#harry haft
totallyhussein-blog · 2 months
Be Inspired by Harry Haft
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Harry Haft was a Polish-Jewish boxer and survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp. He was briefly a professional boxer in post-war Germany, and boxed as a light heavyweight in the United States.
After the war, Harry Haft emigrated to the USA with the help of an uncle in New Jersey. Haft's final fight was against future champion Rocky Marciano, on 18 July 1949 in Rhode Island Auditorium.
In April 2007, Harry Haft was inducted into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.
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inheartofwinter · 6 months
A super late Halloween piece written for @drarrymicrofic 's prompt "trick or treat". G | 697 words.
Trick or Treat
"Happy Halloween! Trick or treat?"
Harry stared at the vampire standing amid ten kids in front of his door.
He must have been hallucinating this. There could be no other answer.
Harry rubbed his eyes. The person was still standing there, bonus a scowl.
"What the heck are you doing here, Malfoy? And wearing that!"
The vampire—Malfoy—folded his arms in front of his chest. "Participating in a Muggle tradition, of course. You know my terms of probation."
Harry knew Malfoy's terms of probation. How could he not when he was the Auror assigned to make sure that Malfoy followed it? One of them was learning about Muggles. Under torture, Harry would admit that it was quite fun to watch Malfoy interacting with Muggle things. Malfoy took to drama series, rocks and rolls, takeaways and jeans like a fish took to water, but he shrieked whenever he had to get in a Muggle transportation, too scarred by all the stories about car crashing and plane falling Harry had gleefully told him in details.
However, trying as hard as he could, he could not remember anything about wearing costumes and going around to ask for candies with a bunch of Muggle kids.
"Where're the candies?" asked a kid in an annoyed voice, not caring a bit about whatever the adults had to say.
Following their leader, the other kids started voicing their displeasure at Harry's lack of candies.
"Give us our candies!"
"Candies!! Candies!! Candies!!"
"I want chocolate!" chimed in Malfoy, smirking at Harry.
"I want chocolate, too!" A boy in a giant pumpkin costume yelled. Malfoy high-fived him.
"Don't you have any sweet?" A girl wearing a Frankenstein's monster costume waved her bat threateningly—or would be threateningly if the bat hadn't been bright pink with a huge bow on top of it.
Harry sighed and discreetly Summoned the bowl of sweets he had prepared beforehand.
"Here you go," he said, presenting the kids with the bowl of sweets. The Frankenstein's monster girl looked disappointed. For a moment, Harry had a flashback of Fred and George. He shuddered.
The sweets disappeared in approximately ten seconds. It seemed the spicy tamarind candy had appealed to the Frankenstein's monster girl; she had put her bat down to open the wrap and throw the candy into her mouth. The pumpkin boy jumped in delight with the cheap chocolate bar Harry bought from the supermarket that morning. Harry noted to himself to buy a more expensive brand of chocolate next time.
Before Harry could be relieved that the world's peace was restored, a voice resounded.
"Where is my share?" asked Malfoy in a heartbroken voice, no sweets in hand.
Harry looked down at the bowl of sweets. There was none left.
"Eh... I'm sorry," said Harry, feeling weirdly disappointed at himself. He hadn't intended to give Malfoy any sweet, but still.
Malfoy dropped his head. The kids immediately surrounded Malfoy and cooed at him. A girl in a ghost costume hugged Malfoy to comfort him. The pumpkin boy offered to give Malfoy haft of his chocolate bar. The Frankenstein's monster girl glared at Harry, bat in hands again.
It was when an idea sprouted in Harry's head. "Come back tomorrow! I'll give you your chocolate tomorrow!"
Malfoy looked up, eyes widen with hope. "Really?"
Harry nodded eagerly. "Yes! I will even give you a whole box of chocolate!"
Malfoy smiled brightly.
The Frankenstein's monster girl gave Harry a thumb-up. Harry thumbed up back.
The kids and Malfoy waved him goodbye and moved to terrorise the next house. Harry waved after them.
Now he needed to think about which brand he should buy Malfoy tomorrow.
