#harrison osterfield x latina reader
cherry-holland · 5 years
Amor Prohibido - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Mob!Harrison Osterfield x Mob!Latina!reader
Warnings: some violence in the beginning, mild language, just overall Latina sass, and Haz being a cocky lil shit 🙃
A/n: WELL HELLO YALL. I know it’s been a minute since I’ve said I was gonna finish this 🙃 but this time of year has been really hectic for me, and I haven’t had the time to finish it like I wanted to. BUT, it is finished, and here for y’all!!! Huuuuuge s/o goes to @the-southernbelle for helping me with getting this to be a coherent piece, and @beautifullydisconnected and @osterfield-holland-andcompany for being just fucking gems 🥺 enjoy the first chapter! 🤗
You heard the door slam open, and various different voices shouting in Spanish and English, blending into one. Your mom held onto your hand tightly while the other held a shiny pistol, shielding your tiny frame.
“Mama, what’s going on?” You asked, lip quivering in fear.
“Shhh, mija, it’s gonna be okay. Just keep quiet, mi amor,” your mom whispered, running her free hand through your hair.
You nodded as you tried to keep your mind off of the chaos happening upstairs. Unfortunately, it was impossible to do so because of the ferocity of everything going on above you. You snuggled closer into your mom’s chest, covering your ears to aid in easing your nerves, but when gunshots rang out, you gasped softly, your tiny ears not used to the sound being so close to you.
There was one particular loud bang that shook you and your mother to the core, and then...
“Mama, is it safe to leave yet?” You asked after a long string of silence, looking up into her eyes.
“I’m guessing so, mija. Just be quiet and stay close by me,” she replied, and you noticed a flash of fear and anxiousness cross her eyes for a split second before her gaze grew back to the same look of bravery and boldness you knew her to wear.
You two quietly crept up the stairs from the panic room, and immediately you smelled the gunshot residue that thickly hung in the air. Once you reached the top, you saw a pool of red on the floor, and your eyes widened.
“Close your eyes for me, mi princesa? And tell me your dream from last night, the one with the unicornios and the Maceta de oro?” Your mom said calmly as she surveyed the scene in front of her, squeezing your hand that she was holding in reassurance.
“Okay, mama,” you chirped, “but what’s that red stuff on the floor?”
“Oh, just some paint. I think your papa got into a little bit of a mess this time, there’s paint everywhere,” she whispered. “Now, go ahead and tell me the story.”
You nodded and rambled on about your dream, until you heard a blood-curdling scream from your mother. Your eyes flew open to find your father on the floor, surrounded by a massive puddle of red, similar to the one you saw when you exited the panic room. He had these odd little holes in his chest that were covered in crimson, that same crimson trickling down his unmovable body. A chill ran up your spine at the sight, but you had no clue why.
“Mama, why isn’t papa breathing?” You asked, examining the sight in front of you.
Your mother turned to look at you with the same fear and anxious look, but with an overwhelming sense of sadness that was flooding out of her flawless face. Sobs wracked her body as she saw your face change from innocence to understanding, her heart slowly breaking at the realization that her precious little girl is no longer going to have a normal childhood after all of this.
“Mija, papa is gone.”
You snapped out of your thoughts at the shrill sound of your sister, Marisol, calling out to you, causing you to groan and roll your eyes.
“Yes, Sol, what do you want?” You snarled, running your hands through your hair, ruby red nails peeking through your thick strands.
“Well, I wanted to go over with you just a couple of things for tonight,” Marisol responded sternly, igniting your annoyed mood.
An exasperated sigh left your lips as you looked up from your once-clean desk to face your right-hand woman. Her dark brown hair was perfectly curled and half-pulled back in a bun, the loose strands shining in the morning sunlight. Her black button-down top was rolled at the sleeves, black dress pants crisp and clean. Her bright red lips were a stark contrast to her olive skin, pursed as she waited for you to continue her daily update.
“Alright, go ahead,” you grumbled, leaning back into the sleek, black leather chair, crossing your arms over the long-sleeved red dress top you were wearing.
Marisol nodded as she continued, “First, we have the girls coming in at six to get ready for tonight. Second, that shipment of Bacardi is on schedule for this afternoon at twelve. And…”
You quipped a very nearly polished eyebrow at her, impatiently waiting for her to continue. “And what else, Marisol?”
Marisol cleared her throat, her hardened expression weakening before she replied, “The Osterfields will be in attendance.”
You rolled your eyes yet again as you placed your hands on your desk, folding them timidly. You’d heard about this other mob family that originated from London, and how they didn’t play well with other families. How they practically ran them out of the city, forcing them to either disbandon or flee from London and into the countryside. How their tactics were borderline sinister, and how they would stop at nothing to get what they want.
Unfortunately for them, you were not one to just give up.
Your family moved from New York to London after the huge success of your father’s underground strip club. Your father started the club when you were little, using it as a front to sell the most expensive drugs to the variety of dealers that surrounded the tri-state area. It went undetected for years, his connections with the NYPD being the massive benefactor to the success and longevity of the club and his deals.
However, the success came to a halt when your father was brutally murdered in your family home, with several of your uncles becoming casualties. Forgetting that day was nearly impossible since it was on replay all of the time, remembering the somber look on your mother’s face when she saw you father’s body, her clutching onto her swollen belly as she caressed your father’s face before his body was taken away by the coroner.
After that day, you were groomed to be the next boss of the family. Your mother took over most of it until you were 16, and since then you were running all operations - the club, the deals, etcetera. No one dared to speak out against your ascension to power out of respect for your father, and seeing how you dealt with the business--you had equally earned their respect. Just like your dad, you showed no mercy to those who try and cross you - if anything, you were less forgiving.
“Well, alright. If they want to scope us out and see what we’re made of, let’s give them a show, shall we, Sol?” You smirked, folding your hands neatly across your lap with a wicked glint in your eye.
