#harpy benny au
therummonster · 6 months
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we'll see if this becomes canon in the cycle of thoughts i have.
i really have improved in drawing, i will say.
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thepiratefish · 6 months
Popcross Aus:
1 Voices au: The fandoms persona / version of themselves can talk to Benny / what he's talking to when he breaks the fourth wall,
2 Magma Benny au: (Created by Bluedragon on Ao3 I suggest checking it out) Benny was kidnapped by a cult and became half Magma cube,
3 Swap Au: All the jobs are swapped (such as being an overseer or a geneticist)
4 Benny's ex: Aka, THIS MOTHER- Created by @therummonster and a guy the entire Popcross Fandom would kill in a seconde,
5 Dnd au: All the characters are basically DND Characters, created by @sapphirebluephoenix
6 Adoptive au: Benny adopts Mara and Anna,
7 Cult of the lamb Au: you can already tell, Created by @therummonster
8 Hot Chocolate Au: Everything's the same Champange just wasn't aware his job was putting hitchochlate in the coffee makers instead of actual coffee,
9 Harpy Au: Benny's just a Harpy
Aus made by @orangesideirrational So if your interested about them ask them :]
1: DCP Benny au.
2: Werechamp au.
3: Evilben au.
4: Ghost Champange au.
5: YouTube champ au.
6: Pirate au.
Aus made by @moonpizzalol So if you're interested in them, ask them :]
1: Euthanasia au.
2: Touchtone bubblegum au.
3: Pokecross au.
4: Evil Champange au.
5: Evil benny au.
6: Trapped au.
7: Vampire Champnage au.
8: V347 au.
9: Hivemind au.
10: Champange works for Eloise au.
11: Evil Mara au.
12: slice of life au.
Aus made by @cartilagehumdrum So if you're interested in them, ask them :]
1: Popcross Warriors au.
2: Horror au.
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moonpizzalol · 10 months
y'know, i have a feeling you haven't fully scrolled down to see my:
1. A016 Apocalypse
2. Cult of the Herald
3. Harpy Benny au
4. list of benny's canonical injuries
5. i've already made the trio furries-
6. literally anything i've done to benny
7. archibald and zashchitnik whiplash art
um im sorry your WHAT LINKS LINKS NOW PLEASE PLEASE also i finally found out how to find asks yayyyyy
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crystallizedmiracle · 2 years
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monster AU cuz why not
Benny is a harpy like creature, House is a vampire
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izupie · 3 years
[barks] by Izupie
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Fandom: IT (movies)
Pairing: Eddie x Richie (Reddie)
Other Relationships: Richie & Ben Friendship, Minor Ben x Bev.
Rating: T+
Tags: Werewolf Richie, Monsters / Fantasy Creatures AU, Mutual Pining, College AU, The Werewolf Romance Story I Always Wanted To Read But It Doesn't Exist So I Wrote It Myself.
Eddie's got no idea that he's moved into a town filled with monsters, since he can't actually see them. So he also has no idea that his new friends include a vampire, a ghost, a witch, a harpy and a dryad. Or that his very best friend in the whole world just happens to be a werewolf - hiding his secret as best he can. (Which is not very well).
Richie knows it's a bad idea to accept Eddie's invitation to the Full Moon Fair, but he just can't say no. So now all he has to try and do is to find a way to stop his transformation, have a nice night, and keep his secret safe, which is all easier said than done in Derry. Oh, and being very much in love with him doesn't help either.
------- [Read on AO3] -------
Chapter 1 - In All Ways Except Physical....
Richie had thought – when he was marching to Ben’s house imagining what he could say to convince him to help – that he’d be above begging. But when he asked his question and was answered with a deep frown and a shake of his head, Richie found his hands clasped in front of his face before he could think about it.
“Please, Benny-Boy. C’mon you’ve gotta help me out, man.”
Ben’s frown tightened, but his eyebrows turned down in sympathy. “Rich… You know I can’t.”
“Ben-n-n,” Richie whined, trying to channel every time as a kid that he’d given his mom his best ‘puppy dog eyes’ – but all he could think about was how Eddie’s huge dark eyes proved that it didn’t matter that Richie was actually part wolf, he could do it much better.
Ben’s expression remained the same.
Richie readjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Look, I’m not asking for anything permanent. I know that can’t be done. I just want… one night. Just one.”
Ben sighed and rubbed at his face. “Richie…”
Watching Ben struggle made Richie feel like shit, because they all knew that he would try his best to help anyone with anything, and here he was putting him in a situation where he couldn’t win either way; he’d either help but do something he wasn’t comfortable with or refuse and let down a friend.