"Trick or treat?" A cheerful voice yelled when Harry opened the door. As promised, Malfoy and the kids had come back, minus the costumes.
Harry looked at them, glanced at the clock and groaned. By "tomorrow", he didn't mean 7 o'clock in the morning. He also didn't remember promising the throng of kids more sweets.
"Where are the sweets?" asked Malfoy with a hopeful smile.
Harry watched the dimples on Malfoy's cheeks, and decided that being wakened up at arse hour wasn't so bad.
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galadae · 1 year
to drive the cold winter away
rating: G pairing: calantha lenn/haurchefant greystone words: 1205 notes: occurs between the last arr patch and the start of hw. post arr and hw spoilers! sprout friends (who are sproutier than me) beware ao3 link
Calantha shivers and pulls her collar closer to her face. Wind gusts around her, blowing little swirls of snow off nearby drifts. She sits on a rocky outcrop looking over Witchdrop, Camp Dragonhead and the mountains beyond. She brought her lance as a precaution, but now it sits beside her in the snow, unused.
The sounds of creaking trees and distant creatures surround her. It’s better than the silence of her room at night, but still not enough to drown out her thoughts. She had hoped a walk would clear her mind. It hasn't. She watches the wind carry the white mist of her breath into the air.
In the few days since their harried arrival, Haurchefant has been kinder than she ever could have asked. She trusts him when he tells her she's safe. She knows he'll do everything in his power to help them. So she's tried to rest. But every time she closes her eyes she can see them, shouting for her to go on. Her friends, the hope in their eyes when they look at her changing to grim resolve as they turn to meet their fate. How can I sit here when they stayed behind? Did any of them escape? How could I have left them there? Her thoughts briefly shift to anger with Alphinaud, but she shoves them away. She shouldn't have trusted him so thoroughly. He’s so young. She should have expected things to go wrong. She should have been more careful. Should have–
The crunch of boots in the snow startles her. She leaps up, her lance pointed at the source of the sound.
"Calantha?" Haurchefant stands a few feet away. She hadn't heard him approach amid the clamor of her thoughts.
She lowers her lance. "Oh, it’s you. I thought the krakuls had come for me," she laughs. "What are you doing out here?"
"I might ask you the same," he says, a wry grin on his face. "This is a bitter cold place to spend the night," He walks over, silver hair tossed in the wind. "Or perhaps you find cold stone more to your liking than a warm fire?"
Calantha shakes her head and sits back down. She should have known he’d look for her. "I couldn't sleep. I thought a walk might help." It comes out sharper than she’d like. She hangs her head.
He nods. "And has it?"
Calantha doesn't meet his eyes. She stares over the ravine in the distance, watching krakuls wander along the edge. "Still finding that out."
Haurchefant sits down beside her. He looks out towards Camp Dragonhead. He rests his gloved hand on the snow covered stone, inches from hers. "If you have need of anything, Calantha, you have but to ask." His voice is low, and she knows him well enough to guess that his face contains barely concealed concern.
She stares ahead. She wants to tell him everything, but she doesn’t know how to start. She chews her lip, fingers drumming against her lance haft. He certainly never asked for her tortured midnight thoughts. Perhaps she should act as if this isn't happening and bid him goodnight.
"Calantha." He faces her again with a smile that turns to worry the longer she avoids looking at him. "Is there aught I can do? If you’d rather be alone, at least come out of the cold."
She opens her mouth to speak, but the words are stuck in her throat. She closes her eyes.
She feels his hand touch hers. She clutches it suddenly, dearly, as if it will vanish any moment. "Haurchefant — I—don’t go. Please. I’m sorry."
His eyes search her face, noting the darkness under her eyes, her furrowed brow. "It is no matter. You have nothing to be sorry for."
"If only that were true," she says, bitterly.
"What do you mean?"
Calantha grits her teeth. Saying it out loud makes the truth worse. "They're gone, Haurchefant. Yda, Papalymo, Y’shtola. Thancred. Minfilia. They might all be dead. They stayed behind so I could get out. And I just…left them. I—"
He's silent, waiting for her to continue.