“Y/n, need I remind you to not cause so much trouble tonight. We’ve only just got here to London, and we have yet to get these cops on our side,” Marisol warned. “So don’t do anything wild, loca.”
You let out a sharp laugh as you leapt out of your chair. “Sol, you know I show our camaradas the best time, don’t you worry.”
Marisol pursed her lips at your comment as you made your way out of the brightly lit office, the open windows streaming with golden light. “Alright, but no funny business.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” you turned on the heel of your red-bottomed stilettos mid-walk with a quirked brow and a devilish smirk as you made your way to your room to get ready for the evening, thoughts brewing for what was to come.
The flashing red lights and the booming bass of the bachata music that was flowing from the speakers of the club was fueling your excitement as you and your hijas arrived. You were thankful there was a line out the door that wrapped around the block, filled with posh Brits who wanted a fun night out at the new and intriguing club. Posh Brits with money to blow - you favorite kind of people.
You always loved being able to christen a new club opening - club goers anxiously waiting outside to see what kind of concoction they are in store for, the girls twirling around on the poles with wads of cash peeking from their underwear, the feeling of everyone not being able to pry their eyes away from you. The various mobsters you had come in contact with within the past eight years always acted the same - they saw you were a woman, and thought they could run you over or intimidate you. Unfortunately for them, they all found out quickly you were not to be messed with. It usually starts with a mild form of violence, a nip of the ear there and nearly strangling them to death there, but what really gets them is when you say who you are, and whose daughter you are. Your family name was not one to be messed with, and everyone knew it.
Entering in the club, you smoothed down the red, leather bodycon dress, long hair sashaying in the wind as you made your way through the massive crowd of people. Marisol was close behind you, her navy blue, off-the-shoulder bandage dress looking nearly purple under the vivid lights that illuminated the dance floor. You looked around to see everyone’s eyes glued to you and your ladies, and a wicked grin crept onto your face.
Got them right where I want them.
You made it to your secluded corner of the club, the bouncer unhooking the burgundy velvet rope to let you and your crew in. You took a seat on the cool white leather of the lounge chair as you immediately began discussing business with Marisol and the women that encompassed your circle when you hear the sound of someone clearing their throat.
You look up from your girls with a furrowed brow. Who the fuck would interrupt me like that? You thought as your eyes land on the culprit.
His dark blonde hair was neatly styled, the curls gently resting atop his head. Your eyes traveled down to his icy blue eyes, which were bearing a quizzical yet stern expression that could send even the toughest mobster shaking in their Italian leather shoes. He was wearing a cerulean three-piece suit with a crisp white button down, and the blue made his sparkling eyes stand out.
“My, my, my, what an honor it is to meet the Y/n Rivera,” The man draws with his accent thickening the tense air. “Really, it is an honor that you and your family are here. Never had such royalty in these streets before.”
You give the man in front of you a skeptical look as you get up from your seat, sauntering over to him with your infamous poker face painted on. “So you must be Harrison Osterfield, then. Never took you for a charmer.”
Harrison chuckled, looking down at the floor as his jaw goes slightly slack, a cocky expression encompassing his face. “In the flesh, darling.”
You pursed your lips and jutted your head towards the two men that were behind him, one with slicked back, dark brown curls, and the other with wild, auburn curls. “Who the fuck are they?”
“These are my right-hand men. Miss Rivera, this is Tom,” he gestured to the brunette on his right, “and this is Harry,” he turned his head towards the boy with the auburn hair. “Been with me from the start - they go where I go.”
The two men gave you a simple smile in response. You nodded your head with fake enthusiasm, and you stared at him unamused, waiting for him to continue on. “So, Mr. Osterfield, what is it that you’re here for?”
Harrison’s mouth twitched into a wicked smirk as he turned to Tom and Harry, and set his eyes back on yours. “What do you think I’m here for, Miss Rivera?”
“Well, I know how your operation works, Mr. Osterfield. You come in, intimidate the competition with your wit and confidence, and you think you can get anything you want with a snap of your fingers,” you demonstrated by pressing your fingers together, the snap echoing throughout the room, even with the loud music playing.
“But let me get things straight. You may have been the one to run these streets here, but now that I am here, this no longer applies. I am not one to be fucked with, do you understand? Not with your boyish charm, your looks, your money, or anything. Nothing you will ever say or do will ever get me to back down or even consider working with your family,” you snarled, getting up in the mobster’s face, which was red with anger. “So, Harrison, enjoy the fucking party. And if you ever try to pull this fucking shit again, your head will be on my silver platter. Understood?”
Everyone around the two of you was silent. Harrison’s henchmen were close behind him, chests puffed out and ready to defend their leader. Marisol was also beside you with the rest of your familia, guns out just waiting to be used. You studied Harrison’s pissed off expression, but you noticed that there was something else that he was hiding within the look he was giving you. Something almost… soft.
Harrison broke the silence as the anger immediately washed off his face, his smug look taking over. “Oh, darling, you’ll need me someday, I just know it. Because, like it or not, I know these streets like the back of my hand. And you’re gonna need all the help you can get.”
He turned to face Tom and Harry, who were silently glaring at your family to give them a knowing look, the two backing off with a nod. “We will be in touch, y/n.”
You watched the three men walk away, your nails making half-crescent marks in the palm of your hands. Your temper was through the roof at this point, steam nearly coming out of your ears. Your blood boiling, and it felt like it was about to overflow in your body. Harrison Osterfield was not about to get off that easily.
And you were going to make damn sure that he would regret testing you.
Tagging some mutuals whom I love 🤗 @farfromhaz @peterpxrxer @eeyore101247 @angelhaz11 @hoforhaz @hollandraul @heyhihellowhatsup0
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uglypastels · 5 years
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requested: Harrison x latina!reader
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pocsforparker-blog · 6 years
💘 Tom x Hispanic reader, reader is pregnant and trying to figure out a really cute way to tell Tom. Congrats on 200!!!!