There was a smudge of soot on Ben’s chin, his pointed hat was slightly askew, and he smelt strongly of the mixture of sweet and sharp scented herbs that always clung to his robes. Richie’s wolf ears twitched as they caught the sound of flames crackling, firewood popping, and liquid bubbling from somewhere deep within.
“Aha, I thought you might say no – so I have a very solid case to present to you, and that case is…” Richie trailed off as he saw the beginnings of another apology form on Ben’s lips. Fuck. It was time to be serious. He took a deep breath and let all his vulnerabilities and fears and feelings for Eddie thrum through his chest as he cut the bullshit and said just one word, “Please.”
Maybe it was the lack of a punchline, or the expression he felt on his face; twisting with the hurt that was clenching his heart, but Ben closed his mouth and blinked in surprise. He stared hard at Richie and then finally straightened his hat as he quietly said, “You better come in.”
(Read the rest on AO3...)
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trisscar368 · 7 years
I have no idea why you guys wanted this but - @gneisscastiel, @helianthus21, here’s my list of angel and hunter wings as relates to the Wings!verse.  I apologize to everyone on mobile, this is long.
Lucifer - Golden Eagle
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Michael - Bearded Vulture
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Raphael - Andean Condor
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Gabriel - Brahminy Kite
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Castiel - osprey
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Naomi - Barn Owl
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Anna - Harris Hawk
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Samandriel - Saw-whet
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Balthazar - Red kite/bateleur eagle
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Hannah - Siberian white goshawk
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Gadreel - Wedge-tailed Eagle
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Metatron - Northern Shrike
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Uriel - Horned Owl
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Joshua - Harpy Eagle
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Zachariah - black-and-white hawk eagle
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Sam - Tawny Eagle
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Dean - Golden Saker
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Jo - Sparrow Hawk
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John - Jackal Buzzard
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Mary - white bellied sea eagle/grey falcon
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Jess - White red-tailed hawk
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Charlie - Savannah hawk
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Claire - crowned Eagle
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Adam - crested serpent eagle
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Kevin - Blyth Eagle
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Ketch - martial eagle
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If you’re wondering what the heck I mean by Wings!verse, I got bored one day and wanted wingfic.  And then reverse!verse wingfic.  And then I wanted everyone having wings.  So I may have concocted an alt-canon au that just... gives everyone wings >.>  This is also why Rowena isn’t on the list; witches have... differently colored wings, by the rules I’ve set up.  Also Benny’s a bat.
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About the Mun
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Sam or Spider 30+ year old artist Timezone UTC-05:00
Pronouns: Ey/Em, He/Him, She/Her, basically whatever
I’m horrible at spelling and mess up words sometimes, I try and proofread and spell check before posting, but if you see a glaring mistake or something doesn’t make sense, let me know and I’ll fix it.
My Muses
Benny is based on Egyptian mythology, she was born in the Old Kingdom era and lived in Egypt through the bronze age collapse and began venturing out during the Ptolemaic dynasty, eventually leaving entirely and has spent the time since wandering the world.
Dee and Bessie are harpies based off Greek mythology and are related to Aello. However their stories start long after the fall of the ancient Greek nations, starting with Bessie’s birth of Pompeii.
Sonny is a mermaid based of Indian mythology and her story starts during the British Raj and is very influenced by the Christian and Islamic shifts happening in the world around her, making her feel isolated from her culture. The ‘witch’ in her story being a western colonizer.
I’m Semi-Selective: I will rp with most fandoms and ocs and love cross-fandom and AUs. I prefer compatible writing styles however, and for bios and rules to be available. I’m also not huge into weird formatting and prefer standard writing formats but I’m fairly flexible.
Not Mutual Exclusive: even if I don’t follow you, feel open to message me or send in asks. Especially if you’re a side blog.
I don’t mind personals following me just DO NOT reblog threads you’re not involved in. Please!
Basic Rules
No Godmodding 
No Smut with minors 
I’m extremely selective about smut in general, don’t expect it to happen. Currently I have all of 4 people I’m willing to write smut with.
Always respect your partners, we all have lives
Take your time, don’t rush threads, and IRL is more important than RP
I tag basic things such as “tw: blood” but if you need something specific tagged let me know, I’m happy to do so
Formatting and Posts
I always try and match length but my preferred is single or multi paragraph, sometimes I am very extra and write novella length. I have icons for Benny but I’m not super into icon style rp. The rest don’t have icons for at all yet.