"I’m supposed to be their hero. I should have done something. Tried harder."
She stops as he grabs her other hand. "And what would you have done?" He says. "I have no doubt that you did everything you could, to the utmost of your strength, and beyond. As if you've ever done anything less."
"It doesn’t matter. It wasn’t enough.” Angry tears well up in her eyes. She looks away, blinking. "Surely there was something I could have done."
"No," he says. "Calantha. Do not let your thoughts go on like this. You are not at fault."
She wrenches her hand from his grasp. "No. What’s the use of people’s trust, if I can’t do what they need me to?" Her lance clatters to the ground as she stands up, her voice rising. “You expect me to simply move on from this? I could do nothing to save them. The fact that they needed to save me means that I failed."
Her words tear from her lips. She turns her back on him as tears spill onto her cheeks. She can’t make herself look at him.
"Calantha. You must believe me.” He stands. His voice is gentle, but firm. "They had hope for you to fight another day, even if they might not live to see it themselves. You trusted their choice. It is foolhardy to blame yourself for that."
"Then what should I do?" She laughs, but it comes out half a sob. She dashes her tears away on her sleeve. The wind stings her cheeks and whips her violet hair around her face.
Haurchefant steps toward her. He holds his hand out. She looks at him for a moment, torn. "Would they want you to mourn them so? Full of guilt and regret?"
She sniffs and shakes her head. She reaches for his hand. "No."
Haurchefant smiles and takes both her hands. He holds them in front of him, at his chest. His touch steadies her. The wind blows around them, but he stands close enough to shield her from it. She can no longer feel the chill. "Take heart, for them. All is not lost. They may yet be alive. And for now, you have Alphinaud, and Tataru. And...and myself."
Calantha lets out a long breath. His warmth draws her and she leans into him, touching her forehead against his cheek. He smiles and rests his head against hers. Her whirling thoughts are quiet now. A moment passes. She knows nothing but the sound of their breath, the wind in the trees above, and the warmth of his face against her own.
Haurchefant shifts, looking up at the stars. "Come, we should return. The cold will only worsen with time. Unless you still want to spend the night alone on this frigid rock?"
Calantha chuckles softly. "Tempting, but no." She leans down to pick up her lance. They say little on the way back. He doesn’t release her hand, and she doesn’t want him to. And despite the cold wind on the road, she feels warmer than she has in days.
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hplovecraftmuseum · 1 year
NOCTURNE #1 , 1974. NOCTURNE -in this case a 26 page publication- was Harry O. Morris' contribution to the ESOTERIC ORDER OF DAGON amateur press association. The association was named after the mysterious religious guild mentioned in Lovecraft's masterful tale: THE SHADOW OVER INNSMOUTH. Included in this mailing - which went out to all members - were news items of interest to the underground Lovecraft fans and early - post Derleth scholars studying HPL's work. Until Derleth's passing he had wielded enormous power and control over nearly everything related to Lovecraft. Though Derleth's claims of control were mostly bluster and gentle intimidation, he would at times threaten legal action against anyone who had plans to publish anything about Lovecraft without going through him first. Sonia Haft, Greene, Lovecraft, Davis, was stifled in her plans to publish some of her late husband's letters with a memoir of her relationship with HPL. Derleth succeeded in stopping her from doing so With little more than empty threats. With Derleth gone on July 4, 1971, a new era of Lovecraft's legacy began. In some cases the results were positive, but what is generally called, THE CTHULHU MYTHOS, today is essentially now a free for all. (Exhibit 321)
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ent4you · 1 year
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Det var en af det 20. århundredes mest uforglemmelige scener: To unge drenge, to prinser, der gik bag deres mors kiste, mens verden så til i sorg – og rædsel. Da Diana, prinsessen af Wales, blev begravet, undrede millioner af mennesker sig over, hvad prinserne mon tænkte og følte – og hvordan deres liv ville forme sig fremover. Her kommer endelig Harrys historie.
