#harry has had multiple conversations w them re their inability to let things go
padfootastic · 1 year
Harry gets his heartbroken and Sirius is immediately advocating homicide or perhaps maiming; Lily is patting Harry’s back as he cries, wordlessly attempting to communicate “if you don’t start offering solutions that are legal and won’t end up with us in jail, I will start screaming at the top of my lungs” through her stares alone
exactly this. harry goes to james when he gets his heart broken bc he knows his dad is the least likely to Commit Violence and also he kinda gives the best hugs and his comfort food is bar none.
but of course, nothing in the potter-black household is really a secret so it eventually comes out and james really is regretting not having three hands (one to comfort harry and the other two to hold sirius & lily back)
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