My ooc posts will be under the tag “out of crocodiles (ooc)” and are mostly life updates and me rambling about my muses.
Romantic shipping is extremely selective but I’m very open to platonic or family relationships.
Activity Level
Too keep myself from burning out I run most of my replies through my queue and post 1-2 a day. If I’m really feeling a thread I may tag it directly but this will be a case by case and day by day thing. Generally assume the thread will be queued. I keep all of my current threads tracked, so feel free to check a threads status, I mark it when it goes into the queue.
Other Places to Find Me: @monsters-and-magic​ and @ourendlessrebirth​ (side blog), @silver-spider-art is my personal blog
Thank You so much for taking the time to read this! ♥
last updated 7/23/2021
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therummonster · 1 year
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here's another thing of Champagne and Benny just kinda vibin. ft an au i caused, and one i actually created.
{harpy benny au}fun fact: champagne can absolutely fuck up anyone in his work place, which he often feels tempted to do so. mostly cause they experiment on and traumatize his patients.
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therummonster · 1 year
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benny bird, pretty bird.
finally drew him before his wings were charred. he looks so happy and carefree! which is pretty accurate i'd say.
wrote out how they met below, enjoy!
Champagne stood against the railing of the balcony, he had a cigarette in his hand, but the sight before him was what was he was focusing on. The rhythmic flapping of wings as the thing before him stared just as curiously. He finally snapped out of his funk and put out the cigarette, then spoke.
"what the fuck."
They grinned and flapped over, champagne took a few steps back as the talons on its feet gripped the railing to prevent it from falling. It was practically casting a shadow over him as its wings fluffed up a slight amount, before they rested around it like a blanket.
"I didn't know y'all spoke like us!"
"again, what?"
The man with bird like features was cheerful, and apparently spoke english.
"I come from the mountains over there! I was just out searching for trinkets to bring back to my family, when I spotted you just existing. Hey where's your wings?"
"I don't have any, I'm not supposed to."
"I dunno, I'm just a human."
He titled his head slightly. It was kinda cute in a weird way.
"well either way I should probably return to my fam, meet you up here again in 3 days?"
He stood up, claws unhooking from the railing, and fell backwards. Champagne rushed to the edge in time to see him spin around in the air, unfurling his wings and flying back into cloud cover. He was gone from view and Champagne sighed, realizing that yet again he was completely unfazed by things such as this.
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therummonster · 1 year
maybe yesterday, or the day before, I decided to create this little au.
for some reason i have more explanation from champagne..
benny gets wings and more harpy like features. he's very much bird brain, interested by shiny things and finds Champagne's life cool. loves his wings and flying.
champagne actually gets to work with folks that have superpowers, but he more so acts like a therapist helping them get a handle on their superpowers. most of his patients still are heavily traumatized and dealing with stuff.
his bosses give him more privacy, but force him to allow his colleagues to also visit his patients... they do not care, their reckless experiments shines through with consequences when you even glance at the crash and burn on this au.
they met while champagne was takin a smoke break or something on a balcony. both stared at each other with fascination... and now every couple of days benny shows up to visit champagne and talk.
and so far the only other scene i can think of for the au is... the one time Burn had enough and got Crash to break a wall so the two could go on a rampage... killing anything in their way.
They find champagne, recognize him briefly so give him the chance to run, burn still sends out a big burst of fire, benny grabs champagne and shields them both from the fire.... with his wings.
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burn only stops because crash picked her up like a sack of potatoes and knew they had to run. but the damage has been done as benny passes out from the pain. will he recover? will he lose the one thing that gave him happiness before meeting champagne?
your guess is as good as mine. i'll probably try to flesh this out.
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therummonster · 1 year
I was wondering -
In the harpy Benny au, what the other chars?
Are they doctors like Champ or like Benny
Or are they just their normal selves?
lovely question, also love the new name! i'll talk about as many people as i can in order of appearance{multiverse tales wise}, sooo... line break.
also there's very few categories since i haven't quite figured out the stuff in between.
fun fact: the building is mainly for people with powers to be studied/helped with their powers. the entire building is tax exempt because improvements to the world have been made, and the alternative is not a pretty sight.
Mikayla Maciel is one of the more stable members in canon, but due to her overworking.. she basically comes in for regular appointments. she also qualifies for being apart of the therapy program since she can basically do what Charlie does in canon just without him. there was something given to her that seems to be helping and that is...
