#harry r6s
darkjakkus · 1 year
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r6 as roblox quotes
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ropasart · 1 year
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@iateyourburrito @non-parfaitement @shadyvoidhologram
I said I’ll doodle only the first 2 characters, but mmm just drew them all, but only colored the first 2 ^^
I don’t know if I drew them correctly… but hope you like it!
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itsohh · 8 months
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If I had a nickle for every time someone in a first person shooter franchise was murdered at their office desk at night and owned this one specific green lamp, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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veikkoalen · 6 months
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i am a medieval starving child who just got tossed two stale breadcrumbs and i too miss harry a lot. ubi puts more trust in deimos' how i guess
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kryptonian-puppy · 1 year
Rainbow Six Siege - Year 8 Cinematic
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shegetsburned · 1 year
thank you so much for you guys’ feedback on my oc Braise. Loved the comments! Here’s her biography. Always feel free to ask me questions about her, there’s nothing I’d love more than to answer them.
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Braise’s biography~
"You’re either on my side or in my way."
Operator Luna "Braise" Ursi is born in France where she lived for three years before immigrating to Quebec, Canada. There, she developed skills in French and English due to her location which benefited her throughout her social and professional life. She comes form a hardworking family and she knew quite young what she wanted to do; sacrificing herself to help those in need. At 16 she enlisted in the Canadian armed forces (CAF) as an armored officer. That will mark the beginning of her multiples changes.
Later, Luna did one year in the Royal military college before realizing it may not be the right fit for her, she soon changed to the federal police of Canada (RCMP), succeeding in every part of the job including weapons’ training and rapid response situations. She did four years before being able to supervise the newcomers and then got approached by the emergency response team (ERT). There, she served one year. One year where she got deployed all over Canada helping citizens and participating in high danger classified operations. During a joint operation with the JTF2, she met agent Sebastien "Buck" Côté who later introduced her to Rainbow.
When I first read Luna’s dossier I thought Côté wasn’t thinking straight. She had way too much expectations on what she could achieve and about the person she would become, but maybe that’s what made her such a good fit for team Rainbow. She would not back down. She was reckless, tireless, rigorous and independent. These qualities interested me, and were a mix I had wished to see on the battlefield for a long time now.
At first, I started to learn about her personal life. She lived with a quite modern family. There didn’t seem to be any problems at first but, as I dug deeper, I realized Ursi had suffered this oldest sibling syndrome. She felt a lot of pressure on her shoulders but managed to control it before she find an opportunity to work on it with the federal police. My several psychological interviews with agent Braise confirmed her immense feeling of pressure when it came to success. A mix of immense guilt and pressure of doing what is right. She had failed to achieve her goals in the army which pushed her into not doing any mistakes again that could make her feel so miserable. Failure is her biggest enemy.
Luna would seem harsh at first but she is liked in the unit by others and seems to have small issues with few of our agents. After some time she quickly grew found of our French and Canadian agents where she seemed to find her place with most of them. Of course, her strong sense of hate towards injustice made her more friendly with Aria "Alibi" De Luca which she described, as my biggest surprise, like a sort of canalisation for her anger. I’m also looking forward to seeing her work with agents Mark "Mute" Chandar as her defensive partner and Jordan "Thermite" Trace during her mentoring time with the agency. They are two strong headed men, who I hope will vandalize their anger and frustration into Luna’s strategic and open mind.
— Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, Director of Rainbow
@poisonedtruth would love to help you with an icon! Feel free to ask.
tags: @scentedcandleibex @voidika @kryptonian-puppy @unbindingkerberos @unpetitoiseau
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nzmpo · 11 months
all of my self inserts who have refs so far 🤙
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tacticalhimbo · 1 year
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darlingdarkly · 3 months
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Fates Worse Than Death
A Deimos x f!reader Series
Chapter 1
Word count: 5k
Part: 2
OG A/N: Hey, hi! So, tomorrow is my birthday. And for my birthday I decided to write a hugely self indulgent smutty fic for myself and instead of writing one for cod like I’ve been doing and contributing to an already super saturated fandom I have decided to write it for my r6s fandom, which admittedly keeps looking deader and deader, but I know that if I’m scouring the tags for fics then maybe someone else is too and so I’m gonna share my gift to myself in hopes that someone else who’s desperate for content will find it and be glad it’s there.
Second A/N: Hey! So I decided to make this a series actually. This will stand as chapter 1 💕
Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Listen to me 👁️👁️ I need you to heed the tags. I am going to tag the hell out of this thing and if you don’t read the tags then you’re throwing yourself into a mixed bag of whatever the hell and that’s on you. The tags are there for your benefit. Not mine. You have been warned.
CW: non con elements, dub con elements, interrogation, belt spanking, bondage, unprotected climactic p in v intercourse, oral (f!receiving), abduction, hair pulling, fingering, death, blood, mild game spoilers 🤷‍♀️
This is the point of no return, you click this button and you consent to the content on the other side.
This takes place after Deimos has killed Harry but before Rainbow has captured him, if you give a shit about canon events and timeline. Enjoy 💕
The chilly night wind whipped through the leaves, rattling them noisily and aiding in concealing your stealthy movements. You and three other operatives cut through the wooded terrain like silent wraiths as you sought out the hidden compound due north, said to be home to his lair. The mission was simple, get in, extract Deimos and exfil.
You moved quickly and quietly bringing up the rear of the squad. Rifle locked and loaded, the muzzle pointed out ahead of you, strafing for contact. You heard your squad leader over the comms, gruff and clear as he spoke to your contact back on base.
“Rainbow, this is O1, we are two clicks due south of the compound. ETA 15 for contact, are we a go?”
After a moment of measured silence he got a response. “Rainbow to O1, you’re green lit. Standby for evac.”
O1 came back moments later. “Copy that. Over.” There was an audible cut through the radio before O1 addressed your squad. “Alright, squad. You heard the man. On your toes.” Each of you responded in turn. “O2 copy.” A pause. “O3 copy.” You depressed the button on your headset and responded. “O4 copy.”
Soon after, the four of you crested a hill and fanned out over the top of it, laying eyes upon the brilliant glow cutting through the velvet of night like a knife. O1 came through your ear piece and gave curt instruction. “O2, follow me to the east. O3 and O4 you take west. Stick close to the perimeter, plant the charge and fall back. We detonate on my count and breach simultaneously. Do you understand?”