Som mange andre sikkert tænkte, da Prins Harrys bog Spare udkom, så tænkte jeg, at hvis han og hans kone Meghan virkelig er så træt af at være i medierne, så skulle de måske lade være med hele tiden at gøre så voldsomt opmærksom på sig selv. Men efter at have læst Spare eller Reserven, som den hedder på dansk, så forstår jeg godt behovet for at få sat tingene på plads.
Det er virkelig noget af en øjenåbner det her. Prins Harry fortæller åbenhjertigt om sin opvækst, hvoraf en del er blevet brugt på forskellige kostskoler langt væk hjemmefra. Selv efter hans mors pludselig død er det her han skal bearbejde sin sorg for den engelske måde at håndtere den slags på læner sig op af frasen “keep calm and carry on”. Og hvor vi andre lever vores liv udenfor mediernes bevågenhed så er det ikke en luksus Harry har haft. Og som vi andre har set det, så holdt mediernes løfter om at droppe papparazzifotografer efter Prinsesse Dianas tragiske død kun ganske kortvarigt. Siden da er det kun blevet værre og Reserven tager os ind i midten af det helvede.
Harry fortæller også om livet bag de kongelige mure. Om forholdet til nu afdøde Dronning Elizabeth, Harrys bror Kronprins William og ikke mindst hans far Charles, der nu er Storbritaniens konge. Harry fortæller åbent om sin tid i militæret og de forskellige kærester han har haft. Helt tæt kommer vi også på hans møde med Meghan Markle og deres forhold. Det er til tider brutalt, hylende morsomt, hjerteknusende, smukt og rørende.
Hvis man kan læse denne bog uden at få enorm sympati for det Prins Harry har været igennem, så fejler man helt ærlig noget.
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armageddontyoudare · 1 year
i demand a harry x reader. prank call edition. bhojpuriya mix. go wild <3
Bechare bacche ko trauma doge
Do hafte mein board h, bhaiji 😭😭
Pr chhodo... milega.
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
Since the link won’t work for you ;_; here is what the site says:
MONKEE BUSINESS THE MUSICAL, featuring exotic locations, far out cars, groovy spies and The Monkees’ biggest hits, is swinging into the Manchester Opera House for its world premiere, follwed by performances at the Glasgow Kings Theatre and Sutherland Empire.
Take a look at the Monkees production shot below!
It’s the story of four innocent boys who fall prey to an evil record producer and are tricked into impersonating one of the biggest bands in the world. As they struggle to conceal their own personalities, a frantic world tour leads to entanglements with a harem of sexy Russian spies, an army of Tower Beefeaters and a railway carriage full of nuns.
From the producers of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Spamalot, Monkee Business the Musical will pay homage to both the crazy chaos of the Emmy Award winning TV series and the brilliant music of The Monkees featuring hit after hit including I’m A Believer, Last Train to Clarksville, Hey, Hey We’re The Monkees and the smash hit Daydream Believer alongside many more iconic songs from the era like My Boy Lollipop and You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me.
Made instant world-wide stars by the famous 1960s TV series, The Monkees, made up of Manchester-born Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork and Michael Nesmith, became one of most successful bands of their generation – at one time even outselling The Beatles and The Rolling Stones – releasing 121 songs on nine albums and influencing many future artists.
The cast includes: Ben Evans (Chuck – posing as Davy Jones), has a wealth of West End credits already including Jersey Boys, Les Miserables, Olvier! Mamma Mia! and The Lord of the Rings; Oliver Savile (William – posing as Peter Tork), after graduating made his professional debut in the UK tour of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and has recently been touring the world in the international tour of Mamma Mia!; Stephen Kirwan (Andy, posing as Micky Dolenz) made his West End debut in Cameron Macintosh’s Mary Poppins. He has also toured the UK in Fiddler on the Roof and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Most recently Stephen has appeared as Claude in the European tour of Hair; and Tom Parsons (Mark – posing as Mike Nesmith) has appeared in the West End in Mamma Mia! and most recently as Nicky/Trekkie in Avenue Q.