Tom is bold, you’re in italics 
Tom loves kids, and if y’all have been together long enough I have no doubt in my mind he’d be nothing but excited 
After a lot of deliberation, I think you’d settle on trying to involve Tessa since you have no other kids it’d just be really cute to have her “tell” him 
So when tom is at work you go and get a shirt for her that says “Best big sister!” with paw prints on it, how fucking cute
You get home before tom and put the shirt on Tess and make sure to have the first ultrasound pictures ready to show him 
when he gets home Tessa obviously runs up to him first barking happily
“What’s this Tess? Did Mummy get you a new shirt?”  Tom 1000% refers to you as Tessa’s mum and you can’t change my mind 
then when he bends down to read what it says he pauses while she’s still trying to attack him with kisses 
he wants kids but the surprise makes his brain take a second to process it, then he looks up at you standing by the door with little tears pricking his eyes and softly he’s like “Does this mean?” 
And you’re so nervous that you just nod quickly with your own tears in your eyes 
precious baby that he is, he’s so excited that he runs right up to you and picks you up in such a big hug rambling about how he’s so excited and can’t believe it
once he puts you down you hand him the ultrasound pictures and he’s beaming with the biggest smile on his face he’s so excited, He puts them at the top of the fridge 
you then both plan on how you’re gonna tell your families. 
You decide to invite everyone over for dinner 
so it’s both of your parents, all of your siblings (or just your closest cousins and or tias/uncles if you have no siblings) and Haz ofc (honorary holland that he ishfkalfhais) 
it’s like a regular family dinner at first, you, your mom, and Nikki in the kitchen helping cook, Tom, his dad, your dad and his brother’s watching the game or something, there’s some music playing and it’s loud, like your family always is 
then you all sit down for dinner and halfway through Harry probably just asks (v innocently just trying to make conversation) “so anyone have news?”
so you take that opportunity and go “Oh yeah! Me and Tom got everyone a little gift!” your mom is confused obvi and eyes your suspiciously “mija, what’s the occasion?”
but you wave her off and come back with something for everyone, either a little bag or a box and hand them out, everyone starts opening them and is more than a little confused when they all pull out something baby related, either a bottle or onesie or small stuffed toy etc. 
then your mom pulls out a pacifier with a tag attached and read what it says and bursts into tears (like every good dramatic latinx mother would afkeif) 
so your dad pick up the pacifier and reads the tag out loud and its says Hola Abuelito y abuelita! Por favor, mantén este bobo seguro para cuando vaya a visitarlo. Conociendo a mis padres, ¡probablemente lo olviden! Amor, bebé Holland. 
So now your dad is crying a little, and the rest of your family is incredulous and excited
Tom’s dad, his brothers and Haz are still confused, Nikki has caught on by now (not because she speaks spanish but because she’s not stupid) so then Dom asks “What does it say?” 
So tom tells him and hands him one of those classic “Congrats Grandpa!” cigars, and Dom is now tearing up and congratulating tom 
Harry, Sam, Paddy and Haz are all congratulating you 
it’s ends up being your favorite family dinner to date 
-Mod Jinx 
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whatta-babe · 7 years
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A red theme for mon ange
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
t.h - tom holland
p.p - peter parker
h.o - harrison osterfield
☆ - NSFW
❀ - request
♥ - completed
✿ - submission from a prompt
One Shots
That’s literally the only reason I brought you here (t.h x reader)
Recuérdame (t.h x latinx reader)
I. Picked. You. (t.h x reader) [✿]
Jealousy (t.h x reader) [☆]
Interview Jitters (t.h x reader)
Interview Jitters pt.2 (t.h x reader) [❀]
Tattooed Heart (t.h x reader) [✿]
She’s Absolutely Smitten (t.h x reader)
Fundraiser (t.h x reader) [✿]
Sick of Losing Soulmates (zendaya x female reader) [✿]
I Wasn’t Trained For This (p.p x superhero!reader) [✿]
Young, Dumb, and Broke (t.h x reader) [updated Tuesdays] ON HIATUS
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 (coming soon)
Reconnected (t.h x latina reader) [updated Thursdays] ON HIATUS
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 (coming soon)
Unspoken (p.p x reader) [updated Saturdays] ON HIATUS
Prologue pt.1 
Prologue pt.2
Prologue pt.3 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 (coming soon)
Journey (t.h x reader) ♥
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
some of my faves from my 1k celebration
Spidey Suit (t.h x reader) [☆]
Goin’ Down (h.o x reader) [☆]
Period (t.h x reader)
You Look Amazing (t.h x reader) [☆]
Cheerleader (t.h x reader) [☆]
Bachelorette Party (t.h x reader)  [☆]
That’s My Girl (t.h x reader) [☆]
Pillow Talk (t.h x reader)
Anger (t.h x reader)
Need Some Help? (t.h x reader) [☆]
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Dame - h.o.
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Latina!reader
Summary: you get hired to help a certain British boy learn Spanish for an upcoming role... too bad y’all catch feelings 🤷🏽‍♀️
Warning: smuuut, some fluff!!
A/n: ayyye ya girl is back with another concept that, once again, @hazshauntedbelle has concocted and I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity to write it!!!
You were new to London, and man was London different than the Bronx. You didn’t hear Spanish being yelled at from the windows, or the consistent sound of sirens wailing right outside your apartment building. Yes, it was still a city, but it had nothing on New York. London was... a bit more peaceful if anything. And, honestly, you would take the peaceful over the constant noise that covered the Bronx at the moment.
You had moved because your superiors at the law firm you worked at in Manhattan were planting a new firm in the UK, and you, being the adventure lover you are, jumped at the chance. As much as you loved the Bronx and all that the city has to offer, you were craving a fresh start, something to shake things up in your life. You were never one to just sit still and stay in one place at a time, so the opportunity came at just the right time.
However, even when you got to London, you were still craving something new. You wanted to do something apart from the mundane work that a law firm brings... something different. So, you came up with the idea to teach Spanish for all who were willing to listen. Growing up in a big Puerto Rican household where Spanish was your first language, you had vast knowledge, and was itching to share it with these Brits.