The three of you responded in unison. “Sir, yes sir.” You saw him motion forward and your group began to move, splitting into your assigned pairs and descending upon the compound. You lost sight of your squad mates in the thick of the trees but kept close to O3 as you neared the far west walls of the hidden base. Just as you made the bottom of the hill there was a panicked cry over the comms from O2. “What the fuck is that? O1 we have a disturbance.” There’s a break in his speech, a long drawn out eerie quiet that unnerves you.
“Sir, we’re not alone! I repeat, not alone.” There was a faint scuffle in the distance and a single gunshot before O1 came over the comms, frantic. “O1 to Rainbow, we’re made! Requesting evac. It’s him.”
You and O3 stopped and turned towards the commotion, unsure of how to proceed. There was a heart stopping, pained scream in the distance and you heard Rainbow call to the pair of you over the comms. “O3, O4, this is Rainbow. Get out of there, you’re compromised. Get to evac. I repeat, Get to evac!”
The pair of you took off in the woods, abandoning mission and headed west towards the evac point. You could feel your heartbeat in your chest and had to focus to calm your breathing. At this point it was about survival as you followed close behind O3 and cut through the woodlands for the helo just eight clicks west.
There’s a flutter in the air, a woosh of displaced air as something whizzes by and you hear O3 ahead of you begin to panic. “Christ it’s him! Run for it, now!” O3 bolts forward and you’re sprinting to catch up but soon he’s lost in the copse of pines and all you have left of him is his panicked yells and heavy breathing over the radio. “O3, where are you? O3!?!” You hear the deafening discharge of a heavy caliber ring out in the still night and it’s too close for comfort.
You veer away from it and towards the evac. Splitting off on your own as the blood of your last remaining squad member drains from the brand new vent hole in his head and begins to quickly cool in the night air. You can hardly hear yourself crash through the woods, boots scaling over rocks and fallen logs as your breath quickens and terror begins to set in.
You miss the whirring of the foreign object the second time around but there’s no mistaking the calm, collected voice in your ear as he hacks through your comms and makes himself known. “There you are. There’s no hiding. Not for you. Not for me.”
Rainbow comes in low and static-y though the comms and you struggle to make him out clearly. “O4 do you… in O4… Get out! I rep-… Deimos is tra-…. On your posit-….” And then everything cuts. Your comms go dark and you’re officially alone, the last of a nearly dead and shattered squad in the dead of night in the thick of the sticks.
Determined not to die in the midst of these pines you beeline for the green blip on your gps. If you could just make it to the helo you’d survive but as you took a final glance at your position a second blip pinged. A dark red skull just twenty meters back. His deathMARK. You felt a lump in your throat as you realized you’d been made and triple timed it, arms pumping at your sides as you tore through the woods in fear. Pure terror coursed through your veins and nipped at your heels, promising death if caught. There was no capture, Deimos wasn’t known for taking prisoners.
You mounted a hill and pushed out between two huge oaks as you practically slid down the other side. You made huge strides, legs driving you towards salvation as you pushed them to the limit in hopes of escape. You were only four clicks out when you tripped, stumbling over something hard and unseen as you crashed ungracefully to the ground and tumbled in the leaf litter. You scrambled to regain your footing, clawing at the earth and struggling to your feet.
You had just made it up when he hit you like a freight train, violently tackling you and knocking you on your back. The pair of you rolled in the foliage, tumbling over one another in the night and sprawling apart as you came to a jolting stop.
This was it, it was fight or die so you grabbed for the push daggers secured to the straps of your tac vest and faced your adversary. He came up ready to fight, charging forward and lunging for you. You drove forward with a fist, spearheaded leathily by the edge of the knife and swung out to bite at his throat. He pulled back and you sliced through air instead, he followed through with an arm on your elbow and brought your arm down over one thick thigh, breaking your hold and successfully disarming you.
With one knife left you pushed back at his chest and swung forward to attack, hoping to aggressively close the distance and quickly end him but he grabbed your arm with his strong gloved hands and twisted it around until your back was socketed into his chest. He pulled on your limb and brought it down hard over his knee, breaking your hold for a second time and disarming you completely.
You struggled out of his grip and tried to make a break for it, a last ditch effort to stay alive and bolt but he caught a grip on your ankle and you once more went sprawling to the ground, ass over teapot. When you turned around to face death you caught sight of his ballistic mask towering over you, he held the magnum in a tight grip in his right hand and you knew it was over. At least you’d die with your squad, knowing you’d done your best and been outplayed.
But instead of staring down the unblinking black eye that was the bore of his barrel you felt the butt of the .44 Vendetta crash down on your temple before the night stole over you and blocked out all thought.
It wasn’t til much later that you awoke, sluggish, confused and in tremendous pain. The room was bright but cold and when you tried to alleviate the pain in your head by bringing your hand up to soothe it you realized you were bound and secured to some kind of padded platform. Your arms were stretched out and down in front of you, bound together by something strong and without give. Your legs were similarly bound but tucked up beneath you on the padded bench. It was then you realized you were also naked from the waist down. Your chest was covered but had been stripped of your tac gear and uniform and replaced with a stark white tee, your bra was also missing.
You weren’t blindfolded or gagged but when you tried to whip your head around you found it hard to maneuver, only about five degrees of field of view to see on either side and all you could see of that was dingy white tile from floor to ceiling. You struggled in your bonds but stopped as you heard the slow, methodical blows of his boots on the concrete steadily drawing nearer. You stiffened and tried not to think about the view he no doubt was privy to from this angle. He broke the silence first.
“Well she’s finally awake. Don’t struggle, the knots won’t give, I tied them myself.” He sounds smug and confident as he strides up behind you, voice low and clear, not quite deep but thoroughly resolute, the draw of a southern twang peeking out subtly but sophisticated. The venom in you begins to well up in your throat, your teeth grit and body tensing as your anger builds and your hate gestates.
You let loose on him, anger burning a hole in your chest as you feel robbed of your rightful death, you shouldn’t be here still breathing, you should be dead in the woods with your squad, not tied up and captured like some kind of prized war spoil. “Fuck you! Kill me, you bastard!” He let himself come into view, circling around you with his arms clasped behind his back. He was still fully clad in his black tac gear and ballistic helmet, the dark, obsidian lenses of his eyes gleamed deviously in the fluorescent light.
“Can’t get information out of you if you’re dead, now can we?” You ground your teeth in your skull, body trembling in half fear, half seething rage. “You won’t get a damn word out of me, motherfucker! You’ll have to kill me, I won’t talk!”
