe this life, or could even relate to previous incarnation of the Soul. Whilst a retrograde planet can have a bad rap of creating chaos within our lives, in actual fact these ‘challenges’ produce wonderful opportunities for growth.   As the pot is ‘stirred up’ and what is unconscious comes to the surface… it represents a wonderful opportunity for healing, shifting old energy and being greater degrees of joy and self-love.
VENUS: represents the Divine Feminine  archetype, the embodiment of love, beauty, sensuality, passion & desire.  Venus is often experienced as the great attractor – both how we attract things into our lives and our attractions to things in our lives. By things I am referring to relationships, resources, possessions, & money.   When VENUS transits retrograde, you may find that the world takes on a different hue.  What you previously experienced as beautiful, seductive and tantalisingly sexy, now tends to be seen through different eyes.  This is not bad, but rather a primal urge to move deeply into the recessess of the Goddess and uncover a more transcendent LOVE & beauty than you have ever experienced before.   Venus Retrograde makes way for the for the flourishing of a deeply primal ancient feminine energy that is enduring and deeply transformative.
MERCURY: rules all communications such as computers, phones, travel, electronics and all business/personal communications & documentations.  When mercury moves retrograde and into the darker recesses of our psyche, this may herald a time of misunderstandings, mis-communications, computers & electronics crashing and plans going haywire !
Rather than perceive Mercury Retrograde as a negative time, I prefer to work with the energy as a wonderful ‘inward’ time to recalibrate my visions and move forward in conscious action when Mercury moves direct.   It is also a fabulous time to tie up all those lose ends, old projects and things that you just never got around to finishing.
Of course if things do start to go ‘pear-shaped’, well that just means it is a time to do something else, or to do the job differently… see it as a time to learn a new skill, think laterally and solve problems from a higher level of consciousness.
JUPITER: rules expansion, freedom, wisdom, travel, foreign affairs, abundance and good luck.  It is a social and jolly planet, working with the collective as it spends about 1 year in every sign of the zodiac.
When Jupiter is retro, this energy is reflected inward and we are guided to reevaluate our spiritual beliefs, our societal ethics and our philosophical approach to life.  It is a time of truth-seeking and finding the deeper meaning in all aspects of life. Travel plans can be delayed or cancelled during Jupiter retro.  This is a time to slow down and give focus to your personal belief systems and understandings of success and abundance.  This is also not the best time to take big risks, or spend up big.. but rather do your research, ponder and follow your inner-guidance when Jupiter moves direct.
SATURN: is referred to as the planet of karma, discipline or the dispenser of justice.  It is a factual planet that induces us to face our personal reality, and is thorough, unrelenting and breaks down our control issues.  I like to view Saturn as a wise old sage.
When Saturn is retro, it is not a time to take short-cuts, but an opportunity to take things slowly and do it correctly the first time around.. or you may find you will be revisiting the project over and over again.  It is a time to understand your limitations or limitations of those around you and practice patience.   Authority maybe also be an issue at this time, and you may feel like ‘fighting the system’ be it in your family, place of work or the greater sphere of community or government.  When Saturn is retrograde there also tends to be a lack of boundaries.. so be mindful of saying YES to everything and then feeling overwhelmed and a loss of power.
Take the opportunity during Saturn retro to do some deep soul searching, assess what needs to change and prepare for this change once Saturn moves direct.  It is a time to assess our failures, learn from our mistakes and emerge from the introspection with wisdom and understanding.
The Galactic Centre is the central black/white hole of our Milky Way Galaxy – or as I refer to in Crystal Light Healing, the 8th Dimensional Portal of the Cosmic Gateway (Cosmic Heart), that is a mirror reflection of the 1st Dimensional Portal of the Earth Gateway (Earths Heart).
The Galactic Centre is a powerful transmitter of energy waves known as ‘Waves of Love’.  Since 1987, the vibrational frequency of these Waves of LOVE have been increasing in intensity and will continue to do so as we move toward 2040, the Golden Age. These Waves of Love are facilitating a shift in consciousness; an evolutionary leap for humanity into a new Earth; an awakening of humanity from the dream and into a multi-dimensional reality.
Coming into 2017, the Galactic Centre was/is:
Conjunct our Sun on the 18 December 2016, drawing us to step into our Greater Evolutionary Purpose. Then on our February 2017 Lunar Eclipse  the Galactic Centre (GC) played a major role in the Stellar Pentagram Now for the next 6 months (Feb to June 2017) planet Saturn will be conjuncting Galactic Centre at 27.05 Sagittarius. Saturn is the bringer of wisdom, our deep exploration of our karmic-ancestral beliefs & imprintings and the awakening to wisdom of the Soul.   When Saturn conjuncts the Galactic Centre… we are bringing an end to the old stories of our lives, our world, our human experience and simply setting ourselves FREE.  We close the chapter on our lives of having to follow rules that constrain our wildly passionate Hearts and step into an awakened story of divine beauty and Sacred Wealth of Soul.
As Saturn conjuncts our Galactic Centre over the following months in the lead up to our August 2017 eclipses, those who are prepared to embrace change with WHOLEHEART, who are prepared to step into the unknown (as scary and as vulnerable as that may make them feel)… will catalyse a tsunami of LOVE WAVES set to transform the world stage.. unlike anything we have seen/experienced in our lifetime.