Charlie, or for a long while in this universe: CH41. this is a weird little box that can listen and give advice depending on the circumstance. it's actually a bit multipurpose, so basically imagine a lunch box with a screen. but this specific box is the last of the one's created, before the creator went poof. {insert spooky fnaf music}
the Sci-5 are all a bit like Kayla, just with trauma that haunts them every single time they close their eyes. woo! yeah they still follow canon pretty well.
Crash is one of the patients {as previously mentioned} and he has severe separation anxiety, so whenever Champagne has to talk to either of the duo privately he'll just casually give crash one of the companion pets.
Burn has an extreme hate for everything around her, she'll never admit it, but crash has kinda grown on her. she was the one that decided it was finally time for them to check out of this place.
Tayrun has the ability to slightly control wildlife, it's easier when they're in a state of calm. he also got to witness in person, the murder of his family! he's been a patient ever since he was 15.
Astra has the shapeshifting ability, but also can take someone's powers and give it to someone else. is likely there willingly as she can be commonly seen in the most not allowed spots possible, like faculty rooms while pouring gatorade into the coffee pot.
yeah, Ulitus still killed Tayrun's fam. he doesn't have as much plot importance, but his powers are like Tayrun's except it's easier for him to control them when they're fuckin pissed. also Astra knows it was him, just doesn't tell anyone cause they never ask.
Alexis and Sterling both follow canon nearly to a t, but they're both in therapy for basically the war that happened in their town that caused the death of numerous friends.
Heath... i don't really have anything planned for him. :/ he's doing pretty good in the mental health department, maybe he recommended Alexis and Sterling the place so they could get help? idk.
Benny! might as well throw him back in here. good quality bird boi, his family all have wings, at least as far as he's seen, and they moved up into the mountains about 25.5 miles away from the building, and far away from civilization.
Abigail is a scientist, one that Champagne absolutely despises for what she's been doing to any of the patients. she also regularly tries to get him to allow her to do these experiments, usually resulting in the sound of a bug trapped underneath an electric racket. course most of the others vouch for her cause their morals are also fucked.
Vasilia, like Heath, is on the more mentally stable side. probably drops in every month or so because of the were jaguar stuff.
Eloise is a supervillain that has never been caught or defeated, no one's been in a coherent enough state to explain what her powers are.
Champagne focuses more on the mental health side of things, and is probably the only therapist at his work. as mentioned prior he gets his own office because of the fact the higher ups can actually recognize he's apart of the improvements. he lost his arm to one of his patients, but continues to hold nothing against them. he'll also try his best to lose some of the serious tone so that way it's easier for the others to talk with him.
Unice is one of the higher ups, and i believe it was you that gave me the idea for her to basically have the goal of running a freakshow circus? i really liked that idea. Crash and Burn would probably be targeted for the starting cast to this as they were both abandoned by any family they had.
Mara!!!! dragged in by force after there were reports of a supervillain basically ripping cities in half, turns out she was just heavily mind controlled and had a whole lot of altercations to the point nobody actually knows who she used to be. the only piece of her past was a piece of jewelry that had a name, Coșmara Noroi.
Harold is a highly wanted man, on account for several cities just wiped off the map, multiple kidnappings, and the flat out dismemberment of heroes. the only reason his wanted poster says "wanted Alive" is because he's Eloise's favorite blorbo.
Archibald is still pretty much a gopher, benny's birdly instincts go brrrrrrrrr and first meeting it was the same encounter of a hawk vs mouse.
Jake and Anna were picked up off the streets post crash/burn break out. they only took a couple days before going "oh. this is actually pretty nice."
Kate followed close behind with high amounts of rage, she was literally knocked out and put in the most secure part of the building. Champagne still talks with her, and after figuring out she was searching for jake and anna, asks the two about her.
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therummonster · 10 months
Au Count, toss yours in a reblog plz
Nether Cult {ao3 story, go read. it's awesome.}
Cult of the Herald {i've been drawing it, cult of the lamb but popcross}
A016 Apocalypse {zombie apocalypse}
Harpy Benny {he's a harpy, and champagne has some respect in his life.}
Different Decisions {characters do something different, but they still all end u together because fate.}
Dimension Swap {character a suddenly is dealing with character b's life.}
Gods {i'd ask Tadpole}
Crystal Gems {i'd ask Tadpole.}
Divergent {Tadpole definitely made that one, i'm just along for the ride with that one. very good! much recommend for the two above as well!}
D&D {that one is actually canon}
Swap {the one with shampoo mcgregor. listen- it's everything about benny- but with champagne's voice. that's why it's so painful.}
Bomb {benny builds mini bombs that transport anything in a radius to a dead dimension. pirate fish reminded me of that.}
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