His head tilted slightly as he tisked, chiding you calmly. “Such a nasty mouth.” He disappeared from view, the dark drape of his cape flowing out behind him, returning to his position behind you as you heard a rustle and the soft tink of metal on metal as he lifted something off of a table. “My godfather was a stern but loving man. He taught me at an early age about duty and responsibility. About discipline and respect. I loved and respected him dearly but as all boys are, I had a tendency to be rowdy and disrespectful at times. He taught me these values with a firm and unyielding hand. Something I think you could use a good helping of.”
You heard the crack of the belt as he brought the two looped ends taut in his hands and immediately stiffened, the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight up. “You’re going to tell me everything I want to know, including the details of your mission, the intel you received and who you received it from along with the coordinates of the Rainbow base.” He stopped and waited for your response, you sat still and silent, mentally preparing yourself for the coming onslaught.
“Nothing to share?” You shifted in place but spat out at him, tongue in cheek. “Fuck you.” Shortly after you felt the first lick of the belt as it cut through the air and cracked across your bare ass, making you jump and yelp. It may have been a far cry from conventional interrogation methods but it was still painful and humiliating. You heard the leather slide in his fist before you felt the second blow, just parallel to the first, aimed and executed with precision to land just beside it on the same cheek. “Fuck!”
He hummed contently. “Tell me what your mission objective was.” He languidly paced behind you as he waited for your answer, when none came he brought the belt down on the other cheek twice in rapid succession, giving you no time to recover. You tried shifting away from the blows but had about a half an inch of clearance for wiggle room, there was no evading it.
He kept it up, pausing and then attacking ruthlessly, periodically stopping before doling it out again, fat, opaque lines began to criss cross on the smooth surface, marking his progress. He questioned you again and you held silent, preferring to suffer through the consequences rather than give in and endanger an entire base of your colleagues for the quicker respite of death. He’d kill you in time either way, it was better to hold out and die honorably than relent for a swifter end.
“You’re resilient, tough little spit fire, I’ll give you that. But you should know your silence has consequences.”
You sneered at him where he couldn’t see. “I don’t give a fuck about me. Beat me, torture me, cut my toes off one by one, I don’t care. You’ll kill me when you figure out I’ve got nothing to say to you and I will die honorably.”
He laughs and it makes a sliver of uncertainty worm through you. “I’m not going to kill you, sweetheart.” The pet name makes you queasy but his response only confuses you. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“When our little talk ends, the door closes. If you don’t tell me what I wanna know by the time we’re through here your life as you know it ceases to exist.”
“I already told you to just go ahead and kill me. I’ll die before I tell you anything that would put Rainbow at risk.” Instead of punching you in the ribs or breaking a finger he just leaned in til you could feel the warmth of his chest settle over the top of your bare ass and it felt much more sinister than any strike or blow.
“Oh sweetheart, there are fates much worse than death.” You still don’t quite understand and he senses you struggling to grasp the full scope of the threat so he takes a break from the spanking and explains it to you in full detail.
You hear him set the belt down on something before you feel his gloved hands caressing your ass, running the covered fingertips over his handiwork and down the swell of your cheeks before dipping lower and skimming the slit of your sex. His fingers come away slick and he smirks behind the mask where you can’t see.
“If you don’t tell me what I want to hear then I’m going to take these-“ You hear a jingle from behind you and know they’re your dog tags, probably scalped from your neck as he undressed you no doubt. “-and I’m going to throw them out in the woods with your dead squad mates. They’ll think one of two things. Either you died out there like a good soldier and some animal, pack of coyotes perhaps, carted your body away or, I finally caught up with you, gave you an ultimatum, and you sold them out from under the rug. Either way they’ll come to the conclusion that you’re beyond saving and they’ll bury you in an empty casket and move on.”
You felt it all coming to a head and the audacity of it came to be too much. “You’re wrong! They’ll never stop looking for me! You think they’ll give up so easily! They won’t stop until they find me! Ohhhh and they will find me! You are so fucked! You are sooo-“
The crack of the belt against your ass cut off your angry rant, the words dying in a pained yelp as he brought the leather down on your ass in an angry torrent. SMACK. SMACK. SMACKSMACKSMACK.
You clenched against the pain, trying to curl up on yourself but of course it was no use, you could only sit and take it. When the onslaught ended he continued.
“You didn’t let me finish. Either way… no one is going to come looking for you. And I think I’m starting to like you so instead of killing you, like you’re dying to have me do-“ You feel the return of his fingers, the cool leather of his glove soothing against the heated stinging welts already swelling on your cheeks. Then they glided down and you felt his fingers spread your lips and when he spoke this time he sounded different somehow, louder and clearer.
“-I’m going to keep you all to myself. I’ll house you, clean you, feed you. During the day I’ll keep you tied up in here, my own sweet little stress relief, make the walls of this room echo with screams of a different caliber for a change.”
It wasn’t until you felt the flat of his tongue glide up the length of your sex that you realized why he sounded so much clearer, he’d taken his mask off and now he was casually eating your pussy, tongue dipping in between his fingers spreading you apart so gently, a stark contrast from the harsh belt treatment he’d been afflicting upon you moments before.
He hummed into your pussy and you squirmed against the heat of him, simultaneously freaking out yet undeniably turned on as his tongue probed you and his hands caressed the cheeks of your ass. He pulled away and you weren’t sure if it was a sigh of relief or a whine of protest that built a home in your throat, kept at bay only by the last mustering of your will.
“So sweet. When I was a boy growing up in Birmingham, I used to play in the sugar cane fields for hours. Me and my friends would cut away stalks from the edges of the field for a taste. You taste just like that, fresh cut sugar cane.” You shuddered in his hold and told yourself it was all psychological warfare, it changed nothing. When he had the information he seeked he would cut you down just like he did all the rest.
You felt him step away from behind you and come up to your side, his hands trailing like fire along the length of your body as he did so. He reached under the platform you were tied to and suddenly your arms pulled forward in front of you, forcing your chest to pull forward and press against the bench. Your ass raised up high and unshielded as you felt the collective wetness of his saliva and your slick coating your lips, chilly exposed like this, but it doesn’t take long before he’s resumed the position and you feel his hot breath fanning against it, rewarming his meal.
“We’re gonna have a lot fun, sugar cane.”
“So.” Lick. “Much.” Lick. “Fun.” Lick.