At first, you had a few college students come for extra help, with some secondary school children mixed in. There were some adults that came later on in the mix, but you had primarily a lot of younger students. One in particular was catching on really well, and could even hold actual conversations with you. This did not go unnoticed by her mother, who approached you with an opportunity to teach one of her clients. She did briefly tell you she worked for a talent agency in the area, but didn’t speak much about her work (most likely for obvious reasons). So when she pitched you the idea, you were intrigued.
And thus started your teaching lessons with Harrison Osterfield. You had heard his name around town because of his up and coming status as a model and actor. You also did see him in Catch-22, but other than that he was just a normal guy just trying to get his Spanish correct.
But, to be honest, he wasn’t just a normal guy to you. You grew close with Harrison, even so far as accompanying him to a few parties with his best friends and poker nights at his apartment, even just having lazy Sundays where you two would be lounging around in sweats watching Golden Girls.
And you couldn’t help but feel things for him when he would keep you close by when you were out, or when he would always help you out when you played poker because you were shit at it, or when he would put his head in your lap during one of Rose’s St Olaf stories and pout his lips because you weren’t massaging his scalp. The closeness you felt with Harrison was making you catch feelings, but you were unsure of your boundaries with him, especially because you were getting paid to teach him your native language.
“Harrison, I am really gonna need you to focus or else I’m gonna leave,” you joked, smacking his arm lightly as you peered into your notes on the floor of his apartment.
“Oh, y/n/n, come on! We’ve been at it for hours, and I’m dying to watch Practical Magic again,” Harrison groaned playfully, his head burying into your shoulder.
“Haz, listen. If you wanna be that badass, bilingual spy, you’ve gotta learn a second language! Now come on, next line,” you turned to him with a serious face on, eyebrows raised and lips pursed.
Harrison paused for a second with an unreadable expression on his face as he stared at you, before continuing, “Okay. ‘¿Por qué haces difícil resis- resistire?’”
“You almost got it! It’s, ‘¿Por qué haces que sea difícil resistirte?’ So let’s try that again, Haz,” you encouraged, giggling at his mess-up.
“Alright. ‘¿Por qué haces que sea difícil resistirte?’” Harrison sighed, smiling when he got the words right.
“Okay, Haz, I see you, Mr. Bilingual,” you playfully teased, shoving his shoulder lightly.
A blush threatened to take over Harrison’s face as he continued again. “¿Ni siquiera te das cuenta de cuánto te quiero en este momento?”
“Wait, Haz, that’s not in the-“ you shuffled through your notes for him when he interrupted you.
“Y/n, no intentes esconderte de esto.”
“Harrison, ¿qué quieres decir?” You asked, and you swore you felt your heart race.
“No tienes idea de cuánto quiero besarte en este momento,” Harrison breathed, and you took note of how close he was to you.
“Dame un beso,” he whispered, looking deep into your eyes as he leaned in, and his lips ghosted yours. “Please tell me you want this.”
You felt your knees buckle at the feeling of his lips just barely touching yours, the tingly sensation reaching from your heart to your core. You close the gap as your lips pressed into his soft ones, your hand snaking it’s way to his neck, then to his soft sandy blonde curls. You felt that tingly sensation grow deeper and deeper as you sucked on Harrison’s bottom lip, a soft moan escaping his mouth at the feeling of his lip in between your teeth.
After a bit of time wrestling tongues, you two broke apart, panting from the loss of breath. Your eyes traveled all over Harrison’s face, and honestly, you could have came on site. His hair was now disheveled thanks to your hands being tangled in his hair. His lips were swollen and a rosy pink, and his ocean eyes were a shade darker than normal. He had a pretty intense flush on his cheeks as he stared at you with eyes that screamed an emotion you couldn’t identify until this very moment - love.
“Kiss me again,” Harrison spoke quietly, now-darkened blues zeroing in on your lips.
“No, no hasta que me vuelvas a preguntar en Español,” you tutted, you biting your lip and moving closer.
“Dame un beso, Amor,” Harrison spoke up a bit louder this time as he found himself grabbing your waist and pulling you closely and tightly, your legs resting on either side of him.
You smiled as you closed the gap, this time the kiss was heated, sensual... passionate. His hands creeping up your t-shirt. Your hands tugging at those curls of his. His hands removing your shirt. Your hands yanking his off of his body.
“God, tu eres perfección,” Harrison spoke softly, admiring the black lace bra that held your breasts in place, practically undressing you with his eyes.
“Me? Says you, Osterfield,” you blushed, you giving your own mental undressing as your eyes trail down to his muscular chest and his chiseled abs.
Harrison’s face flushed as he leaned in to kiss you, all teeth and tongue. Clothes becoming scattered everywhere. Soft moans filling the air as hands start to touch parts of each other you had never would’ve touched before. A sensation so strong, you and Harrison both felt it heightening your senses.
“Haz, please,” you whined as you felt his hand travel lower to your core, slender fingers ghosting your clit.
“Please what, angel?” Harrison hummed as his index finger slid up and down your folds, your wetness sliding along with it.
“Please get inside me, holy shit,” you moaned at the contact.
“Alright, love,” Harrison smirks as he guided his length into your core, causing a loud moan to escape your lips at the feeling of his dick inside you.
He paused before looking down at you with expectant eyes, waiting for a signal for him to continue. You nodded with a soft smile as he started thrusting, moans spilling out of his and your mouths.
“Oh, god Haz, you feel so damn good in me,” you pant out, staring deep into his eyes.
“Fuck y/n, don’t do that shit to me. You’re gonna make me come if you keep doing that,” Harrison moaned loudly, his thrusts picking up speed.
“Then go ahead. Cum for me, papi,” you purred.