Joining Ben, Oliver, Stephen and Tom in Monkee Business the Musical, playing the role of the boys’ unscrupulous manager Joey Finkelstein will be the extremely familiar face of Linal Haft. Linal – most recently seen as Harry Gold in Eastenders – has a wealth of theatre, film and television credits to his name. Theatre includes Slaughter City (RSC), Happy Birthday Brecht (National Theatre), The Old Neighbourhood (The Royal Court) and most recently the award winning Burlesque at Jermyn Street Theatre. TV includes Minder, Shine on Harvey Moon, Great Expectations, Vanity Fair, Rome and the aforementioned Eastenders with films including Moulin Rouge.
Monkee Business the Musical is written by Peter Benedict (Naked Flame, Fire Down Under, Deadlock), directed by David Taylor (Cats, The Prisoner of Second Avenue), choreographed by David Morgan (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) and produced by the madcap Michael Rose Ltd in conjunction with the seriously-off=the-wall Ambassador Theatre Group.
Monkee Business is premiering at the Opera House as part of Manchester Gets It First, Ambassador Theatre Group’s commitment to making Manchester the UK’s official city for launching theatre’s biggest and best new musicals, a scheme which has won the backing of the city council. Ghost the Musical was the first MGiF show, and last month saw the second, the record-breaking All New People – written by and starring Zach Braff.
The Manchester run of Monkee Business The Musical will be dedicated to Davy Jones, a wonderfully talented musician whose songs brought happiness to millions of people around the world.
information goldmine ✨👀✨!!!!! i knew about the musical, but i did not know all of this!!! thank you so much 🙏😔. also damn can’t believe someone who worked on cats worked on the fucking monkees musical…..
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wetthandss · 1 year
songs in that one playlist where i keep all the songs that make me cry without fail
The Decemberists - I Was Meant For the Stage
Toru Kitajima - Unravel (Acoustic) Starsailor - Way to Fall
Johnny Cash - Don't Take your Guns to Town
Jack Stauber - Dead Flowers (Rolling Stones cover)
Sam Haft - You Will be Okay (for Helluva Boss)
Motoi Sakuraba - Daughters of Chaos (for Dark Souls)
Worthikids - Dried up Old Bones (Tom Willet cover)
Sebastián Yatra - Dos Oruguitas (for Encanto)
Shibayan & milka - Tiny Little Adiantum (from ZUN - Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land)
Andrew Lloyd Webber - Memory (Reprise) (for Cats)
Koji Kondo - Title Theme (for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
상록수 (Sangnoksu) - Dancing Mad (Symphonic Arrangement) (from Nobuo Uematsu - Dancing Mad [for Final Fantasy VI])
Tally Hall - Be Born
Mitski - Class of 2013
Tamachang - Daisy Bell (from Harry Dacre - Daisy Bell)
The Protomen - Act II - The State Vs. Thomas Light
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haute-lifestyle-com · 2 years
The Survivor, from HBO Pictures, Delivers! A Must See! #janetwalker #hautelifestylecom #theentertainmeentzonecom #thesurvivor #hbomax #hbo
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starsplusacat · 3 days
Hi! I decided might as well introduce myself a little bit since I wanna start writing and stuff!
You call me star!
Things about me me!
Star sigh- taurus
Hogwarts house- hufflepuff
Camp haft blood cabin- iris
I like
The outsiders
The sandlot
Maze runner
Teen wolf
The Mighty Ducks
The hunger games
Precy Jackson
And I also like Harry Potter but I don’t like JK 
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Fighting for survival, the story of Harry Haft
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Harry Haft was a Polish-Jewish boxer and survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp. He was briefly a professional boxer in post-war Germany, and boxed as a light heavyweight in the United States.
After the war, Harry Haft emigrated to the USA with the help of an uncle in New Jersey. Haft's final fight was against future champion Rocky Marciano, on 18 July 1949 in Rhode Island Auditorium.
In April 2007, Harry Haft was inducted into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. A movie on Haft’s life was released in 2022. Called The Survivor and based on the book by Alan Haft, it aired on HBO.
Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on 27th January. You can learn more about the Holocaust at the Auschwitz Museum and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. You can also develop your understanding at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre.