You couldn’t help the moan that escaped, at this new angle he had access to the fulty of you and his tongue dipped down and swiped at your clit on the last lick making you momentarily lose yourself in the white hot pleasure of it. “Fuck!”
“I intend to.” You don’t grasp until much later the meaning of that, lost to the way he eats you so slow and sensual. He chuckles behind you and you know now, without a shadow of a doubt, that he intends to keep true to his word because he’s stopped questioning you, stopped beating you, just content to sample his new toy. Your life is over, because you won’t give up Rainbow and you won’t tell him a goddamn thing and your stubborn honor has damned you in a way that was worse than death and now you’ll spend the rest of your days keeping his cock warm until you’ve gone insane from it.
Taking his time and savoring the taste of you on his tongue, you feel the first press of his padded fingers prodding your entrance. Gently pushing forward til he was in just up to the first knuckle, sawing them in and out slowly and twisting them in your heat as his tongue stayed latched to your clit, suckling it.
“Deimos!” He rewarded you with an open mouthed kiss to your clit as he pushed his gloved fingers further into your depths, exploring them as your back arched nice and pretty for him as far as your binds would allow.
He pulled his tongue away to your dismay but kept his fingers buried in you, stilling their movement but curling them inside you to press teasingly against your sweet spot. “Got some new insights for me, sugar cane?”
Your lips were sealed shut as far as that was concerned but your resolve was waning, you recognized the point of no return you were quickly approaching and despite the horrible implications of your future, there were just too many good men and women with their lives on the line for you to justify the alternative.
So you shifted shamelessly to push back on his fingers, eyes squeezing shut as you tried to focus on the pleasure and not the humiliating position you were quickly failing to resist against. He recognized the move as you made it and gave you what was to be his last warning.
“Let me put it in no uncertain terms for you. When I come right in here-“ He flexed his fingers inside you to demonstrate his point, eliciting a high whine from you. “-your time is up. You can sing all you want but past that point you’re no longer your own woman. You’re mine, do you understand?”
You didn’t even consider your freedom for the briefest of seconds, just nodded solemnly as you accepted his terms, though little they mattered. Although he’d seen your nod it mustn’t have been good enough as you felt the all too familiar crack of the leather, jolting you from your thoughts and bringing you back to the present. You clenched down on his fingers, eyes rolling in their sockets at the euphoric sensation.
“I need a verbal answer.” Your grit your teeth for not the first and certainly not the last time dealing with him. “Screw you!”
He laughed, it was easy and carefree. “All in good time, sweetheart. I’m gonna enjoy my meal first.” With that he seemed to be done speaking, leaving you to stew over a decision you’d already made and ruminate in the consequences of it. He dove eagerly back into the heat of your sex, plunging his fingers enthusiastically in and out of your pussy while his tongue lapped at the juices that seeped out around them.
He watched as your toes curled in on themselves, mouth dropping open where he couldn’t see and expelling breath in a silent moan. He proved to be skillful in a manner of ways and this seemed to be no exception to the rule, making light work of bringing your pleasure to a head and threatening to throw you over the edge quicker than you’d like to admit.
You fought for control of your body but it was a battle you were unavoidably losing as he pulled his fingers free and replaced them with his tongue, pushing it deep into you and occupying his hands by rubbing circles over your clit with his thumb. It was a devastating sensation that pulled your muscles taut, your head raised up off the padding and tipped back as far as your restraints would allow as you suddenly came violently.
He spurred it on, lapping at your sopping wet slit and never ceasing the movements of his thumb, making you shake and really test the strength of your ties. He drove you through your orgasm, not even slowing as you began to plead with him to stop, it was too much. When you thought you’d tumble head first into a second one he finally relented, leaving you gasping and panting as you vaguely heard him shucking his pants behind you.
You felt something hard and blunt at your entrance as he slid his cock up to you and rifled it up and down your slit, wetting the tip and enjoying the light springy jump that coursed through you every time his head hit your clit.
“Last chance, sweetheart. As much as I’d hate to lose your company, you’re running out of chances to secure your freedom.” You could hardly focus on his words, still caught between struggling to catch up from your first mind blowing orgasm and steeling yourself against the promise of a second one if the way your pussy was trying and failing to catch his tip and suck it in was any indicator.
He lined himself up and pushed forward, causing you both to moan out together as he stretched you open on his girth. “Fuck me, you are sweet.” He slid home, hips pushing flush with yours as you adjusted to the way he seemed to fill you out perfectly. Your head dipped as he began a steady, unrushed rhythm, slapping his hips to yours every time he drove it home.
You had stopped breathing since he’d entered you and suddenly took one huge sucking breath in, filling your lungs just to immediately expel it as a broken but pleasured moan. He growled behind you and you could feel it vibrate through you in a whole new sensation, overloading your senses, coursing white and blinding in its intensity.
“Please!” You had no idea what you were begging for but it just felt so right, losing your sense of self, reduced to nothing more than nerve endings. He reached forward and grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling back and taking out the slack as your back arched to accommodate his hold.
“Oh god!” You could hardly imagine how you must look, head cocked back and slack-jawed as he split you open from behind. Each thrust was precise and calculated, wringing you for every last drop of pleasure until your mind went blank and your whole being submitted to the fucking.
He leaned forward, breath hot and heavy right behind your ear as he spoke and he must’ve known you were a goner because instead of trying to extract information he just spoke of the future. All the ways he’d bend you to his will, how he’d break you and build you back better in his image.
“It’s truly a shame we met under these circumstances. Under a different light I’d have enjoyed training you, honing your skills instead of wasting all this potential such as it is. Under me you’d have made an unstoppable operator. Now you’ll never see combat again.”
For some reason this truth had only now dawned on you, some deep part of your brain had held out hope of escape or retaliation or vengeance but cock drunk beneath him you knew it was hopeless, he was absolutely right and you were ultimately fucked.
As if he’d been holding back he renewed his vigor and began to pound into you from behind with abandon. Your mouth was dry and your knees were screeching at you from below, despite the padding, but all you could focus on was the pool of pleasure building heavy in your gut. There was no turning back from this, your mind screamed for you to do something but any other thoughts were beyond you and so you expelled them with the rest and took your fate as it sealed, securing a chokehold around your throat and brought you to heel.