As soon as the words left your mouth, you felt his dick twitch, his cum spilling inside of you. You couldn’t help but watch him come undone above you. His eyes squeezed shut. His plump lips parted as moans and pants, as well as a string of curse words, flow out of it, cheeks now a dark rosy color. The sight of his release quickly got you to yours, your own orgasm overtaking your body, causing you to see stars.
“Holy shit,” you muttered shakily as you were coming down from your high.
“Are you alright, love?” Harrison asked, a wave of concern washing over his face.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be okay,” you sigh, “it’s just... I haven’t been fucked like that in a very long time...”
“Oh really now?” Harrison questioned, a smirk slowly growing on his face as he tucked a stray hair of yours away from your face.
“Yeah...” you trailed off, heat radiating off of your cheeks.
“Well, princess, there’s plenty of more where that came from,” Harrison spoke as he leaned down to your bare neck, his lips starting to leave little spots of purple with his kisses.
“You know, as much as I’m loving this right now, this isn’t what you’re paying me for, Haz,” you sighed at the feeling of his lips sucking on precious skin.
Harrison’s lips stopped their attacks across your neck as he looked up at you, eyes shining with lust and adoration. “Well, guess my lesson’s over now.”
“Yeah, and a new one’s about to begin.”
Tagging some mutuals bc I love y’all (feel free to ignore if ya don’t wanna read it!) @beautifullydisconnected @osterfield-holland-andcompany @farfromhaz @angelhaz11
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Home - h.o.
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Latina!reader
Warning: all of the damn fluff because that’s what I’m about right now 🥺🤷🏽‍♀️
A/n: sooooo, here’s another concept that I am totally living for right now, and because I am a sucker for dad!haz right now, y’all get to have this lil slice of heaven 🤗
You know how some mornings you wake up, and you just know that it’s going to be a good day? You can feel it in the morning light seeing through curtains, soft sheets that encompass your body as it spreads warmth, promising you a happy, full day?
Yep, today was that day for you.
You stirred in your sleep as you heard your husband’s heartbeat kept a steady rhythm, it being your own personal sound machine. You looked up to see Harrison sound asleep, lips parted and sandy blonde curls gracefully laying atop of his face. It was a sight that you could never, ever get tired of, even after being with him for five years now - three dating, two in marriage.
As you admired your husband’s sleepy state, you couldn’t help but trace little hearts into his bare chest. You were so thankful to have such a soft, caring husband who put everyone first, whose tender heart was felt by everyone who knew him. You’ve always prayed about finding a man who wasn’t an egotistical jerk, who really genuinely cared about people, so when you met Harrison, it was as if the Lord himself shoved him into your view and said, you’re welcome.
You felt Harrison stir in his sleep at your touch, his arm that was wrapped around your waist pulling you closer. “Good morning, mi amor,” he whispered in his morning voice, the same voice that drove you wild because of how rough and sexy it sounded.
“Good morning, mi vida,” you turned your head to face him, lips meeting for a tender kiss.
“Did you sleep okay?” Harrison asked after he pulled away, his hand moving from your waist to your hair, playing with the silky strands.
“Yes, I did. How’d you sleep?” You questioned, a small smile gracing your lips at the feeling of his long fingers brushing out the knots in your hair.
“Like a baby,” Harrison smiled back, pressing a kiss into your hair. “I always sleep really well when you’re next to me.”
“Likewise, mi vida,” you blushed, nestling your head further into his chest and placing a delicate kiss on his warm skin.
You two knew you could stay like this forever. Nestled in the sheets, whispering sweet nothings, light touches creating goosebumps on bare skin. But you knew that it wouldn’t last forever because...
“Daddy!!!! Mummy!!!!” You heard your 3 year old yell down the hall, barreling through you and Harrison’s bedroom door. You looked up to see her dark, messy waves flying around her olive skin, her ice blue eyes shining with worry as she jumped on the bed with you and Harrison.
“Mi princesa, ¿qué pasa?” Harrison chuckled softly, his arms reaching out to cradle her little frame.
“Papa, I had a dream where you and mummy were going away, and I had to make sure you were still here,” your daughter huffed, those ocean eyes brimming with tears.
“Oh, Essie, we’re not going anywhere, mama. Come ‘ere, come snuggle with mommy and daddy,” you sighed, pressing a kiss to her forehead as you laid back down on the bed.
“Ooo mummy, I love cuddles with you and papa,” Ester sighed as she wiggled in between you and Harrison, her plump lips growing wider as a smile graces her face. “Te amo.”
You and Harrison couldn’t help but look at each other with big grins on your face as your hearts exploded with love. This precious, soft, sweet little girl whom you and Harrison created was a special little gift from God, and you both knew it. And you couldn’t help but feel warm at the thought that this is what true happiness looks like. Laying in bed with the love of your life, your sweet baby girl snuggling in between the two of you, thanking and praising God for your own little home.
“Te amo, mi princesa.”
Tagging some mutuals bc who doesn’t love dad!haz 🥺 @osterfield-holland-andcompany @hazshauntedbelle @beautifullydisconnected @farfromhaz @delicatetom @hazmyheart
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Baila Conmigo - h.o.
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Latina!reader
Warnings: def some heavy steaminess in this, 100% smut with a hint of fluff
A/n: hello friends!!! It’s currently nearly 2am, and bc I have not yet written Dmitri Island yet, I figured this spicy one shot will do the trick in its place 🤗 this concept came about thanks to @hazshauntedbelle (who also was so damn kind enough to make this moodboard 🥺) and I discussing about how hot it would be to see Haz with a Latina reader! Don’t worry though - y’all can still imagine it to be yourself! I tried to make it easy to fit so that way all can enjoy! Song is “Baila Conmigo” by Jennifer Lopez, bc I love her so damn much 🤗
“Baby, there’s this club that’s in town, ya wanna see it?” You shout to your boyfriend, scrolling through your phone.