You may wish to join me for my The Soul of Wealth – Soul Session Webinar this month – where I support you every step of the way to BE this Tsunami of LOVE WAVES ♡
OmAhOm © Simone M. Matthews www.UniversalLifeTools.com
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 1   Categories : Blog, Monthly Energy Reports Tags : April 2017 Juno, April 2017 Sun in Aries, April 2017 Vesta, Fixed Star Arcturus, Fixed Star Spica, Full Moon April 2017 Retrogrades, Full Moon Astrology April 2017, Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, Full Moon energy April 2017, Full Moon Libra, Full Moon opposition Uranus, Grand Cross April 2017, Grand T Cross Jupiter Uranus Pluto Categories Blog Weekly Inspirational Films Spiritual / Metaphysical Simone's Musings Interviews & Media Essence of Angels Enlightened YOU EarthlyBliss DNA Awakening Crystal Light Healings Community Events Astrology / Cosmology Monthly Energy Reports Archives Archives  Latest Posts  New Moon + Venus Retro - March 27-28, 2017 March 27th, 2017 Sharing with you the energy of our March New Moon in Aries + the influence of Venus Retrograde t...  Equinox + International Happiness Day March 19th, 2017 Today - 20 March 2017 - we come together for International Happiness Day PLUS our March Autumn/S...  Full Moon in Virgo - March 12/13, 2017 March 9th, 2017 Our Virgo Full Moon on the 12/13 March is amplified this month with Chiron & Pallas Athena o...  Venus Retrograde in Aries - March-April 2017 March 3rd, 2017 On March 4/5, 2017, our planet Venus - The Goddess - moves retrograde in Aries for the next 6 we... Tags 000 year 13 26 2013 energy shift Asteroid 2012 DA14 C/2011 L4 C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) C/2012 S1 Cardinal Grand Cross chinese new year 2013 conscious evolution crystal courses crystal essences crystal healing crystal healing courses crystal healing workshops crystal healing workshops sydney crystal light healing crystals crystal workshops Cygnus X-3 Divine Feminine essence of angels healing lemuria Maya prophecies Merkabah metatrons cube numerology Oort cloud Orphiuchus sacred ancient wisdom Simone M. Matthews simone matthews Spirited travellers Spirited Travellers Events Spiritual Events super moon Sydney Crystal Light Healing Courses The Divine Femine Universal Life Tools USA Essence of Angels WAVE X WAVE X September 2015 year of the Snake 
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mistyawe · 8 years
The tyranny of the male shadow
Here’s what I promised! I will post about sacred masculinity in the following weeks. The goal is to explore and open discussion about what’s going on here. 
Throughout the world we can see that the way we perceive a strong, desirable or successful man is through his power and control over someone or something, the ability to be analytic and governed by reason. Men are in a position of power and of advantage over women. We see women as a symbol of weakness, property and passivity. Furthermore, the concept of femininity has been permeated with this, so if a man shows any of the qualities of a woman or femininity, he is seen as weak and unmanly. In addition, if a man shows attraction towards another man, it is seen as unmanly and the main reason is that if you engage in sexual intercourse with another man, one of them will adopt the passive or feminine role thus giving up his power and being submissive to another man (Some think if you are the active part you’re not homosexual or feminine). If a man embraces his kind aspect and also his receptive aspect we see him as feminine (which is not desirable for a man) Why do we equate femininity with weakness, and in the case of men, with unmanliness? Some of this comes from the idea of women being productive only when they procreate, if they do not fulfill this task they are not useful. So all the the other qualities of femininity such as tenderness, sensuality, kindness and wisdom are seen as unprofitable, they don’t matter and distract us from our goal of conquest, growth and strength. Why have we come to a point in which masculinity and femininity cannot be thought of as overlapping in several aspects? Why do we perceive them as polar concepts? And most importantly, why do we think this way of being a man is healthy? Here I will try to explore the idea of the masculine archetypes and how we have been living under the shadow of crooked primordial images, such as the Tyrant instead of the King, who is strong but kind at the same time. 
One of the main roots for this problem I believe, and as Robert Moore said, is the lack of rites of passage. We live in a society in which we are disconnected from three aspects of human life:  -From nature. We see ourselves as separate from beasts, plants and earth. We have grown thinking we own the earth and that we are above the animal realm. We actually form part of nature and of the animal realm. -From idea of community. We work and live thinking of ourselves as individual beings pursuing our personal goals, we do not care about the others and we often use them to get what we want. We have evolved and grown as a species thanks to group work, thanks to cooperation and interdependence. We should go back to what made us what we are. -From knowing ourselves. We do not look inwards, we chase desire after desire. Here I talk specifically about the acquisition of things and of social status. We are distracted all day long and we don’t care to put any attention to our emotions, mental state and body. So if we are away from all three aspects, we forget the interconnectedness of everything and also we forget about the importance of growth. In the modern world it is not needed from us to grow psychologically the way our ancestors did. We have everything at hand. Se we as men, are spoiled children who are always in a fight of power. If we mature, we do so in a crooked way. Rites of passage were meant to mark the end or death of a stage in life and the birth of another one. So if we have a divine child, he has to die to complete the cycle so that the man, the King is given birth to. The same goes to all the archetypes. What we have left as rites of passage nowadays in the modern world is merely a representation of those rites of passage and thus, they do not serve as shifters of the psyche.
So I’ve talked about the archetypes and now I will try to break down a little how they are organized so that we can begin to talk about them in relation to us in an individual way and later in a social way:
Each archetype is divided into two main aspects: the boy and the man. So to each archetype there is a immature aspect and a mature aspect. Now, each of these two have not one but three aspects: The harmonic aspect and the two shadows. We can look at them as pyramids. The harmonic one on the top and the shadows on the lower sides. We want to be aligned to the harmonic aspect of the archetype in order to be centered and healthy men. Also we want to successfully transition from the boy to the man. The archetypes that we will explore are: The King, The Lover, The Magician and The Warrior, with their respective shadows. 
Do you want to say something about this? What do you think about the current masculinity? How was it at home while growing up? How do you feel now? What do you think about the rites of passage?
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