You came around his cock, the second world shattering orgasm of the evening and much more all encompassing in its magnitude. You were certain you felt your heart stop, lungs burning for air as you clenched down around him. Seconds later he followed, coming with a half moan, half growl as you squeezed him for all he was worth. White hot spend filled you from the inside out and it was as blissful as it was damning.
The game was up, you were his. You stayed like that, riding the bliss and eyeing up the defeat that swelled up to take its place as it faded. He pulled out of you slowly and you felt his seed drip from you, slide down your thighs and puddle on the bench below you. You hardly heard him as he cleaned himself up and redressed. There was a click as the door to the room opened for the first time you were aware to hear it and two men stepped into the room.
There was a moment of nothing before you felt two firm hands wrap themselves around your arms and loosen your binds. They held you up til the tips of your feet hardly grazed the cool concrete floor and stationed on either side of you, held you up for inspection. You lifted your head to see him standing before you, dog tags dangling from one fist and the belt folded over on itself held tight in the other.
“I can’t say I’m disappointed in you, soldier. You stood your ground and that commands immense bravery. But you knew the rules and now you’ll reap what you’ve sown. You mustered up enough strength to gather saliva in between your lips and spit at his face. It didn’t quite make it and landed at his feet but you could hear a smile in his voice as he commanded the men at your side to carry you up to his quarters. He’d be seeing you again very soon.
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simonxriley · 4 months
WIP Day!
I was tagged by the wonderful @cloudofbutterflies92, thank you! 💜
Taglist (opt in/out) @playstationmademe @nightbloodbix @cassietrn @illmetbymoonlight @voidika @carlosoliveiraa @captmactavish @alexxmason @chloekistune @leviiackrman @collinnmckinley @inafieldofdaisies @theelderhazelnut @dickytwister @statichvm @r6shippingdelivery @carrionsflower @shegetsburned @justasmolbard @katsigian @killerspinal
I actually have something different this time. It's for r6s this time and I've missed writing for it, along with Skylar and Tachanka. Also 'kotyonok' means kitten in Russian and moya sladost' means my sweetness.
The morning’s have been filled with more laughter as the twins got older. That’s all you would hear as they played in the livingroom together or with their big sister, Grace as they waited for breakfast to be made. It was a wonderful sound to both Skylar and Alex, a way to not think about the complications of work. 
The complications that started once Harry took over as Six after Aurelia Arnot left the position as Director of Rainbow. If it wasn’t a job she loved she would’ve retired once he brought in Nighthaven. And see how well that turned out. 
She looked over at the twins playing in the living room with Grace while she cleaned up after breakfast. A small, proud smile formed on her lips. 
“Are you excited to get back to work on Monday, kotyonok?” 
The smile on her face faded when he mentioned work. “I’m excited to see my friends again and catch up. I just…Leaving the twins is going to be hard.” 
“My offer still stands. You don’t have to go back to work, you can be a stay-at-home mom if you really want to.” 
“I want to, I really do moya sladost’.” She softly sighed, placing the plate in the dishwasher. “Ever since Nighthaven, I keep having a bad feeling in my gut. I need to be out there.” She took in a deep breath, exhaling a few seconds later. “It’s not just terrorists were after anymore.” 
“When you put it that way, kotyonok. I understand why you want to be out there.” 
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r6shippingdelivery · 1 year
Who is R6S' new villain?
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The mysterious guy who killed Harry is evidently our new villain, but who is Deimos?
In mythology, Deimos is the god of dread and terror, who causes havoc in armies alongside his father Ares, brother Phobos (god of fear & panic) & goddess of discord Eris. Seems like he's making a statement with that name.
We also know he's ex-Rainbow. Before killig Harry, he says "Rainbow used to be feared in my time" and "you disgraced my unit". So definitely someone who used to be in Rainbow, maybe even an old Six? Let's see who are our candidates to be under the mask of Deimos 👀
Disclaimer: I'm getting all my knowledge of these characters from the wiki, if you spot any misinformation or have a better analysis, by all means, please do share!
Bishop: "Despite his excellence as a soldier, he does have a blind spot while leading; he sees the failures of his team as his own failures [...] Bishop is a driven individual, who is not above breaking rules." Sounds like a pretty good fit for the spot, except he never was Six. Although he was Deputy Director, so... maybe.
Ding Chavez: "He regards Clark as a mentor and father figure, and is fiercely loyal to him. [...] He is a natural leader, and an ambitious man who takes pride in his accomplishments." So not only was he Six for a time, he could also feel insulted that the unit Clark created has taken such a sharp decline in his eyes, and take that as a disrespect to Clark's legacy, whom he clearly admires. The motives are there, and by calling himself Deimos he could be alluding how Clark (his father-in-law and mentor) is in his eyes Ares! Probability of him being Deimos is rather strong.
John Clark: "A perfectionist, he cuts neither himself nor his men any slack. [...] His request is granted in 1999 with the formation of Rainbow." The founder of Rainbow, the original Six. There's a slight problem with this theory tho... he'd be seventy-something by now. Definitely too old to be Deimos. 
Logan Keller: He worked under Bishop (and therefore under Chavez, who was Six during that time). Arguably the golden age of old Rainbow. He volunteered to join so he probably feels pride about being part of such prestigious organization. He was leader of a few teams, but never rose to the position of Six. Probability of him being Deimos: maybe, but lower than Bishop, imo.
James Wolfe: he was supposed to be Six in the cancelled game Rainbow 6: Patriots. It would be funny, in a meta way, if he turned out to be the villain, since his game got cancelled to work on Siege instead. He's mostly an unknown quantity, so it wouldn't offend old fans if he became a villain now. And he was Six apparently. Definitely has a higher chance of being Deimos than Keller or Clark, imo.
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illmetbymoonlight · 1 year
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Wake up r6 followers, new r6 oc dropped!
Meet James "Wolf" Wolfe
Lilith’s past comes back to haunt her when her former CO she had an affair with as a navy SEAL joins Rainbow after Deimos murders Harry and declares war on Rainbow.
Face Claim: Richard Armitage
Original template used by the talented @euryalex
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veikkoalen · 9 months
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made a funny pic to justify my rant on r6 lore
deimos may be the right desicion for r6 lore but man im so fucking salty about harry's death and fenrir-ram juxtaposition. this community really hates characters and players who think with both halves of their brain. the comments under deimos' video like six personally stepped on their lettuce? oh go fuck yourselves yall, this plot will never have any stakes, ubi will never kill any of the ops cause they are pussies who can murder only harry
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shegetsburned · 1 year
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They don’t like the grown-up table.