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abraham2love · 3 months
barry levinson : director
full movie
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rabattbutikse · 3 months
FC Union Berlin räddar FC Bayern München
Sedan tidigare FC Bayern Münchens huvudtränare Hans-Dieter Flick slutade har laget haft två huvudtränare. Den nuvarande huvudtränaren Thomas Tuchel har också ifrågasatts av fansen. Hans utmärkelser i UEFA Champions League-mästerskapen är också värdelösa. När FC Union Berlin förlorade mot FC Bayern München trodde fansen att den röda billiga fotbollströja hade fått fart.
Om FC Bayern München fortsätter att förlora kommer fansen att börja ifrågasätta laguppställningen och tränaren. När allt kommer omkring, om FC Bayern München vill framgångsrikt försvara Bundesliga-titeln den här säsongen, måste de överträffa Bayer 04 Leverkusens poäng. Bayer 04 Leverkusen har blivit den största dark horse i Bundesliga den här säsongen, och lagets prestation är mycket bra. Borussia Dortmund lånade framgångsrikt Jadon Sancho, som gav mycket hjälp till laget. FC Bayern München är under pressen att hamna bakom Bayer 04 Leverkusen, och de måste vara försiktiga med eftersläntrandes comeback. När FC Bayern München meddelade att Thomas Tuchel var en pålitlig huvudtränare började många fans ha inkonsekventa utvärderingar. Faktum är att FC Bayern München inte hade någon bra huvudtränarkandidat vid den tiden, och laget föredrog att välja en huvudtränare med erfarenhet av mästerskap.
Hittills denna säsong är huvudtränaren Thomas Tuchels rekord 14 vinster, 2 oavgjorda och 2 förluster, vilket redan är ett bra rekord för en huvudtränare. Han var tvungen att ta hand om lagets framgångar med att ta sig vidare till nästa omgång av UEFA Champions League, men hans tränarförmåga kändes fortfarande inte igen av fansen. Harry Kane och Thomas Tuchel kommer båda till Bundesliga under sin första säsong, och ingen av dem vill låta FC Bayern München Matchtröjor bli en ånger. FC Bayern Münchens seger över FC Union Berlin kom till lättnad, och bara en vinst kommer att ge fansen en hög nivå av erkännande för spelarna och huvudtränaren.
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maelkevejen · 5 months
Det her er lidt komisk
Jeg har stort set hele tiden tænkt, at det er Mathias, der har mange ting, når jeg har haft følelsen af, at her er meget fyldt. Men nu er jeg gået igang med at pakke og det er helt sikkert mig, der har flest ting. Æv. For så er det jo mig selv, der skal tage stilling til, om de skal med eller ej. Eller ud eller videre. Altså puha, hvorfor har jeg så mange ting?! Det er da helt utroligt. Ej og min stakkels kæreste, gad vide om det er med til at skabe en følelse af, at jeg fylder meget.
Jeg tænker nogle gange på dengang vi viste en eller anden person rundt herinde eller inviterede dem ind. Jeg kan ikke huske, om det var en nabo eller en studieven eller et eller andet, men jeg kan huske, at hun sagde “…hold da op I har mange ting”. Og det havde jeg aldrig rigtigt tænkt over, var noget folk ville tænke over, når de kommer ind i vores hjem. Og jeg har også en anden veninde, og hun er godt nok, altså, belastet på nogle andre områder, men hun kan ikke lide at være her, fordi der er så meget at tage stilling til. Så slemt synes jeg overhovedet ikke, at det er. Virkelig. Her er hjemligt, her roder tit lidt, men altså… det er et hjem. Og i øvrigt er det svært ikke at rode, når ens hjem er så smalt som vores, tror jeg, og man ikke har nogen døre. Men jeg spekulerer samtidigt også, når jeg er på besøg hos andre og mere minimalistiske folk, på hvordan hulen folk har så få ting. Som om de kunne flytte alle deres ting i ti flyttekasser. Jeg fyldte 20 flyttekasser, da jeg flyttede hjemmefra, og jeg aner ikke hvordan. Skal jeg virkelig bruge… fire farvede blikke notespapir? En hel samling Disney VHS’er? Hvem lytter overhovedet til CD’er længere. Beholde mine gamle bullet journals (idk, det er da sjovt? Er det noget andre folk smider ud?) og så har jeg mindst tre Bibeler: én fra da jeg blev døbt, en fra da jeg var minikonfirmand og én der jeg blev konfirmand. Beholder folk ikke den slags? Og alle mine fucking bøger. Ringenes Herre (har aldrig læst færdig) og tre sæt Harry Potter-bøger (danske hardbacks, britiske hardbacks og amerikanske paperbacks) plus fire illustrerede og et pragteksemplar. Hvorfor har andre mennesker ikke den slags ting? … er jeg mærkelig? Altså… sådan på den ufede måde? Bare vi ikke ender med at være sådan et gammelt ægtepar hvor ting står på gulvet alle vegne og der bare er lavet en sti fra hoveddøren til sofaen og til køkkenet og vi ikke vil skille os af med alt muligt ligegyldigt ragelse. Men jeg synes jo ikke, det et ligegyldigt ragelse nu! Hvordan ved man det?! Help!