You and your boyfriend, Harrison, were on vacation in Puerto Rico for the week, and boy, did you both need it. With Harrison’s new show and your own demanding job, everything was starting to take a toll on the both of you. You were both itching to get out of rainy, gloomy London, and run to the sun and sand. Having family in Puerto Rico helped make the decision easier for you two, and within a week’s time you found yourselves on a flight to the island. You were posted up in your family’s guesthouse, far away from your family as they knew you and Harrison wanted your privacy.
“Sure, mi amor, where is it? What kind of club is it?” Harrison asked, peeking his head out of the master bathroom. He had just gotten out of the shower, so his sandy blonde curls were now darkened and matted on his forehead, water dripping down at a rapid pace.
“Um, it’s just down the street actually, and it’s...” you trailed off to scroll through the website, brows furrowed, “oh, mi vida, it’s a salsa club!”
Harrison’s eyes lit up as he stepped out of the bathroom, his bottom half covered by a white towel, his torso glistening post-shower. “Ooo, darling, let’s go for it! You know how I love salsa dancing.”
You saw Harrison’s eyebrows wiggle up as he sauntered his way over to you, arms wrapping around your waist. You couldn’t help the blush slowly trickle in on your tanned cheeks at his overall cheekiness. “Oh, papi, I know you do,” you replied as you snaked your arms around his neck, your red manicured finger slowly moving up and down.
Harrison groaned at the contact. “Babe, you know what that name does to me.”
“Hmm, don’t think I know, papi,” you joked, your eyebrows raising in feigned curiosity.
“Mami, you will learn now,” Harrison growled, pulling you in for a passionate, steamy kiss.
The kiss grew more needy after Harrison circled his tongue around your mouth, a moan escaping your lips. Your tongues wrestled for a bit until you both found a rhythm, hands knotting in hair and soft moans filling the room.
You pulled away after some time, desperate to get some air into your lungs. “Alright, mi vida, let’s get our asses to this club!” You shout, smacking his perky ass on your way to the closet.
“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that,” Harrison smirked, returning the favor as he smacked your full ass as he stood right besides you.
You and Harrison arrived at the club, and needless to say, it was hot. From the music that was playing loudly on the speakers, to the dancers swaying close together sultrily on the dance floor, to the thick air of sex that engulfed you two as you walked in... it was like a little slice of paradise.
You shifted the red bodycon dress as you entered in the club, being careful of the high slit that dared to show more than what you were willing to in that moment. You turned to Harrison, who was wearing a light blue button-up with black tailored dress pants, and you couldn’t help but feel the heat start to form in your core. He left the first several buttons unbuttoned, leaving a sliver of his chest on display, and his curls were disheveled and extra sandy thanks to the weather. His skin was beautifully sun-kissed, and it made his icy blue eyes shine even brighter. You couldn’t wait to get him home, but first...
“You ready to show them how to salsa, mi vida?” You asked, tugging at his arm that you were clutching on.
“Oh yes, mi amor, let’s go,” Harrison purred as he led you two to the dance floor.
He turned you to face him as the next song played, taking hold of your hands as you started to sway your hips to the beat.
Tú y yo en la playa
La arena, el mar
El sonido de las olas
Recorriendo todo tu cuerpo
Bésame, Tócame
Y baila conmigo
You felt Harrison pull you closer, causing giggles to erupt from your chest as the music played, chests touching ever so softly as you both rolled your hips.
Vamo' a tocar
El cielo con las manos
Vamo' a olvidar
Esta noche todo lo malo
Vamo' a juntar la noche con el día
Vamo' a pegar tu boca con la mía
You pulled away, turning so your back was pressing into Harrison’s front, carefully grinding him as you kept on beat. You heard Harrison groan from behind you as he firmly placed his hands on your hips, and you definitely knew it was going to leave marks in the morning.
Imagínate conmigo en la arena
Yo besándote
Bajo la luna llena
Imagínate toda la locura
Que vamo' a sentir
Debajo de la cintura
(Vamo' a darle, darle)
Nos movemos con la ola
(Vamo' a darle, darle)
Tú estás solo, yo estoy sola
(Vamo' a darle, darle)
Nos movemos con el viento
(Vamo' a darle, darle)
Pero que rico lo siento
“Mami, you are absolutely killing me tonight,” Harrison whispered in your ear as he guided your hips to grind against his groin.
You moaned in response. “Oh, papi, that’s exactly what I was going for.”
You turned to face him, eyes wild with lust and desire, and brought your lips to his in a searing kiss, you tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth.
Harrison pulled you even closer, your nose touching his, and you felt his breath on your face as he groaned out, “Oh you’re gonna get it, mi amor.”
Pero que rico lo siento
Es como un fuego por dentro
La cabeza la estamos perdiendo
A las nubes ya estamos subiendo
Dale, dale, dale
Dale que dale más duro
Que la música rompa los muros
Que sola bailando me curo
Dale, Dale
You stumbled into the door of the guesthouse while you and Harrison were in the middle of an intense makeout, hands running all over each other’s bodies. Harrison slammed the door shut with his foot, and grabbed a hold of your ass, giving it a squeeze. You let out a whimper in response as Harrison’s hands trailed to your thighs, quite literally lifting you to wrap your legs around his waist. Harrison led you to the bedroom as his wet mouth left bites and marks all over your tanned shoulder, moans filling the air.
Vamo' a tocar
El cielo con las manos
Vamo' a olvidar
Esta noche todo lo malo
Vamo' a juntar la noche con el día
Vamo' a pegar tu boca con la mía
Baila conmigo
“Oh, shit, Haz,” you moaned as he gently placed you on the bed, his kisses never stopping.
He slid off your dress with ease, and only stopped kissing your body to admire the lingerie you decided on today. It was a lacy, red strapless bra with matching panties, and he felt his already-right pants grow tighter in his crotch area. “Jesus, mami, is this all for me?”
“Fuck yeah, papi, it’s all for you baby,” you huffed out in response, biting your red-painted lips as he drunk in your appearance.
“Oh, the things you do to me, mi amor,” Harrison spoke as his hands made their way to unclasp your bra, morning at the sight of your breasts, hardened in arousal.