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parragone · 1 year
very personal and quiet gripe about the direction R6 is going with Ubisoft is that as someone who loves and reads Tom Clancy's work and is generally a fan of military fiction? Man's rolling in his goddamn grave.
And, like, it's not because they made up certain CTUs, nor is it inherently Nighthaven.
So, the elephant in the room about that above statement. Nighthaven itself isn't a bad idea - a PMC is a typical sort of thing in military fiction because they're, you know, part of military, even if some people would rather it wasn't - it's the execution of it that's just god-awful and terrible.
Harry's incompetent as a leader of Rainbow and it's because he's the same mentality as Kali, in a way. Except worse.
Nighthaven being brought in by Harry into Rainbow is... far-fetched, at best, but their setup into the lore was even worse.
Yes, let's talk about the Six Invitational and why it not only is a horrible idea, but also why it would never happen and why every single self-respecting operator on the team would have left immediately.
First off; the concept or Team Rainbow is essentially a blacker-than-black team that has no face, no name, and operates without borders under the purview of the United Nations. These operators, in a real sense, don't exist.
I'm not even really joking, either; what records do exist of them would be under heavy lock and key, and many records would likely be purged and redacted to protect them and their families in the event of the White Masks or any other terrorists organization does find their records. These operators would be called in by higher powers and largely operate above local and, in some cases, international law. These people don't exist on paper beyond the things that can't be denied [i.e. Emmanuelle Pichon was born to the Pichon family]. They won't exist until Rainbow is disbanded, and then their records will be sealed and kept far, far away from anyone who is not the Director of Rainbow [Six] and the committee that handles their reinstatement/disbandment. I'm talking Boogeyman status, the people who simply appear and leave in a matter of hours with no knowledge of who they are or where they went.
All because they are not supposed to exist. If they exist, then the White Masks or any other terrorist organization/international threat could find leverage against them.
Operators wouldn't even have easy access to communications with family. Everything, every word said on the phone or written down to be sent off base or outside of their unit would be so heavily scrutinized by Six that there would be times where communication with family would simply be impossible. This is especially relevant to those like Tachanka and Smoke, who have children they can't communicate with; Smoke in particular stressed that his daughter was old enough to fend for herself.
Team Rainbow does not exist, their families would know nothing about where they are or what they do. World and military leaders are not briefed about their activities, they do not wear national colors into operations, the majority of the U.N. does not know about their activities for the sake of plausible deniability. The less people know about them, the better; you can only have so many people know a secret before it's not a secret anymore.
So why in God's name would the Director of Rainbow put them on broad global display in an insecure location?
Now, don't get me wrong. The idea of placing all Rainbow operatives in a single location isn't a bad one, and should be done for logistical reasons and for ease of deployment. Kinda like firefighters, you know. A lot of fire stations have sleeping areas where firefighters can just be on duty for an extended period. Except the fires are exceptionally lethal biochemical attacks and the firefighter team is Rainbow.
But the placement of operators into a single location should be done at a black site. Somewhere off the maps and off the books, somewhere so out of the way that no civilian in their right mind would stumble across it. Ideally, it could be somewhere impossible to find. Hidden from satellite imagery, out of sight and out of mind, with easy access to an area where they could leave via plane or helicopter. Preferably on the mainland of a continent, but you know, even a fucking island would work. They have the U.N.'s funding on their side, they could petition for a new base to built in a remote but easily left location.
But, even in a non-ideal situation, you could still claim a lesser-used or abandoned existing base. In Hereford, they had easy access to food and resources due to being stationed on an established base. You need access to deliveries, supplies, etc. regardless of your level of secrecy. You can't fight terrorists without weapons or supplies. You'd need somewhere that's been in use before and wouldn't be questioned if it was reclaimed under some 'miscellaneous' use but isn't terribly close to civilian establishments. Ideal locations like this already exist; Shemya AFB/Eareckson Air Station in Alaska if you want to be completely mysterious and cut off, or Thule Air Base in Greenland if you want to establish a new base of operations in a remote place that still receives supplies without needing any new system to be put in place. But you know where you don't put them?
A stadium in the middle of a city where determined urban explorers have most certainly learned how to break in and out long before the team shows up. Let alone the chatter that would be stirred up by the fact that the place is very, very obviously being renovated, as renovations aren't exactly a quiet endeavor and there's no way to 'low key' do it. It's not being renovated for sports, so civilians would try to get more information. You can't just keep saying 'private property' or 'local investment', either, not with the Invitational.
Oh no. You can't say shit with the Invitational.
I don't know how many of you have been to a sports game. That shit's loud. Excessively. You can hear that outside. And the stands are visibly packed, which tells me that there's likely just around.... 20,000 people.
I'll say that again. 20,000. Twenty thousand. And that's a conservative estimate, given that that arenas typically hold 40,000 or less, and this has to be a big enough arena to host an entire military operation without a single operator going home for any reason short of bereavement or "hey, Six, my country is going to war and pulling me out of the team". And those seats are packed.
All it takes is one person with malicious intent. One member of one government to be aligned with White Masks or some other international terrorist threat. Just one. And every single operator in that team is compromised, their families are in danger, and shit goes sideways.
And this is just in reference to the audience. Harry is shown to be really, really incompetent with this idea of a public 'hey, watch this' that is easily seen by so many people that there's not a chance in hell or high water that the team's existence won't slip, even if it is closed to the public. That's twenty thousand people as a low-ball estimate. Even if we take it down again, that's ten thousand people who know about this team.
Someone's gonna slip. Someone's gonna say something somewhere.
But then you introduce Nighthaven as... an effort to keep someone else from hiring them after they intervened during a pirate attack.
What the fuck?
That's not a valid excuse to bring a PMC into a highly secure, heavily kept secret. That's barely a reason to hire your enemy's company to deny them real business. Not only do you risk every operator present on Kali deciding not to leak the existence of Rainbow - which she has no obligation to do - but you allow her to repeatedly poach tech and then operators from under you. Because you wanted to 'keep an eye on her'.
Genuinely, and while I love R6, I wholeheartedly mean it when I say Harry would've been straight up removed by now. He's reckless and endangers his operators openly, and the U.N. wouldn't let their key defense against the Masks - a known terrorist group that does not act against a single nation but rather all of them - go vulnerable. Especially when the Masks narrative was never finished off before you introduced Nighthaven. If you'd tied off the Masks, handled secrecy appropriately instead of making Rainbow the worst kept military secret since Area 51, and introduced Nighthaven as a rival group from the start rather than 'oh yeah these operators are going to defect from Rainbow and not get their shit rocked not only by their fellow operators but also by their respective CTUs'? Maybe it would've worked.