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme The Survivor Online fácil
Assistir Filme The Survivor Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/the-survivor/
The Survivor - Filmes Online Fácil
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Harry Haft é um boxeador que lutou contra colegas prisioneiros nos campos de concentração para sobreviver. Assombrado pelas memórias e sua culpa, ele tenta usar lutas de alto nível contra lendas do boxe como Rocky Marciano como uma maneira de encontrar seu primeiro amor novamente.
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lasirenetta · 9 months
England 23 part 5: Cambridge, kapper og et klip  
Den næste morgen tog vi mod Cambridge, som er kendt for at være den ultimative studiebyen. De fleste er nok bekendt med Cambridge Universitys status som et eliteuniversitet, og de gamle murstensbygninger indgød da også en stemning af traditioner, penge og ikke mindst Harry Potter. Vi besluttede os også for at tage på en guidet tur med en universitetsstuderende, som kunne fortælle os om Cambridges historie og alle universitetets regler og normer. Han fortalte os blandt andet, hvordan alle nye studerende skulle til en optagelsesceremoni, hvordan de skulle bære forskellige kapper, alt efter hvilken eksamen de skulle op til, og at alle kollegierne havde haft forskellige kendte studerende som konger, nobelprismodtagere og politikere. Det viste sig da også. at produktionen, som havde stået bag Harry Potter-filmene, i sin tid havde spurgt Cambridge, om de måtte komme og filme på campus. Universitetets ledelse mente dog dengang, at filmene formentlig ikke ville blive en succes og takkede derfor nej. Oxford, som må siges at være Cambridges største rival, ville imidlertid gerne lægge lokaler til, hvilket uden tvivl må være en af de dårligste beslutninger, der nogensinde er blevet truffet. 
Efter at have set de forskellige bygninger udefra - Cambridge er ret dyrt, for det koster adskillige pund at komme ind de forskellige steder - gik vi ud ved parken og den lille flod, som løber igennem byen. Der var flere træbåde med turister i, som blev styret af en person forrest med en træpind, som drejede båden rundt ved at stikke pinden ned på bunden af floden. Clara fortalte mig, at man tidligere kunne leje bådene og selv styre dem, men da hun flere gange havde set folk falde i, var det nok meget godt, at de havde droppet det. Efter rundturen spiste vi frokost, og Clara fik endelig fundet en salon, hvor hun fik klippet sit hår (det blev meget flot). Derfra tog vi en sidste tur rundt i byen og fik snuset i et par boghandlere, før vi vendte tilbage og spiste den sidste middag hjemme hos Fiona & Co. 
Den næste morgen stod vi tidligt op og blev kørt til stationen i St. Albans af Cameron og Fiona, hvor vi kunne tage et direkte tog ud til Gatwick. Turen igennem security gik hurtigt, og vi brugte derfor et par timer på at spise frokost og short bread i lufthavnen. På trods af at det havde været kraftigt stormvejr i dagene op til i Danmark, lykkedes det os at komme sikkert til København og efter at have pakket ud, spiste jeg aftensmad med August.  
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