He immediately went and started leaving open mouthed kisses on top of your breasts, nipping and sucking at the delicate skin. He then trailed down to your stomach, and you felt your body dip down at the soft touch. He stopped when he reached your underwear, slowly slipping them down off your legs. You lifted your hips up, and you felt his mouth go right back to your hipbone, his love bites becoming less soft and more rough.
You were a moaning mess under his touch, desperate for him to touch you where you needed him. “Harrison,” you whimpered, “please fuck me already, damn.”
Harrison looked up at you with a devilish smirk painted on his face. “Mi amor, before I do that I have to get you prepped and ready.”
He dipped back down to be in line with your core as he lifted your legs to be resting on his shoulders. You felt his hot breath ghost over your folds right before he started licking up and down. You moaned loudly at the contact, finally feeling some relief that you had been holding in for so long. You didn’t even care how loud you were or who heard you - at that point Harrison’s tongue lapping your core up like it was his last meal was all that mattered.
You felt Harrison’s mouth attach to your clit and his fingers pumping in and out of you, your moans and the sound of your slickness colliding with his fingers filling the air. It wasn’t long before you felt that tightness in your stomach unravel, causing you to come all over Harrison’s fingers.
“Mmm, Mami, you look so good when I make you come,” Harrison said in between him licking each individual finger free of your juices, “let’s make you come again.”
“Yes, papi. Fuck me, please,” you moaned, “fuck me with your cock.”
Harrison smiled at you as he went and grabbed a condom from his toiletries bag. “Oh yes, mi amor, don’t you worry. You’re gonna get fucked so good.”
Before you knew it, Harrison had rolled the condom on his hard cock, and was pushing through your folds, a very loud moan escaping both of your mouths. He let you get used to him before you nodded to continue. You immediately threw your head back, gasping and moaning at how hard and fast he was thrusting into you. You couldn’t even form a coherent sentence as you heard the sounds of skin slapping against skin, your wetness making sloshing noises against his dick.
“Look at you, mi princesa, taking my dick like a good girl,” Harrison grunted as he kept relentlessly pounding into you, “always look good taking my cock, mi amor.”
You clenched around his dick at his words, rolling your eyes in the back of your head as he hit your g-spot, causing you to see stars. “Oh, shit, Haz, I’m gonna come.”
“Go ahead, mami, come for me,” Harrison groaned, and you felt his dick twitch inside of you before his groans turned into booming moans and panting.
As soon as you heard his words, you felt that familiar band snap again as you reached your second climax that night, this one hitting harder than the first. You panted as your came down from your high, and you felt Harrison go soft inside of you. He pulled out, and a whimper escaped from both of your mouths at the loss of contact.
Harrison took a second to admire you before he walked away to dispose of the filled condom and wet a washcloth to help clean you up. He walked over to you and carefully ran the cool rag down your folds, another whimper leaving your mouth at the touch. “Shh, it’s okay, mi amor, I’ve got you,” he whispered, his free hand gently caressing your face.
You nodded slowly in response as he finished cleaning you up. He threw away the washcloth in the dirty hamper, and made his way over to you. He sauntered over to the bed and slid in, grabbing your waist and pulling you close. You snuggled up close to him, your bare body nestling right beside him. “Oh, Harrison, mi vida, te amo,” you sighed into his neck, placing a light kiss on the nape.
“Y/n, te amo siempre,” Harrison responded softly, kissing the top of your head as you two drifted off into a blissful sleep. You both falling asleep thankful for finding one another, and never wanting to forget moments like this. Moments that are so full of love and passion, and how you both will spend the rest of your lives giving and receiving all of it.
Ay bendito
Tú, yo
El sonido de las olas
Recorriendo todo tu cuerpo
Baila conmigo
Ay bendito
Tagging some mutuals bc who doesn’t love haz smut? 🤗 @hazmyheart @farfromhaz @osterfield-holland-andcompany @beautifullydisconnected @angelhaz11 @delicatetom
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Amor Prohibido - teaser (h.o.)
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Pairing: Mob!Harrison Osterfield x Mob!Latina!reader
Warnings: violence, death, angst, eventual smut and fluff... very west side story vibes
A/n: HI everyone!! I’m back with another Latina!reader story, but this time I’m turning it into a series!!!! Thanks in part to my girls @hazshauntedbelle, @beautifullydisconnected, & @osterfield-holland-andcompany for helping my brain come up with this at the most random moment, but that’s usually how great ideas are sparked right???? 🤷🏽‍♀️ hope y’all enjoy this teaser 🤗
You heard the door slam open, and various different voices shouting in Spanish and English, blending into one. You were crouched down in the panic room with your mom, her holding you close with a shiny pistol in her hand.
“Mama, what’s going on?” You asked, lip quivering in fear.
“Shhh, mija, it’s gonna be okay. Just keep quiet, mi amor,” your mom whispered, running her free hand through your hair.
You nodded as you tried to keep your mind off of the chaos happening upstairs. Unfortunately, it was impossible to do so because of the ferocity and loudness of everything going on above you. You snuggled closer into your mom’s chest, covering your ears to aid in easing your nerves, but when gunshots rang out, you gasped softly, your tiny ears not used to the sound being so close to you.
There was one particular loud bang that shook you and your mother to the core, and then...
“Mama, is it safe to leave yet?” You asked after a long string of silence, looking up into her eyes.
“I’m guessing so, mija. Just be quiet and stay close by me,” she replied, and you noticed a flash of fear and anxiousness cross her eyes for a split second before her gaze grew back to the same old look you knew her to wear - bravery and boldness.
You two quietly crept up the stairs from the panic room, and immediately you smelled the gunshot residue that thickly hung in the air. Once you reached the top, you saw a pool of red on the floor, and your eyes widened.
“Close your eyes for me, mi princesa? And tell me your dream from last night, the one with the unicornios and the Maceta de oro?” Your mom said calmly as she surveyed the scene in front of her, squeezing your hand that she was holding in reassurance.