But Nighthaven and the Invitational, which means the events leading up the the defection, just isn't believable in the narrative set up by the foundational lore. It's not believable in a military fiction sense. It's especially not believable in the sense that you're using Clancy's work as a basis.
It's more acceptable with Extraction because you straight up admit that this is a fantastical and [frankly sub-par, you should've stuck to the space zombies rather than pulling ye olde 'oh it's quantum'] take on alien invasion. Siege itself is a ruin of its parent in its current state because you've invested so heavily into this almost sci-fi, military-flavored action drama rather than using what you already have. Siege has the potential to be a fantastic branch of the Clancy universe and it's just... not. And that's sad.
Harry's actions reflect poor leadership and poor understanding of the situation his soldiers are in. He's a civilian and he treats their safety and security as a gamble rather than the hard line it needs to be. He's not fit to lead the Team, and on some level, he's a direct reflection of Ubisoft.
Pretty, kind of funny, but overall flagrantly incompetent in more than one way.
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itsohh · 2 years
Missing Part 1
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A/N: Female reader, posting the first part so I have motivation to complete this, cause this prompt has been stuck in my head for a while now for someone not in r6 but idk how to write them so I’m FORCING this idea to be about doc.
Summary: At the end of a mission you end up going AWOL much to Rainbow and NZSAS's despair. After discussing the matter Rainbow agrees to take the lead on the situation. With the help of Tania, Gustave heads to America in order to track you down to figure out what went down and why you went AWOL.
Word count:  2569
Warnings: None
Sombre expressions were held all around. Sam leaned on the table, his face staring down while the weight of the situation held heavy on his shoulders. Next to him was Harry, seated at the table. Harry was the only one who sat normally while Tiana sat on top of the table, one leg touching the ground slightly while the other was suspended in the air of her side sit. Their eyes flickered to the door as the last member of the group joined the room. Gustave. He was met by their serious expressions, after some consideration they had decided to pull him in on the situation yet kept it a secret from the rest of the operatives. With the dying tension of Nighthavens absence, Rainbow had started to recover. New bonds were formed in the place of destroyed ones of the past, something like this wouldn't help. It would only be a constant reminder of the bad. Someone Harry didn't want.
Sam looked down at the table, he knew Harry would be best to bring the doctor up to speed, he was the best diplomat out of the three of them. Taina gave Gustave a half smile only for a second, one of greeting and perhaps a little of pity. Gustave's brows narrowed as he examined the three before he slowly took a seat in front of them. "I assume something bad has occurred." Not a death, they wouldn't broach such a subject like this.
"Exactly three days ago K was declared AWOL." Harry knew Gustave wouldn't care for beating around the bush. To straight up tell him of the situation was the far better option. It was kept professional and on topic, a level which allowed Gustave to focus on the situation rather than his almost deafening heartbeat that raced in his head.
"Yesterday NZSAS contacted us with this information in hope to continue their investigation into the matter. One in which we have agreed to take over the primary responsibility of the investigation." Gustave's eyes hardened as his hand clenched ever so slightly.
"As you are probably the person who's closest with her on base-"
"Perhaps even off base." Sam interrupted with a mutter which Harry continued to speak, the commend undiscussed.
"We agreed that your insight would be highly valuable, both in terms of your professional opinion and we'll your more personal opinion. This matter is one officially on the books." Harry's eyes flickered to Taina and then back to Gustave's. "But it's still one to be kept on the down low. Aside from those present in the room, only Meghan is aware of the situation."
If someone were to overlook Meghan they would have found her tucked away in the privacy of her dorm room, away from prying eyes. While they talked with Gustave about the situation she was on her laptop and making calls, there was a lot of possible CCTV footage to sift through. "Now the specifics of the situation, Sam if you would please." He nodded to Harry at his queue and pushed off the table.
"She was expected to report in at their base at 2000 hours. After a day went by they checked the civilian fight she was meant to take. The ticket was never checked." He gestured to the map of America behind him. Now Sam had moved out of the way, Gustave had a clear view of the board that had been built up behind it. On it had a large map that took up a quarter of the board. There were pins in your last known locations in green and then where you were supposed to be in red. There were three red pins. One at Auckland airport, one at the NZSAS base and one at IAH Airport in Houston. The red thread lead to the green pin out in the middle of nowhere where it jumped around a few spots before dragging back to IAH Airport.
Next to the map on the board were a couple of pictures, one of the Ford that you had been assigned, a portrait of your face and what you had been wearing that day. Under that was a small picture of an American agent who had been the last to see you. Next to his portrait was a long note of the report that the NZSAS from him. In the bottom right-hand corner they had information about what you had been doing there. "She hadn't been in America for long, two days. They had a joint operation with the FBI about a planned attack against her country. She was there to oversee the apprehension and gain any further intel. From what we heard the mission was a complete success."
"From what we know, nothing would have set her off during the situation. Agent Banks reported she seemed completely normal, in fact, she was credited with keeping the situation calm and reducing the tension." Harry's eyes flickered to the portrait on the board. There were small yellow notes placed, some just added information or questions that both Harry and Sam had made. On the white post-it notes, there were a couple of notes that Taina had made. Gustave's eyes glanced at the small picture of himself, one that had a note about your relationship. Domestic problem? It was Sam's handwriting on the note.
"You want to know if we fought," Gustave spoke up, his eyes making contact with Sam's.
"We want to know if she told you anything if anything at all happened." Taina had her arms folded and Gustave nodded slightly understanding the situation.
"She didn't mention anything. I haven't noticed anything off about her. Nothing bad happened between us, we are doing great really." Taina leaned back and looked away as she absorbed the information.
"So either this wasn't something planned-"
"Or she hid it from Gustave as well." Tania hummed. Gustave's brows narrowed and he swallowed before he spoke, trying to not sound overly defensive.
"Perhaps her absence is not one of will."
"There's been no distress signals, her phone, car, everything dropped off the grid." Sam explained.
"However the drive does take her through an area without reception and CCTV. The possibility that something happened to her hasn't been ruled out." Harry gave him a reassuring smile.
"We haven't ruled out anything at this point." Taina informed him, glancing at the two men.
"From what we know she has a safe house in Texas which we are planning to send Taina to investigate." Harry looked towards the woman as he spoke before looking back at Gustave.
“I know the one.” Sam glanced at Harry at Gustave's comment. “I’ve been there, once a few years ago.” He clarified, why he had been there wasn’t something he mentioned.
"More the reason to… well we wish to send you with her. In the odd case that she is there, we hope your presence could help the situation."
“Of course.” Anything to resolve the situation peacefully. It wasn’t what he said, but its what he thought. The meeting afterwards didn’t run too long, Gustave was thankful when it finally finished.
In the safety of his bedroom, he sat on the bed with a sigh. His heart thrummed ever louder as his body dipped down on its soft surface. He knew you, he knew you weren’t the type to abandon. Something screamed off about the situation and until he found any proof of the situation he was going to presume that something bad happened. You wouldn’t have abandoned your team, wouldn’t have abandoned him.
The flight to Texas was one of pressure and silence. Taina and Gustave spoke little about the situation, it wasn’t until they received a call after their landing did they finally speak with each other. On the side of the road Tania pulled over, the sedan was parked out of the way while Gustavbe brought up the shared laptop in the middle console. There as the call went through they were greeted by both Sam and Meghan. “So what do you have for us?” Tania asked, her hand supporting her head while she leaned on it. Meghan sent through several files that Gustave promptly brought up on the screen, covering Meghan's face ever so slightly.
“So the car she was assigned did get pinged, at some point she got off course and started to go South away from Houston.”
“This is on the way towards her safe house.” Tania noticed and Meghan nodded in response.
“Exactly, we have CCTV going through an intersection as well.” Gustave found the video file that had been sent through. While it didn’t have any volume they could easily identify the license plates in the black-and-white video.
“Hmm, rewind a little.” Taina asked and Gustave followed her instructions, the car had been speeding and when they paused her brows furrowed. “Do we know what state the car was in when she left her mission?” Meghan looked towards Sam and he paused.
“We weren’t told of any damage to the vehicle but I can get confirmation.”
“The front of the car, it's damaged, you can see how it's out of shape, the driver side door as well.” She pointed, Gustave had to look forward, it wasn’t the largest of videos but after a moment he could see what she was talking about.
“That brings up the possibility someone could be after her.” Gustave turned his face to Taina as he spoke and she nodded in agreement.
“While her file is classified we do know she has had extensive work in America, it’s why they sent her in the first place.” Sam explained.
“Which means a decent amount of enemies.” Tiana hummed.
“Then why would she go off course? Wouldn’t she have made contact and arranged for extraction then?” Meghan asked and they all paused, it was logical thinking.
“A mole perhaps? Not trusting the Americans?”
“There's too much going on to properly speculate at the moment.” Sam huffed, but he agreed trying to figure out your mental state was a priority and would change how they approached the situation.
“There's one thing to note, this was pinged about three hours later than when it should have been if she were to be continuously driving.” Meghan explained. A lot could happen in three hours.
“She drives rather fast as well.” Gustave hummed.
“We'll continue our way to the house, call if you find out anything more.” Taina said goodbye, Meghan nodding in response before the call ended leaving Gustave to pull the laptop onto his lap while Taina started the car up again.
It was night when the pair of them arrived. The house was rather quaint, the first thing they both noticed was the car that had been abandoned on the front lawn. The area was rather bare, in the middle of nowhere one could see for miles, any element of surprise would have been lost in the day. Thankfully the darkness of the night concealed the car as it slowly rolled in, its headlights off. The house was one story, with a garage to the right, a typical house. The car turned into silence as the pair of them left it, the dust settled around them on the gravel road. Taina's hand felt the metal hood of your assigned car for a moment. “Cold.” Up close they could see the damage, the car had certainly taken a beating, dents covered the front of it added with a spray of bullet- it was obvious you had been in some type of fight.
Their footsteps crunched on the ground as they approached the dark house. Gustave paused at the front door, his knuckles against it as he looked over his shoulder to Tania. She nodded, her hand going to his pistol, they had no idea what they would get when they opened the door. The sound of his knuckles echoed out, joining the sound of crickets. “Mon amour, are you there?” He paused waiting for a moment but there seemed to be no answer. His eyes flashed to Taina and he took a few steps.
The slam of her foot against the door would have kicked in any normal door, but the frame didn’t budge and she let out a sound in annoyance. It was reinforced. Brute force wouldn’t get them through the door rather quickly. She went to one of the pockets of her pants, fishing out a small lock-picking set and got to work. A few minutes later a grin spread across her face and the door clicked open. Gustave flicked his hands on the light switch and he stopped at the scene in front of him. Blood trickled on the ground, a trail which had the odd bloody hand print on it, Tiana suspected if she went outside during the day she would see a similar sight originating from the car. It seemed you had set up shop in the large lounge that built up most of the building.
A chair had been dragged out by the dining room table. There was a plate next to it with what looked like to be medical disinfectant, a pile of bloody cloths and a bullet in the middle of the plate. Tania started to sweep the idea while Gustave made his way to the area. On the table, his hand brushed over the remnants. “All clear!” Taina's voice echoed through the building. “Gustave, come here for a moment?” She called and his head lifted up, leaving the mess and making his way to the origin of her voice, the bedroom. His hand hovered over his gun as he crept up, his shoulders falling when he saw she was safe.
The room was far more of a mess, the wardrobe had been ripped out, clothes decorated the floor while the bedside table was also open. What made Tania pause was they weren’t your clothing. “These are the clothes I left here.” His eyes looked over them, it wasn’t many but you had convinced him that in the odd case of emergency it would be nice to have a set there. You had been looking for something, what it was though, he didn’t know.
“Why would she be looking through them?”
“I don’t know, there wasn’t anything in them.”
“She's certainly not here but her car is still here, do you think she went out on foot?”
“She might have taken her Toyota, I remember we didn’t use much it while we stayed here but there was one in the garage.”
“Do you remember the plates?”
“Non. We were rather busy.” He coughed and looked away much to her roll of the eyes. He moved on to what he discovered about the living room to catch her up. “I do know it’s been at least an hour since she was last here, her blood is dried. I’ll send Meghan a notice about her car, it’s a Japanese import so I double there would be too many on the road.” He let out a sigh, you were injured and alone, and he couldn’t help but worry. “There's a spare room down the hall. We should rest for the night, hopefully, by then Meghan will have something for us.”
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