“Okay, mama,” you chirped, “but what’s that red stuff on the floor?”
“Oh, just some paint. I think your papa got into a little bit of a mess this time, there’s paint everywhere,” she whispered. “Now, go ahead tell me the story.”
You nodded and rambled on about your dream, until you heard a blood-curdling scream from your mother. You quickly opened your eyes to find your father on the floor, surrounded by a massive puddle of red, similar to the one you saw when you exited the panic room. He had these odd little holes in his chest that were covered in crimson, that same crimson trickling down his unmovable body. A chill ran up your spine at the sight, but you had no clue why.
“Mama, why isn’t papa breathing?” You asked, examining the sight in front of you.
Your mother turned to look at you with the same fear and anxious look, but with an overwhelming sense of sadness that was flooding out of her flawless face. Sobs wrecked her body as she saw your face change from innocence to understanding, her heart slowly breaking at the realization that her precious little girl is no longer going to have a normal childhood after all of this.
“Mija, papa is gone.”
Tagging some mutuals whom I love!! @hoforhaz @farfromhaz @santaholland @peterparkersbodyguard @snowflakeparker @peterpxrxer @blissfulparker @peppermintpete @thollandss
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cherry-holland · 4 years
Amor Prohibido - masterlist
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Summary: This world that y/n Rivera lives in is not by any means normal for a 25-year-old - she has seen countless of people die (either from her hands or others), made lucrative deals with the worst of people, and is the leader of the biggest Latino mobs in all of New York City. The success her familia finds in New York brings about an opportunity to expand international business, starting in the heart of London. Y/n and her family know that their ultimate goal of controlling all of the international drug routes starts in the UK, but what they weren’t expecting upon arrival was another family trying to do the same. And it all starts with the name Osterfield. Harrison Osterfield, to be exact.
Pairing: mob!Harrison Osterfield x Latina!mob!reader
Warning: death and violence, drug use, smut, language, mentions of suicide
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (coming soon!)
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Hi! Can I ask for the sleepover the headcanons of Tom and Harrison with his girl from Spain? (bonus points if some of them are smutty 👀)
Oooo okay so I guess you’re asking for both of them if they were with a Spanish girl? That’s what I’m assuming 👏🏽👏🏽 also I am not Spaniard so I’m gonna try to do this right (I’m only really familiar with Puerto Rican and Dominican culture as well as Mexican culture so I’m soz if I do this wrong 🙃🤷🏽‍♀️)
Warning - once again, the steaminess intensifies bc apparently I can’t not write smut, thanks to my Taurus side and my Latina ass 😂😂
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Alright so tommy boy
Tom would be doing press in Spain for a movie
And I feel like it would be like one of those meet-cutes that’s like, him seeing a beautiful stranger-type deals
So he would see you from across the way and hear your speak Spanish and homeboy knew he was in for it
Harry had to practically shove Tom into you to get him to speak bc he was so in awe of you he got nervous
And once he finally got the nerve to talk to you, it was as if it was meant to be
Y’alls first date would definitely be dinner and salsa dancing
And homeboy suuuuure impressed the hell out of you bc he was keeping up with you on the dance floor
And with liquid courage and adrenaline, he would pull you close so the dance was more passionate
Tom with a Spanish girl would be aaaaall passion
Like I feel like he would love how naturally passionate you are about things, and how passionate you are as a lover
So, needless to say the sex is a m a z i n g
Like y’all would be going at it all night, and both of y’all would not get enough - and it would always be pure love-making bc hELLO most of us Spanish women are aaaall about that
On a fluffier note, Tommy boy would also love to sing with you in Spanish and learn all the Spanish he could
And when he gets it right??? Whew chile it’s the hottest thing ever 🥵🥵
Tom would be so appreciative of your culture though and would be super sweet with learning all about it, which we love bc who doesn’t love a cultured man?? 🥺🥺
Also would really love him and a Spanish girl together bc they would be just so attractive together bye
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oh my god
This is the best headcanon ever bc I’ve put quite a bit of thought into Haz and a Latina/Spanish girl obviously
So haz is suuuuper soft yet cheeky and I feel like the dynamic with him and a Spanish girl would be so cute and hot
Haz has this sweet nature to him, and I feel that sweet and spicy just naturally balances out
So he would fall in love with your zest for life and your passion, almost like Tom but in a different way
He likes the intensity you bring to the relationship bc it shakes things up for him
And you love the softness he brings bc you feel as though your life can be a little crazy??
So with your spiciness and his softness???
Y’all could change the world
And as far as the sex??
Haz, in my opinion, is def more of a sub-leaning switch
So he would loooooove it when you take control
Telling him in Spanish all of the things you wanna do to him, and the things you want him to do to you
And he would be all blushy and pupils blown after that
Ok so this isn’t Spanish, but the song “false god”??
Yep that’s y’alls song
Haz would loooove cooking Spanish food with you
Arroz con pollo??? Paella’s???
It would be legit all he eats bc it reminds him of you and he loves the bonding experience y’all have whenever you cook together
And he would def call you nicknames in Spanish
“Mi amor, mi vida, mi corazón...”
And hearing the accent that comes out of it??? Like that almost perfect spanish accent???
And he would def make all spanish music playlists for you
Like he would look up all the lyrics to make sure his emotions come across perfectly in those playlists bc lbr - homeboy is one of THOSE guys who relays their feels in a playlist
And he def has a secret one saved for only you and him so the public doesn’t see it oops
The instas y’all would take???
He would gas you tf UP
“Mi princesa de españa”
All the cute captions 🥺🥺
And to finish it off???
He would be the absolute cutest with your family
Like your fam would be like 🤔🤔 bc, hello, he’s a white Brit who’s entering in your crazy, loud, verrrry Spanish home
But as soon as he spits out his Spanish??
Oh he’s a part of the family
And when he’s playing with your cousins, he’ll go, “I cannot wait until we have one of our own little niñas running around”
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MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!💕💕💕
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